Dragon age inquisition how to increase influence. Perks and abilities of the Inquisition in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Visual innovations and gameplay changes

In this post we will learn the tricks Dragon Age Inquisition. For those who don’t really need this kind of shenanigans associated with Cheat Engine, please skip the post and make yourself some tea.

Let's start with the preview.

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Brief training on using Cheat Engine

If you have an English version of the program, like me, then here are the instructions.

1. The computer icon flashing green and red is a request to select a process to use the program. Find Dragon in it Age Inquisition and wait for the files to download.

2.After you have loaded the game data into the program, we will begin to use it for our benefit. And how and what, read below.

Let's get started. The first method I came up with myself. At least I haven’t watched videos or read information about this, this is hacking the health of opponents.

The method is not so that it is possible to kill already easy bandits, but for opponents who are fooling their heads for the tenth time. I invented it when I beat the game twice, and I didn’t really want to spend time on the Nightmare level on unnecessary bosses like Imshel, but if the same thoughts come to you, listen and remember.

  1. We go into the program and select the process.
  2. We go into the game and look at the enemy’s health through the tactical camera
  3. Collapse and enter the health of the boss or mob into the Value line
  4. In Value Type NECESSARILY put Float.
  5. Click on the left First Scan
  6. After finding the results on the left, go into the game and give a blow to the boss so that his health drops.
  7. Again we drive into Value the amount of his health.
  8. After finding the results, usually from 8 to 15, select them all and click “Add selected address...”
  9. Now they are below and again select them and press Enter, then enter the value that we want to leave for the boss in the form of hp. For example 1.
  10. Press enter again and go into the game. The boss already has 1 hp and all that remains is to finish him off. Less hassle and more plot.


Just like in Artmoney, put 4 bytes in the search type and click First Scan with the amount of money you have. Next, we sell or buy something and then do the same as in points 9, 10 about the boss’s HP, only changing it to the value you need. It's simple


If you click on information about characters and attributes, then at the end of the list you will find “Combat Experience Points”. This is your experience for the entire game. Look for it in Value and then kill one mob so that the experience changes. Next, click next scan, after entering new values, and then add the necessary addresses down and change their value, for example, to 99999.

Specifics of the Inquisition

Hacking the specifics takes quite a long time, but you can hack the Inquisition level and it will already add specifics. For example, we close the gap and look at the amount of experience. Now let's look.

Each level of the Inquisition is 1000 experience, that is, we create a static situation. You are level 4 and have 468 experience. How we calculate.

Level 1 - 1000 experience, it reaches two and the second level begins, but this does not mean that you have 2000 experience, it means that you have started gaining level 2. Simply put, if you display level 2 and 368 experience, then you need to look for 1368 experience and then, closing the gap, add to 1368 and look for a new value. For example, if you closed the gap and added 40 points, then you already write 1408 in the Value value. But let’s go back to level 4. Let's go like this. 1000+1000+1000. This is already 3 levels. And you display 4 and 468 experience. So now you have 3468, we break it and that’s it, close the gap, add up the added experience and change it to 999999. That’s it, everyone knows about the Inquisition and a lot of specificity points are already in your pocket. But if you want to upgrade everything. Then read on.

Start a new scan and write the number of specificity points in it, learn something there and add a new value to the program. All. Simply and easily.


Since there are about 300,000+ values ​​from 1 to 15 in the game code, we make it smarter and easier for ourselves. The program represents the values ​​of present and previous. And there is an option to simplify this. For example, we have 13 influence points. And it’s better to earn them up to 13 or higher, then you won’t have to worry about it. Let's get started.

We find the first scan, it’s 13, then study something at the command headquarters. Let's say you have 9. Click on continue scanning further. There will be fewer values. Then we study some other little thing for 4. Already 5. And the values ​​​​will be several times less. And there will be from 1-20. If everything is good, then add them below and change their values. That's it, now try to study something at headquarters and see how your command points have changed to those indicated by you.

Influence, influence and once again, influence...



Hello, dear reader, as you may have noticed from the title, today’s article is about the acclaimed Dragon Age: Inquisition. I’ll say right away that I’m a fan of this series, but Inquisition clearly didn’t work out, and now I’ll even explain why.

After the emotions I received from Dragon Age: Origins, I slowly ran to the ATM to quickly get this product and try it out.

And this is the only time I regretted something I bought without thinking.

The plot of the game is based on the events of the second part, for those who are not in the know, after the war between the magicians and the templars, one of Hawk’s companions, the hero of the second part, blows up a tower, as a result of which a gap opens, from which demons and no one endlessly pour out doesn't know how to stop it.

As a result, all these gaps began to spread throughout Thedas. Nobody has any idea how to close them or what they are connected to. And suddenly, a magical explosion occurs, as a result of which our main character miraculously survives, but that's not all. Not only did he survive, but he also received the mark , which is capable of closing all these gaps. We've already seen this somewhere...

There are 3 classes in the game, if I'm not mistaken, they are robber, mage and warrior.

Instead of a huge branch of skills, stats and unique skills that only one character can teach you.

In the Inquisition there are a couple of branches with skills, some of which you will never even download, because they are of no use.

