Dobrynya and the Serpent (in development of the idea of ​​historicism of epics). “From the ancient Russian epic to modern animation” (using the example of a comparative description of the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent” and the cartoon “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”) The epic Dobrynya and the serpent Gorynych brief

Usage comparative analysis in the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent” and the modern blockbuster “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”.

Gorbatenko M.V., teacher of Russian language and literature

Gymnasium No. 2, Neryungri

[email protected]

The talented Russian people, in the distant past, contributed to the treasury of world culture such riches that arouse in us a feeling national pride. Such a wealth left to us by our ancestors are epics - a special type of ancient Russian folk epic songs with historical content. Heroic epics have come to us from time immemorial.

The level of informatization of modern society is now very high, it is increasingly turning to scientific and journalistic publications, and if modern society pays less attention to the classics, then the epic is completely forgotten. As a revival of Russian folklore, they are used different ways, including modern animation.

It is unlikely that there is at least one child who does not like to watch cartoons. Cartoons for children are a fascinating immersion in Magic world, vivid impressions. The modern film industry, both domestic and foreign, amazes with its diversity, including cartoons.

Many psychologists believe that the characters of children’s favorite cartoons are a fairly effective educational tool. Screen characters actively influence children's imagination, demonstrating how to behave in a given situation. Children very often imitate the behavior and speech patterns of cartoon characters. Cartoons influence the formation of a child's personality.

Bright, spectacular, imaginative on the one hand and simple, unobtrusive, accessible on the other, cartoons are similar in their developmental and educational capabilities to fairy tales, games, and live human communication. Cartoon characters show children a variety of ways to interact with the world around them. They form ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior. The events taking place in the cartoon allow him to develop his thinking and imagination, and shape his worldview.

In the cartoon, Dobrynya Nikitich is listed in the service of the Prince of Kyiv, as befits heroes. He honestly and regularly fulfills his duties, strictly fulfilling the Prince’s instructions. Dobrynya defends the Principality of Kiev, collects tribute from enemies and subordinate principalities, and in general does everything that the service of a hero of the Russian land requires. Dobrynya Nikitich, an accomplished family man, is the only cartoon character of this kind whose story does not end at the end of the cartoon with a noisy wedding. Dobrynya has been serving the Prince of Kyiv for many years, without doubting the validity of his orders. But the Prince’s next request forces Dobrynya to doubt her honesty. Like a true hero, Dobrynya Nikitich resolves the conflict, despite all the obstacles, difficulties and obstacles. Dobrynya is patient with her annoying and very talkative companion Elisha, teaching him the wisdom of heroic science. Dobrynya is a colorful, bright and most noticeable character in the cartoon. He embodies the most character traits collective image of a hero. By definition, it carries calm, confidence, power and reasonable courage. Dobrynya Nikitich knows how to be both serious and funny at the same time, he is able to surprise with his spontaneity and sincerity, he delights as the most ingenuous cartoon character. Even in the complex and ambiguous situation of the cartoon, Dobrynya Nikitich remains the same honest and kind hero who will be able to find the truth even among the most ingenious machinations and dishonest tricks. In Dobrynya Nikitich you can recognize the traits of all famous Russian heroes - sincerity, kindness, courage, calmness, valor and, of course, boundless courage. Comparison of the plots of two works.

We can conclude that epics are characterized by a special pure-tonic epic verse (which is based on the commensurability of the lines by the number of stresses, which achieves rhythmic uniformity). Although the storytellers used only a few melodies when performing epics, they enriched the singing with a variety of intonations and also changed the timbre of their voices.

Unlike the epic, the cartoon is made in the style of the so-called “parody of a fairy tale,” the ancestor of which is “Shrek” and has all its characteristic elements:

    General humorous tone, ironic inconsistency of some characters and actions with their fairy-tale “prototypes” (for example, Serpent Gorynych turns out to be “ good guy"and friend of Dobrynya).

    Using clichés from popular films: Zmey Gorynych evades Dobrynya “The Matrix”,

    Kolyvan utters the phrase “And now - hunchback! I said: hunchback!” "Meeting place can not be Changed"

    The phrase “What is the strength, brother?”, which Dobrynya pronounces, is borrowed from the dilogy “Brother”.

    The phrases “Well, what are we going to do with him?” and “Cut off his head!” - an illusion based on M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.”

    Mentions of things characteristic of the present time, and therefore comical (Dobrynya: “You don’t know what to do? Fell, did push-ups! Ten times!.. Twenty! Let’s come back, I’ll put you in the squad. They’ll teach you everything!” (Available in looks like a modern army) or

    Kolyvan, in exchange for services, promises Baba Yaga “A Dacha near Kiev”).

    The hero from the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent” is also present. A portrait of Tugarin the Snake hangs in the background at the Basurman checkpoint in the main yurt of Khan Beket.

    In addition, Elisha passes through Rostov (the city of Alyosha Popovich) when he delivers a letter to Dobrynya. Also, the wedding table in the final scene passed through Rostov.

    The figurine that Khan Beket takes from the quitrent is a symbol of the Oscar Award.

To the question “Why is it more interesting to watch a cartoon than to read an epic?” respondents gave the following answers:

Difficult text to understand; when reading epics it is difficult to imagine the heroes; you won’t read the epic on your own;

The cartoon is interesting to watch, there are a lot of jokes; you immediately see the heroes;

You can watch the cartoon many times yourself.


1.The heroes of the epic and the cartoon bear the imprint of the time in which they were created, which makes them different from each other.

2. The purpose of creating texts is different. The epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent” is educational in nature. The blockbuster “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych” is entertaining.

3. The plot of the epic practically does not coincide with the plot of the cartoon.

4. This heroic blockbuster does not convey to the modern viewer the ideological content of the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent.”

