Promising professions in Belarus in 5 years. What professions will be in demand in Belarus? So where are the highest salaries?

--What specialists are employers most often looking for today?

IN last years Traditionally, the demand for programmers, sales managers (mainly building materials, equipment, computer equipment), as well as representatives of construction specialties, from workers to top managers, has not decreased. Enterprises and firms are looking for construction directors and chief engineers. We constantly receive applications for the selection of secretaries and accountants.

« The labor market has frozen"

-- Which specialists began to be abandoned in a crisis situation for the economy?

Today we generally need to say that the labor market has frozen. We observe a very low demand for specialists from employers and at the same time we note that there are also few offers from applicants. The situation in Belarus does not look quite typical for a crisis, which usually provokes employers to get rid of ballast, cut staff, push a person to look for another job or quit. However, all this already happened in Belarus during the first crisis – in 2009, when “extra” specialists left companies. At the same time, private recruitment agencies recorded an increase in the flow of applicants by approximately 15-30%, while a simultaneous decrease in applications from employers was approximately the same volume, and in some areas up to 40%.

Now companies and firms, having retained the best personnel, are holding on to them, and employees are holding on to the companies with which they went through the previous crisis. Another trend is the departure of specialists outside Belarus. And, of course, applicants are not always satisfied with the offer wage. And employers today do not want to raise wages even in ruble equivalent. Only 4-5 percent of companies left salaries pegged to the dollar and recalculated them in real terms. exchange rate. All this, of course, does not attract the applicant.

“I’m annoyed by the entry “economist-manager” in my diploma

In August, current university graduates - young specialists - should start working. Are there more people willing to find a job on the labor market at this time, and if so, in what specialties?

University graduates do not contact our agency. We are mainly engaged in the selection of personnel for management and with work experience. But other agencies receive such offers. Although yesterday's students can hardly be called specialists: they have a diploma, but no practice. And it would be wrong to judge the lack of demand for a particular profession only by the indicator that yesterday’s student cannot find a job. Although I’ll be honest: for example, I’m annoyed by the entry “economist-manager” in my diploma. I still can’t understand what kind of profession this is, what kind of work we are talking about. It seems to me that economists-managers are of little interest to employers today.

Which university or faculty would you advise those who are currently enrolling to choose? What specialties do you think will be in demand in five years?

You asked completely two different questions. I would advise going where a young man can go and where his heart lies. After all, you can become a good specialist and earn good money even in conditions where the market is oversaturated with such personnel. Good lawyers or journalists, for example, are always needed. But if a person has approximately equal abilities in both mathematics and languages, and he can afford to choose any university or department, then I would recommend logistics, marketing, construction, architecture and, of course, computer technology. These specialties will be in demand for a long time and successfully.

There are not enough engineers in the market and psychologists are not in demand

The Ministry of Education plans to increase enrollment in engineering and technical specialties, develop business education, and train more personnel for work in the microelectronics industry and biotechnology. Do you think this is the right direction?

Yes. Today, an engineer is a very popular profession. Moreover, both pure engineers and engineering managers are in demand among employers, because they can sell equipment and they understand it. And this profession today is also highly paid. In the coming years, the demand for it will only grow.

The fact is that in the 1990s and 2000s this profession was considered not prestigious, engineers earned little, competitions for admission to universities in this specialty were small, and enrollments were reduced. Often, those who went to study were those who simply wanted to get a crust of higher education and after graduating from university I did not work for a day in my specialty. Today, enterprises often employ engineers of retirement age, and there are very few middle-aged specialists. There will be a shortage of engineering personnel on the labor market for a long time to come.

Svetlana Nikolaevna, are there any specialties for which recruitment, due to the oversupply of personnel, should be frozen for a couple of years?

I will answer this way: over the 15 years that our agency has been operating, recruiters have very rarely opened three folders - translators, psychologists and lawyers. As for the latter, the reason is the overproduction of these specialists in Belarus. And this picture will persist for a long time. A translator is a prestigious and interesting profession, but if a person has nothing more than the ability to translate, then this is not enough for employment. Knowledge of a foreign language can only be regarded as an additional bonus to the main profession. Modern universities provide enough knowledge in foreign languages, and many specialists speak the language; they do not need translators.

