Female name in di. Female names starting with the letter "d". Meanings of girls names starting with D

Every year the number of female names starting with the letter D is only increasing. Some of the most popular and unusual today are Diadem, Diniela, Delicia or Daphne. Although Daphne is an ancient Muslim name, it did not enjoy success for several centuries. Analogues of this letter in other languages ​​are the letter D.

Meanings of girls names starting with D

Women's names starting with D speak of kindness, as well as a tendency to care. It’s interesting that in life such people almost always achieve their goals. Some are in motherhood, others in science, and others even in business. Despite their external fragility, such women are very strong at heart and will be able to overcome any obstacles.

They enjoy simple things and do not spend too much time thinking about troubles; they prefer to deal with everything along the way to their goal.

Popular girl names starting with the letter D

Women's names starting with the letter D: Russian, Tatar, Muslim or European carry quite powerful positive energy. However, it is always worth considering them as a whole and be sure to study the full interpretation, because in some cases they take on a completely different character in combination with other letters.

The most popular today are:

  • Dana, a Slavic name, according to other sources - Jewish. Translated it means “God is my judge.” Such girls are prone to pragmatism and prudence, and are careerists in life. However, he will never allow himself to go beyond what is allowed;
  • Diana, a Roman name, translates to "divine". Despite the fact that some consider the name Dean to be shortened from Diana, both one and the other have completely different meaning. Diana, on the other hand, has powerful energy, and new ideas visit her imagination almost constantly. She is pure in front of herself, but is not always sincere with others;
  • Dilruba, a Persian name that translates to “soul conqueror.” Such girls tend to look for compromise solutions, and can find an approach to everyone. They want to succeed, but what is more important to them is family relationships;
  • Daria, an Orthodox name, originates from Byzantine times and means “gift.” Such a girl is very emotional, and often relies only on momentary desire. Although she is pedantic in life, she loves order in everything;
  • Dina, a Jewish name, according to other versions. Literally translated, it symbolizes a fair or strong woman. She is very capricious by nature; there are simply no authorities for her. She is very amorous, sometimes she can be promiscuous.

Experts advise that choosing a girl's name starting with D should be done very carefully. Some names can bring a fighting spirit into the lives of children, others enhance them Creative skills. It is also important how suitable a particular name is for a person and whether it is consonant with the surname.

For a girl whose name begins with the letter "D", nothing is impossible, at least theoretically - she is a strong personality, she is ready to take on any task and, regardless of the chances of success, she will persistently move towards her goal. Fortunately, such outbursts happen rarely; generally, the girl is family-oriented and has fairly traditional values. She is characterized by some inconsistency - so she can be active and sociable, or she can withdraw into her inner world. In general, owners of names beginning with this letter are united by cheerfulness, healthy optimism, activity and energy.

  • Daina - may have come from the name Diana. An emotional, impulsive person who, nevertheless, completes everything she starts. -37
  • Dana - Slavic name, means “gifted” (literally - “given”). A determined, stubborn, slightly contradictory, sensual girl. 8
  • Daniela - (Daniella). Feminine form of the name Daniel (Daniel). The name is of Hebrew origin and means “God is my judge.” Impulsive, energetic, impatient girl. -16
  • Darina - the exact origin of the name is not known; there are versions about Irish, Slavic or Jewish roots. Darina is a capricious, complex, impatient girl who knows her worth. (3) 30
  • Daria - (Dasha). The origin of the name is Greek or Slavic. There is always a little child in this woman. She attracts people to her because she is very easy to communicate and non-conflict. It is important for her to constantly be in society, and loneliness is unbearable for her. 54
  • Daryana - according to one of the many versions, comes from the word “gift”. A sociable, rather demanding girl who knows how to use her charm very well. 1
  • Dekabrina - winter, December (Russian post-revolutionary name). A reserved, serious girl with a good sense of humor, who knows how to achieve success and is not fixated on material issues. -31
  • Deya - (Diya) A euphonious and poetic name, derived from the ancient Slavic “to do” - to work, toil. This is a girl you can rely on in everything. -24
  • Jenny - (Jennifer, in English - Jennie) means “white sorceress”, “fair”. A strong girl with a difficult character, an idealist at heart, striving to be the first in everything. -35
  • Julia - (related name Juliet). The name is of Latin origin (meaning “from the Julius family”). It is very popular in the USA and Italy. Julia is self-confident, proud, she is a clear extrovert with an almost masculine character, capable of coping with any problem. -43
  • Diana - means - divine (name of Greek origin). For an energetic girl with this name, nothing is impossible, although she slightly lacks some ease of communication. 38
  • Dina - a name that came to us from antiquity; this name was borne by the only daughter of Jacob. A practical, hardworking girl who does not miss out on her benefits, but is not very happy in her marriage due to her character traits. 5
  • Dobrava - means kind, this is a Slavic name. The soul of the company and good friend, practical and successful, prone to rash, impulsive decisions. -40
  • Share - an original name of Slavic origin, meaning “fate, share.” A calm girl who loves peace and comfort, is not too confident in herself and tends to give great importance little things. -52
  • Dominica - (Domina) Name of Latin origin - “God's day”, “lady”. A strong, bright, independent personality with the appropriate character. -14
  • Dorothea - (Dorothea) - From Greek, means “Gift of God.” A happy girl who thinks through all her actions and actions, which invariably leads her to success. -66

Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. However, many Russian names by their origin they are not originally Russian. They are borrowed from the Greek language along with the Christian religion. Before this, Russians had names that reflected the various characteristics and qualities of people, their physical disabilities, and names that reflected the order of birth of children in the family. There were common names such as Wolf, Cat, Sparrow, Birch, First, Tretyak, Bolshoi, Menshoi, Zhdan. A reflection of these names is observed in modern Russian surnames Tretyakov, Nezhdanov, Menshov, etc.

With the introduction of Christianity in Rus', all the old Russian names were gradually replaced by church names that came to Rus' from Byzantium. Among them, in addition to the actual Greek names, there were ancient Roman, Hebrew, Syrian, Egyptian names, each of which in its native language reflected a certain meaning, but when borrowed it was used only as a proper name, and not as a word denoting something.

By the 18th-19th centuries, Old Russian names had already been completely forgotten, and Christian names had largely changed their appearance, adapting to the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation. Thus, the name Diomede was transformed into the name Demid, Jeremiah - Eremey, etc.

After the October Socialist Revolution, names associated with the new ideology became widespread: Revmira (peace revolution), Diamara (dialectical materialism); names reflecting the first stages of industrialization: Electrina, Elevator, Diesel, Ram (revolution, electrification, mechanization); names read in foreign novels: Alfred, Rudolf, Arnold; names based on the names of flowers: Lily, Rose, Aster.

Since the 1930s, such familiar ones have become widespread again. Russian names like Masha, Vladimir, Seryozha, i.e. the names closest to the Russian people are used. But this return to old names does not mean a return to all names church calendar, most of which remained unaccepted by the Russian nation.

On this page there are not only old ones (Russian calendar, Old Russian and common Slavic), but also new ones female names.

Below is a list of Russian female names:

Russian female names starting with the letter A:

Augusta/Augustina(old) – summer
Avdotya(folk from Evdokia) – famous
Aurelia(new) – gold
Aurora(new) – goddess of the dawn
Agapia(old) – from Greek. agapao - I love.
Agatha(new) / Agafya / Agathia (old) – from Greek. agathos – good, honest, kind.
Aglaida(old) – sparkling / daughter of beauty, charm
Aglaya(new) – brilliant
Agnes/Agnesa(old) – chaste
Agnia(old) – immaculate or fiery
Agrippina / Agrefena(old) - from the Roman family name Agrippus (Agrippa)
Ada(old) – decoration
Adele / Adelia / Adelaide(Old German) – from adal - noble and heyd - state, class.
Aza(old) – first
Azalea(new) – flowering bush
Aida(new) – bestowing harvest
Akilina / Akulina(old) – eagle
Aksinya(folk from Ksenia) – hospitable or, on the contrary, alien (xenos)
Alevtina(old) – alien to evil
Alexandra(old) – protector of people
Alyona(folk from Elena) – sunny
Alina(new) – alien
Alice(new) – charming
Alla(old) – selfish
Albina(old, cf. new Alvina) – “white”
Anastasia(old) – resurrected
Anatolia(new) – eastern
Angelina(old) – angel
Angela(new) – angelic
Animaisa(old) – soulful
Anisiya / Anisya(old) – sweet-smelling
Anita(new) – obstinate
Anna(old) – “grace”
Antonina / Antonida(old) – kind
Antonia(old) – entering into battle
Anfisa / Anfusa(old) – blooming
Apollinaria(old) – sun goddess
Ariadne(old) – sleeping
Arina(folk from Irina) – calm
Arcadia(new) – shepherdess
Arsenia(new) – courageous
Artemia(old) – unharmed
Aster(new) – “flower”
Astrid(scand.) – passionate
Afanasia(old) – immortal
Aphrodite(old) – arising from sea foam
Aelita(new) – from Greek. aer – air and litos – stone