5. In the modern interpretation of this epic, there is an almost complete divergence from the epic language.

6. The characters in the cartoon are interpreted completely differently than in the ancient Russian epic.

7. New characters have been added to the cartoon, which complicates the plot and changes the relationships between the characters.

We, Russian people, are proud of our country. Our present is infinitely dear and close to us, we believe in a bright future, but we value and honor our past, which must be remembered in order to learn from it.

We believe that this cartoon is funny, interesting, but more created for adults than for children. First, children should develop a patriotic worldview thanks to Russian epics, and then they can watch an animated film for fun.


1. Ashurkov V.N. and others. Historical local history: Tutorial for students of history fak. ped. Inst. – 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1980.

2. . Epics / Comp., intro. Art., prepared. texts and comments. F.M. Selivanova. - M., 1988.

3. New schoolchildren's reference book. 5-11 grade. Universal benefit. T.1. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “VES”, 2002.


5. Mythological dictionary / ch. ed. EAT. Meletinsky. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990.

6. . Propp V.Ya. Russian heroic epic. M., 1999

Dobrynya Nikitich is one of the most famous Russian heroes. Companion of Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich, their faithful comrade and fighting friend. The epics describe their joint exploits, as well as the amazing qualities of the hero himself. In addition to the fact that Dobrynya had remarkable strength, he was also famous for his ingenuity, tactics, and brilliant mind. His diplomatic skills perfectly complemented his excellent physical strength, agility, heroic physique.

The surviving epics say that Dobrynya served at the court of Prince Vladimir, was his loyal subject, and carried out the most dangerous and complex assignments. The hero's wife is a daughter famous hero, Mikula Selyaninovich. Her name was Nastasya.

The image of a hero - an epic hero

(V. Vasnetsov "Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych" 1918)

The basis for creating the epic image is a real person - Voivode Dobrynya. He is Prince Vladimir's uncle, his mother's brother. The epic patronymic “Nikitich” is in honor of the Ryazan commander Nikita. Such a composite image had similarities with real characters, and was also supplemented with the most positive qualities, which testifies to the people's love for the hero.

If we take into account those stories in which the character is even mentioned in passing, there are more than 50 of them. Epics, which describe the image and exploits of Dobrynya Nikitich as a central figure - 8. They describe his fights with Ilya Muromets, Danube Ivanovich, and the fight with the snake. The epics about Dobrynya Nikitich also tell us about Alyosha Popovich, Vasily Kazimirovich, Nastya, and the search for a bride for the prince.

The exploits and heroism of the Russian hero

(Illustration - Dobrynya Nikitich defeats the Serpent Gorynych)

Historical events are reflected in epics along with an artistic frame, which are easy to understand. Real story about the search for a wife for the prince - Rogneda, formed the basis of the corresponding epic. The plot of the fight against the snake in the Novgorod region is also mentioned in the chronicle. Thanks to these exploits, Dobrynya was called “Snake Fighter”, “matchmaker” for a long time. The epic “Dobrynya Nikitich and Marina” describes his struggle with the famous sorceress, whose magic was known throughout Rus'. His fight with various cults and paganism is also manifested in that epic where a whole village of Novgorodians baptizes a hero.

Dobrynya Nikitich had a subtle mind, which helped him conduct military operations especially skillfully, without resorting to a large number of casualties - he always knew how to choose the right words, negotiated. The skills and knowledge of a real governor are also reflected in the character of the hero of the epics. In particular, it is mentioned that Dobrynya knew 12 different languages, and also spoke “like a bird.”

The feats that frightened others turned out to be simple for Dobrynya Nikitich and his comrades and could not frighten them. Together they were invincible, their military qualities complemented each other. As a true warrior, whose fearlessness is an example for generations, Dobrynya died in a fair battle. His death overtook him near the Kalki River, near which he was buried. The mound, named in honor of Dobrynya, was poured on his grave with honors.

For the Russian people, Dobrynya Nikitich is an example of courage and bravery. His exploits are an example of love for his land and compatriots.

Reads in 20 minutes

Dobrynya and the Serpent

A great disaster is approaching. The monstrous multi-headed Serpent began to carry out raids on Rus', kidnapping both innocent civilians and glorious warriors who could not resist him. Dobrynya Nikitich decided to fight the Serpent. He did not listen to his mother, who warned him against going far into an open field, to Sorochinskaya Mountain, where small snakes crawl. She has not yet ordered swimming in the Puchai River.

The hero son does the opposite. He rides into an open field, reaches Sorochinskaya Mountain, tramples baby snakes and rescues his captive fellow countrymen. After that, he is in no hurry to go home. “His heroic heart began to sweat.” Slowly, Dobrynya drives up to the Puchai River, undresses and dives, saying that her mother was wrong: she taught that the river is fierce, but she is “meek and humble, she’s like a rain puddle!” At that very moment, a black cloud clouds the sky, and booms like thunder are heard. This is the angry Serpent Gorynych flying. He gloatingly discovers the hero naked and unarmed and shouts to him that Dobrynya is now in his hands.

Dobrynya swims ashore with one stroke. His clothes were stolen by the Serpent, his horse was gone. There is only one down cap left. But the hero’s cap is not simple - “that cap is by weight; yes, as much as three pounds.” And the hero throws it at the Snake with such force that he immediately knocks off twelve of the villain’s trunks. The monster falls onto the grass. Dobrynya throws him down, jumps on his chest and takes out a damask knife, which he always carried with him on pectoral cross. The snake begs for mercy, conjures not to kill him and offers a conspiracy: he no longer flies to Holy Rus', does not take Orthodox people into his captivity, Dobrynya does not appear on Sorochinskaya Mountain and does not trample the baby snakes.

Dobrynya agrees and releases the Snake. He instantly flies under the clouds.

However, the monster did not keep his word. It was enough for him, flying over Kiev, to set his eyes on Prince Vladimir’s niece Zabava for all Gorynych’s oaths to be forgotten. He descends to the ground, grabs the girl and takes her to his vile hole.

