How to set up your child’s smartphone for safe browsing on the Internet. Free protection for children from unwanted content on the Internet Install Safe Internet for children on your phone

The smartphone has long become a common thing not only in the hands of an adult, but also a child. Many children receive their first mobile phone almost from the first grade in order to always stay in touch with their parents. In addition, a smartphone is not only a means for making calls, but also a fairly powerful educational and gaming platform.

However, a multifunctional gadget in the hands of a minor can also become a source of problems associated with visiting unwanted sites on the Internet or downloading malware. Therefore, the Android system provides the ability to set parental controls on a child’s phone.

Main features of parental controls:

  • Protecting children from negative web content (violence and pornography);
  • Prohibition on downloading paid programs;
  • Protection against harmful viruses that can enter the phone along with applications from unreliable sources;
  • Limiting the time a child spends playing.

Parents can limit their child’s access to certain phone functions through the Android settings, the Google Play store, and by installing special applications that are installed on the mobile device.

Method 1. Parental control settings in Android

To make the gadget as safe as possible for your child, just set up user access restrictions:

  • Open Android settings;
  • Select Users;
  • Click on the Add user command;
  • Set restrictions on the guest account.

The child will be able to choose which applications will be installed on his desktop, but parents will control access to them. For example, you can restrict access to the browser or assign a password to the Google Play store.

By setting up parental controls, adults can provide their child with the most useful educational apps, which will be excellent helpers for him in school lessons and when doing homework.

Method 2: Google Play Settings

To prevent a child from downloading everything from the shelves of the Google virtual store, parents just need to enable the “Parental Controls” function in the Google Play application itself:

  • Open the app store;
  • Go to settings;
  • Select “Parental Control”;
  • Set and confirm your PIN code.

After this, Google Play gives you the opportunity to configure content filtering. Games, apps and movies have rating restrictions ranging from 0 to 18 years. And a checkbox in the “Music” section prohibits downloading songs with profanity.

Method 3. Applications

Parents who are worried about how to control their child's phone can take advantage of the features of special applications. Google Play has several popular and convenient parental control programs:

  • Screen Time Parental Controls;
  • Kid's Shell;

Screen Time Parental Controls

The Screen Time app will help parents manage the time their child spends on their smartphone. The program consists of two parts: the main application and the Screen Time Companion add-on, which is installed on the child’s mobile device.

After this, adults can monitor all activity on their son or daughter’s phone: what games the child is playing, how much time he devotes to entertainment applications, what he is watching or listening to.

Among the main functions of the Screen Time application are:

  • Setting the operating time of applications;
  • Blocking certain applications;
  • Ban on access to social networks during school hours;
  • Adding additional minutes of program operation.

Thus, if a child, as they say, is stuck on the phone instead of studying or having lunch, parents just need to press the necessary buttons in the application on their gadget several times, without taking away the teenager’s favorite mobile phone.

Kid's Shell

Kids's Shell is a launcher for launching only authorized applications and games on the phone. With its help, a kind of safe zone is created in the child’s mobile phone. The launcher can also be installed on the parent’s phone, to which the child has access. In this case, calls and SMS are blocked , as well as access to Google Play.

Basic functions of Kid's Shell

  • Children's mode, in which only applications selected by parents are launched;
  • Blocking transitions to Google Play, as well as advertising links and banners;
  • Prohibition on purchases within installed programs;
  • Setting a mathematical password to exit the shell.

In the PRO version for 200 rubles, the functionality of the application expands to prohibit Internet access, configure desktops, set the operating time of the smartphone, as well as a built-in player with content useful for children.

YouTube Kids is a special application that contains entertaining and educational videos. Moreover, if parents do not like any video, they just need to click on the “Complain” button, and the specified video will be removed from the program.

All videos in the application are divided into four categories:

  • Music;
  • Education;
  • Kaleidoscope.

Thanks to the large buttons, even the smallest users can operate the interface. Also a smartphone with installed program You can connect it to your TV and watch videos on the big screen.

Special settings for adults will allow you to disable the search function so that the child watches only the video on the main screen, and will also limit the operating time of the program.

Safe Lagoon is a universal parental control application. To use it, just follow these simple steps:

  • Download Safe Lagoon onto your child's device;
  • Create a parent profile;
  • Set up security;
  • Install Lagoon for parents or go to your profile on the website.

