What to do with the homeless? “It’s easier for you to die”: How I became homeless

What to do if life forces you to verify from your own experience the correctness of the saying “don’t swear off your bag”? Where to turn if left without a home and source of income? "Respublika" has prepared instructions for survival in the "concrete jungle".
Anatoly, a resident of one of the villages in the Belogorsk district, no longer remembers when exactly life turned its back on him. In the nineties, he got hooked on the glass, then he was left without work, then his wife left, then he drank the house away and ended up on the street. “He was homeless” until one of the neighbors took pity and took him to work. Anatoly helped in the garden, worked on construction, and in return received food and a bed for the night. Life was just beginning to get better when an accident happened - Anatoly ended up in the hospital. Neither his “employer” nor anyone else needed him, the sick man. Anatoly will be discharged soon. He doesn’t know what to do next: he says that without housing, money and with the stigma of being “homeless,” he has nowhere to go.

It is not known exactly how many such people, offended by fate, are in Crimea: statistics on vagabonds are not kept. Just two years ago, before the winter cold, Crimean law enforcement officers carried out Operation Homeless: people without housing and engaged in vagrancy were sent to a reception center, where they were provided with lodging and food, but now such raids are not carried out. “We would be happy to help, but there is nowhere to put these homeless people,” say the press service of the Public Relations Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Crimea. “In August 2010, the Simferopol reception center was closed.”

Psychologist Olga Vitchenko believes that what ends up on the street is not those who have nowhere to go, but those who do not want to live according to the rules accepted in society.
“A homeless person is not a person without a roof over his head, but a person with certain convictions. Usually these people value the freedom not to work, the freedom to live without documents, without control, freedom from family, freedom to drink... A job where you have to obey some rules is hard labor for them, fulfilling social norms is an encroachment on freedom. If a person has realized the hopelessness of a homeless person’s life, he will begin to return to society, but he must realize... Those who want will always be given a helping hand.”

Work and money
At first glance, it may seem that no one cares about the person who is left alone with his misfortune. In fact, this is not true. Relatives deceived; while he was in prison, his relatives came to the rescue and discharged his troubled relative; signed the documents without carefully reading them and ended up on the street - in each case, government agencies dealing with social policy issues provide the necessary support. For example, at the Employment Service you can not only find out about vacancies, but also get free legal advice and, of course, apply for unemployment benefits.

“We help everyone who comes to us. I emphasize, to everyone,” says Irina Boris, deputy head of the department of the Republican Employment Center. “You can limit yourself to free consultations with a lawyer, but if a person has documents, he can be registered, and then he will receive benefits.”

By registering with the Employment Center, you can receive other “privileges”, for example, one-time financial assistance. It is paid to socially vulnerable citizens in the event of a long-term illness, death of close relatives, natural disaster or other extreme life circumstances. Whom to help is decided by a special commission under the Crimean Ministry of Social Policy. “This year, the commission reviewed 103 citizens’ appeals and paid out 121 thousand hryvnia in financial assistance,” says Crimean Social Policy Minister Elena Semichastnaya. - By the way, similar assistance is provided at the expense of regional budgets under the “Care” program. To obtain it, you need to contact your local Labor Department and social protection».

However, a person who, by the will of fate, finds himself on the street, hardly has a work book, a salary certificate and an identification code - at best, only a passport. What to do and what to count on in such a situation?

Roof over your head
The Ministry of Social Policy says: there are several social protection institutions for the homeless in Crimea, including non-governmental organizations. Thus, in Simferopol, since 2007, the “Center for Registration and Social Protection of Homeless Citizens” (formerly the Night Stay House) has been opened, which is financed from the city budget. As Galina Protasova, head of the social policy department, notes, today this is the only place in Crimea where you can not only live for free, but also get registration for six months. An individual assistance plan is drawn up for each homeless person.

“In the first half of the year, 236 people contacted the Center. Of these, 148 people received registration, 32 found work, 16 had their documents restored, 124 simply received accommodation and food,” says Galina Protasova. A tramp can stay in a rooming house for 24 days. During this time, it is possible to complete documents (or begin the registration procedure), find a job, find housing, and, if necessary, get a job in a hospital or nursing home.

For many who have become victims of life's circumstances, days at the Center are an opportunity to take a break, collect their thoughts, relearn their relationships with society and change their life attitudes. Psychologists help them with this.
“First of all, we do not separate our guests from ordinary people. Yes, they smell unpleasant, they don’t know some basic things, but everything can be changed,” says one of the Center employees. - We teach them to make decisions on their own, we constantly remind them that the problem will not be solved by itself, they need personal participation and personal responsibility. Figuratively speaking, in order for a door to be opened for you, you need to knock on it - more than once or even twice.”

The “Center for Registration and Social Protection of Homeless Citizens” has a capacity of forty places, and not everyone can get here. People who are under the influence of drugs and alcohol, with mental disabilities, infectious diseases and who have not undergone fluorography are strictly prohibited from entering the Center. Although no one is denied a cup of hot soup here. By the way, homeless people can get money for fluorography at public organizations, who collaborate with the Center, but more on that later. So, upon crossing the threshold of the temporary shelter, the tramps fall into the hands of a doctor, who examines them and gives permission to stay, and then they take a shower and receive clean linen. If necessary, the paramedic organizes consultations with doctors or additional examinations (the Center cooperates with the 3rd clinic and hospitals No. 2 and 7). “Center” employees also work closely with district police departments, the passport office of the Central District, and public organizations.

