How to identify a Windows 10 update. We increase computer performance by disabling unused services. Via Group Policy Editor

How to disable Windows 10 updates forever and no longer waste time on this nonsense - We'll tell you! Although in older versions of Windows there were no problems with disabling automatic system updates - it was enough to go to Control Center, go to the desired category and set one single switch to the desired position. With the release of Windows 10, this feature was removed.

It is possible to disable automatic Windows 10 updates, and there are several ways to do this. Some of them are available for all OS versions, while others are available for Pro and Enterprise.

No it's not safe. Updates not only introduce new functionality, but also fix bugs and vulnerabilities, thereby improving system performance and reliability.
Malware exploits holes in the OS to steal valuable data. Attackers, in turn, create viruses for older versions of programs that contain known (information about which is publicly available) vulnerabilities. Consequently, the longer Windows has not been patched, the higher the risk that access details to payment systems, bank accounts, and web pages in social networks etc., present on the PC, will leak into the hands of third parties.

5 main ways to disable updates

Especially for you, we have prepared 5 main ways to disable automatic updating of Windows 10 - choose the most convenient one and act!

Control Center "Dozens" does not have the ability to disable automatic system updates. It’s also not available in “Settings,” the new configuration panel that appeared in Windows 8. In “Settings,” you can only set the activity period—the time during which the user usually works on the PC. During the corresponding specified period, the system will not ask to reboot in order to install updates.

You can disable auto-updates through the Internet connection settings. This method involves setting a limit on your Internet connection. This can be done in “Settings” in the “Network and Internet” category on the WiFi tab. On the corresponding screen there is a switch “Set as limit...” - it needs to be activated. After this, Windows will consider that the user pays for each megabyte and will not download updates.

3. Setting up group policies

You can disable automatic updates by changing the Group Policy configuration. However, this method of blocking the downloading and installation of patches only works for Pro and Enterprise versions. If the OS meets one of these requirements, then to disable automatic updating you need to:

  1. open the Run window (Win+R), then enter gpedit.msc in the appropriate text field and press Enter;
  2. A window will open where the directory structure will be presented on the left - there you need to follow the path “Administrative Templates” -> “ Windows components" -> "Windows Update Center";
  3. Once in the right place, you will need to select “Setting automatic updates” on the right side of the screen;
  4. Double clicking on the corresponding item will bring up an additional window where you need to set the switch to the “Disabled” position and then apply the configuration.

4. Changes to the registry

If the OS version does not meet the specified requirements, you can disable auto-update through the registry. This is done as follows:

  • you need to open the Run window and type regedit, and then press Enter;
  • follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU;
  • Once in the specified location, create a DWORD type parameter, and specify NoAutoUpdate as its name and 1 as the parameter.

But the easiest way to get rid of updates is to deactivate the corresponding service.

5. How to disable Windows 10 Update (service)

To prevent updates from being checked, and therefore not being downloaded or installed, you can disable the service that is responsible for this. This can be implemented as follows:

  1. open the Run window and enter services.msc into it, and then, of course, press Enter;
  2. in the window that will then open, you need to find the “Windows Update” item;
  3. double clicking on this item will open an additional window in which you need to select “Disabled” in the “Startup type” drop-down menu, and then apply the new configuration;
  4. in the same window you need to click on the “Stop” button.

If you need to install patches, you will need to enable the service as described, only instead of “Disabled” select “Automatic”.

How to disable Windows 10 update permanently

Any of the above methods (except for setting a limited shutdown) prohibits automatic updating forever, until the user himself wants to install the patches.

Programs to disable Windows 10 updates

There are many applications through which you can prevent updates from downloading automatically. But it is better not to use them, as they may contain malicious code. Except for one thing – Show or hide updates – this is an official utility from Microsoft.
It should be downloaded exclusively from the official Microsoft website. After downloading, installing and launching, you will need to click Hide updates and select patches that do not need to be installed (for example, all those present). If you want to install updates, then in the program you will need to click Show hidden updates and select the necessary patches from the list.

If you still don’t want to understand the intricacies of system settings, you can download the Win Updates Disable application. It must be downloaded only from the official website of the project or from trusted sources. After installing and launching the application, you will need to activate the “Disable updates...” checkbox on the “Disable” tab, and then apply the configuration.

Another application is Destroy Windows 10 Spy. The corresponding program has many functions that are associated with blocking the ability of Microsoft to track users. One of them is to disable OS auto-update.

Disable automatic loading of device drivers

Windows 10 automatically updates drivers, which can sometimes lead to undesirable results for the user. To prevent the system from installing new driver versions, you need to use the Show or hide updates utility mentioned above.
In it you need to click Hide updates and from the list select devices whose drivers should not be updated. When the corresponding checkboxes are ticked, you will need to click “Next”.

