Vladimir Zheleznikov - the life and adventures of an eccentric. “The eccentric from the sixth “B” Brief retelling of the story the life and adventures of an eccentric

June 29, 2016

Many people remember the film “Scarecrow” with Kristina Orbakaite. However, not everyone knows that the author of the story on which the film was based wrote many more interesting books about the relationships between schoolchildren. This writer's name is Vladimir Zheleznikov. “Eccentric from 6 “B”” is another of his wonderful works, based on which a movie for children was made.

Vladimir Zheleznikov

Vladimir Karpovich was born in Vitebsk in 1925. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and, barely graduating from school, he entered the artillery school. But later he realized that being a military man was not his calling and, becoming interested in literature, he entered the Maxim Gorky Institute.

Zheleznikov’s first book, “A Many-Colored Story,” was published when he turned 35. After its success, the author began to actively write, including scripts for films. Based on his stories, films such as “Traveller with Luggage”, “Eccentric from 5 “B””, “Scarecrow”, “My Friend Socratic” and others were made. For adapting his stories “Scarecrow” and “Crank from 6 “B”” into film scripts, the author was awarded two USSR State Prizes.

From 1988 until the end of his days, the writer headed the Globus children's film studio. Vladimir Zheleznikov died in 2015.

Vladimir Zheleznikov, “Eccentric from 6 B”

The story “The Eccentric from 6 “B”” was written at the dawn of Zheleznikov’s literary career - in 1962. Initially it consisted of one story, however later author wrote another one - “The Marriage of Uncle Shura.” Since then, both stories about the boy Bor have been combined into the cycle “The Life and Adventures of an Eccentric,” consisting of two parts: “Notebook with Photographs” and “The Marriage of Uncle Shura.”

Boris Zbanduto - the main character of the story

The narration is in the first person in the story “Eccentric from 6 “B””. The main character is a sixth grade student Boris Zbanduto (Boka).

He is a rather difficult person, trying to stand out from those around him. To defend his independence and uniqueness, the boy does not collect stamps (since all his peers are interested in this), does not study well (because almost everyone in the class is an excellent student, and he does not want to be like others), rarely does good deeds (so that Aunt Olya I didn’t think that I could influence him).

Despite his rebellious character, deep down Borya is a very kind and noble boy. Having fallen in love with his best friend Sashka with the same girl Nastya, the eccentric does not stoop to meanness in the fight for her favor. He doesn't say nasty things about his best friend, although Sasha does just that. In addition, Borya continues to treat Sashka well, even knowing about his ignoble behavior.

Kindness and caring for others help Bora become an excellent counselor for first-graders, despite all the reluctance to bother with them at first. Borya takes them swimming, to the doctor, helps them do their homework and meets their parents. Without regret, he gradually spends all the money intended for a gift for his mother on his kids. At a certain point, Zbanduto even has to make a difficult choice in favor of his subordinates and abandon his beloved girl.

One of the most striking features, which he has main character from the story “The Eccentric from 6 “B”,” is his lack of desire to justify himself. Feeling that he did the right thing, Borya is in no hurry to justify his actions, which were misunderstood. So, having spent all the money on the kids, he tells his father that he bought ice cream with them, and in his eyes he looks like an irresponsible fool, which he is not. Even when they decide to remove Zbanduto from his post as a counselor, he does not brag about how much he has done for the kids, although he could have.

As for love, Boris is easily influenced by his beloved, but at the same time he is aware of his condition and tries to think rationally.

His aunt Olya plays an important role in Bori's worldview. Realizing that she is right, in the first story he actively tries to resist her thoughts, but in the end he gives up. In the second, Aunt Olya becomes his main moral guide.

As for his parents, the boy does not have close relationships or mutual understanding with them. They love him and care about him, but do not delve into the nature of his experiences. The father is often on business trips, and raising the mother often comes down to powerful slaps on the head. In the second part they are not in the plot at all.

Brief summary of the story “Eccentric from 6 B” (“Notebook with photographs”)

At the beginning of the story, Bori's father goes on a long business trip. He leaves ten rubles for his son to buy a gift for his mother’s birthday. Having met his classmate and part-time best friend Sashka, Borya boasts of money and takes his friend to the cinema. A few days later the boy's father calls to find out what his son bought for his mother, but Boris lies to him.

One day, on the way to school, the boys meet their classmate Nastya Monakhova, who left for a year, and now has returned and is very prettier. Both friends fall in love with her and start courting her.

At school, the senior counselor Nina invites Zbanduto to become a counselor for the first-graders, and he agrees because he thinks that Nastya will appreciate this act. However, it later turns out that the girl does not like children.

