Homemade fishing chair. How to choose a fishing chair that is comfortable, inexpensive and reliable

Types of fishing chairs, carp and feeder fishing: features of choice
The standard characteristics of a fishing chair are aimed at ensuring comfort and convenience when fishing different ways. A successful addition to fishing equipment solves the problem of physical overload during the tedious wait for a bite.

Fishermen who have not previously used such devices, but having tried them at least once, immediately feel the difference: their back and legs do not get tired from overexertion, they can wait for a bite in a relaxed state, and their hands are freed up for a while. Manufacturers are constantly improving chair designs, but the characteristics are based on following features:

A standard fishing chair has the following characteristic features:

  1. Light weight.
  2. Small compact dimensions when folded.
  3. Sustainability. And the possibility of installation on slippery types of soil.
  4. Ease of use. This property is achieved by adjusting the legs and back of the throne and its armrests.

Compact when transported when folded. Reliability and stability allow the equipment to be used on various types soil (installation on slopes and coupling on slippery surfaces are taken into account). Additional devices that ensure fishing comfort: armrests, adjustable legs and backrest.

Manufacturers took into account one of the important points when producing equipment: the overall weight of the structure and the reliability of the frame, these are one of the main requirements of fishermen, which they take into account when choosing. Standard fishing chair: selection and characteristics

Experienced fishermen, studying the proposed range of fishing chairs, first of all pay attention to the following features that they have:
Strength and weight. The weight ratio, frame strength, reliability and quality of equipment are taken into account. Possibility of adjusting the height of the legs and the angle of the backrest. This feature is especially important point when fishing with a feeder from various slopes and dams.

Maximum stability

Additional accessories: presence of armrests, cover. The material from which the fishing chair is made takes into account its resistance to corrosive damage in a humid environment. The lack of vehicles that facilitate the delivery of the necessary equipment to the fishing site gives rise to additional requirements: the presence of a belt for ease of transportation, compactness and, of course, lightweight model options that make it possible for long journeys.

Fishing chairs with body kit

Additional equipment in the form of body kits increases the convenience of fishing; this saves fishermen from moving while fishing. A body kit for a fishing chair is the so-called additional devices in the form of holding stands, additional shelves, buckets for bait and a host of other devices, thanks to which you do not need to get up from your chair every time and go to your backpack for the right thing. Many manufacturers use different types of mounts, and when choosing a throne or chair, fishing largely depends on their stability and reliability. What points are considered first when choosing body kits:

Availability of a table for attachment. How larger area table surface, the more convenient it is to do work in a sitting position. Stand for fixing fishing rods. While in a sitting position, it is difficult to constantly hold the rod suspended in your hand; by improving the fishing chair, fishing will relieve you of unnecessary strain, especially if the bite is weak. As practice shows, the best option is holders with two attachment points: they provide rigidity of retention.

Buckets for bait. When fishing with a feeder, this is a very convenient device that eliminates unnecessary movements when filling feeder feeders. When purchasing even a simple chair, you need to pay attention to the possibility of modernization in the future with various devices. When choosing a chair with body kits, the important technical parameters remain the same: lightness, compactness, stability and reliability.

Choosing the right fishing chair model

When choosing the right chair, carp and feeder fishing are the most popular types of fishing. When purchasing foreign equipment, many fishermen cannot independently make a choice in favor of one model or another if they have not used such equipment before. The most topical issue When choosing a fishing chair, the topic is which ones are the best and which manufacturer to give preference to.

The market is overflowing with various fishing products and competition between manufacturing companies only benefits the consumer: there is a choice and the range provided is amazing in its diversity. Mixed with cheap Chinese counterfeits, which rarely survive until the end of the season, their goods are provided by serious manufacturers, whose prices are naturally higher, as is the quality of their products.

Listing the models of chairs that have won the trust of fishermen, we will highlight the main, most popular:

  • Korum Accessory Chair. The model is intended for feeder fishing; when folded it is 20 cm thick, and when unfolded it is 95 cm in height. The total weight of the chair is 6 kg, adjustment of the legs and back makes it possible to fish in any conditions, it is possible to use suspensions. The material from which the chair is made is of very high quality, as is the equipment itself. The set includes a special strap for transportation. A comfortable seat (depth 43 cm and width 47 cm, with a back height of 55 cm) allows you to feel as comfortable as possible while fishing. It is popular among fishermen who do not have transport for transportation.
  • Armchair Norfin. It has a lot of varieties of models, the lightest in weight (from 2.9 kg), made of aluminum and other anti-corrosion material, and are very popular among “horseless” fishermen. It has various design options: height-adjustable legs and backrests, and regular folding ones with a reinforced frame.
  • Model Norfin Windsor. One of the most popular types of folding and adjustable leg height and backrest slope for carp and feeder fishing. With a weight of 7.3 kg, it can withstand a load of 200 kg. It is possible to use various types suspensions, super stable, chair best option for catching fish on any ground slope.
  • Chair A new product from the manufacturer Norfin, many of the shortcomings that exist in previously released models are taken into account. The chair is designed for feeder fishing and has an improved design with many different adjustments. The total weight of the chair is 7.9 kg, it can be installed almost anywhere in the pond: the massiveness and design of the frame ensures maximum stability. The model is already popular among fishermen with personal transport.

When choosing the equipment you need, it is important not to make a mistake: when buying inexpensive models from an unknown manufacturer (this is especially true for unknown Chinese cooperatives), the goal of which is to make the most money with minimal quality equipment, buyers are taking a big risk.

Fishermen who buy cheap Chinese chairs have every chance of not surviving with such equipment until the end of the fishing season, while when purchasing a product from a well-known manufacturer, you can safely count on several years of flawless operation in any weather conditions.

Feeder chair

Any fishing enthusiast will agree that, no matter how exciting fishing is, staying in one position for a long time causes discomfort. Of course, you can simply sit on the grass or snags, but in this position your legs will quickly become numb and your back will begin to ache. To have everything you need at hand and at the same time relax, you can make a feeder chair with your own hands. It's not as difficult as it might seem. The main advantage is that you can save money.

To make such a seat for feeder fishing, you will need materials that are probably available in any garage or shed. You may have to buy a few things, but the costs will not be as high as if you wanted to buy a folding chair in a store.

What should a feeder chair be like?

A comfortable chair for fishing is, so to speak, “ workplace» fisherman. This means it should be comfortable.

Such a seat must have the following characteristics:

  • light weight;
  • compactness;
  • sustainability;
  • Possibility of adjusting the back and legs.

Thus, the main requirement is convenience and safety of use. To catch a big trophy, you often have to wait a long time. Of course, doing this in a chair is much more convenient than standing. The same can be said about tying leashes, attaching feeders and fishing for the catch. If the legs and back are adjustable, this will allow you to take a comfortable position and relieve your back. If you are going fishing on foot, the chair should be lightweight and equipped with a wide shoulder strap.

The simplest option

How to make such a fishing seat with your own hands? If you're happy with a simple design, here's how to make one:

  1. Decide on the sizes that are right for you.
  2. Make the corresponding drawings.
  3. Take two closed rectangular metal pipes.
  4. Connect them crosswise with a bolt and nut.
  5. Sew a seat from a wide double strip of tarpaulin on top.
  6. Make a limiter at the bottom from a thin double strip of fabric.
  7. Attach another one to one of the arcs, which will act as a backrest.

This is the easiest option for making a folding bed. Although it is important to take into account that its back when unfolded will be in one position.

And here, for example, is a hybrid of a platform and a broken car seat:

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Photo 7

Additional accessories

Some store models have armrests. Fishermen differ regarding their necessity, as such additions may restrict movement. In short, if you want to make the seat yourself, take this point into account.

Of course, every fisherman has many things that he needs to take with him. Therefore, a feature of feeder chairs is the presence of attachments. This is really convenient, since everything you need will always be at hand. You won’t have to bend down to the ground to pick up jars and bags, because they are located on a special stand. The harness can also be used to fix the rod in the most convenient position.

DIY body kit

Body kit for fishing chair

You can also easily make a homemade body kit for the feeder chair. To do this, you will need plastic plumbing fittings, pipe fasteners, and the aluminum pipes themselves.

Design of the base for the drawer To attach to the legs, the fittings need to be drilled to 26 mm. At the bottom of the drawer, 4 latches are screwed under the pipe.
Collapsible frame assembly Rod butt holder Homemade body kit for a chair

There are many design options, and you can choose the one that is most convenient for you. The tubes are connected with fittings (angles or tees) and attached to the legs of the chair. The body kit made in this way is foldable, so you can simply take its parts with you and assemble it on site. The advantage of such homemade products is that they can be made to suit every taste. And you won’t have to spend a lot on purchasing store-bought products.

A standard fishing chair has the following characteristic features:

  • Light weight.
  • Small compact dimensions when folded.
  • Sustainability. And the possibility of installation on slippery types of soil.
  • Ease of use. This property is achieved by adjusting the legs and back of the chair and its armrests.