The brewers decided to combine the combat from Origins and the second part, it turned out well, but it quickly gets boring due to the stupid NPCs.

Because each enemy does not need its own approach. Unless you have to sweat with dragons.

Because Mages do not have a hill, it was replaced with a barrier, which is very awkward. It is enough to take three tanks and put a barrier on them on cooldown.

The world is completely dynamic, which is incredibly cool, a broken bridge, you can fix it, as a result of which you will go where you couldn’t before.

The locations are beautiful and large, as promised. To move across large areas, you can use a horse. (It doesn’t save you from mobs, one shot from an archer, you’re already in battle.)

Each contains unique mobs and resources. For example, to get unique armor, you must first open a new location where there is a deposit of unique ore, cool, isn’t it?

However, exploring the world ends with beauty. Most of the NPCs are textures that stand in one place without moving. They have no daily needs, not even script ones. Some will just stand, and some suffer lying on the ground in pain and asking for help.

But you can’t interact with them, which is a pity.

It's time to move on to the bad sides of the Inquisition.

Like I said, I didn't like the game. the promised epicness is diluted with quests, like “kill and bring”, and they are simply FORCED to complete them, in the literal sense of the word. What will happen differently?

Otherwise you won't beat the game. Well, or you can try to close the gaps, but this will still not be enough, because with each main quest, the number of that same INFLUENCE. It is earned by closing holes in the sky, creating camps, or completing side quests.

Completed the prologue, great, get 10 influence to progress through the storyline. Do you want to open a new location? You have 20 influence. Oh, deadly waters have been discovered at the location that are preventing you from closing the last gap? For 15 influence we will build a bridge.

The very power that the developers promised us, supposedly it would be possible to send soldiers who themselves could get those very 30 elven roots, is not there. She simply doesn't exist.

Of course, you can send soldiers, they will indeed collect those same roots, but they will not count towards your quest, because YOU must collect them.

You are proclaimed the great inquisitor, who must run around the map and collect flowers for the garden, cool, isn’t it?

Walking through the clearing and calmly picking those same flowers for the garden, you can find a piece of paper that says that some grandfather was killed and you must take revenge, Tyzhinquisitor.

Similar pieces of paper are scattered throughout the location, in one location, there are at least 10 of them, or even more.

Why couldn’t the developers do the same as in Origins, so that these quests were given to you by an NPC, these quests were really interesting, they were unique. And these quests at least influenced the game world, characters and the storyline as a whole.

If in Origins you could not complete an uninteresting quest, then here you will have to complete it, because without influence, you will not be able to complete the main part of the game.

Why is Origins a breeze? You don’t worry about the fact that you need to farm influence, you follow the story, sometimes completing side quests that are interesting and exciting.

And if some quest seems too boring to you, you can forget about it and continue to go through the main plot, you become immersed in this world, in this plot, in these characters.

I tried to go into the world of the Inquisition, but immediately the influence was waiting for me, which you have to get again, kill mobs again, collect flowers, mobs, flowers again...

And so this will continue until these quests at the location are completed. What to do then? And then, you give 15 influence to open a new location, cool? And now you are farming mobs again, farming flowers, but in the DESERT!!1!!1

Because how can you get to the ball without influence?

Even if you look at the game from the characters’ point of view, which Bioware did very well. You felt every character and worried about them. Here, these are just dull textures without a soul, there are no facial expressions, the characters don’t cry.

Damn it, the world is ending and you don't care? Where is the darkness that made me happy in Origins? I can't feel these characters, it's like dolls without emotions.

Take again the same Origins, which captivates from the very beginning of the game. Why couldn't it be done the same? The whole game, I have to run around the clearings and collect flowers, is this what the Inquisitor should do? You are called Andraste's herald.

You are the one sent by the creator himself to save this world. And all you do is pick flowers, wow.

Inquisitor help! Inquisitor, help me collect the bouquet! Inquisitor, inquisitor...

The graphics are the only thing that was a great success in Inquisition. Frostbite 3 goes all out, making the picture very juicy and attractive, which makes traveling through large-scale open locations very enjoyable.

Most of the time, I looked at the beautiful landscapes, the only thing missing for complete happiness is the change of day and night.

The characters look realistic, although the animation, as always, let us down, well, what can you do, this has always been a problem in Dragon Age.

In conclusion, I will say that the game, first of all, was conceived as an MMORPG, which is evident when running through locations and bumping into useless mobs who for some reason have enough brains to take on the inquisitor.

As an MMORPG, it would turn out great, but this is not some kind of free nonsense, and they demand as much as 2000 wooden ones for it. She's clearly not worth the money. 100 promised hours of gameplay, you will run around locations and collect influence, because the main plot there is about 20 hours long.

The plot itself, we have already seen in previous Bioware games. Dragon Age: Origins - You are a gray guardian, you must gather the whole world to defeat the evil Blight. Mass Effect - You must bring the entire galaxy together to defeat the reapers.

It's the same in the Inquisition. I didn’t see anything new except beautiful graphene and a simulator of a young florist.

If the developers had not introduced this useless influence, because of which I did not complete the game. The game would have been a success.