Good afternoon, dear readers, today the article is again devoted to the ten, as you remember, almost a year and a half has passed since its release, and the number of glitches associated with new updates that Microsoft employees are riveting is only growing and people who used to happily switch from 7 or 8 to a fresh operating system, while criticizing the old versions, they are forced to admit that the top ten is far from ideal and are switching back to their usual OS. Today we will look at the question of how to disable Windows 10 Redstone updates. Of course, I am in favor of installing security updates, but for example, there are cases when installing them is only detrimental, and requires updating to the top of the new update, which does not come out right away.

Why can I turn off Windows 10 automatic updates?

  • The new update brought me a blue screen of death, an example is the blue screen whea uncorrectable error, you must agree that it’s not very cool when closing another MS glitch creates another one for you
  • Any of the devices does not work, examples include cases where after updating Windows 10 the camera does not work or the sound does not work on Windows 10, I think any person will immediately lose the desire to update anything, especially for clients, why bother with extra hemorrhoids.
  • Games or programs stopped working, for example, my friend has a cool mouse and for example in the anniversary update a special utility worked for it, but in redstone it doesn’t work, and I’m generally silent about games, especially for those people who are used to installing cracked versions.

So, as you can see, people have reasons not to like the top ten and prohibit its updates.

How to disable updates in windows 10 permanently

Yes, just for always, until you explicitly want to enable them yourself, below I have selected for you all the methods known to me, some of them are simple, others are more complicated.

How to prevent automatic updates in Windows 10 through Update

As you know, in operating systems of the Windows line there is a service called Windows Update, it is the presence of this process that forces your top ten to receive the latest updates. Most quick way disable a running service. Press the magic hotkey combination Win+R and in the window that opens, write services.msc

We go down to the very bottom and find a service called Windows Update, as you can see it works and its startup type is automatic, this means that when the system starts, the service starts in the same place as it, we don’t need this. We right-click on it and stop it at the beginning, then go to properties.

We find the startup type field and select Disabled there, this is a hundred percent prohibition for starting the service.

Thanks to this, you managed to disable the Windows 10 update, but there is still a small nuance.

Every week, Windows 10 will still try to find updates and return the update service to a working state; this is done through tasks in the scheduler, which need to be disabled

Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler

Go to Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > Windows Update and turn off 4 tasks there by right-clicking.

It should look like this.

Below we will look at the second method how to disable automatic updates in windows 10.

How to disable automatic Windows 10 updates through the local policy editor

We discussed the first method, I’ll tell you about one more, but it is not suitable for all users, since it only works in Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise, due to the fact that they have such a component as the local group policy editor. It essentially helps to disable Windows 10 updates in the registry, since all the changeable settings in it are just the GUI interface of the Windows registry.

Press Win+R again and enter gpedit.msc.

Here the editor is the local group policy editor, it contains two sections, per user and per computer, we will be interested in the second. Let's go along the path:

Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update > Configure automatic updates

This is the item that will help you disable Windows 10 updates in the registry; double-click on it. We set the switch to the Disabled position, this will prohibit automatic Windows 10 updates forever.

Above I talked about the task scheduler, also check if they are turned off

For people who want to control everything and create the necessary keys in the registry themselves, we do the following. You need to launch the windows registry editor, go to this branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Policies\ Microsoft\ Windows\ WindowsUpdate\ AU

here you need to right-click to create a DWORD 32-bit parameter in hexadecimal form with the value 1.

These are the two most effective methods to prohibit updates in Windows 10 redstone, below I will show a couple of additional settings that will also, to one degree or another, complement the first methods.

Windows 10 blocking program

Yes, there is a program that prohibits updating Windows 10, to be honest, I’m not a supporter of such things, if everything can be implemented with standard and built-in tools of the operating system itself. We go to the website, below we find the Win Updates Disabler program. Download it, there is even a portable version

All you need to do is check the Disable Windows update checkbox and click Apply now.

Using a metered connection

The Windows 10 operating system has such functionality as a metered connection, thanks to which you can make it so that it will not download updates automatically if this connection is used. Having set a metered connection for WiFi this way (it is logical that in local network this will not work), you will disable the installation of updates.

Press Win+I to open Windows 10 Settings.

go to Network and Internet - Wi-Fi and below the list wireless networks Click More options. Set the slider to Disable Set as metered connection.

Now ten will not automatically download and install new updates as long as your Internet connection is listed as metered.

If you still have questions about how to disable updates in Windows 10, then write them in the comments.

7 Responses to

    And what's scary about this W 10? True, I resisted it for a long time, but then they gave it to me automatically anyway. I didn’t understand that it was buggy when all the “messages” disappeared from my classmates and I couldn’t write to anyone either. But then all this was quickly resolved, I have such a cool master. Everything is working well now and I have no plans to disable updates. They don't bother me. Updates here are not disabled like in older versions, they are more complicated. You can use the instructions. Although I don’t see the point, because all applications, components, drivers,
    so that the system works without failures and glitches. In the old W 8.1 I always have
    Ads popped up saying that the drivers were old, but now everything is fine.

