How I built a budget electric bicycle chopper. How I built a cruiser How to build a chopper from a simple old bicycle

DIY chopper, or maybe buy a ready-made motorcycle? This is a question asked by many motorcyclists, especially beginners, who have long decided for themselves that they will not ride a plastic sport, but a real iron motorcycle, in which the sound of the legendary V-twin produces a solid sound, and not the sound of a screeching coffee grinder. In this article, which is more aimed at beginners in in an interesting way art of customization, we will look at what you need to make the right chopper with your own hands, and how to make many parts for it that will make it quite original and have a cool appearance.

It’s not so easy to write how to build a chopper with your own hands, since there are now a huge number of styles of customized motorcycles (custom), and their coolness directly depends on the number of banknotes, the skillful hands of the master and the equipment he has in his garage. And when reading about the construction of a specific custom, some novice customizer may simply not be able to manufacture it, due to lack of funds and necessary equipment. Or he simply may not like the style of some custom, because there are a lot of styles.

Therefore, this article will not describe the construction of any specific custom of a certain style, and my recommendations in this article will be purely conditional, but I still hope they will be useful for novice customizers. In addition, when building any chopper, quite a lot of nuances may arise that cannot be described in one article.

But for a more detailed explanation, when making some parts for a chopper with my own hands, I will put the appropriate link, by clicking on which the dear reader will be able to study in more detail and detail the manufacture of some equipment or some part of a chopper, and successfully apply this knowledge at home in the garage. And so let's go.

What you need before you start making a chopper with your own hands.

The first thing you need to do before starting work is decide on a budget. After all, the right chopper, which in terms of workmanship and coolness can easily outperform a serial factory bike, requires certain investments Money. And the larger these investments, the cooler the finished custom will turn out.

Of course, with certain skills in working with metal and the availability of appropriate equipment, tools and materials, you can make a decent chopper without large investments. But many novice motorcyclists do not have the skills, equipment, or suitable materials. And a significant part of the money will be spent on high-quality tools, materials and some devices, which will be described below, and without which you can’t do anything with your bare hands.

And of course, the bulk of the money will be spent on buying the donor’s motorcycle; you can’t live without it. After all, you can’t make an engine and a frame with a number and the corresponding documents on your own, even if you have super expensive equipment in a workshop (you can make a frame from scratch, but it will be numberless). Moreover, some parts from some donor motorcycles can be used.

This is the same engine, a part of the frame with a number, a front wheel (not always, but often used after modification), a front fender (of course also redone), a front fork and other parts that, with certain skills and tools, can be changed beyond recognition.

In order to save a significant amount of money, you can buy a donor motorcycle in poor condition or damaged, the main thing is that it has the documents in order and that after the accident the engine and the number on the frame are preserved. The engine, documents and part of the frame with a nameplate or number on it are the main things you need to build a chopper, and everything else can be made yourself, or purchased from catalogs.

And after buying a donor’s motorcycle, before you start disassembling it, cutting it and doing anything with it, of course you must first re-register it in your name, register it, and I wrote how to do this correctly (the legalization of a homemade bike is also described in detail there ). This will help avoid problems in the future.

And the serial frame itself, in addition to expanding its rear part, will also need to be modified. For example, in the steering columns of domestic motorcycle frames, there are still weak bicycle-type thrust bearings, which wear out very quickly and the handling of the motorcycle is, to put it mildly, lame. And the first thing you should do is replace these bearings with more powerful conical ones (such as in the Dnepr and Uralov wheels, but one size larger).

To do this, the standard bearing cups are cut off from the frame, and cups of slightly larger diameter are welded in their place, into which the outer races of the tapered bearings are subsequently pressed. I wrote more about this in, as well as in an article about the geometry of motorcycle frames, and the link to this article is below in the text.

The frames of modern imported motorcycles already have more or less normal bearings from the factory, but even such frames have plenty of modifications. Since even imported serial frames are heavier and uglier than homemade frames made from scratch, and from most serial frames (especially Japanese motorcycles) excess parts have to be cut off to lighten the weight.

Of course, there are a large number of types of frames (we read what types of frames there are) and everyone chooses their own option. But now old-school style choppers are very popular, which have very light hardtail-style frames (translated as rigid), which do not have a rear suspension and therefore have beautiful classic lines of a triangular rear part. And such frames are the lightest.

And although it is quite uncomfortable to drive on our roads on such frames, beauty and style require sacrifice. And such devices are designed not for long trips, but for short rides around the city, or for moving the driver’s body from bar to bar. And choppers with such frames are very popular now.

The front fork can easily transform the appearance of any chopper, and can change not only the silhouette, but also the driving performance of your motorcycle. Although, again, when building a chopper, most customizers, as a rule, do not pay attention to handling and comfort, the main thing is the appearance, which determines the coolness of the chopper and which can cause significant excitement in gray city traffic.

Of course, in addition to the fork, the silhouette and driving performance of the motorcycle are influenced by the angle of the steering column, and to be precise, by the trail and rack, which should be taken into account when remaking the frame or making it from scratch. This topic is worthy of a separate article, which I wrote, and I recommend reading in detail about the angles and geometry of the frame. The same article describes in detail the modification of frames of domestic motorcycles and the replacement of bearings with tapered ones.

The most popular type of modification of serial forks is to lengthen them with special inserts and replace the yokes with wider ones, or simply polish the standard yokes. When lengthening the fork stays, in order not to lift the frame relative to the ground and maintain a beautiful silhouette and low ground clearance, you should increase. That is, to ensure that after installing a longer fork, the ground clearance (the distance from the lower frame tubes to the ground) remains the same as it was.

But most often the ground clearance (clearance) is lowered by a factor of two, and in addition to the stronger tilt of the fork, the lowering is also affected by the alteration of the rear part of the frame (moving the rear wheel axis higher than it was in stock). With all this work, it is very important to maintain the clear geometry of the steering column and the entire frame, and such alterations can be carried out correctly only if you have a slipway (the link to the article about the slipway is located above, in the list of tools and devices).

So installing an extended fork is not so simple and will entail a number of serious alterations to the frame itself and its steering column, taking into account the correct angles (rack and trail - there is a link about them just above, about the angles of the steering column).

But now old-school and bobber-style motorcycles have become very popular, in which the fork (usually a springer) does not extend, or extends only slightly. But changing the angle of the steering column is also quite often used on these devices.

Indeed, with a greater angle of the steering column, even with a short fork, the silhouette of the custom bike improves significantly (it becomes more rapid). At the same time, the ground clearance is only a couple of centimeters and it becomes difficult to drive on our roads with such a device. But still, for many this is not important, because beauty requires sacrifice.

For so-called free-style choppers, a gas tank with a concave bottom, the manufacture of which I described, may be suitable. Well, if anyone is interested in seeing how I made a more complex tank, then watch the video below, which I published on my suvorov-custom channel as a guide for beginners and in order to fill the gap on this topic on the Russian-speaking Internet. I have no secrets and I think it will be useful for beginners to watch this video, divided into three parts.

