Analysis of the proposal according to its composition online. Offers. Example of a complex sentence

Parsing order

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative).

2. Determine the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory, non-exclamatory).

3. Find the grammatical basis of the sentence and prove that it is simple.

4. Determine the type of sentence by structure:

a) two-part or one-part (definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal, nominal);

b) widespread or not widespread;

c) complete or incomplete (indicate which part of the sentence is missing);

d) complicated (specify what is complicated: homogeneous members, dissociated members, appeal, introductory words).

5. Parse the sentence into members and indicate how they are expressed (first, the subject and predicate are analyzed, then the minor members related to them).

6. Draw up a sentence diagram and explain punctuation marks.

Parsing samples

1) My fire is shining in the fog(A.K. Tolstoy).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, uncomplicated. Grammar basis - the fire is shining my expressed by a possessive pronoun. The predicate refers to the adverb of place in the fog expressed by a noun in the prepositional case with a preposition V.

At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period.
2) At the end of January, surrounded by the first thaw, the cherry orchards smell good(Sholokhov).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate agreed definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Grammar basis - the gardens smell. The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb, expressed by a verb in the indicative mood. The subject includes an agreed definition cherry expressed as an adjective. The predicate refers to the circumstance of time in the end of January, expressed by the phrase (noun + noun) in the prepositional case with a preposition V, and the circumstance of the course of action Fine expressed by an adverb.

At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period; commas in the sentence highlight the participial phrase, which, although it stands before the word being defined, is isolated because it is separated from it in the sentence by other words.

§1. What is syntactic parsing, what are its specifics?

Parsing - this is a complete grammatical characteristic of a syntactic unit:

  • phrases
  • simple sentence
  • complex sentence

When performing syntactic analysis, it is important to be able to distinguish between units of syntax, to realize that these are units of different levels, and to understand what features characterize each of them. Parsing requires not to confuse a phrase and a simple sentence, as well as simple and complex sentences, and to know how to parse each of them.

§2. What you need to know and be able to do

Parsing requires knowledge and skills.

Need to know:

  • what is the difference between a phrase and a sentence
  • what is the difference between a simple and complex sentence
  • how a phrase is constructed, and what they are like (type by main word)
  • syntactic connections of words in a phrase: agreement, control, adjacency
  • what features characterize a sentence: the purpose of the utterance, semantic and intonation completeness, the presence of a grammatical basis
  • what are the sentences based on the number of grammatical bases: simple, complex
  • What are the types of simple sentences in their structure: two-part, one-part (nominal, definite-personal, indefinite-personal, generalized-personal, impersonal)
  • what are the types of complex sentences: according to the nature of the syntactic connection of their parts: allied, non-union; allied: complex and complex)
  • what is the syntactic role of words in a sentence (analysis by sentence members)

You need to be able to:

  • determine which syntactic units the unit given for analysis belongs to
  • highlight phrases in a sentence
  • find the main and dependent word in a phrase
  • determine the type of syntactic connection
  • determine the grammatical basis of a sentence
  • determine the type of sentence by its grammatical basis (two-part - one-part) and by the nature of the main member (for one-part sentences)
  • define sentence members
  • identify complicating components: homogeneous members, isolations, introductory elements (introductory words and sentences, inserted structures), addresses, direct speech and citation
  • determine the number of parts in a complex sentence
  • determine the type of syntactic connection and the type of complex sentence

§3. The order of parsing syntactic units


1. Determine the main and dependent words, highlight the main thing, and from it raise a question to the dependent one.
2. Determine the type of phrase based on the main word: noun, verb, adverb.
3. Determine the type of syntactic connection: coordination, control, adjacency.

Simple sentence

1. Perform an analysis of the members of the sentence: underline all the members of the sentence, determine by what (word, what part of speech) they are expressed.
2. Give a description of the purpose of the statement:

  • narrative
  • interrogative
  • incentive

3. Describe the emotions and intonation expressed:

  • non-exclamatory
  • exclamation point

4. Determine the number of grammatical bases and determine the type of sentence by their number:

  • simple
  • complex

5. Describe the presence of main members:

    • two-part
    • one-piece

a) one-part with the main member subject: nominative
b) one-part with the main member predicate: definite-personal, indefinite-personal, generalized-personal, impersonal