In Christ's bosom
The church is always ready to help the orphan and the poor: feed, clothe, cure, provide work. The Society of Orthodox Doctors has been working in Crimea for 10 years. Its chairman Tatyana Shevchenko says: “Our functions are much broader than helping the homeless. But if a person finds himself in such a difficult situation, we help with hospitalization and overnight accommodation. And to all people, regardless of religion.”

A doctor’s office has been opened in the building of the Crimean diocese; activists of the Society of Orthodox Doctors see everyone for free. If they cannot help, they refer them to colleagues in Simferopol clinics.

According to volunteer Maria Smutok, many churches have refectories. “Especially in rural and suburban areas. Any person will be given something to eat there. Maybe this is not always advertised, but it is true.” There is a free refectory, for example, at the Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah on the Yevpatoriya embankment.

Public associations can also provide warmth, food, help with housing and work. For example, the International Christian organization “Salvation Army” has been making sure that Crimean homeless people do not starve or freeze in winter for thirteen years and can find themselves in society again.

“A homeless person usually smokes, drinks and takes drugs. We have access to rehabilitation centers“If a person wants, we send him for treatment,” explains Irina Denisyuk, an officer of the Salvation Army in Crimea.
An international charitable organization helps people get into the Center for Registration and Social Protection of the Homeless and other rehabilitation centers in Crimea and Ukraine.

“We help with paperwork, sometimes we even take you by the hand and go to various authorities. Sometimes we pay for expenses - for example, a ticket home to another region of Crimea or Ukraine,” says Irina.

At the Salvation Army, homeless people can have their teeth treated, wash themselves, and receive clean linen and warm clothes for free. Volunteers will find cheap housing or a dorm room for those interested.

“I can say for sure: you can only help the person who wants help and is ready to accept it,” says the Salvation Army officer.

What documents are needed to register with the employment center?
-Passport or a document replacing it
-Work book or its duplicate
-Education documents and professional qualifications
- Identification code
-Certificate of average wages in the last three months at your last place of work.

When will aid payments begin?
From the 8th day after registration with the employment service. Persons who were dismissed due to at will without good reason or for violation of labor discipline, payment of unemployment assistance begins on the 91st calendar day.

Alexandra Savina

Homeless people are still surrounded by many stereotypes: it is believed that only people from “dysfunctional” families who have made the “wrong choice” and failed to overcome addiction can live on the streets - and therefore they “deserve” everything that happens to them. In fact, everything is much more complicated, and absolutely anyone can find themselves on the street, regardless of age, social status, education and other formal characteristics. In honor of the “Espress Help” charity event that took place on May 19, aimed at supporting the homeless, which was created by the Nochlezhka organization, we talked with Ilona, ​​who lived on the streets for a long time, about how it happened and what helped her survive.

Without love

I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, in a family of professors. The relationship was difficult: there were strict morals at home. My relationship with my mother (she was an academician) did not work out since childhood - now, due to my age, I understand her, but before it was very difficult for me. I had health problems, and my mother showed in every possible way that she did not need me and that I was a disgrace to her.

My life has been closely connected with the street since I was fifteen. The first time I left home was when I was a teenager - because of dislike and misunderstanding in the family. One day my mother, apparently not knowing how to deal with me, said: “Either you leave, or I will send you to a psychiatric hospital.” I understood that she would not let me live at home and would actually send me to the hospital - she had already done that. Mom always believed that my problems lay in the field of psychiatry, and not in the way life was going. She didn't notice that she simply didn't understand me.

Naturally, I wanted to assert myself, I wanted to be understood - and I found such people on the street. We went into basements, listened to music, used substances and alcohol. At that age, the decision to leave was easy: it seemed to me that I knew what I was doing, that I was doing absolutely the right thing. I didn’t understand why my mother kept me with her, why follow any rules, if you can not do this, and you will be respected. It was very painful - but the pain subsided when I interacted with people or used substances.

I think that when I was evicted
from the apartment, I could still be helped, but I had no one to turn to.
I was already all alone

I got married very early - I was eighteen years old. I understood that I had nowhere to live, and it was unrealistic to stay on the street, so I did it. We lived at his house, I continued to walk - my husband loved me and therefore tolerated me. Since the age of fifteen, I have undergone a lot of operations. It seemed to me that since there was nowhere to go, it was better to stay with my husband, although I didn’t love him - this was at least some kind of support. I tried to talk to my mother, but we never managed to communicate. Then I started using more heavy substances, because it became really bad: there is no love in the family, a bad relationship with my mother, nowhere to go, scary. I found peace in drugs: it seemed to me that it could “cure”. It was probably out of fear.

In 1999, my mother died. She left the entire inheritance to my younger brother, he was four years old at the time. My stepfather came to Russia (he and my mother lived in America) and sold all the apartments (my mother was a very wealthy woman) - the last one in 2007. This man raised me for many years, it seemed to me that he would never betray me - but my stepfather, with a light heart, threw me out into the street. In 2007 I became homeless. I think that when I was evicted from my apartment, I could still have been helped, but I had no one to turn to. I was already completely alone.

