Lesson notes "sound x and letter x". Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic: “Sounds X - X`. Letter X." outline of a speech therapy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic of literacy tasks letter x

1. Modern Russian alphabet comprises 33 letters, 10 of which are intended to indicate vowel sounds and are accordingly called vowels. 21 a consonant letter is used to indicate consonant sounds. In addition, in modern Russian there are two letters that have no sounds are not indicated: ъ(hard sign), b(soft sign).

2. All sounds of the Russian language are divided into vowels and consonants.

  • Vowel sounds- these are sounds that are formed with the participation of the voice. There are six of them in Russian: [a], [e], [i], [o], [y], [s] .

  • Consonants- these are sounds that are formed with the participation of voice and noise or noise alone.

A) Consonant sounds are divided into hard and soft. Most hard and soft consonants form hardness-softness pairs:

[b] - [b′], [c] - [v′], [d] - [g′], [d] - [d′], [z] - [z′], [j] - [ k′], [l] - [l′], [m] - [m′], [n] - [n′], [p] - [p′], [p] - [p′], [ s] - [s′], [t] - [t′], [f] - [f′], [x] - [x′]

(the apostrophe at the top right indicates softness consonant sound). For example, bow - [bow] And hatch - [l′uk] .

b) Some consonant sounds do not have correlative pairs of hardness-softness, that is, there are unpaired hard consonants [zh], [sh], [ts](always only hard ones) and unpaired soft consonants [ш′], [й], [ч](always only soft ones).


  • at the sounds [th], [h] It is not customary to denote softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated;
  • sound [w′] indicated in writing by the letter sch;
  • the bar above the sound indicates double (long) sound. In some textbooks they indicate long consonants So: [van:a] - bath.

V) Consonant sounds formed with the participation of voice and noise are called sonorous(for example, [d], [d′], [z], [z′], etc.); if only noise is involved in the formation of sounds, then such sounds are called deaf consonants (for example, [t], [t′], [s], [s′], etc.). Most voiced and voiceless consonants in Russian form voiced-voiceless pairs:

[b] - [p], [b′] - [p′], [c] - [f], [v′] - [f′], [g] - [k], [g′] - [ k′], [d] - [t],
[d′] - [t′], [z] - [s], [z′] - [s′], [g] - [w]
Compare: beat - drink, year - cat, live - sew .

G) Sounds [th], [l], [l′], [m], |m′], [n], [n′], [р], [р′] do not form a correlative pair with voiceless consonants, therefore they are unpaired voiced (unpaired voiced consonants are also called sonorous, these are sounds in the formation of which both voice and noise participate). Conversely, voiceless consonants that do not form pairs with voiced ones are unpaired deaf . These are the sounds [h], [ts], [x], [x′].

3. In a stream of speech, the sound of one sound can be similar to the sound of another sound. This phenomenon is called assimilation. So, in the word life, the sound [z], standing next to the soft [n′], also softens, and we get the sound [z′].

Thus, the pronunciation of the word life written like this: [zhyz′n′]. Sound convergence is also possible for sounds that are paired in terms of sonority and deafness. Thus, voiced consonants in positions in front of deaf ones and at the end of a word are similar in sound to paired deaf ones. Therefore, it happens stun consonants. For example, boat - lo[t]ka, fairy tale - sk[s]ka, cart - vo[s]. The opposite phenomenon is also possible, when voiceless consonants in the position before voiced ones also become voiced, that is misspoke. For example, mowing - ko[z′]ba, request - about [z′]ba.

Indication of softness of consonants in writing

In russian language softness of consonants indicated in the following ways:

  1. Using the letter ь(soft sign) at the end of a word and in the middle between consonants: benefit - [pol′za], elk - [los′], etc.