As for psychologists, traditionally over the last 15 years this has been the most unpopular profession among employers, which is easily explained. Having a psychologist on staff at an enterprise is an unaffordable luxury. In addition, our universities train social psychologists and child psychologists, but so far there are no specialists who would be knowledgeable about psychology in business. But even if such psychologists do exist, not every company is interested in them; they are still not an accountant or a secretary...

Personnel customers should help universities financially

In your opinion, is the personnel policy organized effectively in Belarus, and is enough attention paid to forecasting trends in the labor market? Who should do this anyway?

The Ministry of Labor must order the training of specialists from the Ministry of Education. This department has statistics on where and in what areas there is an oversupply of personnel, and where, on the contrary, there is a shortage, what professions are in demand and in what quantity. Based on these statistics, a plan for enrollment in universities should be formed.

However, universities have their own commercial interests. It is easier for them to prepare an economist or a lawyer than a programmer - after all, this specialty is not taught from the same notes; the teacher is required to master modern technologies. Good programmers today earn 2.5 thousand dollars a month. The university cannot offer a teacher such a salary. It turns out that the profitability of training a lawyer or economist is much higher than that of a programmer or engineer. True, in Lately There are statements that customers of personnel, especially the real sector of the economy, are interested in the high quality of training of specialists and are ready to help universities financially. Of course, everyone would benefit from such an alliance.

  • What is more important in your future profession: personal satisfaction from the work performed or salary?

  • The most in-demand professions on the labor market in Belarus at the end of July 2014

  • Salary ranking by profession in Belarus (+ real numbers by industry)

How to choose a profession in Belarus.

In order to choose a profession and not regret what you did after receiving your first salary, you need to understand the current state of the labor market in the country. However, it is much more important to first set a personal priority: what do you want - satisfaction from interesting work or money. On the one hand, it may seem that a highly paid job should attract people more than an interesting or intellectual one, but market realities suggest the opposite.

Personal growth and work at the factory

According to a study conducted on the websites of recruiting companies, at the end of July 2014, sales managers and skilled workers were on the lists of the most in demand in the labor market (more than 80% of all vacancies). While, for example, economists and purchasing managers are at the end of the list of demand. If we talk about salaries, then when comparing enterprise salaries, a qualified worker often receives 1.5-2 times more than a qualified economist.

It would seem that knowing this, the question of choosing a highly paid profession should not arise. However, the market for economists is oversaturated, and there has been a shortage of workers in the country for several years now. This only shows that a person does not always choose high salaries, but is more inclined to choose a job that will be “to his liking.”

According to research by psychologists, if a person’s job does not bring personal satisfaction, he is inclined to change it to a less paid but more interesting one. Therefore, first of all, you need to choose a profession that will be first of all interesting, and only then highly paid.

There is an excellent illustration on this topic:

Let's say you have chosen a profession that you think will be interesting to you, but how can you understand whether it will be in demand on the labor market and whether you will not have to blow the dust off your diploma after receiving it?

Rating of TOP-5 demand for workers in the labor market of Belarus

To understand who is currently most in demand on the labor market, you first need to look at who employers are looking for.

  1. Sales Managers

  2. Engineers

  3. Skilled workers

  4. Sellers

  5. Unskilled workers

The salary level for this list looks like this:

  1. Skilled workers

  2. Sales Managers

  3. Engineers

  4. Unskilled workers

  5. Sellers

We can also highlight the category of drivers, doctors and programmers, for which there has been steady demand from employers throughout 2014. Stable demand for lawyers, teachers, merchandisers.

It is especially worth noting the medical workers. institutions: this year there is a significant shortage of workers in this area, including doctors and nurses, the demand for which significantly exceeds the supply both in the cities and villages of the Republic. Despite the prestige of the profession, salaries in this segment remain low, which cannot but affect the demand for these specialties.

This does not contradict official data: according to published information from the Ministry social protection In the Republic of Belarus as of June of this year, the most in demand in the labor market are vacancies for construction specialists, nurses and doctors.

So where are the highest salaries?

According to Belstat data as of April 2014, the salary rating in the Republic of Belarus by industry is as follows:

Thus, you can see that the highest salaries at the moment are for pilots - 15 million rubles, programmers - 14.8 million rubles, oil workers - 12.6 million rubles.

The lowest salaries remain for teachers - 3.9 million rubles and nurses - 4.3 million rubles.

