What names attract happiness, luck and money. The happiest male and female names. What is the happiest female name?

There are names endowed with special positive energy. Just think about it, they themselves mean “happiness”, “joy”, “light”, etc.! How it works? We hear our name dozens of times a day and receive positive signals at the subconscious level. So what names program for a happy destiny?

! The influence of a name on a person’s fate has worried people since ancient times. And our compatriot, academician Boris Khigir, devoted more than 30 years to studying the phenomenon of the name. His books are published in millions of copies!


(Greek: shining, jubilant, joyful)

IN Greek mythology was the name of one of the three grace goddesses. A strong name belonging to ambitious, persistent women, with a powerful intellect and an enviable, simply sizzling temperament. Their character manifests itself in early childhood - little Aglashes are purposeful, striving for victory. The meaning of the name fully corresponds to the girl’s appearance. Aglaya is very beautiful and is well aware of the power of her charms.

Aglais are realized both in creative professions and in business. Natural charm allows you to conquer both the picky jury and the most severe partners and achieve the signing of the most profitable contracts.


(Heb. grace, gracious)

Annushka's kindness knows no bounds! And people love and appreciate her. A needlewoman, she inspires admiration among her friends and shines in the world with the outfits she sews herself. Anna knows how to dress beautifully and does her make-up and hairstyle with taste. Her intuition allows her to understand people, and she surrounds herself with truly loyal friends. Devoted wives, loving mothers and good mothers-in-law - Anna is happy and in family life.

Please note that Annas are found in all the monarchical courts of Europe. And in church calendar 30 (!) Saint Annes are noted.


(Greek: blooming)

Anfisa is a beautiful, gentle, sensual girl. At the first meeting she literally falls in love with herself. She attracts you not only with her elegant appearance, but also with her energetic character, witty conversation, and manners. It is impossible to imagine her without stiletto heels, flawless makeup and a stylish hairstyle.

Unpredictable and manages to subordinate strangers to personal plans and desires.

Well-read, educated and erudite. Such a girl sometimes becomes a famous businesswoman and gains widespread public recognition.


(lat. happy)

Women with this name are extremely attractive, from a young age to old age they enjoy great success with men and know how to perfectly lure them into their networks. Everything they do is very unobtrusive, feminine and sexy. Beata is a good actress, which is why people fall under the influence of such a girl without even noticing. They feel great in the role of beautiful seductiveness, even if they do not start a family. Beate finds it difficult to belong to just one person.


(pers. possessor of good or winner)

The most common Persian version of the origin, according to which it was formed from the name Dareios and means “owner of good,” “possessor, possessor of good.” Another option - translated from ancient Greek, the name means winner.

Daria has a strong will, determination, and intelligence. From a young age he has been participating in all sorts of competitions and winning. Lives in the present and looks to the future. Energetic, active takes over both in the profession and in family life.


(Greek: sunny, light, shining)

Elena the Beautiful goes through life with ease! He almost always achieves his goals using considerable mental resourcefulness and assertiveness. She is able to attract someone in her direction so easily and naturally that you won’t even notice it. Since childhood, she has had good intuition, which she listens to throughout her life, and this brings her good luck!

Always cheerful and optimistic, she chooses professions that involve communicating with people. She is attracted to work in the field of aesthetics and art. The professions of actress, musician, and singer suit her. Successful in the modeling business.


(Greek: fun, joy)

Although the name is considered traditionally Slavic, its origins actually relate to the ancient Greek name Euphrosyune and is interpreted as "joy" or "cheerfulness". Frosya is a committed, extremely collected girl, sensitive, purposeful and persistent. A creatively gifted person is a very extraordinary person. Efrosinya has many friends, since childhood she has been very mobile and active, loves sports. Able to realize herself in research activities, in the field of psychology and pedagogy. Possesses good health. And also with her charm, which attracts many men to her.


(Greek - calm)

Derived from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene, meaning “tranquility.” A strong name that shapes the owner’s destiny from childhood. From a very young age, Ira has been distinguished by her independence and determination. She is capable of studying well, it does not require much effort from her. Sociable, easy to find mutual language with strangers. Irina are excellent diplomats and good leaders.

