Unblocking a VKontakte group. Rules for running a VKontakte group: how to avoid getting banned? The community was blocked for posting materials that justify committing

If you use the social network VKontakte quite often, you have probably encountered blocked pages at least once. Some came across a blocked friend’s page, some came across a group’s page, and some themselves came under penalties from the site administration.

The reasons may be different, and I will tell you about them today. From this article you will learn why you can be banned from VK, how to protect yourself from the wrath of the site administration, and much more.

Blocking on VKontakte

There are two types of blocking on VKontakte:

  • Temporary page freeze.
  • Ban forever.

In the first case, the user (group) is blocked for one reason or another for a certain time. It depends on what kind of offense the penalties were applied for, as well as on how many times the page was frozen before.

As a rule, the first freeze is given for several hours or days. All subsequent temporary bans will last longer and so on up to 6 months, after which the ban is given forever.

In the second case, the account (community) is blocked forever without the ability to restore access to it.

Why can a profile be blocked?

I have always divided the reasons for blocking into two groups: more serious violations and more harmless ones. In the first case, the ban comes for distributing prohibited materials. Moreover, in some cases, not only the rules and policies of the VKontakte website are violated, but also the legislation of the Russian Federation. These reasons include:

  • Placing posts with prohibited materials.
  • Calls for violence, aggression, racism, nationalism, extremism, terrorism.
  • Insults of various types (personal, religious, etc.).
  • Intentional placement of links to virus sites or programs.

Almost always the ban is given forever. The page cannot be restored. But there are also situations when the blocking is given for a while. This depends on mitigating circumstances, the nature of the offense and other factors. The site administration is not stupid, and knows how to distinguish between situations when the rules were violated consciously and unconsciously.

The second type of violations are more harmless. Most often they are associated with promotion and promotion, namely:

  • Using services that artificially inflate activity counters. In other words, programs and sites with which you can increase likes, subscribers, reposts, comments and other activity.
  • Placing posts on your wall containing advertising or other information about such services.
  • Suspicious user activity. For example, you use a service for mutual exchange of activity (where, for a reward, you complete tasks for other users, and they complete yours). If, for example, you were not previously an active user, and then suddenly you actively started liking, subscribing, reposting posts, etc., then for the administration this behavior will be suspicious and they will begin to monitor you more closely.
  • Spam and sending various information. An account can be frozen both for spam in private messages to other users, and on their walls, community walls, in comments, etc.
  • The presence of a certain number of complaints from other VK users. The exact number of complaints followed by blocking is not made public. According to various sources, there should be at least 5 of them. But it all depends on the nature of the violation.
  • Mass mailing of invitations to friends. Rarely, but this happens, despite the presence of a daily limit on outgoing friend requests. The site administration is not stupid and understands perfectly well when they recruit friends for the sake of PR for their product/service/brand.

Why can a community be banned?

A community, just like a personal account, can be banned temporarily or permanently. There is no clear distinction between these types of bans. It all depends on the nature of the offense and aggravating or mitigating circumstances.

The reasons for blocking may be the following:

  • A sharp change in the topic and nature of published content. There are situations when the management of a public site changes the topic of the community and the nature of the published content. The fact is that existing subscribers initially subscribed to content of a certain nature and its constant updating. A sharp change in topic implies deception of these subscribers, since in the future content will be published that they did not subscribe to. Most often, this results in a temporary ban, but if the administration has suspicions about the sale of the community, then it can be blocked forever.
  • Violation of the rights of third parties. For example, you published material without the consent of the copyright holder of this material. If there are such complaints, the community may be temporarily blocked.
  • The group was included in the Roskomnadzor register. This includes communities in which prohibited goods are published or advertised: anabolic steroids and other drugs with similar effects, weapons and gambling(including bookmakers). In this case, the ban is given forever.
  • Cheat subscribers. If you misuse or abuse services and programs for automatically increasing subscribers, you can easily arouse suspicion and get a permanent ban. This also includes boosting any other activity (likes, reposts, views, comments, etc.).
  • Distribution or advertising of services that allow you to artificially increase activity counters (likes, subscribers, reposts, comments, views, etc.).
  • Personal insult. If there are complaints from users, the community is temporarily blocked.
  • Spam on behalf of the community or using spam to advertise your public is also prohibited by the site rules. Most often, the public is temporarily frozen for spam, but if you abuse or regularly violate the rules of the site, you can get banned without the possibility of further recovery.
  • Violation of other site rules and provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Precautionary measures