6. Describe the presence of minor members:

  • common
  • not widespread

7. Characterize it in terms of completeness (the presence of sentence members necessary in meaning):

  • complete
  • incomplete

8. Determine the presence of complicating components:

    • uncomplicated
    • complicated:

a) homogeneous members of the sentence
b) separate members: definition (agreed - uncoordinated), addition, circumstance
c) introductory words, introductory sentences And plug-in structures
d) appeal
e) constructions with direct speech or quotation


When expressing distinctions by participles and participial phrases, as well as comparative constructions, to characterize how exactly the isolation is expressed

Difficult sentence

1. As in a simple sentence, identify the members of the sentence.
2. As in a simple sentence, characterize the purpose of the statement:

  • narrative
  • interrogative
  • incentive

3. As in a simple sentence, describe the emotions and intonation expressed:

  • non-exclamatory
  • exclamation point

4. Based on the number of grammatical stems (more than one), determine that the sentence is complex.
5. Determine the type of syntactic connection between the parts of a complex sentence:

  • with union connection
  • with non-union connection
  • with a combination of union and non-union connections

6. Determine the type of complex sentence and means of communication:

  • compound (: connective, disjunctive, adversative, connecting, explanatory or gradational)
  • complex (: temporary, causal, conditional, target, consequence, concessive, comparative and explanatory, as well as allied words)
  • non-union (connection in meaning, expressed intonation)

7. Determine the type of complex sentence (for example: a complex sentence with an explanatory clause).
8. Next, each part of a complex sentence is characterized (according to the scheme of a simple sentence - see the scheme for parsing a simple sentence, paragraphs 5-8)
9. Create a diagram of a complex sentence that reflects

Parsing order

1. Determine the type of sentence according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative).

2. Determine the type of sentence by emotional coloring (exclamatory, non-exclamatory).

3. Find the grammatical bases in the sentence and prove that it is complex.

4. Identify means of communication simple sentences as part of complex ones (conjunctions, allied words, intonation) and establish the type of a given complex sentence (complex, complex, non-conjunctive, sentence with different types communications).

5. If the offer compound, then characterize the semantic relationships between its constituent simple ones; indicate means of communication between simple sentences.

If the offer complex, then name the main and subordinate clauses; indicate the means of communication between simple sentences and the type of subordinate clause.

If the offer non-union, then determine the semantic relationships between its constituent simple ones.

If the offer with different types of communication, then highlight the semantic parts. Parse each part as a corresponding simple or complex sentence.

6. Draw up a sentence diagram and explain punctuation marks.

Parsing samples

1) The boat swayed on the waves, playfully splashing against its sides, barely moved along the dark sea, and it played more and more frolicly(Bitter).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, compound, consists of two simple ones connected by intonation and a coordinating adversative conjunction A.

First simple sentence the boat swayed on the waves playfully splashing against its sides, barely moving along the dark sea; second - it played faster and faster. The grammatical basis of the first sentence is the boat swayed and moved, the grammatical basis of the second sentence is it played. Between simple sentences as part of a complex opposition relation.

Between simple sentences before a conjunction A A comma is placed at the end of a narrative sentence - a period.

2) But then one day, on a thawed March day, when the airfield suddenly darkened in one morning, and the porous snow settled so that the planes left deep furrows on it, Alexey took off in his fighter(Field).

The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, complex, consists of four simple sentences connected by intonation, a conjunctive word When and subordinating conjunction What. The sentence highlights one main thing and three subordinate clauses: first and second subordinate clauses (refer to the word day in the main clause and answer the question which?), are connected by an adversative conjunction A; third subordinate clause of manner of action, measure and degree (refers to the combination of a predicate verb with a demonstrative word So in the main sentence and answers the questions how? to what extent?).

This is a complex sentence with uniform and consistent subordination of subordinate clauses.

Subordinate clauses within a complex clause are separated by commas, and a period is placed at the end of the sentence.

The order of parsing a simple sentence

1. Determine the type of offer according to the purpose of the statement (narrative, incentive, interrogative).
2. Determine the type of offer by emotional coloring (exclamation, non-exclamation).
3. Find the grammatical basis of a sentence and prove that it is simple.
4. Determine the type of sentence by structure:
A) two-part or one-part(definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal, nominal);
b) widespread or not widespread;
V) complete or incomplete(indicate which part of the sentence is missing);
d) complicated (indicate how it is complicated: homogeneous members, isolated members, appeal, introductory words).
5. Parse the proposal by members and indicate how they are expressed(first, the subject and predicate are analyzed, then the secondary members related to them).
6. Draw up a sentence diagram and explain punctuation marks.