By nature, Irina is amorous. However, they always maintain independence. Women with this name almost never dissolve in a loved one, family, and do not subordinate their lives only to home.


(Heb. desired, serene)

One of the most popular names in the world of biblical origin! It has many meanings and only some of them: beloved, desired, serene. There is, however, another version that the name grew out of the Hebrew Miriam, the root of which is the word “mar”, “bitterness”. Such a sad meaning is usually associated with the times when the Jews were captured by the Egyptians. However, in terms of energy, this name is ready to outshine literally all others.

Maria is a cheerful, sociable, well-wishing girl. She intuitively determines which people are trustworthy, and this helps her a lot in life.

Maria considers family the most important thing in life. She tries to build a harmonious relationship with her husband, based on trust and respect.


(Greek solar)

Polina is a ray of sunshine among children: responsive and friendly. A born fashionista, she has well-developed taste. He plays music, writes poetry, and loves cinema.

Adult Polina is very charming in appearance, sociable, but at the same time a proud and very wayward woman. In judgment - independent. And this is its advantage!

Most often, a child's passion for fashion turns into a real hobby or even a profession. In it, Polina strives for public recognition, and succeeds in this.

It has its own unique energy and meaning, which influence the character and destiny of a person. Our ancestors took the choice of a child's name very seriously. If boys were given names to strengthen their strength, endow them with courage and masculinity, then happy names for girls were given to attract harmony, health and prosperity.

Top 5

According to the famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, every person has a lucky name. It is impossible to say clearly that one will be happy and the other will not. However, choosing a name must be taken seriously.

What makes a name happy is the meaning and the meaning that is inherent in it. Fate is determined by what our ancestors put into the name at the stage of its creation. What 5 female names are considered the happiest in life?


The meaning of the name is “winner”. Along with this name, a woman receives a great desire for primacy, leadership qualities, perseverance and determination. The name gives its owner not only a strong character, but also incredible internal magnetism that attracts useful and interesting people.

A woman with this name shows her wayward character from childhood and achieves everything she wants.. Stubbornness, perseverance and self-confidence help them in their careers and business. Ease, honesty and sincerity contribute to the organization of personal life. And the ability to stand up for herself and defend her point of view provides her with recognition and respect in society.

Victoria never strays from her intended path, she strives to achieve everything through her own work, rarely asks for help, but she herself is always ready to provide support to her loved ones. Victoria depends on her own decisions and actions. She rarely makes mistakes, and when she does, she never blames the world, trying to analyze their actions and get to the bottom of the truth.


From ancient Greek the name means “organizer” and “founder”, and from ancient Roman it means “peacemaker”. This is a name with very strong energy. A woman named Tatyana is a born leader. She is capable of any job, she is able to cope with the most complex tasks and find a way out of a confusing situation. Always adequately evaluates himself, his abilities and capabilities.

Easily finds a common language with people. As a rule, her circle of friends and acquaintances is very wide, so she is never alone. He has a unique gift - to see and notice what is not available to others. She has a well-developed intuition, which helps her avoid wrong decisions and rash actions.

Despite the fact that she loves to dominate everywhere, in relationships with a man she gives the right of leadership to him. However, he never misses the opportunity to direct his chosen one in the right direction, suggesting something to him.


The name translates as “immortal”, “resurrected”. A woman with this name is not afraid of any adversity or problems. No matter how life beats her, she always remains “on horseback”. Nothing can break her fortitude. Anastasia’s fate is happy not only because she is able to cope with difficulties, but also because of her energy, activity, kindness and generosity. The good that she brings to people comes back to her.

This is a very talented and capable person. One can only envy her hard work. By setting goals for herself, she easily achieves them. She is lucky in business and personal life due to her flexibility, ability to find a common language with people and listen carefully to her interlocutor.

Anastasia is an excellent psychologist who can learn a lot about her opponent at first glance. He lives by his own mind and his ideals, not paying attention to the opinions of others.


A woman with this name is truly lucky and fortunate. Mary means "lady". And she is truly the mistress of her destiny and life. He lives as he feels, does not look back, quickly forgets insults and failures. Her cheerful disposition, love of life and energy help her achieve all her benefits and goals.