How to avoid bans and blocking:

  • Do not post prohibited content on the wall. It's no different here.
  • If you are promoting your public (or personal profile) using third party services cheats, do not abuse them. Increase the rate of promotion smoothly so that there are no sudden changes in the statistics.
  • If you are promoting a public page (or profile) without using third-party services, then your activity should be natural. You shouldn’t suddenly start liking everything and subscribing to everyone on the very first day. Start small and gradually increase your pace.
  • Use spam through “wrong” accounts. Today, people are not embarrassed to send complaints, since they are quite fed up with spammers. It’s better to abandon this type of promotion altogether.

It is important to understand that with regular offenses, even harmless ones, sooner or later any VK page can be banned forever. Therefore, the first bell will be a temporary blocking. If you do receive it, then you should think about suspending further actions.

Bottom line

Today, when VKontakte is even more actively used for commercial purposes, getting a personal profile or community blocked has become much easier. Be careful and careful in your work. Use each promotion method wisely and try not to violate the rules of VK.

Still, it is one of the most “capricious” and picky about safety. Sometimes this is good, because it’s never a bad idea to play it safe, but what to do if you’re the one blocked by VKontakte? But you didn't do anything wrong? First of all, you should understand that they will not do anything for nothing. This means that the decision to block your profile on VKontakte had some justification.

Most common reasons

The first (and most "popular" reason) is the use of bots. Moreover (even if the account is completely “white”) it happens that the system considers you to be a bot, which is why your profile may be blocked. VKontakte specialists use quite modern systems user recognition. And if you “like” at regular intervals or add friends every day at the same hour, then most likely the account is “managed” by a machine.

But, frankly speaking, this happens extremely rarely.

Using different IP addresses can also cause your account to be blocked. In this case, this is done in order to protect you personally. For example, if you use the Internet, most likely it is because the admins thought that your account was hacked by attackers. This problem is very easy to solve, you will be answered as quickly and correctly as possible.

Insults to agents technical support, administrators and Pavel Durov personally may entail the same consequences, but the duration of the sanctions in this matter is unknown. They will act exactly as long as the person “offended” by you wants. They may want to block you from VKontakte for a week. And perhaps forever!

There is another reason why your account can easily be blocked: VKontakte is against services of a pornographic, sadistic and other nature with an emphasis on perversion. As a result, visiting these types of groups, viewing videos and photos under certain conditions can lead to blocking for an indefinite period. But perhaps these groups are not worth visiting?

What to do? So what should we do?

If any of the above has happened to you, do not despair! The policy that he “preaches” in his social network is quite flexible and loyal to everyone without exception, which means that you can easily go through the procedure of unlocking your account in literally five to seven minutes by answering the same four questions. But there are also some nuances here: if you are blocked too often, then there is a chance that one day you will lose the right to restoration.

To avoid such problems, carefully study the security provisions of this service. Observe everything that is required. In this case, no one (even the most picky administrator or technical support agent) will be able to block you on VKontakte! It's that simple! Use social networks for good!

Every VKontakte user has at least once seen a picture of how a well-promoted group with a million subscribers was blocked for a reason unknown to others. Of course, this doesn’t happen every day, and only those communities that really deserve it receive a punishing ban.

But as often happens, community creators begin to look for a problem in the intentions of the social network administration. Allegedly, they are deliberately taking such measures in order to block the flow of investment from advertising and the sale of goods.

In fact, something like this sounds more than absurd, because many completely forget about any rules for promoting a group and begin to use aggressive promotion methods or turn to second-rate resources to get new subscribers. Let's figure out why exactly groups are blocked and how to avoid it.