Note. Soft sign does not indicate softness of consonants in the following cases:

a) if it serves to separate consonants, the second of which th(yot): leaves - fox[t′ya], linen - be[l′yo];

b) to distinguish grammatical categories: rye (3 classes, female form) - knife (2 classes, m. form);

c) to distinguish the forms of words (after hissing ones): read (2 liters, singular), cut (imperative form), help (indefinite form of the verb), as well as adverbs: jump up, lay down.

  1. Through the letters i, e, e, yu, i, indicating the softness of the preceding consonant sound and conveying vowel sounds [i], [e], [o], [u], [a]: forest - [l′es], honey - [m′ot], lil - [l ′il], hatch - [l′uk], crumpled - [m′al].

  2. Using subsequent soft consonants: cog - [v′in′t′ik], plum - [s′l′iva].

Sound meaning of letters e, e, yu, i

  1. The letters e, e, yu, i can represent two sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]. This happens in the following cases:

  • at the beginning of a word: for example, spruce - [ye]l, hedgehog - [yo]zh, yula - [yu]la, pit - [ya]ma;

  • after a vowel sound: washes - mo[ye]t, sings - po[yo]t, give - yes[y]t, bark - la[ya]t;

  • after the dividing words ь,ъ: eat - eat[ye]m, drink - drink[yo]t, pour - l[yu]t, zealous - zealous.

In addition, after the separation b the letter will represent two sounds And: nightingales - nightingale [yi].

  1. The letters e, e, yu, i indicate the softness of the preceding consonant in the position after consonants, paired in hardness-softness: fur - [m′eh], carried - [n′os], hatch - [l′uk], kneaded - [m′al].


  • Sounds [th], [l], [m], [n], [r]- voiced (do not have a voiced-voiceless pair)
  • Sounds [x], [ts], [h], [w′]- deaf (do not have a voiced-deafness pair)
  • Sounds [zh], [w], [ts]- always hard.
  • Sounds [th], [h], [sh′]- always soft.

Lesson summary "". Next topic:

Artyukhova Olga Petrovna

primary school teacher

MKS(K)OU for students and pupils with disabilities “Special (correctional) general education school – boarding school of VIII type No. 4” Osinniki

Literacy lesson for severely mentally retarded children

Subject: Sound and letter X


    acquaintance with the sound and letter X.

    learn to find a sound and highlight it in a word

    develop reading skills, phonemic awareness

During the classes:

    Org. moment

Attention! Check it out buddy!

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Is everything in place, is everything in order:

Pen, book and notebooks.

Let's all be careful

Obedient and diligent.

Today we have a reading lesson, let's get ready to read letters, syllables, and pronounce sounds. They sat up straight, relaxed, and placed their hands on their knees.

Articulation gymnastics (using breathing exercises).

II. Repetition

Guys, on your desk are letters that are already familiar to you. Let's remember the letters and sounds that we have already become familiar with.

Children sing vowel sounds (along a tape of letters). Consonant sounds.

Repetition of letters, reading syllables, words.

III. Formation of new knowledge. Selecting the sound [x].

Lesson topic message.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with a new sound and letter.

Name the sound with which the words begin: bread, refrigerator, trunk, robe.

Sound [X]. Let's say it. This is the sound we make when we warm our hands.

When pronouncing a sound, the tongue makes a “slide”; we pronounce the sound briefly.

Describe this sound.

[X] is a consonant, dull sound. What color does this sound represent?

Introducing the letter X (sample on the board). Living letters.

The consonant sound [x] is indicated by the letter X. (Teacher shows the letter X)

Poems dedicated to “X”:

What does “X x” look like?

X” keeps walking, walking, walking.

Can't find a place?

Who can tell me what she looks like?? (on scissors, on a helicopter blade, on a mill, on a cross)

Ha - looks like scissors

But at work, not lying down.

If you want to cut, if you want, you sew,

If you want, you can cut your own hair.

What elements does the letter X consist of?(from 2 sticks)

Let's find this letter in the alphabet.

X - this letter has a cheerful character, it is never gloomy, it loves to laugh. She hid in our drawing.

(Children show where the letter is hidden. The teacher circles the letter X with red chalk.


