Emelyanov B.V. Guided tour. Methods, methodological techniques and techniques for conducting excursions. In what aspects is excursion methodology considered?

Excursion theory

An important quality of the excursion is its scientific nature. The purpose of the excursion is to promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge, to provide high level presentation of the material. The content of the excursion must be presented in accordance with the data modern science. All facts, events, theoretical positions discussed during the excursion are given in a scientific interpretation, covered taking into account the achievements of the branches of modern science to which they are related. Facts and events must receive an objective scientific assessment.

Literally translated, the Greek word “theory” means observation, examination, investigation. This term has several meanings:

1) theory - a generalization of experience, social derivative practice, which reflects the objective laws of development of nature and society;

2) theory - a set of generalized provisions that form a certain science or one of its sections;

3) theory - a system of ideas in one of the branches of knowledge;

4) theory – the highest, most developed form of organization scientific knowledge, giving a holistic view of the patterns of existing connections in a certain area.

When we consider issues of excursion theory, then:

We model what an excursion should ideally be like

We study the mechanism of the influence of excursions on human consciousness;

We assume comprehension, use of the basic patterns and features of the excursion;

We define criteria for the quality of excursions, means of improving the quality of their effectiveness;

Let's formulate theoretical basis excursion business.

So, studying the issues of excursion theory makes it possible to imagine means of increasing the effectiveness of excursions; the mechanism of the excursion’s impact on people’s consciousness: it involves a meaningful, taking into account the established practice of conducting excursions, use of the basic patterns and features of excursions.

Excursion theory- this is the total sum of theoretical provisions that serve as the basis for excursion business and determine the main directions of its development and improvement.

Excursion theory is a set of concepts: the functions of an excursion, its main features and aspects, the features of showing and telling, the excursion method, the classification of excursions, the basics of the professional skills of a guide.

The technique got its name from the Greek word “method”, which literally means: “the path to something”, as well as the path of research or knowledge; theory; teaching.

Methodology in in a broad sense words - a set of ways to expediently carry out this or that work, solve a problem, achieve a goal, and in a narrower sense it is a set of specific methodological techniques for conducting lectures, conversations, excursions on a specific topic and for certain group.

The excursion methodology is based on communication between excursionists and objects, various types analysis, visual comparisons, taking into account the possibility of using all senses of tourists.

Mastering the excursion methodology means not only mastering the scientific fundamentals and techniques, but also its creative application by the guide, which does not tolerate templates or ready-made solutions.

Play a significant role Creative skills guide, revealed in the process of preparing and conducting the excursion.

The general excursion methodology consists of two main sections:

a) preparation of the excursion;

b) conducting an excursion.

The excursion work methodology answers the following questions:

1. Why is the excursion prepared and conducted (goal, objectives)?

2, What issues are covered during the excursion (what is its content devoted to)?

3. How to conduct a tour (methodological techniques)?

The excursion methodology is based on two concepts: showing and telling. On the one hand, this is the name of the two main elements of the excursion, which reveal the topic; on the other hand, these are two independent sections of the methodology for preparing and conducting excursions and, finally, these are two purposeful types of activities of the guide.

The excursion business has been formed over a long period of time, depending on the goals, settings of the excursion, and the needs of excursionists, which have changed over time. This especially applies to the part that is its basis - the methodology.

Methodology in the broadest sense is understood as a systematized teaching, consisting of a number of rules and techniques aimed at the successful assimilation of any processes, knowledge, or actions. One of the fundamentals of the methodology as a whole is education, having clearly defined goals and a number of tasks. The effectiveness of the technique is determined by the effectiveness of the rules and techniques used.

Any technique has a certain direction, your object of study. Therefore, for each area of ​​knowledge it is necessary to develop specific, narrow, specialized techniques. For example, an excursion methodology is a set of tools for developing and conducting an excursion, which turns out to be most effective in the excursion business.

Generalized definition of excursion methodology can be formulated as follows: this is a complex system of techniques, rules and means aimed at improving tour guide skills, as well as obtaining a high-quality and highly effective product (excursion), which in turn will have a targeted impact on its consumers (tourists).

In this definition, three components are clearly visible to which the excursion methodology is addressed - the excursion, the guide and the excursionists. These three components are different, but, of course, interconnected, and their interaction contributes to the integrity, completeness and organicity of the entire excursion business. This relationship is realized both in guide practice, when the guide directly conducts a prepared excursion for tourists, and in the development of an excursion product.

