How to become popular on twitch. How to make money on Twitch: revealing secrets. Things to keep in mind

Becoming a popular and top streamer is the dream of many. However, not everyone succeeds in this. To achieve your goal, you should not rely only on chance and the favor of fortune. High streamer ratings are the result of personal efforts and constant improvement. A good streamer is one who managed not only to interest the viewer, but also to retain him. If people subscribe to the channel, the broadcasts are eagerly awaited, they are discussed, and advertisers are willing to place advertisements, then the route is correct. But how to achieve this, and where should you start?

The first stage is the choice of direction and format. Namely, what to broadcast. The only correct decision is to tell and show what is of keen interest to the streamer himself. Only with your own passion and inner passion can you “infect” the viewer, and subsequently achieve good results. The main condition is to have a good understanding of what will be broadcast on the channel.

The mistake many new streamers make is that they start their online activities with super popular games. Their choice is obvious: top games are interesting to a huge number of people. But the other side of the coin is that many people also stream them. At the start, getting to the top positions on Twich is almost impossible. Therefore, it is better not to consider the highest-grossing games at the beginning of the journey; the competition is very strong.

The best option is to find a game that is no longer so popular on leading channels, but is still interesting to viewers, which will allow you to make a small breakthrough. It’s better to do this two weeks after the release of a new game, when all the top streamers have already completed it. She has lost her main positions, but remains in demand by the audience. Then comes the “golden” time of streaming for startups.

Before starting the broadcast, you should objectively assess your strengths and the likelihood of entering the volume for a given game in a certain section. If you can do this the first time, a stream of viewers is guaranteed.

This option is classic, but there are exceptions. A person can intuitively guess the trend and get to the top. In practice it works like this. A Western streamer takes the game to the “tip of the iceberg,” while Russian-language channels miss this moment. Then there is a chance to get ahead and get to the top lines in a section that will be actively attended by viewers. It will be possible to gain popularity very quickly if none of the Russian-speaking streamers managed to do this earlier, and there was demand among viewers for the game.

Another option to attract visitors to your channel is to test a completely new game. To do this, you need to sign up for a beta test and receive an early access key from the publisher. If the game is interesting a large number people, you can achieve intense attention from spectators in conditions minimal competition. However, you should carefully read the license agreement so as not to get a channel ban if the publisher has prohibited the pre-broadcast of the game.

Regardless of the choice of strategy, the main condition for success is to enjoy the game, then the audience will be able to experience it. The result is an excellent stream and an increase in the number of subscribers.

Not every subscriber becomes a loyal viewer

The dependence of the number of channel subscribers on the number of actual broadcast viewers is a variable and ambiguous value. Much more important in a stream is the second indicator, the number of people who are “here” and “now” watching what is happening on the screen. There may be 1,000 subscribers to a channel, and 30 viewers. At the same time, the gap between the number of viewers and subscribers will constantly grow. If initially, out of 100 subscribers, 25 became viewers, then, having reached an audience of 100,000 people, at best, two or three thousand people would watch the stream.

The number of online viewers on a stream depends on several factors:

  • degree of interest in the game itself;
  • broadcast time;
  • ranking positions;
  • coincidences with the holding of major cyber competitions;
  • seasonality – less in summer.

A drop in viewer interest may be caused by a change in strategy. If one game was streamed for several months, and then suddenly switched to another, then there will be an outflow of visitors. After all, initially people who were interested in that game subscribed to the channel.

Cheating methods: pros and cons

Firstly, there is a loss of reputation and respect. If there are no live viewers on the channel, “dead chat” and lack of activity, the desire to subscribe to it disappears. It becomes obvious that the lion's share of subscribers is made up of an army of bots, and the channel itself is of no interest.

Secondly, there is a danger of complete loss of the channel. Large online services, such as Twich, are actively fighting artificially “inflated” channels. Let's explain why. Their presence repels advertisers from the resource, i.e. real money. If a person invests in advertising, he wants to get a return. If the site does not provide this, the advertiser leaves the portal or invests less money in it. Therefore, it is a big misconception to believe that “cheating” does not affect anything. You can gain an audience, and one “fine day” lose everything overnight.

Stream time

If you stream sporadically and chaotically, at any time when inspiration strikes, you become bored, or for other personal reasons, you will not be able to attract viewers. Not everyone receives email notifications about the start of streams, not everyone checks it, not everyone has the required permission, so you can’t rely on such a notification.

