Responsibilities of Director of Sales and Marketing. Marketing director job description. How to improve the effectiveness of the marketing and sales function: recommendations for the CEO

The success of a company depends to a large extent on the marketability of its products and an effective marketing strategy. Therefore, the marketing director is far from the last place in the leadership of the organization. What is marketing? In simple words, this is an attempt to understand what the client wants in order to give it to him.

In most cases, an employee who applies for this position requires certain personal qualities, among which the most important are the ability to reasonably explain their own point of view, speak competently and know business ethics, as well as analytical and strategic thinking.

Since such work is directly related to management, the candidate must have excellent stress resistance, be able to manage a large number employees and be goal oriented.

Concept of marketing

This process is about predicting the needs of potential customers and meeting the demand of potential buyers by providing them with goods of interest. Marketing activities include a variety of research, pricing, packaging, planning, advertising, sales and service. What is marketing in simple terms? This is a series of activities aimed at studying customers and meeting their needs.

In the company, specialists in this field perform many functions, and all this with one goal - to make the product as useful and necessary as possible for the target audience. This takes into account absolutely everything: the financial situation of the buyer, and his gender, and even the scope of his activities. In fact, this is a huge amount of statistical and analytical activity, thanks to which marketing strategies are then built and the effectiveness of their implementation is calculated.

Requirements for a candidate

The marketing director competencies include a number of characteristics that a person must possess in order to get a position. He must have a specialized education in marketing, entrepreneurship, management or sociology. Some companies may hire an employee who does not have a diploma, but at the same time he must have worked in a leadership position in the relevant field for more than five years. He should have experience in setting marketing functions, tasks and monitoring their implementation.

Moreover, only those cases where a significant result was actually obtained are taken into account. From the head of the marketing department, practical experience in conducting marketing research of all types, sales forecasting and pricing, in organizing advertising activities is required. In addition, he must be able to manage personnel, minimize the company's costs for product promotion, and quite often, companies require knowledge of foreign languages.


Only the general director of the company, to whom he is directly subordinate, can appoint or dismiss a specialist from this position. This employee is the manager. In his submission are the departments of marketing, advertising, public relations, design bureaus, etc., depending on the scale and scope of the company where he is employed. This position can be obtained by a certified specialist with five years of experience in senior positions in the same field as the employer company. In the process of performing his work, he must be guided by the regulations, acts, company charter and instructions.

What a Marketing Director Should Know

It is assumed that when entering work, the employee familiarized himself with all regulatory and legal acts that affect his field of activity. Including sales of goods, provision of services, assessment of the economic and financial condition of the market, its capacity and structure.

He knows all the methods used to determine the solvency of demand for goods produced by the company where he is employed. He is aware of how to develop long-term and current plans for the release of products and their implementation on the market. He must know financial, economic, tax and labor legislation, progressive methods of marketing and trade, be able to determine the needs of the company's industry and the prospects for its development.

Other knowledge

Job description The marketing director assumes that he knows the methods of analyzing the market situation, is able to make forecasts of the demand for the product, understands the advertising business and knows how to conclude commercial contracts, bring information about goods and services to potential buyers. His knowledge includes the method of analyzing the motivation and attitudes of consumers towards products manufactured by the company where he is employed. The employee must constantly be aware of what changes are taking place in the organization of the sale of goods and services. In addition, he is required to have knowledge in the field of economics, psychology and labor organization.


The tasks of the marketing director include the implementation of the development of the company's marketing policy. He does this based on the results of the analysis of consumer opportunity, demand for products and other important characteristics. In addition, he is engaged in the preparation of current and long-term plans, involves departments subordinate to him in the process. The plan takes into account the scale of production, the sale of goods, the search for new markets for the sale of manufactured products.

The director coordinates the activities of all departments regarding the collection and analysis of economic and commercial data, and also supplies information to all departments of the company. He should also organize the collection and analysis of data regarding the opinion of potential customers of the company regarding the manufactured product. Based on this information, he prepares proposals aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the company and improving the quality of products or services provided.


