Miraculous icon helping in childbirth. A strong prayer to the Mother of God, helper in childbirth. Origin and meaning

Christian believers are accustomed to turning to holy saints and miraculous icons. They call on them for help, turn to them with prayers and words of gratitude. Women most often pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and depending on their life situation - to her different icons.

For young women planning to have children in the future or who are already pregnant, the icon known as the “Helper in Childbirth” can come to the rescue.

Icon “Helper in childbirth”: meaning

The name of this holy image speaks for itself. The Church advises pregnant women to pray to this icon with requests for a safe delivery. Especially often, expectant mothers turn to the Most Holy Theotokos if their pregnancy is complicated or has some problems, when they have to go to the hospital for preservation, if the fetus is positioned “incorrectly” or the birth promises to be difficult, if the woman is overcome by fears or depression. By invoking the Icon as an assistant during childbirth, a pregnant woman can receive a blessing for a successful outcome and a happy, safe birth of the baby. Women pray before the holy face of the Helping Virgin Mary simply with the desire to give birth to healthy, strong children.

But the strength and power of the Icon is not limited to this alone. Expectant mothers should turn to the Most Holy Theotokos from the very beginning of pregnancy in order to receive peace of mind, strength and strength, a healthy, cheerful spirit and hope for a happy resolution of their burden. Many who pray to the Helping Icon during childbirth testify that they were able to successfully bring the baby into the world, despite the gloomy medical prognosis.

Moreover, there are cases from life when infertile women, after sincere and diligent prayers before the Helping Icon, were granted motherhood! Therefore, believing Christian women always trust in the grace of God and receive according to their faith.

By the way, with similar prayers - for a happy marriage, conception and birth of children - you can also turn to the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

Icon of an assistant during childbirth: prayer

If you have a Helper Icon, then on the back of the holy image you will find the words of prayer to address the Mother of God during childbirth:

“Receive, Lady Theotokos, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to You. We look at you holy icon bearing in her womb Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Even if you gave birth to Him painlessly, even though the mother weighed the sorrow and infirmity of the sons and daughters of human beings. With the same warmth falling upon Thy whole-bearing image, and kissing this tenderly, we pray to Thee, all-merciful Lady: to give birth to us sinners condemned in illness and to nourish our children in sorrow, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, but our babies, who also gave birth to them, from a serious illness and deliver from bitter sorrow. Grant them health and well-being, and their nourishment will increase in strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, for even now, through Your intercession from the mouth of a baby and those who piss, the Lord will bring His praise.

O mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: quickly heal the illnesses that befall us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow who fall before Your icon, and on the day of joy and deliverance receive the grateful praise of our hearts. Offer our prayers to the throne of Your Son and our God, may He be merciful to our sin and weakness and add His mercy to those who lead His name, as we and our children will glorify You, the merciful Intercessor and the faithful Hope of our race, forever and ever. "

In addition, there is an akathist compiled by the opener of the Icon, Archpriest Vladimir Andreev, for reading by women in labor and their relatives in cases of difficult childbirth and its complications. Prayer can give strength and strength to a woman in labor and her baby.

This image of the Most Holy Theotokos became known to the modern Church not so long ago... Not long ago in 1993, an elderly parishioner of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in the city of Serpukhovo (in Russia), who received Holy Communion at her home from the rector of this church, Archpriest Vladimir Andreev, gave him the saint an image that, for many years of the dominance of atheism, was in the attic of her house. The icon was very dark from old age, but it could be clearly seen: it depicted Holy Mother of God with the little Savior and the signature - “Helping childbirth.” IN christian church there are many similar icons (most of all it resembles the icon Mother of God“The Sign”), but this one had a special difference: inside the womb of the Holy Mother was the baby Jesus. And Father Vladimir saw such an image for the first time.

A significant event occurred during the days of Great Lent. The archpriest placed the holy Icon in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, where it remains to this day. Of course, copies and reproductions to which parishioners turn with prayers are located in various shrines around the world. Many temples are named in honor of the Miraculous Image. Patronal feast - icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” - in Orthodox Church celebrated on January 8th.

The true origin of this holy image remains unknown. As well as which of all existing images of the Blessed Virgin Mary as an assistant in childbirth is the most canonical.