Every streamer should have a strict schedule that he must adhere to in his work. The viewer should know when to come to the streams. You can “post” the schedule in the channel description, in the VKontakte group or in the profile status. You can also be reminded about the release schedule of a new stream during the broadcast.

How to stream correctly

If the launch of a stream occurs for the sake of launching and playing without words, this path is doomed to failure. Some silent people get so used to the lack of viewers that they don’t even look into the chat. This is fundamentally wrong. A good stream is, first of all, communication, interaction with the audience live.

However, the question arises: how to communicate with an audience if there is none? A paradoxical situation. But don't despair. We must comment on everything that happens on the screen, and try to make it interesting. To break up the isolation, it’s better to invite friends to watch the stream and pee in the chat.

If the commenting is engaging, sooner or later people will pay attention to the channel. The main thing is to be able to hook a random visitor so that he wants to communicate. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to remain silent. The viewer should be interested in the streamer, his channel, and then the game.

Ways to attract:

  • interactive, direct communication;
  • sweepstakes, surveys, quizzes;
  • bots with games.

home distinguishing feature– a unique style of commenting. The more intense the communication, the faster experience is gained and popularity comes.
Is it worth ordering advertising to promote your channel?

Drawing attention to the channel through “talking advertising” or a link should not bring results and an influx of audience. A much more effective solution is partnerships. To do this, you need to find a streamer with similar content, format, and number (!) of subscriptions. And do a joint stream. Or use the “host” function and show someone else’s stream on your channel. At the same time, you should not be afraid that viewers will run away to another channel. If you help people, they will reciprocate.

The path to a successful stream is full of thorns. This is a long process and it is unlikely that you will be able to wake up famous in the morning right away. But you need to be patient and take the matter seriously. Establish good sound, image clarity, learn exciting commentary techniques - and the day when hundreds and even thousands of inspired viewers will come to the stream will definitely come.



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With the development of Internet technologies, new ways to make money on the World Wide Web appear. If before it seemed unthinkable to receive money for playing computer games, today this will not surprise anyone. Many enterprising young men and women watch publications and videos every day in order to learn how to make money on streaming. After all, getting paid for doing what you love is doubly pleasant. But is it really that simple?

What is a stream?

If stated in simple language, stream is a video broadcast of gameplay on the Internet. That is, passing a computer game. But desire alone is not enough to achieve success; you need not so much to be able to play as to speak competently. The streamer must be able to think well, have an excellent sense of humor and well-spoken speech so that the potential viewer simply does not fall asleep while watching the game. How to make money from streaming? is the largest existing site that allows you to make this dream come true. First you need to register on it.

How to make money on Twitch? Streams, advertising, affiliate program

In order to start accumulating capital this way, you need to get an affiliate program. The requirements provided by the site, judging by the reviews, can hardly be called simple:

  • The streamer must ensure that the average number of viewers watching the broadcast at the same time exceeds five hundred thousand people. If he tries to submit an application, having achieved this indicator once, it will be rejected.
  • The streamer must broadcast his game regularly, at least three times a week.
  • Content broadcast on the channel must not violate the rules. More information about them can be found on the official website.

User reviews say that all applications are reviewed by people, without any exceptions. This means that if a streamer falls slightly short of the required results, an exception may be made for him. Naturally, taking into account the peculiarity of the content it offers. How to make money from game streams after receiving an affiliate program? There are several ways to do this.

Built-in advertising

After receiving an affiliate program, the streamer has a special button that allows them to launch advertising. As soon as he clicks on it, an advertisement appears. For every thousand views, the streamer will receive $3.5. Streamers note that it is possible to set advertising to automatically turn on after a manually specified period of time. Players who know how to make money on stream, despite this, strive to get it.


  • A large percentage of Internet users install browser extensions that block ads. The streamer receives a smaller amount of money from this.


  • The streamer is not limited by the number of ad impressions; he can run it at least every minute.

Paid subscriptions

If you delve deeper into the topic of how to make money on streams, you can learn about the second method: subscribing to a channel for money. Paid subscription is available to those who have activated the affiliate program. It is issued for a month and gives the viewer a number of advantages, such as disabling advertising, as well as new emoticons for chat. The streamer sets the subscription price himself, but he must take into account that half of the money received will go to Twitch.