Reasons for blocking a community on VKontakte

Next, the main aspects of imposing a ban on a group, public, or event will be given. If you are just going to create your own community or store with goods, carefully study the given list and try not to repeat the above mistakes.

Reasons for blocking a community on VKontakte

Suggestions for promotion in VK

You should never post or offer services related to promotion of certain actions within a social network. This applies to additional votes in polls, likes, joining diverse groups, adding friends or increasing reposts.

So that you understand, just because of one such post within a month, any community will be closed for an indefinite time, and in rare cases, forever.

Cheating of participants

At first, when the public has just appeared, it will be sorely lacking in participants. Some recruit new visitors through their friends and acquaintances, others advertise the community in thematic groups or talk about it in various chats. Well, the latter, due to lack of experience and the desire to start making money as quickly as possible, invest in getting subscribers.

There is nothing wrong with such an action, but you need to turn to the right services for help, and not click on the first link you come across from the search results.

There are only a few sites that have managed to establish themselves on the right side in providing such services - these are VKTarget and Socelin. Unlike other “professionals” in their field, they offer real users who subscribe to you via at will. Of course, it cannot be done without some individuals turning into “dogs” (dead accounts), but their percentage is extremely tiny. And since VK monitors the number of dead souls in communities, a large number of them will lead to immediate closure.


A very controversial method of promotion, which is suppressed in every possible way. When sending mass messages with a link to a group, you can get a guaranteed block for an indefinite time. If the spam was too aggressive, the administration will close your creation forever.

Community blocked for attracting members using spam

Rights violation

Many should already have been taught by bitter experience about copyright after the conflict between the administration of the social network and audio recordings. Therefore, under no circumstances should you use branded items without the consent of their direct copyright holders.

Conducting sweepstakes/financial pyramids

The administration of the social network does not allow the promotion on its site of resources that are obviously dangerous for other users. This applies to sites containing pornographic elements, as well as various types of pyramids, casinos, sports forecasts, and the like. If you decide to create a community dedicated to promoting this type of service, it will not last long. Such communities are frozen in 99% of cases without further appeal.

Accounts sale

The rules of most online games explicitly state that the sale of accounts is strictly prohibited and is punishable by blocking account. That is why the creation of communities with similar topics is immediately stopped, as is the resale of pages and groups within a social network.

Abrupt change of topic

This is a fairly common reason that can lead to a lifelong ban. Imagine a situation where a community with entertainment content suddenly decides to change course and go into news or political intrigue. At the same time, about 30 thousand participants have already accumulated and no warnings about this have been received from the administration. It is clear that an unauthorized change will result in a ban.

Prohibited advertising

Administrators are often contacted by advertisers who offer to place their post with a post pinned to the top of the page for an additional fee. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, but before agreeing, read the text of the advertisement and the links to follow.

If the post talks about getting free votes or fraud that could cause users to lose their account or money, then this will result in restrictions on the use of your community.

Advertising closed groups

Those who use VK constantly remember the presence of posts where the story ended at the most interesting point, and the continuation could only be found by clicking on the link. Many of them led to closed communities, access to information of which was available only to subscribers.

Now such a decision has been stopped and is not allowed to be posted, threatening to freeze it.

Competitions without prizes

When increasing interest in your group by holding prize draws, do not forget that they must be real. That is, after the final counting of votes or the determination of the user at random, he must receive his reward.

But as practice shows, most participants are left with nothing, after which they write complaints, and unscrupulous administrators receive a well-deserved reprimand.

Reasons of a different kind

They manifest themselves in the creation of communities on extremist, suicidal or porn themes. The ban also applies to posts about drugs, child erotica, etc. Therefore, there is no point in thinking about creating such a page for a number of relevant reasons.

Community blocked for distributing links to malicious resources

How to protect a group from being blocked

In order not to get frozen and continue to conduct your business, you need to remember a number of simple rules:

  • appoint to the post of administrator only those people whom you know personally or have extensive experience communicating with them;
  • suppress any offers to cheat users from third parties;
  • before posting an advertising post from an advertiser, read its text;
  • Group administrators must secure their personal pages by constantly changing their password.