And I repeat once again, I am a huge fan of the series as a whole, I have completed Origins more than a dozen times. And every time, I learned something new from the game. If we talk about the Inquisition, I spent 50 hours on it, during which I did not learn anything new about the universe of this game.

Thanks for reading the article, play good games and don’t buy games without thinking, especially for such an amount, at a good time of day.


So, we decided to prepare for you a guide to passing the game, thereby arming you with knowledge so that in the future you will not have any serious problems with the game. This guide will appear in the form of tips.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from previous games in the series, but this does not mean that all your old achievements and awards will just disappear - nothing has been forgotten. All decisions that you once made in, as well as in, will be transferred to the new part. To do this, you just have to use a service called Dragon Age Keep. Using this program, you will transfer all the brightest and most epic events from past games in the series, all old parameters will be restored. Thus, any decision made a long time ago will be reflected in the new world of the game. And besides this, you have a great opportunity to refresh old memories from past parts.

This is, so to speak, a “personnel” issue and in the game it is almost the most important. You will spend the bulk of your journey in this wonderful game in pleasant company, so it is very important to ensure that your team is balanced. You must have a warrior with a shield, as he will take all the enemies' attention. It is also extremely important to have one robber and one mage. The magician will be able to support your entire group, and not only you, even your other allies. And the rogue will deal the most damage - which is very important. Well, give the last place to the one you like best. At the very beginning of the game, you will receive a balanced group: here you will have a warrior or, as everyone used to call him, a “tank” - Cassandra, an interesting magician named Solas, and old Varrick, known to everyone as a robber. A little later, of course, you can easily change your composition.

We'll try to figure it out for you this advice on magicians. In your organization you can recruit three magicians who can be in your group, they are Vivien, Solas and Dorian. Please note that you should not develop heroes according to the same template, that is, put all your skill points into the same pyromancy. Let each of your heroes develop in different directions; for magicians, let it be a school of spirit, lightning, cold and much more. The main thing is that all this does not happen again! Thus, do the same with warriors and robbers - develop them in different directions! Also choose your party members so that the team is unique and not repeated!

While traveling around the world, you will encounter more than one barrier on your way. Such barriers usually block the path to something very valuable and interesting. To destroy these barriers, you will have to shoot at them with a staff. But the whole difficulty lies in the fact that there are three types of magical barriers: the first is fiery, indicated in red; the second is icy, indicated in blue, and the third is spiritual, which is indicated in purple. Each barrier can only be destroyed by the corresponding element. More precisely, the opposite: fire will deactivate the ice barrier and, accordingly, vice versa, but electric attacks are used against the spiritual barrier. If you are trying to ensure that you don’t miss anything in the game, then we recommend that you do not neglect this advice.

In addition to the fact that you develop characters in the game, you will also have to develop the organization itself - the Inquisition. Complete tasks that will increase the level of your organization and be sure to upgrade special skills/abilities/perks/passives. First of all, we recommend that you level up “Skillful Hands”, more precisely “Deft Hands, Fine Tools”. It is located in a category called "Secrets", in other words "Secrets". This opportunity will allow absolutely all heroes with the Rogue class to open complex locks, behind which you will find very valuable loot!

With a properly grouped team and if they still have quite high level, then the bulk of the battles in the game should take place without using this tactical pause. But sometimes you will still come across very difficult battles, in which even a second matters a lot. This is where this pause mode comes in handy. When it gets too “hot”, quickly switch to a tactical view and look carefully, think about it and give orders to your players. In general, according to this principle, you will need to move until the very victorious end. It may take longer, but it significantly increases the chances of survival.

First of all, we advise you to visit those locations where it is possible to set up a Camp. In this case, you will definitely not regret your time spent. There are two points worth noting here: the first point is that you will be able to move extremely quickly, which thereby helps to perform secondary tasks; second point - this will come in handy when the battle is at its peak and you don’t have any jars of healing potion left.

Tip eight - Talk to everyone who can talk

Any veteran who plays the toy knows this advice, but if you are encountering their games for the first time, then take this into account. Even though previous games from these developers had smaller sizes in all respects, but here... here you need to talk to absolutely everyone. Communication with any creature of this world will help you understand much more this world and learn more about the relationships between diverse personalities. In addition to all this, you can also receive a quest. And by the way, your allies will help you tell much more than any other character. Therefore, we recommend that after each significant quest you talk with your comrades. Thus, you will definitely not miss the chance to increase or decrease the reputation of this ally, you will also be able to get a very interesting task or even see an interesting picture - for example, when Cassandra beats Varrick.

As you progress through the game, you will almost constantly come across various mines or plants. Here you just need to not be lazy and collect it all. This will happen quite quickly and the benefits will be considerable. For example, with the help of collected materials you can improve/create equipment. And we will tell you more - resources are necessary to raise your organization! In addition, as a couple, you will also need resources to complete any quest. And in the end - you will simply be drawn in, we assure you.

While you are there chopping up dragons and trying to save the world from disaster by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are eating their backsides in the fortress. Therefore, so that they do not feel like they are in “chocolate,” it is necessary to constantly load them with work. Try to return to your home as often as possible and load them with work. Directions are issued in the meeting room. For example, your agents will be able to collect gold in support of your organization, settle political problems, establish very useful agreements, even get equipment for you, but that’s not all, we don’t reveal much to you to make it interesting. Each advisor has its own execution time, so everything can take from a minute to several hours. The counter will move in real time, so we recommend that you give the most complex and lengthy tasks for them. But when you return, the advisor will be ready to provide you with a report.