In desperation, Prince Vladimir calls out a cry, calling on all the heroes to save Zabava Putyatichna. The warriors point to Dobrynya, noting that he has an agreement with the Serpent. And Alyosha Popovich says that he will free Knyazeva’s niece “without a fight or bloodshed.”

However, Dobrynya himself understands well that a difficult battle lies ahead. He returns from the prince, hanging his brave head. In response to his mother’s anxious questions about whether he was offended, whether he was surrounded by a glass at the feast, or whether some fool made fun of him, he replies that this is not the case at all. He is worried about the great service that must be performed for Prince Vladimir. Wise mother Efimya Alexandrovna advises her son to go to the upper room and get a good night's sleep.

Dobrynya wakes up full of heroic strength. He washes himself white and prepares for a campaign against the Serpent. At the stable, he chooses Burk, an old but faithful and still kind horse, whom he lovingly waters and feeds. Then he saddles the horse - for a long time and very carefully: “I saddled Burka in a Cherkassy saddle, / He put the sweatshirts on the sweatshirts, / He put the felts on the sweatshirts, / He put the Cherkassy saddle on the felts, / He kept tightening twelve tight girths, / He is the thirteenth I put it there for the sake of strength...”

The mother handed her son a silk whip, telling him that when the baby snakes wrapped themselves around Burk’s legs so that the horse couldn’t move, to whip him harder from behind and in front with this whip.

And so it happened. The little snakes stuck to Burk’s legs, wrapped themselves around him and hobbled him. Dobrynya whipped the horse in time with a silk whip. Burushka began to jump up, shake the reptiles off his feet and trample them all down.

At this time, the Snake crawled out of the hole and turned to Dobrynya with the question, why did he again roll up to Sorochinskaya Mountain and, against the agreement, trample his baby snakes? Dobrynya answered him with righteous anger: “The devil carried you through Kyiv-grad!” After this, the hero invited his opponent to return Zabava Putyatichna back without a fight or bloodshed. However, the monster rushed into battle.

They fight without a break for three days, and no one achieves an advantage. Dobrynya feels that her strength is running out, and at this time she hears a voice coming from heaven: “Young Dobrynya son Nikitinich! / You fought with the Snake for three days, / Fight with the Snake for another three hours: / You will beat the damned Snake!”

Dobrynya obeys. Gathering his last strength, he desperately fights for another three hours. Finally the Serpent falls exhausted and dies. A sea of ​​blood erupts from his wounds. Dobrynya wants to leave the battlefield, but again hears a heavenly order: not to leave just like that, but to take a spear and hit the damp earth with it as hard as you can, saying: “Make way, mother damp earth, devour this blood and all the snake blood.” "

Dobrynya, forgetting about fatigue, does everything. The earth opens up and absorbs the poisonous blood. Dobrynya goes to the snake's lair, where she finds forty captive kings, princes, kings and princes, not counting many common people. He releases everyone from the dungeon to freedom. Then he takes out Zabava Putyatichna with a bow and escorts her to Kiev, noting that it was for her sake that he undertook this whole dangerous campaign: “For you, I have now wandered like this, / You will go to the city of Kiev, / And to the affectionate prince, to Vladimir.” .

Dobrynya and Marinka

Efimya Alexandrovna conjures her son: when he goes for a walk in Kyiv, avoid the lane where the princess Marina Kaydalevna lives. She has already lured many noble and common people with her magical spells and mercilessly ruined them all. She has killed nine Russian heroes, and Dobrynya may face the same fate.

Walking around the city, Dobrynya at first really avoids the forbidden place. But a pair of doves gently cooing catches his eye. Dobrynya feels that these are not real pigeons, but an obsession of evil spirits. He doesn't hesitate to shoot a red-hot arrow at the pigeons. But the arrow flies past the target and hits the slanting window of the high tower. This was the window of Marina Kaydalevna, the crafty enchantress.

Dobrynya, without hesitation, goes straight to this tower to pick up her arrow. When he appears before the hostess, he hears sugary friendly speeches: “Oh, you darling, Dobrynya son Nikitinich! / Let’s do it, Dobrynyushka, love is with me!”

The hero does not succumb to seduction and with dignity answers Marina that he is “not her lover,” turns and goes out into the wide courtyard. Marinushka uses her witchcraft spells: “And here she is whittling away the footprints of Dobrynins, / She was digging into the stove in the anthill / And she herself condemns to the traces: / You are burning, footprints and Dobrynins / In that oven in the anthill. / Dobrynyushka’s soul burns for me!”

The spell works. Dobrynya returns to the upper room, bows to the insidious beauty and agrees to “make love with her.” But Marina decides to take revenge on Dobrynya, turns him into a golden-horned aurochs and releases him into an open field. The tour rushes forward, causing terrible destruction all around. He tramples first herds of peacefully grazing geese, then swans, then sheep and cows, and finally destroys a herd of horses. The estates through which he rushes belong to Dobrynina’s own aunt, the wise Avdotya Ivanovna. Each time, after another disaster, the shepherds come to Avdotya Ivanovna with the poultry and cattle entrusted to them with a complaint about a terrible and powerful aurochs. Avdotya Ivanovna sees the truth and sadly admits that this is not a tour, but her beloved nephew, bewitched by the witch Marina. Avdotya Ivanovna decides to counter the evil spells with her good ones.

She turns into a magpie and flies to the witch, whom she reproaches for her tricks, and then asks to return Dobrynya to her former heroic appearance. Otherwise, the aunt threatens to wrap Marin in magpie too, which she immediately does.

Marina the Magpie flies into the field, finds a golden-horned aurochs there and sits on its horns, whispering: if Dobrynya agrees to go down the aisle with her, Marina, she will return him to his human form. Dobrynya, realizing that he has become the prey of a witch, decides to cheat. He makes her a promise to marry: “I will fulfill the great commandment, I will accept with you, Marina, a crown of gold.”