The functions of the marketing director include organizing the development of a strategy for advertising campaigns with the involvement of the media. He deals with the participation of the company in exhibitions, fairs and other events related to the industry of the organization in order to inform potential customers and find new markets for the sale of products.

Engaged in the formation of corporate identity, promotional products and its implementation. Together with other departments of the company, it is engaged in the analysis and development of measures that will help determine which technical, economic and other characteristics of products should be changed. This is done to increase the competitiveness of goods and stimulate their sale.

Other features

The job description of the marketing director assumes that he is engaged in the protection of documents and information of the company that belong to confidential information, including employee data and other documents related to trade secrets. It is this employee who conducts professional development of employees and influences their career advancement based on their personal merits and skill level.

He controls that all subordinate employees comply with the rules and the charter of the company, including the instructions for labor protection for work. Based on the work of the company's employees, it is engaged in holding them accountable or encouraging them for a job well done. He is obliged to create all the conditions so that it is painless to introduce and use advanced marketing technologies. He is also involved in their improvement and optimization. The employee coordinates the planning and reporting of the work of the marketing department.

Other responsibilities

The job description of the marketing director assumes that he distributes tasks between subordinates and controls their timely and high-quality implementation. He must constantly monitor the best practices in his field of activity and be able to summarize and implement them as a tool in the company where he is employed. His responsibilities include advising other employees of the company on issues related to the marketing policy of the organization.

In addition, the head of marketing is required to maintain all documentation, including making reports in a timely manner and submitting them to management and other officials who can review them in accordance with their authority. This position implies that, if necessary, an employee can be attracted to perform their duties overtime, but without going beyond the framework provided for by labor legislation. If necessary, this employee replaces his manager, assuming his duties and powers. But only if the appropriate order has been received.


As the job description of the marketing director suggests, the rights of this employee include making decisions aimed at the proper implementation of marketing work and ensuring the activities of his subordinate units within the competence. He can be held liable for material damage to the company where he is employed, if it arose through the fault of his actions and decisions made by him.

Such an employee has the right to propose to the management to encourage or hold employees of the company accountable and, within his authority, independently make such decisions. He also has the right to draw up and correct instructions on labor protection for work. An employee may suggest that management provide additional material or technical support, if necessary, to improve the efficiency of the marketing department. He also has the right to take part in the consideration of marketing issues by collegiate bodies.


The employee holding this position is responsible for the proper performance of his duties and the timely completion of the tasks assigned to him. He can be held accountable for exceeding his authority or using it for personal purposes, for providing management with inaccurate information about his work activity or the work of subordinates, or if he did not take measures to prevent violation of the rules and standards adopted by the company.

The marketing director's responsibility also includes ensuring that the marketing plan is properly executed. He must monitor the implementation of labor discipline by his subordinates, as well as provide his employees with safe working conditions and compliance with labor safety rules. He can also be held liable for disclosure of confidential information, violation of trade secrets and improper preservation of important documents.

The work of the chief is evaluated by his immediate supervisor and a special certifying commission on the basis of documents reflecting the results of its activities.

In general, over the past few years, the list of positions of top managers, in which one way or another there is a marketing component, has significantly expanded. Directors of Customer Relationship Development, Customer Service, Customer Experience, Digital... This diversity not only reflects a growing understanding of the relationship between business development and customer satisfaction, but also shows that the important role of marketing in strengthening this interconnections are becoming more and more clear today.

This shift in perception is largely due to breakthroughs in the development of digital technologies. The emergence of tools and processes based on digital platforms has led to a change in the range of products and sales methods, has fundamentally upended the traditional mechanisms of interaction with customers, created an abundance of new channels for their service, new competitors and made it much more difficult for companies to break through the environment. white noise" on the market.

