How to know if a guy loves you. How to determine and check if a person loves you? He wants to spend more time with you

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Blogger Chris Gage has compiled her list of the right symptoms and the things that are just confusing.

false signs

1. You think about this person all the time. It's blind infatuation. If you are constantly thinking about someone, you cannot focus on other important things. And this is already a problem. Real love fits into life, not captures it.

2. You constantly yearn for a partner or cannot live a day without him. See above.

3. This person means everything to you. The same.

4. You cannot imagine the future without the object of your feelings. If you try, you can imagine anything. For example, that you moved to Switzerland and graze goats there. But this does not mean that you really need such a turn. And in the phrases “When I think about the future, I always imagine how he / she helps me cope with everything, no matter what happens”, “My future without him / her simply does not make sense”, the object of love can easily be replaced with or beloved dog.

The problem is that we have turned love into a form of escapism. We measure potential partners by how they fit into our fantasies.

Only it has nothing to do with love. So yes, imagine a partner in your future, but not because he "makes life complete."

5. This person is the one you have always dreamed of. See above.

6. You want your partner to always be there. You have clearly never been in a healthy long-term relationship. Yes, you must want to see your lover or beloved. But not always! Sometimes you need to stay, work or do other things. Don't think that you don't love someone just because you want to be alone from time to time.

7. You will do anything to impress your lover. It's even scary. And why are you trying so hard? Loving doesn't mean making a good impression.

8. You are afraid of losing this person. In healthy love, there is no fear of loss. This is attachment.

9. You are jealous. And this is again attachment, not mature love.

10. This person is beautiful. This is most likely just flattering to your ego. And, in general, it is very stupid.

11. He is kind. Well, it's great that your emotional needs are met. But it only says that your partner deserves love. It is not a fact that you are experiencing it for him.

12. You just know. This is the most useless answer ever. Do not repeat such stupid things for others, calling them romantic, because you do not have a normal explanation.

Signs to watch out for

1. The time you spent with your partner is the best time of the day. Depends on how things are with the rest. Well, if you are satisfied with your life and the partner only makes it even better. It’s bad if you don’t like everything, but communication with him is for you - the only outlet. It's time to get busy.

2. You put the interests of your partner above everything else. It is good if you really care about his desires and needs and you pay attention to them without destroying yourself. It is bad if you sacrifice your needs or evaluate yourself only by the ability to make your partner happy.

Signs that you like him/her as a person

1. The subject of your feelings is not like everyone else. He or she is lucky.

2. You like not only his appearance. Congratulations, all is not lost for you.

3. You wish this person happiness. Great. It would be nice to wish happiness to most people.

4. With it, you are ready to try something new. Great, you have found someone with whom you are comfortable and pleased.

5. Your partner inspires you to be better. Role models are also inspiring, but you don't like them.

Signs of true love

1. You chose to love. Love is an action, not a feeling. It is a conscious decision that you make over and over again.

2. You show love. You invest and make an effort. You don't intentionally hurt. You don't retaliate, you don't manipulate, you don't coward. Your partner's needs don't annoy you. You are not trying to take up all of his time. You feel confident without constant beliefs in reciprocity.

You value your partner's point of view. You learn the language in which he expresses love. You make decisions based on their interests and needs. You support. You care and accept care.

3. You show love even when you don't feel like it. It's easy to think that you love when things are going smoothly in the relationship. But much more important is the period when difficulties begin.

  • You love it if during disagreements your goal is to find a compromise, not to determine the winner.
  • You love if you do not take the partner's words with hostility, do not doubt him. Don't keep score. Don't hold a grudge. Do not deprive your partner of your love as punishment.
  • You love if you seek to understand first and not to be understood. You appreciate what you share. And do not dump your own problems right there.
  • You love it if you act like you and your partner are on the same team. You are listening. You are making concessions. You're sorry. You forgive.
  • You love even when it hurts. You respect your partner's needs, even if they involve separation.

Ask yourself the question "How to love", not "How to understand that you have fallen in love." It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “being in love” and “love”, because the first is just a blind infatuation, in no way connected with a real feeling. Love is action. Always.

Guys are all different. One will stumble over words and be shy in the presence of the object of love, helping in all matters, remaining a friend. The other will try to demonstrate to the chosen one his strength, dexterity, courage. How to find out if a guy loves you and how to behave in his presence are serious questions.

There are guys who write poetry, love confessions, send flowers, notes. And there are those who silently and imperceptibly sigh nearby. But there are signs of a real feeling, characteristic of any person.