As the developers themselves claim, it can take as much as 180 hours of play! Therefore, if you don’t like something about the new hero or you did something wrong, then feel free to start playing again. It is best to sacrifice these measly couple of hours in order to finally complete the game to the very end.

In your Inquisition hideout, on the right side of the entrance there is a small shop - here they can sell you a unique item with which you can reset all your hero’s skill points. This way you can redistribute them in a new way! , use this item to radically rebuild an uncomfortable hero, unless of course you really like the skills.

We will talk about the shelter of the Inquisition, because it is simply a huge location where a large number of different and interesting items/objects/things/characters and so on are located. After all, the plot of this game is structured in such a way that you can easily skip this Vault and move on to a new location. We recommend that you do not do this, because you still need to carefully study the headquarters, talk with all your comrades, complete a couple of tasks and carefully study the assortment of local artisans.

In addition to the fact that you can launch operations here, in the Vault you can also study a variety of found objects that you were able to find during your travels. For studying them, you will certainly receive bonuses - for example, increased damage against certain enemies. Don't forget about this opportunity, because it is very useful in passing.

At the very beginning of the game, you will meet a dwarf named Varric, who will be armed with only one crossbow. You won't be able to change his weapon, but you can buy various upgrades/improvements for her! Try to remember to do this, because Varrick is no weaker than the rest of your team.

In a location called "Hinterlands", you need to get to the owner of the horses as soon as possible - a plot task. This character will be able to give you a horse, which will make your journey in the game much easier.

Still, it is not recommended to constantly move around on a horse. After all, when traveling on horseback, you will not be able to hunt or collect useful resources, much less carry out another battle. In battle you will find yourself in a rather awkward position. We recommend that you ride in already explored locations. And to travel longer distances, it is best to use the system of local camps, which will instantly transport you to the chosen point.

Soon the game will take you to a place called Val Royeaux- a huge city with a bunch of shops! Carefully study the local assortment - here you can find many useful items at quite reasonable prices. And by the way, we recommend that you hold your money until your visit to this city, because in the beginning you can wait until you visit Val Ruaino.

It’s worth noting that, as always, the game fits in just perfectly! One of your main tasks is the development of the Inquisition and the spread of its influence. For this quest, every good deed will benefit you (any completed quest will increase the influence of your Inquisition!).

When you open the quest log, your eyes will immediately catch the story quests, of course, the thought immediately arises of completing them first. We recommend that you do the following: open your map and choose a route to the intended plot task, and along the way to your goal, simply complete additional / side quests. We assure you that you will get great pleasure from the experience.

This is not only one continuous war/battles/skirmishes/battles, tragedies/pain/sadness - this is love too! Choose the one or the one you like the most, set a goal for yourself! After that, find out a little about this character, study her/his character carefully, eventually begin to assent and constantly lean towards her/his side. Romantic lines the work here is just perfect, so just enjoy!

To prepare for DA:I, I completed DA:O on nightmare, DA2 on easy, and filtered out all spoilers. But life didn’t prepare me for this!

Just ninety hours of play in ten days (there were difficulties with downloading), and here I am in front of you, ready to give a full report on Dragon Age: Inquisition.

The EA forums are buzzing with players throwing out tens and zeros. The price tag, even for Russia, is simply in the best traditions of the publishing house, and there is no way to bypass the protection. There aren’t even many full-fledged reviews on the Internet: oh, it’s not an easy job - saving the world instead of sleep.

Therefore, instead of the usual snobbish review, I present to you a review where I tried to look at the game from all sides.

Preliminary result - we must take it!

Rehabilitation. Dragon review Age: Inquisition

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

I bet Esther Amell would look just as good


Of course, most fans of the series have already bought the game. Whatever it turns out to be, the fate of Thedas will not be told anywhere else. To the rest I suggest summary previous episodes. At the same time, you can find out what I consider their strengths and weaknesses, and draw conclusions.

The first part of Dragon Age is undoubtedly good. You can come up with a bunch of global wishes for it, like voice acting Gray Warden(that is, all twelve versions, yeah) or open world, but within the framework of the plan, Bioware did everything perfectly.

Origins designed for PC, perfectly controlled by mouse and keyboard. Fights are remembered for their intensity rather than their spectacle. Tactics, strategy, fine-tuning AI - everything for the thoughtful gamer. During the nightmare, I used to stop every five seconds to issue orders. Character stats are manually assigned and active skills occupy two rows of buttons: perfect fun. The image of a "good old RPG" was supported by a traditional setting, a classic story of an unknown hero saving the world from evil, and a customizable character with six different stories. Although an open world and complete freedom of action were not planned, the locations were spacious enough to crawl around dark corners in search of phylacteries, and the player’s choice affected the subsequent events of the game. Well-developed companion characters and relationships with them were the real icing on the cake. Oh no, I won't do that, Liliana will be upset.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

In fact, these are the tears of fans flowing

Dragon Age II received a lot of negative feedback from players. This is understandable. The game took a decisive step towards consoles and stumbled. What tactics, what pauses? Fans of the previous part were disappointed. And it would be fine if only they did. The gameplay changes were not only radical, but also unsuccessful. The battles were not of particular interest; enemies rained down from the sky and jumped out of the cleared corridors. The locations turned out to be indecently small and corridor-like. All the action took place in the city of Kirkwall and the surrounding area, so we returned to the same streets over and over again. After the swamp-green Ferelden, the blood and sepia of the Free March seemed unusual, and then tiresome.