At that moment, the man I married for the second time turned up again - and again only for the sake of housing. I used drugs, so did he, and I began to understand that this was not life - I would die there. At this time I had surgery - my gallbladder was removed. So that I would not die (or die not with them), I was sent from the Gatchina hospital to St. Petersburg. My husband cheated on me, and I understood that returning to him was not an option: in this state, I didn’t want to sort things out, I wanted to climb somewhere and die. As a result, my aunt took me in, but later kicked me out for using it. So I finally found myself homeless.

People are despairing

I spent the night on stairs and train stations. I remember it - it's painfully cold and you can't do anything about it. We stayed in unfinished houses where homeless people huddled together, collecting blankets and warm coats. In winter (if you arrived on time and not all places were occupied) you could get into a state shelter. For homeless people this is a five star hotel. The building is renovated, they provide dry rations, bed linen is changed every ten days, there are beds, bedside tables, and wardrobes. Eat social workers, who will tell you what to do and where to go - but you must do everything yourself. There is everything you need: refrigerators, tables, books, televisions, computers, psychologists, and legal assistance. You just need to use it - go if the workers direct you somewhere. Many people are satisfied with life in a shelter; they live there for a long time and still get their license. It is not difficult to get into such a shelter, but you need to make an effort - for example, go to several doctors. Many do not know what awaits them and are afraid that they will be deceived again.

Homeless people could wash themselves only in one place - at the disinfection station of St. Petersburg, where they could also get free things. “Nochlezhka” fed - they brought food to certain points in the city. The only serious problem was my health - it was difficult to walk long distances to eat, so we tried to cluster around the places where food was distributed. Someone simply asked for money - usually for medicine, but also for consumption, of course. They stole from stores. At some point in my life on the street, I already looked like I wasn’t allowed anywhere, so I still couldn’t steal.

No one is born “disadvantaged.” People who end up on the street become “disadvantaged” due to circumstances. Many people my age are dealing with housing scams or substance abuse. For example, the family we lived with - a woman and her son - are absolutely ordinary people. They go to the city administration over and over again, trying to get themselves at least temporary housing, they want to be put on the waiting list, but they are not put on the waiting list because they do not have any benefits. Out of desperation, they begin to use something and act dishonestly - a boy, for example, pays attention to girls with housing. People are despairing.

There are also those who have sold their home: a person is left alone in an apartment and, out of loneliness, begins to drink alcohol or some substances - naturally, there are dishonest people nearby. There are still a lot of out-of-towners. It’s easier in a big city than in a small city - they are offered to return home, but this is not an option for them at all.

A philosophy teacher at my institute says that people who led an antisocial lifestyle during three years, cannot adapt to society completely. This is partly true. Unfortunately, we have very few people who can explain from their own experience what to do and what to do next. People who end up in city hostels thanks to social services begin, out of fear that they might end up on the street again, torment social workers - download their licenses, say: “You owe me.” The feeling of gratitude fades - they are tremblingly afraid that they will be thrown out again and they will return to their previous life.

There is an opinion that all homeless people are “drunks and marginalized”, and other people do not end up on the streets. Those who are doing well don’t even suspect that they might find themselves in the same situation. Life is so unpredictable.

How did I feel about myself during this time? No way. I was in pain all the time. And it doesn’t matter how people react to me, what’s happening around me. I had a goal - for example, to get to the “feeding trough”, and I didn’t care about the rest. It was as if I didn't exist. This was life in constant pain and fear. At first there was some kind of disgust towards myself, but it passed very quickly - everything already seemed normal.

Who are you?

Once I broke my arm and had to have several surgeries. As a result, I ended up on the street in minus twenty with an Ilizarov apparatus - and somehow survived. I can’t imagine how - there was violence and much more. Social workers tried to work with me, but they didn’t succeed, because I practically didn’t talk anymore - there was no need to talk at all.

People from the street get medical care very difficult, almost impossible. Even if you have a policy, they treat you with disgust and disdain. When I needed to have an Ilizarov apparatus installed (my arm was rotting and I could lose it), it turned out that I did not have the right to highly qualified medical care, and only thanks to my character I reached the Ministry of Health. I feel very sorry for those who cannot do this - they lose their arms and legs.

The medical staff generally behaved horribly. There was a lot of humiliation. In order to check into a state shelter, it was necessary to undergo fluorography, which takes two days. I came to the head of the clinic and promised that I would stay the night, because they wouldn’t let me go anywhere without fluorography. I have a disruptive character.

Homeless people take drugs for pain—the pain, of course, is terrible. Unfortunately, the homeless are rotting alive, and no one is
does not understand

I also remember how once I was in a hospital specializing in the treatment of purulent diseases - there is a separate department for homeless people and drug addicts. I had a burn on my hand, and they even refused me painkillers. My roommate bought me medicine, and the doctors said: “Listen, it’s easier for you to die, why are you even bothering?” I was in incredible pain, I remembered the dressing room for the rest of my life. With a temperature of forty, I was discharged to the street, they said that I myself was to blame for my troubles. I said: “Where will I go? I’ll die on the street.” They answered me: “We can’t keep you any longer, we don’t have enough beds. Goodbye!" If it weren’t for the social workers at one of the shelters where they found me medicine, I would have died.