The sorceress turns him back into a hero, and she herself becomes a maiden. They come to Prince Vladimir asking for a blessing. A rich wedding is planned. Dobrynya gives a secret order before the feast: “Ah, my faithful servants! / I’ll ask you for some green wine, / Give me a sharp saber first.”

When the hero is left alone with Marina, she again takes up witchcraft. First, the witch wraps Dobrynya in an ermine, then in a falcon, forcing her to break her claws and wings and making fun of his impotence. The exhausted Dobrynya the Falcon turns to Marina with a request to give him rest and allow him to drink a glass. Marina turns him into a good fellow, not expecting any trick. Dobrynya immediately calls the servants and pronounces the conventional phrase. The servants “quickly” hand him a sharp saber, and the hero, without hesitation, blows off the witch’s head - for her “insensitive” actions.

The next morning, rested after a hot bath, Dobrynya Nikitich sits at the porch. Neighbors passing by, princes and boyars, congratulate him on his marriage and hear the answer in all truth: “Evening, brothers, I was married and not single, / But now, brothers, I am single. / I cut off Marina’s wild head / For her, her actions were insensitive.”

Those around him do not hide their joy at this outcome. Everyone vied with each other to thank the hero, who saved the city from an evil and insidious sorceress, who, in addition to kings and princes and princes and princes, killed nine more glorious Russian heroes. Not to mention the countless victims of the simple “folk and rabble”!

Dobrynya Nikitich and Vasily Kazimirovich

Prince Vladimir arranges a noble feast, which attracts numerous guests. There is enough for everyone to have delicious dishes and good wine. The owner himself walks around the hall and thoughtfully looks around the noisy feast. Then he turns to those gathered with the question: who will do him great service? Who will go to the distant land of Polovtsian and bring back tribute to Tsar Batur that has not been paid for twelve years?

The guests begin to root for each other and remain bashfully silent. Finally, a dashing young man in green morocco boots emerges from the crowd and bows to Vladimir. This is the hero Vasily Kazimirovich. He gives the prince his word: “I will serve you with faith and truth, / I will not betray you face to face / I will bring your gold and silver, / I will bring your sting pearls, / I will bring forty forty clear falcons, / I will bring forty forty black sables. .."

After this vow, Vasily Kazimirovich leaves the feast, hanging his violent head in ruins. In the middle of the wide street he meets Dobrynya Nikitich. He is interested in the cause of sadness, but Vasily only, “like a bull,” passes by. Only on the third try does Dobrynya manage to find out what happened. He himself guesses what happened and directly asks Vasily: “Are you bragging about where to go?” Dobrynya promises her friend, who is still maintaining a gloomy silence: “I will not betray you to the military, / And to that hour of death!”

Hearing this, Vasily throws himself on Dobrynya’s chest, hugs him, calls him his older brother, admits that he really couldn’t restrain himself at the feast and boasted to everyone, and now it’s time to answer for his bragging. Dobrynya resolutely says that they will not bring any duty from the prince, but will do the opposite - they will ask for tribute “from Batur Batvesov’s dog.” The heroes fraternize and go together to the white stone chambers of Prince Vladimir, where the honest feast continues.

The good fellows are greeted with due honor, seated at the same table with the prince himself, they are brought good wine, “not small charms - one and a half buckets.” After this, the heroes outline their plan to the prince and ask him to write a handwritten letter to Batur demanding a fee. Vladimir fulfills their request, then blesses both young men, and they set off on the road. On heroic horses, Dobrynya and Vasily instantly disappear from sight and soon reach the Polovtsian land.

In enemy territory, friends behave boldly and confidently. Having dismounted, they do not tie their horses and, without asking, enter straight into Batur’s tower. Without bowing to the owner, they arrogantly announce that they have brought tribute from Prince Vladimir, and immediately Vasily takes out of his pocket “the shortcut labels” - a letter from the prince. After reading this letter, Batur becomes furious. He insinuatingly tells Vasily that he will never leave his house again. But Vasily is not afraid of threats: “I hope for a wonderful mother, Holy Mother of God, / I hope for my dear brother, / For the named brother, / For Dobrynya, or for Nikitich.”

And indeed, three times Batur sets insidious traps for Vasily - and three times Dobrynya takes the blow. First, he sits down to play dice with Batur and beats him. Then Dobrynya defeats Batur in an archery competition. Finally, the annoyed owner challenged the young men to fight - and again Dobrynya prevails, despite the fact that Batur called on many Tatars to help. Vasily arms himself with a white oak axle and rushes to the aid of his sworn brother. Batur, frightened, runs out onto the porch and shouts in a loud voice for mercy: “You leave me at least enough Tatars to breed!”

As a result, the Tatar agrees to pay Prince Vladimir tribute for twelve years, if only the heroes would go home. Loaded with rich booty, Vasily and Dobrynya travel to Kyiv and present themselves with respect before the princely eyes. The service was performed properly, the king treated them from the heart and bowed to the damp earth for their heroic courage: “You served me with faith and truth, / With faith and truth that never changes.”

Dobrynya Nikitich, his wife and Alyosha Popovich

After many daring, but also bloody exploits, Dobrynya Nikitich became overwhelmed with remorse. He turned to his mother with bitter words of reproach: it would be better if you had not given birth to me, then I would not have killed innocent souls, orphaned little children, and would not have shed blood in vain. His mother answered him with restrained dignity: I would be glad, said Efimya Alexandrovna, to “spread” you with “talent-fate” in Ilya Muromets, with strength in Svyatogor the hero, with courage in Alyosha Popovich. But you, son, have other articles - such as God has granted.