On the other hand, in a flurry of negative emotions, it is difficult to separate the real shortcomings of the game from taste preferences. The limited character customization was criticized: instead of six backstories, we have Hawk. But in Mass Effect we have Shepard and Shepard to choose from, and there is enough Shepard for everyone! The very presentation of the story of Dragon Age II is much more personal, and therefore more sinister. Yes, Mor, Civil War, the demons and possessed from the first part painted a gloomy atmosphere, and what was happening on the deep paths... But Hawke’s personal tragedy hits harder. We lose our home, run into the unknown, win a piece of our place in the sun. Family members die in our arms, comrades betray us, and even while desperately maintaining neutrality, Hawke finds himself caught between a rock and a hard place over and over again. Absolute, unconscious evil - Pestilence - remains on the periphery, and the focus is on the play of human passions. The abstract “inhabitants of Thedas” have come to life. Each faction has its own motives and its own skeletons in the closet. The world of Dragon Age 2 is rich, dark and desperate. Let the prerequisites for the main conflicts be in Origins, it is in the second part that they are felt in their own skin. No matter how bad the gameplay is, the work of the writers on the world, plot and characters is excellent. However, this was drowned at one time in the wave of “Where is Morrigan?”

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Ugh, what did you have for breakfast?

Finally, the Inquisition

Lovely Bioware the fact that they do not give up their projects and decisions, even if the fans drowned the forum in tears, but at the same time they do not lose sight of their wishes. The first thought upon completion of the training is “They read all the complaints!” Small locations? Here are the locations for twenty hours to complete. Too linear? Go wherever you want. Not enough adventure? Here are the events on every square meter of the map. Collections, mosaics, bonuses for exploring the territory, elven artifacts, falling dragons, demons and possessed people. Few? With each new level, with each open territory, new and new opportunities will open up. You will play fifty hours, and you will still be suspiciously looking at the list of achievements, trying to figure out what fortresses you need to capture.

Getting to know the game begins with creating a character. There are no restrictions in the second part - people, elves, gnomes and even Qunari are available to you. Both genders, three classes and even several subclasses: robbers can wield a bow or daggers, and warriors can wield a shield or a two-handed sword. Subclasses do not have much influence on the gameplay, the only difference is what weapon you start the game with and what card characterizes your character.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Yes, I just have so many beautiful screenshots, it’s a pity...

There is no separate mission with a backstory; all possible heroes start from the same moment. It's not that the hero has complete amnesia. Everyone has their own backstory: you receive messages from your relatives, superstitious residents whisper behind the magician’s back, and the Orlesian nobility snorts contemptuously: “Dwarven hero, what bad taste.”

The main character is voiced - two voices for each gender. The voice immediately gives the character character, and we willy-nilly obey the acting, but the immersion into the world is deeper. Dragon Age: Inquisition combines the freedom of choice of the first part and the cinematic quality of the second. And this applies not only to the hero himself. Surprisingly, the game resembles both parts, but does not tire you, but pleases you with attention to your own past. This is not self-repetition, this is mastery.

And now it’s time to take the game apart and see how Bioware it was a success.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

What tenderness

Graphics and sound

We take our first steps on thin snow frosty mountains. Traces, by the way, remain. Winter landscapes immediately evoke an association with Skyrim. It is so inevitable that I will not be afraid to start a conversation with it. However, we won’t need mods for graphics (if only for clothes and hairstyles...). The game was developed on the Frostbite 3 engine, and there is absolutely no shame in the graphics component.

The activities of the Inquisition take place in Orlais and Ferelden, so we have to personally crawl through all the deserts, swamps, mountains and forests of these glorious states and even look into the famous Val Royeaux. And although the swamp-green patina of Origins is noticeable in the Ferelden locations, the rest of the world is designed in completely different colors. Not only the landscapes are varied, but also the weather conditions. We will be fried on hot sand, rained on, struck by lightning, we will fight through snow drifts, fall from a waterfall and swim in an oasis. It is also possible to drown in full armor at sea, but this is not necessary. Even night, rain and swamps at the same time will not stop the Inquisition!