One day, the bus driver opened the door while he was moving, and I fell out. Cars stopped nearby, people were ready to confirm that the bus driver was to blame, not me. The ambulance arrived, they pushed me into the car and said: “Listen, you better shut your mouth. What charges can be brought against the driver? Who are you?"

I was thrown out of hospitals. If I ended up with an overdose, they simply sent me away - even though I explained that I couldn’t go. When a person is homeless, no arguments work. It was only thanks to social services that I could at least receive medical care somewhere. Homeless people take drugs for pain—the pain, of course, is terrible. Unfortunately, the homeless are rotting alive and no one understands it. It is generally very difficult to work with them - some have no motivation to live at all.

Maximum knock on the head

One day they raped me and threw me into the trash, taking away all my documents. I arrived at Nochlezhka - they helped me restore my passport and paid the fee. It was very painful with the Ilizarov apparatus, but they found medicine for me and bandaged me. There I realized that it was possible to live. I am very grateful to them. I had no other options: I needed money, but where would I get it?

When there is no passport, problems arise with both medical and social assistance - in principle, the loss of documents for a homeless person is not dangerous at all. You can’t eat yet: in city centers they provide food, clothing, medicine, but you need a passport. Homeless people no longer use virtually any social services - they cannot receive either a pension or disability benefits. In other respects, it may be even more convenient without a passport, because no one can hold you accountable. No matter what happens, at most you can get hit on the head.

    Homeless packages (hereinafter referred to as BP, also known as beach packages, kuks, noodles, custard noodles, vomiters, steamers, rolltons, anakomas, doshiraki, etc.) - A dry substance intended for oral consumption, suppressing the feeling of hunger, providing sedative effect and reduces anxiety (often has the opposite effect: increases aggressiveness, causes vomiting and pain).

    (some kind of dictionary)

    In addition to its main use, it can serve as bait in all kinds of insidious actions. For example, for fishing: roach takes well on a roller...

    BP is a favorite food of students. In the cycle of student life, they periodically change their purpose from a snack (in the first days after receiving a scholarship) to a delicacy (in the days before the scholarship). It is a universal student currency. BPs are lent out, cards are played on them, they are used to pay for essays done, etc.
    BPs are also a catalyst for mental activity during a session, therefore the main stage of preparation for a session is the accumulation of a strategic emergency reserve of BPs.
    There are a huge variety of flavors: chicken, bacon, herbs, cheese, shrimp, beef, etc. There is also a correlation with the degree of starvation of the recipient: what yesterday caused complete disgust will delight any gourmet today.
    IN Lately A lot of advanced power supplies have appeared. They have a built-in container for preparing wet BP, so their use is limited. The package also includes various seasonings and pieces of dry vegetables and meat. The container is usually reusable, so it makes sense to buy such a power supply once, and then fill the container with regular power supplies.

    Typically, three power supplies are used at once. One is eaten immediately (in dry form), the second is brewed (butted) in water, the third - with tea, spreading something on it. If there is a lack of tea or “something”, the third BP is butted in the same container with the second, or, if the container is too small, after the second.
    Dry BP is consumed as follows: first, the package must be kneaded. This action is similar to kneading toilet paper, so there should be no difficulties. Next, the bag is carefully torn at the top. From it you need to get two bags: one with seasoning and salt, the other with oil. About half of the contents of the seasoning packet (it is usually not transparent) is poured back out. The remaining mass can be poured into a jar for subsequent use as salt. The packet of butter is bitten with the tooth. The oil is poured into the bag. The next step is mixing. The uniform distribution of oil and seasoning throughout the package depends on this. Usually, the torn edge of the power supply is clamped with your hand and shaken. Ready.
    Can be used as chips.
    Wet BP is prepared in strict accordance with the instructions on the package and is somewhat reminiscent of cooking pasta or soup. The seasoning, as in dry BP, does not pour out completely. You can add anything to your taste. For example, canned fish goes well. They look delicious various varieties mayonnaise Don't forget about bread.
    Sweet BP is consumed like a wafer. For those who don’t remember, I’ll explain that a waffle is several layers of dried crispy bread with sweet layers.
    Something sweet is spread on a piece of unbroken BP and consumed with tea. Of course, the seasoning goes completely into the jar.

    about once every six months. how will it turn out) on Ligo for example: DD when you have to go to nature for 3 days and don’t really want to take anything, much less cook

    ja smatrju chto tut vse fanati paketikov..znachit ja ne odna takaja!!UrAAAAAAA

    Saulite))) Cool idea, we have such a homeless woman in our city))

  • There are two categories of homeless people, those who themselves came to this way of life (due to their own laziness, weak character, alcoholism, etc.) and there are those who came to this due to circumstances beyond their control. If I condemn the first, then I feel a feeling of deep pity for the second.

    not anymore..
    because Once I felt bad after them.. now I don’t feel like nursing them..

  • More active, I always wanted to hear how they treated us...

In the USSR, the fight against homeless people was carried out systematically and persistently. And I feel terrible for the homeless man, he’s so cold and miserable. Having entered the carriage where the homeless person is sleeping, we hold our nose and sit further away.

First of all, you don’t need to start drinking out of grief. This will lead to the fact that all your documents will be immediately lost, and those around you will treat you not as a homeless person, but as a drunkard. You need to look for a way out of any life situation, and not sit and feel sorry for yourself. Being homeless is not a reason to give up, wander through garbage dumps and wait for mercy from people. You can get the most unprestigious job.