Of course, beginners should first try to make a simpler classic tank, and as they gain some experience, move on to more complex products. But still, even when making a more complex tank, in the video below, there are some tips that I hope will be useful to novice customizers.

By the way, on my channel suvorov-custom (on YouTube) there are other videos on working with sheet metal and I hope over time, as I have free time, I will try to publish more such videos, and in order not to miss new videos, do not forget to subscribe to channel.

As for the wings, of course, like the tank, they should also match the style. And for example, bobbers or radical choppers may not have a front wing at all, and the rear wing is usually very short. But it’s still better to make a wing for a chopper from scratch, since altering a standard wing does not always coincide with the style of the future custom one. In addition, an exclusive wing made from scratch will be one and only, and this will add coolness to it.

And while you can do without a leather canopy, you can’t do without a seat. But I described how to make a seat for a chopper with your own hands from scratch, and it describes two options for making seats, with a plastic base and with a metal one.

Well, under the article I publish a useful and interesting video that proves that with skillful hands and a bright head, you can make an excellent custom even from an ancient Japanese motorcycle, and the engine of this motorcycle is not a twin at all, but an inline four. But it doesn’t spoil the look of the custom at all.

This video once again proves that you can make a unique custom even from trash, and I hope that this video will be an incentive for beginners and will serve as an impetus for them to start further work.

Well, I hope that this article will at least a little help beginners build a chopper with their own hands, and maybe in the near future, you will take this matter more seriously and make this exciting activity your main source of income, good luck to everyone!

At a quick glance, you might think that the illustration depicts a motorcycle. Only after two or three seconds does one realize that this is another type of bicycle. A very unusual option, especially for those who see such a bike for the first time. Meanwhile, such bikes have existed for quite a long time, have undergone changes and modernization, and have become widespread among their fans.

The chopper bike is a kind of prototype of the Choppers series motorcycle, a powerful and passable urban giant. The model is very interesting both in appearance and “functionality”: on it the cyclist will feel himself, the road and the environment in a completely different way. Quite intriguing, so we need to take a closer look at the intricacies of this bike.

Introduction to the chopper bike: features, purpose, convenience

Choppers are city bikes for fast movement on asphalt and well-rolled dirt roads. This bike is larger than a regular bike, thanks to which it can easily stand out in dense traffic.

Other specific features of the choppa bike:

  • low frame height;
  • reclined high seat;
  • high steering wheel;
  • wide-profile tires and deep tread;
  • rolling;
  • built-in two-horned footrest;
  • the serious length of the fork, located at an angle: this is what significantly increases the dimensions of the chopper compared to a regular bicycle.

On bikes of this series you will not be able to sit in a half-bent position: the geometry determines the seating position as slightly reclined.

This has a significant advantage: better visibility to the front and easier to adjust the rear view mirror. In a relaxed state it is much more comfortable to pedal; the manufacturers of “chopps” took this into account by providing the seat of their brainchild with a comfortable backrest. Three-wheeled modifications are also available, some with a rear rack. This bike is perfect not only for lovers of active walks, but also for business cyclists who often carry luggage.

Special attention is paid to the appearance of a modern chopper:

  • frame: straight in the style of minimalism, curved, carved, “various sizes”;
  • colors for every taste;
  • accessories, canopies and decor.

The single speed option is more common than the speed system bike. However, a second option also exists: a single drive sprocket and a cassette at the rear. A complete analogue of the transmission of high-speed “road cars” with a straight chain run. A special lock is installed in the middle, which prevents the chain from dangling due to its excessive length.

Cruisers and choppers for young cyclists

Close neighbors of chop bikes are cruiser bikes. These are city bikes used for cruising, riding on the streets, riding on highways and traveling to the suburbs. Some elements from a bicycle chopper are clearly present in this model: curved frame pipes, high handlebars and wide-profile tires. The stability, cross-country ability and maneuverability of such bikes can easily compete with the performance of an ordinary road bike.

The frame of the cruiser bicycle is made in the style of the 50s of the last century. At that time, these bikes were actively ridden across the American continent and, for the most part, in tourist centers, along embankments and beaches. The unofficial name of this bike is “beach”, in recent years it has been “remembered”, and the model has reappeared on wide sale.

In addition to adult “bicycle motorcycles,” you can find chopper bicycles for small children on the shelves. This is a comfortable bike that completely replicates the design of an adult. There is no chain drive, the pedals are attached to the front wheel.

The seat is made in the form of a comfortable armchair; footrests can be located under it.

A long handle is attached to the back, with which parents can roll the child until he can reach the pedals on his own. In addition, the bike is equipped with other accessories: a basket for all sorts of small items, a visor and even a seat belt!

Of course, the price of such bikes will be higher compared to their classic three-wheeled counterparts, but what can you not buy for your beloved child. By the way, about the cost: for adult chopper bicycles it will differ even more from the average.

DIY frame and fork

Since we are talking about the exorbitant price of recreational city “motorbikes,” is there a homemade alternative to such expensive but attractive bikes?

Theoretically, and practically too, you can turn an ordinary two-wheeled horse into a “convertible” in the form of a chopper with your own hands. Distinctive features from a standard bike - it has a special frame design and a long fork. To make all this we need:

  • standard road bike frame;
  • two long pipes;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • nuts, bolts and washers;
  • dropouts.

The two pipes are first accurately compared in size. This will be the core of the fork. Then dropouts are welded from the end where the wheel will be attached.

They need to be clearly fixed in advance, preferably closer to the edges of the pipes. This way the wheels will fit better in their sockets. Dropouts can be made from steel plate. The width of the cutout and the size of the wheel mounts themselves will depend on the given dimensions of the bicycle.

Using bolts and washers we create the upper mount on the fork. Don't throw away the old part; it can serve well as a sample. Next, a steering wheel pipe is welded between the pipes:

  1. We take a steel plate and make a hole in it for the pipe.
  2. We weld the fork pipes on both sides to both ends of the plate.
  3. The steering cavity is inserted into the hole and welded tightly.

It will look something like this.

How to build a long frame for a chopper with your own hands?

  • Cut off the down pipe.
  • Remove the pipe joint (place for the old plug).
  • Weld new pipes to the upper horizontal and lower pipes.
  • Weld the front ends of the pipes to the assembled fork.

The angle of the frame will change, and you will get something like this:

The geometry of the frame may differ from that shown in the picture, it all depends on its original design. In the middle, you can weld an additional vertical pipe, cut to size: the structure will be more rigid and reliable.

The procedure for creating load-bearing elements for a chopper bicycle is quite complicated, and, most importantly, it is impossible to return the frame to its previous state. That is why you should not experiment with it for the sake of curiosity.

Whether homemade or professionally built, a cruiser-style bike will cause a lot of surprise on the street and allow you to experience your usual cycling route in a completely different way. Thanks to its unpretentiousness and good performance, this bike will serve faithfully for more than one season.

