How Nizhny Novgorod residents with disabilities are helped to achieve professional success. Provision of services (138) Service 138 psychological and pedagogical assistance

The procedure for interaction of the Moscow Center for Medical Education and Training with educational organizations

Donichenko O.G., Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution OTsPMSS TsOUO DOGM

Moscow, 2015

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided to: - children/students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic educational programs, development and social adaptation; - children/students with disabilities health ( individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing the receipt of education without the creation of special conditions); - children/students, disabled students

Article 2, paragraph 16, Article 42, paragraph 1 the federal law No. 273 – Federal Law dated December 29, 2012. “On education in the Russian Federation”

Model of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to public services (works) provided (performed) government organizations, administered by the Moscow Department of Education

Departmental list

The psychological and pedagogical council is the basis for the activities of psychological and pedagogical support at the level of the educational organization
  • implementation of psychological and pedagogical support according to unified regulations;
  • organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children at risk;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational route and psychological and pedagogical support;
  • implementation of educational routes for children with disabilities and disabled children;
  • development and implementation of adapted educational programs;
  • organization of psychological education of teachers to improve professional competencies.

Composition of the psychological and pedagogical council of the educational organization

  • representative of the administration of the educational organization;
  • teacher and/or educator;
  • Psychological and pedagogical support service specialists: educational psychologist, speech therapist teacher, speech pathologist teacher.
The procedure for providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, their development and social adaptation

Educational organization

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided at the PPMS center

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided in an educational organization

Goes through the examination procedure at the PP-consilium of the educational organization

Undergoing an examination procedure at the PP consultation of the PPMS center

PPMS center

State services (works) provided (performed) by state organizations under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Department of Education

Departmental list

Special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities

Adapted basic general education program (preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general) Art. 79 FZ-273:

  • for the deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened
  • for the blind, visually impaired
  • for children with severe speech impairments,
  • for children with musculoskeletal disorders
  • for children with mental retardation,
  • for children with mental retardation,
  • for children with autism spectrum disorders,
  • for children with complex disabilities
Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of the City of Moscow Composition of the Center for Medical Education and Training of the City of Moscow The procedure for providing special conditions of education to students with disabilities in educational organizations of the city of Moscow

Educational organization

Provides special educational conditions for students with disabilities (without individual and group correctional classes)

Provides special educational conditions for students with disabilities (including individual and group correctional classes)

Specialists of the PPMS Center implement correctional and developmental classes on the basis of the public organization


Agreement with the PPMS center

The procedure for providing special educational conditions to students with disabilities in educational organizations in Moscow

Child not attending PO

Is undergoing an examination procedure at the Central Medical Pedagogical Center in Moscow


Provides the original report from the Moscow Center for Medical and Clinical Practice

Provides correctional and developmental assistance on the basis of the PPMS center in accordance with the conclusion of the Moscow Center for Medical and Clinical Practice

PPMS center

Psychological and pedagogical assistance in district centers of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance

Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support

Psychological and pedagogical assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic general education programs, their development and social adaptation

PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL CONSILIUM of an educational organization or primary care center

TsPMPC Moscow

Volumes of correctional and developmental assistance in an educational organization or primary care center

Name of public service (work)

Number of teaching staff

Teaching worker

Total amount of assistance

Providing special educational conditions for students with disabilities

Children studying with disabilities/disabilities (general disease profile) who need AOP, taking into account the psychophysical characteristics and individual capabilities of the child

Educational psychologist

Teacher speech therapist


Children with disabilities,

those in need of AOOP:

TNR, mental retardation, disability, autism spectrum disorder, deaf/hard of hearing/late-deafened, visually impaired

Educational psychologist

Teacher speech therapist


Children with disabilities,

those in need of AOOP:

ODA, SD, blind

Educational psychologist

One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region is not so much to provide people with disabilities with education and work, but to help them feel part of society and find a worthy place in it, to become successful.

The Minister of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the region Sergei Zlobin spoke about how this can be achieved at a meeting in the Nizhny Novgorod branch of RG with the participation of the author of the Access Point program Olga Nikitina.

Sergey Vasilievich, what programs and projects are being implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod region in terms of rehabilitation and habilitation of people with disabilities through your department?

Sergey Zlobin: At the moment, the most relevant project can be called the third regional competition of the national championship of professional skills for people with disabilities “Abilimpix”. Its opening will take place on October 24 at the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College, the main goal is to help people with disabilities find employment and believe in themselves.