After these words, in an effort to be alone and dispel the evil melancholy, Dobrynya saddled his horse and got ready to set off. He was seen off by his mother and young wife Nastasya Nikulichna. Standing at the right stirrup, she meekly asked Dobrynya when to expect him back home. My husband told me to wait for him for three years, and if he doesn’t return by then, to wait another three years.

The only condition that Dobrynya sets is that under no circumstances should he marry his sworn brother Alyosha Popovich. And so the mother and wife remain in this painful expectation.

Six long years pass like this. There is no goodness. And the only news about him is brought by Alyosha Popovich: he reports that Dobrynya was killed, that he himself saw his bullet-ridden body in an open field. Dobrynya is bitterly mourned, and then Prince Vladimir begins to start talking to the young widow Nastasya about a new marriage: “You should marry either a prince, or a boyar, / Even a mighty Russian hero, / Even the brave Alyosha, or Popovich.”

Nastasya bows low and humbly answers: she waited for her husband for six years, as he ordered, but she will wait another six. If Dobrynya does not return, she agrees to get married a second time.

Another six years pass. There is still no news from Dobrynya. Prince Vladimir returns to the postponed agreement. Nastasya agrees - she chooses Alyosha Popovich from all the suitors.

On the third day there is a wedding feast, after which the marriage has to be legitimized by a wedding in the church. At this time, Dobrynya is passing somewhere near Tsar Grad. The horse stumbles under him, provoking the wrath of the hero. However, the faithful horse answers in a human voice: he warns Dobrynya that today Nastasya’s wedding with Alyosha Popovich should take place. Dobrynya, boiling with rage, spurs Burk - and in an instant the horse carries him across mountains and plains, across rivers and lakes, rushes through the fence of his old mansion and stops at the very door.

Without asking or reporting, Dobrynya quickly goes into Efimya Alexandrovna’s chambers and, crossing herself, bows low to her. His mother does not recognize him after so many years of separation. The servants who ran in behind them shouted that an unknown messenger had burst in without permission. The guest says that the day before he met in Dobrynya. The mother reproachfully says that Dobrynya was killed long ago and that Alyosha Popovich is a witness to this.

Without showing excitement, the guest conveys Dobrynya’s order to find out about his beloved wife. The mother replies that today Nastasya is getting married to Alyosha Popovich. Guest contacts last request- also referring to Dobrynya’s behest: to give him the master’s buffoon dress and a spring harp.

Dressed as a buffoon, Dobrynya Nikitich goes to the prince's court and goes straight to a riotous feast. Dissatisfied with his disrespect, the prince gloomily shows him a place behind the stove among the buffoons. Dobrynya strikes the strings, and the melody captivates everyone present. Everyone at the feast falls silent and listens. In gratitude, the stranger is invited to move from the corner to the princely table. Vladimir himself invites the guslar to choose any of three places of honor: “First place - sit next to me, / Another place - opposite me, / Third place - wherever you want.”

The guest chooses the third - he sits on the bench directly opposite the young newlywed, asks to bring him a glass of wine, puts his gold ring into it and hands it to Nastasya, asking her to drink it to the bottom.

Nastasya drinks the charm in one breath and recognizes her husband's wedding ring. Then she decisively declares to the whole feast: “It’s not my husband who’s next to me, / But it’s my husband who’s opposite me: / My husband is sitting on a bench, / He’s offering me a glass of green wine.”

Nastasya runs out from the table, falls at her husband’s feet and asks him to forgive her. Dobrynya condescendingly replies that he is ready to excuse her short feminine mind, but he is surprised by the prince and princess who wooed his wife while her husband was alive. Vladimir admits his mistake with shame. Behind him, Alyosha Popovich asks for forgiveness from his sworn brother. But Dobrynya is in no hurry to forgive. He is annoyed not so much at Alyosha’s love for Nastastya as at the deception - that Alyosha brought the news of his death and made his mother and wife grieve for him as if he were dead. “So because of this fault, brother, I won’t forgive you,” concludes Dobrynya and gives the crafty Alyosha a heroic beating. This is how this marriage ends ingloriously for Popovich.

Dobrynya and Nastasya return home to their mother in peace and harmony.


Mother used to say to Dobrynyushka,
Yes, Nikitich’s mother punished him:
“Don’t go too far into an open field,

Don't trample on the young snakes,
Don't help out the full Russians,
Do not swim, Dobrynya, in the Puchai River -
The Puchai River is very fierce,
The middle stream cuts like fire!”
Dobrynya did not listen to his mother,
How he rides far into an open field,
On that mountain on Sorochinskaya,
He trampled the young snakes,
He rescued them, they were full and Russian!

