Poker game descriptions. How to play poker even better. Description and course of the poker game for dummies

We present to you the rules of poker for beginners, which will help you understand the general concepts and basic aspects the most popular card game in the world.

Texas Hold'em uses a 52-card deck. From two to ten people can participate in the game at one table. The highest card is an ace and then in descending order to the lowest - a two. True, the ace, depending on the combination, can act either as the highest card or as the lowest.

Cards are dealt clockwise, two to each player face down. The remaining cards in the deck are used in the next 4 betting rounds.

Card combinations

Poker combinations are the first part for a successful game. There are exactly ten of them in total. Next, we will provide you with all the classic combinations that you need to know to continue playing:

  1. Flush Royal(Royal Flush) - five high cards of the same suit from Ace to Ten.
  2. Street Flush(Straight Flush) – five consecutive cards of the same suit. For example, 10-9-8-7-6 spades.
  3. Kare– four cards of the same value.
  4. Full House(Full House) - a combination consisting of three cards of the same value and two more cards of the same value. For example, K-K-K-2-2.
  5. Flush(Flush) – five cards of the same suit, regardless of their value.
  6. Street(Straight) - five cards in a row in ascending order, regardless of their suit.
  7. Set(three cards) – three cards of the same value.
  8. Two pairs– two pairs of cards of the same value.
  9. Pair– a pair of cards of the same value.
  10. High card– when all participants in the drawing do not have any combination, the player who has the highest card in his hand wins.
In all cases when two or more participants in the drawing have the same combination, the winner is determined by the seniority of all or the first cards.

Basic rules of the game during the draw

As the game progresses, you need to perform certain actions:

  • Check (skipping a move) – while there are no bets in the game yet, you can skip a move. The cards are not discarded. After you check, the next player takes the turn. If all players at the table check, the round ends and the pot remains unchanged.
  • Beth (first bid) – if no one has made a bet before you, you can make a bet. This means that players following you cannot exercise the right to check.
  • Fold (card reset) is a refusal to participate in the current drawing. The player who folds does not participate in the game until the next deal of cards.
  • Call (betting equation) – acceptance of a previously made beta.
  • Raise (increasing the bet already placed) - adding to the pot an amount greater than the amount of the bet someone made. If a player who previously bet wants to continue playing, he must either call or reraise.
  • Showdown (determination of the winner) - showing the cards of all opponents remaining in the game to determine the strongest combination.

Trading Rules

According to generally accepted Texas Hold'em poker rules, each hand consists of four rounds of betting:

After all players have received their cards (hands), the first round of betting begins. Each participant in the game must decide whether to continue or leave the fight for the pot, starting with the player sitting to the left of the big blind (the player setting the mandatory bet). Once all players have announced their decision, the next round begins.

The players who bet preflop remained in the game. Three community cards are revealed on the table, which each player can use to make a winning combination. Each remaining participant must again announce his decision in the same manner as preflop.

The third stage of trading in the distribution. A fourth community card appears on the table. The remaining players again decide whether to bet or fold.

River - the final stage of trading

A fifth card is revealed on the table. The total pot, built from players' bets, will go to the player who collected the strongest combination, or who managed to eliminate the rest of the opponents from the drawing.

Mandatory rates

Bets are intended to speed up the pace of the game. They are the ones who, formally, encourage players to fight for the bank, because otherwise everyone will just sit and wait until a strong pocket pair arrives. In the rules of the No Limit Hold'em poker game, a special marker called the “button” is used to designate the nominal dealer in each hand.

  • Before the start of the game, the poker player who is first to the left of the button places a “small blind” (SB) - the first mandatory bet.
  • The player first to the left of the small blind bets "big blind"(BB), which is twice the size of the small blind. It should be remembered that the size of the blinds may differ from the size and betting structure of the tournament.
  • Dealer. A position at the gaming table, which conventionally designates the place of the person dealing the cards. The location of the big and small blinds is determined relative to this position. Typically, the dealer's position is represented by a chip with the letter D. After each hand played, the dealer's position moves clockwise. It is advantageous in that the poker player occupying its place is one of the last among the participants to make a decision.