A week later, the first-graders, whom Borya had completely forgotten about, find him themselves. The eccentric tries to get rid of them with all his might and focus on winning Nastya’s heart, but the kids constantly get in the way. One of them, Natasha, asks to take her home past the dog, which she is very afraid of, tearing Borya away from playing football. Soon the guy has to solve various problems of the kids, which bothers him. He tries to leave them, but later changes his mind, giving up going to the movies with the girl he likes for the sake of his first-graders.

Zbanduto spends most of the money from the treasured ten on his charges. He takes them to take pictures, to the circus and to the pool, buys pies and ice cream. And later he even gives them hints on the test.

As a result, they are trying to remove the eccentric from his position, since many of his actions were misunderstood by his parents, who complained to the director. But the kids themselves come to the head of the school and defend their counselor.

On his mother’s birthday, Boris was very worried: he was ashamed because he had not bought her a gift. For this reason, he did not congratulate her in the morning. Realizing that his mother was very upset, the guy later repents of his behavior and calls her on the phone at work to congratulate her.

On the same day, the eccentric learns that Nastya has chosen Sasha, but due to the cowardice of this guy, she finds herself in an ugly situation, from which Boris saves her. Later, the girl leaves Moscow, and Sasha and Borey make peace. Zbanduto admits that he let the first-graders cheat. And the former counselor Nina, having learned Bori’s whole story, lent him two rubles to buy flowers for his mother, and his friends go to his house for a holiday treat.

At the end of the story, first-grader Natasha ends up in the hospital with appendicitis. The whole class, together with Borya, goes to see her, and on the way, Zbanduto finally understands that being a counselor is his calling.

“Eccentric from 6 “B”” (“The Marriage of Uncle Shura”)

Above we talked about the first part of the dilogy, we outlined it summary. “Eccentric from 6 “B”” also has a sequel - “The Marriage of Uncle Shura.” Its plot is as follows.

A year has passed, and Zbanduto and his parents move from Arbat. Now, out of his first-graders, he only maintains relations with Natasha Morozova, since they are neighbors on the landing. Due to the move, Borya changes schools, and he makes a new friend Kolya, who is interested in graphology. Later, this seemingly good guy turns out to be a rather nasty guy. Due to a conflict with him, Borya returns to his old school.

In addition, in this story the eccentric from 6 “B” again falls in love unrequitedly. The plot of this love story is somewhat different. The object of his feelings becomes Natasha Morozova's stepmother, music teacher Nadezhda Vasilievna. As a faithful knight, Borya tries to help her, but due to a quarrel between his stepmother and Natasha, he is forced to take the side of his former ward. The girl's father, Uncle Shura, disagrees with Nadezhda Vasilievna. Everyone is having a hard time with this breakup, and Boris, at first thinking that he is helping Natasha, convinces the teacher to leave the Morozovs alone. But later, realizing the true state of affairs, he helps the Morozovs to make peace.

The main characters are children

You can get an idea of ​​the main children's characters in the story even by reading its summary.

The eccentric from 6 “B” Boris Zbanduto is the main character and narrator. It is around him that all the action takes place.

The eccentric's best friend and keeper of all his secrets in the first part is Sashka Smolin, and in the second - the philatelist Kolya. Both friends are inferior to the main character in nobility and often commit meanness.

In the first story, Borya is in love with his classmate Nastya Monakhova.

Another important female character is “Kolobok” - this is the nickname worn by the plump counselor Nina. A very kind and responsible girl, she falls in love with the teacher, but her feelings remain unanswered, and Nina leaves for another school.

First-grader Natasha Morozova is one of the main characters of both stories.

She was afraid of dogs, but later was able to overcome her fear. Being a very honest girl, Natasha was the only one in the class who refused to cheat on the test and received a bad mark. In the second story, she was very upset by the appearance of her stepmother, whom, although she loved, her father was jealous of her.

Another eccentric ward is first-grader Tolik, a kind boy from an intelligent family. Trying to please Borya, he put a rare cup from his father’s collection on the table, and the eccentric accidentally broke it.

The image of first-grader Zina Streltsova is also interesting. She was the only one from the entire class who was accepted into the swimming section, as she turned out to have talent. Being very timid, the girl often complained to her mother about Bori’s antics, although she treated him well and even invited him to visit.

One of the important child characters of the second story is the owner of the dog Pasha. Despite his young age, he was brave and kind, and was ready to give up his beloved pet in order to help Natasha Morozova. Later he became her best friend.

The main characters are adults

You can also identify the main adult characters in the cycle about the eccentric by reading the summary above.

“The Eccentric from 6 “B”” and “The Marriage of Uncle Shura” are united around the main adult character - Aunt Olya, who is the conscience of the eccentric. She hardly appears in the first story, but the guy often remembers her. In the second, Borya constantly remembers her statements and runs to consult with her.

Another important female character is Nadezhda Vasilievna Morozova. She is beautiful, sophisticated and smart, which allows Boris to instantly fall in love with her. But at the same time, she is often uncompromising in her decisions, which primarily harms herself.