The miraculous icon “Helper in Childbirth” has many variations. In one of the most popular, the Mother of God is represented in full height. Icon painters “dress” Her in blue, and green, and pink and gold vestments. But most often, the Most Holy Theotokos “Helper in Childbirth” “wears” a dark blue or dark green lower and red outer robe, decorated with a golden sheen and stars on both shoulders.

The Mother of God the Helper embraces Her womb with her hands, in which the baby Son of God is depicted in full growth with his arms crossed on his chest. The Mother of God also holds her hands on her chest, ready for prayer.

The most striking difference of this Miraculous Image is the image of the Mother of God with her head uncovered and her hair flowing, while in Orthodoxy it is customary to always cover the head of the Mother of God when painting icons, and that is why this version of the Icon of the Helper in Childbirth (with her head covered) is considered more canonical.

Icon of an assistant in childbirth: where to buy

If you have never bought icons before, and it was the condescension of God’s grace in the form of conceiving a child or the burning sincere desire to become a mother that first led you to such a question, then you will probably be happy to know that you can buy a “Helper in Childbirth” in any church , church or chapel. Holy images, like church literature, are also sold in church shops, operating both at churches and separately from them. Just ask about the Helper Icon, and they will gladly help you. Please note that it can be called differently: Help in childbirth, Helper of the Most Holy Theotokos in childbirth, Helper in childbirth, Help in childbirth, Helper for wives to give birth to children.

And may the Most Holy Theotokos hear all your sincere appeals to Her and bless you! And after the happy birth of your baby, take note of the icon “Mammal” and “Educator”, and from now on turn to the Mother of God with all your joys and anxieties.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina

Serious hope

The birth of a child is a great joy. But there is so much anxiety associated with carrying it and the birth itself, which, alas, does not always proceed successfully. Not so long ago in Serpukhov, a miraculous image of the icon of the Mother of God was revealed with a name that can inspire hope even in the despairing. It's called "Assisting Childbirth."

If you find yourself in this town near Moscow and ask passers-by how to find the icon, they will point you to the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Bely. The rector of the temple and dean of the Serpukhov district, Archpriest Vladimir Andreev himself witnessed the discovery of this shrine in 1993. During Great Lent, Father Vladimir gave communion to an old woman at home. She asked her granddaughter to get the icon of the Mother of God from the attic and gave it to Father Vladimir.
“At first it was impossible to even make out what kind of image it was,” the priest said. – The icon was dark, covered with many years of dust and cobwebs, with a sooty robe. And only when I cleared the frame and the image, I involuntarily gasped - the bright face of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus looked at me. And I recognized the icon “Helping Childbirth.”

Notebook with miracles

Since then, many healings have occurred through prayers before the Helper in childbirth. There is a special notebook in the cathedral (several of them have been written over the years) in which people thank the Mother of God for her help, and some write down their wonderful stories. Here is one of them: “I want to express my deepest gratitude. My prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos was heard, and my request miraculously fulfilled. I am 45 years old, and my son is 7 months old. I became pregnant after many years of difficult treatment, and all the doctors in unison warned me against possible deviations in the development of the child, and also said that they would definitely do C-section. At the very beginning of pregnancy, I turned to the “Help in Childbirth” icon. My pregnancy was so easy that I didn’t even register with the antenatal clinic out of necessity. medical care, but according to existing rules. And my birth was so fast and correct that the doctors canceled the caesarean section. My son was born on his own, completely healthy and very handsome. I don’t know such words of gratitude to express all my feelings. Most Holy Theotokos, glory to you! I really want my story to be published here in the book of gratitude - let people see it and be filled with hope.”

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Help in childbirth”

Oh, All-Merciful, Good and True Protector of ours, Lady Theotokos, who knew the happiness of Motherhood, in which you received the excitement, hopes, anxiety and sorrow of all earthly mothers, do not leave with Your prayers those who fall to Your holy and miraculous icon of Your servant (names) and ask Thy Son and all God's permission for infertility, help and happiness in childbirth, and their reliable protection and protection as a baby. Look, O Most Pure Mother, upon these Thy servants, united in marital union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see their sons' sons to the third and fourth generation and may they live to the desired old age and enter the Kingdom The heavenly things of Your Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, to Whom is all glory, honor and worship due, together with the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.
The icon is celebrated on January 8 and September 22.