In the profile, parents can monitor the child’s activity on the Web and applications, set a limit on working with programs, and even set a geo-perimeter, within which dad and mom will always be able to see where their child is and will receive a notification if he has gone beyond a certain limit. territories.

How to choose a smartphone for parental control

Before setting up parental controls on a child's phone, adults should take care to provide their child with a reliable and inexpensive gadget for studying and playing.

If we are talking about a smartphone for a schoolchild, the following characteristics of the device should be taken into account:

  • Price. A smartphone should not be too expensive, since children have a habit of often breaking even their most favorite toys;
  • Functionality. Game and educational applications, as well as special shells for parental control with the programs they contain, should run without problems on the child’s mobile device;
  • Small dimensions. For children from 7 to 14 years old, it is advisable to purchase light and compact smartphones for more comfortable use.

You can read more about the parameters that parents should pay attention to when looking for a mobile gadget for their child in the article “How to choose the best smartphone for a schoolchild.”

So that the child is provided with multifunctional mobile device which parents could control using apps and special settings, we recommend paying attention to the model from the British company Fly - smartphone Nimbus 11.

It is worth noting that for 14 years, Fly has been consistently providing consumers with powerful, productive and affordable smartphones. In this case, a suitable model can be selected for both adults and children.

Fly Nimbus 11 may well become a child’s first smartphone that will serve him faithfully for many years, educate, inspire, entertain and open up little man the door to the world of high technology.

For very little money - only 3,790 rubles - adults will be able to provide their child with a convenient and lightweight smartphone with extremely comfortable dimensions: 132.9 x 67.3 x 10.2 mm. The 4.5-inch screen perfectly displays videos and interfaces for entertainment and educational applications.

You can easily install the most convenient parental control applications on your Fly Nimbus 11 smartphone, including launchers with selected software. A powerful 1.1 GHz 4-core processor and 1 GB of RAM are responsible for stable operation here. And so that the child can easily communicate with his friends on social networks (of course, not during school classes or homework), the smartphone has a module installed high-speed 4G LTE connection.

One of the problems that parents are forced to solve is their child’s access to a computer and the Internet. How much time can a child spend in front of a monitor screen? How long is he allowed to play games? How to make your little user’s time on the Internet safe? Each family answers these and many other questions for itself. However, the fact that the problem of parental controls has long been common is evidenced by the fact that tools for restricting access to applications, games and sites were included in Windows Vista. Similar tools have recently appeared in many comprehensive security applications, for example, Norton Internet Security and Kaspersky Internet Security. There are also special programs, intended solely for parental control. If a few years ago almost all of them were English-speaking, today it is not a problem to find an application developed specifically for Russian-speaking users, which undoubtedly indicates that there is a demand for such solutions.

Parental Controls in Windows Vista

If you are using at home Windows computer Vista, you can use built-in parental controls.

To do this, the child must have their own account created. It is clear that you do not need to assign administrator rights to it. Next, you need to go to the Control Panel and in the “User Accounts” section, click on the “Set parent controls” link. Next, you need to select the user for whom restrictions will be enabled, and in the “Parental Controls” group, set the switch to the “On” position.

Windows Vista makes it possible to control your child's computer use in four ways: limit the time he spends in front of the monitor screen, block access to certain sites and other Internet services, and prohibit the launch of certain games and programs. In the “Restrictions on Internet Use” section, rules for a child’s access to Internet resources are established, and you can also prohibit downloading files.

Enabled by default average level protection, which includes a filter for sites dedicated to weapons, drugs, pornographic content and containing obscene language. By selecting a custom protection level, you can add sites about alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, as well as those sites whose content the filter cannot evaluate automatically. The most severe restrictions on web content occur when using high level protection, when a child can only visit sites that are identified by the filter as “children’s”. Regardless of which content filtering mode is selected, you can create a black and white list of sites, that is, determine which resources a child can or cannot access, regardless of the automatic filter settings. Since the filter does not always work, it is very useful to keep the activity tracking function turned on. In this case, Windows will save the addresses of all sites that the child viewed. If an unwanted address is found in the generated report, it can be added to the blacklist. The time limit settings for computer use are very simple. There is a grid that looks like a school schedule, in which the parent indicates the hours during which access to the computer is prohibited for the child. Restrictions are set separately by day of the week.