    You are right, updates are needed, but it is better to install them at least a couple of weeks after they are released, when you can really understand that everything is fine with them, and not deal with new problems and wait for those who follow.

    Thank you!
    The update didn’t work for me.
    The process was approximately the following:
    — preparation for update 1.5 hours (working on a computer is not possible)
    — installation of updates (2 hours with “blue/black screen”
    — + 3 hours something is spinning (graphic loading symbol), on a black screen
    - then either it will recover itself or I can’t stand it and turn off the computer, after which the restoration of the previous version starts. And so on.
    Average time loss is 4 hours.
    The result is that it’s impossible to work, the bosses are coming. The current Windows is incredibly stupid. I plan to demolish it soon, but I bought it with a laptop, which means the license will be lost.

    Well, yes, you will feel the updates when you are on a metered cellular Internet and when 10 gigs of various rubbish arrives on your computer for which you have to pay money for traffic, but on my Beeline I have 2 gigs of traffic per month, which means that in order to get updates I need 10 gigs use up traffic in 5 months, Windows updates can be compared to a barrel, they released a Windows barrel, but it turned out to be clumsy and began to leak, there is no way to redo some element of this barrel…. no, they insert a plug-update into it, which then starts leaking again.... another plug is inserted into this plug…..etc…. Ultimately, this barrel becomes overgrown with so many plugs that the lump begins to slow down

    I support the previous speaker. A megaphone whistle in the router, it distributes throughout the house, everything is Wi-Fi, the computer is on locale - and a paragraph: it starts downloading updates in gigs. Megafon, of course, is happy)

    In such situations, I can recommend installing a firewall like Komodo, Kaspersky, nod32 and similar ones.

    Windows 10 is a nightmare. They impose useless updates against our will and monitor your actions on the Internet, and in general all statistics are sent. disable these updates by any means, or better yet, go back to 7, that good and high-quality problem-free version where you can disable the update simply by checking the box. and at 10 these bastards are thinking of all the schemes to prohibit us from disabling the update / they have completely gone crazy

The latest version of the operating system from Microsoft is literally packed with various components and services. And if some of them can be considered conditionally useful, then it would be advisable to turn off some of them and not think about them again. And many who want to download and try it in action, note this very desire. Because every action within the operating system, every word entered subsequently turns into advertising. In this way, Microsoft is trying to get the maximum benefit from owners of the shareware Windows 10.

It’s quite easy to remove everything unnecessary that can track your actions and analyze them. Moreover, this can be done absolutely at any time. Don't worry if you didn't immediately turn off unnecessary components.

During system installation

To use this method, during the installation of Windows 10, you should abandon the default settings and click on the barely visible “Customize Settings” sign. It is located at the very bottom of the existing text.

In this section, you will see all the components that may interfere with your future work in Windows 10. To prevent this, you need to disable them all by moving the slider to the appropriate position on the left. In total, you will have to disable two pages of functions.

It is also undesirable to enter your username and password registered on the Microsoft website during the installation process. You can simply skip this step; it does not affect anything. To do this, there is a small inscription at the bottom “Skip this step”.

If you follow these minimum requirements, then new operating system will virtually not indicate any information about the user. It simply will not have special functions for this. Because all the necessary components for this are simply disabled. Therefore, you can use it easily and fearlessly.

If the operating system is already installed

On an existing operating system, disabling all unnecessary components that may interfere with a quiet and anonymous life is not very difficult. You just have to disable only some Windows 10 functions that are particularly annoying. Namely:

Each of them has its own way of turning off.

Windows Defender

To get rid of this tool, you need to go to Settings, and then go to the “Update and Security” section. There is a tab called “Windows Defender” in which we need to work. You should disable the functions responsible for sending data and protecting the cloud, as in the screenshot.

By the way, if you don’t want to mess around with the settings, just install any other antivirus. This will turn off Defender automatically.

Contextual Search and Cortana

These two tools are disabled together. Of course, in Russian Windows 10 the latter does not work by default, since Russification was not invented for it. However, it's better to be safe than sorry.

You should click on search in the bottom line of the desktop, and then click on the bottom-most icon in the left column, which displays Settings. And there you need to disable both Cortana and Internet Search.

Advertising ID

To disable this functionality, you need to go to the Settings we already know, and from there go to the Privacy section. In the general settings, located at the very top of the left column, you will have to remove the “on” status. for the first three components.

The next tab we need is “Speech, Handwriting and Text Input”. Here you need to prevent Windows 10 from forwarding your speech in order to study the functionality of Cortana. We've already turned it off anyway.

After completing these steps, do not close Confidentiality - it will come in handy later.


