Types of games and their classification for children. The meaning and types of games Different forms and types of games

"Types of gamesand their role in life,educationand trainingchildrenpreschool age»

Target: increasing the level of knowledge and skills of educators when organizing role-playing games; improve the ability to find a way out of difficult pedagogical situations, expand teachers’ understanding of methods and techniques for managing role-playing games; develop a creative approach in organizing and managing the game, improve the pedagogical skills of educators and their creativity.

A game occupies a strong place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of preschool children. It activates the child, helps increase her vitality, satisfies personal interests and social needs. Considering the invaluable role of play in the life of preschoolers, I would like to dwell on this issue in more detail.

The problem of the game is widely covered in scientific and methodological literature (in the works of D. V. Mendzheritskaya, D. B. Elkonin, L. S. Vygotsky, L. P. Usova, A. I. Sorokina, R. I. Zhukovskaya, L. V. Artyomova and other classic authors).

A child’s personal qualities are formed in active activities, and above all in those activities that become leading at each age stage and determine his interests, attitude to reality, and the characteristics of relationships with people around him. In preschool age, such a leading activity is play. Already at early and junior age levels, it is in play that children have the greatest opportunity to be independent, to communicate with peers at will, to realize and deepen their knowledge and skills. The older children become, the higher their level general development and good manners, the more significant is the pedagogical focus of the game on the formation of behavior, relationships between children, and the development of an active position. The game gradually develops purposefulness of actions. If in the second and third years of life children begin to play without thinking, and the choice of game is determined by the toy that catches their eye and by imitation of their friends, then later children are taught to set goals in construction games, and then in games with toys. In the fourth year of life, the child is able to move from thought to action, i.e. able to determine what he wants to play, who he will be. But even at this age, children often have a predominant interest in action, which is why the goal is sometimes forgotten. However, already at this age, children can be taught not only to deliberately choose a game, set a goal, but also to distribute roles. At first, the prospect of the game is short - arrange a Christmas tree for the dolls, take them to the dacha. It is important that the imagination of every child is aimed at achieving this goal. Under the guidance of the teacher, children gradually learn to determine a certain sequence of actions and outline the general course of the game.

There are several classes of games:

  1. creative (games initiated by children);
  2. didactic (games initiated by adults with ready-made rules);
  3. folk (created by the people) .

Creative games make up the most rich typical group of games for preschoolers. They are called creative because children independently determine the purpose, content and rules of the game, most often depicting the life around them, human activities and relationships between people.

Creative games are essential for the all-round development of the child. Through playful activities, children strive to satisfy their active interest in the life around them and transform into adult heroes. works of art. Thus creating a playful life, children believe in its truth, are sincerely happy, sad, and worried.

Creative play teaches children to think about how to implement a particular idea. Creative play develops valuable qualities for a future student: activity, independence, self-organization.

Creative games:

Plot-role-playing (with elements of labor, with elements of artistic and creative activity).

Theatrical activities (directing, games - dramatization).


Story-based role-playing creative game- the first test of social forces and their first test. A significant part of creative games are plot-based role-playing games of “someone” or “something”. Children develop interest in creative role-playing games from the age of 3-4 years. The child’s reflection of the surrounding reality occurs in the process of his active life, by taking on a certain role, but he does not imitate completely, because he does not have real opportunities to actually perform the operations of the accepted role. This is due to the level of knowledge and skills, life experience at a given age stage, as well as the ability to navigate familiar and new situations. Therefore, in a creative plot-role-playing game, he performs symbolic actions (“as if”), replaces real objects with toys or conditionally with those objects that he has, attributing to them the necessary functions (a stick - a “horse”, a sandbox - a “steamer”, etc.). d.) Children portray people, animals, the work of a doctor, hairdresser, driver, etc. Understanding that the game is not real life, children at the same time truly experience their roles, openly show their attitude to life, their thoughts, feelings , perceiving the game as an important and responsible matter.

The structure of a role-playing game, according to D.B. Elkonin, includes the following components:

  1. The roles that children take on during the game.
  2. Play actions through which children realize the roles they have taken on and the relationships between them.
  3. Playful use of objects, conditional replacement of real objects at the child’s disposal.
  4. Real relationships between playing children, expressed in various remarks, through which the entire course of the game is regulated .

Saturated with vivid emotional experiences, role-playing game leaves a deep imprint in the child’s mind, which will be reflected in his attitude towards people, their work, and life in general. Under the influence of enriching the content of games, the nature of relationships between children changes. Their games become cooperative, based on a common interest in them; the level of children's relationships increases. For children at play, coordination of actions, preliminary selection of a topic, a calmer distribution of roles and game material, and mutual assistance during the game become characteristic.

In addition, increasing the level of role relationships helps to improve real relationships, provided that the role is performed at a good level.

However, there is also a feedback - role relationships become higher under the influence of successful, good relationships in the group. A child performs his role in the game much better if he feels that the children trust him and treat him well. This leads to a conclusion about the importance of choosing partners and the teacher’s positive assessment of the merits of each child.

Theatrical activity is one of the types of creative play activity, which is associated with the perception of works of theatrical art and the depiction of received ideas, feelings, and emotions in a playful form. They are divided into 2 main groups: director's games and dramatization games.

In a director's game, the child, as a director and at the same time a voice-over, organizes a theatrical playing field in which dolls are the actors and performers. In another case, the actors, scriptwriters and directors are the children themselves, who during the game agree on who plays what role and what they do.

Dramatization games are created based on a ready-made plot from a literary work or theatrical performance. The game plan and sequence of actions are determined in advance. Such a game is more difficult for children than inheriting what they see in life, because you need to well understand and feel the images of the characters, their behavior, remember the text of the work (sequence, unfolding of actions, character remarks), this is the special meaning of games - dramatization - they help children better understand the idea of ​​a work, feel its artistic value, and have a positive effect on the development of expressive speech and movements.

Children's creativity is especially evident in games - dramatizations.

In order for children to be able to convey the appropriate image, they need to develop their imagination, learn to put themselves in the place of the heroes of the work, to be imbued with their feelings and experiences.

In the process of work, children develop their imagination, form speech, intonation, facial expressions, and motor skills (gestures, gait, posture, movements). Children learn to combine movement and words in roles, develop a sense of partnership and creativity.

Another type is construction games. These creative games direct the child's attention to different types construction, contribute to the acquisition of design skills of the organization, attracting them to labor activity. In construction games, children’s interest in the properties of an object and the desire to learn how to work with it are clearly demonstrated. The material for these games can be construction sets of different types and sizes, natural material (sand, clay, cones, etc.), from which children create various things, according to their own plans or on the instructions of the teacher. It is very important that the teacher helps students make the transition from aimlessly piling up material to creating thoughtful structures.

In the process of construction games, the child actively and constantly creates something new. And he sees the results of his work. Children should have enough building material, different designs and sizes.

Material for construction games:

Natural material (leaves, cones, snow, clay, sand)

Artificial material (mosaic, paper, modular blocks, construction sets various types and sizes).

With all the variety of creative games, they have common features: children, independently or with the help of an adult (especially in dramatization games), choose the theme of the game, develop its plot, distribute roles among themselves, and select the necessary toys. All this should happen under the tactful guidance of an adult, aimed at activating children’s initiative and developing their creative imagination.

Games with rules. These games provide an opportunity to systematically train children in developing certain habits; they are very important for physical and mental development, character development and willpower. Without such games, it would be difficult to carry out educational work in kindergarten. Children learn games with rules from adults and from each other. Many of them are passed down from generation to generation, but educators, when choosing a game, must take into account the requirements of our time.

Didactic games mainly contribute to the development of children’s mental abilities, since they contain a mental task, the solution of which is the meaning of the game. They also contribute to the development of senses, attention, and logical thinking. A prerequisite for a didactic game are rules, without which the activity becomes spontaneous.

In a well-designed game, it is the rules, not the teachers, that guide children's behavior. The rules help all participants in the game to be and act in the same conditions (children receive a certain amount of material, determine the sequence of actions of the players, and outline the range of activities of each participant).

A didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of education, an independent gaming activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child.

Didactic games, as a gaming method of teaching, are considered in two forms:

Games - activities;

Didactic games.

In a game-activity, the leading role belongs to the teacher, who, in order to increase children’s interest in the activity:

Uses a variety of gaming techniques that create a gaming situation;

Creates a game situation;

Uses a variety of components of gaming activities;

Transfers certain knowledge to students;

Forms children's ideas about the construction of a game plot, about various game actions with objects, teaches them to play;

Creates conditions for transferring acquired knowledge and ideas to

independent creative games.

The didactic game is used in teaching children, in various classes and outside of them (physical education, mental education, moral education, aesthetic education, labor education, development of communication skills).