However, here everything is good in moderation! Thus, many fishermen claim that armrests only interfere with active fishing.
Low cost compared to chairs that provide the possibility of placing a body kit.

Thus, the main advantage of a fishing chair is convenience (not to mention the seditious word “comfort” for many fishermen) when fishing. After all, the main thing in it is not to find difficulties for yourself, but to receive pleasure from this process.

Thus, many fishermen are familiar with long night waits for a bite of a large trophy. And the comparison of how to expect it - standing, sitting on a slippery cold stone or sitting in a comfortable chair, is clearly in favor of the latter option.

In addition, we must not forget that the fishing process consists not only of casting a feeder or carp rod and landing fish, but also of equipping equipment, such as stuffing feeders, knitting leashes, etc. All this is much more convenient and faster to do while sitting, rather than standing, bending over this very table.

Choosing a Standard Fishing Chair

Regarding the rules for choosing the right chair for you, its main characteristics include those already mentioned by us:

  • The chair is light in weight (but at the same time it is durable - it must be guaranteed to withstand your weight).
  • There is a function for adjusting the chair legs. This quality can be especially appreciated when fishing with a feeder from an inclined dam.
  • The presence of an adjustable backrest, which will allow you to relieve your back as much as possible while fishing.
  • High degree of chair stability.
  • Includes a durable case with a shoulder strap for carrying.

To these parameters, perhaps, we can only add that the material from which your “workplace” is made should not be subject to corrosion.

If you don’t have a car and have to go fishing on foot, then the Lightweight Chair Korum model is the best choice. This chair is the lightest of all Corum chairs (weighs only 4.5 kg), and it is also equipped with a wide shoulder strap for carrying. This model has 4 independent adjustable legs, which allows you to install it on any surface.

The only drawback of the chair is the lack of backrest adjustment, but this drawback is fully compensated by the cheapness of the chair.
The more expensive Standart Chair Korum model is perhaps the best in terms of price-quality ratio. The large backrest angle allows the fisherman to easily choose the most comfortable position for his back. This model is most popular among fishing enthusiasts.

Fishing chairs with body kit

The next step in improving the convenience of fishing will be the use of body kits, i.e. additional attachments installed on the chair frame to eliminate unnecessary movements during the fishing process.

Indeed, any fisherman knows from his own experience how inconvenient it is, upon arriving at a place, to take out numerous jars of bloodworms and worms, plastic bags with bait and other numerous “small things” from the vast pockets of a backpack. It is usually placed on the ground, and during fishing you have to constantly bend over to follow it.

And so, in order to save the fisherman from additional efforts, which also take up a lot of precious time, all these attached “bells and whistles” were invented. Let's consider them in order of importance, based, at the same time, on the equipment of the above-mentioned companies Preston and Corum, since they are the ones that are most widespread among fans of feeder fishing and carp anglers.

The main accessory among body kits is a holding stand for fixing a feeder or carp fishing rod in various positions, the so-called Feeder Arm. Such a stand essentially replaces the fisherman’s hand, so the high demands placed on it are understandable.

Firstly, it must be very stable in the desired position (selected depending on the wind, current and other factors), and secondly, it must be sensitive to any, even weak, bites. According to many experienced fishermen, the best choice here is the Feeder Arm with two mounting points.

The next working part of the body kit- This is a nozzle table, the area of ​​which is never too large. After all, it contains not only a nozzle, but also such necessary accessories as leashes, feeders, an extractor, and you can’t count everything!

For example, we can recommend the Preston Side tray set. This table, in addition to having a fairly large usable area, is also equipped with additional containers for placing the necessary accessories.

A very useful part of the body kit- a bucket for bait on a special frame. Structurally, the frame with the bucket is placed in front of the fisherman, which greatly saves his time. Pulling it out, the fisherman immediately lowers it into the bucket (without making any extra bends), and throws it again. The lower back working in such comfort will be very grateful to the owner, especially during a long fishing trip.

Rules for choosing a chair with body kits are no different from those for simple chairs. It's all the same lightness, strength, stability and ease of use. My only advice is that when buying even a simple chair, be sure to pay attention to the possibility of its further modernization, for example, the possibility of installing body kits.

From this point of view, for example, I do not recommend purchasing chairs from little-known or Chinese manufacturers, even despite their relative cheapness. After all, the design of these chairs does not consider the theme of body kits, which, in our opinion, significantly reduces their value.

Polyansky Andrey Vladimirovich- Especially for, Odessa, Ukraine