Not every viewer will be ready to give honestly earned or accumulated money to a streamer, especially if he has not yet risen to the level of famous players. You can’t force anyone, but experienced streamers say that you can stimulate a subscriber in several simple ways. Firstly, an interesting notification that the user has subscribed to the channel. It can be funny, beautiful, frightening, the main thing is to hook the viewer with its unusual form and make them want to see the message. Secondly, a promise to hold a draw or competition after a certain number of subscribers appears on the channel. Thirdly, ordinary gratitude, which not a single person who knows how to make money on a stream forgets.


Donate is a voluntary donation to the streamer to one of the electronic wallets. Previously, this method was not popular in Russia, but now more and more people want to thank a person for broadcasting in such a simple way. Links to wallets are left by every player who knows how to make money. On streams you can often see a text message suddenly pop up on the broadcast screen, which is subsequently read out loud by a robot or player, which is a good way to motivate viewers to donate. Some people like to have their message heard by thousands of viewers.

Why should a person spend money if you can just watch and enjoy the spectacle? Most people think this way, but they are good people, who don’t mind fifty rubles just to say “thank you” to the streamer. History also knows cases when, on large broadcasts, people donated several thousand at once.

Sponsorship program

The idea of ​​this method is simple. Under the window through which the broadcast is conducted, there is an empty space filled by streamers with information about themselves, links to wallets and various advertisements. Not only the player, but also many entrepreneurs know how to make money on a stream, because advertising on a page that is viewed by thousands of people every day is a great way to attract attention to their products. This method is also available to those who, for a number of reasons, still cannot get an affiliate program. The disadvantage is that the customer is unlikely to want to pay a little-known streamer.

How much do famous players earn on stream?

To find out, just look at several streamers that occupy the TOP most viewed. There is no maximum reliable information, since the players themselves keep the amount of their earnings secret, but there is a formula that allows you to calculate how much you can earn on streams. If you apply it to the individuals in question, you can find out that:

  • Manyrin on average earns about twenty-five thousand rubles;
  • VJlink - from thirty to fifty thousand rubles;
  • VeRsuta - his earnings reach two hundred thousand rubles.

The calculation formula itself is quite simple.

Conditional data:

  • One and a half thousand subscribers, one hundred of whom bought a subscription for $3.
  • On average, a streamer gains a thousand viewers per broadcast.
  • The stream continues for six hours.
  • A viewer sees two advertisements per hour.
  • Eighty percent of people will have an ad blocker installed.
  • The streamer does not have a donation or sponsorship program.

First you need to calculate the number of advertisements viewed per day. Over a six-hour stream (assuming the player runs two ads per hour), one viewer will see twelve videos. In total, two hundred people will watch 2,400 videos during the broadcast, that is, the streamer will earn $8.4. The monthly cost will be $252.

One hundred people purchased a paid subscription, that is, the streamer will receive $150 for them, since half of the money will go to Twitch under the affiliate program agreement. Without donations and the purchase of advertising by enterprises, the player will earn $402 per month, which at the current dollar exchange rate (62 rubles) turns into twenty-six thousand rubles.

Is it worth starting?

Many people, having read material about how to make money on stream, are eager to open their own channel and start playing. That is why competition here is already reaching enormous proportions. To achieve success in this difficult task, you need not only to be able to speak well, but also to be ready to invest a certain amount of money in promoting the channel. If you are ready to treat streaming as a job, if you are confident that you are resourceful and witty enough, and failures and mistakes typical of beginners do not frighten you, then this type of income may be to your liking.

After long and painstaking work on selecting equipment and installing the necessary software, many still-beginning streamers are faced with the cruel reality that no one watches their streams. When the storm of disappointment and self-flagellation subsides, you can start promoting your Twitch channel. No one has yet managed to become a “star” after the first broadcast, so you will have to work a little to gain an audience.

How to promote a Twitch channel?

First you need to register on

I would like to immediately note that there are two possible ways to promote a channel: easy and not so easy. To take advantage of easy promotion methods, the streamer needs initial capital that can be invested in advertising.

But since the entire budget of novice streamers is usually spent on purchasing necessary equipment, you need to understand that they usually don’t have money. You can build your audience yourself, and all you need is perseverance, patience and a short promotion guide for dummies.

Pay attention to your style and image.