Stages of the didactic game:

Types of didactic games:


IN games with objects toys and real objects are used. By playing with them, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality. They solve problems of comparison, classification, and establishing sequence in solving problems. As children acquire new knowledge about the subject environment, tasks in games become more difficult in identifying an object by this characteristic (color, shape, quality, purpose, etc.), which is very important for the development of abstract, logical thinking.

A variety of toys are widely used in educational games. All toys are divided into five types.

Types of toys: ready-made toys (cars, dolls, etc.), folk toys, theatrical toys, semi-finished toys (cubes, pictures, construction materials, building materials), materials for making toys (sand, clay, rope, twine, cardboard, plywood, wood, etc.)

Toys should be safe, interesting, attractive, colorful, but simple; they should not only attract the child’s attention, but also activate his thinking. All toys, regardless of their purpose, must be grouped so that they correspond to the child’s height. So, while sitting at the table, it is more convenient for the baby to play with small toys, but for playing on the floor, larger toys are needed, commensurate with the child’s height in a sitting and standing position.

  1. Desktop - printed games- an interesting activity for children. They are varied in type: paired pictures, lotto, etc. The developmental tasks that are solved when using them are also different.
  1. They can be individual, collective, plot, everyday, seasonal - ritual, theatrical games, trap games, fun games, attraction games.

Folk games are games that came to us from very ancient times and were built taking into account ethnic characteristics. They are an integral part of a child's life modern society, which makes it possible to assimilate universal human values. The developmental potential of these games is ensured not only by the presence of appropriate toys, but also by a special creative aura that an adult must create.

IN junior groups Games with words are aimed mainly at developing speech, cultivating correct sound pronunciation, consolidating and activating vocabulary, and developing correct orientation in space.

With the help of verbal games, children develop a desire to engage in mental work. In the game, the thinking process itself proceeds more actively, the child easily overcomes the difficulties of mental work, without noticing that he is being taught.

When organizing didactic games for children, it should be taken into account that from the age of 3 to 4 years the child becomes more active, his actions are more complex and varied, his desire to assert himself increases; But at the same time, the baby’s attention is still unstable, he is quickly distracted. Solving a problem in didactic games requires greater stability of attention and enhanced mental activity than in other games. This creates certain difficulties for a small child. They can be overcome through engaging learning, i.e. the use of didactic games that increase the child’s interest in classes, and, above all, a didactic toy that attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content. It is important to combine the mental task in the game with the active actions and movements of the child himself.

The game not only reveals the individual abilities and personal qualities of the child, but also forms certain personality traits. The game method gives greatest effect with a skillful combination of play and learning.

Outdoor games are important for the physical education of preschool children, because they contribute to their harmonious development, satisfy the children’s need for movement, and contribute to the enrichment of their motor experience. There are outdoor games: running, jumping, changing formations, catching, throwing, climbing.

According to the method of E. Vilchkovsky, two types of outdoor games are carried out with preschool children - story games and game exercises (non-story games)

The basis of plot-based outdoor games is the child’s experience, his representations of movements characteristic of a particular image. The movements that children perform during the game are closely related to the plot. Most story games are collective, in which the child learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of others about the world around him (the actions of people, animals, birds), which he represents the players, not to be capricious, to act in an organized manner, as required by the rules.

Game exercises are characterized by specific motor tasks, in accordance with the age characteristics and physical fitness of children. If in plot-based outdoor games the main attention of players is aimed at creating images, achieving specific purpose, exact implementation of the rules, which often leads to ignoring the clarity in the execution of movements, then while performing game exercises, preschoolers must flawlessly perform basic movements.

Folk games are games that came to us from very ancient times and were built taking into account ethnic characteristics. They are an integral part of a child’s life in modern society, providing an opportunity to assimilate universal human values. The developmental potential of these games is ensured not only by the presence of appropriate toys, but also by a special creative aura that an adult must create.

Folk games as a way of raising children were highly appreciated by K.D. Ushinsky, E.M. Vodovozova, E.I. Tikheeva, P.F. Lesgaft. Ushinsky emphasized the pronounced pedagogical orientation of folk games. In his opinion, every folk game contains accessible forms of learning; it encourages children to engage in playful activities and communicate with adults. A characteristic feature of folk games is the educational content, which is presented in a playful form.

It is difficult to overestimate the enormous role that national games play in the physical and moral education of children. Since ancient times, games have been not only a form of leisure and entertainment. Thanks to them, such qualities as restraint, attentiveness, perseverance, organization were formed; strength, agility, speed, endurance and flexibility developed. The set goal is achieved through various movements: walking, jumping, running, throwing, etc.

The folk game reflects the life of people, their way of life, national traditions, they contribute to the education of honor, courage, and masculinity. There are individual, collective, plot, everyday, seasonal - ritual, theatrical games, games - traps, games - fun, games - attractions.

The specificity of folk games is their dynamism. They necessarily contain a game action that encourages the child to be active: either to simply inherit actions from the text, or to perform a set of actions in a round dance.

In their structure, most folk games are simple, one-dimensional, complete; in them the word is combined into a single whole. Movement, song.

When introducing Ukrainian folk games to Russian-speaking children in our region, it is necessary to take into account the age, physical and psychophysiological characteristics of children’s development, clearly indicating the purpose of the game. For children of primary preschool age, who have very little experience, Ukrainian outdoor games of a plot nature with basic rules and a simple structure are recommended. In the second younger group, children have access to outdoor round dance games: “Chicken”, “Kitten”, “Where are our hands?” and etc.

Game, according to P. Lesgaft, is a means by which children demonstrate their independence during the distribution of roles and actions during the game. The child lives in the game. And the task of teachers is to become a guide and link in the child-game chain, tactfully supporting the leadership to enrich the children’s gaming experience.


  1. Brynzarei, Yu.G., To the teacher about the game of a preschooler: a manual for teachers of preschool education institutions / Yu.G. Brynzarei; S.N. Galenko.-Mozyr: White Wind, 2014
  2. Play in the life of a preschooler: a manual for teachers of preschool education institutions / E.A. Panko; by ed. Y.L. Kolominsky, E.A. Panko.-Mozyr: White Wind, 2014 - 184

3. Mendzheritskaya D.V. To the teacher about children's play./Ed. Markova T. A. - M.: Education, 2002.-42p.

As shown in the literature, children's games can be classified on different grounds. Within the framework of psychological and pedagogical research, various classifications of games are distinguished. The program for raising and teaching children in kindergarten contains the following: kinds games:plot, didactic, moving, musical and didactic.

Their difference by type reflects the educational tasks of sensory, mental, physical development preschoolers.

The classification developed by S. L. Novoselova is based on the idea of ​​on whose initiative the game arises. She distinguishes 3 classes of games:

1. Games arise on the initiative of the child.

These are amateur story games:

ü Plot - display;

ü Plot-role-playing;

ü Director's;

ü Theatrical.

2.Educational games initiated by an adult implementing them for educational and educational purposes. These include:

ü Didactic;

ü Plot - didactic;

ü Movable;

ü Leisure.

3. Folk games, which may arise from

initiative of adults and older children.

As part of ethnographic research, various classifications of games with rules have been developed. The most general clear classification of games with rules is given by Shvartsman.

They highlight games based on:

a) dexterity, i.e. physical competence;

b) strategic games requiring mental competence;

c) games based on chance, luck, where the result depends on the physical or mental competence of the player.

Traditionally, the literature defines two most general types of gaming activities: role-playing and play with rules.

Director's play is not singled out as a special independent type, but is interpreted as a type of plot play, as a form of individual child play. (2, p. 58)

Study by psychologist E.E. Kravtsova’s genesis of play activity in the context of the age-related psychological development of preschool children - imagination - convincingly showed that director’s play has the status of an independent type, since the entire development of play in preschool age begins and ends with it. Among director's games, she identifies the following varieties: games with small toys, with multifunctional objects, cubes, using a pencil on paper.

So, the following characteristics are used as the basis for classification:

2) Form of organization and measure of regulation for adults;

3) The nature of the skills required by the game;

4) Objects around which the game is built.

As an analysis of the literature shows, researchers do not sufficiently take into account the distinctive features of various types of games. And this makes it difficult for the teacher to manage different types of games and does not allow them to fully use their developmental potential.

The specific characteristics of these types of games - directing, plot, games with rules, in my opinion, appear most clearly when comparing them with each other.

In this regard, it seems appropriate, taking as a basis the general specific features of the game highlighted above, (character process of activity, the presence of an imaginary situation) conduct a comparative analysis of the director's, plot-role-playing, game with rules in order to highlight their distinctive features.