Maria attracts good luck to herself like a magnet. It's all about her optimism and ability to not give up at anything. Sending only kind and bright thoughts to the Universe, Masha receives in return the fulfillment of all her desires. Achieves success thanks to his easy-going and easy-going character, unconventional thinking and creativity.


Among the royalty and ladies of aristocratic origin there were many Elizabeths. And this is no coincidence, since this name ennobles, attracts good luck and luck in everything. Lisa is an influential, powerful and ambitious person. At the same time, she is very generous, generous, sensual, gentle and decent. He walks through life with an open heart and eyes wide open, accepting everything from life - both good and bad.

Her secret lies in her attitude towards the world around her and people. She loves for who she is, and is always grateful to fate for the moments of joy and experience gained. This is a peaceful, calm and harmonious nature, wanting to change the world for the better.

What to name your daughter so that her fate is successful?

There are also female names that attract good luck in one area of ​​life or another. What are 10 female names with a happy destiny?

  • Daria means "winner". A woman with this name is lucky in everything she undertakes. Great luck accompanies her in her career and business. She quickly reaches the top due to her ambitions and assertive nature. He knows how to stand up for himself and is always one step ahead of his competitors.
  • Anna– a name that attracts success in work, money and creativity. It endows its owners with well-developed intuition and insight. A woman named Anna is very persistent and patient. She never quits what she starts and always completes what she sets out to do.
  • Sophia. This name imparts wisdom, inner peace and harmony. The bearers of this name are very reasonable, consistent and responsible. Fate works out best if it listens to its inner feeling. Sophia is lucky in her personal life. She values ​​herself, knows what she needs from life and never betrays her ideals.
  • Alexandra. This is a real warrior. She is ready to defend her interests at all costs. This character gives her the opportunity to realize all her plans and fulfill her dreams. He finds his passion in social work, creativity, communication with people and travel.
  • Olga. From a young age, he gains wisdom and experience beyond his years. The name imparts vitality, positive energy, intelligence and prudence. Olga decides her own destiny. Her life path largely depends on the thoughts in her head.
  • Catherine. Loves being in the spotlight. Healthy egoism and moderately developed vanity help her achieve popularity and fame. He finds his happiness next to like-minded people and in his favorite work.
  • Irina– a name that personifies peace, harmony and beauty. She is from birth endowed with the ability to quickly resolve any conflicts. Does not like to enter into arguments and discussions, or speak in a raised voice. Always tries to act peacefully. Irina is lucky in her personal life and in communicating with people, as she has the makings of a good psychologist.
  • Love. A woman bearing this name brings tenderness, love, devotion and honesty with her into this world. She is lucky with men because she knows how to approach them. Finds happiness in family life and in communication with children. Never sits still and constantly develops.
  • Natalia– sympathetic, kind and honest nature. She is usually very respected in her circle. She is loved for her openness, devotion and perky disposition. Goes through life boldly, despite obstacles. She is lucky in the commercial sphere, as well as in relationships with men. There are always a lot of fans next to her.
  • Lyudmila. Translated as “dear to people.” Everyone really idolizes her, loves and appreciates her. Lyudmila is lucky in both small and big things. This woman’s main talent is to be in the right place at the right time.

Names meaning "happy"

By choosing a name that means “happiness,” “luck,” or “joy,” the girl’s parents lay a certain program in her subconscious. It is believed that every time mom and dad pronounce this lucky name out loud, they will endow her with the energy of joy, success and luck. What names when translated mean “happy”?

  • Aglaida or Aglaya– sparkling, joyful, smiling
  • Alyona– sunny, happy
  • Anna- gracious
  • Anfisa- blooming with happiness
  • Veselina– joyful, cheerful, happy
  • Gella or Helia- sunny, bright
  • Darina- giving goodness and happiness
  • Euphrosyne- cheerful, joyful
  • Zoya– cheerful
  • Inessa– serene
  • Myrrh- blooming, fragrant
  • glad– bringing joy
  • Rose, Rosana and Rosalia– blooming
  • Felixana– successful
  • Yarina– sunny, joyful, bright

From all over the world

The names of other peoples, just like ours, have certain meanings. Among female names there are those that grant their bearers a happy destiny., luck, and health.