Let's show the letter X(Intertwined hands above head, forming the letter X).

Fixing the material.

Laying out the letter X from beans.


There are bean fruits on your tables. Let's make an X out of beans.

Physical exercise "Khomka"

Hamster, hamster, hamster

Striped barrel.

Khomka gets up early -

He washes his cheeks, rubs his back,

Khomka sweeps the hut

And goes out to charge.

One two three four five -

Khomka wants to become strong!

Letter X.

Let's see how we write this letter.


Here are two spikelets intertwined,

The result is the letter Ha.

(The teacher explains and shows the writing of the printed letter X. An inclined straight line from left to right and an inclined straight line from right to left).

Now it's time to get into the notebook

Let us write the letter Ha.

I'll open my notebook

And I’ll put it down with an angle,

I, friends, will not hide it from you,

I'm holding the pen correctly.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend,

I'll get to work.

(The teacher once again shows the letter X in the drawing with colored chalk).


Written carefully

Everyone enjoys looking at the notebook.

Lesson summary.

What did you learn in the lesson?

What sound were you introduced to?

What letter represents this sound?

The bell rang from class.

It's time to play

What we learned in the lesson -

We will never forget.


    Entertaining ABC studies: Book. For the teacher / Comp. V.V.Volina. – M.: Enlightenment. 1991. – 294 p.

    Kosinova E.M.My first book of knowledge. About everything in the world. The ABC of correct pronunciation / Hood. Yu. Gurov. - M.: OLISS, Publishing HouseEksmo, 2005. - 120 With

    Limanskaya O.N. Notes of speech therapy classes. First year of study. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009. – 74 p.

Target: To strengthen the students’ understanding of the sounds [X] and [X`], introduce them to the letter “X”.



  • Strengthen children's ability to differentiate the sounds X, X in words and sentences;
  • Develop gross, fine and articulatory motor skills;
  • Develop mental activity;
  • Develop phonemic awareness;
  • Develop the ability to perform phonetic analysis of two-syllable words (using the example of words with the sounds [X] and [X`]).


  • To foster a positive attitude towards classes in children;
  • To cultivate a culture of behavior in children in frontal classes.

Equipment: computer, projector, large-checked notebooks, simple and colored (blue, red, green) pencils for each child.

Lesson plan

1. Organizing time. (2 slide.)

Guys, every morning when you enter the group you say hello to the children and adults present in it. And I suggest you say hello to your body.

Conducting a communicative game “Hello”

Hello, palms! (Stretch out your arms, turn your palms up and down.)

Clap-clap-clap! (3 clapping hands.)

Hello legs! (“Spring.”)

Top-top-top! (They stomp their feet.)

Hello cheeks! (Stroke their cheeks with their palms.)

Plop-plop-plop! (Lightly pat the cheeks 3 times.)

Chubby cheeks! (Circular movements with fists on cheeks.)

Plop-plop-plop! (lightly hit the cheeks with their fists 3 times.)

Hello sponges! (They shake their head left and right.)

Smack-smack-smack! (Smack lips 3 times.)

Hello, teeth! (They shake their head left and right.)

Click-click-click! (Click their teeth 3 times.)

Hello, hello, tongue! (Tilt their head forward 3 times.)

Chok-chok-chok! (Click tongue 3 times.)

2. Subject message. (3 slide.)

– The cunning hamster Khoma came to visit us today. If you name what sounds the words cunning and hamster begin with, you will find out what sounds our guest invites you to remember.

- Right! Well done! Today we will remember the sounds [X] and [X`], and also get acquainted with the letter “X”, which represents these sounds in writing.

3. Acoustic-articulatory image of sounds. (4 slide.)

What sound is heard X or Xh when we laugh: Ha-ha-ha? (X.) Hee hee hee? (Huh.).

Pupils pronounce sounds in chorus and individually and give their characteristics.

The sound X is a consonant, hard (denoted by a blue chip), dull.

