Games about submarines online. Free boat games

Man has mastered all the elements - he has learned to fly into space and dive to the ocean floor. The conquest of underwater territories began with a simple dive of a person to shallow depths with a spacesuit, but I wanted more. When submarines appeared, many prospects opened up. We can say that they have given man a free hand - now one can stay under water for a long period, studying the life of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans, as well as waging wars.

Technology is constantly improving ships, equipping them with modern equipment, allowing them to dive deeper, stay below longer, be more maneuverable, silent, and fast. Submarine ships inspired writers and screenwriters to create fantastic stories involving them. Thus was born Captain Nemo, who turned his Nautilus into a real fortress. They talked about him as elusive and mysterious man, capable of appearing in the right place quietly and in a timely manner, instantly dealing with enemies and hiding without a trace. On board his ship there were unprecedented weapons, and the ship was practically unsinkable.

The journey begins

There are countless games with submarines, and each belongs to one of the following areas:

  • Treasure Hunt
  • Hunting for sea creatures
  • Pirates
  • Logic fun
  • Military theme

When you open games about submarines online, you will certainly meet the brave Captain Nemo and commit fabulous travels, engage in battle with sea monsters, go in search of treasures, fight pirates, find your way through the labyrinth of reefs. Of course, there are obstacles and difficulties, but without them it would just be boring.

Inside the submarine you can relax and feel safe. But beware of the huge sharks and rays that prowl around you. To show who is the true boss here, go on a hunt for underwater predators and collect a rich catch.

If hunting excites you, treasure hunting will excite you even more. Who wouldn’t want to experience the adventure of a lifetime, knowing for sure that chests of jewelry from sunken ships are waiting at the bottom. Check the bottom with the locator and collect boxes with gold. Here, too, you can’t avoid encountering sharks, so vigilance won’t hurt.

You will also have scientific expeditions. A certain professor learned about the existence of a rare plant that grows only in a certain area at the greatest depth. Wanting to collect seeds, he hired you as an experienced submarine captain to set off on his journey. Whether you can help the learned man in his work depends on you.

Shaggy and Scooby Doo, overcoming fear, either scour the sea in search of pirates to expose secret and insidious plans, or explore Neptune's house. They were encouraged to do this by one pretty lady who learned about unusual artifacts and now dreams of studying them. The elements found will help open the necessary doors, but each level has its own guards, whom it is better not to meet.

Military showdowns, underwater attacks

For boys, we have online submarine war games so they can finally shoot to their heart's content. Events unfold between enemy ships, and each is trying to sink the enemy with a fired missile. There are mines floating in the water, and if they hit the side, the ship will be smashed to pieces.

A rescue operation is to be carried out by lifting valuable cargo from a sunken ship. Do not forget about your own safety by monitoring the presence of oxygen in the cylinders. Time is limited, and the campaign must be successful in order to prevent tragedy.

Do you know what a boat is?

§ Boat - what is it?

A boat is a small vessel. As a rule, it is rowing and motor, the second option is called a boat by sailors. IN modern world boats are made from duralumin, wood, composite materials and polymers. There are also inflatable models that are quite easy to use.

§ How boats appeared

The appearance of boats differed significantly among different peoples. Historians agree on one thing: this could have started with the image of a tree trunk freely floating along the river. The first shuttles were trees hollowed out from the inside, pointed on both sides for better movement. Boats of this type are often found in parking lots primitive people, in peat bogs and even Siberian lakes.

Over time, the shuttle began to be improved. 1-2 boards were stuffed onto its edges; cracks in the stuffing were eliminated using moss and/or resin. Over time, the base of the boat was modified into a keel. Boats of this type were present among the Malay peoples, while a more advanced design was found among the Egyptians and Indians. From time to time you can find even exotic specimens: for example, the Australians cut a huge piece of bark from a tree and gave it the shape of a shuttle

§ Special boat designs

Not only trees served as material for boats. American Indians, for example, traveled on rafts with leather bags. A good, fast solution, if you do not take into account its extreme instability and suitability only in a small body of water.

You can even find special, complex boats and rafts: for example, New Guinea catamarans or double canoes (as well as other types with a balance beam) can be called an evolution towards capacity and safety.

The rudder for the boat was invented later, as well as the sail. The latter most often took a three- or quadrangular shape, located on a special stick with a crossbar.

§ Games about boats: from history to games!

Having become acquainted with the history of this floating craft, do you want to try yourself as a sailor? Then let's move on to small boat games! This section of games was created so that every user could play the role of a real sailor.

Online games about boats are incredible adventure which can be done without leaving your computer. The calming sound of the river can calm a person and put him in a working mood. Love games by type Battleship? Here you can easily find this type of game, which is exciting and exciting. Boat games have one thing in common: a thirst for adventure!