Main features, advantages and disadvantages of a chopper bike

Chopper bicycles have recently become popular in Ukraine, thanks to the original design, reminiscent of cool biker motorcycles, and the simplicity inherent in bicycles. With an extended frame, a heavy handlebar and a special fork, these bikes resemble motorcycles. Simple driving asphalt surface, as well as excellent aerodynamic parameters during descent, are achieved thanks to a shift in the center of gravity and the original position of the biker.

Main advantages of choppers:

  • high comfort of movement;
  • beautiful appearance and original style;
  • wide tires that can dampen vibration from uneven domestic road surfaces;
  • the possibility of simple and quick tuning changes, which allows the owner to have a unique, exclusive bike;
  • simple controls and Maintenance bike;
  • minimal impact on the back, thanks to the level landing;
  • The high steering wheel ensures optimal placement of rear-view mirrors, which allows for safe driving on city roads.

The main disadvantages of choppers:

  • low speed gain;
  • reduced maneuverability;
  • difficult climbing.

Types of chopper bicycles

In common parlance, chopper bicycles, regardless of type, are called “rastabikes.” Let's try to understand in more detail what types of these unique bicycles can be found on domestic roads.


One of the most popular types of bikes. It has similar design elements to a motorcycle of a similar style, such as: an elongated frame, which is based on an unusual geometry using main pipes of different sections, a high handlebar and a long fork.

In addition to the features discussed above, factory models of such bikes are often equipped with planetary hubs and disc brakes. You can find a large number on sale tuning parts, which allows you to customize the bike.


A comfortable bike for moving along city streets and alleys equipped with hard road surfaces. The main distinguishing feature of this bike is the bicycle frame, made in the style of the 50s. Similar bicycles were in demand in the southern part of the United States. That is why they are often called “beach people.”

The forks on the model in question are made in the classic short-lever form and can be additionally equipped with a basket. Correct riding position is ensured by the design of the bike, and a large soft bicycle saddle will help eliminate fatigue from long trips. Cruisers use standard 26-diameter wheels with wide tires that easily cope with uneven roads.

The bike in question is great for short trips around the city, to work or school.


An unusual type of recreational bicycle, which is equipped with a large number of chrome parts, mostly used as tuning elements. The steering wheel is bent forward, shiny wheels and all other elements should make the bike stand out among its “colleagues”.

The most intriguing thing about the bike is the twisted steel parts that resemble the structure of a skewer and give the bike a stunning look. It’s hard not to notice such a bike on the roads of your city. The main disadvantage of the bike is quite difficult movement and low speed characteristics. The model is suitable for short trips on flat, hard road surfaces.

Custom bikes

Are cool models, made to order, taking into account all antoprometric data. Homemade frames, forks, handlebars and other elements will allow you to stand out among the numerous bicycles of this class.

Representatives of this category can represent different directions, ranging from choppers to individual bicycle designs.

Three wheel choppers

Popular bikes that are in demand among teenagers and children. But today you can find original models specially designed for adults who prefer a comfortable ride at low speeds.

These models are distinguished by comfortable seats and a stable ride, thanks to the simultaneous use of three support points. Often such bikes are equipped with a large basket located above the rear axle.

A comfortable riding position promotes proper riding position and minimal impact on the back. It will appeal to lovers of short trips on a stylish and original bike.

Would it be great to ride an unusual bike that no one else has? Grinder in hand, and go ahead, cut your annoying stealth!
You will also need good welding. Personally, I cook with argon. How and where to look for equipment will be left outside the scope of this material; I will only say that there is nothing super unique here.
So, we need an ordinary folding stealth, completely complete. This is important because more than 90% of its parts will be used. The missing items will have to be obtained separately. You will also need additional metal - pipes for the fork legs, to extend the frame, an additional chain also for extension, and some other small things, which are quite affordable.
So let's begin.

We lack the original steering wheel and the original with the “torpedo” hub, but the plan is to equip the bike with a high-speed transmission. If you leave the single-speed option - it’s easier, you don’t need to maintain accessories for cables. Conversion to multi-speed is the most labor-intensive, since it is necessary to carry out wiring, make fastenings for brakes, rear derailleur, etc.

The first spectacular operation is cutting. Wave the grinder and that’s it, there’s no turning back!

It is important to correctly determine the cutting locations and cut sizes.

Now we adjust the new frame elements. The top tube consists of the original seatpost and an additional tube. The dimensions of the future bicycle are now being determined. The calculation is made based on the height of the person who will primarily be driving. In this case, a large range of adjustment was necessary; this is almost a 100% universal option, which determined the design of the frame as a whole.

Let's pay attention to the trim of the seat tube and the rectangular profile under the carriage - this is one of the key design details.

It is very important to carefully fit and secure all pipes for welding. We're removing the top one for now. The connections are made simply end-to-end. Argon welding allows you to make reliable seams.

A rectangular adapter profile is needed to mate the front of the frame with the long new stays. It is very easy to mate pipes with a rectangular flat piece.
The profile width was chosen with a margin equal to approximately twice its height. I won’t give numbers - each project is individual, look at the essence and ideas.

Fitting the new chainstays to the old ones. The diameter of the pipes is approximately equal. It makes sense to bend the rear part of the frame in width so that the stays are completely straight along the entire length. The curved bottom brackets of the stays have been removed. You can also bend the stampings under the wheel back - to do this, you need to hammer something round and conical into the feather and then pull it back out. Bold the feathers boldly - and you can install three-inch tires!

Now you can cook everything. I usually don’t scald everything at once, but in the meantime I assemble it on oven mitts.
Next time we'll take care of the fork, now it's time to remove it from the frame.

In this short article you can see how a chopper bicycle with an electric motor was made.

- steering wheel, frame and front wheel from a bicycle
- car wheel
- metal sheets
- Chinese 500 watt electric motor
- rechargeable batteries
metal pipes
- metal canister

Description of the manufacture of a bicycle chopper.

First, let's talk about the main design features of this transport.

It was decided to install an electric motor of Chinese origin with a declared power of 500 watts in the car’s rear wheel.
It is clear that the engine will be powered from batteries, which need to be placed as conveniently as possible on the bicycle body. The author decided to use a homemade casing as a housing for the batteries. The author made this casing himself, from a metal canister he had.

But in this photo you can see how the frame was welded for this tool movement.

And here you can see how the rear wheel was made.
Pieces were cut out of a sheet of metal to serve as a kind of spoke discs for the rear wheel of a chopper bike.

Here you can see in more detail how they are installed on the car's wheel.

This is what a finished bike-chopper with an electric motor looks like. Its advantages are sufficient ease, including control. The electric motor allows you not to bother pedaling, and also does not make noise while driving.

If you are interested in this project, or want to learn more about the author’s work on this bike-chopper, you can check out the video material provided below:

Step 1: Donor bike.

I used my sister's old 25-year-old Raleigh Wisp as the basis for assembling a homemade chopper. Do you think we can turn this bike into a stylish chopper?