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

There was not enough illumination

There is no open world in the game, but you almost never encounter “invisible walls”. The space is limited gracefully and logically, for example, by rocks or the sea. In general, the design of the locations is very competent with thoughtful lighting and realistic proportions. A sight for sore eyes. The main beam in the eye of graphics is animation. In a combat situation, everything looks great: the warriors swing beautifully two-handed weapon, enemy spies in stealth mode come behind you, magicians dance with a staff, and from above everything is filled with fire and flashes of lightning. However, the specifics of the game encourage long and detailed conversations in a peaceful environment with a minimum of mayhem, and the characters can be examined very carefully. The faces of the characters can withstand such attention, but the figures... Animation of movements is made based on the developments of previous games Bioware, The Inquisitor even sometimes sits in Shepard's signature pose. Of course, many problems have been fixed - the eyes no longer roll in a strange way, the hands look practically normal and practically do not pass through the armor with any hugs. But the movements are often constrained and puppet-like. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the movements are universal for different character models, but so far the animation of the characters is much inferior to the naturalism of motion capture. It's a pity.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

I want these cards for my collection

I would especially like to note the execution of the codex cards. Among the simple geometric shapes, the emphasis is on more realistic faces and complex, mixed colors, right in the spirit of Klimt. There are cards for each monster and character, plus general ones - to indicate resources, books, stories. They are used when choosing party composition and on the download page, where we are shown random articles from the Codex. Images of party members can change over time - depending on what happens in their lives. The character icons are made in the same style in two versions, for a healthy and injured character. You can take a closer look at the collection of cards in the code itself.

The soundtrack is pleasant, but I was a little unnerved by the very upbeat battle theme in the fortress. You sit there, forge your armor, and then the drums beat! But the ambient sounds are performed flawlessly. Very atmospheric. The otherworldly rustles give you goosebumps, even when you know that you have already killed everyone in this dungeon. In addition, some secrets can be found by ear.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Tens of hours in this damned forest!

Game world

Having made our way through learning, we find ourselves in Hinterlands– the first and largest location. Here again Skyrim comes to mind. The Inquisition camp is a small dot on the map, surrounded by Terra Incognita. You can go in all four directions, and at every step you encounter something interesting. The goals of tasks already taken are marked on the map. Important points appear as a question mark on the minimap as you pass by.

Here a treasure map was found on the corpse of a traveler, and now we have to find the cache using landmarks, and then the Inquisitor fell from a waterfall and ended up in a mysterious elven temple. No matter how it sounds, you can finally jump in the game, and for the sake of the coveted 100% completion you will have to master parkour in the spirit of Assasin's Creed. Only without the hay.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

I wouldn't take a leap of faith

In addition to local quests, on most maps there is a task to “gain a foothold,” that is, to occupy all possible points for Inquisition camps. At the same time, it’s worth opening all sections of the map and marking landmarks with a flag. It would be nice to kill all the demons and the dead, close the gaps, capture the fortresses and return the peasant his lost animal. In addition, on some maps there are fragments of elven artifacts scattered in dark corners and high mountains. Usually there are also astrariums - astronomical artifacts with a puzzle. Opening all the astrariums will show you the location of the cache.

Periodically, the mini-map begins to flicker, which means that there is something very interesting nearby - perhaps a bottle for collection or an artifact for your companions. Some riddles are not marked at all; you can only stumble upon them by directly approaching them, which is not easy in a world of this size. Completing the first location, opening all the areas and collecting all the fragments, took me about twenty hours. And then, out of twelve pieces of the local mosaic, I collected five pieces. And in the north, a dragon attacked me and burned the entire squad, so I couldn’t explore the upper corner of the map. Of course, not all territories are so large, and it is not necessary to go through them entirely. It's often worth going through the main missions, helping those who come to hand, and moving on. You'll probably have to come back here later. Then you will take revenge on the high-level groups of robbers who did not let you into that fortress.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

My first dragon. From our squad, only Cassandra is from the family of dragon slayers

It's nice that the world doesn't adjust to your level. Certainly, story missions one way or another they lead you to different locations, each of which is a higher level, but you always have the opportunity to climb into a darker cave and find someone who will kill your team with one swing.

In Dragon Age: Inquisition, you have a huge world at your service, interrupted by transitions from location to location, but at the same time it opens gradually, preventing you from completely spreading out through the tree of side missions. Story line will not let you forget about yourself.

The game is designed for you to have representatives of all three classes on your team. Rogues traditionally pick locks, warriors can break down heavy doors, and mages are the only ones who can break through magical barriers. Some missions cannot be completed at all without a complete set, while in others you risk missing out on side quests and tasty goodies.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

He was sick as a child... okay, he's still sick

To save time, you can move from anywhere to any captured camp or fast travel point. If this contradicts your principles, mount your faithful horse, deer or dracolisk and go on an adventure. The horses jump, though not very well, so you can only get to some places on your own two feet.

The only thing that seems dubious about all this is the gaming convention. The world seemed to freeze in an instant. I have long killed all the warring boobies in this territory, but houses are still burning and ice floes are lying in the very sun, the occupied garrisons are not cleared of bones, and the weather in the territory is always the same. The same question for the system of searching for resources and securing territories - where, banally, does the Inquisitor always get the flagpole? Feels too much like an MMO.


The world of Thedas is not friendly. Even after you all seem to prove that you are worth fearing, nothing will change. You have plenty of enemies who will want to challenge this, and even more of those who simply have not heard of you and will not recognize you by sight. So you will have to prove your right to life with fire and sword.