An important point What significantly distinguishes directorial, plot-based games from games with rules is the nature of the activity process itself. Director's and plot-based games do not have a finite result. The moment of completion of these games is arbitrary and depends on the wishes of the players. In games with rules, the result is determined by the rules, the winning criteria established by the participants in the preparatory period.

The essential features that distinguish all these three types of games are, as shown in the studies of E.E. Kravtsova mechanism of divergence between the visible and semantic fields (imaginary situation).

In directorial and rule-based play, imagination is a prerequisite for play. By coming up with “what will be what” in the game, distributing functions between toys, combining objects according to meaning, the child learns to construct a situation. In games with rules, the imaginary situation is present in a hidden form; the rules determine the child’s behavior. They are given externally, ready-made, or generated by the participants in the game. As a distinctive feature of the game E.E. Kravtsova notes that a preparatory stage is necessary, where the child must comprehend them and appropriate them before acting according to the rules.

In a role-playing game, there is a second type of relationship between play and imagination. A role-playing game is imagination in action. The imaginary situation is present in it in its pure form. Accepting a role, fulfilling it during the game, the child acts in accordance with the logic of adult behavior, realizing role relationships, and carries out actions with substitute objects.

In a number of psychological and pedagogical studies, the idea is expressed about fundamentally the different nature of the rules in games.

Despite the variety of rules, in all cases the players voluntarily accept and achieve their implementation in the interests of the very existence of the game.

Essentially, in developed forms of directing, in plot-role-playing, in games with rules, the obligatory rules for all its participants is a characteristic associated with jointness, with implementation various types relationships between players: role-playing plot-role-playing games,

competitive and cooperative relationships in games with rules. It follows that these types of games differ from each other the nature of the combination of interests of the players.

Thus, from the entire list of characteristic features of games: directorial, plot-role-playing, games with rules, we can single out imaginary situation. All the specific features of various types of games are associated with it: the nature of the activity process, the mechanism of divergence between the visible and semantic fields, the features of the relationship between the game and the imagination, the nature of the rules in a role-playing game and a game with rules, the type of relationship between the players.

Exactly imaginary situation gives these types of child activities a playful character with its unpredictability, surprise, and makes it possible to distinguish play activities from children’s simple actions according to the rule with objects and toys.

Specific Features gaming activity determine its exceptional importance for mental and personal development

preschoolers. Therefore, it seems appropriate to consider the role of play in the development of a child’s personality.

Literary play as an effective tool

training and education of schoolchildren.

Annotation. The topic of this material is literary play and its role in instilling interest in reading fiction. The author not only describes the features of gaming technology used in literature lessons, but also tells how it is used in practice, what results it produces, and why it is attractive for students and teachers.

Among the variety of pedagogical technologies used today, I give preference to the game. Writing literary games for students is my favorite activity. In my teaching practice, I have already compiled more than a hundred of them.

Why a literary game? It’s no secret that schoolchildren read little, rarely go to the library, are frankly bored in literature lessons, feel constrained and constrained when speaking at the blackboard, their outlook leaves much to be desired, their behavior is defiant and aggressive... How to awaken this “sleepy” kingdom, how to diversify school life, how to add “life” to the lesson, how to awaken interest and love for reading, how to reach the heart of every child? Questions, questions, questions... There is only one answer.

The use of games in teaching provides high level mental, emotional and behavioral activity of students, contributes to the connection to the process of cognition of such mental properties as imagination, memory, emotions, speech. Games also allow you to practice practical skills, which is very important when teaching the analysis of a literary text in a literature lesson. During the game there is an active “trying on” different social role, entering into someone else's destiny, while the guys “live” in their imagination what they may not experience in life. All this is the basis for the moral education of the individual.

Lessons using games or game situations are an effective means of teaching and education, since the departure from the traditional structure of the lesson and the introduction of a game plot attracts the attention of students throughout the class.

Play is also an important means of personal development, especially in our dynamic age, when significant behavioral flexibility is required from a person. The point is also that most of the methods used by the teacher are intellectualized and deal with storytelling, explanation, and memorization. Feelings are usually suppressed. The game stimulates emotions, encourages children to include their feelings, to “work” with them and with them.

Thus, play is a powerful stimulating pedagogical tool that can be used in working with children of all ages. It is especially effective when educational topic touches the feelings when it is necessary to instill interest in the subject being studied, when it is necessary to test the knowledge of all students without pressure and edification... Experience shows that the introduction of even game elements into students’ regular educational activities increases their interest and forms positive motives for learning. The guys take on the job with pleasure and always do it well.

The main goal of using games and game elements in a teacher’s work is to increase students’ interest in studying literature and involve them in the learning process emotional sphere children, a combination of rational and emotional when acquiring knowledge. And also the children’s passion for reading, surprise at their literature, showing its limitless possibilities... Everyone gets pleasure: both the children and the teacher. Firstly, the game is interesting to prepare, secondly, ideas and fantasies know no bounds, thirdly, enthusiasm is at its highest, fourthly, the most diverse talents and abilities of students are discovered.

The methodology for conducting a literary game is quite simple. Most often, it is carried out as the final stage in the study of a work, where the main goal is to summarize. This is exactly how KVN took place based on fairy tales, or a game based on works of oral folk art, when children had already become acquainted with many folk genres, or an evening concert on the topic “Russian folk song”. Here the children applied both the knowledge gained in the literature lesson and their life experience, and revealed their talents. Some assignments were given at home, so we did a lot of preparation after school and rehearsed routines. But KVN based on the story by V. Kataev “Son of the Regiment”, “What? Where? When?" based on the story “The Fate of Man” by M. Sholokhov, “Brain Ring” based on the story “Olesya” are carried out before studying the works in class, when the students read the book at home on their own. The main goal here is to get people interested in the work, pay attention to the details of the text, and show the importance and significance of each episode to reveal the character of the hero.

Although most games are played at the middle level, high school students are not left out. When it is felt that reading a particular text will be “difficult”, that the children have no interest in this author, a game is announced. The mood for reading immediately changes, the desire appears, and the eyes light up. This was the case with V. Astafiev’s story “Ode to the Russian Vegetable Garden,” or with the collection “Mirgorod,” or with the drama “Boris Godunov,” or with A. Ostrovsky’s novel “How the Steel Was Tempered.” Foreign authors have a particularly difficult time in the senior ranks. And here game moments are included in the lesson.

One of the difficulties in the work of a literature teacher is conducting extracurricular reading lessons, so we mainly engage in games in these classes. Long before the appointed day of the game, the task is given to read the specified book and a game is announced, the principle of which is either explained to the children in advance, or the names of competitions are posted on the notice board; for some, the whole team begins to prepare for them after school. The results of the games often exceed all expectations. The students understood the text, were able to draw conclusions from what they read, showed themselves, and looked at others. But the most important thing is that no one is bored, everyone is actively working, everyone is worried. After such events, the teacher looks at each student somehow differently, as if through the prism of the game...

Here is the performance of one girl in the role of Dunya Vyrina, the heroine of the story “The Station Agent”, by the way, composed independently and read at her father’s improvised grave. Her trembling voice and sad appearance still ring in my ears. So get used to the character that there were tears in the eyes of the audience?! And the student seemed to be so average, she never stood out among her classmates. Please, the game “forced” me to look at it with different eyes.

And here is the “Festival of Arts” based on the collection of stories “Notes of a Hunter”. The whole class dressed up in costumes of Turgenev’s characters, even those who weren’t members of the team!.. But what a great desire the guys had just to take part in the game, to support their comrades with one look...

And one day, former graduates expressed a desire to compete in the “Game Mosaic” based on the story by G. Troeppolsky “White Bim Black Ear” with current students. Once again they wanted to test themselves, feel the intensity of the struggle, and experience positive emotions. For the teacher, this desire became a great joy, and the conversations after the game did not subside for a long time.

The games we played come to mind... How great it is! Excitement! Pressure! Laughter! Tears! The bitterness of defeat! The joy of victory! Surprises! Discoveries! Delight! And... the desire to read, read and read again.

Yes, they begin to read, and not “go through” software literary texts. They read everything and everyone. Sometimes they admit that it’s not very interesting, it’s not entirely clear, but the future game, the anticipation of it, the preparation for it seem to spur the guys on. They felt the limitlessness of their possibilities, began to behave relaxed and at ease in an unfamiliar environment, believed in themselves, learned to quickly navigate the text, read carefully, LISTEN and HEAR the person standing next to them, and a desire to create appeared.

And what crafts, drawings, posters, baby books, and costumes are prepared by schoolchildren! The teacher feels joy again, a feeling of pride is born: rural children are so talented, so capable, so active, so smart and attentive, so kind and sensitive...