In contact with


How to know if a guy loves you or not? Signs that will help understand his feelings:

  • he often looks for his beloved girl;
  • invents any excuse to meet;
  • takes care of everything connected with his beloved girl, carefully treats her things;
  • responds to any request to help, takes care of the safety and security of the chosen one;
  • calls just like that, to find out something or ask for advice.

He spoke about what he loves, directly and openly. But! What intonation? Did you look straight in the eye? Did he say it sincerely or does he have his own plans for you? Sincere feelings are guessed immediately. Sometimes girls want to be deceived, succumbing to weakness. It’s not enough to find out what a guy loves, you need to understand that love is a rather adult feeling, not limited to just words. It is rather a good action directed at the object of love.

It is important to understand: if a guy suddenly begins to give gifts and flowers, shower compliments, write messages with an invitation to a romantic date, this does not mean that he sincerely loves. His assertiveness and impatience may turn out to be a simple flash of passion, which will fade away as soon as he achieves reciprocity.

How to understand and find out if a guy is in love with you for real? The one who loves will never pressure, persuade and insist on dates, and even more so close relationships. A guy will always give his girlfriend time to think. After all, he has nowhere to hurry, he is in love seriously and for a long time.

The girl needs to take her time. Already within the first month, the "fake" lover will lose interest in her. A truly loving person will not even hint about his desires, trying to fulfill the desires of his beloved.

How to check his true feelings?

If you are dating, and he has not confessed his feelings, then how do you know if the guy loves you or not and what your relationship means to him? Some girls ask directly, but guys often answer dryly and in monosyllables. You don't need to be arrogantly interrogated. Such behavior will definitely alienate the chosen one.

If the couple already has a fairly close relationship, then the guy loves or not, some of his actions can tell:

  • not every man is capable of romantic impulses, like a candlelit dinner and a bath with rose petals, but he will gladly prefer to spend time with his beloved, and not somewhere, with friends, at a party;
  • relaxing in the company, the guy does not move away from his beloved, is nearby and often hugs, he talks about the future, using the word "we";
  • he will support any initiative of his girlfriend, even if he himself is not talkative, he will listen to her carefully and participate in the conversation;
  • the guy loves if he takes into account the opinion of the girl, is sincerely proud of her and shares his secrets.

How can you know if a guy loves you? If he trusts the girl with the most intimate, then he considers her the closest person.

  1. A loving guy always kisses a girl on the lips, and at the moment of intimacy, take care that she enjoys it. He loves to touch her, constantly pays attention to her.
  2. He would never let her go alone late at night. Meet from work or school, spend home.
  3. He believes his beloved and does not deceive himself. Accepts her shortcomings without trying to re-educate.
  4. When a loved one is sick, a man worries and takes care of her twice as much.
  5. A guy in love wants to make his girlfriend happy and is ready to fulfill her requests, to do things for her.
  6. He is interested in the life of the chosen one, and he does not hide his. He introduced her to his parents and friends.
  7. A guy who loves remembers what the girl was wearing, the place of the first date, etc.

Of course, the temperament and character of the guy play a decisive role. How to know if a guy is in love with you? Look at ordinary life situations. Real feelings are manifested in small things, in unplanned reactions to words, sudden events. He loves and will not forget to give a coat, he will definitely leave a tasty piece, give way to the most convenient place, etc. He loves if, during a quarrel, he does not pour out all the aggression on his partner. Guys in many cases themselves prevent conflict with their girlfriend.

There are men who can spend an unforgettable date with a woman, passionately confess their love during sex, and in the morning forget about her existence. A guy who loves is always ready to give the girl his time. Wherever he is and whatever he does. If he has very urgent business, he will definitely call back.

Test for non-verbal response (gestures, facial expressions, gaze)

No matter how hard a person tries to hide their true feelings by upbringing, willpower and other ways, non-verbal cues that we are not aware of will tell the whole truth without words. Pay attention to his gestures and facial expressions. It is impossible to control 100%.

If you are interested in how to find out if a guy loves you, then a non-verbal reaction test will be useful:

  • the guy who loves keeps his eyes on the girl he loves, smiles;
  • when a man meets the gaze of the chosen one, his eyebrows suddenly rise for a couple of seconds, his pupils can expand, he clearly has feelings for her;
  • when an object of sympathy appears, the guy involuntarily turns his body in her direction;
  • a man wants to touch his beloved woman, as if by chance, straighten his hair, touch her arm with his hand, etc.;
  • if the couple is in a relationship, he will demonstrate his rights to the chosen one - hug, take by the hand, kiss on the cheek, etc.