Game formats

By rates:

  • . The most popular poker format. The size of bets here is not limited - do not want to. You can go all-in, betting your entire stack. Players can use any tactic, from hard and aggressive play to push-fold and bluff. Playing no-limit poker provides everyone with a wide range of tools to influence their opponents - the only important thing is to be able to use them correctly.
  • Limit Hold'em. The difference between limit and no-limit poker is very noticeable. Here the size of the bets and each increase is limited to a fixed amount. Promotions are only allowed twice. Maximum number promotions during one round are also limited - 3 times. This way, you won’t lose a lot of money in one hand. This type of poker is great for beginner players who would not like to risk their bankroll too much.

By method:

  • Tournaments. A huge number of poker players who buy-in take part in this format. Participants play on different tables simultaneously until one final table remains. At the end of the game, the prize fund is divided among the best players.
  • Cash games. The game is played with real money, exchanged in advance for chips.
  • Heads-up. Translated from English it means “1 on 1”. As you guessed, in this case there are only two participants sitting at the table, who determine the winner.
  • Fast poker. This type of poker is significantly different from others. In other games, the formula is the same: the player sits down at the table, if necessary, discards his bad card and waits for his opponents to play the hand to the end. In fast poker you don't have to wait for anything - as soon as you fold your hand, you are moved to another table. Actually, the next hand has already been dealt to you.

Other types of poker

  • poker for money, and still make money, you may need time. But learning poker, believe me, will bear fruit.

    #2 – Which poker room is best for a newbie to start at?

    In total, you can find dozens, if not hundreds, of poker rooms online. After reading our article, in which we described the main rules of playing poker for beginners, also take into account our recommendations.

    When choosing, do not forget to take into account those parameters that suit you best for the game: traffic, playing field, promotions and bonuses, appearance client and so on.

    Since downloading and installing almost any poker client is always free, we would recommend giving it a try several options at once, and experience in practice which room you like best. For example, start with or, play and compare these two poker rooms. Then try to download the same one, and draw parallels between all of them. It won't be difficult!

Poker is the name of a number of card games, the essence of which boils down to the fact that players gradually place bets depending on the strength of their cards and play the resulting pot, guided by the rules of seniority of card combinations. Unlike other games, in poker there can be both community cards, which are visible to all players, and face-down cards, which are in the hands of each player. This adds excitement to poker and makes it more of a mind games, in which you need to use mathematical calculations and various trading tactics to win. Let's take a closer look at the basic rules of the most popular type of poker - Texas Hold'em.

The game can involve from 2 to 9 players. A standard deck of 52 cards is used. If you decide to organize the game at home, then before the game it is also worth identifying the dealer - the person who distributes the cards and does not participate in the drawing (the responsibilities of the dealer can also be transferred to each player in turn in a clockwise direction), as well as the item for making bets (special chips from a poker set, coin, match, etc.) and, if desired, determine its monetary equivalent. In addition, the size of the minimum bet is set and, by agreement of the players, a limit on the maximum bet can be set. The game begins with the bank being filled with the minimum bets from each player blindly (before the first cards are dealt). Each player is then dealt 2 cards face down. These cards are private and are not available to other players. Players look at their cards, and then the first round of betting occurs.

So, each player, clockwise starting with the one sitting to the left of the dealer, gets the right to move. It could be:
  1. Check. Skipping a turn. Available only if there has been no rate increase before.
  2. Beth (bet). Bid. The player makes a bet in a specified range from minimum to maximum, provided that no one has made other bets before him.
  3. Fold. Reset cards. The player leaves the current drawing without returning his bets. When dealing the cards, he does not reveal them.
  4. Call. Level/support the bet. If a bet was made before, the player deposits the same amount into the bank and continues to participate in the current drawing.
  5. Rice. Increasing the current rate. If there was a bet previously, the player increases its size and, accordingly, all other players must respond.

Bidding continues until all players match the maximum bid or fold. Regardless of the stage of the drawing, if all players have folded, then the player who made the maximum bet automatically becomes the winner and the drawing ends.

In the next step, the dealer deals 3 cards face up. These are the common cards used by all players to complete their 5 card hand. After this, the next round of bidding takes place according to the same rules, in which all players with cards in their hands take part.

Next, the dealer deals the fourth community card face up and the betting round occurs again. Thus, each player at this stage already has 6 cards (2 of his own and 4 common) to make a combination.

At the last stage, the dealer deals the last community card and the players conduct a final round of bidding, at the end of which everyone reveals their cards and the winner is determined. The winner and, accordingly, the owner of the entire bank accumulated during the drawing is declared the player who has collected the strongest combination of any 5 cards (2 of his own and 5 common ones). Below are the combinations in descending order of strength.