The opponents in the game are traditional for the series. We will face recognizable demons, creatures of darkness, witchcraft horrors and the risen dead. Animal world has become much more diverse: wolves are chasing the Gaul in the Dales, gloomy and dangerous giants are roaming the forest. No surprises, but dragons... The most beautiful moments of the game, not counting the cutscenes, are the fights with the dragons.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Breakfast has arrived

Firstly, there are many more dragons than in the previous series combined. They scream and scare you with the flapping of their wings as they fly up the hill. They spit fire from afar and attack giants. Finally, the name of the game has justified itself, and you have the opportunity to fight with a dozen of these beauties. Each has its own character, strengths and weaknesses, and it would be better for you not to fall under their paws.

Battles in Dragon Age: Inquisition are vigorous and fun, accompanied by flashes of fire, lightning and other special effects. Everyone is running, jumping and trying to stun each other. The Inquisitor shouts in alarm if one of his comrades is attacked or wounded, and leads the party in the spirit of “beat the magician!”

At first, both you and your opponents don’t have enough skills, so battles take place in the “hold the button and wait for the enemy to die” mode. From level seven to eight the situation improves: you have to run out of puddles, choose skills and act together. You have to prepare for difficult battles in advance: you won’t be able to change equipment or potions during the battle.

On normal level difficulty, most opponents are completed in real time. At critical moments, a dynamic pause will come in handy, although mainly to pull long-range fighters away from armored targets.

For the most difficult and protracted battles, you will have to switch to tactical pause mode and give out orders second by second with the mouse. In it you can study the performance of opponents. True, you cannot move the camera with the mouse, which makes the mode very inconvenient to operate on a PC, and the top view is useless indoors or in hilly areas. What is really missing is the ability to set a sequence of several actions.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review


AI settings are much more concise than in previous games in the series. You can choose at what health level the character should be healed, how many healing potions remain untouchable, and according to what logic to attack. In the tactics section you can configure the use of spells: on/off, favorite. All. The “stay away” checkbox for ranged fighters is desperately missing: for half the fight with the dragon I simply pulled my mages and robbers from under his feet. On the other hand, my companions did an excellent job otherwise. Cassandra tanked significantly better under AI control than under mine, and the mages constantly dispersed and immobilized enemies.

An important tactical update - health does not recover on its own, and there are no healing skills. You can take a limited amount of potions for the entire squad and can only restore them in the camp. If you don’t want to run back and forth every five minutes, pump up a magic barrier for your magicians. Two magicians can hold them almost continuously.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Didn't get enough sleep, poor guy

Character creation and development

In the dark nowhere, the future head of the Inquisition comes to his senses, slowly rises, and we meet face to face. This is where you can change it. Character editor Bioware It gets better and better with every game. The changes in the shape and angle of the ears were expected, but the gorgeous set of facial textures, scars and tattoos turned out to be a pleasant surprise for me. Thedas is a harsh world that leaves its mark on everyone. Now you can set how strong this mark is, adjust the age, add freckles and add dramatic battles to the biography of the hero (otherwise, where does the scar cover half the face come from?). If you still want childish freshness, take an elf. Thin figures and narrow faces really set the mood for carefree playfulness. However, the fate of your character is brief history In any case, it will not be easy. With all the editor's wealth, I identified two serious disadvantages. Firstly, all settings are reset with one extra push “back” - the game does not ask whether you really want to throw away the fruits of half an hour of labor and return to the template. And secondly, the editor is dark. All colors will look slightly different in the light, so be careful with your makeup!

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

You are the best, dear!

You start the game with a couple of skills in your chosen area. Almost immediately, the team will include Cassandra (warrior), Varric (archer) and Solus (mage), so whoever you are, the traditional composition will be at your service.

For completing tasks and destroying all living things along the way, you will receive:

Experience: normal experience that traditionally increases the hero's level

Influence: general experience for the entire Inquisition, allowing you to develop the organization (gives a bonus to everyone)

Influence points: equivalent to fame and respect. Help the farmer and he will vote for you!

The level of your teammates traditionally rises with you. With each hero, he receives one skill point, an increase in health, and an automatic increase in characteristics. A small loss, considering that the method of leveling up for each class in previous games in the series was approximately the same. Some skills provide additional stat points when unlocked. For example, in the fire branch there is an increase in magic, and in the warrior branch with a shield - in physique.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

My skills definitely don’t fit. But for magicians this is generally normal

From the very beginning, four skill trees are available to heroes. With the choice of specialization, one more thing will be added. Each has a dozen skills, so you can only fully upgrade one. The trees themselves are interesting and combine in unexpected ways. In principle, it is not advisable to take more than eight active skills: it simply won’t fit on the panel. But passive skills from different branches complement each other perfectly. Your archer will benefit from increasing the critical chance of a nearby tree.

If the character does not suit you, or you need a special synergy of companions before a certain mission, you can reset the skills using special amulets sold in the fortress.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Dragon scales can be used to make a stylish white outfit

Equipment and crafting

The greatest warrior without a sword or an ax will not fight much. Equipment determines your attack and armor indicators and seriously affects other indicators: stability different types, characteristics and even additional passive skills. Each character has two slots for weapons (where shields were unexpectedly included), a slot for a helmet, a slot for armor, two slots for rings, and one each for a belt and an amulet.

To most armor you can attach armlets and greaves, which will enhance its performance, and also draw a rune on top.