The Raleigh Wisp has an unusual frame - a double top tube runs from the stem down to the rear hub. I wanted to save this distinctive feature. The double top tube can be fitted with a saddle.

So, let's get to work. Let's start assembling the chopper by making the fork.

Step 2: Making the chopper fork.

First we need to get a suitable fork.

First you need:

  1. Dismantle the front part of the bicycle - remove the handlebars, stem, steering column and unscrew the fork.
  2. Position the bike so that the steering column is at the optimal height when riding. On at this stage don't worry about the angles. Measure the required fork length.
    As you can see from the photo, I mounted the bike on a bench at approximately the desired height and measured the distance from the top of the steering column to the front wheel axle. It turned out to be about 1.22 meters. Decent size - we should have a long bike.
    I was lucky - I found where I could buy good pipes - I bought a steel pipe 2.44 meters long for only 4 dollars.
  3. Then use an angle grinder to cut the pipe in half. Next, place two pipes vertically and grind their ends with a grinder so that they are the same size (see photo above).

Step 3: Making the fork dropouts.

At this stage, the fork for our homemade chopper consists of only two tubes. In this state there is no way to install a wheel on it, so we have to make a couple of dropouts.

The photo above shows what we should get.

The fork dropouts must be durable. To make them, I used several steel plates about 3 mm thick, which fit perfectly.

Place the dropouts from the bike fork onto the steel plate as shown in the photo above. Mark the contours along which you can then cut out the dropouts for the chopper fork.

Using an angle grinder, cut two dropout blanks from steel.

Since an angle grinder (shown in the photo above) does not allow you to cut parts with the required accuracy, the fork dropouts will vary slightly in size. I clamped the fork dropouts in a vise and used a sander to smooth out the edges.

The photo shows the dropouts after sanding. The smoother the surface, the better the contact with the wheel.

Clamp the two pieces together as shown in the photo above and cut out the sockets for the hub axles. Using this method, you will be confident that you will be able to cut two identical sockets using an angle grinder. Take your time - don't cut the socket too big so that your chopper wheel won't pop out of the dropouts. It is necessary to machine a socket of such a size that the wheel axle fits snugly enough in it. Gradually adjust the wheel axle to the socket until it fits perfectly. You need to achieve an exact match without play, as I did (look at the photos below).

Next, you should weld the dropouts to the fork. To hold the dropout in the fork, I used a magnetic holder. When I welded the dropouts I made a mistake - I placed them right in the center of the pipe when they should have been welded closer to one of the edges. I only noticed my mistake during a test ride when the wheel spokes started scraping along inside fork tubes. Luckily I had another wheel that fit better, but in any case, take into account my mistake.

Lightly weld the dropouts to the fork as shown in the photo above. Check that they are installed correctly. Once you are sure everything is good, weld the dropouts securely. The time previously spent on making smooth edges should now pay off handsomely.

Step 4: Making the top for the fork.

So, we already have a fork in the form of two pipes with dropouts welded to them.

To equip the upper part of the fork with threads, we need several nuts, bolts and washers. I bought a pack of M10 bolts, nuts and some cheap M10 size washers (10mm diameter). This kit is very inexpensive and can be found at any hardware store.

Assemble the bolt, washer and nut. Weld each face of the nut to the washer.

Unscrew the bolt until only the nut with the welded washer remains.

Finally, weld the washer to the nut in the manner shown in the photo above. Now you have a strong enough mount on the top of the fork that we can screw the bolt into.

Step 5: DIY chopper fork (first stage of manufacturing).

Let's summarize - we have two pipes with welded dropouts on one side and a welded nut on the other side.

We continue making a fork for a homemade cruiser.

Cut the fork legs off an old bicycle. Try to make the base as flat as possible.

Using a piece of cardboard as a template, draw a semicircle around the new fork tubes as shown in the photo above. Trace the crown shape for the new fork with a marker. Using an angle grinder, cut the crown along the outlined outline. Take your time - it is very important to achieve the most correct form.

Attach the wheel to the dropouts. This will allow you to set the required fork width. Next, place the stem with crown between the fork tubes. If you did everything carefully in the previous stages, then the rod with the crown will fall exactly into place. Using another piece of cardboard, mark and cut three holes through which the three pipes will pass. This will give us a cardboard template that we will use to make the base plate and top plate. Trim the cardboard to a nice, neat shape.

We make the base plate. Using a cardboard template, cut out a plate from sheet steel. For this purpose, I used a sheet of steel 1.4 mm thick, on which I marked the two outer holes (through which the fork legs go). Using an angle grinder, cut the steel sheet as shown in the photo above to create a base plate. Weld the base plate to the fork crown. Work carefully, try not to get any particles of molten metal on the bearing race!

Next we have to do the takeaway. You can simply cut off the top of the existing stem. I decided to make the stem from scratch, since I already had a steel pipe that perfectly matched the inner diameter of the fork stem.

Using corner grinding machine, cut one end of the pipe at a 45 degree angle as shown in the photo above.

Shorten the pipe as shown in the photo above to fit the rod bolt and wedge. That's it, making a homemade takeaway is finished. You can skip these steps if you simply cut the top off the existing stem.

Install the new stem onto the fork stem as shown in the photo above. Once again, place the stem and crown between the fork legs. Get someone to help you keep everything together. I simply secured all the components with a belt. The top steering column nuts should be approximately one inch below the top of the fork.

If you did everything correctly and centered the base plate well, then weld it to the fork.

Step 6: DIY chopper fork (second stage of production).

So, we have two fork tubes welded to the stem and crown. Next we need to make a top plate with which we will connect everything together.

To cut the required shape from a sheet of steel, we will need a previously made cardboard template. Mark the centers of the two fork legs and the stem bolt on a piece of steel. Since I was using 10mm bolts, I drilled a 15mm hole in the center of the fork and a hole about 10mm in diameter for the stem bolt. It doesn't matter that the diameter of the hole is larger than the diameter of the bolts, since we will still use washers during assembly.

Drilled top plate.

A plate bolted to the top of the fork. Ignore the clamp that holds the bolt in place. We'll talk about him later.

So - the fork is ready. The tubes are welded to the base plate, which in turn is welded to the fork crown. We fabricated the top plate and secured it securely with bolts.

Homemade chopper with a fork installed. The fork looks good, but in order for the bike to be rideable, we will have to seriously modify the frame, which we will do in the next step.

Step 7: DIY chopper frame (first stage of assembly).

First, think carefully about what you are going to do with the frame. For a long time I couldn’t decide what I could turn my frame into, but in the end I got a good frame for a chopper.

Frame before cutting (upside down).

After trimming, the bottom bracket is closer to the front of the bike. Next we need to lengthen the frame.

The photo above shows the frame after trimming. There's no turning back now. I want to keep the dual top tube which will look great on a custom chopper. So I cut it as close to the rear hub as possible.