The future has arrived: universities are already teaching how to create robots, develop equipment for space systems, and design a printer that can even print a house. According to specialists from recruitment agencies, now it is worth betting on specialties related to the development of new technologies - they will remain promising for a very long time.

Specialist 3D-seal

Three-dimensional printing is called one of the main discoveries of the 21st century, which is not surprising: based on a virtual model, a special printer can print almost any thing - from chocolate and musical instruments to a car and an office building. Scientists have already learned how to print on a printer, even human organs, so we can say with confidence that 3D technology has a great future.

3D design specialists are being trained in Belarus only starting this year. Students will be taught how to create 3D models, use three-dimensional technologies for the production of products (3D printing), and create 3D printers.

Where to study: BSTU, Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering, specialty “Production of products based on three-dimensional technologies.”

Healthy Aging Consultant

The time of general practitioners appears to be soon over. In the era of a healthy lifestyle boom and increasing life expectancy, new specialists in the field of energy saving for pensioners are appearing. Healthy aging consultant, geriatrician - these specialists know everything about the aging process and the diseases that accompany elderly age. They develop individual treatment tactics for their patient, based on his age, and explain how to delay old age and illness as much as possible. Humanity is steadily aging, so such doctors will be even more in demand in the near future.

Where to study: Education as a geriatrician can be obtained in two stages. First you need to get an education at the Belarusian State Medical University, and then continue your studies at the therapeutic faculty of the Belarusian Academy of Advanced Training, at the department of gerontology and geriatrics.


Robots, which in the last century were found only in the books of science fiction writers, have today taken root in all spheres of our lives: remember, for example, radio-controlled toys, drones (unmanned aerial vehicles), voice assistants in smartphones (these are also robotic systems), vacuum cleaners with artificial intelligence.

It is obvious that the development of robotics is only gaining momentum, so the demand for specialists who will create smart machines is great.

Roboticists can work in research institutes, at enterprises in the instrument-making and electronics industries, and in the mechanical engineering complex.

Where to study: BNTU, Faculty of Information Technologies and Robotics, specialty “Industrial robots and robotic systems.”

Aerospace systems and technology specialist

Cosmonautics will remain at the top of the list of promising industries for a long time - despite all the technological progress, humanity has explored only a tiny part of the universe.

If the dream of becoming an astronaut remains a dream for most boys, then developing equipment for a satellite today is quite possible. To do this, you need to become an ace in mechanics, radio physics, programming - knowledge in these disciplines will be useful when working with aerospace systems.

Graduates will be able to work in companies that develop equipment and software for the space industry and for those industries that use modern space technologies: satellite navigation, satellite communications, satellite cartography, geodesy, etc.

Where to study: BSU, Faculty of Radiophysics, specialty “Aerospace radio-electronic and information systems and technologies.”

IT – medic

We already have electronic coupons and electronic prescriptions - soon bulky medical records filled with illegible doctor’s handwriting will become anachronisms. All information about patients will be stored in an electronic database, and paper volumes with medical records will be replaced with compact plastic cards. These innovations are the work of IT doctors who develop and implement technologies in clinics and medical centers. These specialists will not have to treat people, but the technologies being developed by IT doctors will help identify diseases on early stages and develop new treatments.

Where to study: MSEU named after. A. D. Sakharova, specialty " Information Systems and technologies in the field of health care.”


“There is no need to cling to professions that were popular with our parents”

The listed specialties will certainly be in demand in the future, so those who keep their finger on the pulse and follow the development of new trends will not be left without work, says Irina Shatkovskaya, director of the recruitment agency Collection of Openings. “That’s why we don’t need to cling to those professions that were popular with our parents.” Nowadays, the IT industry is developing the fastest: despite serious competition, it will not be very difficult for a good specialist to find a job in this area. This direction will remain promising for a very long time, at least 10 years. Employers also have a strong interest in marketing specialists. But we must remember that regardless of profession, the specialist who develops, continues to study, and implements his projects will always be in demand. I would advise all students to study foreign languages and look for part-time work so that by the time you graduate, you already have experience - it is this, and not your diploma, that the employer buys when he hires you to the company.

Young professionals often chase high salaries, but this is not always correct: between a company with a high salary, but no prospects for promotion, and a company with career growth opportunities and a lower salary, it is better to choose the latter.


Who else will be in demand in 15 years?

Network lawyer- protects the law on the Internet.