Parents are also slowly starting to get involved in the literary game, some of whom used to complain that children don’t read, that you can’t force a child to sit down with a book. They are always invited to all literary games. At first they came as spectators, and then they themselves became participants in the games “What? Where? When?" based on the poem by A. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”, “Finest Hour” based on the story by A. Gaidar “The Fate of the Drummer”... Later, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers admitted that some of them last years the first time I picked up the book, I even had to take notes on the work while reading, so as not to miss the details and not fall in the face in front of my own child. And what happiness shone in the eyes of adults when they saw how resourceful, friendly, and savvy their children were in the game. Parents still felt the pleasure of beating their own children. After all, how did their authority grow in the eyes of the guys then!

Thus, the use of literary games in teaching gives very good results. They are obvious: firstly, an interest in reading and literature appears, and students read the book not superficially, but very carefully and concentratedly, fearing to miss details that will then turn out to be important when analyzing the text; secondly, the material on the topic is summarized not boringly and dryly, but naturally and with great desire and eagerness; thirdly, different types of speech activity develop, including expressive reading of any text; fourthly, children’s abilities are revealed, everyone sees how talented and smart their classmate can be; fifthly, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for the assigned work, a sense of duty, and philanthropy is formed. Therefore, it is literary play, as an integral part of gaming technology, that is an effective means of teaching and educating schoolchildren.

Children's games- a heterogeneous phenomenon. Due to the diversity of these games, it is difficult to determine the initial basis for their classification. Thus, F. Frebel, being the first among teachers to put forward the position of play as a special means of education, based his classification on the principle of the differentiated influence of games on the development of the mind (mental games), external senses (sensory games), movements (motor games ). The German psychologist K. Gross also has a description of types of games according to their pedagogical significance. Games that are active, mental, sensory, and develop the will are classified by him as “games of ordinary functions.” The second group of games according to his classification are “games of special functions”. They are exercises aimed at improving instincts (family games, hunting games, weddings, etc.).

P.F. Lesgaft divided children's games into two groups: imitation (imitative) and active (games with rules). Later N.K. Krupskaya called the games, divided according to the same principle, a little differently: creative (invented by the children themselves) and games with rules.

In recent years, the problem of classifying children's games has again begun to attract close attention from scientists. C.J.I. Novikova developed and presented in the “Origins” program a new classification of children’s games. It is based on the principle of initiative of the organizer (child or adult).

There are three classes of games.

1. Independent games (game-experimentation, plot-display, plot-role-playing, director's, theatrical).

2. Games that arise on the initiative of an adult, who introduces them for educational and educational purposes (educational games: didactic, plot-didactic, active; leisure games: fun games, entertainment games, intellectual, festive-carnival, theatrical production) .

3. Games that come from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group (folk), which can arise on the initiative of both an adult and older children: traditional, or folk (historically, they form the basis of many educational and leisure games).

Another classification of children's games was given by O.S. Gazman. He distinguishes outdoor games, role-playing games, computer games, didactic games, travel games, errand games, guessing games, riddle games, conversation games.

In our opinion, the most comprehensive and detailed classification of games by S.A. Shmakova. He took human activity as a basis and identified the following types of games:

1. Physical and psychological games and trainings:

Motor (sports, mobility, motor);


Impromptu games and entertainment;

Therapeutic games (game therapy).

2. Intellectual and creative games:

Subject fun;

Plot-intellectual games;

Didactic games (curricular, educational, educational);







Slot games;

Game teaching methods.

3. Social games:

Creative plot-role-playing games (imitative, directorial, dramatization games, daydream games);

Business games (organizational-activity, organizational-communicative, organizational-mental, role-playing, simulation).

G. Craig describes the most typical children's games.

Sensory games. The goal is to gain sensory experience. Children examine objects, play with sand and make Easter cakes, and splash in the water. Thanks to this, children learn about the properties of things. The child’s physical and sensory capabilities develop.

Motor games. The goal is awareness of your physical “I”, the formation of body culture. Children run, jump, and can repeat the same actions for a long time. Motor games provide an emotional charge and promote the development of motor skills.

Romping game. Target - physical exercise, relieving tension, learning to manage emotions and feelings. Children love brawls and make-believe fights, understanding perfectly well the difference between a real fight and a make-believe fight.

Language games. The goal is to structure your life with the help of language, experiment and master the rhythmic structure of the melody of the language. Games with words allow a child to master grammar, use the rules of linguistics, and master the semantic nuances of speech.

Role-playing games and simulations. The goal is to become familiar with social relationships, norms and traditions inherent in the culture in which the child lives, and to master them. Children play out various roles and situations: they play mother-daughter, copy their parents, and pretend to be a driver. They not only imitate the characteristics of someone’s behavior, but also fantasize and complete the situation in their imagination.

The listed types of games do not exhaust the entire range of gaming techniques, however, as it is correctly emphasized, in practice it is these games that are most often used, either in their “pure form” or in combination with other types of games.

D.B. Elkonin identified the following functions of gaming activity:

A means of developing the motivational-need sphere;

Means of cognition;

A means of developing mental actions;

A means of developing voluntary behavior. The following functions of the game are also highlighted: educational, developmental, relaxation, psychological, and educational.

1. Functions of a child’s self-realization. Play is a field for a child in which he can realize himself as an individual. The process itself is important here, and not the result of the game, since it is this that is the space for the child’s self-realization. The game allows you to introduce children to a wide range of different areas of human practice and formulate a project for relieving specific life difficulties. It is not only implemented within a specific playground, but is also included in the context of human experience, which allows children to learn and master the cultural and social environment.

2. Communication function. A game is a communicative activity carried out according to the rules. She brings the child into human relations. It forms the relationships that develop between the players. The experience that the child receives in the game is generalized and then implemented in real interaction.

3. Diagnostic function. The game is predictive; it is more diagnostic than any other activity, since in itself it is a field of children’s self-expression. This function is especially important because survey methods and tests are difficult to use when working with children. It is more adequate for them to create experimental game situations. In the game, the child expresses himself and expresses himself, therefore, watching it, you can see his characteristic personality traits and behavioral characteristics.

4. Therapeutic function. The game acts as a means of autopsychotherapy for the child. In play, a child can return to traumatic experiences in his life or circumstances in which he was not successful, and in a safe environment, replay what hurt, upset or frightened him.

Children themselves use games as a means of relieving fears and emotional stress. For example, various rhymes, teasers, and horror stories, on the one hand, act as carriers of the cultural traditions of society, on the other hand, they are a powerful means of demonstrating emotional and physical stress. Assessing the therapeutic value of children's play, D.B. Elkonin wrote: “The effect of play therapy is determined by the practice of new social relations", which a child receives in a role-playing game... The relationships in which the game puts the child both with an adult and with a peer, relationships of freedom and cooperation instead of relationships of coercion and aggression, ultimately lead to a therapeutic effect."

5. Correction function, which is close to the therapeutic function. Some authors combine them, emphasizing the correctional therapeutic capabilities of game methods, others separate them, considering the therapeutic function of the game as an opportunity to achieve profound changes in the child’s personality, and the correctional function as a transformation of types of behavior and interaction skills. Along with teaching children communication skills, play can help shape a child’s positive attitude towards himself.

6. Entertainment function. The entertaining possibilities of the game attract the child to participate in it. Play is a finely organized cultural space of a child, in which he moves from entertainment to development. Play as entertainment can help good health, helps to establish positive relationships between people, gives overall satisfaction with life, relieves mental overload.

7. Function of implementing age-related tasks. Preschooler and junior schoolchild the game creates opportunities for emotional response to difficulties. For teenagers, play is a space for building relationships. Older schoolchildren typically perceive play as a psychological opportunity.

The presence of a large number of functions presupposes the objective need to include games and elements of gaming activities in educational and extracurricular processes. Currently, a whole direction has even emerged in pedagogical science - game pedagogy, which considers games to be the leading method of teaching and raising children.

Play is the leading activity only in preschool age. By figuratively D.B. Elkonin, the game itself contains its own death: from it the need for real, serious, socially significant and socially valued activity is born, which becomes the most important prerequisite for the transition to learning. At the same time, throughout all years of schooling, play does not lose its role, and especially at the beginning of primary school age. During this period, the content and focus of the game change. Games with rules and didactic games are beginning to occupy a large place. In them, the child learns to subordinate his behavior to rules, his movements, attention, and ability to concentrate are formed, that is, abilities that are especially important for successful learning at school are developed.

Classification of games for preschoolers

In modern pedagogical theory, play is considered as the leading activity of a child - a preschooler. The leading position of the game is determined not by the amount of time that the child devotes to it, but by the fact that: it satisfies his basic needs; in the depths of the game other types of activities arise and develop; Play contributes most to a child’s mental development.