To get rid of passing these parameters, you will have to do a little programming. This is done using a built-in tool called PowerShell. To use it, you need to put your PC into console mode using the Windows + X key combination.

will appear command line, into which you need to fill in the combinations written in the screenshot.

In short, these commands delete already collected telemetry data, disable the service, and completely disable the ability to record any new data.

After that, open Confidentiality again, and from there go to “Reviews and Diagnostics”. You need to completely disable the generation of reviews (select the appropriate item in the drop-down menu), and then in the “Diagnostics and Usage Data” select the “Basic Information” item.


To prevent cloud storage from working, it is enough not to use your account when working with Windows 10. To do this, you need to find the section in Settings that allows you to manage accounts, and then from there go to the “Your Account” section.

You can refuse to use an entry on the Microsoft website if you log in as local account. To do this, just click on the corresponding inscription and enter the data. This way, you can keep only those components of the 10th generation system that are required.

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Updating Windows 10 is a procedure that results in the replacement of old OS elements, including the built-in software, to newer ones, which either increases the stability of the operating system and its functionality, or, which is also possible, adds new bugs. Therefore, some users try to completely remove the Update Center from their PC and enjoy the system at the stage that is optimal for them.

Windows 10 OS, by default, automatically checks for updates without user intervention, downloads and installs them on its own. Unlike previous versions of this operating system, Windows 10 differs in that it has become a little more difficult for the user to disable the update, but it is still possible to do this both using third-party programs and using the built-in tools of the OS itself.

Temporarily suspending the update

By default, the Windows 10 operating system has a feature that allows you to defer the download and installation of updates for up to 30-35 days (depending on the OS build). To enable it you need to follow a few simple steps:

Method 1: Win Updates Disabler

Win Updates Disabler is a utility with a minimalist interface that allows any user to quickly figure out what’s what. In just a couple of clicks, this handy program allows you to disable or enable system updates without having to understand the OS system settings. Another advantage of this method is the ability to download from the official website both the regular version of the product and its portable version.

So, to disable Windows 10 updates using the Win Updates Disabler utility, simply follow these steps.

Method 2: Show or hide updates

Show or hide updates is a utility from Microsoft that can be used to prevent automatic installation some updates. This application has a more complex interface and allows you to quickly search for all currently available Windows 10 updates (if the Internet is available) and will offer to either cancel their installation or install previously canceled updates.

You can download this tool from the official Microsoft website. To do this, follow the link below and scroll down a little to the location indicated in the screenshot.

The procedure for canceling updates using Show or hide updates looks like this.

It is worth noting that using the utility Show or hide updates You can prohibit installing only new updates. If you want to get rid of old ones, you must first delete them using the command wusa.exe with parameter .uninstall.

Method 3: Standard Windows 10 tools

Windows 10 Update Center

The easiest way to disable system updates using built-in tools is to simply disable the Update Center service. To do this, follow these steps:

Local Group Policy Editor

It is worth immediately noting that this method is only available to owners Pro And Enterprise Windows 10 version.


Also, owners of Windows 10 Pro and EnterPrise versions can turn to the system registry to disable automatic updates. This can be done by following these steps:


We'll finish here, because now you know not only how to disable automatic operating system updates, but also how to delay its installation. In addition, if necessary, you can always return Windows 10 to the state where it will start receiving and installing updates again, and we also talked about this.

Not every user wants their operating system to be constantly updated, because new builds often introduce instability into the operation of the computer. Therefore, read this article on how to disable automatic updates in Windows 10.

Using the Services utility

After completing all the steps, which can also be viewed in the video, any attempt to request updates on the Microsoft server will fail.

In the Registry Editor

Watch the video to see how to use Registry Editor to disable automatic updates.

In Options

Important! With this method, security updates will still be downloaded and installed on your computer.

In the local group policy editor

Important! This method only works for Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise.

Disabling updates using the Local Group Policy Editor is considered the most reliable way.

To check if the changes have taken effect, go to the Settings app and search for updates. In manual mode, Windows 10 should find them. But at the same time, they will not be automatically searched and installed. The process is described in more detail in the video.

RMB on the Start menu → Settings application → Network and Internet → Wi-Fi → Advanced settings → in the “Limited connection” block, set the switch to the “on” position.


To simplify the process of disabling automatic downloading and installation of updates, use special programs. The simplest utility, in which there is nothing superfluous, is . It is free and works reliably. Download it from the official website, run it, check the “Disable Windows Updates” box and click Apply Now.


Enabling Windows 10 updates follows the same sequence as disabling them. Reset all settings to default and disable limited connection for Wi-Fi.


If you want to disable automatic search and installation of updates for Windows 10, there are several ways to do this. The most reliable one is in the Local Group Policies Registry, but this option is only available for OS versions – Pro and Enterprise. Also use special programs that will do everything automatically.