An open kiss in front of strangers is not proof of love. It's too intimate. And by touching you, the guy unconsciously shows how close your relationship is.

Combining all the signs and non-verbal reactions of a man to the appearance of his beloved, you can understand how he feels. Don't limit yourself to words. It is best to trust actions.

If you don’t know how to check if a guy really loves you or not, ask him for help, bring him to meet his parents. Look how he behaves in the company of friends, how he is interested in your life. How much time he devotes to you, and what he is ready to do for your relationship.

Divination: in love or not

The nature of a woman is to forge emotional bonds with a man in order to create a strong stable relationship. Every girl asks herself: how do I know if the guy I love loves me? In all centuries of our era, and possibly before that, girls performed sacraments, rituals to guess the feelings of a loved one.

Time has no power over the women's issue: how to find out if a guy loves you. Divination on paper is a widely used way to discover this secret today.

Divination by drawings

On 10 sheets of paper, images of a bird, a cat, a house, a fence, a river, a woman, a man, a door, a flower and a tree are drawn. It is not necessary to make the pictures perfect, the main thing is that the images are intelligible.

The sheets are folded so that the drawings are not visible. Then, without looking, they pull one of them.

What do the pictures mean:

  1. A man - a guy loves his chosen one, is ready to protect her.
  2. A woman - a girl should reduce the requirements for her lover, otherwise the relationship may not work out.
  3. The bird is constancy. In the existing relationship, everything is stable and good. If the couple has not yet taken place, perhaps this will all end.
  4. The house is ambiguous. On the one hand, the couple is idyll, on the other hand, the influence of relatives is strong.
  5. The river is change. Don't get into a relationship with a guy right now. Time will put everything in its place.
  6. Tree - lack of money. The hidden guy may love, but, most likely, will not provide the girl with a prosperous life.
  7. Fence - soon everything will work out, passions will subside and there will come a time of peace and quiet with your loved one.
  8. Flower - a girl should seriously think about whether she really needs to find out if this guy loves her or is it an empty interest. It is not worth starting a relationship now, as an unexpected passion for a new chosen one is possible.
  9. Cat - an early separation or a difficult position for a chosen one is possible, in which your help will be required.
  10. Hand - if you are interested in knowing if your ex-boyfriend loves you, then this will soon become known. The hand is a symbol of a meeting after a long separation.
  11. Door - the guy loves, but how long his love will last depends on the wisdom and prudence of his chosen one.

Fortune telling on a notebook sheet in a box

Another fun way to find out if a guy loves a girl is with paper and pencil. A left-handed girl should write with her right hand, and a right-handed girl, on the contrary, with her left.

What do we have to do:

  1. Take a clean sheet.
  2. Draw a medium-sized heart (eyes should be closed).
  3. Consider the picture: converge or not the upper arcs of the heart. If they do not converge, align the lines.
  4. Mark all the cells that are inside the heart (only whole).
  5. Cross out 6 cells until there is an amount that is not divisible by 6 and is less than this number.

Let's see what happened:

  • one cell means that everything is mutual with you;
  • two - you have friendly relations or they can become so;
  • three cells indicate the presence of some feelings, but this may not lead to anything;
  • if four cells remain, this indicates strong jealousy, which can ruin everything;
  • five cells mean that the guy really loves you and sees you even in a dream.

But the absence of cells indicates the complete indifference of the guy. But do not despair, fortune-telling is a pleasant thing, but not the most reliable.

How to find out about the attitude of an ex-boyfriend towards you

The reasons for this interest vary. If you really need to, then how to find out if your ex-boyfriend loves you?

Here, too, a verbal reaction test is suitable. If he does not react to the appearance of a past lover with unconscious movements, does not hold his gaze on her and does not change in his voice, then most likely this story is already indifferent to him. If several of the above signs are present, then all is not lost.

A good way to find out about the attitude towards you ex boyfriend- ask mutual friends about his real affairs. Some girls talk about their desires directly, understand the issue without intermediaries. Psychologists consider this approach the most reliable. Any of these ways will help you find out about the feelings of the ex-boyfriend to the past love.