Russian female names starting with the letter B:

Bazhena(Old Russian) – saint
Beata(new) – blessing
Beatrice(old) – blessing
Bela(glory) – beautiful
Bella(new) – beautiful
Bertha(new) – magnificent
Bogdana(glory) – given by God
Boleslav(glory) – more glorious
Borislava(glory) – fighting for glory
Bronislava(glory) – glorious protector

Russian female names starting with the letter B:

Valentina(old) – healthy
Valeria(old) – strong
Wanda(slav.) – hospitable
Varvara(old) – savage
Vasilina(new) – royal
Vasilisa(old) – regal
Vassa(old) – queen
Vaclav(glory) – more glorious
Venus(old) – “love”
Faith(old) – “faith”
Veronica(old) – biblical name
Veselina(slav.) – cheerful
Vesta(old) – patroness of the home. hearth
Vidana(glory) – prominent
Quiz(old) – winner
Victoria(old) – “victory”
Vilena(new) – from V.I. LENIN
Viola / Violetta / Violanta(new) – “violet”
Virinea(old) – green, fresh
Vitalia / Vitalina(new) – vital
Vlada(slav.) – owning
Vladilena(new) – abbreviation for “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”
Vladimir(new) – owning the world
Vladislav(glory) – possessing glory
Vladlena(new) – similar to Vladilena
Vlasta(glory) – ruler
Will(new) – freestyle
Vseslav(glory) – glorious everywhere

Russian female names starting with the letter G:

Gaia(new) – spouse
Gali(old) – bright
Galina(old) – calm
Ganna(Ukrainian folk from Anna) – blessed
Gayana/Gayania(old) – from Greek. ge - earth
Helena(new Polish from Elena) – light
Helium(new) – solar (Helios)
Gella(old) – fallen into the water
Gertrude(new) – patroness of women
Glafira(old) – sophisticated
Glyceria(old) – sweet
Gloria(old) – “glory”
Golub(Old Russian) – tender
Gorislava(glory) – kindling glory

Russian female names starting with the letter D:

Daina(new) - a different interpretation of Diana
Dana(new) – goddess of the moon
Daria / Daria(old) – winner
Darina(new) – giving
Daryana(new) – winner
Dekabrina(new) – winter
Deya/Diya(new) – divine
Juliet(old) – analogue of Julia
Diana(new) – divine
Dina/Dinia(vernacular from old Digna) – “faith”
Diodora(old) – given by God
Dionysius(old) – patroness of winemaking
Dobrava(Old Russian) – kind
Domna / Domina(old) – madam, mistress of the house.
Domnica / Dominica(old) – belonging. to God
Dorothea/Dorothea(old) – from Greek. doron – gift, gift and theos – god.

Russian female names starting with the letter E:

Eve(old) – giver of life
Evgeniya(old) – noble
Evdokia(old) – well-known
Eupraxia(old) – doing good deeds, virtuous woman
Catherine(old) – immaculate
Elena(old) – chosen
Elizabeth(old) – worshiping God
Efemia / Euphemia(old) – pious
Euphrosyne / Euphrosyne(old) – from Greek. Euphrosyne - joy, fun.

Russian female names starting with the letter Z:

Zhanna(new) – “gift of God”
Zhdana(Old Russian) – waiting

Russian female names starting with the letter Z:

Zarina / Zorina(new) – light
Zvenislava(glory) – spreading glory
Zinaida(old) – born of Zeus
Zinovia(old) – “Zeus’s power”
Zlata(glory) – golden
Zoya(old) – “life”

Russian female names starting with the letter I:

And bath(nar. from John) – “God’s gift”
Ida(new) – mountain, “descendant”
Ilaria(old) – cheerful
Inga(new) – from other Scand. Invio is the name of the god of abundance.
Inessa(new) – serene
Inna(old) – name of Rome / stormy stream
Joanna(old) – “God’s gift”
And she(old) – “dove”
Hypatia(new) – related to horses, equine (hippos)
Hippolyta(new) - from “(g)ippo” - horse and “litos” - stone, slab
Iraida(old) – goddess of the rainbow
Iroida(old) – heroic, daughter of a hero
Irina(old) – “peace”
Isidora(old) – patroness of fertility
Spark(new) – bright
Iphigenia(old) – immortal
And I(old) – from Greek. ia – violet

Russian female names starting with the letter K:

Capitolina(old) – main
Caroline(new) – brave
Katerina(adv. from Ekaterina) – immaculate
Kira(old) – “madam”
Kirill(old) – mistress
Claudia(old) – lame or from the Claudian family
Clara(new) – clear
Clarice/Clarissa(new) – light
Cleopatra(old) – beauty
Concordia(old) – consonant, agreeing
Constance(old) – persistent
Christina(new) – baptized
Ksenia(old) – alien