The sound Хь is a consonant, soft (denoted by a chip Green colour), deaf.

– Both of these sounds are denoted by one letter. Look how it looks and tell me what this letter looks like?

– Now let’s open the copybook and complete all the tasks on a new page. (Work in copybooks: shading, writing the letter X in the boxes.)

4. Game exercise “Lay out the pictures.” (5 slide.)(Development of phonemic hearing.) - Khoma attends a forest school, where he has to perform many tasks.

Some of them he just can't cope with. Khoma asks you to help him. Well, shall we help? Khoma brought pictures with him and asks to put them in folders. In the blue folder you need to put pictures whose names have a hard consonant X, and in the green folder you need to put pictures whose names have a soft X sound. (Pictures – hut, nuts, ferret, roosters, fly.)

– Well done, they helped Khoma cope with the task.

5. Physical education lesson “Hamster”. (6 slide.)

– Our friend invites us to get up and stretch a little.

Khoma, homa, hamster, striped flank (rubbing sides with hands)

Khoma gets up early, (stretch)

washes cheeks (rub cheeks with hands)

rubs paws (hand washing movements)

Khoma sweeps the hut (sweeping with imaginary brooms)

and goes out to exercise (marching)

One (hands forward)

two (hands up)

three (arms to the sides)

four, five (shaking hands)

the hamster wants to become strong (arms bent to shoulders, hands clenched into fists, arm muscles tense, like those of strongmen).

6. Word game “Find the extra word.” (7 slide.)

– Khoma wants to check how your ears can hear and suggests playing the game 4th odd.

(4 words are reproduced by the teacher, and the children identify the extra ones.)

Hut, walk, ottoman, artist;

Tricky, heck, tail, chemistry;

Kitchen, firecracker, poetry, Cold.

- Well done! Your ears hear everything just fine!

7. Sound analysis of the words hek and Khoma. (8-9 slide.)

- Guess the riddle.

Lives without air

Cold as ice

He doesn't want to drink, but he drinks.

The armor shines, but does not ring

And everything is silent, silent.

That's right, it's a fish. Our friend Khoma is friends with a fish named Heck. He asks you to help him write a sound diagram of his friend's name. Shall we help? Then open your squared notebooks.

(Pupils determine the number of sounds in a word and draw a strip 3 cells long. Then they name each sound, give it a characteristic and indicate it in the notebook with the corresponding colored circle.)

Well done guys, you helped our guest. But why was he sad? He probably wants to write his name, but he can’t. Shall we help Khomka?

(Pupils determine the number of sounds in a word and draw a strip 4 cells long. Divide the Khoma words into syllables and divide the strip into two parts. Then name each sound, give it a characteristic and indicate it in a notebook with the corresponding colored circle. Under the diagram, children write with a simple pencil the word Khoma. The teacher explains to the students that names are written with a capital letter.)

I suggest you call our guest and show how beautifully we wrote his name. Let's say his name, emphasizing the vowel sound in the second syllable, i.e. let's put emphasis. - HomA. Somehow it doesn’t fit, which means we placed the emphasis incorrectly. Let's try to highlight the vowel in the first syllable with our voice. - Khoma. Here comes our friend. So we put the emphasis correctly. Well done!

8. Summary of the lesson. (10 slide.)

Tell me, what sounds did we remember today? (Repetition of sound characteristics). Remember the words with the sounds X and Xh that were heard in class.

Lesson objectives:

  • introducing students to a new letter: printed, lowercase, capital;
  • teaching children to read and write words with the letter “X”, the ability to listen with concentration and speak meaningfully;
  • development of phonemic hearing, thinking, linguistic sense, attention, speech;
  • nurturing a caring attitude towards bread and towards working people.

Equipment: models of carriages with cards of studied letters and the letter “X”, proverbs, riddles.