How to unfreeze a community

If the violations on your part were minor, you can unblock the community by writing to VKontakte technical support. Sometimes it happens that communities are blocked temporarily, so do not forget to wait for the very date when you will end the ban and try to avoid mistakes made last time.

The VKontakte social network has tens of thousands (if not hundreds) of all kinds of communities, groups and public pages (see). Some of them are very useful. Others don't. And in third places you can find outright prohibited materials. Such as porn, financial pyramids, sale of low-quality goods, etc. How can you block such a group in contact??

In fact, there is no particular difficulty. And now I will show you how this can be done.

What is it for

If you are an active user and you care about what information is available on a social network, then you probably go to block a suspicious community for fraud, insult, or other prohibited actions.

How can you block a group on VK

Since you are not an administrator or the creator of the group, you will not have a simple blocking mechanism. In this case, you must send an official complaint to the VKontakte administration (see). You must indicate the address of the community that you consider suspicious, attach screenshots with a description (see), which would confirm your words.

Let's see how to do it correctly.

Send a complaint about the group

I have already discussed this issue in the article -. Let's look at this point again.

We go to contact and click “Help”.

A list of popular questions will open. Here you need to write any text in the search bar. A message will appear stating that no answers were found for this query. And there will be a link “Write to us”. Follow it.

You will be taken to a form where you need to fill out your question.

In the title we write that it is necessary to block the VKontakte group. Further in the text of the message, we need to indicate her address (see), as well as the reason for the blocking. It is advisable if you attach photographs that clearly show the materials that you consider prohibited. When you have completely filled out the form, click the “Submit” button.

Now you need to wait until the administration considers the complaint and makes a decision to block the community.

Sending a collective complaint to a group

Please note that the more complaints are sent, the greater the likelihood that the group will be blocked.

How can this be done? VKontakte has a large number of groups where users work together to help each other. This could be, or sending collective complaints.

All you need to do is find such a group and post a message asking for help in blocking a malicious public page.

To do this, go to VKontakte and write “Complain” in the search bar. And filter by community. In the final list we look for a suitable group.

We see that the community “Complain about a group in contact and pages”, suits us. We go into it and leave our request on the wall about the need to block the group. Don't forget to add her address.

Now you need to wait until active users see your request and also send a complaint to block the specified VK group.

This will greatly increase the chances that the administration will close the community.


Keep in mind that no one gives a 100% guarantee of blocking a group. It is not a fact that the administration will consider your complaint adequate.

Also, do not forget that your groups may be blocked. Therefore, you should not get carried away with publishing unscrupulous materials.


In contact with

Of course, it is very unpleasant when you go into community, which they themselves created, raised themselves and you see the inscription “ community is blocked". But fortunately for you, there is a high probability of avoiding an eternal ban from a group (or public). Usually, VKontkate support goes to the meeting and forgives the first time because... It will not be beneficial for them if social network users lose a group that is interesting to them.

It’s another matter if you were doing something that is unacceptable on any Internet resource. For example, pedophilia, sale and advertising of drugs, racism, regular insult to the feelings of believers, etc.

By the way, blocking personal page happens according to the same principle. If you don't do anything prohibited, then you have nothing to fear, but there is one limitation for personal pages. Have you noticed that groups with pornographic content and even groups with light erotica or any other material for persons 18+ are closed, and in the group description there is a warning that persons under 18 years of age will be denied an application to join the group? If the group is open to everyone, it will most likely receive a ban, and by making the group closed, the owners of such communities bypass the rules of VK, which clearly state that the content should not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation, and in this case, publication of material for persons who do not comply age restrictions. It is not possible to set such a restriction for personal pages, so pages with hardcore porn are deleted.

In fact, this topic is very vast and has many tricks and ways to avoid personal page ban and groups, but today we will only look at the main ones reasons for blocking communities.