Useful video

For more information on how to understand if a guy loves you, see this video:


  1. The desire to know if a guy loves, which is natural for girls, and manifests itself in them earlier than in guys. To understand men's feelings, you will have to learn to be more attentive to the chosen one, his words, actions, gestures.
  2. A loving guy is attentive and caring, and then eloquent. And most importantly - love comes to those who know how to love. Therefore, expecting love from her boyfriend, the girl should think about what she did for her beloved? After all, mutual love presupposes mutual bestowal.
  3. You should not believe the words until the guy proves with his actions that he loves. Then you won't have to cry bitterly from disappointment.
  4. How to know if a guy is in love with you? True feelings are tested by the actions of a loving person.

In contact with

Such a complex and multifaceted feeling as love, being formed, goes through several stages. It begins with sympathy that grows out of the external attractiveness of the “object”, its behavior, communication with you. You are drawn to a person, although you still do not know the features of his character, personal qualities. Sympathy precedes falling in love - a more complex, vivid emotional experience when you get to know both the good and bad sides of a person. Depending on this, falling in love either develops into love, or leads to separation.

What to pay attention to?

If in the first months of communication you are wondering if a man loves you, then most likely you are just in love or have sympathy for him. Love grows out of falling in love and is a calmer, deeper and more lasting feeling. The ability to love depends on the level of personal maturity of a person.

How to understand that a man loves you? His feeling is always reflected in his behavior. Gaining life experience, we begin to guess their thoughts and feelings by the behavior of people. To answer this question for ourselves, you need to observe his actions and behavior, and least of all take into account his words. He can assure that he loves you, but in fact he does not have this feeling for you at all.

  1. He admires you, especially when you do not see this, and at the same time glows with happiness.
  2. If you need help, he will readily offer it to you, and will not wait until you ask him for it. Your problems at the same time can be completely different - emotional, physical, material - a loving man will support you in any case.
  3. He wants to constantly communicate with you, talk about the events that happened in his life when you were not around.
  4. He is sensitive to your mood and experiences a feeling of euphoria if he sees that you are happy. He will break into a cake just to make you happy.
  5. A man is proud of you, he is pleased to be with you in public. He does not hide, but emphasizes your relationship and does not seek to meet you in hidden places.
  6. He is delicate and very sensitive to your emotions and feelings, so he will never insist on sex until you yourself want it. He will prefer that your relationship develop naturally.
  7. He tells you about his past, both good and bad.
  8. A loving man always remembers what you once said to him, because in any case he listens to you very carefully
  9. He cares about your opinion about his behavior.
  10. He always takes care of your needs and finds even small reasons to please you.
  11. In his plans for life, he considers you a part of them.
  12. He seeks to protect you: instinctively takes your hand or puts a hand on your shoulder when you are in a large crowd of people.
  13. He values ​​your opinion and does not make important decisions without first consulting with you.
  14. He can't be angry with you for long. And he is always ready to apologize if you let him know that he is wrong.
  15. He will never make comments to you, criticize in front of others.
  16. He is not trying to change you. He likes even your flaws.
  17. If problems and difficulties begin, he will not be afraid of them, will not disappear, but will consider them as another opportunity to strengthen your relationship.
What is the manifestation of love? In responsibility, care, respect - this is characteristic only of mature individuals. If a man loves you, you will feel his tenderness, care, warmth, and you will not have a question - how to understand that he loves you.

Learn about the signs that indicate the love of a man, a guy for you. Tips and tricks for girls, women who want to make sure that their chosen one loves.

How to identify a guy in love, a man by behavior, appearance, look: 20 sure signs of love and sympathy, tips and tricks

The dream of girls, women is to meet their true love. To love yourself, sincerely, truly, is a wonderful feeling. But I want the feeling to be mutual. Love can turn a couple's life into a fairy tale if the feelings of both are mutual.

But how to understand if a guy, a man is really in love for real? Or is he just bluffing? Often men themselves cannot understand their feelings, taking fleeting love for a sincere feeling. To make a mistake in feelings can sometimes be very painful, this will be confirmed by those who have experienced betrayal and disappointment.

Important to do right choice life partner, so that later you can enjoy life and cherish your love, and not bite your elbows, reproaching yourself for a mistake.

We will show you how to determine if a man is in love with you. You just have to watch him.