Under the influence of all these changes, such a trend as commoditization is gaining momentum, that is, products and services are becoming more and more impersonal. Digital technologies are blurring the boundaries between industries, and this applies even to established lines of business offering “traditional” products, such as the telecommunications sector and insurance. This same transparency has drastically shortened the lifespan of any new commercial advantage. “We spend a lot of time getting a product to market, but we have to take into account that after the launch of the product we will have a starting advantage of no more than six months,” says Gary Booker, director of marketing for Dixons Retail. “And while our competitors are catching up with us, we have to switch to something next.”

All of these trends have reinforced and complicated the role of the CMO. Delivering market-leading growth increasingly depends on differentiating the offering to customers and strengthening relationships with them. This, in turn, requires not only high professionalism in the field of marketing, but also the maximum integration of marketing activities into the structure of the organization as a whole. This is not easy to achieve, but the game is worth the candle: as our recent research shows, companies with developed marketing competencies are achieving revenue growth rates that exceed the market average by two to three times.

While the specific functions of the CMO vary across sectors, of course, we have identified three important tasks that all CMOs must now address without exception.

Analyze the situation based on reliable data and draw conclusions that can stimulate growth

Formation of a clear, meaningful idea of ​​the market situation and consumer decision-making mechanisms is the number one task for today's marketing director. “When you start to wonder who exactly is asking provocative questions and campaigning for all kinds of changes based on the needs of the client,” says Tariq Shaukat, director of marketing at Caesars Entertainment, “it turns out that these are the employees who are closest to the client and have the most reliable information. That is, in fact, these are those who are somehow connected with marketing. In 2013, McKinsey conducted a DataMatics study on the use of information technology to analyze customer data. The results of this study show that companies that actively analyze customer data and consumer behavior are, on average, twice as likely to report above-average profits than those that do not pay enough attention to such analysis. In addition, the first of these companies are ahead of the second at all stages of the customer's life cycle; they are nine times more likely to deliver the highest level of customer loyalty and are as much as 23 times more likely to outperform less analytics-minded players in terms of new customer acquisition. However, to achieve such results, you have to process mountains of information to discover and organize information that has escaped the attention of others, and then develop organizational skills that allow you to use this information as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to outperform the market in growth rates.

For example, in a large hospitality company, the marketing director might use analytics to not only find out which properties or categories of properties were in higher or lower demand over the weekend, but also to see how key customer segments were performing. . If the data shows that profitable "weekend travelers" have reduced their average stays, marketers can develop relevant attractive offers, including various bonuses, such as the ability to check out after check-out time or certain free services, in order to change consumer behavior in the right direction and prevent a decrease in revenue.

With an in-depth analysis of such data, you can increase your marketing ROI by 10-20% and achieve an average profit growth of 14%. However, only 30% of companies believe they know the needs of their customers well enough to understand what activities can generate growth.

How to improve the effectiveness of the marketing and sales function: recommendations for the CEO

Make the CMO a top executive. This practical approach allows not only to take into account the opinion of customers when performing basic planning procedures, but also to give the marketing director a holistic overview of everything that happens in the company. By inviting the CMO to actively participate in executive meetings, Caesars Entertainment CEO Gary Loveman showed everyone else that he considers marketing to be one of the main drivers of the business. And so marketers are involved in the analysis of economic activity, strategic planning and even financial analysis.

Make the CMO the link between departments. Customers use an average of six communication channels in their decision-making process. Often, control over these channels is distributed among different departments of the company. This sequence of steps (the so-called “customer engagement process”) highlights one of the most important challenges in today's business world: brand leaders need to bring together different functional areas within an organization to consistently and consistently provide a consistent level of customer experience. If a company succeeds significantly in improving customer experience, it has the opportunity to increase revenue growth by 10-15% and reduce customer service costs by 15-20%. Phillips Healthcare CEO Deborah di Sanzo guided the process of new product development from concept to market launch. This process covers production units, customer service department, research and development departments, clinical trial specialists, sales department, supply chain operators and service teams.

Take an active part in marketing activities yourself. A significant part of the work of the CEO is actually related to marketing, with the promotion of the company on the market. It is imperative that the CEO is involved in the development of the marketing strategy, and not just received it ready-made. Essent CEO Erwin van Lathem personally participated in the selection of marketing professionals and in many cases interviewed candidates for senior positions himself. Philips Healthcare CEO Deborah di Sanzo meets with the marketing directors once every two weeks.