This year we have expanded the number of specialties. For students, this is web design, database administration, economics and accounting, primary school teacher, arts and crafts, assembly and disassembly of electrical equipment, dry construction and plastering, tiling, massage therapist, and for schoolchildren - beading, wood carving, light engineering and sewing. Our task is to select a specialty for the child that fully meets his current capabilities, and to find an employer for him.

Managers of many companies have concerns related to the level of competencies of employees with developmental disabilities, as well as the fact that labor laws strongly protect them. What if the working relationship doesn’t work out and it won’t be so easy to terminate the contract? That's why we try to show that these fears are often far-fetched.

In general, the Nizhny Novgorod region has good employment indicators for people with disabilities. This year we had 95 such graduates in the complete secondary education system, 73 of them are already working, four are self-employed, nine, unfortunately, will not be able to get a job due to illness, and another nine have continued their studies. All of the 18 university graduates got jobs.

Why should an employer pay attention to a person with a disability? What arguments speak in its favor?

Sergey Zlobin: The main argument is the successful experience of other employers and colleagues. I admit, I once encountered a similar situation. In a previous job, the driver of a company car was a person with a disability. Of course, questions arose during employment. But due to life circumstances, the absence of violations and excellent recommendations, he was hired for a job where he worked for quite a long time, and quit on his own, moving to another job, because salaries in budget organizations are small. He coped with his duties perfectly.

How do you help with the socialization of people with disabilities?

Sergey Zlobin: We constantly accompany people with disabilities from the moment they first appear in our field of vision. For us, socialization is, first of all, successful employment after training. A person must be in demand, and then he will be satisfied with life.

Where can people with disabilities get help in learning a profession?

Sergey Zlobin: Last year, with federal and regional funds, a resource center was created at the Nizhny Novgorod Provincial College, one of the specializations of which is inclusive education. While there is only one in the region, a second one is now being created - in Arzamas. One of the areas of training there will be car manufacturing; we are purchasing special cars for the future resource center. We are not chasing quantity yet; it is important to understand how effective its work will be.

Often parents, both the former and the latter, are not ready for the joint education of ordinary children and children with special needs. How serious is this problem, and what is being done in terms of public education?

Sergey Zlobin: If the situation has reached the point of conflict, it means that we have not completed our work in some way. As part of the "Accessible Environment" program, we are preparing integrated groups in kindergartens to accept children with disabilities, and we are now creating a barrier-free environment. Already at this stage we begin to tell parents and children about the new pupils that these children are no worse, they just have their own characteristics. And in 95 percent of cases, conflicts do not arise.

If a conflict does arise, then the only way to resolve it is through mediation, a conversation with both parties. Mediators are mainly psychologists and social educators. There are already joint groups in every district of the region. Teachers, healthy children and their parents need to improve their culture, not be afraid of special children and the process of raising them, and special children and their parents should not concentrate on their characteristics, but join the team, participate in common events and not be afraid to show their talents.

Have any sociological research on the issue of tolerance?

Sergey Zlobin: In this case, a social survey can show the “average temperature” in the region. For us, the microclimate in each specific educational organization is more important, so we conduct opinion polls at the institutional level. Most often we interview parents of ordinary children, who honestly admit: they are not sure that their child will be tolerant of a special neighbor. Moreover, this is not a form survey for show, which will not show real attitude. These are mostly conversations cool watch and meetings. The problem needs to be discussed.

Are there institutions for children with mental disabilities in the Nizhny Novgorod region?

Sergey Zlobin: It's more complex topic. If we talk about mild disabilities, then such children successfully learn working professions, for example, becoming tilers or plasterers. By the way, in this regard they have a certain advantage - they carry out their work with high quality and concentration.

Those whose violations do not allow them to receive professional education, is handled by the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The development of modern children is specific. They master gadgets early, communicate less with their parents and with each other. When we try to evaluate them only using standard questionnaires, there is a catastrophically large error, and any mistake can become a stigma for the child. This is what we try to avoid. Speaking about inclusion and tolerance, you need to accept children as they are and see where they can move forward, and not set the goal to identify, correct and bring them to a common denominator. We don't know what the standard is. The world is different.

What other measures help special children socialize in society? Is there a shortage of specialized personnel?

Sergey Zlobin: There are 269 consultation centers operating at preschool institutions in the Nizhny Novgorod region (), where parents of special children who did not get into kindergartens can receive help from a psychologist through play. On the one hand, of course, we will strive to provide all children with places in kindergartens, and on the other hand, we will preserve these centers because of the “second expert opinion.” From January 1, 2019, a regional psycho-medical-social center will open on the basis of the Children Against Drugs center, which, surprisingly, did not exist before.