Signs of a man's love

20 signs a man is in love:

  1. He wants to spend time with you. A man in love wants to see you as often as possible. For this, he will do everything possible. To rush to you through the whole city to have lunch together. To meet you from work, to take you to work every day, even if he is not on his way. All this he will do solely in order to be close to you. For the sake of the chosen one, he is ready to give up his activities, for example, from going fishing with friends, from watching a match and other activities, without which he had previously imagined life. If you saw these signs, you can be sure that he is head over heels in love.
  2. He let you into his life. Has he introduced you to his friends yet? Trying to introduce you to his friends? Or maybe he already met his mother? If a man is not shy about introducing you to his inner circle, then he has serious intentions.
  3. He often touches you. A natural reaction of a man in love, a guy, is a desire to feel physical intimacy. A sign of his feelings is the desire to touch his hands, lips, hair. He will try to sit closer to you, take your hand in his.
  4. He doesn't behave like he usually does. A man in love can behave strangely in the presence of a girl he likes. Too closed can suddenly become very talkative, and sociable and active, on the contrary, can be shy and shy. Do not be surprised and try to understand the motives of such actions. Guys in love want to please their chosen one, and often their actions become unusual. Just watch him at the moment of communication with other people and with you, everything will become clear.
  5. He cares about you. A man who takes care of you in difficult times probably counts on more than just sex. An obvious sign of his serious affection is the desire to help if you get sick, if there is trouble at work, if the car breaks down, in case of any other trouble. It is possible that a man cannot solve all problems, but to show participation, reassure, do everything possible to solve your problems is a vivid gesture of true love.
  6. He is not interested in your past. A man in love is not interested in the past of his beloved, it does not matter to him how many boyfriends she had, he is not very interested in the facts of past relationships. A truly in love man sees only the present and the future with this woman, where there are no others.
  7. He doesn't listen to other people's opinions of you. His friends and girlfriends, relatives may have their own opinion about you, but he will never listen to bad things and take such words as an impetus for action. For him, you are beautiful, even though he knows that ideal people can not be.
  8. He shares his plans with you. If he consults with you on any issue, it can be trifles or important decisions, this speaks not only of his affection, love, but also of respect. He respects you, he cares about your opinion.
  9. Making plans for you. Does he plan how to spend the upcoming holidays, holidays, weekends together? Rest assured, you are not just a passing fad in his life. He makes joint plans, which means that you have long occupied an important place in his life.
  10. He is proud of you. If a guy is happy to tell his relatives and friends about your success, if he rejoices in any little thing connected with you, this means that for him you have become a part of him. A sign of love is the ability to sincerely rejoice and be proud of the success of your soul mate.
  11. Remembers details and trifles. The brain of a man is arranged in such a way that he does not remember trifles, insignificant facts. But if your chosen one remembers important dates for you. If he pays attention to your tastes and preferences in food, clothes, rest, it means that you are important to him. He wants to know your tastes and remember the little things to please you.
  12. He makes you happier. The desire of a man in love is to give joy and happiness to his chosen one. Coffee in bed, flowers delivered to work, a pleasant message, he is often ready to do some surprises and actions that will make you smile.
  13. Staring at you intently. Look into the eyes of a man, you will immediately understand his feelings. He likes to look at his chosen one constantly. He loves to watch you when you are cooking or sleeping when you are doing your own thing. Men love with their eyes, that's a fact.
  14. Gives gifts. Buying and presenting a gift is not a problem at all. But not always even the most expensive gift speaks of love. If you received as a gift what you dreamed about and once told your boyfriend, you can be sure that he remembered it not by chance. He wanted to give you joy. He cares about your feelings and desires.
  15. He is ready to talk to you for hours. Usually men are laconic. But conversations with a loved one can last for hours. He can listen to any of your seemingly stupid conversations. At the same time, he listens carefully and is interested in trifles. He may ask a lot of different questions that seem insignificant, but in fact it allows him to get to know you better.
  16. Wants to hug you more. If he often wraps you in his arms, this indicates a special closeness between you. In the arms of a loved one, you feel feminine and protected, happy and loved. He loves those moments too.
  17. Always reminds me of myself. Even if he is very busy, if he has a lot of urgent matters, he will always write a message, call, make himself known, take an interest in business. This act indicates that the whole world reminds him of you, and nothing will prevent his desire to be around.
  18. He believes you. Mutual trust is an important facet of love. Trusting your beloved, counting on her, believing her words without a doubt is a sign of sincerity of feelings.
  19. He keeps his promises. Saying "I love you" is easy enough. But these are just words. A real man proves his love by his actions. He knows that if he promised, then he must fulfill his promises no matter what, because his beloved is waiting.
  20. Making love like it's the first time. If your man is passionate, has an insane attraction and desire, even if you have been together for more than a month, this speaks of his love. Passion fades over time, and only true love can rekindle these feelings again and again.