Natasha Morozova's father is Uncle Shura, a slightly eccentric man, not like other doctors. He loves both his daughter and his new wife. However, after getting married, he began to devote little time to his daughter, which is why she began to be jealous and tried to run away from home.

Such characters from “Eccentric from 6 “B””, like Zbanduto’s parents, are almost not present in both stories. Father - good man, but, according to the same Aunt Olya, he is very suspicious, which hinders him in life.

A funny story of Boris Zbanduto, a student of the sixth “B” grade of one of the Moscow schools.

When leaving on a business trip to Siberia, my father entrusted me with buying a gift for my mother’s birthday - he himself did not have time to return for the holiday. So ten rubles fell into my hands. I exchanged ten the next day. My bosom friend Sashka Smolin did not believe that such big money was mine. To prove this, I took him to the cinema. But this story began with the return of Nastya Monakhova to our school. She left for a year - she left as an ugly duckling and returned as a beauty. Sasha and I fell in love with her at the same time. It was because of Nastya that I agreed to become the counselor of the first “A”. When our counselor entrusted me with this important task, the whole class laughed: what kind of counselor am I? Only Nastya said that raising kids to be exemplary Octobrists is a serious matter. These words made me agree.

My mother, a physical education teacher and gymnast, was skeptical about this - she considered me a dunce. I myself very quickly forgot about my high mission as a counselor. Meanwhile, “our friendship with Sashka has reached a dead end because of Nastya.” When I talked to her, Sashka’s ruddy face became deathly pale, but to me best friend appeared in nightmares.

My baby came for me herself. I had to go into their class. I couldn’t remember them all, and rashly promised to reduce the entire first “A” into an automatic photograph. I began to get involved in the fuss with the October students after the big-eyed first-grader Natasha Morozova distracted me from the important football match “sixth B versus sixth A.” The girl was scared of the dog, and I had to take her home. On the way, I learned that Natasha’s mother had died, her father worked as a doctor in Africa, and Natasha herself lived with her retired grandmother.

Sashka despised me for a long time because I abandoned the match, and “the first-graders completely defeated me.” I plunged headlong into the problems of the first “A”, while still managing to take Nastya for a walk and spend another ruble from my mother’s gift. Sasha and I decided to look after Nastya under the cover of complete secrecy until she falls in love with one of us. The defeated one will proudly leave."

It turns out that Nastya was joking when she talked about the importance of the counselor’s work. I even felt a little offended. One day one of my first graders asked me to button his pants. This was the last straw. I wrote a statement that “I am resigning from the high post of counselor because it interferes with my personal life.” Our counselor took my statement, but then my October students attacked me - they started asking me not to leave. In order not to succumb to pity, I began to remember how I separated the fighters and sewed up Natasha’s dress torn by a nail. To my surprise, “all these memories did not arouse in me either protest or indignation.” As a final farewell, I decided to take my students to automatic photography. Entering the first grade, I wrote about this on the board, and suddenly began to remember my first-graders, about their naive and lively faces. The next morning, I not only took the statement from the counselor, but also refused to go to the cinema with Nastya.

Nastya went to the cinema with Sashka, and I plunged headlong into fussing with the Octobrists. I spent a few more rubles from the “gift” tenner on automatic photography and pies with jam.

And after some time, a scandal broke out, “unexpected and grandiose. They suddenly decided to miserably remove me from the position of counselor.” Just that day I was supposed to take the kids to the circus. I wanted to go to the circus, but ended up with the director. Sitting in the waiting room, I remembered why all this happened. It started with Natasha being scared of a lizard that a classmate slipped into her desk. Then I decided to fight cowardice using scientific methods - I gathered the first-graders at my place and set up a “horror attraction” in a dark room. Streltsov my “psychotherapy” only the second time. At home she told her mother everything. She immediately went to the director, and along with this story, told him about two others.

One of them happened at the very beginning of my activity, when I visited the houses of my wards. The father of first-grader Tolik collected porcelain. The boy treated me to tea from the rarest collection cup, which I, of course, broke. I didn’t know how rare it was, so I collected the fragments and threw them away. A scandal broke out, which Streltsova Sr. soon learned about.

Another story happened among the Streltsovs. Then the senior members of the Streltsov family treated me without prejudice and calmly left their Zina in my care. Zina invited Natasha and Tolik, and the fun began. As a result, Zina’s mother’s new yellow skirt was stained with ink. I suggested repainting it. The stain did not disappear, but my relationship with Streltsova Sr. became very complicated.