Why VKontakte groups are blocked:

If the community was blocked for cheating, which means that the first warning has already been given. Usually, when you cheat, some of the bots are written off, but not immediately, but after a week or even a month. Cheating through various exchanges for exchanging likes is the riskiest way to promote a community. Not even because they may suspect unrealistic activity, when a zero group with one post in the feed becomes ten thousand members in a week, then this is an almost 100% probability of a ban. It is unlikely that you will be able to promote such a group even to 3 thousand.

If you are going to cheat participants, then no more than 200 per day and constantly remove dogs because... if 40% of the members in the community are deleted, your group will disappear from the search in VK.

How to return the community to search? - it's not so simple anymore. First, you need to get rid of the dogs. Simply delete all inactive accounts. Next, you need to write to technical support and wait for further recommendations. After a couple of months, your community will again be searched on VKontakte.

Any cheating is prohibited. Including: cheating of members by sending spam, cheating of members through programs such as bots or vtope, exchanges for exchanging likes, mass invitation to a group (more than 500 members per day - there is a high risk of getting the group blocked for cheating members).

If your community blocked for cheating members, then it’s best to write to technical support and tell us how you cheated. Then there is a high probability that your group will be unbanned, but all the cheated people will be removed.

Blocking a VKontakte group for cheating members this is probably the most common reason blocking.

Cheat subscribers Joining the VK community for two years now has been a very risky activity. Previously, it was possible to promote your group to a million people in this way, and then receive traffic from VK search, but now the management of the social network has taken a tough approach to the quality of groups and mercilessly bans all communities that are promoted in this way.

  • Scams, fraud and other gray earning schemes

If your public is engaged in attracting people to participate in various pyramids and other scams, then most likely you will get a ban.

  • Changing the community theme

If your community blocked for sudden change of topic, then it’s already very difficult to get the group out of the ban. Perhaps you will be able to prove to support that you were hacked and you were not aware of what they were doing to your community.

Changing the group's theme- problematic activity. After 1000 people in the community, you won't be able to change the theme so easily. Even if you just want to change the name, but leave the topic the same, then before that write to the support service and consult with them.

  • Personal insult

If your community blocked for personal insult, then 50% of the time they will forgive you if you write to support, but the second time you will be banned completely.

  • Selling game accounts

Recently, this wording when blocking communities has begun to appear very often. VKontakte is prohibited from selling game accounts and accounts of this social network.

  • Community blocking for pinned advertising

We have reviewed main reasons for blocking communities. Also, do not forget that you may receive sanctions against your group. For example, for excessive advertising.

VK rules allow publishing a maximum of 3 advertising posts directly through advertisers or the VKontakte advertising exchange and 2 advertisements through the VKontakte exchange. Total: 5 per day.

If you violate this rule, you will be prohibited from creating advertisements at all for a certain period.

How to protect a community from blocking?

Just follow all the rules that we have discussed above.

What to do if you or your group are blocked by VKontakte? — urgently write to technical support and find out what ways to get your community out of the ban. The same goes for personal pages.

How to block a VKontakte group

So, we have come to a very interesting topic. If you young villains want to know Is it possible to somehow block someone else’s VK group?, then, most likely, you want to get rid of competitors.

Let's look at the main ways that you will be advised to find out how to block someone else's VKontakte community:

  • mass promotion of low-quality bots, where the content of dogs will be more than 50%. Mutual PR services are well suited here, for which they sell coupons because... Basically, these services use bots, which get banned instantly. Please note that you need to invite at least 30% of the bots from the total number of participants in the group, otherwise you will simply help your competitor with promotion.
  • order a repost of your message, and then change the link to a prohibited product. Such groups are blocked instantly, and not so long ago extortion of money from large public companies for such frauds flourished. Communities of even more than 4 million people were blocked.
  • get a job as an admin or editor and post prohibited content.
  • find violations in the group.
  • order a mass invitation to a group (works only for groups). There must be more invitations than participants.

There are no other ways to block a community of competitors. But the best thing is to never use such methods, but simply make a group of higher quality than that of a competitor and defeat him fairly.