A man in love

Video: Signs that a guy loves

A man, a guy very often, constantly says that he loves me: how to check?

It's nice to hear declarations of love. Three cherished words "I love you" like a balm for the soul. But is it?

Important: For some men, confessing love is not difficult, they say it at ease, often and easily. There is another category of men who cannot make a confession. They begin to blush, shy and stutter. But this does not at all mean the insincerity of their feelings.

Women in love are very trusting, often wishful thinking. Not all men are scoundrels, but there is a category of those who confess their love for profit. Sometimes men use the feelings of a woman, pursuing their own goals, for this they can play the role of a lover.

How do you know if a guy loves you or not?

You can find out if a man's words about love are true. To do this, you do not need to guess on a camomile or scatter tarot cards. It is enough to arrange a test of feelings. Do not regard this as dishonest actions. In the end, you are in charge of your own life and are responsible for your choices.

How to check the feelings of a man, a guy:

  1. Cancel the date. By the reaction of the chosen one, you will understand what his sincere feelings are. A guy in love will be upset if he can’t spend the evening with his beloved. A guy who does not love will not show grief. He will accept this fact with indifference.
  2. Check if he is ready to change his everyday life for you. A truly in love guy is ready to postpone his usual activities in order to spend an evening with you or to help. If you see that a guy is not ready to sacrifice even a minute of his usual pastime for you, then he is not in the mood for a serious relationship.
  3. Don't ask for help, but make it clear that you have a problem. If you ask directly for help, it will be provided to you. But a man in love intuitively seeks to solve the problems of his beloved, if it is in his power. If the guy does not love, he will not offer his help unless he is asked for it, leaving you alone with your troubles.
  4. See if he's jealous. If yes, then he is not indifferent. But in this matter it is important not to confuse adequate moderate jealousy with an unhealthy sense of selfishness. If a guy is jealous of you for every post with or without reason, makes scandals because of this, beware of such a relationship. They can be painful and will not bring joy.
  5. If you haven't met his friends yet, offer to introduce you. Most men treat their inner circle with special trepidation. If the guy willingly accepted your offer, he is sincerely in love. If he agreed, but reluctantly, then he doubts that your relationship is serious.
  6. If your relationship is just beginning, do not rush to rush into the arms of a man. If he is seriously interested in you, he will seek your favor. If a man does not love, but is simply passionate, your slightest refusal will affect his desire to pursue you further.
  7. Don't try to show yourself at its best Always. Prepare a man for the fact that in the morning you are without makeup, without perfect styling. If he loves you, then he understands that you are not a beautiful toy, but a living person with all the facts inherent in ordinary people. If he loves, he won't run away.
  8. A holiday woman, of course, is always able to please her man. But if constant joy is not your natural state, do not try to portray it. First, it's disingenuous. Secondly, your man should love you for who you are, without simulated emotions. If occasionally you have a bad mood, this is not a reason for a man in love to panic.
  9. Pay attention to whether a man takes your side in disputes with others. A loving man will try to protect you, take your side, prove you are right. If he does not like, he will not take sides, or will oppose your arguments. Sometimes you can be wrong too, a loving man will try to explain this to you gently and not in the presence of strangers.
  10. Ask directly if he loves you. Look at this moment in the eyes. Women are endowed with special insight, they feel many things intuitively. The answer of your chosen one will be able to dispel your doubts.

Important: It is not necessary to specially arrange situations to test feelings, life itself will provide an opportunity to verify the love of the chosen one. The main thing is to have time to remove rose-colored glasses.

Sometimes girls consider the readiness of a guy to marry the most important sign of love. For many guys, getting married is a difficult step. Often a head-on question about a wedding, too active a desire to tie a loved one in marriage, causes a stupor in men. This is not a sign of dislike, perhaps the man is simply not ready. Show wisdom, bring a man to the wedding issue gently and gradually.

Lovers hugs

How to understand who a guy loves: me or another?

The love triangle is a complex situation. It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that another contender for the heart of a loved one may appear or has already appeared in your place. The girls feel they are being deceived. But how not to make a mistake and not break firewood?