It is worth mentioning separately the well-known technique of bluffing in poker. Most often, players bluff in all sorts of ways to convince their opponent of the weakness of their positions and provoke them to raise bets, or vice versa - to force their opponent to fold under the threat of losing your supposedly strong combination. This adds even more excitement to the game. By the way, the expression “poker face” comes precisely from this game and means an impenetrable and impassive expression on the face of a player who does not want to show his current position in the game in any way.

Playing poker is a great way to spend time with friends. This is an entertaining mixture of excitement, passion, intellectual confrontation and, of course, luck!

The first rules of the game of poker, which are known to modern players, were formed at the beginning of the 19th century. Basically under this name lies the game “Texas Hold'em”. This is the most common type of poker, played both in real casinos and on Internet resources. It won’t be that difficult for a beginner to learn it; the main thing is to understand the basic combinations and learn to enjoy the game.

"Texas Hold'em"

To play, a deck of 52 cards is taken. The game is played by two to ten players. The highest card is considered to be an ace, and the lowest card is a two. But in some combinations, an ace can also be considered a low card. Players are dealt two cards clockwise. The rules of poker for beginners are not that complicated; the main essence of the game is bidding. After the cards are issued, the first bets are made. At this point, someone can make a pass, deal their cards and not participate in further play.

After this, the dealer reveals the first three general bidding cards on the table. Players again have the right to make the next bet or leave the game. And this happens until the last fifth card is revealed on the table and those sitting at the table make a decision whether to raise bets or pass. The weight of the pot that players placed during bets will go to the one who collects the most significant combination.

Basic steps

While there are no first bets, the player has the right to skip his turn, keeping the cards. The pot will remain the same if all players at the table miss their turn. When making the first bet, the person making it at the very beginning of the game circle can request, using the Bet action, that other players do not miss a turn. Poker rules for beginners include the ability to fold cards.

If a player is not sure that he wants to participate in a given deal with the available cards, he makes a Fold, thereby leaving the game until the next hands. You can even the bet by betting the same amount as the previous participant. An increase in the bank amount is also available to players. Moreover, all previous players must either equalize the bets or fold their cards. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards to determine who has the strongest combination and will take the pot.


If a person wants to learn the rules of poker for beginners, then the first thing he should learn is combinations. Texas Hold'em uses the same notations as other styles of poker.

  • The most significant combination in this game is considered to be Royal Flush; if a player managed to collect five cards from ten to ace of the same suit, he undeniably won.
  • A straight flush is five consecutive cards of the same suit, and if two such combinations appear at the table, the winner is the owner of the largest cards.
  • Four of a kind are four of the same cards, such as four aces or sixes.
  • Full House - if the player’s hands, combined with community cards, come out to three and two cards with the same values, for example, three aces and two deuces.
  • Flush - five cards of the same suit.
  • Straight - five cards in ascending order.
  • Set - three cards of the same value.
  • Pair - two cards of the same value.

These are the basic poker combinations that every beginner should know. Recognizing them, understanding and analyzing the cards in your hands and lying on the table, calculating the possibility of obtaining one or another combination are the main rules of the game. Only by realizing which cards can be put together to win does it make sense to place bets and continue playing.

In the last combinations, the suit of the cards does not matter. If none of the players has collected a single combination, the winner is the one who has the highest card in his hands. If a pair of players collect the same combinations, they divide the pot into two. These are the main rules of poker for beginners.

Painted poker

Painted is one of the subspecies of the popular game. The name comes from the peculiarity of this layout, because one of the participants must describe in detail everything that is happening, so that the points and bets of the players can then be calculated. This game is often compared to preference. The peak of popularity of painted poker fell at the end of the last century, and already at the beginning of this century they forgot about it.

Since the opportunity to play card games This game was received via the Internet new life, now more and more people want to learn it. Nowadays you can get poker training either by attending courses in person or by reading various literature online. As convenient as you like, there is always a choice. But if a person wants not only to play with friends, but also to win sums, then the issue of understanding the rules and essence of the game must be taken seriously.