In the "Games" section, restrictions on launching games are set. Let us note right away that you should not rely on this section of the settings, since Vista does not perceive some games as such, mistaking them for ordinary applications. The same applies to rating restrictions. In theory, you can specify a rating for games that a child cannot play, but in practice, a child may be running a game that won't be found in the Vista database. That is why it is much safer to use the “Allow or block individual programs” section. It displays all the applications that are installed on the computer, and parents can mark those that the child is allowed to run. You can add a program to the list manually. This approach is good because the child will not be able to launch, for example, a new game that he borrowed from a classmate without showing it to you.

Parental controls in Kaspersky Internet Security

Parental controls can often be found in online safety apps. Let's take the Parental Control module in Kaspersky Internet Security 7 as an example. When parental control is enabled, all users are assigned the “Child” profile and, accordingly, the restrictions set for it in the program settings are set.

The second profile - "Parent" - allows you to freely surf the Internet, without restrictions, without turning off parental controls. The first thing you need to do when setting up this module is to select the “Parent” profile and set a password for it. After this, you can turn off parental controls or switch to the “Parent” profile only after entering your password. Using Kaspersky Internet Security 7, you can configure access rights to certain sites, mail and other Internet services. Parents can select categories of sites that the child will not be able to access, and prohibit his communication by mail and chats. In addition, you can create black and white lists of resources.

Another option for parental control is limiting the amount of time you can use the Internet. You can set a daily limit for staying on the Internet or set the hours during which you are allowed to use the Internet. However, unfortunately, there is no provision for changing these settings depending on the days of the week.

If a child tries to access a prohibited page, a message is displayed that the site is blocked.

All pages that are visited by a child when parental controls are enabled are recorded in the report. Kaspersky Internet Security 7 does not have the ability to restrict computer work in general, but the program can be successfully used in conjunction with applications such as CyberMama.


Developer: Cybermama
Distribution size: 3 MB

"CyberMama", unlike Kaspersky Internet Security 7, allows you to control the time a child spends on the computer, but does not have tools for filtering web content. After launching "CyberMom", the computer can operate in one of two modes - "parent" and "child". When you first start it, the “parent” mode is set and you can enter a password. It is this set of characters that will be used to unlock the computer after the time allotted for the child to work with it has expired. Using "CyberMom" you can set restrictions on working with the computer, as well as prohibit the launch of certain applications. The parameters responsible for time limits are quite flexible. A schedule is selected separately for working days, as well as for weekends and holidays. In the program settings there is a calendar in which you can mark all holidays. A very thoughtful decision, considering that each country has its own holidays.

Parents can decide how many hours a day the child can work on the computer, allow or prohibit the use of the Internet. In addition, you can allow the use of the PC only during certain periods of time, and for each of such periods, allow or deny access to the Internet. Everyone knows that you need to take breaks while working at the computer, but not everyone adheres to this rule. Meanwhile, this is especially important for a child’s body. Using CyberMom, parents can set the frequency of breaks (for example, every 45 minutes) and their duration. During this time, the computer will be locked. Regarding launching applications, “CyberMama” provides two modes of operation: when the child can launch all programs except those that are blacklisted, and when he can launch only those applications that are whitelisted.

When you switch to “child” mode, an alarm clock icon appears at the bottom of the screen. It shows the child how much time he can still use the computer. However, if desired, the child can disable it by right-clicking on the program icon.

The child can also look at his work schedule - how long he can still work, how long the break will last, etc.

Five minutes before the allowed time expires, a warning appears on the screen reminding you to save all documents. When the program is running in "child" mode, it is impossible to close it from the task manager window - it immediately starts again. Attempts to turn time back are also unsuccessful. Moreover, if a child tries to do something similar, the strict “CyberMom” will immediately record these actions in a report, which the parents will then view. Rebooting does not help get rid of the program either - “CyberMama” remembers that the allowed time has already expired and blocks the computer immediately after startup.

KidsControl 1.6

Developer: YapSoft
Distribution size: 4.4 MB
Distribution: shareware
The purpose of KidsControl is to control the time a child spends on the Internet. The peculiarity of the program is that if a prohibited site is detected or an attempt is made to access the Internet at the wrong time, the child will not be able to load the web page. In other words, the program does not reveal itself in any way - it does not show any warning messages, does not say that the page is blocked, etc., it just displays a blank “Server not found” page in the browser. KidsControl consists of two modules - the application itself, which is responsible for blocking sites, and the control panel. To enter the control panel, a code is used (yes, it’s a code, not a password). The control panel login window contains buttons from zero to nine, with which you can set the access code. This was done to prevent possible password interception by keyloggers.