Let's see what signs indicate a guy's love for another girl:

  • Beloved began to move away. This is the first wake-up call. He used to spend his all with you free time, and in Lately pulled away. Does not want to spend weekends together, avoids meetings. This behavior does not always indicate the appearance of another woman in a man's life. Perhaps he has problems at work or financial difficulties.
  • You can suspect sympathy for another woman by other signs. For example, if the guy began to hide his correspondence on the phone. If he texts someone all the time, he tries to hide it from you.
  • He spends time in the company of another girl. At the same time, he can tell you that this is a business meeting. Perhaps true. But it is worth watching how the guy prepares for this meeting.
  • If a guy prepares for a meeting especially carefully, he wants to please her.. It is especially suspicious if earlier he did not carefully monitor his appearance.
  • His habitual behavior and mannerisms may change. This speaks of the passion of the other, he adopts her mannerisms.
  • A man can fall in love with your mutual friend. If during a meeting, gatherings, he devotes most of his time to her, communicates only with her, it's time to think about honesty in your relationship.
  • See how the guy looks at the girl. Passion, love, passion for a man is difficult to hide. Remember how he once looked at you, compare these views.
  • A reminder that is always with him can speak of a man’s love for another. It could be a photo on your phone, a gift from her. If a man keeps a reminder, then this woman is important to him.
  • He avoids being close to you. Do not console yourself with hopes if a man does not want intimacy with you. But first, make sure that he has no health problems, fatigue from work.
  • Follow him, in the end, if you are ready to see everything with your own eyes. Many are not ready to accept the truth as it is. And they continue to have hope.

Important: A woman's doubts rarely appear out of nowhere. the best way find out the truth, talk heart to heart. Relationships built on lies and dislike will make both unhappy.

How to understand that a man does not love another

The love of a chosen one for another woman can not only hurt a woman, it greatly affects self-esteem. Many women begin a period of searching for shortcomings in themselves, comparing themselves with another. Most women get depressed. Try to look at this situation from the other side. Understand that new opportunities are opening up for you.

Many women are not going to give up, they are fighting for the heart of a loved one. With the right tactics, you can return your loved one, but you need to work hard on yourself and relationships.

Video: How to understand if a man loves or not?

How to check if a guy, a man is in love with you or considers you his friend?

Important: Sometimes friendships can be mistaken for sympathy. Often this happens to young inexperienced girls. They may harbor hope for love, and end up disappointed.

Often guys, under the pretext of friendship, want to be closer to their beloved. Perhaps they are afraid of being rejected, afraid to confess their feelings. Friendship gives an extra reason to be around, to feel the joy of communicating with your beloved. We will tell you how to distinguish love from friendship.

Here are the signs of friendship between you and nothing more:

  1. He is not jealous of you for another. Usually a friend in love cannot look at your relationship with another. He can prevent your meeting under any pretext. Telling you that this guy is not right for you, that you deserve better. In extreme cases, he may not say anything, but will be nervous and angry. Don't hide it.
  2. He does not seek physical contact. In moments of communication, he never tries to touch your arm, shoulder. Non-verbal signs of falling in love is the desire to touch a loved one.
  3. He doesn't get shy when you touch him. A man in love cannot react indifferently to the touch of a girl he likes. You can determine his awkwardness by sweaty palms, trembling in his voice, stiffness of the body. A friend does not pay attention to shaking, friendly kisses on the cheek and other touches.
  4. He does not feel awkward in communicating with you. A guy in love will always try to show himself in the best light. Friends do not hesitate to talk about the embarrassing incident that happened to him.
  5. He does not strive to look good in your presence. Friends may appear in front of each other in funny or unkempt clothes. He won't worry about it if he doesn't love you. A guy in love, on the contrary, always carefully monitors his appearance. In this way, he tries to win your sympathy.
  6. He calmly endures parting with you. If the guy took the news of your departure calmly, most likely, it’s just friendship between you. If a guy loves, he will be interested when you return. If possible, ask you not to leave. But if a breakup occurs, he will always call, write and remind himself.
  7. In a cafe, you pay in half or in turns. Friends do this all the time. If he has sympathy, he will most likely pay himself.
  8. He doesn't take you home. A friend can, of course, walk you home if it's dark outside or you've asked for it. But most often, friends break up if they do not go along the way. A guy in love will always offer to take you home.
  9. He doesn't see you as an intimate partner. Often cards are opened if friends have drunk, this state is conducive to intimacy. Even if there are only jokes and ease between you, this is friendship.
  10. He asks for your advice regarding other girls. This gesture is very eloquent and explains a lot. If he's friends with you because he's in love, he won't date others.

Friendship or love?