Personal profile security consultant- forms the client’s image on the Internet.

Virtual lawyer- provides remote legal support. Information stylist- filters information flows for the client.

Digital linguist- creates translation systems taking into account context and meaning.

IT preacher- promotes Internet technologies to the masses.

Foresighter- catches trends and introduces “images of the future.”

Drone operator- such a drone control specialist will participate in rescue operations or deliver medicine to inaccessible areas.

The HeadHunter Belarus research center, the RABOTA.TUT.BY project, analyzed the database of vacancies and resumes posted on the RABOTA.TUT.BY website in the past year and summed up the results of the labor market. It turned out that the most popular requests among applicants in 2012 were accountant, driver and economist. And the most popular requests from employers are sales manager, sales representative and sales consultant.

FINANCE.TUT.BY decided to look into the future and predict which specialties will be in demand and most profitable in 5 years. We discussed this with experts.

Alexander Pankov, Managing Director of the Here and Now Consulting Group, especially for FINANCE.TUT.BY, compiled the TOP 7 professions of the future, which, with proper activity of university graduates, will ensure their comfortable existence.

1. Professions related to production: production managers, technologists, engineers.

— Now both Russia and Belarus rely on innovation, but modern technologies They are only effective if there are qualified management personnel, and we are now having a big failure with this. There are few specialists in Belarus; their university training does not meet current market expectations. Most universities have equipment that is not even from yesterday, but from the day before yesterday, so to become a professional, you need to either study outside of Belarus or gain experience at modern enterprises. Therefore, salaries in this segment will increase; I don’t see any other options.

2. Logisticians.

— Now the integration of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan is taking place, plus there is a discussion of joining the free trade zone of Ukraine and Vietnam - all this suggests that it will be necessary to efficiently move raw materials and cargo across a common territory. Maritime transport is now unable to cope with all requests, cargo delivery times are greatly increasing - so these issues now need to be resolved within the continent. The main losses suffered by many industries occur precisely because of incorrect logistics schemes. Just remember state-owned enterprises, where a person with a cart can wander around the plant all day.

Now a good logistics director earns 4-6 thousand dollars, and I don’t see any prerequisites for the salary to fall, it will only grow.

3. Top managers and middle managers.

— Now in Belarus we are seeing a shortage of managers who are able to run a business. As soon as a person grows into a serious specialist, he is lured to Russia. And the difference in salaries is such that Belarusians are happy to go there. Our top manager receives on average from 3 to 6 thousand dollars, and in Moscow - from 5 to 15 thousand dollars.

The problem is not even that we are paid little, there are simply a lot of large-scale businesses in Russia where they can offer more. Let’s say that in our country the head of a retail chain of small stores receives 4 thousand dollars, and in Russia there are managers who have 10 hypermarkets of 5 thousand square meters each. Accordingly, the salary is 10-12 thousand dollars.

4. Programmers.

We don’t have enough programmers now, and the market won’t be saturated with them even in five years, so their salaries will be traditionally high.

5. HR

— It’s a very young profession. These are specialists who are involved in personnel management: hiring, adaptation, organization, training, motivation, and so on. Companies are getting larger, and the HR function is becoming more and more in demand. As a rule, for every 70 people in a company there should be 1 HR person, but now in Belarus there are very few such specialists. It’s easier in Russia because they have transnational companies where people have gained good experience and can transfer it to national companies.

But we can’t escape HR. In Belarus, large companies are ready to pay them from 1.5 to 3.5 thousand dollars, and sometimes these specialists are weak and not worth that kind of money, but we have no alternatives.

6. Service workers.

— A series of professions related to the provision of services. Where can I get a quality car repair? Where to get a fashionable hairstyle? Where can I get it repaired quickly? washing machine? We need people who can do everything high level, at the same time they will say “thank you, goodbye”, clean up after themselves, and so on - that is, the service is at a very high level, for which people will pay money.

Plus, now consulting firms in the field of health and image will actively begin to appear - this is a trend that has already swept Europe and will reach us.

7. Forecasters.

— Specialists who can catch a trend and make a forecast for the development of a company based on some information and world statistics. A classic example of a forecaster is a cybernetician mathematician, someone who can lay down a model, evaluate, and generalize. Many companies are beginning to have specialists who anticipate changes in consumer demand. It is clear that this sounds a little outlandish for Belarus, but if we want to develop as a European state, then we will need these personnel, and they will be very expensive.