The control panel provides several profiles - “child” and “no restrictions”; you can also set profiles for other family members. If a code is not entered when starting KidsControl, the program will start with the “child” profile; to switch to another profile, you need to enter a certain combination of numbers. The code for accessing the control panel and for activating the “without restrictions” profile and others are different things; each profile has its own combination of numbers for access. For a child, KidsControl provides the following restrictions: a web filter by category, black and white lists of sites, a time limit on working on the Internet, and a ban on downloading certain types of files.

Despite the fact that the web filter, according to the developers, is based on a directory consisting of a million sites, our testing showed that it can hardly be relied on. By turning on all filter categories, which even included video and music sites, we freely opened resources from the first page of Google search for the query “mp3”. Pages found for the query “porn” also opened without problems. Therefore, KidsControl is best used in conjunction with Kaspersky Internet Security 7, where the filters are more stringent.

Limiting work on the Internet by time works more correctly - during prohibited hours it is impossible to open a web page or even check email. However, the bad thing is that there is only the ability to create a work schedule, and it is impossible to set the total number of hours that a child can spend on the Internet per day.

Black and white lists work a little differently than in other programs. If you create a white list of sites, this will not mean that the child will be able to visit only these resources, just such pages will not be blocked. When creating a black and white list of sites, you can use the "*" symbol. For example, if you blacklist the string “*tube*”, then the child will not be able to access either Youtube, Rutube, or any other sites whose names contain this combination of characters. However, if you whitelist, it will not be blocked. Finally, it's worth talking about download restrictions different types files. Our testing showed that it works quite correctly, but it would be nice to add the ability to add prohibited file types manually. For example, KidsControl has the ability to block the downloading of ZIP files, but RAR archives can be downloaded without problems.

Time Boss 2.34

Developer: NiceKit
Distribution size: 1.6 MB
Distribution: shareware
Time Boss, as well as standard Windows tool, allows you to set account-based restrictions. The program window displays a list of all users who have access to the computer. For each account, you can define the account type - “Boss” or “Slave”.

Time Boss makes it possible to limit the time you use your computer, time spent on the Internet, and also create a list of prohibited programs and folders. The tools for limiting work time are quite flexible - you can set how many hours the user can work per day or per week, specify the hours during which the computer can be used, and create a schedule by day of the week. There are also separate buttons for quickly adding bonus time for the current day or for the weekend. Similar restrictions can be set for working on the Internet. It should be taken into account that by default the program perceives only Internet Explorer, Opera and Firefox browsers as Internet applications; all others must be added manually in the program settings. True, there is a checkbox to automatically detect applications that use the Internet, but it’s better to be safe. One of the interesting features of Time Boss is the ability to set the time for using a specific application. With its help, you can limit the time your child spends playing computer games. Time Boss allows you to set system limits. These include: a ban on using the system registry, control panel, task manager, changing the date and time, downloading files through Internet Explorer. In addition, you can disable the ability to search and run applications from the Start menu and set restrictions on access to disks.

Depending on the administrator's preferences, Time Boss can operate in one of two modes - normal and invisible. In the first, the user sees how much time is allotted for him to work by clicking on the icon in the taskbar, but in the “Invisible” mode the program does not reveal itself at all. To alert the user that the time limit has expired, you can enable alerts that will appear five minutes before the end of the allowed time. The warning can be displayed as a text message, picture, or as a system error.

A separate section – “Prizes” – is designed to add additional time to the user while working with the computer or the Internet. If you check the “Disable time limits” checkbox in the prize parameters, the user will be able to use the computer and the Internet, regardless of the set schedule. Time Boss keeps detailed statistics of each user's work on the computer and presents it in a visual form. In the Log you can view all the actions performed by users, and it is possible to filter the logs. For example, only attempts to access prohibited sites or a list of running programs can be displayed. In addition, statistics on computer and Internet use are provided in text and graphic form.

It is worth noting a very useful ability to create screenshots. Time Boss will take screenshots at set intervals, which can then be viewed in a log. For convenience, you can start a slide show by setting the time for each photo to be displayed on the screen.