Painted poker: rules of the game for 36 cards

It can be played with a full or reduced deck, but more people are attracted to the game with a 36-card deck. Since Jokers are required for the gameplay, regular cards are chosen as Jokers in a stripped-down deck. Usually, for example, six or seven is taken. The maximum number of players is ten people, the minimum is two. Players form a table where points and bets will be recorded, and also agree on which suit will be trump.

The rules of this type of poker game mean that a dealer will be selected to deal the cards to the participants and record bets and points in separate columns. After the distribution, the position of the dealer passes next player clockwise. Cards are dealt according to the value of the round, that is, one is dealt on the first, two on the second, and so on until the end. The maximum number of cards corresponds to the number of players; after this threshold, the distribution is reduced in the reverse order.

Cards are dealt clockwise, with the dealer receiving his last. The top card after the deal is revealed and is considered trump. If the revealed card is a joker, then there will be no trump cards in this hand.

Special moments of the game

In order to understand how to play this type of poker, you need to learn the basics. After the distribution, players need to take bribes. They can order any number of cards. Participants in the game can pass, but in this case the dealer is obliged to take a bribe for himself in order to equalize the number of players' cards.

The next step is the opening of one of the cards by the participant. The rest must beat her or throw one of their own. You can beat a card either with the same suit, or with a trump card, or by discarding one of the cards in your hands. Moreover, if there is the required suit, you cannot use trump cards.

How to play Omaha poker

This is the second most popular type of poker after Hold'em. By the way, they are very similar to each other. The only difference is that the player receives four cards instead of two. And in combination he must use two of them. That is, the player does not have the opportunity to build a combination using only one card from his hand. Otherwise, these games are almost identical. There are, of course, limitations in the variations of Omaha, but this is individual for each game. It is worth noting that the combinations in poker are the same almost everywhere; in order to play this game correctly and skillfully, you need to know them by heart.

And understand at what point he can fold his cards. It is also worth understanding the varieties of this game and being aware of all the features associated with the classification of gambling competition.

Where to start getting involved in the gambling business?

For people who are pondering the question of how to play poker correctly and win, it is worth deciding what goals they set for themselves.

The first thing you need to do when it comes to participating in poker tournaments is to choose a nickname for yourself. For some time, a beginner may not play for money.

However, you should not overdo it with such competitions; this can negatively affect the quality of the game of a novice poker player.

To understand how to play poker for beginners, you can also take part in freerolls. This series of tournaments provides the opportunity to win cash without the player making a financial contribution.

The upside is the chance to gain experience. The negative is the fact that only beginners participate in such games, so in the early stages of the tournament there is complete confusion.

You can learn how to play poker well with the help of special literature. Nowadays, there are a huge number of books and magazines published by experienced gambling business professionals.

Such manuals, of course, will not replace practice, but they will provide basic knowledge.

“Green” poker players participating in online tournaments should take advantage of the 4 Color Deck.

The proposed option will divide all card suits not into two standard colors, but into four. This will help you not to be distracted by additional details and focus on the main thing.

For those who are thinking about how to play poker correctly, there is one very important piece of advice - you should only play for money in a good state of mind, with a cheerful, fighting spirit.

A depressed state will significantly reduce the performance of a participant in a gambling competition. Before starting the game, a young poker player should determine three important points for himself:

  • What is the maximum pot he expects to receive;
  • The amount of loss he is willing to accept;
  • How much time do you plan to spend on the game?

Nothing should distract a beginner from a card competition. You should concentrate as much as possible and try to abstract yourself from the world around you.

Poker players who still make a lot of mistakes should not play at several tables at once. It would be more correct to start by limiting ourselves to one platform and pay more attention to quality rather than quantity.

How to properly distribute financial resources?

A person sitting at the table should choose a limit that will allow him to use up to 10% of his financial resources.

For a poker player just starting his career, It is worth taking part in competitions with a stack not exceeding 50 BB. Whatever one may say, but in gambling It is much easier to part with money than to earn it.

Therefore, at first it is better to become the owner of a modest bank rather than to lose big. Another reason to listen to this advice is that opponents are not afraid of a competitor who has a small supply of chips, which means they will play more relaxed.

You can take advantage of this by collecting a winning combination and surprising your opponents.

Thinking about how to play poker for beginners? Another important rule is that you need to have time to leave a gambling competition while still in the black.

There is no need to sit down at the table withexperienced professionals, knowing that they will lose at this table.