Excursion- this is an action (hike, walk, trip) performed by excursionists for the purpose of knowledge.

Excursion activities are initially formed as one of the effective aspects pedagogy.

In the formation and development of excursion activities, a significant place is given to psychology. It is psychology and its methods that provide such approaches with the help of which it is possible effective impact objects, knowledge for tourists. Thus, sensory perception sometimes “works” much faster and better than thinking in mastering information. In addition, psychology helps to find effective methods in relation to various types sightseers.

Excursion being an act educational activities, acquiring new knowledge, is a type of travel. Traveling as one of the fascinating, most interesting actions performed by a person, as a form of knowledge of the surrounding world, oneself and society, has been known since ancient times. Suffice it to recall the image of the legendary traveler Odysseus.

Thus, an excursion is a route determined by the purpose, during which one visits (examines) objects located in the natural environment, i.e. presented realistically, directly. This is one of the wonderful opportunities that a tour provides - to see everything as it is. Indeed, in most cases, education, in particular school education, does not involve direct demonstration of the objects being studied. In order to acquire this or that knowledge, students have to perceive everything only through a story. This significantly narrows the possibilities of perception. During an excursion trip, you can clearly demonstrate the object and obtain the necessary information empirically. Such teaching methods are typical for the natural sciences, in particular biology, geography, physics, chemistry, etc. Therefore, we can say that excursion teaching is in close connection with these sciences.

Indeed, as the excursion business develops, thematic excursions are gradually taking shape, in particular of a natural science orientation. Currently, environmental excursions are especially relevant among schoolchildren, students, and adults. This is explained by the fact that in modern world There are acute global environmental problems that affect everyone. Ecological excursions allow you not only to learn more deeply about certain environmental issues, but also to learn how to solve them, and foster a caring attitude towards the natural world.

During the excursion, knowledge is not simply given as individual facts, but is “obtained” empirically. The knowledge that tourists receive must first of all reflect a certain holistic picture of the surrounding world, the place of certain objects in it. From the point of view of excursion methodology, it is inappropriate to show selected excursion objects to excursionists in isolation from the environment. In addition, the active perception of such objects leads not only to their comprehension, but also to a personal, individual assessment.

Taking into account the above, we can give the following definition.

Excursion methodology- this is a set of techniques aimed at the active development of new knowledge, implemented in the process of practical, direct perception of objects in the surrounding world. The excursion methodology is the main one in the excursion business for transmitting information, ideas, broadening one’s horizons and solving educational and educational problems.

In turn, the excursion methodology is usually divided into three main parts: the selection and development methodology new topic excursions, methods of preparing an excursion, methods of conducting an excursion.

Since the preparation and conduct of an excursion imply the presence of two main forms - story and show, they distinguish between the method of showing and the method of telling.

Improving excursion techniques. The first way to improve excursion methodology - systematic expansion of the theoretical and practical methodological base of excursion guidance by attracting knowledge and techniques developed in other scientific fields. This path is far from innovative, but has proven itself to be extremely useful.

The expansion of methodological techniques is possible not only through other sciences, but also through the development of tour guide methods themselves. Here the guiding principle will be the personality of the guide itself. Indeed, when choosing methods of showing and disclosing a particular excursion topic, guides often use unique techniques that are effective only at a certain moment, in a specific situation, in relation to the intended object, for a given excursion group. Such a thoughtful technique is implemented with creative, creative thinking of the guide. Therefore, the constant development of the guide’s personal qualities, broadening his horizons, systematically replenishing his knowledge, as well as their skillful and timely application when developing an excursion will also affect the development of excursion methodology.

Second way of improvement excursion methodology is associated with its flexibility, response to requests modern society. Tour guides can endlessly come up with new techniques, but they will only be effective if they are initially consumer-oriented and meet modern processes and trends. An example is the development of excursions to exotic places. Exotic objects have always been interesting and attractive to tourists. But if previously exotic places were inaccessible, now, thanks to the development of the transport system and the processes of globalization, excursion groups can visit places that previously could only be dreamed of. Guides select techniques and methods for showing exotic objects in accordance with their nature and specificity. Another example is business excursions. In the modern world, where developed business relationship, business, trade, there is a need for this type of excursion. Business tourism is becoming increasingly popular, and the role of excursions here is very significant. The same can be said about scientific excursions, which are now not limited to specialized scientific expeditions, but can include extensive programs with visits to scientific institutions, with the involvement of specialists from the scientific community.