However, it is necessary to take into account that by default, screenshots are saved in a very unreliable place - in the Screenshots folder, which is placed in the Time Boss installation directory. To prevent the users you are monitoring from detecting it, you should specify more safe place, and also deny everyone access to this folder. Finally, it is worth noting that getting rid of Time Boss is very difficult - the program is not removed from Startup; when the process is completed, it immediately restarts. To unload it, you need to click the "Prepare for deletion" button in the settings.


Of course, children are sometimes much smarter than their parents, and there is probably no way to stop them from finding a way around the restrictions. Therefore, you should not rely entirely on programs for providing parental control; they will not replace conversations with mom and dad about the rules of behavior on the Internet and why you need a computer. On the other hand, they can become excellent educational assistants, and in combination with live communication about the benefits and harms of a computer, they can provide excellent results.

MegaFon allows parents to protect their children from unwanted sites using a special service “ Children's Internet" Thanks to the option, the child will be able to surf the Internet only on those sites whose access is on the white list. In other words, a child can access those sites that have been rated by experts as . The number of resources for use exceeds 500 million sites. In addition, 100 thousand new sites are added every day.

It is worth noting that this option is good specifically for small children. The service was created to prevent children from accessing prohibited sites.

Do you really want unlimited Internet? Service!

More details about the service

To use the service correctly, you will need to install special certificates on those devices on which the option will be used. These certificates can be downloaded from the official website. Also provided on the site detailed description to install a certificate for each individual device.

The Children's Internet service has some limitations, namely, it cannot function along with some other services from MegaFon. More details can be found from the operator or on the company’s website. As for use, you can connect the option anywhere in Russia. The function also applies throughout the country, but there is no guarantee that it will work correctly in national roaming. Subscribers can be 100% confident that the option will work on their home network. It is worth noting that the terms and conditions will not apply to international roaming.

The activated option cannot be used with browsers such as Opera Mini or Opera Turbo. In addition, those browsers that operate using similar technology are also not supported. For correct operation, you will need to use other types of browsers, for example, Firefox.

Parents who have installed this option should be aware that they will not be able to deactivate it themselves. Since there are no commands or sending messages to disable it, you also cannot disable the service through your personal account. Parents who use the service are advised to set a special password during connection, which must be mentioned when disconnecting.

The option will work on any devices that can be equipped with a MegaFon SIM card. If we talk about the cost, then there is no fee for activating the service, which is positive factor. But subscribers will need to pay a subscription fee of 2 rubles every day. Thus, the monthly fee for “Children’s Internet” will be 60 rubles. At the same time, access is not limited and is unlimited.

How to activate the service

First of all, please note that people who have reached 18 years of age can activate this service. Accordingly, those who have a passport. To activate, you will need to use one of the convenient methods:

  1. The simplest is to send a service request to the operator. To do this, enter *580*1# on your device . After entering, you need to make a call. Next, the request will be sent, and after some time the client will receive a notification about the successful activation of the service.
  2. No less simple method is to send a text message to a telecom operator. To do this, write the word “ON” in the body of the letter and send it to 5800. As confirmation of activation, the subscriber will receive a counter message with the necessary information.
  3. Another method of self-activation is to use your personal account on the company website. To do this, you will need to complete a short registration and receive a login password. Then, in the services tab, find the desired option and connect it by clicking on the desired button.
  4. If you cannot install the service yourself, then it is recommended to take your passport and go to the MegaFon company salon. After confirming your identity, experienced specialists will be able to connect the service and configure it for correct operation.
  5. You can also activate the service through the help desk. To do this, you need to call 0500. After the operator answers, ask him to connect the service. It is possible that the operator will ask you to announce the number and series of your passport or give the code word that was indicated when registering the SIM card.

How to disable Children's Internet on MegaFon

There are much fewer methods available for deactivating the service. This is done for safety so that children cannot disable the option on their own. So, to disable it you should:

  • Contact the MegaFon brand store and ask a specialist to deactivate the service assigned to the number. This method will require a document that can confirm your identity.
  • You can dial a support operator by calling 0505. This number is suitable for MegaFon clients. If you make a call from another operator's number or from a landline phone, you need to use 88005500500. After the operator answers, ask him to deactivate the service. To successfully complete the procedure, the operator may require you to provide the code and passport data.