Games differ in content, characteristic features, and the place they occupy in children’s lives, in their upbringing and education.

Role-playing games are created by the children themselves, with some guidance from the teacher. They are based on children's amateur activities. Sometimes such games are called creative role-playing games, emphasizing that children do not simply copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend them and reproduce them in a creative way. created images, game actions.

There are several groups of games that develop a child’s intelligence and cognitive activity.

Group I – object games, such as manipulations with toys and objects. Through toys - objects - children learn shape, color, volume, material, the animal world, the human world, etc.

Group II – creative games, role-playing games, in which the plot is a form of intellectual activity.

Let's consider one of these (classification by S. L. Novoselova).

Classification of games

(according to S. L. Novoselova)

The Education and Training Program in Kindergarten provides the following classification of games for preschoolers:





The main component of a role-playing game is the plot; without it, there is no role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is the sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. Depending on this, role-playing games are divided into:

Games with everyday themes: “home”, “family”, “holiday”, “birthdays” (a lot of space is given to dolls).

Games on industrial and social topics, which reflect the work of people (school, store, library, post office, transport: train, plane, ship).

Games on heroic-patriotic themes, reflecting the heroic deeds of our people (war heroes, space flights, etc.)

Games on themes of literary works, films, television and radio programs: “sailors” and “pilots”, Hare and Wolf, Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile (based on the content of cartoons, films), etc.

Duration story game:

In early preschool age (10-15 min.);

In middle preschool age (40-50 min.);

In older preschool age (from several hours to days).

subject relations

activity behavior between people

The structure of a role-playing game includes the following components:

Roles played by children during the game;

Game actions with the help of which children realize roles;

Game use of objects, real ones are replaced by game ones.

Relationships between children are expressed in remarks, comments, and the course of the game is regulated.

In the first years of life, with the teaching influence of adults, the child goes through stages of development of play activity, which represent the prerequisites for role-playing games.

The first such stage is an introductory game. Refers to the child's age - 1 year. The adult organizes the child’s object-based play activities using a variety of toys and objects.

At the second stage (between the 1st and 2nd years of a child’s life), a display game appears, in which the child’s actions are aimed at identifying the specific properties of an object and achieving a certain effect with it. The adult not only names the object, but also draws the child’s attention to its intended purpose.

The third stage of game development refers to the end of the second - beginning of the third year of life. A plot-display game is formed, in which children begin to actively display impressions received in everyday life (cradling a doll).

The fourth stage (from 3 to 7 years) is your own role-playing game.

Role-playing play of preschool children in its developed form represents an activity in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults and, in a social form, in specially created play conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. These conditions are characterized by the use of a variety of game objects that replace the actual objects of adult activity.

The amateur nature of children’s play activities lies in the fact that they reproduce certain phenomena, actions, and relationships actively and in a unique way. The originality is determined by the peculiarities of children’s perception, understanding and comprehension of certain facts, phenomena, connections, the presence or absence of experience and the immediacy of feelings.

The creative nature of play activity is manifested in the fact that the child is, as it were, reincarnated into the person he is portraying, and in the fact that, believing in the truth of the game, he creates a special play life and is sincerely happy and sad as the game progresses. The child satisfies his active interest in the phenomena of life, in people, animals, and the need for socially significant activities through play activities.

A game, like a fairy tale, teaches a child to penetrate the thoughts and feelings of the people depicted, going beyond the circle of everyday impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds.

In the development and enrichment of children’s amateur performances, creative reproduction and reflection of facts and phenomena of the surrounding life, a huge role belongs to the imagination. It is through the power of imagination that game situations are created, the images reproduced in it, the ability to combine the real, the ordinary with the fictional, which gives children's play an attractiveness that is unique to it.

In role-playing games, an optimistic, life-affirming character is clearly evident; the most difficult cases in them always end successfully and safely: captains guide ships through storms and storms, border guards detain violators, doctors heal the sick.

In a creative role-playing game, the child actively recreates and models phenomena real life, experiences them and this fills his life with rich content, leaving a mark for many years.

Director's games in which the child makes dolls speak and perform various actions, acting both for themselves and for the doll.

Theatrical games are the acting out of a certain literary work in person and the display of specific images using expressive methods (intonation, facial expressions, gestures).

games – games on themes

dramatization of literary works

The dramatization game is a special type of activity for preschool children.

Dramatize - depict, act out a literary work in person.

the sequence of events, roles, actions of the characters, their speech is determined by the text of the literary work.

Children need to memorize the text verbatim, comprehend the course of events, the image of the heroes of a fairy tale, or retelling.

helps to better understand the meaning of a work, feel the artistic value, and sincerely express one’s feelings

In dramatization games, the content, roles, and game actions are determined by the plot and content of a particular literary work, fairy tale, etc. They are similar to plot-role-playing games: they are based on the conditional reproduction of phenomena, actions and relationships between people, etc. etc., and there are also elements of creativity. The uniqueness of dramatization games lies in the fact that according to the plot of a fairy tale or story, children play certain roles and reproduce events in the exact sequence.

With the help of dramatization games, children better assimilate the ideological content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality.

The teacher's guidance lies in the fact that he, first of all, selects works that have educational significance, the plot of which is easy for children to learn and turn into a game - dramatization.

In a game of dramatization, there is no need to show the child certain expressive techniques: the game for him should be just that: a game.

Of great importance in the development of dramatization play, in the assimilation of the characteristic features of the image and their reflection in the role, is the interest of the teacher himself in it, his ability to use the means artistic expression when reading or telling. The correct rhythm, various intonations, pauses, and some gestures enliven the images, make them close to children, and arouse their desire to play. Repeating the game over and over again, the children need the help of the teacher less and less and begin to act independently. Only a few people can participate in the dramatization game at a time, and the teacher must ensure that all children take turns participating in it.

When assigning roles, older preschoolers take into account each other's interests and desires, and sometimes use a counting rhyme. But here, too, some influence from the teacher is needed: it is necessary to induce a friendly attitude among peers towards timid children, to suggest what roles they can be assigned.

Helping children learn the content of the game and get into character, the teacher uses illustrations to literary works, clarifies some character traits characters, finds out the attitude of children to the game.

Worthwhile - constructive games

Construction-constructive games are a type of creative games in which children display the surrounding objective world, independently erect structures and protect them.

Types of building materials. Construction game is an activity for children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in various buildings and related actions.

The similarity between role-playing games and construction games is that they unite children based on common interests, joint activities, and are collective.

The difference between these games is that the plot-role-playing game primarily reflects various phenomena and masters the relationships between people, while in the construction game the main thing is to become familiar with the relevant activities of people, with the technology used and its use.

It is important for the teacher to take into account the relationship, the interaction of role-playing and construction games. Construction often arises in the process of role-playing play and is caused by it. In older groups, children spend a long time constructing quite complex buildings, practically comprehending the simplest laws of physics.

The educational and developmental influence of construction games lies in the ideological content, the phenomena reflected in them, in children’s mastery of construction methods, in the development of their constructive thinking, enrichment of speech, and simplification of positive relationships. Their influence on mental development is determined by the fact that the design and content of construction games contain one or another mental task, the solution of which requires preliminary thinking: what to do, what material is needed, in what sequence the construction should take place. Thinking about and solving a particular construction problem contributes to the development of constructive thinking.

During construction games, the teacher teaches children to observe, distinguish, compare, correlate one part of a building with another, remember and reproduce construction techniques, and focus on the sequence of actions. Under his guidance, schoolchildren master a precise vocabulary that expresses the names of geometric bodies and spatial relationships: high low, right to left, up and down, long short, wide narrow, higher lower, longer shorter, etc.

In construction games, ordinary, most often plot-shaped toys are also used, and natural materials are also widely used: clay, sand, snow, pebbles, cones, reeds, etc.

Creative games

Creative games are games in which images appear that contain the conditional transformation of the environment.

Indicators of developed gaming interest.

1. The child’s long-term interest in the game, the development of the plot and the performance of the role.

2. The child’s desire to take on a certain role.

3. Having a favorite role.

4. Reluctance to finish the game.

5. Active performance by the child of all types of work (modeling, drawing).

6. The desire to share your impressions with peers and adults after finishing the game.

Didactic games are games specially created or adapted for educational purposes.

In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They promote the development of sensations and perceptions, the formation of ideas, and the acquisition of knowledge in preschoolers. These games make it possible to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. This is their developing role.

The didactic game helps solve the problems of moral education and develop sociability in children. The teacher places children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Outdoor games are a conscious, active, emotionally charged activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players.