The third way of improvement excursion methodology is associated with the personality of the guide, who must learn the basics of the excursion business, which will allow the guide to freely master the entire arsenal of tools and use them as fully as possible in practice. A guide who does not know the basics of his business cannot improve and develop as a specialist. During its existence, excursion theory and practice have accumulated enough techniques and means that do not need to be discovered or “reinvented” anew. Having them in stock, the guide will be able to get out of difficult, unexpected situations. This is what proves the professional skill of the guide and his competence.

The fourth way of improvement excursion methodology - accumulation and preservation of experience by guides in the field of excursion business. Any experience has great importance, especially in excursion practice. What the guide has developed is always checked directly during the excursion, on the route. Only then can the guide be convinced that its development was successful, the goals of the work were achieved, all the assigned tasks were solved, and the needs of the tourists were satisfied. Gradually, the guide gains experience, which helps him improve his skills and develop excursion techniques. But often the accumulated experience and knowledge remain the property of the guide himself, which is inappropriate. The accumulated experience and knowledge must be preserved in the form methodological recommendations, works, notes, comments. This will be especially useful if the development of excursions is carried out by a team, which, as a rule, involves specialists of different levels. Today, exchange of experience is one of the effective practices leading to new knowledge and improvement. The ways of sharing experiences are currently very diverse. For similar purposes, special conferences, meetings, practical classes, round tables, congresses are organized for guides, clubs, communities, and groups operate. In addition, you can use the Internet to establish communication with specialists. This allows guides from different cities and countries to exchange experiences, knowledge, interests, and professional “subtleties.” Tour guides have the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest news, trends, needs in the field of tourism and excursion business, which makes it possible for tour guides to remain modern, relevant and in demand, capable of meeting the needs of tourists.

In pedagogy, a teaching methodology is a system of rules and methods for teaching science, transferring knowledge to students, as well as a system of techniques for teaching and educating young people. The technique got its name from the Greek word “method”, which literally means “the path to something”, as well as the path of research or knowledge; theory; teaching. Methodology in the broad sense of the word is a set of ways to expediently carry out this or that work, solve a problem, achieve a goal, and in a narrower sense it is a set of specific methodological techniques for conducting lectures, conversations, excursions on a certain topic and for a certain group.

The methodology is divided into general and specific. The general methodology covers teaching methods and requirements that serve as the basis for the study of many sciences (consistency and clarity of presentation educational material, its accessibility to the audience). A particular methodology, based on the principles of the general methodology, determines the methods and techniques of teaching and raising children and adults, methods of observation, study and research of certain objects. Thus, each particular technique is associated with a specific science and follows from the very essence of the subject and serves as the basis for a certain type of activity.

The excursion technique is a private technique, since it is associated with the process of disseminating knowledge based on one form of work. The excursion methodology is a set of requirements and rules for the excursion, as well as the sum of methodological techniques for preparing and conducting excursions different types, on different topics and for different groups of people.

The excursion methodology is considered in several aspects: as a basis professional skills of tour guides; like a mechanism, improving the “presentation” of material; as a process streamlining the activities of the guide.

The excursion methodology is based on communication between excursionists and objects, various types of analysis, visual comparisons, taking into account the possibility of using all the excursionists’ senses. The excursion methodology is based on philosophy, which is a system of ideas, views on the world around us and the place of man in it.

The subject of excursion methodology is the purposeful study, systematization, formulation, explanation and practical application of means and methods of education and training, as well as methodological techniques with the help of which employees of excursion institutions carry out their activities. The excursion methodology summarizes the experience of conducting excursions, develops and offers methodological techniques that have proven themselves in practice and ensure the highest efficiency in the disclosure and perception of the topic.

The excursion methodology is more complex in such matters as the definition and practical use of techniques for displaying objects. The method of display in most of its means and techniques is original. This technique is used only in excursion propaganda.

As for the story on the excursion, the guides use the usual forms. oral speech– information, conversation, description, explanation, commentary, literary montage. A significant part of the methodological techniques in the guide’s story is borrowed from the arsenal of lecturing art.

Any technique is the ability to perform certain work in strict accordance with the most optimal rules, recommendations and ensure its high efficiency. In practice, this is the sum of certain skills and abilities to carry out work - to develop a new excursion, to prepare for the next excursion, to conduct an excursion using the recommended technology, to consolidate the knowledge acquired by excursionists, to improve their knowledge.