The next step is to make a mock-up of the new frame design. It is very important to install the wheels to measure the required frame height. To create this mockup, I propped up the carriage and extended the frame using some thin pipes. I noticed that the double top tube was too low, so to get the saddle to the correct height I had to bend the top tube a bit. If you accidentally break the top tube, for example by splitting it at a weld, you will have to use welding to repair it. I actually accidentally broke the frame and solved the problem by welding.

I was completely happy with the shape and design of the new frame, so the next step was to extend the frame by installing two steel tubes between the bottom bracket and the two tubes running down from the seat tube.

To cut the two pipes correctly, I had to use the measurements from the layout. Since the angle of the down tube was changed, a small bend had to be created near the bottom bracket. To do this I had to use a pipe bending machine. The photo above clearly shows why the bend was needed.

At this stage the seat tube is not attached to anything - it is just dangling. That’s what we’ll do next—we’ll secure its lower part.

Using a piece of cardboard as a template, I made a plate from a sheet of steel that I placed under the seat tube and welded the plate to the top of the horizontal tubes. In this way I increased the strength of the connection between the two new pipes and the rear pipes. I then welded the seat tube to the plate.

Now let's turn our attention to the top tube. Again, the top tube is just dangling - it's not attached to anything yet.

I made another plate from a sheet of steel. It's not shown in the photo, but I used an angle grinder to make a socket in the seat tube, which I inserted a steel plate into and then I welded it to the seat tube. In this way I increased the strength of the connection and reduced the load on the weld. I then welded the top two pipes to the steel plate.

Step 8: DIY chopper frame (second stage of assembly).

The next step is to attach another steel pipe between the bottom bracket and the top tube. This will change the placement of the seat tube, which is currently towards the rear of the frame.

The photo above shows how I used a cardboard template to make a plate from a sheet of steel and welded it to a new steel pipe. It only took a few attempts to get the angle right, so try to weld only lightly, so that in the future, if something happens, it will be easier to break, grind and re-weld.

Determine the correct length of the pipe as accurately as possible so that it does not touch the carriage axle if it is too long. Also make sure that the tube fits into the carriage, but not too deep.

Fully welded frame for a homemade chopper.

Step 9: Making the chopper saddle.

I'm going to take full advantage of having a double top tube and install a saddle on it.

The saddle will be a simple structure made of boards, foam and leather.

I bolted the two boards together and drilled holes in the wood to the plate below. I secured the saddle well with bolts and nuts.

Using a heavy-duty staple gun, I attached the foam to the wood.

Using a stapler I attached the leather to the saddle.

Step 10: DIY chopper steering wheel.

The next step is to install the steering wheel.

You can install the steering wheel in three different ways:

  1. Use existing steering wheel.
    In my case it was a ram's horn handlebar, which was not suitable for installation on a chopper.
  2. Make your own steering wheel.
    If you have steel pipes, you can make the handlebars using a pipe bending machine or by cutting and welding the pipes to the desired shape.
  3. Use a different steering wheel.
    I found some old steering wheels that I decided to use.

First we need to make a clamp.

I used a removable lock from a donor saddle.

The photo above shows the saddle mount mounted on the handlebars. It turned out pretty good, so we'll use this design.

We weld the seat mounting clamps to the top plate.

Weld the clamp from the saddle to the top plate and install the handlebar into the mount.

Now we have a fully adjustable handlebar mount.

Step 11: Brakes for your homemade chopper.

If you're going to use the same wheels that came with the bike, you shouldn't have any problems at this point.

I wasn't happy with the 27" wheels that came with the bike and decided to upgrade to the more stable 26" mountain bike wheels. In doing so, I had to change the brake suspension a little.

When welding, always cover the tire with a wet cloth to avoid damaging it with the welding machine.

I calculated where to install the caliper brake and welded a plate onto the rear triangle seatstays. Please note that the mounting hole is not centered due to errors in the sizing of my frame.

Before final welding, check that the clamp brake is installed correctly and is operating properly.

Welded plate and installed clamp brake.

I used a spare brake lever that I took from another bike.

Step 12: Chopper assembly and testing.

Assemble the bike and take it for a test ride.

I decided to ditch the existing derailleur system and convert the bike to a single speed.

I bought a single speed adapter online for $24 to simply replace the existing shift system.

Since the bike was now much longer, I had to buy two inexpensive chains (two dollars each) and connect them together.

Photo of a homemade chopper.

Step 13: Completing the chopper assembly.

Disassemble the bike. Use a grinder and a sanding disc to clean the bike of weld spatter and drips.

Paint the frame and fork. Be careful when doing this - protect the bearing rings and all threaded areas from paint. To avoid paint runs, apply paint in several thin layers.

Step 14: Additional changes to the chopper design.

I was getting a little bored with the bike so I decided to make some changes.

I took the bike apart and cut off the rear end.

Step 15: Align the back.

I cut off the back end of a small mountain bike.

It was from a dual suspension bike, so I used an angle grinder to sand down the excess frame parts.

Step 16: Install the Lower Extension Pipes.

I cut two pipes and welded them to extend the frame.

Hello, my name is Maxim, I'm from Novosibirsk, I'm 29 years old and I build bicycles.

I would never have thought that a year ago, having bought a simple used Stels mountain bike, I would build them myself. After riding it for a season, I realized that this is what I would like to do. Then I didn’t yet know how exactly my fate would be connected with them, but I decided for myself exactly what it would be. The idea for the construction came quite by accident, one day while surfing the Internet I came across photographs of bicycle choppers and cruisers built by someone. I still remember this feeling, I got goosebumps and I realized - this is IT. After all, someone could do it, why can’t I? This is where my childhood classes in a car-model club and my inquisitive mind and construction education came in handy)). Before that, I had worked in sales all my life and had never even held an angle grinder in my hands, but I decided to take a risk.

I decided to start with the layout. In the parking lot behind the garage, I found two wheels from a children's toy and soldered it together from copper-clad wire.


Having analyzed the main proportions on it, I drew my future cruiser in pencil; it’s a pity I didn’t save it as a souvenir. Then I disassembled my bike to find out its structure and measure all the components, since I wanted to use some of the components in order to reduce the cost of work. It turned out that I would need a bunch of special wrenches to do this, so I had to first buy a set of bicycle repair tools.

The next step was to find a workshop where I could make it. Having called all the metalworking companies in the immediate area, they listened to me and invited only one. The task was even more complicated by the fact that I did not want it to be made for me according to my drawings; I wanted to do everything myself. After listening to me and twisting my head, they allowed me to do everything and use any specialists in the workshop for 500 rubles. in a day. The next day I started.

To build it I needed a rolling pipe bender like this one

As a result of a week's work, I ended up with a crocodile like this.