Develop a meaningful plan for your marketing service. Most companies have a marketing plan, but it's surprising how rarely executives have a work plan for the marketing department itself. A well-prepared marketing work plan details what marketers will do to achieve the company's business goals. In addition, the marketing plan must be clearly aligned with the business and operating plan of the organization, so that, for example, manufacturing units are prepared to produce additional batches of products in line with planned sales promotion measures by the marketing function, or that sales personnel are recruited and trained. before launching new products on the market.

Create a direct connection between you (CEO) and customers. The marketing director must provide for all other employees of the organization detailed information about customer behavior, obtained as a result of thorough analytical work and allowing a deep understanding of all aspects of interaction with customers. Performance reports for senior management should include key performance indicators that capture the parameters of interaction with customers that determine the prospects for further development. Ford decided to create a mechanism that would allow the head of the social online resources department to communicate directly with the company's CEO, Alan Mulally. One fine day, the department noticed the following post on Twitter: "I generally prefer Volkswagen and Audi, but now I'm driving this new car - Edge Sport, and I think it's really cool." The head of the department for working with social Internet resources asked the author of the entry to send his phone number. Immediately afterwards, while the driver was still on a test drive, he received a phone call from Ford's CEO thanking him for showing interest in the Edge Sport.

Give the CMO more authority to effectively control business processes throughout the organization. Another illustrative example of successful interaction between different functional areas is the organization of marketing activities in the Starwood Hotels & Resorts Group. The group set out to develop ideal customer service models for all their brands, from St. Regis to Sheraton Four Points - and all touchpoints - from the concierge in the hotel lobby to social media. Starwood's employees have been able to significantly increase their share of the customer's wallet through the following results: consistent standards of customer service across hotel chains across all departments, distribution of responsibility for controlling individual touchpoints across departments, implementation of an individual approach to the content of the group's website and the content of the mailing list, as well as - most importantly - the recognition of their responsibility for the result.

To fully participate in the development of corporate business strategy, the CMO must be able to translate insights about customer behavior into a form that is understandable and informative for senior management. Deborah di Sanzo, CEO of Philips Healthcare, was a former marketing director. She knew she needed to win the trust of the CEO and board members in order to effectively influence strategy development and execution. “To gain that kind of credibility,” she says, “you have to present your position with persuasiveness and authority, backed by facts. And best of all, if your marketing plans will provide a return on investment.” Analytical conclusions about the client base, made on the basis of reliable data, just allow the CMO to act in this way.

Develop optimal strategies and processes to implement the company's development concept in a multi-channel customer service system

Nowadays it has become very fashionable to talk about how difficult it is now to do marketing. At the same time, however, the question of those professional, including tactical skills that a marketing director must possess in order to effectively perform his job, is much less often raised. The mechanisms of customer interaction with the company are complex, they cover the entire organizational structure. Even seemingly simple actions, such as browsing the range or buying a product, often consist of several steps, each of which affects one or another part of the business. The client has the ability to go online, compare products, scan barcodes, perform a search and contact the order executor. Delivering consistently high quality of service at all these stages of the customer journey requires holistic, system-wide thinking and a single, integrated approach to service delivery. Point solutions that deal individually with a call center, store or website no longer work in a multi-channel system - in any case, they do not allow for the most efficient and high-quality service, thanks to which you can increase revenue by up to 15% and reduce costs for value up to 20%.

At the heart of any well-designed interaction structure is a clear understanding of customer needs and the skills of front-line staff. This involves building workflow schemes and in many cases optimizing them to ensure uninterrupted quality service delivery. In order to bring all these aspects together in a planned and conscious way, the CMO is increasingly required to act as the chief executive who, formally or informally, alone or with other executives, is financially responsible for the results of his activities and is thereby directly responsible for ensuring growth. revenue. This practice of seeing results in terms of income and expenditure is essential. Abi Comber, Head of Marketing at British Airways, says: “Financial responsibility is an extremely powerful tool. CMOs need to know the return on every £1 invested in marketing and how it compares to the company's bottom line.”