As luck would have it, on the day the director found out about my exploits, I received five bad marks at once - Nastya was assigned to pull up those lagging behind, and I decided to take this place at all costs. Seeing these deuces, the director suddenly remembered that he had received a letter from the police about me. “The fact is that I was taken out of the pool with a scandal. I was there at a competition and whistled with two fingers.” But I whistled for a reason. I then decided to make athletes out of the first-graders, so I brought them to the pool. The angry coach forced us all to undress, but chose only Streltsova. I told him that “their business is poorly done” - they are losing the competition, and they refuse to take on young and healthy recruits. After this conversation there were exhibition competitions, at which I booed the swimmer of this very coach.

My teaching career was hanging by a thread when my first-graders burst into the principal’s office and began to defend and defend me. It was then that the director noticed a notebook in my hand, where I had pasted all the snapshots of my kids. He leafed through the notebook and left me as a counselor.

On this day I saw Streltsova Sr. again. We were getting ready to go to the circus and noticed that Genka didn’t show up. Having gone after him, I discovered that the boy was helping his cleaning mother shovel snow - he didn’t tell her about the circus. Then we all armed ourselves with shovels and began to help, and Streltsova Sr., passing by, called me an eccentric, as if she was cursing me. But I wasn’t offended by her, but we ended up at the circus anyway, and I spent the rest of the treasured tenner on ice cream.

I never bought my mother a gift. I had to pretend that I forgot about my birthday. “I am completely confused both as a son and as a teacher.” The fact is that the teacher of my first-graders got sick, and I was assigned to guard the class during the test. I felt sorry for them and wrote a cheat sheet that everyone except Natasha used. She received the only bad mark in the class. Natasha is a truth-loving person, she didn’t cheat on principle, and when I reproached her, the girl stopped talking to me.

In the afternoon, dad called and demanded a report - what he bought for mom, when and where. I had to admit that I spent the money. I also boldly decided to admit to our new counselor that the first-graders cheated because of me. Sashka also gave me a surprise. Nastya found a bouquet of flowers in her desk and decided that Sashka had put them there. I had already decided that the time had come to “proudly retire,” when suddenly Sashka declared that he had nothing to do with it, and Nastya bought the flowers herself. Here I had to intervene and declare that I brought this unfortunate bouquet. After that, Sashka ran from me for a long time, “like a hare.” After that, I admitted the crime to the counselor and congratulated my mother over the phone.

In the department store where I tried to catch Sasha, I met our former counselor - now she worked as a saleswoman. I told her the whole story. She said that I had a teaching vocation and lent two rubles to my mother for flowers. Then I caught up with Sasha, we bought flowers and went to my place for a birthday cake.

It was quiet for several days. All the first-graders came to see me, except Natasha, and then I found out that the girl had inflamed appendicitis and was taken to the hospital. I told her grandmother that Natasha would be late at school, and then we were all first “A” to show up at the hospital. The surgeon was surprised, reassured me, and then winked - he also turned out to be an eccentric. I winked back and suddenly thought that it was because of the first “A” that I was “living a life that made me happy.”

Many people remember the film “Scarecrow” with Kristina Orbakaite. However, not everyone knows that the author of the story on which the film was based wrote many more interesting books about the relationships between schoolchildren. This writer's name is Vladimir Zheleznikov. “Eccentric from 6 “B”” is another of his wonderful works, based on which a movie for children was made.

Vladimir Zheleznikov

Vladimir Karpovich was born in Vitebsk in 1925. Since childhood, the boy dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps and, barely graduating from school, he entered the artillery school. But later he realized that being a military man was not his calling and, becoming interested in literature, he entered the Maxim Gorky Institute.

Zheleznikov’s first book, “A Many-Colored Story,” was published when he turned 35. After its success, the author began to actively write, including scripts for films. Based on his stories, films such as “Traveller with Luggage”, “Eccentric from 5 “B””, “Scarecrow”, “My Friend Socratic” and others were made. For adapting his stories “Scarecrow” and “Crank from 6 “B”” into film scripts, the author was awarded two USSR State Prizes.

From 1988 until the end of his days, the writer headed the Globus children's film studio. Died in 2015.

Vladimir Zheleznikov, “Eccentric from 6 B”

The story “The Eccentric from 6 “B”” was written at the dawn of Zheleznikov’s literary career - in 1962. Initially it consisted of one story, but later the author wrote another one - “The Marriage of Uncle Shura.” Since then, both stories about the boy Bor have been combined into the cycle “The Life and Adventures of an Eccentric,” consisting of two parts: “Notebook with Photographs” and “The Marriage of Uncle Shura.”

Boris Zbanduto - the main character of the story

The narration is in the first person in the story “Eccentric from 6 “B””. The main character is a sixth grade student Boris Zbanduto (Boka).

He is a rather difficult person, trying to stand out from those around him. To defend his independence and uniqueness, the boy does not collect stamps (since all his peers are interested in this), does not study well (because almost everyone in the class is an excellent student, and he does not want to be like others), rarely does good deeds (so that Aunt Olya I didn’t think that I could influence him).