After carefully examining everything and thinking carefully, I realized that I welded my first frame on intuition alone and that I couldn’t do without a slipway. I was not able to catch all the planes and perpendiculars with my hands. Having scoured the entire Internet in search of information, I found only motorcycle ones, but from them I was able to construct a bicycle welding jig.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of a chopper bike

A chopper bicycle is designed for riding on asphalt or well-rolled dirt roads. Develops quite a high speed, slightly larger in size compared to a regular bicycle. This gives him an advantage in traffic. Other features of the chopper are noticeable at first glance:

  • Low frame;
  • Reclining seat with a comfortable backrest;
  • High steering wheel;
  • Wide tires with deep tread pattern;
  • Long angled front fork.

A chopper bike seems strange to most people, but one cannot ignore that it has many positive features. The high handlebars and unusual seat make the cyclist sit up straight. This relieves the back and has a positive effect on posture. It is impossible to meet a chopper cyclist with a bent back.

If we compare a regular bicycle with a chopper, the advantages of the latter stand out:

  1. Wide tires compensate for road unevenness.
  2. The unusual stylish appearance gives a feeling of its own uniqueness.
  3. The high position of the cyclist increases visibility.
  4. The wide soft seat creates additional comfort.
  5. The opportunity to create an exclusive model through electrification and tuning is quite real.

What types of chopper bikes can you find?

Bicycle choppers differ in several ways. They are divided according to the number of wheels:

  • two-wheeled;
  • three-wheeled.

Three-wheeled choppers are more popular among children and teenagers. But there are also adults on such a bike. Often a storage basket is mounted above the rear axle.

As a rule, a bicycle chopper is single-speed, but the possibilities expand with the installation of a planetary hub or disc brakes. Then the bike chopper can have up to 14 speeds.

By type of drive there are:

  • foot;
  • electric.

With the installation of an electric motor on a bicycle chopper, life is transformed:

  • you can ride without straining;
  • no harmful emissions;
  • inexpensive cost of battery charging;
  • when the battery is discharged on the road, you can use the pedals;
  • works quietly, no smell;
  • The electric drive is lightweight and can be installed independently.

Like everything original, the price of a chopper bike is quite high. But a DIY chopper-style bike will cost much less.

In order to turn an ordinary bicycle into a bike chopper, you need to change the frame design and the front fork. Work can begin if you have:

  • An ordinary bicycle that they decided to improve;
  • Welding machine;
  • Steel pipes for fork and frame;
  • Sheet steel with a thickness of 1.2 mm to 1.5 mm;
  • Long bicycle chain, it can be obtained by connecting two for a regular bicycle;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Dropouts;
  • Fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers).

It is advisable to follow the sequence of work stages. Briefly they can be stated as follows:

  1. Remove the steering wheel and determine the length of the fork.
  2. To make a fork two steel pipes the required length is processed with a grinding attachment.
  3. Install a pair of dropouts on two pipes for subsequent mounting of the wheel.
  4. Make the top of the fork to attach other elements of the bike to. To do this, you need to assemble a bolt, nut and washer, attach the nut to the washer, welding each edge. Then we weld the washer to the fork tube, after placing the washer with the nut down on the upper hole of the fork tube. You need to do the same with the second fork tube.
  5. Attach the dropouts to the wheels. On the cardboard template, carefully mark two holes for the fork pipes and one for the stem and crown.
  6. Using a cardboard template, make a base plate from sheet steel, weld it to the crown and stem and two fork tubes.
  7. Make a top plate from a steel sheet, mark the centers of the two fork pipes and the stem bolt, drill holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt.
  8. Secure the top plate with bolts.
  9. In order to extend the frame, you need to cut it and insert pieces of pipe. Where to cut and how much to extend is up to the bike owner to decide. In order for the weld to be of high quality, the pipe for the inserts must be taken with a slightly smaller or slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the pipes of the donor bicycle frame. This is done so that the pipes fit into each other. Only a qualified, experienced welder can weld pipes of the same diameter and ensure a correct, strong seam.
  10. Some actions may be added here if the frame is not simply lengthened, but its design is changed.
  11. The frame is strengthened by adding another pipe between the carriage and the upper frame pipes.
  12. The saddle is made of boards, plywood, foam, leather. Its appearance and design are a figment of the imagination of every cyclist. The requirements for a saddle are strength and comfort for the owner.
  13. The handlebar is installed after first deciding whether to install the old one, assemble your own design, or move it from another bicycle.
  14. Before installing brakes, you need to evaluate your preferences and financial capabilities. There are plenty of options to choose from. The main thing is that they must ensure safe driving.
  15. Finally assemble the unit and take a test ride.
  16. Paint the bike.

A chopper bicycle is designed for riding on asphalt and well-packed dirt roads and provides comfortable movement. Thanks to the wide wheels, it is stable and absorbs uneven roads well. Even without an electric drive, it reaches higher speeds than a regular bicycle. A bicycle that looks like a motorcycle is more suitable for lovers of the unusual. Interesting for those who like to improve the world around them.

In my development, I want to show the subscribers of “Modelist-Constructor” how you can build something unusual out of an ordinary bicycle with your own hands. The bike will be easily transformed while riding from a regular bike to a bike with a high handlebar and seat (and back)!

The chopper bike is made from a full suspension mountain bike and a set of gas shock absorbers. The spring on the mountain bike was removed to allow the bike to spin freely; the fork and rear triangle of the bike have been lengthened. Gas shock absorbers expand when the bike is in a high position and compress when it returns to a low position.

Below are the general steps to build this type of bike. Special materials and their sizes will vary depending on the materials available, the type of bike and the body type of the rider.

  • The bicycle components are removed before cutting and welding.
  • The connecting rod is removed using a special puller.
  • For other parts of the structure, use standard tools (nippers, adjustable wrench, socket/hex keys).
  • The shock absorbers also need to be removed from the fork.

The bicycle is trimmed behind the carriage. Use a sharpening stone to clean up the cut areas before welding the extension.

To extend the rear triangle, you can use a piece of square steel pipe about 27 cm long.

To extend the fork I used two pieces of 60 cm long steel pipe.

Initially, the distances between potential mounting points on the bike were measured to calculate the possible expansion and contraction lengths for gas shock absorbers. The wheels and seat were re-aligned to make the measuring process easier, and the cranks and pedals were also re-aligned to ensure they would not contact the shocks in any position.

Step 6: What damping force do gas shock absorbers use?

The gas shock absorbers used on the bike use a force of 41 kg. With a cyclist weighing 55 kg, the total shock absorption force will be at 66%. This is great for slow riding, but will cause the bike to compress slightly when riding fast over small bumps and potholes in the road. Locking the shock absorbers or using higher damping force may help solve this problem.

The upper end of the gas shock absorbers is mounted in the center of the triangular part of the bicycle frame near the seat. Gas shock absorbers come with metal flare fittings and 8mm threaded ball pins. An 8mm coupling nut is welded to a 6mm diameter steel tube to fit the triangle and the resulting structure is then welded to the bike.

The bottom end of the gas shock absorbers is attached to a similar steel plate, which is attached to the bike's rear frame mounting holes with screws.