1) My fire is shining in the fog(A.K. Tolstoy).
The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, uncomplicated. Grammar basis - the fire is shining my expressed by a possessive pronoun. The predicate refers to the adverb of place in the fog expressed by a noun in the prepositional case with a preposition V.
Proposal outline. At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period.
2) At the end of January, surrounded by the first thaw, the cherry orchards smell good(Sholokhov).
The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by a separate agreed definition, expressed by a participial phrase. Grammar basis - the gardens smell. The subject is expressed by a noun in the nominative case, the predicate is a simple verb, expressed by a verb in the indicative mood. The subject includes an agreed definition cherry expressed as an adjective. The predicate refers to the circumstance of time in the end of January, expressed by the phrase (noun + noun) in the prepositional case with a preposition V, and the circumstance of the course of action Fine expressed by an adverb.
Sentence scheme [,]. At the end of this declarative sentence there is a period; commas in the sentence highlight the participial phrase, which, although it stands before the word being defined, is isolated because it is separated from it in the sentence by other words.

Parsing a simple sentence

A simple sentence can be parsed as follows:

    Underline the parts of the sentence.

    Indicate the type of predicate(s): ASG, SGS, SIS.

    Make a descriptive analysis according to the following scheme:

    1. According to the purpose of the statement:

      - narrative,

      - interrogative,

      - motivating.

      By intonation:

      - non-exclamatory

      - exclamation point.

      In terms of the number of grammatical bases - simple,

      By the presence of one or both main members:

      1) two-part.

      2) one-piece. With the main dick

      a) subject - nominative;

      b) predicate:

      - definitely personal

      - vaguely personal,

      - generalized-personal,

      - impersonal.

      By the presence of minor members:

      - common,

      - not widespread.

      By the presence of missing members:

      - complete,

      - incomplete (indicate which member(s) of the sentence is/are missing).

      According to the presence of complicating members:

      1) uncomplicated,

      2) complicated:

      - homogeneous members of the sentence;

      - isolated members of the sentence;

      - introductory words, introductory and plug-in constructions,

      - direct speech;

      - appeal.

Here is an example of parsing a simple sentence.

Sample parsing a simple sentence:

Doorman, came out at that moment from the door of the restaurant hanger into the yard to smoke, trampled on the cigarette and moved towards the ghost with the obvious purpose of blocking his access to the restaurant, but for some reason he did not do this and stopped, smiling stupidly (M. A. Bulgakov).

A sentence contains information, asks about it, or directs action. Most often it has a base and secondary members describing it. To learn or refresh your memory of a topic, it is useful to study examples of grammatical analysis of sentences in Russian.

The grammatical basis in parsing a sentence

The basis is quite logical in application. It consists of a subject, which directly names a thing or phenomenon, and a predicate, an action committed or directed at an object.

The subject is always used in the initial form (nominative clause), but can be not only a noun. It could be:

  • numeral - to indicate quantity, set, number (there were three people in line; four was his best estimate);
  • personal pronoun (he walked quietly along the corridor; we left the classroom);
  • indefinite pronoun (someone was sitting in the room; something was disturbing me);
  • negative pronoun (no one could stop them);
  • adjective as a noun (the person in charge was appointed by management; the person on duty kept order).

In grammatical analysis of a sentence, it is customary to highlight the subject by underlining, and the predicate by double underlining.

The predicate is most often a verb, but has several types:

  • simple verb, expressed by a verb in any mood (the dog ran along the alley; the student gets up early);
  • compound verb, consists of an auxiliary verb (modal word) and an infinitive (she started running in the morning; I have to go to work);
  • compound nominal, having a linking verb (most often - to be) and a nominative part (a schoolboy has become a student; bread is their main food; three times two is six(the word “will” is omitted);

Completeness of the sentence

Based on the composition of the base, sentences can be two-part, where both main members are present or one is implied (incomplete) (night has fallen; where is he("is located" omitted) ?) , and one-piece. The latter are:

  • definitely personal, in which it is clear from the face of the verb who we are talking about (I'm doing my best(I); let's go for a walk(We));
  • indefinite personal, expressed by a past tense verb in plural (there was a noise on the floor below; they were singing somewhere in the distance);
  • generalized-personal, which attribute action to everyone (often found in proverbs and sayings) (if you want to eat a fish, you have to get into the water; you go and admire the view);
  • impersonal, not implying any object (it got dark; he was very sorry; it was cold in the room).