His heroic heart flared up,
He sent his good horse
He is kind to the horse and to the Puchai River,
He got off, Dobrynya, from his good horse,
Yes, Dobrynya took off her colored dress,
He wandered beyond the first trickle,
Yes, I wandered behind the trickle and beyond the middle one,
He said it himself and this is the word:
“Mother used to tell me, Dobrynyushka,
My mother punished me, Nikitich:
Why don't you go further into an open field?
On that mountain on Sorochinskaya,
Don't trample on the young snakes,
Don't help out the full Russians
And don’t swim, Dobrynya, in the Puchai River -
The Puchai River is very fierce,
The middle stream cuts like fire;
And the Puchai River is meek and meek,
It’s like a rain puddle!”
Before Dobrynya had time to say a word:
There is no wind - but a cloud has blown over,
There are no clouds - it’s as if it’s raining,
But there is no rain - only thunder roars.
Thunder rumbles and lightning whistles:
How the Serpent Gorynishche flies
About those twelve trunks!
Dobrynya the Snake will not shrink,
The damned Serpent says to him:
“You are now, Dobrynya, in my hands!
If I want, now I’ll drown you, Dobrynya,
I want you, Dobrynya, now I’ll eat and devour you
If I want, I’ll take you, Dobrynya, in my trunk,
I’ll take Dobrynya in my trunk and carry Dobrynya into the hole...”
The Serpent falls to the fast river,
But Dobrynyushka was a good swimmer:
He will dive onto the shore there,
He will dive onto the shore here;
Yes, Dobrynyushka doesn’t have a good horse,
Yes, Dobrynya doesn’t have colored dresses -
Only one feather cap lies,
Pooh cap and Greek land,
The weight of that cap is as much as three pounds!
How he grabbed the cap of the Greek land
May he throw the Serpent into the damned -
He knocked off all twelve trunks of the Snake!
Then the Serpent fell into the feather grass.
Dobrynyushka gave a twist to his leg,
He will jump on snake and white breasts;
Dobrynya had a damask knife on the cross,
He wants to spread out his white breasts,
And the Serpent will pray to him, Dobrynya:
“Oh, you Dobrynya son Nikitich!
We will lay down with you the great commandment:
You shouldn’t go far into an open field,
On that mountain on Sorochinskaya,
Don't trample any more young snakes,
Don't help out too many Russians,
Do not swim, Dobrynya, in the Puchai River,
And I don’t want to fly to Holy Rus',
I don’t need to carry people anymore than Russians,
I don’t want to hoard fulls and Russians.”
He released the Serpent as if from under his knees,
The Serpent rose up under the clouds,
It happened to him to fly past Kyiv-grad,
He saw the Prince's niece,
Young Zabavu daughter Putyatichna
On the street and on the wide one,
Then the Serpent fell on the damp ground,
He captured the prince's niece
And he carried it into a deep hole;
Then the sun Vladimir Stolnokievsky -
Yes, for three days he called the cry,
He called out to heroes and glorious knights,
Who could go far into an open field,
On that mountain on Sorochinskaya,
Go into a hole and into a deep one,
Get him, Knyazev, his niece,

Alyoshenka Leontyevich said:
“Oh, you sunshine Vladimir Stolnokievsky!
Throw on this great service
On that Dobrynya on Nikitich:
After all, he has a commandment with the Serpent,
Why shouldn't he fly to Holy Rus'?
And he can’t go far into an open field,
Don't trample the young snakes
Don't help out too many Russians -
So he will take the Prince’s niece,

No fighting, no bloodshed.”
The sun is here Vladimir Stolnokievsky
How I threw this great service
On that Dobrynya on Nikitich -
He should go further into an open field
And get him Prince’s niece,
Young Zabavu’s daughter Putyatichna;
He went home, Dobrynya, he started spinning,
Dobrynya began to spin and became sad;
His dear mother meets him,

“Oh, you’re in trouble, my child,
Young Dobrynya son Nikitich!
Are you not leaving the feast cheerfully?
You know, the place was not up to your rank,
You know, they brought you a spell at the feast
Was the fool making fun of you?
Dobrynya's son Nikitich said:
“Oh, my dear mother, empress,
You are honest, widow Efimya Alexandrovna!
The place was right for me,
I was not enchanted at the feast,
The fool didn’t laugh at me;
And he did a great service
Sunny Vladimir Stolnokievsky,
Why go far into an open field,
To that mountain and to that high one,
Should I go into a deep hole,
I need to get Knyazev’s niece,
Young Zabavu’s daughter Putyatichna.”
Mother says to Dobrynya,
The widow Efimya Alexandrovna is honest:
“Go to bed early in the evening,
The morning will be wiser than the evening.”
He got up early in the morning,
He washed himself and he was white,
He was well equipped
Yes, and he went to the stables;
And he takes in his hands a bridle made of braid,
And he takes his grandfather’s good horse;
He gave Burk a honey drink,
He fed millet and Beloyarova,
He saddled Burk in a Cherkassy saddle,
He put sweatshirts on sweatshirts,
He put felt on sweatshirts,
He put a Cherkassy saddle on the felt,
Vz sekh pulled up twelve tight girths.
He put the thirteenth down for the sake of fortress,
So that a good horse does not jump out from under the saddle
He didn’t throw away the good fellow in an open field;
The girths were silk,
And the pins on the girths are all damask,
The saddle buckles are red and gold;
That silk doesn’t tear, and damask steel doesn’t rub,
Red gold does not rust,
A good fellow sits on a horse - but he himself does not grow old!
Dobrynya's son Nikitich went,
At parting, his mother gave him a whip,
She herself said this:
“When you are far away in the open field,
On that mountain and on high,
You will trample the young snakes,
You'll help out the full Russians,
Like those young snakes -
They will sharpen Burk's hooves,
That Burushko will no longer be able to jump,
And he shakes the baby snakes off his feet,—
Take this silk whip,
And you hit Burka between the legs,
Between the legs, and between the ears,
Between the legs and between the hind legs:
Your Burushko will begin to jump,

You will trample every single one of them."
How he was far away in an open field,
On that mountain and on high,
He trampled the young snakes;
Like those young snakes -
They sharpened Burk's hooves,
That Burushko can no longer jump,
Let him shake off the baby snakes from his feet,
Here is young Dobrynya's son Nikitich -
He takes a silk whip,
He hits Burk between the ears,
Between the ears, and between the legs,
Between the legs and between the hind legs:
Then Burushko began to jump around,
And he shakes the baby snakes off his feet,
He trampled every single one of them!
The damned serpent came out
From that deep hole,
He himself said this:
“Oh, hey Dobrynyushka Nikitich!
You, you know, broke your commandment:
Why did you trample the young snakes?
Why are you helping out the full Russians?”
Dobrynya's son Nikitich said:
“Oh, hey Snake, you’re damned!
The devil carried you through Kyiv-grad:
Why did you take Prince’s niece,
Young Zabava's daughter Putyatichna?
Give me the Prince's niece