In addition, today the performance of CMOs is often measured in terms of how effectively they manage to build and control an organizational structure that covers all lines of business. Today, marketers are creating business process improvement hubs, especially those based on digital platforms, to advise and support business units and functional units so that they can deliver the right information to the right person at the right place at the right time.

For example, in order to meet financial targets, the CMO of a technology company set out to shorten the sales cycle. The analysis of the available data showed that the sales results were most significantly influenced by the initial meetings of sales representatives with potential customers and requests for bids. Back then, marketers partnered with IT to develop an iPad app that allowed resellers to build customer lists and get detailed customer information, including important consumer decision factors and priorities, status updates, and more. . As a result, account managers have been able to pay close attention to customer issues and develop close, trusting relationships with customers. In addition, with the assistance of finance and various product managers, the CMO ensured that pricing information and benchmarks were used in the preparation of requests for proposals, which improved the quality of requests and reduced the time for proposals to be considered.

Similarly, when a spike in unique visitors was detected using web analytics on a student loan site, the CMO helped coordinate the application process. To attract high-value, low-risk customers, the CMO worked with risk management to speed up the loan approval process.

In addition, along with call center staff and IT specialists, an online interaction system was installed on the site, making it easier for customers to fill out the necessary forms in real time, which reduced the number of visitors who preferred to go to a competitor's site later. And when analysis of customer data showed that loan applicants were more willing to communicate with a live person than with an automated system, the marketing team helped identify a dedicated employee who worked with each client. All these measures helped the bank to increase lending, which was a very tangible help for the marketing director in communication with other managers.

Become a bridge that drives change across the organization

Virtually all companies in all industries are currently facing the need to transform in one way or another, as new technologies, innovations and consumer behavior patterns are fundamentally changing the old, well-established business models. When it comes to transformation organizational structure It goes without saying that senior management, starting with the CEO, should play a leading role in this process. However, the role of the Chief Marketing Officer has a special, truly unique value for the successful implementation of change. Deep knowledge of consumer behavior patterns and default market trends suggests that it is up to the CMO to determine what transformations are really needed. Moreover, it is the CMO who must then drive this process and help bring about the necessary change across the organization.

“You need to be able to control the pace of change in your company in order to respond to customer requests and adapt to the way they interact with you,” says Abi Comber.

Often the most obvious are those changes that relate to customer service. Ensuring a consistent, consistent customer experience throughout the organization is critical, as customers today punish companies that fail to provide quality service. In banks, for example, there is a very strong correlation between the stability of interaction with customers and the overall quality of their service. When we assigned a group of mystery shoppers to visit 50 different bank branches and contact 50 bank call centers, the analysis of the results showed that among low-performing players, the level of service in different branches of the same bank varied significantly more than in different banks as such.

However, the marketing director is not able to ensure the improvement of interaction with customers solely on their own. This requires that he work closely with other company leaders responsible for the various stages of this interaction. In particular, the marketing director should, together with the head of sales, the director of operations, the head of the customer service center and other interested parties, draw up detailed diagram, which reflects what exactly customers do in the course of one or another interaction with the company, which functional units are responsible for certain aspects of working with customers, and what each of them must do to ensure a stable and highest quality of service. In this regard, when so many corporate departments have to join forces to create an optimal relationship with customers, the CMO must act as a link throughout the organization.

This bridging role extends to other aspects of the business, including the provision of products and services. “Marketing performs the function of an integrator at all stages of the end-to-end process of the company's activity,” notes Deborah di Sanzo. "If you don't have a truly world-class marketing service, your commercial decisions will not be market-driven."

At Philips Healthcare, this integration is embodied in the form of a "Grand Marketing Plan". At the heart of this plan is a 15-page vision that details what the different organizational units must do and how the different functional units must work together to bring a particular product to market. The marketing service plays a controlling and coordinating role in this process.