Russian female names starting with the letter L:

Lada(Old Russian) – sweetheart
Larisa(old) – “seagull”
Leniana(new) – from Lenin
Lenin(new) – from Lenin
Leonida(old) – “descendant of a lion”
Leonila(old) – lioness
Leontia(new) - lion's
Lesya(new) – courageous
Libya(old) – originally from Libya
Lydia(old) – first
Lillian(new) – blooming
Lily(new) – “flower”
Lina(new) – independent name or diminutive of Elina
Lyubava(Old Russian) – beauty
Love(old) – “love”
Lyubomir(slav.) – darling of the world
Lyudmila(old, slav) – dear to people

Russian female names starting with the letter M:

Mavra(old) – dark-skinned, dark-skinned
Magda(new) - see Magdalene
Magdalene(old) – sounding / originally from Magdala, in Palestine
Madeleine(new) - see Magdalene
Maya / Maya(new) – goddess of spring
Malvina(Old German) – From mal - justice and wine - friend..
Margarita(old) – “pearl”
Marina(old) – sea
Maria / Marya(old) – bitter
Marie(new) – Maria’s version
Martha(new) – mistress
Marfa(old) – mentor
Matilda(Old Germanic) – from makht - strength and hild - battle.
Matryona / Matrona(old) – madam, mother of the family, mother
Melania / Melania(old) – dark, dark
Milada(slav.) – kind
Milana / Milena /(slav.) – dear
Militsa(old, famous) - cute in person
Miloslava(glory) - glory is sweet
Mira(glory) – peaceful
Myrrh(slav.) – fragrant, fragrant
Miroslava(glory) – winner
Metrodora(gr.) – a gift from the mother.
Mlada(slav.) – young
Mstislava(glory) – conqueror
Muse(old) – goddess of art / inspiration


If you are still expecting a baby, then do not forget to track your condition using ours. This will allow you not to worry once again about one thing or another. But don’t forget – there are no perfect calendars! Each situation is individual and only a doctor can tell whether you should worry or not.

Russian female names starting with the letter N:

Hope(old, famous) – “hope”
Nadiya(vernacular, from Nadezhda) – “hope”
Nana(old) – nymph
Nastasya(nar., from Anastasia) – resurrected
Natalia/Natalia(old) – native
Nellie(new) – young
Neonila(old) – fundamental
Nika(old) – “goddess of victory.” The name comes from the Goddess of Victory, Nike of Samothrace, who lived in ancient Greece.
Nina(old) – ruler
Ninel(new) – “Lenin” on the contrary
Novella(old) – new
Nora(new) – cold

Russian female names starting with the letter O:

Oksana(Ukrainian folk, from Ksenia) – hospitable
Octavia(old) – eighth
Oktyabrina(new) – autumn
Olesya(Ukrainian, from Alexander) – courageous
Olympics(old) – keeping calm
Olympia(new) – named after Zeus
Olga(old, old Russian) – saint

Russian female names starting with the letter P:

Pavel(old) – small
Pavlina(old) – beauty
Platonida(old) – descendant of Plato
Polyxena(old) – Trojan princess
Pauline(new) – fortune teller
Pravdina(new) – honest
Praskovya(folk, from old Paraskeva) – “Friday”

Russian female names starting with the letter R:

glad(old, famous) – bringing joy
Radmila(glory) – joyful
Raisa(old) – submissive
Regina(old) – queen
Renata(new) – newly born
Rimma(old) – Roman
Rogneda(slav.) – admitted to the council of equals/council of men
Rose(new) – “flower”
Rosalia(new) – blooming
Rosana(new) – flower
Rostislav(glory) – growing for glory
Ruslana(new) – lioness
Rufina / Ruth(old) – red, red

Russian female names starting with the letter C:

Sabina / Savina(old) – from the Sabine family, Sabine woman
Salome / Salome(old) - a variant of the name Solomonia, derived from the name Solomon - “prosperous”
Svetlana(Old Russian) – light
Svetozara(glory) - bright dawn
Svetoslava(new) – glory is bright
Liberty(new) – “freedom”
Svyatoslav(glory) - glory is holy
Sevastyan(old) – “highly revered, sacred”, a variant of the male name Sevastian
Severina(new) – northern
Selena/Selina(new) – moon
Seraphim(old) – fiery
Glory(slav.) – “glory”
Slav(slav.) – Slavic
Snezhana(new) – cold
Sophia / Sofia(old) – “wisdom”
Stanislava(glory) - become famous
Stella(old) – star
Stepanida / Stefanida(old) – “wreath”
Stephanie(old) – “wreath”
Susanna / Sosanna(old) – stubborn / from Hebrew - “shushanah” - “white lily”
Suzanne(new) – stubborn