Changes to armor and helmet are visible on your characters, and the same equipment may look different on each character. Unlike Dragon Age 2, characters do not have individual clothing, but there are certain restrictions. Qunari, for obvious reasons, do not wear a helmet, the Charter jacket is suitable only for a gnome, and the Dalish scout jacket can only be worn by someone trained in the Dales. Varrick never leaves Bianca.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

The color of the buttons depends on the chosen metal

Armor can not only be improved, but also created with your own hands. There is no need to learn any special skills - an excellent blacksmith will do everything. But to create an item you will have to find a sketch (reusable) and the corresponding resources. They are collected personally by the Inquisitor during his journey through Thedas. Veins of metal can be found in the mountains, skin can be removed from corresponding animals and mythical creatures, and fabric can be found in people. Each resource has its own color, level and characteristics, which will affect the properties of the finished item. The feeling from everything is downright MMORPG.
Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Some have settled down well, but in the throne room everything is littered with junk


Forging and alchemy are only possible in the fortress. “You’re not going to screw the hilt to the sword in battle, are you? Come to the forge,” explains the dissatisfied master. However, you will have to return home anyway: there is something to do here besides forging. Your throne stands in the fortress, you administer justice, your companions, fighters and advisers live here. The design of the throne and curtains can be changed. And most importantly, you can hold military councils at the military table in your fortress.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Where should we go and who should we beat up?

A map of Ferelden and Orlais is laid out on the table. Pyramids mark areas of particular interest - after reconnaissance, the Inquisitor will have to go there. Flags indicate problems that do not require personal intervention: your advisors can deal with them. But you will have to choose who will take it on. These can be banal tasks like collecting herbs (and then everyone will complete it in their own way) or a courtesy visit to allies, or there can be entire detective investigations where your reputation is at stake. Sometimes only a certain advisor will be able to get out of a difficulty without losses. Letters arrive on the command desk - you will receive news from Zevran, a request from the ruler of Ferelden, vague threats from unknown well-wishers. This is where you can spend influence points to open new territories.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

You can also distribute “Inquisition Specifics” points here. Over the course of your activities, the influence of the Inquisition grows, and with each level you can somehow make your life easier - order improved backpacks from Antiva or undergo training from experienced herbalists. You won't be able to take everything, so choose wisely.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review


Plot and characters

Despite the fact that we are starting the game again as a new hero, the events of the previous parts will be mentioned regularly. Varric and Cassandra will take our side from the very beginning of the journey, and the very first story mission will lead us to interior lands near Redcliffe. Reminders will be everywhere - from the appearance of significant characters of the past, to pleasant little things in the village, which the Heroine of Ferelden defended with her own hands.

The rest of the plot is a classic story of saving the world. This time we are not rising from the very bottom - on our side are Cassandra and Liliana, the right and left hands of the High Priestess. It is they who restore the Inquisition, and our hero ends up with them by chance. It all starts out rather crumpled - there’s a hole in the sky, only you can save humanity. Solus grabs your hand and drags you towards the closing of the Breach. Not a single answer to questions from past games, only dozens of new ones. The first steps are quite slow - perhaps it seemed so because of the vastness of the first map - but then the tension increases. More intrigue more drama, more ancient magic and sinister secrets!

The most amazing thing is that Inquistion will answer your questions. She will continue the previous stories, but it won’t get any easier. The story will not end, there will be no point. The ending cannot be called open, but it will make you tremble with the desire to find out WHAT'S NEXT. And this time, not because of the fate of the hero and his team, it is the history of the world, to which we had to have a hand three times, that yearns for continuation.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review


The companions in Inquisition were treated like everything else: they were carefully transferred from the second part, added what could be added from the first, and added a lot of new ones. Doubts after the teaser announcements were replaced by pure delight when meeting them. Even the most potentially boring characters are not without a double bottom or a compelling story.

There are more companions in the game, including those ready for romance, than in the previous ones, but there are still advisers with their own history and character. And also assistants, scouts and other NPCs that we encounter during the game. The developers even kindly took into account the experience of other series, adding humor and reckless fun. For the sake of our partners, we want to save the world.

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Rehabilitation. Dragon Age: Inquisition Review

Here's a test of my trypophobia


I don’t want to return from the sweet slumber of Dragon Age. I almost regret that I finished the game so quickly - but you can get stuck in it for a month. Many improvements can be made on the fly, but the game is good on its own. Beautiful graphics, thoughtful design, a vigorous combat system, and at the same time there is enough space to get confused. Mysterious artifacts, mini-games, codex pages and multi-component crafting for painstaking players.

High replayability is ensured by a large amount of content that you simply cannot master in one playthrough. In addition, it is interesting to play as a character of a different race and gender, especially since there are eight different romances possible in the game. Bioware once again confirmed that plot and character design are their strong point. They took into account their experience of both games and clearly thought about their audience. The best practices of Mass Effecta are also taken into account here. Moreover, the developers also looked around.

It sums up the studio's work over the past ten years and raises the bar. The main thing is, don't expect Inquisition to be like N. No, it won't be. And it is not necessary.

Adjusted for the fact that minor bugs will be fixed, I give the game 9 out of 10. Ha. I'm going to sleep.