Change your generic programs. Generic programs - what are they? How to heal your family

Interesting article. My comments in italics

Today, more and more people are beginning to understand that they were born and live here not on their own, but belong to their own family. Health, happiness and well-being in a person’s life largely depend on his connection with his family. And how healthy and strong our family is, so healthy and strong we are.

Now there are a huge number of articles, books and seminars that explain the importance of building ancestral ties and cleansing the family.
Google returns half a million links to the phrase “cleaning the family.” Which tell how important it is to heal the family, cleanse the family tree, and atone for the sins of our ancestors. And methods are given on how to do it. Then the pure energy of the family will flow here, on today’s day, and give support, strength, and happiness.

This is all true. All this is correct and good. But there is a nuance.

A girl comes. Young, beautiful, charming. She has serious problems with gynecology, several diagnoses. We start working, and we see that there are a bunch of aborted children hanging on it, and difficult stories with men. Gynecological diseases are the price to pay for this. I ask:
— How many abortions have you had?
- No one.
-What happened to the men?
- Nothing serious.

It’s obvious that she didn’t have time, she’s too young, and with such problems it’s virtually impossible to find a man and build a normal relationship with him.

We find out that these are abortions of the grandmother and great-grandmother. This happens, children take on some unfinished family stories. But it is so serious that a twenty-year-old girl energetically looks like an old woman with dozens of abortions - this is rare.

Then the process stops and the field freezes. Standard methods and the solutions don't work. I'm trying to understand what happened, how the girl got involved in this. In the field there are phrases that she did it herself, she knows something and does not say.

I start asking questions - when did it all start, what did you do, did you do some practices, did you go to someone, something else? The girl denies everything, says that she just lives ordinary life, didn't do anything.

To the field, this sounds like a lie. The arrangement is still frozen, only aggression is rising in the field - she did something very wrong, violated some important relationships in the family system, and now is not recognized. This is the anger of her ancestors towards her.

This is clearly the client's responsibility; I can't do anything if he doesn't want to cooperate. No, says the girl, help me, apparently I just don’t understand something. I'm an ordinary person, I don't do anything like that. Well, maybe, she thinks, I’m doing the practice of cleansing the family.

With these words, the field literally explodes. The client’s soul begins to cry - I want to live, why did you do this to me? The ancestors (those whom she begged) stand angry, with clenched fists, and yell at her - you’re a little thing, you got into something where you’re forbidden to get in.

Her illnesses confirm - yes, this is about us, she called us with this. We belonged to grandmothers - and now we have passed on to her.

I already had quite a few clients with similar stories. And so do my colleagues. When people created very serious problems for themselves and actually destroyed their lives by starting to engage in family cleansing practices, and completely not understanding the mechanisms and forces that they used.

Family constellations work very well with gender, with a person’s family system. They are an excellent tool specifically for clearing ancestral histories, healing the genus, receiving its support and access to ancestral energy.

Any practice without feedback “from the other side” is fraught with consequences. If a person does not receive answers from his ancestors, but only mindlessly performs a certain ritual, this can lead to very disastrous results.

So, from the point of view of our ancestors, everything looks a little different than what is written in books and on the Internet.

Each genus is great power. It exists for thousands of years before us, and will exist for thousands of years after us. He survived all wars and epidemics, he went through such hellish cataclysms that modern people cannot even imagine in their most nightmarish fantasies. It contains thousands of people about whom we know nothing, with their destinies, joys and tragedies. This is colossal power, and is almost incommensurate with our life alone. And the very idea that this power needs some kind of cleaning is absurd.

I don’t quite agree with the author here. Childbirth needs cleaning, but not everyone and not in the formats that are so popular now. Cleansing the clan implies forgiving each other for “sins”, mainly insults, betrayals, etc. There is no particular need to cleanse anyone here, you just need to call everyone interested and have an explanatory conversation with them, after which you can unwind the karmic tangles and remove pathological connections. Sometimes, of course, cleansing is necessary, or stuck souls need to be released, and the guardians of the clan must be called to account. Anything can happen, but it should be considered individually, and not with automated rituals!

Over many centuries there have been such great people in the family who did such great things, in comparison with which those now living are simply foolish children. All ancestors had a lot of joy and tears, good and bad. And of course, many in the family had pain and fear, difficult stories and dark secrets.

They were able to survive and endure all this. They lived out their destinies and settled down in peace. It's all over. Together with them, they took away the bad and difficult things that they had, so that their descendants could live their destinies, enjoy life, and continue the family line.

But no. There is a descendant who decides that nothing is over yet, and his dead ancestors need rituals, begging and cleansing.

What happens?

It is known that where attention is directed, energy flows there. Our energy follows our thought. And if a person begins to engage in practices of cleansing the family and atonement for the sins of his ancestors, then his vital energy follows his attention. That is, to the world of the dead.

And that's not so bad. She's not just heading to the world of the dead. It focuses on negative, negative events that happened to people who died. On sins that need to be cleansed.