Important: In the company of mutual acquaintances, there will definitely be people who will notice the spark between you. Your girlfriends may say that the guy looks with burning eyes. If no one notices anything, he hides well or is really indifferent.

You may be offended if you were waiting for love, but it turned out just friendship. If you don't intend to give up and the role of a girlfriend doesn't suit you, try to change your behavior a little. Maybe you have proven yourself to be such a boyfriend of yours. You don't act feminine enough, and the guy just doesn't see you as a girl. Show him your femininity, be a little flirtatious, flirt. This could make a difference. Courageous girls can express their feelings directly. This is a sure way not to torment yourself, but to find out if you love or not.

Friendship often turns into love. Signs of falling in love may appear, even if they were not there before. People get to know each other, get to know each other better, and eventually fall in love.

Attempts to determine whether a man loves or not, many deliver a lot of experiences. Even if the guy is in no hurry to confess his feelings, do not rush to lose hope. Turn on your powers of observation, look at his actions. It is worth saying that these rules do not always work. Feelings can be expressed different ways who knows how. Listen to your heart, it won't let you down.

Video: How to understand that a guy does not love you?

How do you know that HE LOVES you?

One of the striking differences between men and women is that the latter show their emotions and feelings brightly, so it is easy for the stronger sex to understand what their half really feels. But what about men who are often stingy with the manifestation of feelings? How to understand if a man loves or is he cold-blooded and uses a woman? And you can do this by evaluating it according to 11 criteria.

He wants to spend more time with you

According to psychologists, if a man prefers to spend his free time next to a woman, this indicates his strong feelings for the lady. Even with a heavy workload at work and household chores, loving people they will definitely try to find time to communicate with the object of sighing.

He asks how your day was

True love is not based on sublime matters, but on mutual support in a couple, especially when difficult periods come. Therefore, a man who has sincere feelings for a woman will definitely be interested in how her day went, what was good, or maybe not very good, happened to her.

He trusts you

According to research conducted by experts in the field of psychology, in a serious relationship, people constantly want to know where their soulmate is at the moment. At the same time, such a desire arises not at all because of jealousy and suspicion of treason, but because of experience.

If, after your late return, your loved one does not arrange an interrogation with addiction, does not try to get into your smartphone and read SMS - this does not indicate indifference, but confirms his trust in you and love.

He is helping

It is very important for a man to be strong, smart and courageous in the eyes of the one that is not indifferent to him. Therefore, at any opportunity, he will not miss the opportunity to prove it. For example, if you don’t understand anything about technology, and your chosen one is well-versed in this area, he will definitely help you figure out the reasons for the breakdown of household appliances, and if you catch a cold, he will definitely not allow you to get out of bed and bring all the necessary medicines.

He shows respect for your views

Even if you and a man have completely different views and opinions on the political situation in the country and the world, this will not prevent you from being happy together. The secret of well-being lies in being calm and understanding with your partner and his point of view. So, for example, if you are a notorious careerist, and at the same time he believes that a woman should spend more time at home, he will still understand your aspirations and accept them.

He listens to what you say

In the classic version, all domestic issues in a couple are resolved jointly, but priority is always given to the one whose competence in a particular case is higher. If, for example, you do not understand anything about the stock market, a loving man will still make it clear that you took part in the discussion.

He wants intimacy

To strengthen emotional intimacy, intimacy is not at all necessary, but still, if a man tries to touch you - put his hand on your shoulder, touch your hand, etc. - this speaks of his desire to establish a closer connection with you, which he himself feels.

He looks at you

Non-verbal cues can sometimes say more than words. Gestures, unlike speech, do not lie. If a man's gaze regularly stops at you, and does not wander around the space while you are talking, it means that he is pleased to be near you. To understand this, it is not at all necessary for hours not to look away from each other, who often cast glances.

He loves to talk about the past

According to psychologists, the more often couples discuss pleasant events that happened to them in the past, the stronger their relationship.

He comes to your defense

If someone criticizes you, and he, instead of joining the critic, seeks to protect you, then he has serious intentions at your expense. Couples in which partners strive to protect and support each other thereby strengthen their relationship more strongly.

When you are with him you feel good

When a woman is near loving man, her self-esteem from his care, affection and attention increases significantly. It is so inherent in nature that we want to spend more time with those who care about us. It is felt on a subconscious level. However, this does not mean that in the future it will protect you from quarrels. If being next to a man you feel self-confidence, then in the future your relationship will only become stronger.

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