The most important thing is which saint and what to ask for. It is known that people stand out for their talents, but saints also differ in what troubles they can help with. Usually, image of every saint written on a separate icon or saints connected by blood ties are depicted all together.

IN modern world Many people, even far from Orthodoxy, know that on January 8, according to the new style, a celebration is held in honor of the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth.” She accepted read the akathist. During childbirth, a woman often seeks comfort and protection, even if she does not know how to pray or to whom. The Mother of God, as you know, having gone through many difficult trials during her short life, gave birth to the baby Jesus Christ painlessly. Therefore, many expectant mothers ask the Virgin Mary to ease the pain and suffering during the birth of the baby. Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” advise to buy to all women seeking help.

History of appearance

It is still unknown exactly where it came from and who wrote it. The icon, whose history began at the end of the 20th century, was presented to Father Vladimir by an old woman in the city of Serpukhov. For many years of persecution of believers, the wooden icon was kept in the attic, but when it appeared in the world, the icon received its name. The tree has turned black from improper storage, a layer of dust covered the holy images. The icon took its place in St. Nicholas Cathedral, where it can still be seen today.

Since then, many cases have been recorded when the Mother of God was asked for help related to childbirth, and this help was miraculously received by everyone who prayed to her. The Akathist was composed at the same time, but it is still read to this day. The most effective remains canonical prayer, which comes from the depths of the soul. Pronounced with a deep message, it will definitely be heard.

Assistance provided

The icon is popular among women in various life situations related to childbirth:

  1. Who dreams of pregnancy, but cannot get pregnant for a long time;
  2. They pray to her to maintain the pregnancy;
  3. They ask for a safe resolution;
  4. It helps even in cases of depression and in the fight against fears;
  5. If there is a high probability of a difficult birth, the expectant mother asks the assistant to ease it;
  6. When the cherished date approaches, every mother wants the child to be born strong and healthy - this is what the “Helper in Childbirth” icon is asked for.

Sincere Faith helped children take the correct position in the womb if the mother prayed earnestly. A century ago, the whole family, along with the midwives, stood in front of icons with a lit lamp and prayed for a successful outcome of the birth. Even for the expectant mother this ritual was mandatory. Atheism has revolutionized ideas about preparing for childbirth, but a resurgent Orthodox faith people increasingly insist on the need for prayer.

Only sincere faith and fervent prayer are able to make one feel that the Lord is merciful and hears everyone. Only in this case are real miracles possible. Spiritual mentors advise Orthodox mothers to visit church, confess and receive communion during the period of pregnancy. At this time, the main support becomes the icon of the Mother of God, which is called “Helper in Childbirth.”

Images images

There are only two generally accepted versions of the image of the Virgin Mary:

  1. In full height with her hands raised to the sky in prayer, and at the level of her chest the baby Jesus is depicted. The image is compared with another, which is called “The Sign”;
  2. Evidence of Western origin is shown in the second version of the image, “Labor Assistant.” The icon has no history as such, but the Mother of God is on it with her head uncovered and her hair untied. As expected, her lower robe is green, and her upper robe is red. Sometimes stars are drawn on top of the red robe on the shoulders of the Virgin Mary. The Baby Jesus is located in the chest area under the intertwined fingers of the Mother of God, which represent a naming blessing.

In addition to the previously listed options for her image, there are several more: in full growth or only half, the location of the baby Jesus relative to the chest of the Ever-Virgin, her attire.

This image helps not only in childbearing, but also in gaining peace of mind and sound spirit. His miracle work remembered by many who needed help and prayed earnestly, asking for protection.

Location in the house

Initially, the place for the icon in the house was determined to be where the expectant mother slept. Today, many place the icon exactly where it is easiest to see and pray: on the wall, bookshelf or nightstand near the bed. The most important thing is that it must be purchased in the temple and consecrated, and it can hang or stand where it is convenient. You can often find the image in the maternity wards of modern maternity hospitals. They pray to the Ever-Virgin for the newborn, so that he is born healthy. They say that unsuccessful birth much less in those maternity hospitals where the baby is greeted by the image of the Virgin Mary.