Prayer greatly enhances the processes occurring in the soul. Rituals also strengthen them. And so this enhanced and focused mental energy is directed towards people who died a long time ago. On their difficult stories, their unlived pain, their “sins”.

With this attention and energy, generic problems do not disappear or get cleaned up. You just establish a connection with them. They emerge from the past, become active, and manifest themselves in the life of the one who disturbed them.

If you poke around with a stick at the bottom of a calm, clean lake, it will not become cleaner. Silt and dirt will float up from the bottom, and the water will become cloudy. If you delve into the karma of your family, dirt will come up from there, and life will become muddy.

Here, too, it is necessary to give an explanation: karma of the family is a flexible concept. It affects some people very strongly (for example, a generational curse, or the person himself decided to come to cleanse the family line and deliberately works it out), but it does not affect others at all. The most influential are birth programs that can be cloned from generation to generation: disrespect within the family, betrayal, betrayal, lack of income, illness, etc. These are the programs you need to work with.

You can do any practice, including family cleansing. But you need to understand what happens during these practices.

Consciously we do one thing, but something completely different often passes into the subconscious from our actions. We act, as usual, with the best intentions and believe that we are doing a good deed. Hidden, non-obvious messages penetrate into the subconscious from our actions. And the universe interacts with our subconscious. The universe hears the subconscious. Our reality is shaped by our subconscious.

It is not for nothing that the Tree of Life has intertwined roots and a crown, for everything influences everything. We not only shape the future, but also the past!

If you have been told that you have a generational curse or something like that, under no circumstances start feeding the thought form with your fears! You need to make contact with the guardians of the family and learn from them, and not throw cobblestones into the past so that their waves immediately reach you in the present

A person consciously begins to cleanse his family. At the same time, several important ideas penetrate the subconscious:

1. If cleaning is needed, it means there is dirt. Cleaning is only for dirt. My family is dirty. I am a descendant of a dirty family, my ancestors were dirty.

2. My ancestors committed a bunch of sins and could not cope with them. They did not understand how to live correctly. This means that my ancestors were small, weak, and stupid. The clan, which usually transfers resources and strength, transferred dirt and weakness to me.

3. I'm not like them, I know how to do it. I will cleanse and cleanse them. I am bigger, taller and smarter than my ancestors.

4. They carry it on the one who carries it. You can’t clean off dirt without getting dirty yourself, it doesn’t happen. And if I begin to cleanse my family from sins, I am ready to take these sins upon myself.

Again, this doesn’t always happen, but yes, it happens.

The consequences of such a choice are quite sad.

A woman comes. Request - events happening to her. Unmotivated aggression that random people constantly show towards her.

In the arrangement we see an interesting picture. There are many dead people whose bodies lie in graves, but whose souls have not gone to the world of the dead, but follow the client. She confirms - yes, sometimes I have the feeling that the dead are following me.

It’s just that the dead don’t follow anyone in droves. If we go, there must be very good reasons. Let's start to figure it out.

It soon turns out that half of these dead are the woman’s ancestors, killed in the First World War and the Civil War. They hug her, literally hang on her in clusters. And the second half are strangers, they just came “for company.”

- How, I ask, did you end up here?
“She called us herself.”

Tell me, I say, what do you know about this?

To my surprise, she knew everything. She begins to talk about these distant ancestors as if they were her current good friends. She knows the details of the biographies, how they lived and how they died. During the story, aggression rises in the field. The ancestors clench their fists and begin to glance angrily at the narrator.

“How, I ask, do you know in such detail about people who died a hundred years ago?”
- Well, how about it? I have been practicing childbirth for many years. I cleanse the family, I pray for my ancestors. I constantly go to their graves and collect information about them. I know everything about them, they are all as if they were alive to me.

With these words, the ancestors simply began to shout:

“She doesn’t let us go, she pulled us out of the world of the dead.” She gives us no peace. Stop messing with us! Stop going to cemeteries, we are not there. It was you, the living, who built cemeteries for yourself, so that you had somewhere to go. We, the dead, are not there, leave us alone! Live your life, don't look here!

Absolutely agree. There is no need to drag your ancestors here. We worked once and that was enough. That is why, in most cases, the guardians prohibit everyone from getting in touch - those who have passed on to another world are busy with their own affairs, resting, or have already been reincarnated, there is no need to twitch them with pity for themselves, the abandoned and unhappy, wanting to talk, but not knowing what to say (this is what usually happens).
However, there is a kind of exception when a person’s task is to release the “dead” from the earthly plane. This may only concern own kind, but more often it is a whole functionality that is given as a kind of mission. In this case, disembodied souls can come in a dream, in transport, etc., which is often frightening, but in fact the task is to let them go. Summon the guardians, open the portal and release.

In general, in a woman’s life, this aggression that random people showed towards her was a manifestation of aggression towards her by her family, her ancestors. Those very ancestors to whom she thought she was doing a good deed, praying for their souls. Anger because she, while alive, climbed where she was not allowed to climb, into the world of the dead, and disturbed them there.