The derailleurs were not mounted backwards, so the bike only has one speed. The rear derailleur was used as a chain tensioner and a small piece of wire was used to lock it in place. The two new chains were connected together to make one large chain.

I used new 2 meter long brake cables; for the rear cable, existing cable deflectors and ties were used to hold it in place. For the front brake cable, a single tie was used to hold it in place.

The bike was cleaned and repainted; The pedal from a trial bike was installed on the left side as a step to get on the bike comfortably.

Now you can hit the road on an unusual transforming bike!


Hello, my name is Maxim, I'm from Novosibirsk, I'm 29 years old and I build bicycles.

I would never have thought that a year ago, having bought a simple used Stels mountain bike, I would build them myself. After riding it for a season, I realized that this is what I would like to do. Then I didn’t yet know how exactly my fate would be connected with them, but I decided for myself exactly what it would be. The idea for the construction came quite by accident, one day while surfing the Internet I came across photographs of bicycle choppers and cruisers built by someone. I still remember this feeling, I got goosebumps and I realized - this is IT. After all, someone could do it, why can’t I? This is where my childhood classes in a car-model club and my inquisitive mind and construction education came in handy)). Before that, I had worked in sales all my life and had never even held an angle grinder in my hands, but I decided to take a risk.

I decided to start with the layout. In the parking lot behind the garage, I found two wheels from a children's toy and soldered it together from copper-clad wire.


Having analyzed the main proportions on it, I drew my future cruiser in pencil; it’s a pity I didn’t save it as a souvenir. Then I disassembled my bike to find out its structure and measure all the components, since I wanted to use some of the components in order to reduce the cost of work. It turned out that I would need a bunch of special wrenches to do this, so I had to first buy a set of bicycle repair tools.

The next step was to find a workshop where I could make it. Having called all the metalworking companies in the immediate area, they listened to me and invited only one. The task was even more complicated by the fact that I did not want it to be made for me according to my drawings; I wanted to do everything myself. After listening to me and twisting my head, they allowed me to do everything and use any specialists in the workshop for 500 rubles. in a day. The next day I started.

To build it I needed a rolling pipe bender like this one

As a result of a week's work, I ended up with a crocodile like this.

After carefully examining everything and thinking carefully, I realized that I welded my first frame on intuition alone and that I couldn’t do without a slipway. I was not able to catch all the planes and perpendiculars with my hands. Having scoured the entire Internet in search of information, I found only motorcycle ones, but from them I was able to construct a bicycle welding jig.

Second bike

I drew it in much more detail, took into account all the shortcomings and mistakes of the first one, and measured a comfortable fit from life.

I also decided to build the front double-crown rigid fork myself. The rod was machined to the same diameter of 30 mm, with a thread on the bottom and an anchor on top. I used 2 mounting kits to attach to the frame. I decided on the frame material right away - these are simple steel thin-walled pipes St10 with diameters of 32 mm and 19 mm, the wall is 2 mm and 1.5 mm, respectively. Firstly, all the suppliers in the city said that they would bring anything, but only from 1 ton, and secondly, I did not have welding for aluminum, and welding with argon takes a long time and is expensive. I welded steel semi-automatically.

Oddly enough, the main difficulty during construction was the lack of understanding on the part of bicycle parts suppliers. Everyone looked at me like I was an idiot, saying why do you need this, is it easier to buy, etc. It took me a lot of work to convince some guys of the seriousness of my intentions. While searching for information on the Internet, I saw an article about planetary hubs and my choice fell on a 3-speed with a foot brake. Crowns for the fork and rear drops were cut out of steel plates using a plasma cutter and modified using milling machine. For the fork bridges I used the same pipes of the same diameter as on the frame. Having assembled everything in black form and ridden it for the first time, it turned out that one rear foot brake was not enough, so the idea of ​​a front disc brake was born. After reassembling the bike and running all the cables, checking everything again, I took it all apart and had it painted with polymer powder paints. The frame is blue with metallic varnish, the fork and handlebars are matte black. The materials for reupholstering the saddle were a bit lacking, but now I have already put on it a saddle from the Ural of the 80s, the springs of which were straightened and covered with new dark brown leather. Standing downhill rims, Schwalbe tires, called Fat Frank, beige color.

The lack of knowledge about the design and features of the bicycle kit was a big hindrance. Because of this, the fork bridges had to be welded once, the crowns had to be resharpened three times, and the frame had to be lengthened once. During all this time, I wanted to leave him so many times, I made such stupid mistakes, and only by miracle did I manage to reach the end. All this time I was supported only by the desire to prove to myself that I could do something with my own hands.

At the end I wanted to say thank you:

Zhenya and Tema from the Freeride store;

Sapunov Sergey and Eremin Igor LLC "Module";

and of course my Alena, without whom I would hardly have done this.

Best regards, Maxim.

[email protected]

All information is in Contact: id 78615023

Photo posted by

Brief history of construction

Choppers are very stylish motorcycles that are preferred by cool bikers. It is motorcycles of this class that bearded men in leather jackets ride around.

In the mid-60s of the last century, two fellow company leaders from the USA came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a bicycle that, in style and geometry, would resemble a chopper motorcycle, so that you would not want to drive it, but to roll it slowly and enjoy the attention of ordinary passers-by.

This is approximately how the first chopper bicycle in the history of the bicycle industry appeared.

Chopper history

The history of these extravagant bicycles dates back to 1936.

Then the company, which is very popular among today, Schwinn, introduced the world to a completely new class bikes - cruisers. Their geometry was very different from the geometry of the great bikes of their contemporaries.

Such bicycles were not suitable, and that was not what they were invented for.

Some time later, in the spring of 1950, when bicycle customization in the USA was in full bloom, the first models of chopper motorcycles saw the light of day.

They looked so cool that they wanted to be like real bikers and customized their bikes. They modified them, added backrests to them, trimmed and shortened the rear ones, and changed the wheels.

Bicycles and scooters

When one of the designers at Schwinn saw ordinary enthusiasts, he immediately understood what kind of bicycles people needed now.

He created a prototype that was received very coldly by the big bosses, but thanks to the persistence of designer Al Fritz, the first chopper bicycle rolled off the assembly line in June 1963.

No one expected such success. Bicycle choppers have become a real bomb among lovers of outrageous cycling. Thousands of models were sold in the first month alone. Schwinn expanded production of these bicycles, and a new era began in the bicycle industry.

But ordinary enthusiasts could not be stopped. Despite the fact that large companies have already taken up the creation of bicycle choppers, amateurs have not stopped.

Cyclists united in clubs and periodically organized meetings at which they showed each other and others real works of art, only in the world of bicycles.

Features of bike choppers

Bike choppers look more like motorcycles than bicycles. Some models have additional accessories, which makes these bikes even closer to their older motorcycle brothers.

You might think that this bike was created more to shock others than for a comfortable ride. Yes and no. Although the geometry of the chopper frame differs significantly from classic bicycles, riding it is very comfortable and not at all difficult.