During the classes

1. Repetition of the material studied

U.: Today we will go on a journey. Guess who will be the passengers on our train. For this …

*Complete the sentences

“We write and see...” ( Letters)
“We hear and pronounce...” ( Sounds)

U.: Passengers are the letters of vowels and consonants.

*Semantic grouping

U.: Our train has carriages of different colors.

– What letters of sounds will we place in the red carriage on two shelves? ( Letters of vowel sounds)

On the desk:

U.: The most vocal passengers live in the next carriage. Name them

U.: Which letter of the sound will we take out separately? ( Y)

-Justify your answer. (The letter is a voiced unpaired soft sound, the rest are paired in hardness and softness).

U.: Distribute the remaining letters.

D.: These are letters of paired voiced and unvoiced sounds.

D.: The bottom shelf of the carriage is the letters of the unvoiced sounds [ш], [ш`], [ч`], and the top one is the letter of the voiced unpaired hard.

U.: Our last carriage is without a passenger. There is a printed letter there, which we will get acquainted with today.

2. Introducing a new letter

*Letter modeling

U.: Assemble a letter from the elements

A student is at the blackboard, the rest are at their desks.

U.: Look at the alphabet and tell me what the letter is called? ("HA")

3. Writing a lowercase letter in a typing exercise book

4. Introducing lowercase writing

U.: Look at the poster. What elements does the letter "HA" consist of?

D.: From two semi-ovals.

*Demonstration of writing a letter on the board.

*Letter in the air.

* Students write the letter “X” in their notebooks.

U.: Highlight the most a beautiful letter. Try to write beautifully, neatly and correctly and all other icons.

5. Introducing the sounds [x] and [x`]

U.: Think about how many and what sounds the letter X can represent? To do this, select words with this letter. ( Crunch, gunpowder, cunning, frail, etc.)

* Sound characteristics

D.:[x] – consonant, deaf, hard, [x`] – consonant, deaf, soft.

*Writing words in a notebook

*Physical training minute

U.: I will name the words. If you hear the sound [X], you squat; if you pronounce the sound [X`], you stand up and stretch on your tiptoes.

Words: artist, frail, chorus, want, cunning, hops, hake, good.

6. Learning to read syllables

(A card with the printed letter “X” is applied to the upper vowels A, O, U, Y, E. It is appropriate to use “train car.”)

D.: Firmly, vowels nearby, commanders of firm teams.

(A card with the letter “X” is applied to the vowels of the bottom row.)

U.: How do we read the first consonant in these syllables? ( HY, HY, HY, HY, HY)

D.: We pronounce it softly.

U.: We honor syllables.

7. Vocabulary work

U.: What groups can words be divided into?

D.: For words that name objects: crunch, gunpowder and words - signs of objects: frail, cunning.

*Working on a riddle

Placed on the table. ( Bread)

– What sound do we hear at the end?

D.: We hear the sound [p].

U.: You are right, there is a deafening sound.

– What letter do we use to denote the sound? To do this, select words with the same root for the word “bread”.

*Hidden hint

U.: Let's affectionately call... ( bread)

– An object where bread is stored... ( bread box)

– Bread manufacturing enterprise... ( bakery, etc.)

- Let's write this word in a notebook. Let us emphasize the place - a weak position for a consonant.

8. Correlating a sound pattern with a word

On the desk:

U.: Think about which diagram fits the word “bread”?

D.: The word “bread” refers to the 2nd scheme, since [X] is a consonant, hard; [L`] - consonant, soft, since the letter “E” softens. The next sound [E] is a vowel. The last sound [P] is a consonant, hard.

9. Drawing up a proposal for the diagram

U.: Well done, now choose a sentence for the diagram:

D.: Fresh bread lies on the table.

- Mom put the bread in the bread bin.

*Letter with comments

U.: Let's write 1 sentence in a notebook.

10. Compiling a story using reference words

U.: The story you will write contains the following words:


– Come up with your own stories, working in pairs.

*Selection of proverbs for the text

(children's stories are heard)

U.: What proverb is suitable for your stories?