To understand how to play poker correctly and win, you need to avoid fighting with participants who have an impressive supply of chips. You should especially avoid tables where all players have too big a stack.

Among other things, you should not play with particularly aggressive opponents. By frequently changing bets, the opponent will force the competitor to make quick, poorly thought-out decisions, which can cause negative results of the competition.

People who have already figured out how to play poker take notes about each of their opponents. Quite often, opponents meet more than once at the gambling table.

It will be useful to have information about a player with whom the poker player has already dealt. Do not underestimate any of your opponents, unless you know for sure that he is very weak.

The answer to the question of how to play poker correctly is inseparable from the question of what to play with. You should not fight for the bank if you receive a bad card. It is better to refuse bets until you get a lucky hand.

The player's goal is not to play as many games as possible, but to win as large an amount as possible.

Poker is not a game where you should rely on blind chance. It is important to correctly assess your chances of winning and make informed decisions.

You should not be afraid to fold your cards once again; it is much worse to remain in the game with a weak hand. There is no need to pay attention to elements of the deck that came after the fold.

To understand how to play poker correctly, you definitely need to constantly analyze your game. The gambling competition in question is entirely based on mathematical laws.

At the beginning of their career, poker players should think about using special programs. They summarize the completed games and provide the beginner with all the necessary information about his progress and the results of his opponents.

If a participant in a card competition has figured out how to play poker correctly, then he has passed the adequacy test.

After all, it is this game that shows a person how capable he is of making the right decisions quickly and accurately.

To decide how to play poker well, you need to not only memorize the established rules, but also develop your own strategy for playing the game and learn to understand the psychology of your opponents.

A novice player will be helped in this by visiting, where experienced specialists share their observations and give invaluable advice to everyone.

Learning how to play poker for beginners is not that difficult. To do this, you just need to be patient and go through the entire training procedure step by step.. You shouldn’t expect crazy money to immediately flow like a river into a poker player’s pocket. Before you get the desired result, you will have to make some efforts and suffer several failures.

People interested in how to play poker well should move from thinking to action as soon as possible.

Only constant practice and analysis of one’s own mistakes will help a participant in gambling competitions quickly master all the intricacies of a card competition and start earning good money.

All poker players at the beginning of their careers asked the same question as you: "How to play poker?"

Today we will tell you the rules of playing Texas poker. After that, you will move on to more subtle things: studying strategy, player types, mathematics and poker psychology. The most interesting things await you ahead.​

Many sites offer various materials on the topic of studying poker. Here you will find a complete and accessible explanation of all the rules and aspects of poker games, as well as tips for improving your skills.

To unravel poker terms that are incomprehensible to beginners that will appear in the text, you will need ours.

Now let's finally understand the rules of playing classic poker, which are relevant for offline and online poker. By classic we mean poker in which five cards are on the table and each player has two cards. These rules were first established at the beginning of the 20th century in Texas, hence the name of this legendary game.

How to play poker: instructions for beginners

Several people play poker at one table (minimum two, maximum ten). They play with a standard card deck of 52 cards.

Purpose of the game– take possession of as many chips/money as possible; lose as little as possible. Moreover, the number of distributions is not limited.

During the game, the player has the right to leave the table, the game will continue, cards will not be dealt to him only in cash games. In tournaments, if a player moves away, he is still required to post blinds/antes, and his cards will be automatically folded.

Game duration

In tournament poker, the game will continue until the winners are determined. In cash games, everyone plays as much as they want

How many cards are dealt in poker?

Each player is given two cards. Nobody sees them except those who have them. Then five are placed on the table common cards, in which three fall first, and then one more.

To understand how to play poker, first of all you need to remember the combinations and their precedence:

  1. Royal Flush, also known as a Royal Straight Flush or Royal Flush, is the highest and rarest combination in poker, which consists of 5 cards of the same suit from 10 to Ace (in other words, it is the highest straight flush or the highest straight of the same suit).
  2. Straight-flush– a combination of 5 cards of the same suit in order, or in other words – a suited straight.
  3. Four of a kind– 4 cards of the same rank (for example, A A♠A♣A♦, 6♦6♣6♠6, Q Q♦Q♣Q♠, etc.).
  4. Full House– a combination of a pair of cards of one rank and three cards of another rank at the same time (pair + set in one combination). The seniority of a Full House is determined by the three identical cards that are included in it.
  5. Flush– 5 cards of the same suit.
  6. Street– 5 cards in order (for example, 2-3-4-5-6 or 5-6-7-8-9 or 9-10-J-Q-K).
  7. Set/Troika/Trips (Three of a kind)– 3 cards of the same rank.
  8. Two Pairs– a combination in which there are 2 pairs of cards of the same rank at the same time.
  9. Pair– these are 2 cards of the same rank (the same cards of different suits).
  10. High card- the weakest hand. If a player does not have any of the above combinations, then his combination is the highest card, which is determined by the highest ranking card in the player's set of cards. If several players do not have a single combination, the winner is determined by the highest card.
  11. Also worth considering Kicker- this is a card that is not included in the poker combination, but determines the winner if the players have the same combination strength. For example, one player has AQ, another has A10, and they put A-J-8-2-J on the table. Both players have two pair (AA-JJ), but the first has a queen kicker, and the second has a 10, so the first player wins the hand. If a king were placed on the table instead of 8 or 2, then it would be a kicker for both players and then they would split the pot.

The rules of poker are easy to learn if you know the rank of cards and the actions available to players on each street, namely:

  • Bet– place a bet
  • Call– call the bet, that is, bet the same amount as your opponents or opponents bet
  • Raise– increase the bet (bet more than the previous player/players)
  • Fold– fold the cards and refuse further participation in the hand
  • Check or skip - an action available to the player when he has already made a bet and in situations where no one has raised before him. This action assumes that you are not adding chips to the pot. Preflop there are mandatory bets (blinds) that must be called to stay in the game, but on other streets, if all players check, you will have the opportunity to open the next card of the table for free
  • Reraise, 3-bet (reraise, 3-bet)– raising the bet after a raise

Mandatory bets - Big blind and small blind

Before the cards are dealt, the two players to the left of the table place blind bets. The first of them puts a small blind (from the English Blind - blind), the second puts a big one, which is most often equal to two small blinds.

For example, you play poker with bets of $1/2. The small blind bets $1 and the big blind bets $2. The big blind is usually abbreviated as BB, small MB (English BB, SB).

Mandatory bets are needed to speed up the pace of the game and get players into the fight for the pot, otherwise players will just sit back and wait for the perfect pocket pair.

Bidding rounds

The hand consists of 4 rounds of bidding. The first round (preflop) occurs after each player has been dealt two cards. Next, 3 cards are placed on the board - the second round (flop) begins. Then another card is placed on the table - again a round of betting (turn), and then another one, after which players can make bets for the last time (river).

So, let's look at each of the rounds that provide the rules in poker.


All players are given pockets. After that they bargain. What are the options?

  1. Fold the cards (without losing chips); the cards are thrown face down into a common pile so that no one can see them.
  2. Accept a minimum bet of $2 – this action is called “Call”.
  3. raise the bet (the minimum increase is one big blind, that is, when a player raises preflop, he calls the initial bet of $2 + places a bet of $2, for a total of $4 bet).

The first player to act preflop is the one to the left of the BB. His position is called Early position or UTG. The last to go are the MB and BB. The small blind can do:

  1. Fold, losing your $1 bet.
  2. Call – to equal a bet (either from the BB or placed by one of the players).
  3. Raise.

The big blind, since he has already placed a $2 mandatory bet, can make:

  1. Check (since he has already posted a blind) - in this case, the betting ends and the flop is dealt (more on this later).
  2. Call if someone raised before him.
  3. Fold (it is not recommended to fold if you can check) If someone raises, then everyone else needs to either call, fold, or reraise if desired. The minimum increase is one blind (in our case, $2).

If someone raised the bet in one round, then in the same round another can bet at least twice as much as the previous player.

Exception: preflop you don’t need to bet twice as much; after one raise, another one raises just one more blind, but maybe more. The trade ends when everyone has left. The player receives the pot if no one calls his bet/raise. He may show the cards he played with, but this is not necessary.


Next, 3 cards are placed face up on the table - the flop. Then bargaining follows: players, in addition to the move options that were used in the first round, have the opportunity to simply check, and then the next player will move.

Important detail: In all rounds except preflop, the small blind goes first.

Turn, river.

After everyone has walked, the fourth card falls on the table - the turn.

Showdown – showing cards and comparing combinations

The pockets are turned face up to compare hands after the river. Showdown also occurs when all remaining participants in the hand go all-in. In this case, the missing cards are placed on the table (so that there are only five) and the combinations are compared. The best one wins.