Despite his rebellious character, deep down Borya is a very kind and noble boy. Having fallen in love with his best friend Sashka with the same girl Nastya, the eccentric does not stoop to meanness in the fight for her favor. He doesn't say nasty things about his best friend, although Sasha does just that. In addition, Borya continues to treat Sashka well, even knowing about his ignoble behavior.

Kindness and caring for others help Bora become an excellent counselor for first-graders, despite all the reluctance to bother with them at first. Borya takes them swimming, to the doctor, helps them do their homework and meets their parents. Without regret, he gradually spends all the money intended for a gift for his mother on his kids. At a certain point, Zbanduto even has to make a difficult choice in favor of his subordinates and abandon his beloved girl.

One of the most striking features that the main character from the story “Eccentric from 6 “B”” possesses is his lack of desire to justify himself. Feeling that he did the right thing, Borya is in no hurry to justify his actions, which were misunderstood. So, having spent all the money on the kids, he tells his father that he bought ice cream with them, and in his eyes he looks like an irresponsible fool, which he is not. Even when they decide to remove Zbanduto from his post as a counselor, he does not brag about how much he has done for the kids, although he could have.

As for love, Boris is easily influenced by his beloved, but at the same time he is aware of his condition and tries to think rationally.

His aunt Olya plays an important role in Bori's worldview. Realizing that she is right, in the first story he actively tries to resist her thoughts, but in the end he gives up. In the second, Aunt Olya becomes his main moral guide.

As for his parents, the boy does not have close relationships or mutual understanding with them. They love him and care about him, but do not delve into the nature of his experiences. The father is often on business trips, and raising the mother often comes down to powerful slaps on the head. In the second part they are not in the plot at all.

Brief summary of the story “Eccentric from 6 B” (“Notebook with photographs”)

At the beginning of the story, Bori's father goes on a long business trip. He leaves ten rubles for his son to buy a gift for his mother’s birthday. Having met his classmate and part-time best friend Sashka, Borya boasts of money and takes his friend to the cinema. A few days later the boy's father calls to find out what his son bought for his mother, but Boris lies to him.

One day, on the way to school, the boys meet their classmate Nastya Monakhova, who left for a year, and now has returned and is very prettier. Both friends fall in love with her and start courting her.

At school, the senior counselor Nina invites Zbanduto to become a counselor for the first-graders, and he agrees because he thinks that Nastya will appreciate this act. However, it later turns out that the girl does not like children.

A week later, the first-graders, whom Borya had completely forgotten about, find him themselves. The eccentric tries to get rid of them with all his might and focus on winning Nastya’s heart, but the kids constantly get in the way. One of them, Natasha, asks to take her home past the dog, which she is very afraid of, tearing Borya away from playing football. Soon the guy has to solve various problems of the kids, which bothers him. He tries to leave them, but later changes his mind, giving up going to the movies with the girl he likes for the sake of his first-graders.

Zbanduto spends most of the money from the treasured ten on his charges. He takes them to take pictures, to the circus and to the pool, buys pies and ice cream. And later he even gives them hints on the test.

As a result, they are trying to remove the eccentric from his position, since many of his actions were misunderstood by his parents, who complained to the director. But the kids themselves come to the head of the school and defend their counselor.

On his mother’s birthday, Boris was very worried: he was ashamed because he had not bought her a gift. For this reason, he did not congratulate her in the morning. Realizing that his mother was very upset, the guy later repents of his behavior and calls her on the phone at work to congratulate her.

On the same day, the eccentric learns that Nastya has chosen Sasha, but due to the cowardice of this guy, she finds herself in an ugly situation, from which Boris saves her. Later, the girl leaves Moscow, and Sasha and Borey make peace. Zbanduto admits that he let the first-graders cheat. And the former counselor Nina, having learned Bori’s whole story, lent him two rubles to buy flowers for his mother, and his friends go to his house for a holiday treat.

At the end of the story, first-grader Natasha ends up in the hospital with appendicitis. The whole class, together with Borya, goes to see her, and on the way, Zbanduto finally understands that being a counselor is his calling.

“Eccentric from 6 “B”” (“The Marriage of Uncle Shura”)

Above we talked about the first part of the dilogy and outlined its brief content. “Eccentric from 6 “B”” also has a sequel - “The Marriage of Uncle Shura.” Its plot is as follows.

A year has passed, and Zbanduto and his parents move from Arbat. Now, out of his first-graders, he only maintains relations with Natasha Morozova, since they are neighbors on the landing. Due to the move, Borya changes schools, and he makes a new friend Kolya, who is interested in graphology. Later, this seemingly good guy turns out to be a rather nasty guy. Due to a conflict with him, Borya returns to his old school.