The CEO of Dutch energy company Essent, Erwin van Lathem, emphasized the importance of this networking skill, describing the qualities he would like to see in a CMO: “We were looking for someone with experience in evidence-based marketing, and this person I was excellent at being able to win over those around me, be able to attract people to me and infect them with my enthusiasm, so that they would then quite consciously strive to realize that concept and achieve the goals that we formulated.

As the organization-wide transformation takes place, the CMO is increasingly being challenged to go beyond the role of facilitator of activities related to products, services, and service quality. CMOs with strong communication and creative skills are increasingly taking on the role of driving change around corporate culture itself. For example, the CMO of British Airways has personally led the way in using social media to transform the company into a much more transparent, customer-focused organization. Through these efforts, interaction with customers has evolved from one-way communication to active dialogue.

“British Airways is now much more open than it was just a decade ago,” says Aby Comber.

To bring about a change in corporate culture, some CMOs are starting to work more closely with personnel service. Says Peter Markey, Chief Marketing Officer at Post Office UK: or otherwise related to the transformation of our organization's corporate culture. Therefore, the director of human resources simply has to be my best friend. ”

Such partnership, among other things, helps to form the right incentive system. For example, one large diversified company needed to involve 500 thousand employees in the implementation of a new project aimed at improving the quality of customer service. To do this, the company established a relationship between customer performance measures and operational efficiency measures, and then prioritized them based on the extent to which these indicators could improve customer satisfaction and strengthen the company's market position. This approach, which involves the use of interrelated indicators, served as the basis for the development of a system of employee incentives, including through various bonuses.

There is no doubt that in addition to all those purely professional skills that are necessary to master the art of marketing, the marketing director must also perfect interpersonal skills - without this, he will not be able to achieve true success. Building close working relationships with other senior executives, building bridges across functional departments, being transparent in what we do, demonstrating the value of marketing, and helping other executives succeed are key factors that increasingly determine the CMO's ability to succeed. to carry out their functions effectively.

The need to solve critical problems throughout the organization creates a lot of difficulties for the CMO. But it also adds to the prestige of the position, which is part of the reason why the average CMO tenure at Fortune 100 companies is approaching 45 months (according to Russell Reynolds), nearly double the previous 23 months. previously considered the norm. CMOs who base all their decisions on sound data, build effective relationships within the organization, and use their experience and business prowess to achieve above-average growth rates may well expect their credibility and influence to be significant in the near future. will increase.

Dmitry Savitsky- partner of McKinsey, Moscow
Marc Singer- Senior Partner at McKinsey, San Francisco

What is a marketing director?

Marketing is an activity related to the promotion of a company's products or services on the market, the search for new markets and new consumers. Marketing is often confused with advertising, although advertising is actually just one of the tools used by marketers. And a marketing director is an employee who manages the marketing activities carried out by specific enterprises.

Quite often, the position of marketing director is confused with the position of head of the marketing department. However, this is not at all the same thing: the head of the department manages exclusively his department, and the director, as a rule, determines the entire marketing work of the enterprise. Moreover, the marketing director may be the head of the head of the relevant department and some others (sales and logistics departments, dealer services, etc.).

What is his job description?

The position of marketing director is not one of those for which the job description must certainly be available at the enterprise, but it is still desirable to draw it up. After all, the job description of the marketing director is the very document that defines almost all the main points regarding the work of this particular specialist:

Don't know your rights?

  1. Position definition according to staffing approved by the enterprise.
  2. Requirements for competence (required education, amount of additional knowledge, required work experience). This section can either stand out separately or be combined with the first one in the "General Provisions".
  3. Responsibilities assigned to the Marketing Director.
  4. Powers vested in the marketing director
  5. The responsibility he bears.

Usually, each of the categories of information listed above is recorded in a separate section of the job description - we will talk about them in more detail later.