Then the Serpent is damned
He said to Dobrynya and Nikitich:
“I won’t give you the prince’s niece
No fighting, no bloodshed!”
He started a great fight;
They fought for three days
But Dobrynya could not kill the Snake;
Dobrynya wants to get behind the Snake here,
As a voice from heaven says to Dobrynya:
“Young Dobrynya son Nikitich!
You fought with the Serpent for three days,
Fight with the Serpent for another three hours -
You will beat the damned Serpent!”
He fought with the Serpent for another three hours,
He beat the damned Serpent!
Here is the Serpent - he began to bleed;
He stayed with the Serpent for three days,
Dobrynya could not wait out the blood,
Dobrynya wanted to get away from the blood,
From heaven Dobrynya again a voice says:
“Oh, hey Dobrynya, son Nikitich!
You stood in blood for three days,
Stay covered in blood for another three hours,
Take your spear and the Murzametsk one
And hit the ground with a spear,
Say with a spear yourself:
“Make way, mother damp earth,
Make way for four and you're at a quarter!
You gobble up this blood and all the snake blood!”
Mother earth has opened up,
She devoured all the blood of the snake;
Then Dobrynya went into the holes,
In those holes and deep ones;
There sit forty kings, forty princes,
Forty kings and princes,
But simple power is endless!
Then Dobrynyushka Nikitich -
He spoke to the kings and he to the princes
And to those kings and princes:
“You go now to where you were brought from,
And you, young Zabava daughter Putyatichna,
For you, I have now wandered this way,
Let's go to the city to Kyiv,
Ay to the affectionate prince Vladimir!
He took young Zabava Putyatichna,
And on that path - a wide path,
He saw a horse track:
The horse walked up to its knees in damp ground!
He caught up with Alyoshenka Popovich,
He himself said yes, this is the word:
“You are Alyoshenka Leontievich!
Take this Prince's niece,
Young Zabava's daughter Putyatichna,
Take me to the sun and to Vladimir,
To Vladimir, may you be safe,
I’ll follow this horse trail!”
He followed this horse trail,
I caught up with the great clearing;

And he, Dobrynya, on horseback, will shrink

“Dobrynya has all the courage in the old way,

The oak tree is about three fathoms thick;
He hit the damp oak with his club
Yes, he smashed the damp oak into splinters!
And he himself said yes, this is the word:

And, it’s true, Dobrynya’s courage is not the same as before!”
I caught up with the great clearing,
Hit with his damask club
That clearing along the wild head -
Let that Polyanica never look back,
He, Dobrynya, on horseback, will shrink
And he himself said yes, this is the word:
“That Dobrynya has the same courage as before,
It’s true, Dobrynya’s strength is not the same as before!”
He went back, Dobrynyushka,
Dobrynya came to the oak cheese -
The oak was six fathoms thick;
He hit with his damask club,
And he smashed the damp oak into splinters!
He himself said yes, this is the word:
“Dobrynya has all the power in the old way,
It’s true, Dobrynya’s courage is not the same as before!”
He caught up with the clearing for the third time,
He hit with his damask club
That clearing along the wild head -
Glade will look back and take a closer look,
She herself says yes, this is the word:
“I thought mosquitoes bite,
And this is the Russian mighty hero clicking!”
She grabbed Dobrynya by the yellow curls,
She put Dobrynya in a deep pocket,
Into the deep pocket of Dobrynyushka and his horse;
And she carried Dobrynyushka for three days;
As her good horse says,
He told her in a human voice:
“Nastasya’s daughter Nikulichna is young!
Like a hero's horse is a match for me,
May the strength of a hero be equal to yours:
I can’t carry more than you and the hero!”
Nastasya's daughter Nikulichna says:
“If the hero is old,
I will cut off the hero’s head;
If the hero is young,
I will take the hero in abundance;
If I fall in love with the hero,
I’ll marry a hero!”
Takes the hero out of his pocket
Here she liked the hero;
Nastasya da Nikulichna says:
“You are young Dobrynya son Nikitich!
We will go with you to the city of Kyiv
Yes, to affectionate prince, to Vladimir,
You and I will each receive a golden crown.”
Then they arrived to the city of Kyiv
And to affectionate prince Vladimir,
They accepted and received a crown of gold;
There were three days of feasting here
In honor of young Dobrynya and Nikitich!
Here they sing about the good old days -
And to the blue sea and silence,
And for you, good people, for fun!

The use of comparative analysis in the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent” and the modern blockbuster “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”.

Gymnasium No. 2, Neryungri

Even in the distant past, the talented Russian people contributed to the treasury of world culture such riches that arouse in us a sense of national pride. Such a wealth left to us by our ancestors are epics - a special type of ancient Russian folk epic songs with historical content. Heroic epics have come to us from time immemorial.

The level of informatization of modern society is now very high, it is increasingly turning to scientific and journalistic publications, and if modern society pays less attention to the classics, then the epic is completely forgotten. Various methods are used to revive Russian folklore, including modern animation.

It is unlikely that there is at least one child who does not like to watch cartoons. Cartoons for children are a fascinating immersion into a magical world and vivid impressions. The modern film industry, both domestic and foreign, amazes with its diversity, including cartoons.

Many psychologists believe that the characters of children’s favorite cartoons are a fairly effective educational tool. Screen characters actively influence children's imagination, demonstrating how to behave in a given situation. Children very often imitate the behavior and speech patterns of cartoon characters. Cartoons influence the formation of a child's personality.

Bright, spectacular, imaginative on the one hand and simple, unobtrusive, accessible on the other, cartoons are similar in their developmental and educational capabilities to fairy tales, games, and live human communication. Cartoon characters show children a variety of ways to interact with the world around them. They form ideas about good and evil, standards of good and bad behavior. The events taking place in the cartoon allow him to develop his thinking and imagination, and shape his worldview.