Of course, only one of the paths to aggressive states is presented here; there are also a lot of other rituals, calls and simple oversights by which a person can attract entities that often have nothing in common with their clan. Everywhere has its own stages, each has its own readiness, time and place

The influence of family karma on descendants. Ways to work through it and untie karmic knots.

  • We are all connected to each other by invisible threads of kinship. Although we often forget about this, confining ourselves to the space of our home or ourselves
  • Now more and more people are realizing that without the blessings of their elders, their business is creaking or failing. Meanwhile, several thousand years ago, without the permission of a parent or mentor, the younger one literally did not take a step
  • Why is the power of the clan so important for us and how does it manifest itself? Let’s talk about this in more detail.

Transfer of hereditary information from generation to generation

heredity in the genes of a group of people

From chemistry and biology lessons we remember that the following are responsible for the transmission of hereditary information:

  • cell
  • strand of DNA in it

That is, each biological species of living beings has differences in the set and structure of genes. The latter are encoded in a special way so that the heirs remain similar to their ancestors and pass on the characteristics of their species to their descendants.

  • However, this view reflects only part of the issue related to the transmission of heredity. It affects only the physical body
  • At the same time, scientists agreed and proved that the soul lives in the body. She is the driver who controls such a complex living mechanism
  • The soul has the right to choose the planet, country, clan and family into which it comes. She determines the purpose of incarnation for herself up to this moment. Therefore, many souls feel kinship on a deeper level than the entry in the passport or birth certificate
  • The scriptures contain information explaining the reasons for the incarnation of the soul in the human body
  • Thus, the Universal Mind, or God, or the Higher Power, by its causeless mercy, fulfills the desires of its particles. But we just wanted to feel omnipotent, separate from the Great Father, experience a range of emotions and feelings

Karmic connection between people

a man and a woman are attracted to each other by the invisible force of karma

A karmic connection is an energy-informational thread that connects souls with each other for a specific purpose determined by their past actions.

Since the soul of each of us is eternal and has already been incarnated billions of times, we have managed to perform many actions.

The Universal Law of Justice, or karma, states that in the material world nothing arises or passes without a trace. The consequences are transformed in the future into connections and tasks, or lessons.

Depending on the quality of people’s actions, their karmic connections are:

  • positive, or bright - when people are connected by threads of blissful past relationships with each other, for example, the victim forgave his executioner, the couple received a blessing to incarnate together
  • negative, or dark - when karmic debts are formed between people, knots based on vibrations of lower emotions, for example, hatred, rage, anger, envy, pride, contempt
  • predestined from above - when souls come together to solve a serious problem, organize a joint business for the benefit of the planet or a huge number of people

The power of the genus, ancestral programs and life scenarios

family tree and connection with the universe
  • It should be noted that any scenario or generic program is aimed at preserving and avoiding misfortunes in the lives of descendants. They were formed from the experience of ancestors, who, with their emotional reactions, transmit information through the subtle body further along the sexual tree
  • Have you noticed feelings of déjà vu or a strange reaction on the eve of an important event? These could be calls from birth programs. For example, a girl cries a lot for no reason before marriage, and in her family women were unhappy family life, that’s why they gave her the woeful scenario
  • The genus consists of individual people, and the script is formed from their strong emotions, impressions, samskaras. For example, dispossession means violations cash flows among descendants, and war and the death of a member of the clan leaves a deep trace of fear and apprehension
  • On the other hand, listen more carefully to conversations in your family or remember the words of your parents heard in childhood. What is repeated many times is a life scenario that influences the formation of your destiny line

It can sometimes be difficult to identify them, even though you have heard the same speeches many times. Therefore use:

  • with your mind, pen and paper - remember and write down repetitions of scenarios of sorts
  • talk to a professional rodologist or trainer - he will conduct a quality interview with you and outline what he heard

Since you have the right to choose, you can simply brush aside the scenarios of your clan and continue to live joyfully, or you can use the information received and consciously change your life and the future of the descendants of your clan.

Check out the book of the same name by L. Dokuchaeva. The author examines in detail the influence of scenarios and programs of the family on the lives of specific people.

Karmic force

the cycle of birth and death provided for by karma

Karma is the consequences of our actions in the past, for which we pay in the present. Payback happens:

  • in the form of trials, illnesses, problems in communicating with loved ones and building a family
  • light joyful movement through fate, when everything planned turns out in the best way

In the first case, the reasons are sins, serious mistakes without repentance, low-frequency emotions.

In the second - accumulated piety from previous incarnations:

  • for doing good deeds
  • repentance and faith in God
  • charity
  • life for other people
  • working on eradicating destructive character traits in oneself

Karma is the most powerful force in the material world. However, you can get out from under its influence, but it is very difficult. For example, saints are marked by a special destiny and are not subject to the Universal Law of Cause and Effect. Thanks to severe austerities and service to God, they overcome their fate and turn to other people with a kind, loving heart.