What else should you know about Texas Hold'em?

Game formats

By way of raising rates:

  • Unlimited – the maximum bet size is equal to the size of the player’s stack; the most common format in the world.
  • Limited - the maximum bet size is limited. This is a safer form of poker for your bankroll since you don't risk losing your entire stack at once.

By way of playing:

  • Tournament - players pay a buy-in (tournament fee) and compete for prizes.
  • Cash games - the game is played with cash (which is first exchanged for chips).

Who deals the cards?

In a casino, the role of the card dealer is performed by a specially trained person who does not take part in the game - the croupier. In other cases, it is accepted that the player in the dealer position (hereinafter referred to as the Dealer) will deal the cards, but this is not a strict rule - anyone can deal. In online poker rooms, cards are shuffled using special equipment in which RNG plays a key role.

How to learn to play poker in 5 minutes

Poker, like many other things, can take forever to learn, but if you want to learn the basics and need the shortest rules for playing poker for beginners, then we have written the next couple of paragraphs especially for you.

Just in case, let’s clarify: these are the rules of classic poker, i.e. Texas Hold'em rules.

Three basic poker rules to remember:

  • All players receive two cards - these are your pocket cards or just your hand - you cannot show them to anyone.
  • The winner is the player who forces everyone to fold, or the one who has the strongest hand after the cards are shown (this happens after the river or when several players go all-in).
  • Combinations are formed from 5 cards; for this, all 5 cards lying on the table, 4 cards from the table and 1 from your hand, 3 cards from the table and 2 from your hand can be used.

Here are the 3 most important poker rules. In addition to them, it is important to know (you can just print the picture as a cheat sheet) and a couple of basic terms:

  • Hand (pocket) – pocket cards that were dealt to you at the very beginning of the game.
  • Blinds are mandatory bets that are placed one by one by players in the corresponding positions.
  • Bank – the number of chips that players bet during the hand. It is won by the player with the best hand or the one who is the last one left with cards in play.
  • Stack - the total number of chips one player has - this is his stack.

Streets (bidding rounds):

  • Flop – the first three community cards on the table.
  • The turn is the fourth community card on the table.
  • River is the fifth community card on the table.
  • Check - If no one has raised, the player can say "Check" or in other words - check and continue the game without adding chips to the pot.
  • Call – support of the previous bet.
  • Raise – raising the bet.
  • Pass – discarding cards means that the player ceases to participate in the distribution and claim the pot.
  • All-in is a bet on all the chips in the stack.

A lot depends on how many people play poker. Usually, from two (heads-up) to 10 (full ring) people gather at one table. Often there are 3-max, 6-max, 8-max and 9-max tables, the maximum number of participants in which is 3, 6, 8 and 9, respectively.

Briefly about rates and trading

If you want to continue playing, you need to put a certain amount of chips into the pot every betting round. Either the same amount as the player/players in front of you put in, or more. A dealer or a player who understands this can tell you how to place bets.

Who goes first in poker?

Bets are made in a clockwise circle, starting with the player who posted the small blind (on the first circle, the small blind is his bet).

The first bidding is carried out after everyone has received 2 cards, and then three more times: after the first 3 community cards appear on the table (flop), and in turn after each of the next two community cards (turn and river). Only 4 laps.

The poker game ends when everyone except one folds their cards (the remaining player wins), or after the river, and then everyone who remains in the game shows their cards and the one with the strongest hand wins. In some cases, you may not show cards on the river - but this is a separate story and you should initial stage you don't need to know this.

This is what the rules of playing poker for dummies look like, or the most basic principle of playing poker.

But, in fact, there is no simple theoretical instruction for playing poker; all knowledge is obtained and quickly absorbed during the game.

If you managed to understand the rules and learn the combination, then you are ready to start your first game of addictive hold'em. But before that, we suggest you take a test and check the material you have learned.

Take the poker rules knowledge test

Do not forget to follow the bankroll rules so that the game does not cause financial troubles.

Poker rules for beginners are very easy to learn. And you are probably already asking the question: “How much can you earn from poker?”

We have prepared up-to-date material for you, in which we described in detail the strategies and ways to earn money. In the “Poker School” section you will find useful information about how to play poker correctly so that it brings you profit and pleasure.

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