Outdoor games are primarily a means of physical education for children. They provide an opportunity to develop and improve their movements, practicing running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, etc. Big influence outdoor games also have an impact on the child’s neuropsychic development and the formation of important personality traits. They evoke positive emotions and develop inhibitory processes: during the game, children have to react with movement to some signals and refrain from moving when others. These games develop will, intelligence, courage, speed of reactions, etc. Joint actions in games bring children closer together, giving them the joy of overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

The source of outdoor games with rules are folk games, which are characterized by brightness of concept, meaningfulness, simplicity and entertainment.

The rules in an outdoor game play an organizing role: they determine its course, the sequence of actions, the relationships between the players, and the behavior of each child. The rules oblige you to obey the purpose and meaning of the game; children must be able to use them in different conditions.

In younger groups, the teacher explains the content and rules as the game progresses, in older groups - before the start. Outdoor games are organized indoors and outdoors with a small number of children or with the whole group. The teacher ensures that all children participate in the game, performing all the required game movements, but not allowing excessive motor activity, which can cause them to become overexcited and tired.

Older preschoolers need to be taught to play outdoor games independently. To do this, it is necessary to develop their interest in these games, provide them with the opportunity to organize them during walks, during leisure hours, on holidays, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to note that play, like any creative activity, is emotionally rich and brings joy and pleasure to every child by its very process.


Game is the leading activity for preschool children

Preschool childhood is the most important first period mental development children, which lays the foundations of all mental properties and personality traits of the child. It is at this age that adults have the closest relationship with the child and take the most active part in his development. And since the child is actively exploring the world around him, we adults must take into account age characteristics the child and the characteristics of the leading type of his activity.

The leading activity of preschool children, according to psychologists and teachers, is play (B. G. Ananyev, L. S. Vygotsky, E. E. Kravtsova, A. N. Leontiev, A. S. Makarenko, S. L. Rubinshtein , K.D. Ushinsky, etc.). They note its important role in the formation of the child’s psyche and believe that play is the basis for all subsequent development of the child, since it is in play that the child gains initial experience and develops the physical and spiritual strengths and abilities that he will need for subsequent life in society.

But in Lately Many parents and teachers, when working with children, try to transfer the child from play activities, which are leading for preschool age, to educational ones, which negatively affects the psychological development of the child’s personality.

Highlights of development history general theory the games are:

The first at the end of the 19th century. German psychologist K. Gross attempted a systematic study of games, who calls games the original school of behavior. For him, no matter what external or internal factors motivate the games, their meaning is precisely to become a school of life for children. The game is objectively a primary spontaneous school, the apparent chaos of which provides the child with the opportunity to become familiar with the traditions of behavior of the people around him. In the books, for the first time, a large amount of specific material was systematized and generalized and the problem of the biological essence and meaning of the game was posed. Gross sees the essence of the game in the fact that it serves as preparation for further serious activity; In play, the child, by practicing, improves his abilities. This, according to Gross, is the main meaning of children's play; In adults, play is added to this as an addition to the reality of life and as relaxation.

The main advantage of this theory is that it connects play with development and seeks its meaning in the role it plays in development.

In the theory of the game, formulated by G. Spencer, the source of the game is an excess of strength; excess forces not spent in life, in work, find an outlet in the game.

In an effort to reveal the motives of the game, K. Bühler put forward the theory of functional pleasure (i.e., pleasure from the action itself, regardless of the result) as the main motive of the game. The theory of play as an activity generated by pleasure is a particular expression of the hedonic theory of activity, that is, a theory that believes that human activity is governed by the principle of pleasure or enjoyment. Recognizing functional pleasure, or pleasure from functioning, as the determining factor for play, this theory sees in play only a functional function of the organism.

Freudian theories of play see in it the realization of desires repressed from life, since in play they often play out and experience what cannot be realized in life. Adler's understanding of the game comes from the fact that the game reveals the inferiority of the subject, running away from a life with which he is unable to cope. According to psychologist Adler, in play the child tries to drown out and eliminate his feelings of inferiority and lack of independence (“inferiority complex”). That’s why children love to play fairy, wizard, and that’s why “mother” treats the “daughter” doll so autocratically, taking out on her all her griefs and troubles associated with real life.

In Russian psychology, attempts to give their theory of play were made by D. N. Uznadze, L. S. Vygotsky, S. L. Rubinstein and D. B. Elkonin. Step by step in Soviet psychology, the approach to play as a special type of child activity crystallized.

Domestic psychologists and teachers understood the development process as the assimilation of universal human experience and universal human values.

The brilliant researcher of the game D. B. Elkonin believes that the game is social in nature and immediate saturation and is projected to reflect the world of adults.

Game according to D. B. Elkonin, “... is the activity in which behavior management is developed and improved on the basis of indicative activity.” The essence of the game is to try to build an image of the field possible actions, therefore, this image is its product.

The problem of the game has long attracted the attention of not only foreign but also domestic scientists. Although the authors of these theories consider different aspects of play, they agree that play is the main activity of children. Scientific analysis of play activity shows that play is a child’s reflection of the world of adults, a way of understanding the world around him.

In pedagogy, repeated attempts have been made to study the types of games, taking into account their functions in the development of children, and to give a classification of games.

Foreign classifications of games F. Froebel based his classification on the principle of the differentiated influence of games on the development of the mind (mental games, external senses (sensory games, movements (motor games).

The German psychologist K. Gross also has a description of the types of games according to their pedagogical significance: active, mental, sensory games that develop the will are classified by K. Gross as “games of ordinary functions.” The second group of games, according to his classification, are “games of special functions.” These games are exercises to improve instincts (family games, hunting games, courtship, etc.).

Domestic classifications of games: P. F. Lesgaft, N. K. Krupskaya are based on the degree of independence and creativity of children in the game. Games are divided into two groups: games invented by children themselves, and games invented by adults.

Krupskaya called the first ones creative, emphasizing their main feature - their independent character. This name has been preserved in the classification of children's games, traditional for domestic preschool pedagogy. Another group of games in this classification are games with rules.

But the most popular is the classification by S. L. Novoselova, which is based on the idea of ​​on whose initiative games arise (a child or an adult). There are three classes of games:

1) games that arise on the initiative of the child (children, independent games:


Independent plot games: plot-display, plot-role-playing, director's, theatrical;

2) games that arise on the initiative of an adult who introduces them for educational purposes:

Educational games: didactic, plot-didactic, active;

Leisure games: fun games, entertainment games, intellectual games, festive and carnival games, theatrical performance games;

3) games that come from the historically established traditions of the ethnic group (folk games, which can arise on the initiative of both an adult and older children.

B. Elkonin identified three components of games: game conditions, plot and content of the game.

Each game has its own playing conditions - children participating in it, toys, and other objects.

With systematic guidance from the teacher, the game can change:

a) from beginning to end;

I would like to pay special attention to the main functions of a children's game, because functions can help us determine the essence of the game. According to E. Erikson, “play is a function of the Ego, an attempt to synchronize bodily and social processes with one’s Self.” From the point of view of influence on development, the functions of the game are divided into 4 categories.

1. Biological function. Beginning in infancy, play promotes hand, body, and eye coordination, provides kinesthetic stimulation and the opportunity to expend energy and relax.

2. Internal personal function. The game develops the ability to master situations and explore environment, comprehension of the structure and capabilities of the body, mind, world (i.e. stimulates and shapes cognitive development).

3. Interpersonal function. Play serves as a testing ground for learning a huge range of social skills, from how to share toys to how to share ideas.

4. Social function. Through play that gives children the opportunity to try on desirable adult roles, children internalize the ideas, behaviors, and values ​​that are socially associated with those roles.

Also, A. N. Leontyev, in addition to the symbolic and educational function of the game, also talks about the affective (emotional) one. It has been suggested that there are emotional underpinnings underlying the game's genesis.

The importance of the game is very difficult to overestimate. A game is a type of activity that involves children reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them in a special conditional form.

Game as a means of education. In the pedagogical theory of play, special attention is paid to the study of play as a means of education. Education is the process of developing the qualities of a person’s personality.

The fundamental position is that in preschool age play is the type of activity in which the personality is formed and its internal content is enriched.

Play as a form of organizing children's life activities. One of the provisions of the pedagogical theory of play is the recognition of play as a form of organizing the life and activities of preschool children. The first attempt to organize the lives of children in the form of play belonged to Froebel. He developed a system of games, mainly didactic and active, on the basis of which educational work in kindergarten. The entire time the child was being beaten in kindergarten was scheduled in different types of games. Having completed one game, the teacher involves the child in a new one.

The game is a reflection of life. The game is important for the formation of a friendly children's team, and for the formation of independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude towards work, and for correcting some deviations in the behavior of individual children, and for much more.

A game for preschool children is a source of global experiences of the dynamism of one’s own self, a test of the power of self-influence. The child masters his own psychological space and the possibility of living in it, which gives impetus to the development of the entire personality as a whole.