Before you learn how to promote a channel on Twitch, it’s worth checking whether the streamer is really well prepared for the first broadcast. What usually attracts the audience when watching a broadcast:

  • the streamer's memorable appearance;
  • sense of humor;
  • ability to conduct a dialogue with the audience;
  • player level;
  • the originality and bright charisma of the streamer.

Almost all of the above points relate to the personal qualities of the user and his image. Therefore, immediately before promotion, you need to test drive the image. To do this, you can resort to the help of friends and acquaintances, and just look at yourself from the outside. If the hero is attractive in this regard, then there is another point that may turn off the audience.

Most viewers go to to watch and learn the strategies of the pros. When the hero doesn’t know how to play at all, but simply talks to the camera incessantly, such streams are doomed to failure from the very beginning.

Paid promotion of your Twitch channel

Paid promotion of a channel is guaranteed to produce results if you responsibly approach the distribution of the available budget. It will be quite difficult for a beginner to understand the basics of promotion. After all, in essence, promoting a channel on Twitch is similar to promoting channels on Youtube, accounts on social networks, etc.

Advertising on popular VKontakte pages is also quite effective.
  • Purchasing advertising posts in public pages. To buy advertising in social networking groups, you must first comparative analysis audience. Naturally, you need to choose only thematic public pages for advertising. To analyze, you need to contact the group administrators and ask them to announce the price and statistics of group visits. Based on this data, you can select an advertising platform taking into account the available budget and the number of potential views.
  • Purchasing restreams. Purchasing restreams - great way quickly promote your channel on Twitch. The essence of this method is that at the end of the broadcast, a popular streamer makes a recommendation for a specific user. Particularly devoted fans will definitely start watching the advertised broadcast, but then it’s up to the streamer. If his stream is boring and tedious, viewers will simply run away.

There are specialized resources for purchasing restreams.
  • Competitions and sweepstakes. Competitions and sweepstakes can also attract an audience. They are used everywhere: on social networks, on video hosting sites, and in real life. People love freebies, so this method will always be relevant. Since in a particular case you need to promote a Twitch channel, you should choose an item from the broadcast game as a prize. Next, you need to buy advertising in one of the stream publics, place an announcement about a drawing, and watch how the number of subscribers increases every day.

How to promote a Twitch channel from scratch for free?

If there is no money to promote the channel, then you will have to work very hard to achieve your goal. It will take a lot of time to independently promote streams from scratch, but you can be absolutely sure that only a live audience joins the broadcasts.

In a set of measures to free promotion channels include:

  • Conducting long-term broadcasts of various games.
  • Free exchange of restreams.
  • Distributing invitations through social networks.
  • Mutual cooperation with other beginning streamers.

Free promotion should be carried out comprehensively. This means that it is not enough to select one item from the list and hope that it will help promote the channel. To achieve even minimal results, you need to work in all directions.

At first, the streamer will have to broadcast for many hours several times a day. This way, the chances that the broadcast will attract the attention of viewers will increase significantly. To somehow diversify your work, you can choose to broadcast different games. The main thing is that they all must be of the same genre. By the way, in the future it will be possible to do an analysis based on the number of viewers and choose the game that attracts a larger audience.

Restreams can be exchanged for free. Of course, well-promoted streamers won’t do this, so you’ll have to look for people with approximately the same number of viewers and offer mutual cooperation.

If there is money for advertising in in social networks no, you can distribute information about your channel for free. To do this, you can invite users to the broadcast through private messages. This is quite a labor-intensive task, but it can also yield results. When sending out invitations, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the administration of the social network may block your account for spreading spam. The optimal number of messages is no more than 30 per day.

For mutual cooperation you will have to make friends with your competitors. Perhaps this will be the main rival in the game, or vice versa, an ally. With mutual cooperation, you can invite each other to streams, which will not only increase the audience, but also dilute the content.

Regardless of which method a novice streamer chooses, he will not survive in this path without an original broadcast presentation. Many people today strive to turn their hobby into a job that will bring good money. In reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated, so without a serious approach to promoting a channel on Twitch, you can remain unnoticed.

Not really

Just recently, no one knew how to become a streamer, or what it was in general. Now every second person dreams of sitting at home, playing computer games and get paid for it. The story immediately begins to resemble YouTubers. After all, a huge number of schoolchildren immediately rushed to create their own channels and make let’s plays on Minecraft. The same thing happened with the popular video streaming site Twitch. It turned out that not many people know about being a streamer.