The excursion methodology consists of several independent, interconnected parts:

– methods for developing a new topic for this bureau;

– methods for the guide to develop a topic that is new to him, but has already been developed in this bureau;

– methods of preparing a guide for conducting the next excursion;

– methods of conducting an excursion;

– methods of post-excursion work.

The methodology for conducting excursions has been most thoroughly developed. This technique is divided into two parts: display methodology And storytelling technique. In the display methodology, the following techniques can be distinguished as independent parts: using the “guide’s portfolio”; use technical means propaganda; observations; studying and researching objects.

The problems of organizing excursion activities have been and remain relevant, although they are not sufficiently covered in the methodological literature.

Currently, excursion work is becoming increasingly popular, since excursion is one of the leading forms of development of the cultural and educational level of an individual.

However, conducting an excursion should not be considered as a simple form of activity that makes it possible to easily control a group of excursionists through prepared individual texts. From the point of view of the excursionist, a high-quality excursion is one in which not only the information is remembered, but also the story and demonstration of the guide, that is, the entire excursion process. From the point of view of the guide, a high-quality excursion is one during which the methodological techniques of telling and showing are correctly used - the excursion technique. In general, conducting an excursion is one of the most complex forms of the educational process.

Increasingly, museum guides are faced with the question: how to make the process of conducting an excursion more successful and interesting. The guide has to come up with various forms of conducting the excursion; they try to think creatively about how to present new exhibit material. Nowadays, special attention is paid to innovative technologies and interactive methods.

A museum is a research and scientific-educational institution that, based on museum objects, performs the functions of documentation, education and upbringing. The museum performs its social function in the process of acquiring, recording, storing, studying, exhibiting and promoting museum collections.

Excursion display techniques include abstraction, integration, comparison, switching attention, and visual reconstruction. The most commonly used techniques for narrating excursions with children are question-and-answer, description, characterization, explanation, quotation, complicity, references to eyewitnesses, anti-menopause.

IN educational institution the museum becomes not only a center for the development of culture, nature, the history of the neighborhood, civic principles, but also the core of an independently created personal-value cultural-historical space

Thus, the excursion methodology is a kind of tool that helps the guide in a short period of time to transfer a large amount of knowledge into the minds of excursionists, and excursionists, in turn, see, remember and understand much more material than, for example, in a lecture that reveals the same topic.

This is explained by the fact that the excursion methodology is based on a dialogue between the guide and the excursionists, as well as on practical communication through observation of objects on display, various types of analysis, and comparison through visual perception. The excursion methodology, as a rule, is based on philosophy, which is a system of ideas, views on the world around us and the place of man in it.

It turns out that the excursion methodology generalizes the experience of conducting excursions, develops and offers methodological techniques that have proven themselves in practice and ensure the highest efficiency in the disclosure and perception of the topic.

Aspects of the excursion methodology: the basis of the professional skills of the guide, the mechanism for presenting material, the process of streamlining the activities of the guide during the preparation and conduct of the excursion. The excursion technique is associated with such concepts as story and show. To the question about the relationship between showing and telling on an excursion, the methodology gives a clear answer: from showing to telling. You should start with a show, with visual or other impressions, and then introduce a story. The technique takes into account the ability of an object to attract attention and uses various means of enhancing the attention of tourists. Another objective of the methodology is to suggest the most effective use of methodological techniques for conducting an excursion. The excursion methodology takes into account the issues of emotional impact on tourists.

Show and tell are the main elements of any excursion. But if the demonstration is the larger part of the excursion methodology in terms of volume and complexity of preparation and implementation, then the story can be considered its smaller part, which is subordinate in relation to the demonstration methodology. The whole point is that the story is built largely on the show and is almost completely subordinated to the show, since during most of the excursion the guide reveals the objects of the show through the story, gives them explanations, and forms the tourists’ knowledge about them.

The main requirement of the excursion methodology is to ensure the continuity of the disclosure of the topic during the excursion as a process of assimilation of knowledge, that is, the impact of excursion material on tourists throughout the entire duration of the excursion (without pauses, stops and breaks).

The technique requires connection and interaction between showing and telling, providing for either their combination, or alternation, or their absence.