In the cartoon, Dobrynya Nikitich is listed in the service of the Prince of Kyiv, as befits heroes. He honestly and regularly fulfills his duties, strictly fulfilling the Prince’s instructions. Dobrynya defends the Principality of Kiev, collects tribute from enemies and subordinate principalities, and in general does everything that the service of a hero of the Russian land requires. Dobrynya Nikitich, an accomplished family man, is the only cartoon character of this kind whose story does not end at the end of the cartoon with a noisy wedding. Dobrynya has been serving the Prince of Kyiv for many years, without doubting the validity of his orders. But the Prince’s next request forces Dobrynya to doubt her honesty. Like a true hero, Dobrynya Nikitich resolves the conflict, despite all the obstacles, difficulties and obstacles. Dobrynya is patient with her annoying and very talkative companion Elisha, teaching him the wisdom of heroic science. Dobrynya is a colorful, bright and most noticeable cartoon character. He embodies the most characteristic features of the collective image of a hero. By definition, it carries calm, confidence, power and reasonable courage. Dobrynya Nikitich knows how to be both serious and funny at the same time, he is able to surprise with his spontaneity and sincerity, he delights as the most ingenuous cartoon character. Even in the complex and ambiguous situation of the cartoon, Dobrynya Nikitich remains the same honest and kind hero who will be able to find the truth even among the most ingenious machinations and dishonest tricks. In Dobrynya Nikitich you can recognize the traits of all famous Russian heroes - sincerity, kindness, courage, calmness, valor and, of course, boundless courage. Comparison of the plots of two works.

Text of the epic


There is no mention of the battle of Dobrynya with the Mongol-Tatars

There is a fragment of the battle between Dobrynya and the Mongol-Tatars

After kidnapping Zabava, Zmey Gorynych takes her to his lair

After kidnapping Zabava, Zmey Gorynych gives her to the merchant Kolyvan

The kidnapping of a niece is a complete surprise for the prince

Prince Vladimir makes a deal with the merchant and allows the Zabava to be stolen

Dobrynya saves Zabava alone

Together with Dobrynya, the messenger Elisha goes to save Zabava Putyatichna.

The snake is the sworn enemy of the hero

At the end of the film, Zmey Gorynych helps Dobrynya

Ends with Zabava's rescue

Ends with the wedding of Elisha and Zabava

We can conclude that epics are characterized by a special pure-tonic epic verse (which is based on the commensurability of the lines by the number of stresses, which achieves rhythmic uniformity). Although the storytellers used only a few melodies when performing epics, they enriched the singing with a variety of intonations and also changed the timbre of their voices.

Unlike the epic, the cartoon is made in the style of the so-called “parody of a fairy tale,” the ancestor of which is “Shrek” and has all its characteristic elements:

Ø General humorous tone, ironic inconsistency of some characters and actions with their fairy-tale “prototypes” (for example, Zmey Gorynych turns out to be a “good guy” and a friend of Dobrynya).

Ø Using clichés from popular films: Zmey Gorynych evades Dobrynya “The Matrix”,

Ø Kolyvan pronounces the phrase “And now - hunchback! I said: hunchback!” "Meeting place can not be Changed"

Ø The phrase “What is the strength, brother?”, which Dobrynya pronounces, is borrowed from the dilogy “Brother”.

Ø Phrases “Well, what are we going to do with him?” and “Cut off his head!” - an illusion based on M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita.”

Ø Mentions of things characteristic of the current time, and therefore comical (Dobrynya: “You don’t know what to do? Fell, did push-ups! Ten times!.. Twenty! Let’s come back, I’ll put you in the squad. They’ll teach you everything!” (Available meaning the modern army) or

Ø Kolyvan, in exchange for services, promises Baba Yaga “A Dacha near Kiev”).

Ø The hero from the cartoon “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent” is also present. A portrait of Tugarin the Snake hangs in the background at the Basurman checkpoint in the main yurt of Khan Beket.

Ø In addition, Elisha passes through Rostov (the city of Alyosha Popovich) when he delivers a letter to Dobrynya. Also, the wedding table in the final scene passed through Rostov.

Ø The figurine that Khan Becket takes from the quitrent is a symbol of the Oscar Award.

To the question “Why is it more interesting to watch a cartoon than to read an epic?” respondents gave the following answers:

Difficult text to understand; when reading epics it is difficult to imagine the heroes; you won’t read the epic on your own;

The cartoon is interesting to watch, there are a lot of jokes; you immediately see the heroes;

You can watch the cartoon many times yourself.


1.The heroes of the epic and the cartoon bear the imprint of the time in which they were created, which makes them different from each other.

2. The purpose of creating texts is different. The epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent” is educational in nature. The blockbuster “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych” is entertaining.

3. The plot of the epic practically does not coincide with the plot of the cartoon.

4. This heroic blockbuster does not convey to the modern viewer the ideological content of the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent.”

5. In the modern interpretation of this epic, there is an almost complete divergence from the epic language.

6. The characters in the cartoon are interpreted completely differently than in the ancient Russian epic.

7. New characters have been added to the cartoon, which complicates the plot and changes the relationships between the characters.

We, Russian people, are proud of our country. Our present is infinitely dear and close to us, we believe in a bright future, but we value and honor our past, which must be remembered in order to learn from it.

We believe that this cartoon is funny, interesting, but more created for adults than for children. First, children should develop a patriotic worldview thanks to Russian epics, and then they can watch an animated film for fun.


1. and others. Historical local history: A textbook for students of history. fak. ped. Inst. – 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1980.

2. . Epics / Comp., intro. Art., prepared. texts and comments. . - M., 1988.

3. New schoolchildren's reference book. 5-11 grade. Universal benefit. T.1. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “VES”, 2002.

4. http://dobrinya.3bogatirya. ru, http://ru. wikipedia. org

5. Mythological dictionary / ch. ed. . - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990.

6. . Propp heroic epic. M., 1999