Family genogram

example of a family genogram
  • marriages, divorces
  • strong, weak, broken connections
  • repression, imprisonment, participation in hostilities
  • number of children, including aborted and adopted children
  • outcasts, forgotten people
  • Since each ancestor with his life, values, important events and the attitude towards them influences the descendant, then the second unconsciously has to bring to its logical conclusion everything that was started by the first
  • For example, a descendant lives the life of an aborted child or plays the role of an outcast torturer whom the family erased from memory in the past. In any case, this state of affairs prevents descendants from living their lives
  • The solution is to compile a kind of genogram in order to identify destructive beliefs, scenarios, influences, as well as resources for living through trials in life. For example, stories of happy families, honestly acquired wealth, the discovery of talents and their implementation by previous generations of relatives
  • People often turn to archives to find the missing link in the history of their family, to professional genographers
  • First, try to draw the tree of life and relationships of your kind yourself and analyze its influence on your destiny
  • Conduct a quality interview with all relatives, find out more about the lives of their parents and grandparents. Remember, there is no need to put pressure and interrogate, communication should be easy and comfortable for everyone

How to get out of the generic scenario - getting rid of generic karma?

karmic connection is broken

Surprisingly, in order to get out of the influence of the generic script, you need to see it and want to do it. And also be prepared for long-term internal work, develop a conscious perception of yourself and situations.

Sometimes it happens that the scenario is convenient and familiar, the person himself does not want to change anything, he is ready to pull his weight and constantly complain. Or don’t notice all this at all and don’t think about the reasons that caused them.

But those who are fed up, who want to live their lives and realize their goals can:

  • make a family tree
  • participate in constellations according to B. Helinger to eliminate blind spots in the history of ancestors
  • study books and trainings about birth scripts and karma
  • listen to meditations, read prayers
  • consciously come to faith in God, people, nature

It is important to be patient and have faith in a winning result. It's even better to get support spiritual teacher and the Higher Powers, in order to clearly feel and hear yourself, the voice of the soul.

Nowadays, many trainers and followers of schools of psychology and genealogy offer their help to those who want to understand the intertwining of ancestral scenarios and get out of their influence.

Working through ancestral karma

working through family karma through meditation

After identifying and understanding the scenarios of the kind, the logical question will be how to work them out and change them into creative, happy ones.

In the vastness of the Runet you will find interpretations of various trainers on this topic. In general they come down to:

  • acceptance and recognition of each family member
  • forgiveness of the family for attitudes and events
  • repentance for one’s denial and rejection of some aspects of the family’s history

To implement all aspects of working with the family, the following are suitable:

  • meditation with a pleasant voice
  • visualization of positive events and states of ancestors and yours personally
  • practice of bowing to ancestors and parents
  • recordings of identified settings that respond during waking hours
  • working through the method of speaking out loud these settings
  • diary and collaboration with a spiritual director

The last point involves getting out of karmic ties and negative scenarios by working on yourself, cultivating creative character traits in yourself and eradicating those that trigger generic repetitions in fate, that is, changing your character, and therefore fate.

How to call on the power of the family for help?

help from the spiritual world

A genus is an egregor that unites people by tasks, way of thinking, beliefs and attitudes.

  • The more conscious the family members are, the greater the strength and movement of energies in the family tree.
  • When we forget the traditions of our ancestors, abandon them, and want to act independently, it is like a lonely ant or bird
  • They do not know the laws of life, they cannot build an anthill or fly to warmer regions for the winter without the help of their brothers. This is what happens to a person. Karma and unexamined scenarios of the kind pile up like a heavy lump and in the end the person gives up
  • To renew the flow of energy from elders to younger ones in your family, accept your parents. Replace all complaints, grievances, expectations with gratitude, respect, obedience
  • Ask sincerely for forgiveness for everything that happened in the past, repent and receive a blessing in hindsight
  • Understand the reasons for your parents’ actions and remember that they always want only good and happiness for you. Find excuses for their actions and words, accept them without judgment
  • Our ancestors, the Slavs, left us a unique heritage in the form of traditions and knowledge. No wars, no renunciations of faith, no artificial cutting of roots can erase our genetic memory
  • Listen to yourself, for example, does the information about the strong state of Hyperborea and the settlement of its people on other continents resonate with you? This is how memory works, hidden in the subtle energy field of all living beings.
  • Look at your family. Each person in it has his own talents, activities, character, actions, habits. This means that you also possessed them in past incarnations. Therefore, your coming to this family, clan, nation, country, planet is not accidental

How to cleanse ancestral karma?

morning meditation of a girl on cleansing ancestral karma
  • The karma of a clan consists of the actions and attitudes of each of its members. It grows like a snowball and is passed on to the next generation for development and change, for passing exams
  • Scandals, quarrels, fights take a lot of energy and splash out sexual power into nowhere. And children who are already born suffer from this
  • Our material world is structured in such a way that the law of cause and effect works strictly and clearly for every being. Only acceptance of one's fate, repentance, forgiveness and love can create a miracle and heal the most terrible and serious generational sins. Examples of this are the lives of saints in all religious denominations

To cleanse your ancestral karma from negativity, you can call on:

  • living believing relatives
  • ancestors who passed away, regardless of whether they believed in God or not. After the loss of the physical body, all souls believe

And be ready for the daily work of the soul - prayers to the saints and God. You should sincerely repent of them, ask for forgiveness, protection, guidance, glorify the Higher Powers and thank them for everything that you have, for the fact that you have been granted the grace to see the sins of your family and take the path of healing.