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Play is a special activity that blossoms in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life. It is not surprising that the problem of the game has attracted and is attracting the attention of researchers, not only teachers and psychologists, but also philosophers, sociologists, and ethnographers. There are a number of theories that look at the game from two points of view:

Play as an activity in which the child develops holistically, harmoniously, comprehensively

Game as a means of acquiring and developing knowledge.

It is now generally accepted that play is the leading activity of a preschool child.

There is also a basic specific developmental value of role-playing games. The developmental nature of the game lies in the fact that it puts forward a number of requirements for the child:

1) This is an action in the imaginary plane. The need to act on an imaginary plane leads to the development of the symbolic function of thinking in children, the formation of a plan of ideas, and the construction of an imaginary situation.

2) The child’s ability to navigate in a certain way in the system of human relationships, since the game is aimed precisely at their reproduction.

3) Formation of real relationships between playing children. Playing together is impossible without coordination of actions.

It is also generally accepted that the game develops knowledge about the phenomena of social life, about actions and relationships.

And yet we are forced to admit that the game is “leaving kindergarten" And there are several reasons:

1. Children have few impressions, emotions, holidays, without which the development of play is impossible. Children receive most of their impressions from television programs.

2. Game is a reflection of the life of adults: while playing, a child imitates them, models various sociocultural situations and relationships. Unfortunately, kindergartens in large cities are faced with the fact that children do not know what their parents do.

Parents, in turn, cannot clearly explain to their child where they work and what they do. The professions of salesman, postman, tailor and cutter have left children's direct observation.

3. Adults don't play. The game cannot be taught otherwise than by playing with the child.

Also, one of the reasons for the departure of the game from preschool educational institutions is our desire to “please” parents, as a result of which teachers do nothing but “work” with children. There is a children's play manual. Currently, there are 3 main methods of guiding children's games.

1. The main way a teacher influences children’s play and educates children in the game is to influence its content, i.e., the choice of topic, plot development, distribution of roles and the implementation of game images. The teacher enters the game to show children new playing techniques or to enrich the content of an already started game.

2. The method of forming a game as an activity is based on the principles:

The teacher plays with the children so that the children master gaming skills. The position of an adult is that of a “playing partner” with whom the child would feel free and equal.

The teacher plays with children throughout preschool childhood, but at each age stage, develop the game in a special way, so that the children immediately “discover” and assimilate a new, more complex way of constructing it.

The established principles of organizing a story-based game are aimed at developing children’s gaming abilities and skills that will allow them to develop independent play.

3. Method of complex management of the game.

Having considered three approaches to guiding the play of preschoolers, it is necessary to draw conclusions:

The game should be free from themes and regulation of actions imposed by adults “from above.”

The child must be able to master the increasingly complex “language” of the game

A game is a joint activity between a teacher and children, where the teacher is a playing partner.

To develop gaming activity, it is necessary to fulfill several conditions: the creation of a subject-development environment, the availability of a certain time in the daily routine, and the activity of the teacher. Without fulfilling these conditions, the development of creative amateur play is impossible.

Psychologist A. N. Leontiev considered the leading activity to be one that has a special impact on the development of the child at a given age.

The teacher is given certain tasks at each age stage.

Early age group:

In a joint game with children, teach how to act with objects and toys, learn to combine them with a simple plot

Develop the ability to perform actions in accordance with the role.

Develop the ability to perform 2-3 consecutive episodes in the game.

Second junior group:

To promote the emergence of games on themes of observations from the surrounding life, literary works.

In joint games with children, develop the ability to come up with a simple plot, choose a role, perform several interrelated actions in a game, and play a role in a joint game with peers.

Teach children to use building materials in games.

Encourage children to try to independently choose attributes for games.

Middle group:

In joint games with children that contain several roles, improve the ability to unite in a game, distribute roles, and perform game actions in accordance with the game plan.

Teach children to prepare the environment for play - select objects and attributes, choose a convenient place.

To develop in children the ability to create and use attributes for play from building materials, plastic and wooden construction sets.

Develop the ability to independently choose a theme for the game.

Develop the plot based on knowledge gained from the perception of the environment.

Learn to agree on a topic for starting the game, assign roles, and create the necessary conditions.

Learn to collectively build buildings necessary for the game, and jointly plan the upcoming work.

Develop the ability to use substitute objects.

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Play is the main activity of preschool children - Page 4

Play is the main activity of preschool children.


Leading foreign and domestic teachers are considering game as one of the most effective means of organizing children's lives and their joint activities. The game reflects the internal need of children for active activity, it is a means of understanding the surrounding life; In play, children enrich their sensory and life experiences and enter into certain relationships with peers and adults.

Most modern scientists explain game as a special type of activity, formed at a certain stage of development of society.

D. B. Elkonin, based on an analysis of ethnographic material, put forward hypothesis about the historical origin and development of role-playing games.

He believed that at the dawn of human societythere was no children's game. Due to the primitiveness of the work itself and the tools necessary for it, children very early began to take part in the work of adults (picking fruits, roots, fishing, etc.).

Increasing complexity of tools, transition to hunting, cattle breeding, agriculture brought to change the child's position in society: the baby could no longer directly participate in the work of adults, since it required skills, knowledge, dexterity, dexterity, etc.

The adults began to make toys for children to exercise in labor activities(bow, spear, lasso). Exercise games arose, during which the child mastered the necessary skills and abilities in using tools, since the toys were their models(you can hit the target with a small bow, and loosen the ground with a small hoe).

Finally, with the emergence of various crafts, the development of technology, complex tools toys stopped being models the latter. They looked like tools appearance, but not functions(toy gun, toy plow, etc.). In other words, toys become images of tools.

You cannot practice labor actions with such toys, but you can depict them. Arises role-playing game, in which one finds satisfaction characteristic small child desire for active participation in the lives of adults. Since such participation in real life is impossible, the child in an imaginary situation reproduces the actions, behavior, and relationships of adults.

Hence, role play emerges not under the influence of internal, innate instincts, but as a result quite definite social conditions of the child's life in society . Adults, in its turn, promote the spread of children's play using specially created toys, rules, gaming equipment, which are passed on from generation to generation, turning the very playing as part of the culture of society.

In the course of the socio-historical development of mankind, the game acquires everything higher value for the formation of the child’s personality. With her help, children gain experience interacting with the outside world, learn moral standards, methods of practical and mental activity, developed by the centuries-old history of mankind.

Thus, modern domestic game theory is based on provisions about its historical origin, social nature, content and purpose in human society.


The game has social basis. Children's games of both previous years and today convince us that they are connected with the world of adults.

One of the first to prove this position, equipping it with scientific and psychological data, was K. D. Ushinsky. In his work “Man as a Subject of Education” (1867), K. D. Ushinsky defined play as a feasible way for a child to enter into all the complexity of the adult world around him.

Children's games reflect surrounding social environment. The figurative reflection of real life in children’s games depends on their impressions and the emerging value system. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “One girl’s doll cooks, sews, washes and irons; in another, he sits on the sofa, receives guests, hurries to the theater or to a reception; in the morning he hits people, starts a piggy bank, counts the money...”

But the reality surrounding the child is extremely diverse, and in Game are reflected only some of its sides s, namely: sphere of human activity, labor, relations between people.

As studies by A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, R. I. Zhukovskaya show, game development throughout preschool age occurs in the direction from the subject game, recreating the actions of adults, to the role-playing game, recreating relationships between people.

In the early years child's life interest in objects, things prevails that others use. Therefore, in the games of children of this age the actions of an adult with something are recreated, with some object(the child cooks food on a toy stove, bathes the doll in a basin). A. A. Lyublinskaya very aptly called the games of children “ half play, half work».

In expanded form role playing game, which is observed in children starting from 4-5 years, to the fore perform relationship between people, which are carried out through actions with objects, and sometimes without them. So the game becomes way of highlighting and modeling(recreation in specially created conditions) relationships between people, and, therefore, begins serve the assimilation of social experience.

A game social and according to its methodsimplementation. Play activity, as proven by A. V. Zaporozhets, V. V. Davydov, N. Ya. Mikhailenko, not invented by a child, A is asked to him by an adult, which teaches the child to play, introduces socially established methods of play actions (how to use a toy, substitute objects, other means of embodying the image; perform conventional actions, build a plot, obey the rules, etc.).

Having mastered the techniques of various games in communication with adults, the child then generalizes the gaming methods and transfers them to other situations. This is how the game acquires self-propulsion and becomes a form of the child’s own creativity, and this determines its developmental effect.


In modern pedagogical theory a game seen as the child's leading activity - preschooler.