In addition, in this story the eccentric from 6 “B” again falls in love unrequitedly. The plot of this love story is somewhat different. The object of his feelings becomes Natasha Morozova's stepmother, music teacher Nadezhda Vasilievna. As a faithful knight, Borya tries to help her, but due to a quarrel between his stepmother and Natasha, he is forced to take the side of his former ward. The girl's father, Uncle Shura, disagrees with Nadezhda Vasilievna. Everyone is having a hard time with this breakup, and Boris, at first thinking that he is helping Natasha, convinces the teacher to leave the Morozovs alone. But later, realizing the true state of affairs, he helps the Morozovs to make peace.

The main characters are children

You can get an idea of ​​the main children's characters in the story even by reading its summary.

The eccentric from 6 “B” Boris Zbanduto is the main character and narrator. It is around him that all the action takes place.

The eccentric's best friend and keeper of all his secrets in the first part is Sashka Smolin, and in the second - the philatelist Kolya. Both friends are inferior to the main character in nobility and often commit meanness.

In the first story, Borya is in love with his classmate Nastya Monakhova.

Another important female character is “Kolobok” - this is the nickname worn by the plump counselor Nina. A very kind and responsible girl, she falls in love with the teacher, but her feelings remain unanswered, and Nina leaves for another school.

First-grader Natasha Morozova is one of the main characters of both stories.

She was afraid of dogs, but later was able to overcome her fear. Being a very honest girl, Natasha was the only one in the class who refused to cheat on the test and received a bad mark. In the second story, she was very upset by the appearance of her stepmother, whom, although she loved, her father was jealous of her.

Another eccentric's ward, first-grader Tolik, a kind boy from Trying to please Borya, put a rare cup from his father's collection on the table, and the eccentric accidentally broke it.

The image of first-grader Zina Streltsova is also interesting. She was the only one from the entire class who was accepted into the swimming section, as she turned out to have talent. Being very timid, the girl often complained to her mother about Bori’s antics, although she treated him well and even invited him to visit.

One of the important child characters of the second story is the owner of the dog Pasha. Despite his young age, he was brave and kind, and was ready to give up his beloved pet in order to help Natasha Morozova. Later he became her best friend.

The main characters are adults

You can also identify the main adult characters in the cycle about the eccentric by reading the summary above.

“The Eccentric from 6 “B”” and “The Marriage of Uncle Shura” are united around the main adult character - Aunt Olya, who is the conscience of the eccentric. She hardly appears in the first story, but the guy often remembers her. In the second, Borya constantly remembers her statements and runs to consult with her.

Another important female character is Nadezhda Vasilievna Morozova. She is beautiful, sophisticated and smart, which allows Boris to instantly fall in love with her. But at the same time, she is often uncompromising in her decisions, which primarily harms herself.

Natasha Morozova's father is Uncle Shura, a slightly eccentric man, not like other doctors. He loves both his daughter and his new wife. However, after getting married, he began to devote little time to his daughter, which is why she began to be jealous and tried to run away from home.

Such characters from “Eccentric from 6 “B””, like Zbanduto’s parents, are almost not present in both stories. The father is a good person, but, according to the same Aunt Olya, he is very suspicious, which hinders him in life.

They were so invisible, these little people, on a large concrete field among powerful, multi-ton aircraft.

And the pilots were no better than anyone else. They only walked along the airfield a little more confidently, talking and laughing.

The plane taxied onto the runway, gave the engines a full rev and took off.

He had already turned into a thin horizontal stripe, and I kept looking after him and thinking about the people who were sitting there in comfortable chairs, and it doesn’t seem surprising to them at all that they are so high above the ground.

“I’ve already flown hundreds of times and I just can’t get used to it,” said Innokenty Innokentyevich. “It’s scary, but magical.” This multi-ton thing is lifted into the sky.

Another plane arrived. When he was already running across the field, two small parachutes jumped out on his tail.

The landing speed is very high,” said Innokenty Innokentyevich. “Parachutes for braking.”

Passengers passed. They were cheerful, talking and laughing, and the pilots walked in silence.

“Tired,” I thought. “It’s probably not easy to fly the plane.”

What do you think, Innokenty Innokentyevich, will they take me on as a pilot? “I don’t know how this question popped up in my mind, and now I was afraid that he would laugh or start talking about it too loudly and strangers would hear us.”

He looked at me, and I saw the sun’s rays playing in the lenses of his glasses, and small, distant, prickly eyes in the sun’s rays. They are always the same, you can’t guess anything from those eyes.

You know, it’s important not to be afraid and to want,” said Innokenty Innokentievich.

“But I’m not afraid and I want to,” I answered.

I liked that he spoke somehow in his own way. Otherwise, someone else would definitely say: if you study well, etc., then maybe...