Because we are all one and connected. If one person in a family feels bad, then everyone feels it, and if it’s good, then lightness, harmony and prosperity come to everyone.

Prayer for forgiveness of family and karmic debts

girl praying

From the above it follows that an easier and freer life is possible after repaying all karmic debts and transforming scenarios from destructive to creative.

To do this, I decided on a strategy for my actions. Examples of this could be:

  • forty days morning prayers Our Father, glory to the Virgin Mary, for the forgiveness of the race
  • repetition of Psalms 90 and 50, the Creed, repentance and asking for forgiveness from the family and the Lord
  • prayer of transfiguration by V. Sinelnikov, listening to it daily and repeating it for 40 days
  • the practice of visualizing the family tree in the form of two trunks - the maternal and paternal lines, forgiving oneself and each member of the family up to the 7th generation. If you do not know their names, then the type of relationship should be indicated. For women, you should always start with the women of the family, for example, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother

If you belong to another religious denomination, then ask its spiritual representative for advice before starting to work with karmic debts and family.

Our planet is amazing, it is our mother and a place for practicing scenarios and life lessons for every living creature. The happiness, prosperity and well-being of ours and the lives of our descendants, the improvement of the existence of our ancestors even after their departure to the spiritual world, largely depend on the level of our awareness, the desire to be useful to society, to her, the Higher Powers.

Video: prayer of transfiguration by V. Sinelnikov

This is a chapter from a book.
We often talk a lot about different birth programs, and the question arises - how to change this? If everyone in the family doesn’t care about men, all the men drink and so on. What to do with it? Is this a sentence? Catastrophe? Is there even a chance?

There is definitely a chance. But you need to understand exactly what to do and how. When changing birth programs, there is no need to change “there” - forcing mom to respect dad or trying to make grandmothers weak. Many people understand it all this way and try to remake and re-educate their parents, which only aggravates the problem.

Take your place in the family - relative to your parents, you are small. This means that everything they have done is correct for you. And period. It was necessary for both them and you. These are your lessons, initial data. Accept and forgive. This has been justified in the past. And in the future? You can change a lot, and I know this from myself.

Change your “here and now”. In your point, in your reality, in your head and your heart. Accepting the past as an experience your soul needs, with gratitude. Choosing a different future for yourself.

For example, you are from a female clan, where men were not digested, but were only used for conception. From birth you heard that they are goats and bastards, and you cannot trust them. You didn’t see your father, and if you did, you felt nothing but disgust. It doesn't matter what your story was. The important thing is that you can change a lot.

Cheating in this case does not mean marrying off the mother, reconciling them with the father, forcing them to communicate with him differently, and so on. Everyone has their own karmic tasks, don’t take on too much. But there is a lot of “you” where you should change the usual course of things. So get on with yours.

What do they give? These are your autopilot settings. That is, automatically and unconsciously you behave this way. If you don't change anything, you will live exactly like this. You may not even notice how you are teasing, humiliating, competing with men, trying to suppress or push. Or how you fall into victimhood and force a man to become an aggressor. You can do it yourself. This is your usual model. Not a curse or evil rock, which cannot be changed, but simply autopilot.

What does it mean to change the birth program? This means turning off this autopilot, switching to manual control mode and trying to figure out where you want to fly and how to do it.

It takes a long time to study to become a pilot, so you will have to spend “a little” time on your training. It won’t work out right away, and even if it does, it won’t be all right.

But if you don't change, you might see where you end up. Just look at . Like? Do you want the same? Continue to live as you do today (there are also those who are “lucky”, or more precisely, those who deserved such parents in the past). If you don't like it, change.

How to change? Slowly. Step by step. Learn to see a man as a person, as a person. Learn to look for happiness within yourself so as not to rely on it as a crutch. Learn to respect him, be faithful to him, accept him for who he is. Learn to communicate with him and build relationships - and also step by step. See his needs, thank, ask, open your heart, praise, listen, inspire... Again, try to establish your personal relationship with your father - first in your heart, then, if you want, show it in the outside world.

And then the “birth program” will change. But not the same as in the past. Mom, quite possibly, will not come out and will not understand you in many ways, and she will not look at your father differently, continuing to tell you what a bastard he is. But at this point you can close your ears and hang up the phone. Because it’s mom’s choice to say all this, but you decide whether to listen or not. Whether to believe this is also your choice. And it’s worth thinking about how useful it is for you.

And for you and your children it will be a slightly different world. The past cannot be changed, but the future can be influenced as much as possible. The main thing is to understand why, or rather, for whom.

Some people, reading articles about birth programs, are skeptical. They don’t believe in what you can’t touch, they don’t believe in all sorts of communication energies, they consider it nonsense, a convenient excuse, whatever. And yet I would like to show with examples how these very programs are formed. Why is this very real and logical.