He shared his vision of the labor market of the future with FINANCE.TUT.BY Director of the Institute of Business and Technology Management of BSU Vladimir Apanasovich.

— Of course, specialties related to business management will be in demand - in particular, “business administration.” Now 80% of GDP is “made” state enterprises, but the task is set to ensure that their share decreases. This can only be done through the redistribution of forms of ownership, and here we need those specialists who could, within small enterprises, take on the role of conductors of a private form of business into their own hands. Now the salaries of successful managers start from 3 thousand dollars, and they will only grow further.

At the same time, logisticians will be in demand, as well as IT specialists, for whom there is now a massive need. But specialists who can not only program, but also manage projects, that is, combine skills, will be of greater value.

But we must not forget that a lot depends not so much on the specialty, but on the active actions of the graduate. If he is confident and willing to put in his best effort, then I special problems I don’t see myself achieving a high salary.

Drivers and sales managers are required, but lawyers are almost not needed.

Brestskaya Gazeta found out what specialties should have been in demand among applicants several years ago.

Starting in 2019, students will be recruited in a new way. Starting next year, the demand for future specialists will be formed based on market needs, and not based on requests educational institutions. Journalists have already monitored the Brest job market and looked at what specialties should have been in demand among applicants several years ago.

How will it be?

To forecast personnel needs, the Ministry of Economy will first draw up a demographic forecast. It will display the population by age, region and other parameters, reports with reference to the head of the main department vocational education Ministry of Education Sergei Kasperovich.

Based on these data, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will develop a forecast balance labor resources. This means that for each economic sector and region it will determine the forecast demand for personnel.

The task of the Ministry of Education is to distribute this need among specific specialties, levels of education (vocational, secondary specialized, higher), as well as educational institutions.

The main coordinator of this work is the Ministry of Labor. The Ministry of Education acts as the executor of the order for personnel training, with the exception of pedagogical ones, where the Ministry of Education is the customer and executor in one person.

It is planned that educational institutions in Belarus will begin operating under the new system only in the 2019 academic year.

Like now?

In the meantime, planning for the admission of applicants to vocational education institutions is carried out on the basis of the current system for forecasting the need for personnel. Its functioning is determined by Council of Ministers Resolution No. 972 “On some issues of forming an order for personnel training.” Enterprises and organizations, including those of private ownership, provide information through government bodies about their future personnel needs: how many graduates and what specialty they will need in four to five years. The system is updated annually.

“The numbers that are entered into the system initially form organizations. But at this level, the development prospects of the industry in which a given organization operates, and, accordingly, personnel needs are not always correctly determined. Today she may not need an economist. But, if this area of ​​activity develops dynamically, in five years he will be needed, and maybe more than one. But they don’t place orders today,” notes Sergei Kasperovich.

The new system for recruiting students, according to him, will be based, among other things, on questionnaire surveys of organizations of all forms of ownership and supplemented by calculations based on predictive economic and mathematical models. This will make it possible to take into account both the long-term dynamics of industry development and the dynamics of labor productivity.

Who is needed in Brest now?

On March 5, the BG correspondent monitored through the search aggregator more than 200 vacancies in Brest posted over the last three days, and also looked at about 2,000 advertisements that were no more than a month old.

The most common profession on the list was drivers. In the last three days alone, 7 such job offers were posted, about 370 in a month. One could often see sales vacancies - 258 in a month, 12 in 3 days.

Workers and construction specialties are in great demand, such as mechanics (98 in 30 days), turners, welders (25), electricians (18), crane operators, plasterers, and so on.

Often among the vacancies there were engineers (154 in a month, 10 in 3 days), sales managers (126), accountants (123), seamstresses (116), and customer service specialists (99).

There are many advertisements for hiring medical specialists. Doctors were offered work about 80 times a month, nurses - 34, medical representatives - 5.

Currently, 66 teachers of various specialties are needed in the city above the Bug. Moreover, among them are school teachers, teachers in various courses and teachers of universities and colleges.

About 50 vacancies for such professions as cleaner, sales representative, bartender and waiter, programmer, designer, hairdresser.

But such popular professions among applicants as lawyer, economist, logistician, and marketer, judging by the relatively recent vacancies, are not in particular demand.