There you will find understanding and help. And finally, even if there are no relatives, perhaps friends remain. Being homeless is 99% a state of mind, a way of life. If he is placed in a shelter and normal conditions are created and work is provided, in a couple of days he will run away, because almost all homeless people are alcoholics.

What should I do if I suddenly became homeless?

Let's imagine this situation: Your house burned down with all your documents, you have no relatives who could help you, in short, you became a 100% homeless person. First of all, you need to go to the passport office or the police and they will explain to you what to do in this situation.

My way to get out of a homeless person normal people: 1) You need to put yourself in order: Wash in the nearest body of water or river, change your smelly clothes for more or less decent ones. You can get clothes for a homeless person cheaply at a second-hand store; you can collect money for it in a day by begging or collecting bottles. The issue is resolved and closed.

What to do if you become homeless and have no close relatives?

He knows how to work and better than any rich man he will give you gifts and love with all his might. 2) He is a lazy horse and doesn’t want to do anything. After reading your question and comments, I feel like I saw everything you wrote in some movie, but with a good and kind ending.

If a person is really 100% good, and you are confident in him, I would ask him WHY do you want to live so much and why are you wasting your life? After his answer, you should think about whether there is any meaning in his words or whether he simply gave up and cannot help him. Alas and ah - or you set them on the right path in terms of at least the same work.

Register him with you (so that he is not considered homeless). Are you sure that your feelings are not deceiving you??? I have not been in such a situation and it is difficult to advise something like that. In 5-10 years he will become a millionaire to spite you, so that he can take revenge when you are already playing around in bars with the local drunks. The stench, of course, is wild. Buyers, of course, enter the store and immediately turn around. Because it’s impossible to stand next to a homeless person, let alone next to him, even three meters away!

The authorities, again, will punish us for our mercy. We drove him out, gritting our teeth, into the cold and snow. I still remember. The world of homeless and street children. We are trying to help and calling “ Ambulance" If a homeless person settles in our building, we call the police. When we see a homeless person, we experience conflicting feelings. St. Basil's Cathedral was erected in honor of a tramp who walked around completely naked. Among modern homeless people there are peculiar heirs of holy fools (a few, of course).

Because a homeless person is a superfluous and harmful creature from the state point of view. It does not bring any benefit or money to the treasury, and poses a real danger to society. Homeless elderly and disabled people were placed in charity homes.

Jesus Christ was, in essence, homeless. In fact, no one cares about homeless people, except for rare charitable and volunteer organizations. If a homeless person works part-time and begs, he naturally does not pay taxes. True, the most “popular” diseases among homeless people, scabies and pediculosis, can be contracted without direct contact with an infected person.

Attention! A lot of letters!

1. Psychological attitude
The most important thing is not to lose heart and, under no circumstances, seek solace in alcohol or other antidepressants. My personal firm belief is that you should drink only out of joy. If a misfortune occurs, then you need to mobilize all your strength, and not stupefy your brain with alcohol.

2. Homeless equipment
The question is complex. As a rule, what you get is what you have to wear. However, if there is a choice, then preference should be given to soft and dark colors. Perfect outerwear– leather jacket or windbreaker, knitted hat, jeans. Shoes – durable hiking or military boots. This outfit is “all-weather” and will allow you to endure both heat and cold. The main task is not to stand out from the crowd and try to maintain a more or less decent appearance. This is sometimes not easy - after spending the night in an attic or in a sewer, it is very difficult to look like that. But you need to strive for this - a fairly decent appearance will help you avoid many troubles.

Sometimes it is useful to mimic some image - a tourist, a fisherman-hunter, a handyman, etc. One of my acquaintances very successfully exploited the image of a wandering monk and was very successful in this matter.

The highest aerobatics among homeless people is the ability to look like an intelligent person - but for this, when living homelessly, you need a lot of effort and work.

The smell is one of the most unpleasant and base companions of all homeless people. It is sometimes impossible to get rid of it, but we must strive for it. It will be unnecessary to say that whenever possible you should regularly wash your underwear and wash your body. The easiest way to do this is in public toilets. Don’t spare even the last bit of money on hygiene. If this is not possible, regularly wipe the body with a damp cloth slightly moistened with warm soapy water. Then, wipe dry with another rag. With some skill, this can be done without even taking off your clothes. Although such a hygienic procedure will not replace a full wash, it will help keep the body relatively clean.

IN winter time change your underwear regularly and, if you can’t wash it, hang it out in the cold for several days. This way the underwear will be a little evaporated from the unpleasant odor. It must be said that the smell appears when particles of sweat, absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, begin to decompose and rot. Therefore, another effective remedy is to fry clothes in thick smoke, simultaneously killing putrefactive bacteria by smoking. The smell of wood smoke is much more pleasant than the “aroma” of mustiness and decay emanating from dirty clothes. And if you are masquerading as a fisherman or hunter, then this will be quite natural for you.

Another source of unpleasant odor is, so to speak, your environment. Therefore, avoid staying for a long time in basements where there is a specific spirit, in landfills or garbage dumps, near dirty public toilets, etc.