  • Alaya– an old Spanish name meaning happiness and good luck
  • AsgadiaArabic name, endowing its owner with immeasurable happiness, spiritual joy and harmony
  • Bahruz– a Persian name that promises fulfillment of desires
  • Gilah– a Hebrew name that brings happiness
  • Lyme– Latvian name that attracts good luck
  • Letitia– Latin name meaning joy and good fortune
  • Makena- girls were called these names in East Africa to attract happiness and good luck to them
  • Monifa– a Nigerian name that promises a successful life
  • glad– Slavic name meaning joy
  • Sugda– translated from Arabic as “very happy”
  • Rina– a Hebrew name that attracts happy events
  • Sagida– translated from Arabic as “happy, enjoying life”
  • Simcha– a Jewish name that attracts luck and happiness in your personal life
  • Faliha- this is what they called Arab beauties, wanting to endow them with a happy destiny
  • Felicita– Latin name meaning lucky chance
  • Firuza- a Persian name given to young royals; it meant "first, superior to others"
  • HaraGreek name, attracting luck, joy and luck
  • Shreya– translated from Sanskrit means “auspicious, happy”
  • Yukiko– Japanese name meaning “lucky child”

The name must harmonize with the woman’s inner feeling, only then will it attract good luck and make the path of life happy and bright.

There is still a connection between your name and success in your career and personal life. And if previously only esotericists spoke about this, now psychologists also claim this.

They just couldn’t scientifically explain why people with certain names are luckier in life than everyone else.

What is the happiest female name?

After conducting a large-scale social study, psychologists came to the conclusion that the most happy women are Elena. According to the results of the study, it is Elena who is completely satisfied own life: They hold senior management positions at work, or have their own business and earn more than most women with other names. Moreover, their personal life is also well organized.

Psychologists put women with names in second place in terms of success in life Olga and Natalya. With a slight separation from them are those who bear the names Irina and Tatyana.

Last on the list of the most successful female names are Catherine, Svetlana, Julia, Maria and Anna.

However, such statistics do not mean at all that owners of other names will turn out to be complete losers compared to any Olya or Natasha. The potential of any name must be revealed, and then it will become your code for happiness.

Psychologists never found a scientific basis for their research. Although there is a version that is not based on mysticism or anything unusual. According to this opinion, these lucky names were very popular 25-40 years ago, therefore, with such a total number of Elen, Olga, Nataliy, etc., it is no wonder that the percentage of successful women with these names prevails over all others.

Esotericists claim that a name has a special influence on a person. It reflects the essence of a person and even his way of thinking. It is very important that a person really suits his name, reflects his inner state of soul and likes it. Then it will bring good luck and make its owner happy and successful.

Another interesting observation: it is believed that if you are called more often full name, or even by last name and patronymic, then it brings respect or financial success, that is, it has a stronger impact on the material side of life. \

But the owners special nicknames, affectionate abbreviations, in a word, unusual forms of your name, They often feel happier because they realize their potential more fully.

If you don't like the name your parents gave you or you feel out of place with that name, wouldn't it be better to change it to the one you like best? They say that when you change your name, your destiny also changes. Another path open to you - and love it. We wish you good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

If you are interested in numerology, then of course you know that this science will answer your questions. For example, what is your destiny or what awaits you in the near and distant future.

In this article I want to tell you about female names.

Meaning of names

The main thing is what it does female name happy is its original meaning. What was included in the name during the period of its creation determines the fate of a woman.

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For example, if Victoria means “victory”, then she will be more likely to achieve success, because this in itself attracts success.
Anastasia means “immortal”, so women with this name are also very lucky, but this is manifested in their incredible resilience.
Olga translates to "holy" or "wise", so she is very happily married, rarely offends people without good reason, and has many loved ones.
There can be many examples, but sometimes the translation does not mean something important, so traces of luck should be looked for in something else. Study the meaning and mystery of your name to find out where you might be lucky in life.


Most The best way to find out how lucky you can be is to check the energy of your name. Previously, we wrote about the 10 most energetically powerful female names. This is an indication that these ladies are luckier than usual. However, other names often conceal secret keys to success.

Among the list of the strongest names we can highlight Varvara, Victoria, Vladislava, Daria and Irina. Getting into the biofield of these women, any person feels their influence. If these ladies are angry, then they are feared more than others. If they are full of love and warmth, then when you get close to them, you will become infected with this warmth.