Everyone already knows that they need to study; there is no need to remind them about it again. And many adults remind us of this simply out of laziness. You need to think about another answer, but this one said and got rid of it.

Have you decided to become a pilot? - asked Nina. “And you said you’ll go to Siberia.”

Have you heard anything about pilots who discover mineral deposits on their planes? They fly over Siberia, ironing the Siberian taiga. And on the plane they have a special device that records everything. Where is the ore, where is the tungsten, where is the nickel.

No,” answered Nina. “I haven’t heard.”

And others, of course, in your class haven’t heard?

Maybe Kostikov knows. He sometimes reads "Young Technician".

“You’ll have to explain this to them,” said Innokenty Innokentyevich.

“We’ll have to,” I answered.

* * *

On my mother’s birthday, I tried my best not to get up until my mother left. I was in a bad mood, and I didn’t know what to tell my mother. I never bought her a gift.

He opened one eye and cautiously watched as she got ready for work. Usually in the morning she is terribly cheerful and energetic, but today she was sad.

Of course, it’s my birthday, but no one congratulates me. It’s as if she doesn’t live with a family, but on a desert island.

“I’m in a bad mood, that’s true,” I thought. “But it’s not my mother’s fault that I’m such a frivolous type.”

He stood up, walked up to his mother and said:


Thank you,” said my mother. “And I decided that you forgot.”

He kissed mom on the cheek. He smelled of milk.

When I congratulated my mother, she immediately cheered up. Everything was fine for her. I congratulated her, and dad will, of course, congratulate her too. So everything is fine. True, when dad was at home, he always gave her gifts: perfume or a new scarf. And here dad is not here.

She didn’t know that dad entrusted everything to me. This was our men's secret.

Mom ran around the room a little more. I changed my blouse. She has a habit of changing clothes twice in the morning. And then she left.

And then the phone rang. A long, drawn-out long-distance telephone call. Olga Andreevna decided that it was her son calling and rushed to the phone. But it turned out that it was dad.

“Mom has already left,” I said.

What a pity! - Dad answered. - Well, did you congratulate her?

Of course,” I said. “Congratulations.”

What did you give her? - Dad asked.

It was heard, as luck would have it, very well. When a telephone conversation is depicted somewhere in a movie or theater, it is usually difficult to hear and the actors shout at the top of their lungs and confuse the words, and this leads to all sorts of confusion. And here it was heard perfectly.

But I still pretended that I didn’t hear the question.

“What?” I shouted. “I don’t hear, say it again.”

Olga Andreevna stood nearby, and dad screamed into the phone so loudly that not only Olga Andreevna or I, but passers-by on the street could hear his voice.

He pressed the phone to his ear as hard as he could, “chucked” it several times and, without listening to dad, hung up.

The phone rang again.

“Don’t hang up,” said the telephone operator. “The conversation is not over.”

“I haven’t heard anything,” I answered.

No, I can hear you,” said the telephone operator. “And if you are deaf, call someone with normal hearing.”

“Dad,” I said, “now I can hear you well.”

Well, what did you buy your mom?

Nothing? - Dad was surprised. “I shouldn’t have hoped for you.” Why didn't you actually buy anything?

I have no money.

How - no? Have you lost them?

Not lost, but no.

I wanted to explain everything to him, but it’s difficult over the phone.

Well, you know... - I had to get away with something, and I said: - I ate it for ice cream.

“Yes,” said dad. “He’s a strong man.” He paused. “It’s a shame that you let me down.”

Dad didn’t say goodbye to me and hung up.

He never shouted or swore at me and never even got angry. That's the kind of person he was. He always said about me: “I’m still young, but when he grows up he’ll understand.” And then he didn’t say anything like that, hung up, and that’s it.

It was a boring day. I didn't talk to anyone at school. And if someone pestered me, he would snap back at me. I wanted to argue.

In the evening there was nowhere to go. And my mother kept asking why I was so sad.

The melancholy has eaten me up to death. I got dressed and went out.

I stopped at the Staroarbat metro station and bought myself some ice cream. I spent the entire ruble on ice cream. Dad's last ruble. This ice cream really made me sick. And I ate and ate, I don’t know why. Probably, out of loneliness and self-pity, he wanted to freeze all his insides.

Then he began to look closer: he was looking for a cheerful young couple. When I'm bored, I always do this. I’ll find such a couple and follow them. It’s interesting to look at them from the outside: they walk slowly, stopping wherever possible. And they laugh all the time.

And I follow behind and do everything they do.

They will stop at the window display. And I will stop. They start laughing. And I laugh to myself. Even if nothing funny comes to mind, I stretch my lips and make faces. And then it really makes me laugh.

But today was an unlucky day. We didn’t come across any young couples, but they were all somewhat respectable. You can’t keep up with people like that: they either make you sweat, or you dry up with melancholy.