Responsibilities of the Marketing Director

The main reason why job descriptions are introduced at the enterprise is the need to clearly establish the responsibilities assigned to people holding specific positions. The position of marketing director is no exception. The specific list of duties depends on the specifics of the company, but more often than others in the job description of this specialist, the following are found:

  1. Development of an enterprise policy in the field of marketing, taking into account the consumer properties of manufactured goods or services, as well as the situation on the market.
  2. Coordination with the management of the enterprise of the budget for marketing activities.
  3. Determination of the need for and direction of research in the field of marketing, as well as the direction of marketers conducting this research.
  4. Coordination of the work of all subdivisions subordinate to the director in the field of collecting commercial information and its analysis.
  5. Working with consumers, studying their opinions about the work of the company (including the analysis of incoming complaints and claims), as well as preparing proposals aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of products based on the data received.
  6. Development of an advertising strategy for the enterprise.
  7. Management of the development of trademarks and brands under which the company operates, its corporate identity and product design.
  8. Planning marketing and sales work, monitoring the maintenance of the necessary documentation by the employees of the marketing service.
  9. Certification of departments headed by the director (marketing department, dealer service, etc.).
  10. Management of employees of subordinate units (in particular, the marketing department), control over compliance with discipline

If necessary, the list of responsibilities can be expanded. However, in any case, one thing remains the main thing: the marketing director is a person who creates and maintains teams of marketers and specialists working with them, as well as manages their work and is responsible for their activities.

Rights of the marketing director

The content of the job description cannot be limited to duties alone. Indeed, in order to carry out his professional activities, the marketing director must be endowed with certain rights, which are also reflected in the instructions. For example, the instructions may say that this employee has the right to:

  • get acquainted with any documents related to the work of the marketing department and other departments whose activities he manages;
  • contact the management of the company with suggestions for improving the work;
  • involve, if necessary, employees of all structural divisions to solve the tasks assigned to the marketing director (in this case, employees are involved within the scope of their duties);
  • demand the provision of information necessary for the work of the departments entrusted to him;
  • make proposals regarding the promotion or disciplinary punishment of employees, whom he directly supervises;
  • sign documents related to the competence of the marketing director;
  • apply to third-party organizations for information, enter into business correspondence and negotiate on behalf of your company.

In addition, the marketing director also has general rights provided for by labor legislation.

Responsibilities of the Marketing Director

This section states that the limits of liability to which a director may be held are determined by applicable law, as well as the internal regulations of the enterprise. In particular, for untimely or improper performance of their duties, the marketing director may be:

  • subjected to penalties provided for by labor legislation;
  • temporarily suspended from work for the duration of an official investigation;
  • fired.

In addition, the marketing director bears responsibility under civil law (for disclosure of trade secrets, etc.), and in some cases may also be subject to administrative and criminal liability.

September 24, 2012 One Comment

Many employees of enterprises, including those working in the field of marketing, do not always clearly understand what the duties of a marketing director are. At the same time, this is one of the leading positions in any modern company, and its importance will only increase in the future.

So, as a marketing director, by order of the general director of an enterprise, a person is usually appointed who has a completed profile (economic) education and who has worked in the field of marketing for at least three years.

Upon appointment, the said person:

1. Develops the marketing policy of the enterprise, based on the analysis of consumer qualities of goods, forecasting consumer demand, as well as data on the consumer qualities of competitors' products.

3. Organizes a study of consumer opinion about the proposed product. Makes proposals aimed at improving the quality and competitiveness of goods.

4. Coordinates the activities of the company's employees in the analysis and collection of commercial information, the creation of a bank of marketing information (market capacity, stock availability, supply requests, etc.).

5. Organizes control over the timely elimination of deficiencies, which are indicated in claims and complaints received from consumers, as well as over the motivation of customers' attitudes towards the company's products.

6. Carries out the organization of planning and reporting in the departments of marketing, as well as sales.

7. Prepares proposals for brand building and trademark companies.

9. Takes part in the certification of employees of the unit.

As you can see, the duties of the marketing director are quite capacious in scope and content. This indicates an increase in the value of this position in the top management of any enterprise.