D.:“Bread is the head of everything.”

11. Summing up

*Game "Do you believe"

U.: Do you believe that the letter "X" is the letter of a vowel sound?

D.: This is the letter of consonant sounds.

U.: Prove it.

U.: Do you believe that the letter is an icon for voiceless sounds?

D.: This is the letter of the unvoiced sounds [х] and [х`].

U.: Why?

D.: When we pronounce it, the throat does not tremble.


U.: What did you find interesting about the lesson? When was it difficult?

*Assessment of student activities.

Natalia Vasilevskaya
Lesson summary “Sound [X] and letter X”

Lesson notes"Our town" sound and letter"X"

Correctional educational tasks:

Consolidation of knowledge about letter and sound"X",

Formation sound analysis,

Formation of skills to distinguish between hard and soft sound,

Formation of skills to determine place sound in a word.

Correctional and developmental tasks:

Development of memory, attention,

Development of fine and gross motor skills,

Development of coherent speech,

Development of phonemic hearing

Correctional and educational tasks:

Formation of goodwill and initiative.

Equipment: projector, colored squares, printed letter"X", mirrors, pictures from sound"X",electronic presentation, colored pebbles,

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys!

I want to tell you a riddle.

Blooms on the face

It grows with joy.


Give each other a smile for a good mood

And today, guys, I received a letter, let’s read it and find out who is writing to us. And he writes to us letter"X"

Hello guys, I really wanted to get to you, but I got lost, help me find the way to yours kindergarten. The letter wrote that she can return if you complete the tasks. Shall we help?

But first, we must prepare our tongue for work.

Take the mirrors, let's do the exercises. (Pipe, smile, watch, swing, delicious jam, horse)

Fine! Now tell me sound"X" vowel or consonant? It can be hard, it can be soft, check what it is, voiced or dull. Take blue and green squares.

Well, our tongue is ready and you can look at the map and start completing tasks.

For each completed task you will receive this fragment, let's see what you get in the end.

1. You have squares in your hands, I will name the syllables if you hear a solid sound then pick up the blue square, if it’s soft, then pick up the green one.

(Ha, hee, ho, hoo, hee, hee, ha, ah, uh, oh,)

Well done guys.

Let's see what next task we need to complete.

2. Distribute the pictures into two groups, blue with solid sound, to green with soft sound, let's check it together. (We find a place sound in a word, complete answer)

Physical exercise. "Weirdos" (video game)

3. next task. Let's make a sentence with each of these words. (pictures from the previous assignment are used)

4. Find the extra word. (on the screen)

5. Name only those words whose names contain sound"X"

That's letter! Has she returned to us?

Let's decorate our letter. (lay out stones.)

Bottom line classes: If you think that everything worked out for you, take an orange star, if you think that not everything worked out, then a yellow one.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of a literacy lesson “The sound [o] and the letter O” Topic: “Sound (O) and the letter O.” Purpose: To generalize children’s ideas about vowels and consonants. Tasks: Learning task: Identification of the given task.

Lesson summary “Sound and letter Ch” Topic: Sound and letter Ch Purpose: To consolidate the skill of pronouncing the sound ch in words; Objectives: Educational: - learn to highlight the sound Ch in words; - teach children.

Lesson summary “Sound and letter Z” Subject. Sound and letter Zh Purpose: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [Zh] in speech. Objectives: Correctional - educational: Teach correctly.

Lesson summary “Sound [a] and letter A” Objectives: introduce children to the vowel sound [a] and the letter A; learn to determine the position of a sound in a word; practice intonation.

Lesson summary “Sound [B] and letter B” Summary of GCD in preparatory MBDOU group No. 61 for children with special needs in the second year of study. Speech therapist Nosova G.G. Topic: “Sound and letter.

Lesson summary “Sound and letter T. Food” Goal: 1. Getting to know food 2. Finding the sound T in words 3. Dividing syllables into syllables 4. Finding the sound in a word 5. Answer.