Goats and men

Let's say there is a generic program of disrespect for men. Even contempt or hatred. Like, they are all horned animals. Where does this program come from? This is what mom thinks, this is how dad behaves around her - and mother shows and explains this to her daughter. The grandmother thinks the same, and from childhood the baby is told in words or actions - be very careful with men, they will definitely hurt you, they are not really needed, it’s calmer without them, you need to control them all the time! Or maybe the girl’s dad is not there at all - and then she is forced to believe everything that her mother says about him. Does she say anything good?

When a girl enters adulthood, she already knows what to expect from men and what she needs to be prepared for. And he expects exactly this, understandable and familiar. And it feels like she chooses certain men on purpose, just those, without noticing others.

After all, a man is the one with horns. That is, he must cause her pain, a lot of pain, he must be successful in this.

Many years later she will say that she immediately saw that her future husband drank a lot, that he had already raised his hand against her, that he did not always want to work, it was clearly visible, but she believed that he would change. But in fact, on a subconscious level, this is exactly what she was waiting for, to confirm her program.

Having found him, she watches him every day. And waits. If he still looks like a good person, then she waits with horror and impatience, with fear and interest - when will he give himself away? Will he show his horns? What kind of a good man no matter what, sooner or later he will make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. Even if for some little thing. But for her it will be a “tragedy.” Which she had already planned for a long time. He will simply buy the wrong apples, not wash the dishes after himself, sleep through an important meeting, and talk to her mother in the wrong way. And then what? She already knows what to do! She knew it! Here! This is all to spite her, he deliberately gets on her nerves. Why? Because he comes from a family of horned ones!

On the other hand, she doesn’t know how to encourage a man for something good. She has never seen anything like this at home, and at a bouquet of flowers she will at most chuckle and say that she likes tulips, not roses. She just doesn't know what to do with this bouquet. How can he be happy, how can he feel worthy of it? And with this man who doesn’t want to become a “goat” and behaves like a good books, which were never read to her.

Her emotions only come out when he makes a mistake. In other cases, she is cold and constrained.

A man needs emotions, he feeds on them, he navigates by them. There are no emotions from a woman - he is in a stupor, how to react, how to live. And if he sees a spike only during his mistakes, then suddenly there are more mistakes. To make sure as often as possible that she is alive.

So-called negative reinforcement can a good man make you bleat in a couple of years. And every year there will be fewer and fewer flowers - since they do not evoke emotions in her. Why waste money, time and nerves?

After several years of marriage, she comes to the right point - men still have horns, they don’t give flowers, they don’t help at home, they do everything bad out of spite. And they cause a lot of pain. Maybe they even cheat, in search of real emotions from real women. Is the man to blame for this? Yes, partly. Cannot resist her generic programs and resist her pressure on the subtle plane. In general, of course, they do not find each other by chance.

And most likely, he grew up in a family where his mother hated his father, considered him horny and bad. And she loved and spoiled her son very much. Up to a certain age. The only problem is that if a woman has a program that men are “goats,” and she is raising her son, what kind of person can her son grow up to be? Either he will refuse to be a man, or he will cause pain. Both for herself and for women.

And just imagine for a moment what it’s like to be the husband of a woman who subconsciously believes that all men are “goats” and constantly seems to be expecting a dirty trick from you. And what might that be like? Imagine living with a person who believes that you are the same as everyone else - he is very afraid of this and therefore watches you intensely all the time. God forbid you stumble! Feel her mistrust, her fear, her tension. And to see how she even seems to rejoice every time when you cannot be a man, you cannot keep your promise to make her happy. And how can you make such a woman happy? Only by leaving, it will become much easier for her to live.

Here is the generic program for you. Passed on from generation to generation. From mother to daughter. Until it is realized, it is impossible to change. And you realize - there is a chance. And everything is tangible and understandable, no subtle energies. It’s just that everything that is absorbed before the age of 7 affects the rest of your life.

Humiliating requests

Or another option. A smaller program is humiliating to ask for. But its influence is not much less and it is becoming more common.

A woman believes that asking is humiliating. Especially for a man. Especially money. Mom taught her this. What if a man gave you money, you are obliged to earn it back later. And depending on a man is dangerous - because he has horns (see the previous version), and no one knows when and how he will decide to use them. Therefore, you need to make sure that you never have to ask for anything.

And now she is married. Works. I have my own money. Everything is fine. She goes on maternity leave and suddenly she has no personal money. Child benefit is minimal. The husband supports the family. And she? She feels like a dependent who has no right to all this, and is internally tense because of this. And “suddenly” the tights tear. For almost six months she grabbed them wherever she could so as not to buy new ones (there is no personal money). You need to go and ask your husband for money. On tights. Nightmare!

How will a woman who is doing well with her requests do this? Easy, in between. Without attaching much importance. Just like asking for money for bread or milk. Or simply in the supermarket, in addition to the necessary products, he will also buy tights. What's special here?

What if she has such a virus inside her that asking is humiliating? There are many options.