If, nevertheless, your clothes are saturated with these odors, then take every opportunity to be fresh air, ventilate clothes and warm them in the sun (ultraviolet light kills bacteria that cause unpleasant odors). It is recommended to use various fragrances and masking odors - toilet fresheners or strong-smelling ones chemical substances. Believe me, others are much more tolerant of the smell of gasoline, acetone and kerosene than the specific smell of dirty clothes. One of my acquaintances successfully used, instead of perfume, a special liquid for watering the floors in stables and pigsties, fragrant with camphor and turpentine.

The best option is an urban backpack. Try to get it by any means and you will appreciate the convenience of this piece of equipment. You can easily carry a load of up to 10-15 kg and your hands remain free. A shoulder bag is more inconvenient, but if there is nothing suitable, then this will do. And if you are going to act like an intellectual, then the best thing here is a laptop bag. The worst option is a plastic bag. However, in any case, a container where you can put something useful and in which to carry your modest belongings should be a must. You shouldn't rely on pockets alone.

I strongly recommend getting hold of this item even if you are not disabled, do not have a limp and do not need it. The best thing is a regular, so-called wheelchair cane without any frills, carved handles and other bells and whistles. The easiest way is to buy a cane at a pharmacy from among the cheapest ones or steal (beg) in any hospital.

This is an indispensable item when standing in one place for a long time and on long journeys. It is very good as a weapon against two-legged animals and perfectly helps fight off a pack of dogs. And sometimes it’s useful to pretend to be a lame disabled person, and here, without a classic wheelchair stick, there’s no way...

In general, the entire huge range of applications for this item of application is unusually wide and you can think of it yourself.

Just never hide knives or sharpening points in them. The very first place they start looking for weapons is in the cane. And if they find him there, then you will not be happy...

It is best if it is the cheapest Chinese folding device. Only in this case will you have a guarantee that this knife will not be taken away from you or stolen. The quality of the steel, the length and shape of the blade are unimportant. As for sharpness, get yourself a piece of a block or sandpaper and always keep the blade razor-sharp. Mild steel has its advantages - you can restore the sharpness of the blade in ten seconds, and if you don’t chop nails with this knife, the razor sharpness will last for quite a long time. By the way, a well-sharpened knife is a much more terrible weapon than, say, a dull bayonet...

Ordinary scissors can also serve as a good replacement for a knife. The range of their application is quite wide, and they will cause less suspicion among others.

A stainless steel mug with a capacity of 300-500 ml is best. In sports and hardware stores it costs less than a hundred rubles. As soon as you have money, be sure to splurge on this purchase. An indispensable thing for brewing noodles, cooking soup or simply warming water for hygiene procedures. And if you cook over an open flame, then rub the vessel with soapy water beforehand, and you won’t have to suffer from scrubbing off the soot.

Use a simple container for water plastic bottle one and a half liters. Never miss an opportunity to fill it with clean water.

Always have them with you. I don't know anything more universal. This is a tablecloth, a napkin, a sheet, and a handkerchief…. A wet wad of newspaper, instead of a kitchen sponge, can be used to wash dishes perfectly.

Need to clean the inside of a plastic or glass bottle? Finely tear the newspaper, insert it through the neck, shake vigorously with water. Several such procedures and the bottle will glow like crystal. If we want to indulge in hot tea, we roll small paper balls out of newspaper, light a tiny fire from them, and after ten minutes a mug of boiling water is ready. To speed up the process, you need to cover the mug with a piece of the same newspaper.

Well, a newspaper is also useful for starting a normal fire...

Some specialized literature recommends wrapping your feet in newspaper in severe frosts. I tried. It turns out to be nonsense - the newspaper tears, crumples and practically does not create an air gap that would warm: your feet freeze in the newspaper just as well as without it. But if you put newspapers under your clothes, one layer under your shirt, another under your sweater, and a third under your jacket, it becomes much warmer. It’s hard to imagine a more versatile and easily accessible insulation!

First of all, have a dressing material. Remember that in case of wounds and injuries it is very important to stop the bleeding. To restore every lost drop will require additional energy, and for a sick and exhausted body this can be an overwhelming task. It is quite possible to use used bandages that have been cleanly washed and dried in the sun. For better disinfection, they can be boiled. By the way, in the Great Patriotic War that's what they did... But, nevertheless, it is much better to get hold of a full-fledged sterile dressing package. which will literally help save lives. In addition to their intended purpose, bandages are an excellent substitute for rope and can be used for all kinds of garters. It wouldn’t hurt to have a bottle of iodine and some tablets in your personal first aid kit. However. this is already a luxury for a homeless tramp...

The list of homeless equipment can be continued endlessly. These include matches, salt, a change of clothes and much, much more. I have indicated only some common and necessary things.

The question is: where can I get all this? It all depends on your capabilities, imagination, courage and a certain amount of luck. However, I can confidently say that Big city can give you everything you need. You just need to not be lazy, put aside false shame and learn to adapt to circumstances.

Almost everything that you can find and acquire (steal), one way or another, will fit in a difficult wandering life. It is not necessary to carry all these small valuables on yourself - arrange secret caches and hiding places. Maybe life will change for the better and your supplies will never be needed. Let them disappear then. Or the other way around can happen...