Finally, it should be noted that the information is presented for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Subscribers in other regions are recommended to detail payment information on the company’s website or from their mobile operator.

For modern children, figuring out how to use the Internet and a smartphone is simple and quick. Fortunately, it’s also not difficult to protect your child from “18+” materials, of which there is by no means a small amount on the Internet. Operators have services for setting up the use of gadgets by children. We will look at their capabilities using the example of the MTS Internet Control service.

Closing access to sites

“He will climb anywhere” is the main fear of a parent whose child uses the network. There is only one way out - content filtering. "" has five safety modes for each age. Options are available from the strictest “Under 7 years”, with access to a very limited list of children’s sites and safe search, to “Adult”, where the list of allowed sites is significantly expanded, but sites of dangerous categories are still blocked. In “Personal” mode, you can independently “close” different categories of sites, enable safe search mode in Yandex, Google and YouTube. If you want to allow the use of a resource blocked by the system, create your own “white” list.

Security Modes

Site groups

Setting a schedule

Setting up an access schedule will help you avoid “just five more minutes, please” and resolve the issue of school breaks without leaving the screen. In the MTS service, you can select days of the week and times when access to the Internet will be completely prohibited. During “X” hours and days, for example, on weekdays, the child will not be able to access the network at all; at other times, for example, on weekend evenings, he will use it in accordance with the configured filtering type.

Access schedule

Let's start a magazine

“Internet Control” allows you to view detailed statistics on your child’s Internet use. According to the selected schedule, reports can be sent to your e-mail with information about when, what sites and how many times the child visited. To do this, you will need to establish an extended link between the number of the child and the parent, which we will discuss in detail below.


Date and time of visits

Another option for the service is to disable downloading files to your smartphone or select allowed categories - images, audio files, video files or documents.

How to set this up?

You can secure your child's smartphone in a couple of minutes. To do this, you will need yourself (the device, not the child), your phone and a computer.

1. The easiest option is to dial the command on your phone *111*1116*1# In response, you will receive an SMS about connection to the “Internet Control” service number. Parent". There are two types of connections possible between the numbers of the parent and the child:

  • a basic bundle that allows you to manage the settings of your child’s device. To install, you need confirmation via a service SMS message;
  • In addition to managing settings, the extended link allows you to view the history of sites viewed and blocked as part of the service. The numbers of the parent and child must be registered to the same personal account or to the same subscriber (verification using the passport data of the number owner). Verification takes up to three days.

2. Now head to Personal Area MTS to send a request to connect the service to your child. Select the “Service Management” section, “Internet” and follow the “ ” link. The window for adding a child’s number is hard to miss. If it is registered to you, select “Advanced Communication” and get the opportunity not only to set rules for using the Internet, but also to view statistics of visits and downloads.

Select a service

Selecting a bundle type

An SMS message will be sent to your son or daughter’s number asking you to confirm your consent to the combination of numbers. After sending a response with the text “Yes”, you can proceed to setting up the rules.

Children's Internet filter that works in all browsers and blocks unverified sites, preventing children from viewing them.

In essence, CyberDad is an Internet filter aimed at children 6-14 years old. When activated, it redirects all traffic through its proxy servers and provides the child with a completely secure web interface with its own search service based on whitelist technology.

The work of CyberDad can be compared with the work of another popular web filter - NetPolice (targeted at older children and even adults :)).

Comparison of the children's browser CyberPapa with the paid analogue NetPolice

Perhaps the only drawback of CyberDad is the lack of statistics on the web pages visited by the child. But there is no need to worry too much here - all unwanted sites are simply blocked, and you can only visit authorized and verified Internet pages.

Installing CyberDaddy

CyberPapa is installed using a standard installer. Run the file with the extension .msi and follow the wizard's instructions. After the installation is complete, we will be asked to restart the computer for the changes to take effect:

Create an account

After the reboot we will need to create our own account. To register, you need to specify your E-Mail and enter a password twice, which will be used to enable/disable traffic filtering.

After filling out all the fields, click the “Register” button, and if everything is done correctly, we will see the following message:

Click the “Yes” button and the filter is activated!

Program interface

And today, from this article, we learned about another program (CyberPapa), which works on a similar principle, but at the same time allows you to use any web browser installed on your PC.

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.