We have enough specialists, there is no shortage of personnel. The question is about qualifications and constant retraining. Rather, we lack psychologists and social educators in schools. Future preschool teachers are helped by a large university course in psychology and psychophysiology. But the question facing school teachers studying is: should they study within the framework of a school or educational centers based on non-profit organizations (NPOs)?

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, various development centers, or “development centers,” are multiplying like mushrooms. Does the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the region somehow control this process?

Sergey Zlobin: I advise you to contact only those centers that are licensed for such activities. If the organization simply provides supervision and care, then a license is not needed, but psychological assistance required, as this service is included in additional education. By the way, on the website of our ministry there is a list of organizations that have a license to operate. This means that the organizers were not afraid to present educational qualifications, professional skills, and showed their premises and the conditions created.

“Gray” centers should be treated with skepticism, because they did not even dare to declare themselves in the NGO format. By the way, in addition to the register of licensed educational centers, we have a register of non-profit organizations. The plans are to, together with Rospotrebnadzor and doctors, organize a commission and conduct voluntary certification of all developing centers, the list of which will be published on the website of our department. And not for the purpose of compulsorily licensing and presenting additional requirements, but for the peace of mind of parents. For example, the problem may even be hidden not in the educational process, but in non-compliance with sanitary standards. In addition, people with convictions for serious crimes or dangerous diseases can work with children there. Voluntary certification will allow you to hang a special sticker or badge on the organization’s door. This will also be beneficial for market participants: those who want to come out of the “shadow” will be able to receive federal grant support or training at budget expense within the framework of the national project “Education”. This applies to those who look after children under three years of age and provide psychological assistance.

Help "RG"

On the portal"Live together" information about social infrastructure facilities accessible to people with disabilities is reported.

Also, the portal “Map of Opportunities for a Special Child” is currently being formed, which will be filled until October 31. It will help you obtain information, for example, about educational institutions and rehabilitation centers. The goal of the project is to collect information on an interactive map about all available institutions for special people. This project is being implemented by the interregional children's and youth public organization for the comprehensive development of personality, patriotic and moral education of children and youth "Mishki" with the support of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The material was prepared in collaboration with Simona LLC

Donichenko O.G.,
Moscow, 2015

Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided to: - children/students experiencing difficulties in mastering basic educational programs, p

Article 2, paragraph 16, Article 42, paragraph 1 Federal Law No. 273 –
Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 "On education in the Russian
Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided:
- children/students who have difficulty learning
basic educational programs, development and social adaptation;
- children/students with disabilities
(an individual who has physical and/or disabilities)
psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and impeding the acquisition of education
without creating special conditions);
- children/students, disabled students

Model of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance

Psychological and pedagogical
District centers of psychological and pedagogical, medical and
social assistance
Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical
Moscow City Commission

Departmental list

public services
Providing psycho-pedagogical,
medical and social
assistance to students,
experiencing difficulties in
mastering basic
general education
programs, their development and
social adaptation
Consumer category
public service (work)
Children with developmental problems
learning, social adaptation;
Students experiencing
difficulties in mastering basic
general education programs,
its development and social

Psychological and pedagogical consultation is the basis for the activities of psychological and pedagogical support at the level of educational organization

Psychological and pedagogical council –
the basis for the activities of psychological and pedagogical support at the level
educational organization
monitoring the effectiveness of educational implementation
route and psychological and pedagogical support;
implementation of educational routes for children with disabilities and disabled children;
development and implementation of adapted educational programs;
organization of psychological education for teachers to improve
professional competencies.
psychological and pedagogical
psychological and pedagogical

The composition of the psychological and pedagogical
council of educational organization
representative of the administration of the educational organization;
teacher and/or educator;
specialists from the psychological-pedagogical service
support: educational psychologist, speech therapist,

The procedure for providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to students experiencing difficulties in mastering the basic

The procedure for providing psychological and pedagogical,
medical and social assistance to students,
experiencing difficulties in mastering basic
general education programs, their development and
social adaptation
PPMS center

in the PP-consilium of educational
Undergoing examination procedure
in the PP-consilium
PPMS center
psychological and pedagogical
assistance in educational
Psychological and pedagogical assistance is provided at the PPMS center

public services (works) provided (performed) by government organizations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education