  • 3. How to get food
It's actually not that big of a problem. We just need to abandon false modesty and scrupulousness once and for all. It is enough to approach any person on the street and, looking honestly in the eyes, ask them to buy you bread. Please note: you should not ask for money, but food! You need to insist on this in your requests. You may be sent away, but be persistent and at least one in ten will respond to the request.

Traditionally, in urban environments, food is obtained from garbage cans and trash cans. Actually, this is an extreme option, but in trash cans you can find many things that are useful for homeless people - plastic bags, clothes, shoes, dishes, etc. This includes food waste.

There are several rules to follow here:

  1. Throw away bread and other moldy products without pity or trim them carefully. If you feel a specific moldy taste while eating, spit it out. It is better to remain hungry than to get food poisoning - the body will spend much more precious calories fighting it than it receives from questionable food. Remember this! Death from diarrhea is one of the most real dangers for a homeless person.
  2. Try to heat-treat vegetables and fruits. Moreover, everything is suitable for brewing: rotten cucumbers and tomatoes, watermelon rinds, chicken and fish bones, etc. It is advisable to add salt and pepper, if of course you have them. The taste of such a “soup” may turn out to be very unique, but it will still have nutritional value.
  3. It is highly undesirable to use cans as cooking utensils. But, if you have to cook in them, then do not forget to rinse these “dishes” thoroughly and under no circumstances leave food there, even for a short time. The metal from which the cans are made may come into contact with chemical reaction with fats and food acids to form toxic substances.
By the way, about the bones. If you grind small boil bones between two stones, you can get a fairly nutritious food product.

But the skin of fish with small scales, such as char species (chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, trout, etc.), when well fried over a fire, will become a real delicacy! In exceptional cases, you can fry in small pieces over the flame of a lighter or match.

The most accessible birds are, first of all, urban (wild) pigeons. You can catch with the simplest loops made of strong thread, I wait for the pigeons to step into the loop. Fishing with a regular fishing hook baited with a piece of bread is more effective. Only, when engaging in such “hunting” in crowded places, be prepared for the fact that you may incur the “righteous” wrath of others. For some reason, people always feel more sorry for a bird than for a living person... Therefore, I recommend another method of hunting: usually pigeons, after dark, spend the night in attics on the roof rafters. All you have to do is get there with a flashlight and you will be guaranteed a hearty dinner. Pigeons blinded by light are not at all afraid of humans. Take the bird by the head with your fingers, shake it sharply, and you're done! Without noise and dust, the immobilized carcass is in your knapsack.

I do not recommend catching sparrows, tits, wagtails and similar small game. They are more agile than pigeons, there is practically no meat in them, and they require disproportionately more energy to catch. I also don’t recommend messing with crows - these birds are very smart and it’s quite difficult to catch them without weapons or clever traps. Seagulls and cormorants are easier to catch, but not everyone can eat their foul-smelling meat. By the way, if the seagulls living on the shores of reservoirs smell of rotten fish, then those living in a landfill smell disgustingly of carrion. This is the specificity...

For some reason, there is a widespread opinion among wandering people that cats are a waste. Why dont know. But, I personally have never eaten cats and I can’t say anything about it. But as for dogs, here we should discard all prejudices that they are “man’s friend” and these friends cannot be eaten.

Without going into controversy, I will note that dog meat is no less healthy and tasty than the meat of any other domestic animals.

Attention! Here I must warn you - be afraid of people if they catch you in the process of hunting, butchering or eating dog meat! They will take their lives without blinking an eye, and they will consider themselves right, hiding behind arguments about humane treatment of animals, about animal husbandry and about the notorious “friends of man.” Such is the contradictory human nature - I have seen hundreds of times how people shed tears of pity and tenderness while cooing with dogs, and, without the slightest pity, deal with their own kind... In our society, they can easily kill a hungry person just because he ate a puppy!

By the way, getting a dog is not difficult. Lure it with a piece of meat or sausage. Place a rope around your neck and lead him to a secluded place. Dogs, contrary to popular belief, have absolutely no premonition of death. Throw the rope over the branch and pull it up sharply. Some dogs wheeze and howl in a loop for quite a long time, filling the surrounding area with eerie sounds. Be prepared for this and, in order to quickly stop the animal’s suffering, press down on the head or pull on the legs…. Unpleasant? Yes, sure! But somehow you have to survive...

When cutting up the carcass, make sure that nothing from the food raw material is lost. Drain and fry the blood, do not throw away the liver, try to save all the meat if possible. But you shouldn’t mess with the skin. It is impossible to breed it in the conditions of a wandering life, but there is always a danger that they will identify who this fur belonged to. In such cases, even stray dogs immediately find owners. The consequences for you can be the most terrible... Therefore, the easiest way is to immediately bury the skin deep in the ground along with other waste or throw it somewhere far away so that you are not identified and punished for the “crime.” Some, failing to do this in time, paid with their lives...

4. Shelter (dwelling)
Based personal experience, I can say with confidence - the most convenient and safe place- this is housing in nature. Any hut, in the summer, is preferable to the most comfortable entrance (attic, basement, sewer).

Firstly, there are not so many such places that are relatively convenient for spending the night in urban areas. Most of them are already occupied by other homeless people, with whom they will have to fight for shelter.

Secondly, remember: any struggle directly related to survival (and this is exactly what happens among the homeless) can be extremely cruel and insidious. You don't have much chance of winning it if you're a beginner. Even if you have health, youth and strength on your side...