  • Those who do not know how to ask often immediately begin to demand. That is, they immediately approach the husband, saying, “You must.” The husband usually goes berserk at this - and doesn’t give it. Which makes her feel humiliated.
  • She can also ask in a veiled manner, hint, and be offended that he doesn’t understand anything. And then attack him with this resentment - and receive some kind of offensive answer.
  • Such a woman does not know how to choose the time, place and circumstances for a request. It’s as if she climbs on purpose when it’s forbidden to climb under any circumstances. When he is already tired, already angry or already stressed. She sees and understands all this, but despite the sign “don’t get in, she’ll kill you,” she climbs in.
  • Maybe she'll issue an invoice right away. Like, I’m cleaning here, I’m feeding you, give me some money! Again, a man is unlikely to appreciate such an impulse and will show delight by shaking his wallet into her palms.
  • Accusations - sometimes it seems that if the husband is made guilty, it will be more convenient. He won’t dare refuse tights and dresses. That is, find where he spends his money “in vain and incorrectly” - and poke, poke, poke. Like, your car eats up half your salary! And also your sports club, which you go to only occasionally! And at this time my wife has nothing to buy tights with! What will he do? Will you rush to the store for tights? Well, yes, of course.
  • Or she can just remain silent and wait for him to guess. I should have guessed. She sees holes in his socks and sews them up or buys him new ones. So should he. But he won’t guess; an ordinary man will never guess on his own. And this really offends her - what kind of love is this?

Most often she remains silent like this, waits, and then explodes. And immediately - accusations “you don’t love me”, billing, “I work so hard”, to which men usually react with the words: “I didn’t ask you for this! If you don’t want to, don’t do it!” Humiliating? And how! This means that all my work at home costs nothing and is of no use to anyone. And me too...

And in fact, in this case, her subconscious goal is not to buy tights, because just buying tights is easy. You go to the store and buy. She needs to “feed” her program about the humiliation of requests. And tights are a surprisingly convenient tool for this. To then cry that she only asked for tights, but he didn’t guess, refused, ridiculed, scolded. The program is supported. She won't ask again. So, all his life he will be afraid of remaining in such a vulnerable position in front of his own husband...

I'm all by myself

Another option (continuing the topic) is the “all by yourself” program. Can easily grow from the previous two options. It is very common and very difficult to treat.

Couldn't you just ask for help? Apart from considering everyone around us to be telepaths and people with extremely high empathy? To put it bluntly - I’m tired, it’s difficult for me, help, clean up? But you can’t come home from work one day and fall on the sofa yourself, despite your hungry husband and dirty house? Fall and say – I can’t do it anymore?

It is forbidden. Because there is a program that no one will ever help, and you have to do everything yourself. Even if they do, they will do it wrong. The corners will not be washed, the potatoes will be cut thick, the plates will be placed in the wrong piles. Therefore, you have to do everything yourself. It’s easier this way - not to explain anything to anyone and not to redo it.

Then, maybe, well, these are not rubbed corners and thick slices of potatoes, huh? If the mother is resting at this time, and the children are learning independence? How else will they one day learn to cut thinner and wash better?

What is more important – perfect cleanliness under the toilet rim or attitude? Correctness or opportunity to learn and grow?

Once upon a time in our history there were periods when women of that time needed to do everything themselves. When men died in the war, when men disappeared during this very war, they had to live somehow. And for a grandmother or great-grandmother, this skill was life-saving and useful. And needed. But 50 years pass, and there are enough men around. It would be possible to let go of the reins. But no longer. Does not work. Such programs are not prescribed, girls do not have such experience before their eyes. Most of them have mothers who are strong and do everything themselves. They learned this from their mothers, they did not yield leadership to their husbands, they crushed them under themselves or survived from the family. That's all. Otherwise, she no longer knows how. And she strives for an option that is understandable to her.

And the clear option is when I do everything myself. I will do better than if someone helps me. I'll do it faster, I'll do it better. Even if it costs me all my life force. Doesn't matter.

“All by yourself” is the most terrible female tool for the collapse of society and relationships. Because if she does everything, then others have no need to become better, no need to learn or do anything. And she thereby destroys herself with excessive loads.

Boys who grow up with such mothers get used to the fact that everything is decided and done by a woman. And as they grow up, they don’t understand, how could it be otherwise? Even if they have this desire inside them to lead, they don’t have the skill. They need to learn this, but who will give it? After all, there is already her nearby, who knows how to lead from the cradle. The one who is “all herself” in the fifth generation.

And the same one “all by herself” dreams of relaxing, resting, and finding a strong shoulder. But most likely this will not happen. After all, she will have to abandon her ideas about life, her program. Allow a man not only to make decisions, but also to make mistakes. Allow herself not only to ask and accept help, but also to rejoice, even if everything is not done the way she would have done it herself. And so on.

Until she realizes where her program comes from, when and who it helped, it is pointless to search. But having realized that this was very important and necessary for my grandmother or great-grandmother, that in her life it was impossible otherwise, and it saved her life, there is a chance. Thank you, grandma, for being me. I am grateful to you for the price you paid for this. Thank you! But I no longer need such a program. Thank you!