The first thing that catches your eye is the low, long fork and steering wheel. Because of this, the cyclist's position changes greatly, and along with it the perception of the surroundings changes. Indeed, when you ride a bike chopper, the road, passers-by and other cyclists are perceived completely differently.

The handling of such a bike is slightly reduced, but with experience this ceases to be a serious problem, because there is no desire to show driving master classes on such a bike.

Such bikes are very expensive and can cost more than 120 thousand rubles. But those for whom style is more important will not regret that kind of money.

Cons of choppers

Despite the unique appearance and comfortable fit, bicycle choppers have a number of disadvantages, which are very serious for some cities.

The first is cross-country ability. Due to the long wheelbase, long fork and steering wheel, the small one on the chopper makes it almost impossible to storm even ordinary curbs and curbs.

The cyclist's position deprives him of the ability to transfer his body weight between the wheels. You won't even be able to pull out the steering wheel to lift the front wheel. You can ride choppers with maximum comfort only in major cities with plenty of bike paths.

The next disadvantage is its large dimensions and weight.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that most cycling enthusiasts live in apartments of multi-storey buildings. Bicycle choppers are very inconvenient to carry in your hands, and even more so to store it at home. Although, this will not be a problem for people living in cottages or having a garage.

The high price of even classic choppers can scare off many potential buyers. Even the most budget chopper costs quite well.


Choppers are very stylish bikes. Some models even predate the prototypes of modern mountain bikes.

Ride them. Sitting behind the wheel of a chopper bike you experience real ecstasy. No stress, just the pleasure of a leisurely and comfortable ride.

These bikes owe their popularity to the motorcycles of the same name. In Russia, the biker movement is still not very developed, so chopper bicycles are not as popular as in America. In addition, they have a number of disadvantages, which are especially acute in many Russian cities.

Choppers are a motorcycle with an extended frame and front forks. This style of motorcycle was the result of a reconstruction of a production motorcycle. A chopper bike is similar in appearance to a chopper motorcycle. It also has a long frame and a longer front fork. A very unusual bike for those who see a chopper for the first time. The name comes from the name of the motorcycle series "Choppers".

Features, advantages and disadvantages of a chopper bike

A chopper bicycle is designed for riding on asphalt or well-rolled dirt roads. Develops quite a high speed, slightly larger in size compared to a regular bicycle. This gives him an advantage in traffic. Other features of the chopper are noticeable at first glance:

  • Low frame;
  • Reclining seat with a comfortable backrest;
  • High steering wheel;
  • Wide tires with deep tread pattern;
  • Long angled front fork.

A chopper bike seems strange to most people, but one cannot ignore that it has many positive features. The high handlebars and unusual seat make the cyclist sit up straight. This relieves the back and has a positive effect on posture. It is impossible to meet a chopper cyclist with a bent back.

If we compare a regular bicycle with a chopper, the advantages of the latter stand out:

  1. Wide tires compensate for road unevenness.
  2. The unusual stylish appearance gives a feeling of its own uniqueness.
  3. The high position of the cyclist increases visibility.
  4. The wide soft seat creates additional comfort.
  5. The opportunity to create an exclusive model through electrification and tuning is quite real.

What types of chopper bikes can you find?

Bicycle choppers differ in several ways. They are divided according to the number of wheels:

  • two-wheeled;
  • three-wheeled.

Three-wheeled choppers are more popular among children and teenagers. But there are also adults on such a bike. Often a storage basket is mounted above the rear axle.

As a rule, a bicycle chopper is single-speed, but the possibilities expand with the installation of a planetary hub or disc brakes. Then the bike chopper can have up to 14 speeds.

By type of drive there are:

  • foot;
  • electric.

With the installation of an electric motor on a bicycle chopper, life is transformed:

  • you can ride without straining;
  • no harmful emissions;
  • inexpensive cost of battery charging;
  • when the battery is discharged on the road, you can use the pedals;
  • works quietly, no smell;
  • The electric drive is lightweight and can be installed independently.

DIY chopper bike

Like everything original, the price of a chopper bike is quite high. But a DIY chopper-style bike will cost much less.

In order to turn an ordinary bicycle into a bike chopper, you need to change the frame design and the front fork. Work can begin if you have:

  • An ordinary bicycle that they decided to improve;
  • Welding machine;
  • Steel pipes for fork and frame;
  • Sheet steel with a thickness of 1.2 mm to 1.5 mm;
  • Long bicycle chain, it can be obtained by connecting two for a regular bicycle;
  • Bulgarian;
  • Dropouts;
  • Fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers).

It is advisable to follow the sequence of work stages. Briefly they can be stated as follows:

  1. Remove the steering wheel and determine the length of the fork.
  2. To make a fork, two steel pipes of the required length are processed with a grinding attachment.
  3. Install a pair of dropouts on two pipes for subsequent mounting of the wheel.
  4. Make the top of the fork to attach other elements of the bike to. To do this, you need to assemble a bolt, nut and washer, attach the nut to the washer, welding each edge. Then we weld the washer to the fork tube, after placing the washer with the nut down on the upper hole of the fork tube. You need to do the same with the second fork tube.
  5. Attach the dropouts to the wheels. On the cardboard template, carefully mark two holes for the fork pipes and one for the stem and crown.
  6. Using a cardboard template, make a base plate from sheet steel, weld it to the crown and stem and two fork tubes.
  7. Make a top plate from a steel sheet, mark the centers of the two fork pipes and the stem bolt, drill holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt.
  8. Secure the top plate with bolts.
  9. In order to extend the frame, you need to cut it and insert pieces of pipe. Where to cut and how much to extend is up to the bike owner to decide. In order for the weld to be of high quality, the pipe for the inserts must be taken with a slightly smaller or slightly larger diameter than the diameter of the pipes of the donor bicycle frame. This is done so that the pipes fit into each other. Only a qualified, experienced welder can weld pipes of the same diameter and ensure a correct, strong seam.
  10. Some actions may be added here if the frame is not simply lengthened, but its design is changed.
  11. The frame is strengthened by adding another pipe between the carriage and the upper frame pipes.
  12. The saddle is made of boards, plywood, foam, leather. Its appearance and design are a figment of the imagination of every cyclist. The requirements for a saddle are strength and comfort for the owner.
  13. The handlebar is installed after first deciding whether to install the old one, assemble your own design, or move it from another bicycle.
  14. Before installing brakes, you need to evaluate your preferences and financial capabilities. There are plenty of options to choose from. The main thing is that they must ensure safe driving.
  15. Finally assemble the unit and take a test ride.
  16. Paint the bike.

A chopper bicycle is designed for riding on asphalt and well-packed dirt roads and provides comfortable movement. Thanks to the wide wheels, it is stable and absorbs uneven roads well. Even without an electric drive, it reaches higher speeds than a regular bicycle. A bicycle that looks like a motorcycle is more suitable for lovers of the unusual. Interesting for those who like to improve the world around them.