Thirdly, danger awaits in the city from all sides: the police, drunk teenagers, vigilant citizens, and their own homeless colleagues. They have all taken up arms against you and are ready to kill you. Yes, yes, not just beat, but kill! Because in our country, in 99 cases out of a hundred, nothing happens for the murder of a homeless person. If you are homeless, then probably no one will look for you. And when your corpse is found with traces of violent death, they will try in every possible way to either hide it or write it off as death from natural causes. In any case, this will not make it any easier for you...

In general, back to nature. You can also live in central Russia in winter. In principle, there is nothing impossible in building a heated home from available materials. But your safety is guaranteed - rarely does anyone go into the forest just to harass and offend a homeless person. Quite the contrary. If you are hospitable and friendly, you will soon become acquainted with summer residents, mushroom pickers and hunters who are trying to help the unfortunate homeless person.

You should worry about housing in advance, preferably in the warm summer months. It's quite difficult to choose a place. It should be close to the city, since only there it is easiest to find food, clothing and temporary income. It is advisable to have a source near your site drinking water(stream or pond). An abundance of fuel for the fire is highly desirable. This could be dead wood, a sawmill located nearby, or even construction waste illegally dumped outside the city.

Sometimes there is no need to build such housing. Teenagers, having watched enough films about Indians, scouts and partisans, very often build various dugouts, houses, huts and caches. Hunters and fishermen also build good-quality huts so that they have a place to drink vodka in relative comfort. Villagers often build huts and place living trailers in distant meadows or forest plots. Often, this “distant housing”, in fact, turns out to be very close to the city limits.

It is enough to rummage around the surrounding area for a week and, not far from the outskirts of any settlement, you will definitely find something acceptable for housing. Household items left there will tell you who the owners are and how you can negotiate with them about moving in…. As a rule, children quickly lose interest in such toys and will even be happy if an adult uncle uses their house... The hunting and fishing fraternity will not be against it either. Just always have a couple of pitiful stories ready about how you got to this life...

Some homeless people find shelter in numerous public organizations and monasteries. The last ones are not the best the best option– there they force you to work a lot, pray and feed you little.

It is difficult to find shelter in all kinds of charitable shelters - usually, the number of people wishing to do so exceeds their capabilities. By the way, you can easily get one-time help if you manage to get an appointment with some deputy or public figure. Practice has shown that this public always helps in one form or another. But it’s not always possible to overcome the numerous barriers of assistants and secretaries... There is no need to tell pitying stories here - confess frankly. It is not recommended to lie - they can break through the databases.

The other best option is to go to the hospital. It is impossible to give specific advice on how to “cut your hair”: it all depends on age, the presence of chronic diseases, the condition of the body, etc.... only if you deliberately make yourself ill, remember - you can easily overdo it and, instead of the desired shelter, you will actually get fucked serious illness. I don't know which is better...

The rules of staying in the hospital are not complicated: be clean, friendly with the staff and don’t take pills - after all, your task is to stay in the hospital as long as possible. It helps very well to slip in obviously bad tests. For example, the urine of a sick person. Just be careful again - if they notice, they will kick you out for such “jokes.”

From the first day of treatment, start making supplies: dry crackers in a secluded place (bread, as a rule, is given without restrictions). One of my friends, after a month's stay in the hospital, came out with a solid supply of crackers, which helped him survive in the future. Along the way, he also prepared powder from dry orange peels - they made excellent tea.

In a large hospital you can get decent clothes. Some patients admitted in serious condition subsequently refuse to take away dirty and bloody clothes. All you have to do is clean or wash it.

5. Legend
I already mentioned above that any homeless person must have a beautiful story about how he came to such a life. It is best if there are several such stories - for different audiences. For example, if you communicate with the working class, then a story about how you experienced great grief and why you started drinking is quite suitable. Hard workers, as a rule, sympathize with former drunks.

Stories for women cannot do without romance and fatal love. Just remember that women really don’t like it when people talk disparagingly about their gender. Always speak with respect to the heroine of your love story.

It would be very good if the story featured the theme of orphanhood and difficult childhood with a slight touch of nostalgia for past times. You can add a little mystery, but don't overdo it. If you say that you are an employee of secret intelligence services, then your interlocutors may think of checking your professional skills... . Be prepared to answer various tricky questions and don’t screw up on little things: if you are caught in a lie, then the matter can end very badly - most people really don’t like being deceived.

Also be wary of lying about your criminal or military background if you don’t have one. Women won't be impressed, but male listeners will be easily caught off guard.

And another piece of advice - you don’t have to invent anything. It is enough to read some interesting novel or watch a movie, choose a hero and project his story onto yourself, diluting it with details from your personal life. It is very good if there is light irony and humor - people like this more than pitiful whining.

Also, in any company, a dozen good, well-worn jokes will be useful - perhaps you will need to memorize them in advance and practice presenting them in an interesting way, because there is nothing worse than a joke that is funny only to the teller...

This material does not pretend to be complete and serves, rather, simply as information for thought. Everyone can question it or expand and add at their own discretion.

It is no coincidence that in various specific manuals the word “art” appears next to the word “survival”. Indeed, survival is an art and it must contain elements of fantasy, ingenuity and creativity. There is no way without this. And the stake is quite high - your life. This is such a unique art!