Copies and their location

Not many people know for sure the location of the original icon of the Mother of God. There are not many icons of the Virgin Mary of the same name.

The icon has several copies, which are located in:

  1. Moscow Transfiguration Church;
  2. Moscow All Saints Church;
  3. St. Petersburg Izmailovsky Cathedral;
  4. Ekaterinburg Nativity Church.

Here you can order a prayer service and services from the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth.”

Prayer services and prayer requests, which according to tradition are addressed to the Mother of God at her icon "Assistant in childbirth."

Icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth”

As you can guess from the name, believers offer a prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” with requests for a successful birth. Either the women in labor themselves or their loved ones turn to the Heavenly Queen. Image in folk tradition has other names similar to the most common one, but this does not make it lose its meaning: “Help in childbirth”, “Help in childbirth”, “Helper to wives in giving birth to children”.

How this icon of the Mother of God appeared is unknown to contemporaries. Perhaps, after fervent prayers, the Most Pure Mother Herself appeared to some Christian women and helped them to safely escape from the bonds of pregnancy. The icon usually depicts the Mother of God with her hands raised to her chest in prayer. The Child Christ is between the palms of the Mother of God at full height. There are icons in which the Holy Virgin is depicted with her hair flowing. The fingers of Her hands are crossed on her chest, and the Divine Infant is placed just below.

Mothers and their relatives offer a prayer at the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” for the conception of a child, the health of future parents and those who are destined to give birth and care for the woman in labor, for an easy pregnancy and a safe birth. It happens that women for some reason cannot get pregnant, doctors fear that their children will be ill at birth or have a difficult birth, and the father is diagnosed with a pathology. People are accustomed to relying on their limited minds and being guided by the laws of the earthly world in making decisions.

But absolutely everything is possible for God and His saints. Countless cases describe situations in which people, after prayers and lifestyle changes, recovered from incurable diseases. In the history of Christianity there are also cases of the resurrection of the dead. “According to your faith, be it done to you” (Matthew 9:29), says the Savior from the pages of Holy Scripture. Everything is possible only if we live according to the commandments of God and do His will.

But even if the upcoming pregnancy does not seem difficult, it is still worth saying a prayer to the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth.” We need to ask for blessings from God in every moment of life. In this way, we strengthen our connection with the Lord and invoke His grace on ourselves and our loved ones.

The services are performed in the Conception Stauropegic Convent.

They pray for the birth of children, for the granting of a successful birth.

They also pray before her for the health of newborns.

An ancient custom was performed in Rus': in the room of a pregnant woman it was necessary to hang an icon, which later became known as the “Assistant in Childbirth.”

The pain that women experience during childbirth is so severe, and the suffering is so cruel, that prayers directed to the Almighty and the Mother of God are endowed with special sincerity and hope.

Today, the “Help in Childbirth” icon can be seen in many homes of Christian believers. The Mother of God is depicted on the shrine, her hands raised for prayer. In the bosom of the Mother of God is the Eternal Child. It was noticed that the image is slightly similar to the icon called “The Sign”.
Also known is the ancient icon of the Mother of God, which is called: “Helper to wives who bear children.” The Mother of God in this icon is special because her head is open and her hair is loose. The Intercessor folded her hands on her chest, and in such a way that the fingers of her left hand half covered the fingers of her right hand. Under the hands of the Mother of God the Eternal Child is depicted, one of whose hands blesses, and the other lies on his knee. His legs protrude slightly from under his robe. The color scheme of the Mother of God's clothing is very interesting. The outer robe is red and gold, with small stars on her shoulder. The lower part of the clothing is dark green, with the same stars. The Mother of God tilted her head slightly to the side. The Savior’s clothes are yellow (and again with gilding), but on his chest there is a dark green shimmer. The whole picture is placed in a crescent.

And today women turn their prayers to the Blessed Virgin. People believe that such prayer not only promotes a favorable birth, but also helps with complicated pregnancies.

Not only pregnant women turn to the “Helper in Childbirth” icon, but also those who are just planning to have a child. The shrine helps even those who have been trying for a long time and cannot get pregnant. That is why the icon is considered miraculous.