Russian female names starting with the letter T:

Taira(new) – persistent
Taisiya(old) – “god-pleasing” and “lover of children”
Tamara(old) – “fig tree”
Tamila / Tomila(Old Russian) – languishing
Tatiana(old) – founder

Russian female names starting with the letter U:

Ulyana(folk, from old Juliana, cf. Juliana)
Delight(new) – sweet-voiced
Ustinya(folk, from old Justin, cf. Justin)

Russian female names starting with the letter F:

Faina(old) – shining
Felixana(new) – successful
Felicata / Felicity(old) – happy
Felice(old) – “happiness”
Fedora/Theodora(old) – “God’s gift”
Feodosia / Feodosia(old) – landowner
Philadelphia(new) – loving Delphi
Flavia(old) – from the Flavian family
Flora/Floria(new) – goddess of flowers
Florentina(new) – blooming
Florence(new) – blooming
Floriana(new) – young or blooming
Fotina(old) – according to the calendar Svetlana

Russian female names starting with the letter X:

Harita(old) – goddess of beauty
Kharitina(old) – beauty
Chionia(old) – nymph
Christina(old, cf. new Christina) – Hristova

Russian female names starting with the letter H:

Cheslava(glory) - honest glory

Russian female names starting with the letter E:

Eurydice(new) – bitten by a snake
Eleanor(new) – complex
Elvira(new) – balanced
Elmira(new) – calm
Elsa(new) – courageous
Emma(new) – self-critical
Erika(new) – creator of the temple

Russian female names starting with the letter Y:

Juliana(old, from Julian) – curly
Julia(old, from Julius) – fluffy
Humanita(new) – humane, human
Juno(old) – patroness of marriage

Russian female names starting with the letter I:

Jadwiga(new) – rich warrior
Yana(new) – “Sun Goddess”
Ioannina(new) – light
Jaromira(slav.) – “sunny world”
Yaroslav(glory) – “burning glory” or similar male name Yaroslav

From the name of the gold coin - "dinar"

Very sensitive as a child. Prone to infectious diseases, especially those associated with kidney disease and Bladder. With a poor appetite, lethargic, weak girl. “Summer” is also prone to laryngitis and pharyngitis. Due to frequent illness, Dinara grows up as a nervous and capricious, but very capable child: all subjects at school are given to her without difficulty. He willingly helps his mother with housework and prepares food with her. IN free time loves to look at photographs of her favorite artists, which she has been collecting for years. After finishing school, she becomes too independent, chooses her own profession, and does not need the advice of her parents. Prefers to be friends with boys, finding it easier to get along with them mutual language than with girls. However, he enjoys authority among both.

Dinara has developed intuition, but does not know how to use it at all. Restrained in communication and too principled. He always speaks the truth, and does not know how to lie or flatter. Poorly adapts to circumstances, has difficulty changing jobs or apartments. He has a good memory and a sharp mind.

"Winter" Dinara is a realist and materialist. She is inquisitive, but she believes in little until she is convinced of everything herself. Fidgety by nature, does not tolerate loneliness, especially the “December” one. Loves pleasant company, willingly attends parties.

“Autumn” Dinara has good organizational skills, can lead a team, and is the initiator of many innovations. Avoids frequent communication with superiors, but does not enter into conflict.

“Summer” is somewhat indecisive and withdrawn. She doesn’t marry for a long time and chooses her friends carefully. He is very afraid of disappointments, experiences failures for a long time, does not forgive betrayal and betrayal. She is demanding of others, which is why she often does not find understanding on their part.

Dinara does not like superficiality or negligence in her work. Very clean, fastidious. Leader in the team. She relies only on herself, rarely resorts to the help of strangers, even her friends do not always know about her problems. Dinara does not tolerate empty talk and cannot talk on the phone for a long time. She is annoyed by men who talk.

“Spring” Dinara has an unbalanced psyche, her mood changes quickly. She needs to be attentive to her health, not overwork, and get enough sleep. Susceptible to nervous breakdowns and depression. She is very sensitive to failures, she has a sick pride. But due to her character, Dinara can be a wonderful actress, she understands music and works of art. Possesses good taste. Someone's bad taste annoys her. She marries an old friend, making sure that this is the man with whom she would always like to be close.