Leading position of the game defined:

Not by the amount of time the child devotes to her, but by the fact that she satisfies his basic needs;

In the depths of the game, other types of activities originate and develop;

Play contributes to mental development to the greatest extent.

In Game find expressionbasic needs of a preschool child.

First of all, a child has a natural desire to independence, active participation in the lives of adults.

As the child develops, the world he is aware of expands, and an internal need arises to participate in adult activities that are inaccessible to him in real life. In play, the child takes on a role, trying to imitate those adults whose images have been preserved in his experience. While playing, the child acts independently, freely expressing his desires, ideas, and feelings.

Child of the first years of life characterized by a need to understand the surrounding world, called by psychologists unsaturated. Children's games in all their diversity provide him with the opportunity to learn new things, reflect on what has already been included in his experience, and express his attitude to what is the content of the game.

A child is a growing and developing creature. Movement is one of the conditions for its full growth and development. Need for active movements satisfied in all types of games, especially in outdoor and didactic games with toys such as cars, gurneys, billboke, table croquet, ball, etc. Various building and structural materials (large and small building materials, various kinds of construction sets, snow, sand, etc.) have great potential for stimulating motor activity and improving the quality of movements. .) .

The possibilities of play in satisfying the child’s inherent communication needs. In a preschool setting, play groups are usually formed that unite children based on common interests and mutual liking.

Due to the special attractiveness of the game, preschoolers find themselves capable of greater amenability, compliance, and tolerance in it than in real life. While playing, children enter into relationships that they are not yet mature enough for in other conditions, namely, relationships of mutual control and assistance, submission, and exactingness.

In the depths of the game, other types of activities (work, learning) are born and differentiated (singled out).

As the game develops, the child masters components inherent in any activity: learns to set a goal, plan, achieve results. Then he transfers these skills to other types of activities, primarily to work.

At one time, A. S. Makarenko expressed the idea that good game similar to Good work: they are related by responsibility for achieving a goal, effort of thought, joy of creativity, culture of activity.

The game develops arbitrariness of behavior. Due to the need to follow the rules. children become more organized, learn to evaluate themselves and their capabilities, acquire dexterity, dexterity and much more, which makes it easier formation of strong work skills.

As a leading activity, play contributes to the greatest extent to the formation of a child’s neoplasms, his mental processes, including imagination.

One of the first to connect the development of play with the characteristics of children's imagination was K. D. Ushinsky. He drew attention to the educational value of images of the imagination: the child sincerely believes in them, therefore, while playing, he experiences strong, genuine feelings.

Another important property of imagination, which develops in play, but without which educational activities cannot take place, was pointed out by V.V. Davydov. This is the ability transfer the functions of one object to another that does not have these functions(the cube becomes soap, an iron, bread, a machine that drives along the table-road and hums).

Thanks to this ability, children use in play substitute objects, symbolic actions(“washed hands” from an imaginary tap). The widespread use of substitute objects in the game will in the future allow the child to master other types of substitution, such as models, diagrams, symbols and signs, which will be required in learning.

Thus, imagination in the game manifests itself and develops when determining the plan, developing the plot, playing a role, replacing objects. Imagination helps the child accept the conventions of the game and act in an imaginary situation. But the child sees the line between what is imagined in the game and reality, so he resorts to the words “pretend”, “as if”, “in truth it does not happen like this.”

Material otveti-examen.ru

Play is the leading activity in preschool age | Open class

Game is the leading activity in preschool age Posted by: Venera Nikolaevna Alexandrova - Sat, 11/24/2012 - 01:12

In the game, all aspects of the child’s personality are formed, a significant change occurs in his psyche, preparing him for the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of preschoolers.

A special place is occupied by games that are created by children themselves - they are called creative, or plot-role-playing. In these games, preschoolers reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Creative play most fully shapes a child’s personality, and therefore is an important means of education.

The game is a reflection of life. Everything here seems to be “make-believe,” but in this conditional setting, which is created by the child’s imagination, there is a lot of reality: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings and experiences are genuine and sincere.

The child knows that the doll and the bear are just toys, but he loves them as if they were alive, and understands that he is not a “true” pilot or sailor. But he feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of danger, and is truly proud of his victory.

Imitating adults in play is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality; he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.

Children's creativity is manifested in the concept of the game and the search for means to implement it. How much imagination is required to decide what trip to go on, what kind of ship or plane to build, what equipment to prepare.

In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, prop makers, decorators, and actors. However, they do not hatch their idea and do not prepare for a long time to perform the role as actors.

They play for themselves, expressing their own dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that possess them at the moment. Therefore, the game is always improvisation.

Play is an independent activity in which children first interact with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences.

Children choose the game themselves and organize it themselves. But at the same time, in no other activity there are such strict rules, such conditioning of behavior as here. Therefore, the game teaches children to subordinate their actions and thoughts to a specific goal, and helps to cultivate purposefulness.

In play, the child begins to feel like a member of a team and fairly evaluates the actions and actions of his comrades and his own. The teacher’s task is to focus the attention of the players on goals that would evoke a commonality of feelings and actions, and to promote the establishment of relationships between children based on friendship, justice, and mutual responsibility.

Types of games, means, conditions

There are different types of games typical for childhood. These are outdoor games (games with rules), didactic games, dramatization games, constructive games.

Creative or role-playing games are of particular importance for the development of children aged 2 to 7 years. They are characterized by the following features:

1. The game is a form of active reflection by the child of the people around him.

2. Distinctive feature The game is also the very method that the child uses in this activity. The game is carried out by complex actions, and not by individual movements (as, for example, in labor, writing, drawing).

3. The game, like any other human activity, has a social character, so it changes with changes historical conditions people's lives.

4. Play is a form of creative reflection of reality by a child. While playing, children bring a lot of their own inventions, imaginations, and combinations into their games.

5. Play is the manipulation of knowledge, a means of clarifying and enriching it, a way of exercise, and the development of cognitive and moral abilities and strengths of the child.

6. In its expanded form, the game is a collective activity. All participants in the game are in a cooperative relationship.

7. By developing children in many ways, the game itself also changes and develops. With systematic guidance from the teacher, the game can change:

a) from beginning to end;

b) from the first game to subsequent games of the same group of children;

c) the most significant changes in games occur as children develop from younger to older ages. Play, as a type of activity, is aimed at the child’s knowledge of the world around him through active participation in the work and everyday life of people.

The means of the game are:

a) knowledge about people, their actions, relationships, expressed in figures of speech, in the child’s experiences and actions;

b) ways of acting with certain objects in certain circumstances;

c) those moral assessments and feelings that appear in judgments about good and bad actions, about useful and harmful actions of people.

By the beginning of preschool age, the child already has a certain life experience, which has not yet been sufficiently realized and represents more potential abilities than an established ability to implement skills in his activities. The task of upbringing is precisely to, based on these potential possibilities, advance the child’s consciousness and lay the foundation for a full-fledged inner life.

First of all, educational games are joint activities between children and adults. It is the adult who brings these games into children’s lives and introduces them to the content.

He arouses children's interest in the game, encourages them to take active actions, without which the game is not possible, is a model for performing game actions, is the leader of the game - organizes the play space, introduces game material, monitors compliance with the rules.

Any game contains two types of rules - rules of action and rules of communication with partners.

Rules of action determine methods of action with objects, general character movements in space (tempo, sequence, etc.)

Rules of communication influence the nature of the relationships between the participants in the game (the order in which the most attractive roles are performed, the sequence of children’s actions, their consistency, etc.). So, in some games, all children act simultaneously and in the same way, which brings them closer, unites them, and teaches them good-willed partnership. In other games, children take turns, in small groups.

This gives the child the opportunity to observe peers and compare their skills with his own. Finally, each section contains games in which a responsible and attractive role is played in turns. This contributes to the formation of courage, responsibility, teaches you to empathize with your playing partner and rejoice in his successes.

These two rules, in a simple and accessible form for children, without edification or imposing a role on the part of an adult, teach children to be organized, responsible, self-restraint, develop the ability to empathize, and be attentive to others.

But all this becomes possible only if the game, developed by an adult and offered to the child, in its finished form (i.e., with certain content and rules) is actively accepted by the child and becomes his own game. Evidence that the game has been accepted is: asking children to repeat it, performing the same game actions on their own, actively participating in the same game when it is played again. Only if the game becomes loved and exciting will it be able to realize its developmental potential.

Educational games contain conditions that promote the full development of the individual: the unity of cognitive and emotional principles, external and internal actions, collective and individual activity of children.

When playing games, it is necessary that all these conditions are met, that is, that each game brings new emotions and skills to the child, expands the experience of communication, and develops joint and individual activity.

1. Story-based role-playing games

Development of role-playing games in preschool age