Suitable educational specialties: Marketing, Economics, Management.
Key items: Mathematics, Russian language, Economics.

Tuition fee (average in Russia): 200,000 rubles

Job description:

*The cost is indicated for 4 years of full-time bachelor's degree

(Chief Marketing Officer or CMO) is the head responsible for the marketing policy of the enterprise, heading its marketing service.

The marketing director analyzes the consumer properties of the products manufactured by his company, organizes work to study the opinions of buyers, predicts consumer demand for products and market conditions. In accordance with this, he prepares proposals to improve the quality and competitiveness of the product (or service), determines the marketing policy of the enterprise.

The marketing director participates in the development of production and marketing programs. In some companies, he manages the work of service centers for warranty service and repair of products, puts forward his proposals for the planning and production of spare parts. His competence includes managing the dealer service and providing it with the necessary technical and advertising documentation.

The marketing director is involved in developing the advertising strategy of his company, deciding where to advertise, which exhibitions to participate in, etc.

He also participates in the management of the company's financial resources: deals with pricing issues at all levels of production. In addition, he analyzes investments and their payback periods, calculates cash flows and assesses the operational, financial and other risks of the company.

Required professional skills and knowledge

  • knowledge of the legislative framework and regulatory legal acts;
  • knowledge of methods for studying consumer motivation;
  • be able to determine the solvency of demand;
  • have a general understanding of business processes;
  • possession of information about the company's products and the relevant profile market;
  • ability to conduct market research;
  • have experience in planning and budgeting marketing activities;
  • have experience in conducting effective marketing and promotional activities;
  • be able to conduct competitive analysis and pricing policy research;
  • possession foreign languages(English) at a conversational or fluent level;
  • possession of modern software(1C, MS Office, Power Point);
  • Experience in setting up a marketing department is desirable.
  • studying the experience of domestic and foreign colleagues;
  • know the ways and methods of working with the media;
  • knowledge of the laws of the advertising market.

Personal qualities

  • responsibility, organization;
  • stress resistance;
  • decisiveness, foresight;
  • organizational qualities;
  • rationalism and pragmatism;
  • performance;
  • ability to organize team work;
  • purposefulness;
  • sociability;
  • ability to lead and work in a team;
  • have negotiating skills;
  • be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • have strategic thinking.

Pros of the profession

  • high salary of the marketing director;
  • the prestige of the profession;
  • the ability to influence business processes in the company;
  • the opportunity to see the results of their work;
  • variety of activities.

Cons of the profession

  • high level of responsibility, stress;
  • in most cases irregular working hours;
  • the possibility of frequent business trips.

Place of work and career

Since the implementation of a competent marketing policy is the key to the successful long-term operation of any company, now the profession of marketing director is gaining more and more popularity. The salary of a marketing director usually ranges from 50,000 to 300,000 rubles in the capital, less in the regions.

But the level of income also depends on the place of work. The salary of an employee in the FMCG sector can reach up to 500,000 rubles, and a marketing director, for example, in the IT sector, will receive an average of 80,000 to 300,000 rubles.

Behind last years career growth in this area has increased and is 3-4 years on average.

Depending on ambitions and competence, the marketing director can either continue development in the company or open his own business.


The marketing director's education should be higher in marketing, economics, management, finance, sociology and psychology. Employers are encouraged to receive additional education such as marketing director courses or an MBA program focused on strategic marketing.

Knowledge of the legal framework and regulatory legal acts; knowledge of methods for studying consumer motivation; be able to determine the solvency of demand; have a general understanding of business processes; possession of information about the company's products and the relevant profile market; ability to conduct market research; have experience in planning and budgeting marketing activities; have experience in conducting effective marketing and promotional activities; be able to conduct competitive analysis and pricing policy research; knowledge of foreign languages ​​(English) at a conversational or fluent level; knowledge of modern software (1C, MS Office, Power Point); Experience in setting up a marketing department is desirable. studying the experience of domestic and foreign colleagues; know the ways and methods of working with the media; knowledge of the laws of the advertising market.