I took it and called Nina.

I wanted to say hello, but I didn’t. Otherwise he will think that I am imposing.

Ah, Boris. Come on in for a visit.

Right now?


I walked around for about twenty minutes at Nina’s entrance and came in.

Their whole family was completely assembled. I had to shake hands with everyone.

Then Innokenty Innokentyevich took me to another room and showed me his collection.

It was unheard of wealth. In a large box, in separate slots, were emblems of different cars. Deer, bulls, lion heads, antelopes, airplanes, stars, spears.

The emblems were carefully nickel plated. They were cold, shiny and inaccessible. I stroked them, sorted them out, and placed them on the table.

So how? - asked Innokenty Innokentyevich. - How do you like my collection?

“Okay,” I replied.

I was so confused that I simply could not say anything more.

Will you be collecting the same one?

“I’ll try,” I answered timidly.

Then first get yourself five emblems.

What are you saying, Innokenty Innokentyevich? Such value!

Take it, they tell you. I despise collectors who won’t support a friend.

I looked at the collection and didn't know where to stop. I even felt hot. Finally I gathered my courage and took three emblems.

I took the three oldest, peeling emblems, so as not to offend Innokenty Innokentyevich. Then he hesitated and took two better ones: a silver one with a blue spot, the emblem of the Italian Fiat car, and a Czech square plate with a view of the High Tatras mountains - the emblem of the Tatra car.

“Now I’ll wrap them for you,” said Innokenty Innokentyevich.

A funny story of Boris Zbanduto, a student of the sixth “B” grade of one of the Moscow schools. When leaving on a business trip to Siberia, my father entrusted me with buying a gift for my mother’s birthday - he himself did not have time to return for the holiday. So ten rubles fell into my hands. I exchanged ten the next day. My bosom friend Sashka Smolin did not believe that such big money was mine. To prove this, I took him to the cinema. But this story began with the return of Nastya Monakhova to our school. She left for a year - she left as an ugly duckling and returned as a beauty. Sasha and I fell in love with her at the same time. It was because of Nastya that I agreed to become the counselor of the first “A”. When our counselor entrusted me with this important task, the whole class laughed: what kind of counselor am I? Only Nastya said that raising kids to be exemplary Octobrists is a serious matter. These words made me agree. My mother, a physical education teacher and gymnast, was skeptical about this - she considered me a dunce. I myself very quickly forgot about my high mission as a counselor. Meanwhile, “our friendship with Sashka has reached a dead end because of Nastya.” When I talked to her, Sashka’s ruddy face became deathly pale, but my best friend appeared in nightmares. My baby came for me herself. I had to go into their class. I couldn’t remember them all, and rashly promised to reduce the entire first “A” into an automatic photograph. I began to get involved in the fuss with the October students after the big-eyed first-grader Natasha Morozova distracted me from the important football match “sixth B versus sixth A.” The girl was scared of the dog, and I had to take her home. On the way, I learned that Natasha’s mother had died, her father worked as a doctor in Africa, and Natasha herself lived with her retired grandmother. Sashka despised me for a long time because I abandoned the match, and “the first-graders completely defeated me.” I plunged headlong into the problems of the first “A”, while still managing to take Nastya for a walk and spend another ruble from my mother’s gift. Sashka and I decided to “look after Nastya under the cover of complete secrecy,<…>until she falls in love with one of us. The defeated one will proudly leave." It turns out that Nastya was joking when she talked about the importance of the counselor’s work. I even felt a little offended. One day one of my first graders asked me to button his pants. This was the last straw. I wrote a statement that “I am resigning from the high post of counselor because it interferes with my personal life.” Our counselor took my statement, but then my October students attacked me - they started asking me not to leave. In order not to succumb to pity, I began to remember how I separated the fighters and sewed up Natasha’s dress torn by a nail. To my surprise, “all these memories did not arouse in me either protest or indignation.” As a final farewell, I decided to take my students to automatic photography. Entering the first grade, I wrote about this on the board, and suddenly began to remember my first-graders, about their naive and lively faces. The next morning, I not only took the statement from the counselor, but also refused to go to the cinema with Nastya. Nastya went to the cinema with Sashka, and I plunged headlong into fussing with the Octobrists. I spent a few more rubles from the “gift” tenner on automatic photography and pies with jam. And after some time, a scandal broke out, “unexpected and grandiose. They suddenly decided to miserably remove me from the position of counselor.” Just that day I was supposed to take the kids to the circus. I wanted to go to the circus, but ended up with the director. Sitting in the waiting room, I remembered why all this happened. It started with Natasha being scared of a lizard that a classmate slipped into her desk. Then I decided to fight cowardice using scientific methods - I gathered the first-graders at my place and set up a “horror attraction” in a dark room. Streltsova is my “psycho”