All games in this section are free - from modeling ships to destroying them in the game, from exciting quests to puzzle-type games. All these games can provide an experience comparable only to actually being on a real boat. Are you ready for a game that's bright and colorful? The game is waiting for you!

A job you don’t like, a vacation in “sunny” November, or studying with no end in sight. And sometimes you really want to give up on all your problems and worries, escape from the dusty city and find yourself somewhere by the river on a ship, where there is no mobile phone reception, no bosses, and it doesn’t matter what time it is. And so you get into a motor boat, start the engine, and, merging with the elements, rush towards the horizon at incredible speed. And the frightened birds soar into the sky from the reed thickets, and the bow of the boat noisily cuts through the cold water, and the roar of the engine fills the entire space from edge to edge, and it seems that only you and your unlimited freedom are left in this world!

Add some excitement and have a boat race!

Racing in sports cars has not surprised anyone for a long time. I want something new, something that will excite my nerves even worse! You have the opportunity to plunge headlong into the world of racing on ships, boats and speedboats sparkling with water spray. The heroes of such races are real brutal men, tired of the dust of city roads and cramped car cabins. Or maybe girls with devilry who are tired of baking charlotte on Saturdays - it doesn’t matter! There is only one motto: turn on the afterburners! Wind in the face, sharp spray cold water and the noise of the river, drowned out by the roar of a powerful engine - that’s what you’re here for! Once you start playing boat racing online, you will feel, as if in reality, the chilling speed, drive and intoxicating taste of victory. But your rivals on the ships are also no strangers, and this is not their first day in this business. So make them feel what it’s like to get out from under an overturned boat, noticing out of the corner of your eye how you are quickly rushing to the finish line first. You can even salute these losers as you leave.

On a ship around the world

But racing on ships and boats around the world has long been gaining momentum. This is perhaps one of the most dangerous sports. Water, when hitting it at speed, is no softer than asphalt. And wild Australians drive along rivers infested with hungry crocodiles, where for every five hundred meters there is a tree sticking out of the water. Our compatriots are also not lagging behind. Ours in extreme sports, they say, have no equal. In the vast expanses of the great and vast Russia, boat races are held along a 5-kilometer-long water course, starting in rainy St. Petersburg and ending the race in sunny Sochi. Britain is the first maritime power, and where would we be without it? It holds races in the ocean. Their famous British prize has been driving the investment of millions of different world currencies into incredible ocean boats for over a hundred years. Moreover, a prerequisite for participation in this race is the fact that the boat was built in the country for whose honor it is fighting. Our overseas neighbors, the Americans, have also already eaten more than one dog in this deadly sport. They have similar competitions there in Oregon every year. Just have time to read news reports later about how much damage the participants, and sometimes innocent spectators, received. This is not a sailing regatta where your beard won’t get unkempt and your white shorts won’t get wet. This is the sport of true extreme sports enthusiasts. And all this is not free either. Therefore, if in your soul you are a real thunderstorm of the seas, then better at home, in your favorite chair, join the exciting world of water racing on ships, playing online ship games. And it’s free, and your arms, legs, head are in place, and you can have time to drink tea with buns.

Choose a race track that suits you

Everyone’s character is different, but the level of extreme sports can also be different. Some people want to tickle their nerves a little so that the bosses in the next office won’t hear, while others want to dive into the very heart of a powerful element, physically feeling the pain in their aching muscles. That’s why in boat games there are different tracks to suit every most demanding taste. If you want to swim along the quiet water surface of a river, the banks of which are drowned in reeds - please. If you wanted to rush into the ocean on a motorboat, roaring the engine like a sports car and scaring the seagulls - no problem. Or maybe you are beckoned by the dirty shallow waters of the flooded Nile, where you can quite easily catch a stone or the carcass of a hippopotamus with your nose and go flying separately from a boat that has lost control. And imagine that you can raft down a seething mountain river not on a ship, which in itself is extreme, but on a motorboat. This will certainly make your pulse exceed 100 beats, and your hands will get wet as if you were really holding the helm of a naughty boat.

In general, the field of activity is truly vast. You can train by playing ships for free online, take part in tournaments and single speed swims. Palm islands, noisy oceans, narrow and treacherous rivers, crystal lakes, inflatable, wooden, metal motor boats, and even high-speed ocean boats are waiting for you. Start playing and discover this new virtual world, filled with the hot sun, the splash of water and the roar of boat engines, tearing the water surface in pursuit of adrenaline, nerve-tickling danger, a feeling of unlimited freedom and, of course, long-awaited victory.