In principle, this property can act as an Achilles heel, but when the situation is stable and you need to win over a person, women with such names need to do almost nothing. This helps in love as well as business. If you are the owner of one of these names, you can make it your amulet.


The presence of various letters and their combinations in a name also greatly influences luck in one or another area of ​​life. In business and the financial sphere, as well as for career advancement, firm-sounding names with a large number of sonorous consonants will be useful: Arina, Diana, Lydia, Margarita, Daria, Inga, Valeria, Vera, Veronica, Galina and so on.

Soft names like Svetlana, Inessa, Nina, Christina, Tatyana, Anastasia, Faina or Ulyana are lucky in love and family life. They are subconsciously perceived by men as softer, since they lack sound amplification.

The sound of a name is very important, but not only in terms of sonority. Regular Slavic names Now they are slowly going out of fashion, and there are names that are completely forgotten and have almost completely lost popularity, such as Zinaida, Varvara, Yaroslava or Marfa. However, they are quite strong due to their connection with Rod. Just keep in mind when choosing a name for your baby that it is better to exclude options that are not entirely euphonious to the modern ear, otherwise your child will be subject to ridicule.

Now Western-type names or unusual and modern-sounding ones are gaining popularity: Madeleine, Martha, Nellie, Nika, Olivia, Rosa, Vanessa and others. This brings children good luck, which develops into great success in all areas of life in the future. This has always been the case and this will be the case with all currently popular names.

Rare names

The very last point is the rarity of the name. Vasilisa, Venus, Eva, Oktyabrina, Eleonora, Karina, Lilia - such women are always remembered, and men feel a certain zest in them, because they are rare and unusual names are very well imprinted in their memory.

Many ladies have probably noticed that the more unique the name, the more men like them, the more success they achieve in business. People have always been drawn to everything unusual. Be careful, because excessive attention can also play a cruel joke, because bad things are remembered better than good things. One wrong step, and no one will ever forget that you broke your heel before an important meeting, your son is a poor student, and your husband likes to drink. Attention can either give you luck or take it away from you forever.

We wish you that your name brings you only happiness. Remember that every woman has the right to success and good luck. Even if you don’t really like your name, it is not a curse, not an anathema, but a gift from parents and fate, which you must be able to unravel and decipher correctly. We wish you victories in all areas of life.

First on the list of names - Sophia. From ancient Greek it means “wisdom”. Naturally calm, Sophia captivates with her concentration. It seems that in this thoughtful silence lies the whole meaning of the universe and, of course, Luck reciprocates them. They do not run after luck, because they know that Fortune does not like running around and is ready to lie on her knees, like a domestic cat.

The second, and no less lucky name, is Maria(from ancient Greek “lady”). Girls with this name have a cheerful disposition and an unshakable feeling of happiness from the whole world around them. In a union, such women simply attract good luck like a magnet, and, like royalty, they treat her like royalty.

The third place is taken Anastasia. Nastya is growing up to be very calm girls, adapting well to circumstances and always looking forward with joy. These girls seem to care about nothing. But why does it seem? They really have some kind of secret knowledge How to attract luck and keep it.

Fourth luckiest - Daria(from ancient Greek “winner”). It’s not for nothing that these girls are initially given a male name - it is this that attracts good luck to them. But here, unlike the prudent Sophia and calm Anastasia, not everything is so simple. Daria does not get luck just like that, but, like true winners, they snatch it from the hands of others. Luck is not a matter of course for them, but a battle trophy. But doesn't that make it more valuable?

Fifth place on our list is occupied by Anna. Naturally hardworking, they achieve everything through perseverance. Fortune smiles on them only after a period of constant labor. But the value of this “acquisition” is so high that Annas strive to keep it for life.

Sixth, but no less fortunate, are Elizabeth. From time immemorial, it has been customary to call royalty Elizabeths, and for good reason. It was Elizabeth who could pull capricious luck by the tail and spread its influence to others. Could the courtiers have been wrong?

And finally, last on the list, but not least in terms of their ability to control their destiny, Victoria. Victoria is a “victory”, a victory not only over oneself, but also over all the failures that the world around us sometimes promises us.