Children's pranks

As you know, Twitch became known to the world only in 2011. Before this, few people knew or guessed about the stream. Although there is evidence that children in the distant 90s of the last century encountered something similar to let’s plays.

It turns out that the guys long ago found the opportunity to spy on “streamers.” All you had to do was turn the antenna wheel on the TV and the image would appear on the screen. As a result, you could watch the neighborhood kids play Dandy.

Later it was discovered that due to the power of the consoles, which siphoned terribly, the neighbors could not watch TV without interference, but they had the opportunity to watch young cybersportsmen.

After many years

As you know, the history of the Twitch streamer platform began back in 2007. Then the four friends decided to recreate new project, broadcasting the life of one of them 24/7. Due to a couple of bad jokes from TV viewers, the developers decided to suspend their idea.

There was feedback from viewers who wanted to create the broadcast themselves. This led to the fact that literally within a couple of months users could launch a so-called “live stream” themselves. The then-young JustinTV project encountered terrible situations and switched to Twitch game streaming.

This happened due to the fact that many players used the site. Thanks to them, developers could save the project and work further. In 2014, the guys sold Twitch for $1 billion. In addition to professional gamers, ordinary players who did not yet know how to become a streamer began to join the platform.

Popularity is fickle

If you suddenly came up with the idea of ​​receiving money without leaving home, while also sitting at the computer, you need to objectively assess your abilities. Are you good at playing? If the answer is yes, then consider it a streamer, you already know. If you don’t know how to play or are mediocre at it, you need to come up with a “trick” for yourself.

Have you cooked borscht?

If you have visited the Twitch website more than once, you have met there not only cyber athletes and good gamers, but also girls. Often heard in the game female voice, the guys forget that they are gentlemen and rudely send the lady to the kitchen.

On the other hand, many girls play better than some guys. Therefore, for women, the question of how to become a streamer does not pose any difficulties at all. You need to be beautiful, communicate nicely with everyone and still play well.

An opposite example to this image is the Girl who gained crazy popularity at the end of 2015 and won the hearts of all schoolchildren. It cannot be said that Karina is a professional player and shows incredible skill. Then how could she earn crazy money? It turns out that there are enough screams, obscenities and wild rage to keep tens of thousands of viewers glued to the screen.

Streaming is also work

So, you've decided to start streaming and gain an audience. To do this, you need to be prepared for grueling sitting at the computer. Beginner users don’t know how to become a streamer and assume that you just need to play a popular game sometimes.

In reality, everything turns out to be somewhat more complicated. First of all, you need to spend a lot of money to improve your PC, buy a high-quality headset, webcam and, finally, take care of a stable Internet. If you become popular, you may have to stock up on a second Internet cable from another provider so that in case of a disconnection you can quickly resume broadcasting.

Next, select the game you want to stream. It should not be mega-popular, but not completely forgotten. You will have to play not 2-3 hours, but at least 6 - daily. You also need to choose a specific time for yourself. The fact is that popular streamers launch their broadcasts in the evening. At the same time, the greatest activity is observed on Twitch.

A streamer with such competition? It's simple. Choose morning or afternoon time. Of course, there are fewer viewers here, but there are no popular streamers either. Your broadcast will be easy to find, which means it will be easier to gather subscribers.

On initial stage You can also use bots. Just don't overdo it. If you had zero, and suddenly there are 5 thousand viewers, this is very suspicious and you may be banned. You can fill yourself with 20-30 human bots, and also ask your friends to come to the broadcast.

Cash investments

If you want to quickly gain popularity, but don’t know how to become a streamer in World of tanks or any other game, use money. This option is the simplest, but quite expensive. Without a single viewer or view, you can immediately get yourself several hundred people. To do this, we actively use advertising.

In principle, this is done quite simply. There are many groups on the VKontakte network that allow you to advertise streams. There are also sites where you can place a banner with a link to your Twitch channel. You can do it even simpler: just pay a popular streamer who will advertise on their site. Although, most likely, this option will be the most expensive, and not everyone can agree.

In money matters, the main thing is to know when to stop. You need to carefully calculate the budget so that all the funds do not go to waste. To do this, you need to monitor the sources of your advertising. Which one brings in the maximum number of viewers, and which one doesn’t help at all.