Secondary, but no less important

To provide detailed information, the object and action are supported by third-party words and constructions. They are:

When performing grammatical analysis of a sentence, they should also be taken into account. If there are minor members, the proposal is considered widespread; accordingly, without them, it is considered unextended.

Complex sentences are not difficult at all

Various plug-ins complement the offer, increasing the volume of information. They are embedded between the main and secondary members, but are defined as a separate part, which is a separate point in the grammatical analysis of the sentence. These components can be removed or replaced without losing the meaning of the text. Among them:

  • isolated definitions applicable to an object member (describe a property, stand out as a definition) are participial phrases (the kettle, heating up on the stove, whistled sharply; the road led to a house located in the forest);
  • isolated circumstances (identified as a circumstance) are adverbial phrases (he ran, stumbling over stones; looking apprehensively, the dog extended his paw);
  • homogeneous members of a sentence - perform the same function and always ask the same question (there were scattered on the floor(What?) books, notebooks, notes(homogeneous subject); on weekends we only(what they were doing?) slept and walked (homogeneous predicate); he looked at(whom?) mom and sister(homogeneous addition));
  • an address to someone, which is always separated by a comma and is an independent member of the sentence (my son, you did the right thing; You, Andrey, misunderstood me);
  • introductory words (probably, perhaps, finally, etc.) (I probably got excited; tomorrow will most likely be hot).

How to make a grammatical analysis of a sentence, taking into account all the components?

For analysis, a clear algorithm has been created that does not cause difficulties if you know all of the above structures and components of the sentence. Among them, simple and complex ones stand out - the order of analysis is slightly different. The following is a grammatical analysis of sentences with examples for individual cases.

Simple sentence

At the beginning of autumn, the city alleys, covered with a golden carpet, shimmer whimsically.

1. Identify the main members. There should be one basis, as in this example: alleys- subject, shimmer- predicate.

2. Select minor members: (when?) early autumn- circumstance, (what?) covered with a golden carpet- separate definition, (how?) whimsical- circumstance, (what?) urban- definition.

3. Identify parts of speech:

In the previous beginning of noun. autumn n. , covered with pribl. golden adj. carpet noun , whimsically adv. ch. shimmer urban adj. alleys noun

4. Describe the signs:

  • purpose of the statement (narrative, motivating, interrogative);
  • intonation (exclamatory, non-exclamatory);
  • by basis (two-part, one-part - indicate which);
  • completeness (complete, incomplete)
  • by the presence of minor ones (common, uncommon);
  • complicated (if yes, then by what) or not complicated;

The characteristics of this are non-exclamatory, two-part, complete, widespread, complicated by a separate definition.

This is what a complete grammatical analysis of a sentence looks like.

Difficult sentence

Since a complex sentence includes two or more simple ones, it is quite logical to parse them separately, but the parsing algorithm is still different. The grammatical analysis of sentences in Russian is ambiguous. Complex sentences connecting simple ones are:

An example of parsing a complex sentence

In the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy, but on weekends everyone gathered together at one big table.

  1. All the basics are covered. There are several of them in a complex sentence: every- subject, was busy- compound nominal predicate; All- subject, were going to- predicate.
  2. Identify parts of speech.

In other family noun. , regardless adv. from ave. age n. , every pronoun. was ch. very nar. busy adj. , nose. on the other weekend adj. pronoun everything. were going to for example big adj. table su sch.

  1. Identify the presence of an alliance. There is a “but” here. This means that the proposal is a union one.
  2. Simple ones can be characterized by their position if there is a union (point 2). This example - compound sentence, the primes in it are equivalent (i.e., if desired, you can divide it into two independent ones). In the case of a non-union union, this item is not indicated.
  3. Do general characteristics: narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, conjunction, compound.
  4. Disassemble the simple ones inside separately:
  • in the family, regardless of age, everyone was very busy (narrative, non-exclamatory, simple, two-part, complete, widespread, complicated by the separate definition “regardless of age”)a
  • on weekends, everyone gathered around a large table (narrative, non-vocal, simple, two-part, complete, dist., unspoken)

Complex sentence

The algorithm will be similar, only with indication subordinating conjunction. It is included in the composition. You also need to highlight the main thing and find out how the subordinate clauses (parentheses) are “attached” to it.

This is a type of subordination, not a mandatory point, but also often taken into account.

The main thing is to remember that grammatical and syntactic analysis are synonyms. Seeing one of the words in a task should not be intimidating, since the topic is quite general and quickly learned. For foreigners it is difficult because of the great variability, but that is why the Russian language is beautiful.