Departmental list
public services (works) provided (performed) by government
organizations under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Department of Education

Name of state
services (works)
State consumer category
services (works)
Children with disabilities
health, those in need
individual program
Providing special
educational conditions
students with disabilities
health opportunities
Students with disabilities
health opportunities for those in need
adapted educational
Disabled people in need
individual program

Special conditions for obtaining education by students with disabilities

Educational programs and teaching methods
and education
Textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials
Technical means of collective training
and individual use
Providing assistant (assistant) services
Conducting corrective classes
Providing access to organizational buildings

Adapted basic general education program
(preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general)
Art. 79 FZ-273:
for the deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened
for the blind, visually impaired
for children with severe speech impairments,
for children with musculoskeletal disorders
for children with mental retardation,
for children with mental retardation,
for children with autism spectrum disorders,
for children with complex disabilities

Central Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission of Moscow

Unified algorithm
Recommendations for
learning conditions
and education in OO
helping parents
PA specialists and
other organizations
Accounting monitoring
Organizational and methodological
psychological and pedagogical
Recommendations for
conditions for passing the State Examination Test
Development and
basic and
software packages
psychological and pedagogical

Composition of the Moscow Central Medical Pedagogical Committee

Medical subcommittee
medical commission
state system
city ​​health
subcommittee of the Center for Medical Promotion
Moscow cities
mediation board
TsPMPK of the city of Moscow

Conclusion of the CPMPK
medical report on
state of health and
recommendations for organization
educational process for
persons with disabilities
health opportunities
(subcommittee of the medical commission)
ITU certificate, individual
rehabilitation program
disabled child
Special conditions
training and education

for students with disabilities in educational organizations

The procedure for providing special educational conditions



Educational organization

student with disabilities
health (including individual and
group correctional classes)
Provides special educational conditions
to a student with disabilities
health opportunities (without individual and
group correctional classes)
Agreement with the PPMS center
Specialists of the PPMS Center implement correctional development classes on the basis of the public organization

The procedure for providing special educational conditions
students with disabilities in
educational organizations in Moscow
Child not attending PO
Is undergoing an examination procedure at the Central Medical Pedagogical Center in Moscow
Provides the original report from the Moscow Center for Medical and Clinical Practice
PPMS center
Provides correctional and developmental assistance at the base
PPMS-center according to the conclusion of the Center for Medical and Clinical Practice of Moscow

Psychological and pedagogical assistance in district centers of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance

center for
PHC centers
Providing psychological and pedagogical
assistance at the base

Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support
Psychological and pedagogical assistance
students experiencing difficulties in
mastering basic general education
programs, their development and social
educational organization
or PHC center

public services
medical and
social assistance
experiencing difficulties
in mastering basic
general education
programs, their development
and social adaptation
Consumer category
public services
Educational psychologist
Children having problems
in development, training,
social adaptation;
experiencing difficulties
in mastering basic
general education
programs, their development
and social adaptation
18 hours
Teacher speech therapist

Volumes of correctional and developmental assistance in an educational organization or primary care center

public services
Category of public service consumers
Children with disabilities/disabled students (general
disease profile) requiring AOP with
taking into account psychophysical characteristics and
child's individual capabilities
special conditions
139 students with
Children with disabilities,
those in need of AOOP:
TNR, mental retardation, disability, autism spectrum disorder, deaf/hard of hearing/
late-deafened, visually impaired
Educational psychologist
Teacher speech therapist
36 hours
Educational psychologist
Teacher speech therapist
72 hours
Educational psychologist
Children with disabilities,
those in need of AOOP:
ODA, SD, blind
Children with disabilities who need assistance
SD, ODA, UO, ASD, blind, deaf
(additional assistance in social protection)
Teacher speech therapist
108 hours
Educational psychologist
Teacher speech therapist
72 hours

Primary examination on the basis of the educational organization that the student attends

*The initial examination is carried out in September-October - for

conditions of education and upbringing in the current academic year.

Repeated examination on the basis of the educational organization that the student attends

* Repeated examination is carried out in March-May - for
obtaining the conclusion of the Moscow Central Medical Pedagogical Committee on the creation of special
conditions of education and upbringing in the next academic year.