And then - daily practice - ask, rejoice at what is done - even if it is slow and imperfect. Thank and ask again. Delegate. Learn to trust little by little. Learn to communicate. Learn to accept. Learn to realize that you deserve it all. And help, and gifts, and love, and care.

And you don’t have to do anything special for this. You don’t need to kill yourself at work and break into pieces at home for this. There is no need for feats and heroism for this. You don't need to be ideal and perfect. It's enough to be sincere. Although, perhaps, it is much more complicated.


Olga Valyaeva

Good day, my friends!

In the last article, I began to tell you about ancestral programs - internal attitudes that came to us from past generations of our family and influence our lives. Today I would like to continue this topic.

Who controls your life?

How well do you think you know yourself? Usually people quite confidently answer this question in the affirmative, believing that they already know themselves “as if they were peeling.” Well, how could it be otherwise, because we know all our thoughts, doubts, secrets. Yes, this is true, but few people know (except psychologists, of course, they know!))) that our mind, our consciousness, controls our lives only to a small extent. To a much greater extent, our life and behavior are influenced by the subconscious and the programs and beliefs that are embedded in it.

How can this be, you ask, since I am a reasonable and free person?! If I want, I’ll do one thing, if I want, I’ll do another! Yes, but only to the extent that it corresponds to the programs that are embedded in your subconscious.

A simple example. If you have a loneliness program, then at the level of consciousness, naturally, wanting to love and be loved, you will nevertheless do everything to push away any contender for a place next to you in life. Of course, this will happen unconsciously. And it may very well be that later you will be perplexed and reproach yourself for this inappropriate behavior, pushing another person away from you.

It's the same with the poverty program. While you desire prosperity and wealth, for some reason you just can’t achieve it. Although, you see dozens of examples around you of how other people, much less talented, educated and smart than you, earn a lot of money, and doing it calmly and without particularly straining. And you are exhausted, working 2-3 jobs, but you still don’t have enough money all the time! Why is this happening?!

But because your poverty program does not allow you to see financial opportunities
(you just “pass by” without noticing them), makes you doubt and refuse lucrative offers that are made to you directly (you are familiar with these thoughts: “I can’t handle it!”, “What if this is a scam?!”, etc. ), forces you to “waste” money - you literally attract to yourself situations in which your money goes, if you suddenly managed to earn more than usual (either your car was “knocked”, or the neighbors flooded the apartment and you urgently need repairs, then they asked you borrow a large sum and are not going to pay it back) and so on, and so on.

The power of the subconscious

The fact is that it is through the subconscious that we can influence the world around us, attracting events, people, circumstances, etc. to ourselves. And what kind of life we ​​will have depends on what programs and beliefs are embedded in our subconscious. At the level of consciousness, we can only change something around us on the physical level by making physical efforts (actions). They, of course, are also important, however, most often we are limited in our actions by many frames.

Speaking figuratively, acting at the level of consciousness (at the physical level), we move towards our goal. And with our subconscious programs and beliefs (if they, of course, are in tune with our goal and are aimed at achieving it), we ATTRACT our goal TO OURSELVES! Yes, my friends, we can change reality in this way and create conditions and circumstances in which what we want “as if by itself” will come into our hands!

But for this it is necessary that in our subconscious there are necessary programs! But it’s even more important that there are no programs that harm us! But don’t rush to get angry and start hating “these vile programs that ruin my life”! Remember that nothing can get into us that obviously brings us harm! Our subconscious simply will not allow this.

Any programs and beliefs that we have were initially productive, that is, bringing us good - protection, development, etc. Some of them remain so, but the other part becomes unproductive over time, because the circumstances of our lives change, but the program does not!

But there are some programs that are not ours at all! That is, they were not embedded in us through our life experience. Where did they come from? From the family. These are the so-called generic programs. These programs can be passed down from generation to generation in your family, creating what is sometimes called “kinship karma.” That is, for example, the inability to get rich or unsuccessful marriages, frequent divorces or strong women who literally suppress their men, forcing them to be weak and dependent. And this is repeated in several generations of the family.

There are, of course, positive programs - those that bring wealth, strong marriages,
personal realization of each person in the family and so on. If you have this, great! But what to do with negative generic programs? And is it possible to remove them? Yes, they can be removed, of course. But first you need to find them. And realize that it is in you. Then you will be able to consciously recognize and “catch” those thoughts and emotions that the negative program imposes on you. And this is already half the battle in getting rid of it!

In the following articles we will analyze the main generic programs. And don’t forget - a positive attitude, love and sincere gratitude can remove even the most negative influence!

Your Ekaterina :)


(how to become the person whose life develops the way he himself wants it, without struggle, titanic efforts and “hopeless plowing”)

My books

(a really working algorithm for turning a dream into a Goal and achieving it)

(a practical guide to harmonizing the space of your home to attract the desired events and results into your life)

(a free book on how to distinguish your Goal (the achievement of which will bring you joy and self-realization) from the goals of others imposed from the outside)

(a book based on my Video course of the same name. For those who are more comfortable reading than watching a video)