Territorial subcommittee of the Moscow Center for Medical and Clinical Practice

Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya street, 45/17, building 1;
1905 Goda street, no. 5;
St. 1st Dubrovskaya, 5a;
Fadeeva St., 2;
Frunzenskaya embankment, 36/2;
Orlikov lane, 8
8 (499) 975-15-67
8 (499) 975-12-05
8 (499) 975-12-13
8 (499) 975-12-16
8 (499) 975-12-17
8 (499) 975-12-18
8 (499) 975-12-19
(Monday-Friday, 830 – 1900)
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Quite often, you can simply not keep track of your balance and go into the red, and, as everyone knows, you can’t make a call with a negative balance. In this case, a service from Megafon called “Credit of Trust” comes to the rescue, which allows you to make calls even if you are in the red.

This service allows you to push back the threshold for disconnecting from communications if your account falls into the red. You will be set a limit for which you are free to fully use all the capabilities of cellular communications, and at the same time be in the red.

Credit of trust will be given to you only if you have been using Megafon communications for at least four months, and the amount of trust directly depends on how much you have spent on communication over the past three months. Such strict conditions allow the company to limit itself from unnecessary risks due to failure to repay a negative account.

By providing you with the credit of trust service, Megafon places hopes on you and trusts you that you will pay off the negative balance when the opportunity arises.

The higher your communication expenses, the higher your credit of trust will be, however, in order for the credit of trust to be accrued, you must activate this option in advance.

Service connection cost

The Credit of Trust program is provided absolutely free of charge to all users who meet the requirements to activate this service. This requirement is quite significant - timely payment of communication bills, which is quite fair.

The preferential limit for disconnecting from communications under the “Credit of Trust” program can reach up to 1,500 rubles.

You can activate the service on all tariffs. With the exception of tariff plans for corporate clients and clients who have a credit form of payment for communications.

Features of the “Credit of Trust” service from Megafon

The credit of trust has its own characteristics, and they are quite strict, but it is necessary to know them in order to fully use the trust program in situations where the need for it arises.

  • Initially, a credit of trust can be established up to 180% of the funds you spent on communications over the past three months. Let’s say you spent 300 rubles on communications every month, then you can easily count on a credit of trust of up to 540 rubles.
  • The limit is reviewed automatically every month and can be reduced, increased or left unchanged. If a new limit is set, you will be sent a text message with the new conditions for your individual credit.
  • Depending on which branch you purchased from, your credibility will vary. Some offices give a higher threshold, others a lower one. The conditions for providing limits also differ.
  • When you activate the “Credit of Trust” service, you will not be able to use the promised payment, since these services are interchangeable.
  • If your communication costs have decreased, then your credit will also decrease.
  • The program does not apply to calls in roaming and the international call service. You can use the service only on your home network, and even if you have a lot of trust, you still won’t be able to use it while roaming.
  • Can't change tariff plan through this loan.
  • It must be repaid within a month after the debt is created.. If you do not pay off the debt on time, then in the future your trust program for Megafon subscribers will be disabled.
  • If your personal account has more than one connected number, then this service will not be provided to you.

As you can see, the conditions for the provision of the service are quite strict and the service should not be perceived as a panacea, but it is better to consider it a pleasant bonus for those who use communication services a lot.

For each user, the limit is calculated individually, and it depends on the following parameters:

  • Average communication costs for the last three months;
  • Duration of use of the SIM card;
  • Terms of your tariff;
  • Availability of connected additional options and services.

So even if you spend a lot on cellular communications, it is sometimes quite difficult to get a limit of a thousand rubles. To get such a limit, you will need to use the services for about 15 months and spend more than six thousand rubles on communications monthly.

How to activate the “Credit of Trust” service

To connect a trust limit, there are several methods that are equivalent, so you can choose any of them:

  1. Type a text message with the text 1 and send it to the short number 5138.
  2. Use the USSD request and dial the command * 138 * 1 # and press call.

How to find out the service limit

In order to find out what limit is available to you, you must use one of the following methods:

  1. Send a text message with the number 3 to 5138;
  2. Dial USSD request * 138 * 3 # and follow the answering machine prompts;
  3. Use the balance request service by calling 0501;
  4. Send a text message with any content to number 000103.

How to disable “Credit of Trust” on Megafon

To disable a package, use one of the following methods:

  1. Send a USSD request in the format * 550 * 1 # ;
  2. Dial a text message with code 2 to program control number 5138;
  3. Send a message with the text “Please” to the short number 0500;
  4. Call 0500 and follow the operator's instructions;
  5. Go to the nearest Megafon service center along with your passport and ask to disable this package.

By observing and fulfilling these conditions, you will be able to constantly use the “Credit of Trust” program and not worry that your conversation will be interrupted if all the money is written off from your account.