In the generally accepted understanding of an excursion, there are four options for using show and tell, which are characteristic of almost every excursion:

1) the show and the story go on simultaneously - the tourists observe the objects in question;

2) there is only a story - historical events are presented, a description of the city, settlement, etc. is given;

3) there is only a demonstration - observation (study, research) of objects takes place under the guidance of a guide;

4) there is no show and tell - excursionists work independently: they observe, assimilate the acquired knowledge and impressions

The main task of the guide during the excursion is to control the attention of the group. One of the most accessible and high-quality methods for maintaining it is the use of dialogue, which allows tourists to better perceive the material during live communication, and is important for the guide from the point of view of monitoring the group’s attention, which is focused on the dialogue and does not dissipate. With live communication, excursionists not only perceive the material better, but also participate in the excursion, and not just attend it. If you do not maintain a dialogue with the group, then some excursionists may feel unimportant.

One of the main rules of the excursion is to adapt the text for the group and present it in simple colloquial language by the guide. In this case, the guide demonstrates knowledge based on real communication with the group. As practice shows, reproducing a memorized text has a number of disadvantages.

Thus, we examined the excursion methodology, showing the features and principles used during various excursions. However, only part of the guide's techniques was described. Of course, not only the methods he uses are significant, but speech culture, level of general knowledge, appearance, gestures, emotional background. But it is important to answer that if you have all these details, but without using the methodology, it is impossible to conduct a high-quality excursion, since it is the use of the methodology that emphasizes the level of the guide and helps him not only work competently with a group of excursionists, but also improve himself using new methods in practice.

Interactivity is an interaction, a communication process that involves a two-way dialogue between the guide and tourists, the purpose of which is to transform general information into personal knowledge.

The essence of interactive learning lies in the constant and active interaction of all its participants. The joint activity of mastering new material means that everyone makes their own individual contribution to this process, promoting a better exchange of knowledge, ideas, and fundamentals of activity. All this happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual assistance, which allows not only to gain new knowledge, but also to develop the cognitive activity itself, transferring it to a higher level of cooperation and cooperation.

The interactive process is characterized by high intensity of communication, communication, exchange of information, change and variety of activities.

A modern museum should be accessible, and interactive activities achieve this by involving children in the action. Quite a few such activities have been developed.

Interactive classes are most effective in early and middle adolescence. Children want to see themselves not only as spectators, but also as participants in historical events. The fun is not only to look at shop windows, but also to hold the Order of the Red Star in your hands, rock a cradle, sit at a spinning wheel, write in a notebook with a pen, try to play the Pioneer drum and bugle... These activities help to open up the objective world to children, since are built on the basis that students must not only watch and listen, but also actively act, take part in excursions, answer questions, and manipulate museum objects.

A museum exhibit accumulates the knowledge and skills of people of its era; it can also be a kind of portrait of its owner or creator, testify to his needs, tastes, social role, feelings, etc. And the “reincarnation” of the guide into one or another hero: for example, into a peasant woman in folk costume, which, using a large collection of towels or other items of decorative and applied art, talks about the development of various folk crafts in the region and its settlements, is simply delightful for children. Children are immersed in the atmosphere of reality, they become eyewitnesses of those events through the prism of time. Thanks to this, the historical past seems to come closer to the consciousness of students and becomes a real reality for them.

Methods of working with children in a museum can be divided into two large groups: methods based on the primary source of knowledge acquisition and methods based on the nature of mental and cognitive activity. The first group includes verbal, visual, and practical methods. Reproductive, explanatory-illustrative, problem-search, research methods are classified as methods based on the nature of mental and cognitive activity.

Currently, almost all leading museums have abandoned the traditional form of conducting excursions, when the child only passively perceives information without influencing the course of events. Museum employees include a rich range of forms, techniques, and activities.

Interactive and animated methods: tourists not only listen, but also take an active part in the excursion

Conducting excursions in master classes

Costume excursions

Game elements of the excursion

Theatrical reception

Flash - mob, city quest, photo sprint,

Extreme excursions

Virtual excursions

Excursions - adventures

Problem excursions (ecological, social, military-patriotic)


Career guidance

The most common theatrical holidays on the basis of our regional museum “Source of Life” and in the settlements of the region are still popular pagan holidays combined with Orthodox holidays. Thus, the celebration of Maslenitsa takes place in almost all villages; not only schoolchildren of different ages, but also residents of the entire village strive to attend this holiday. Also popular are the holidays of Christmas, Trinity, Ivan Kupala, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker's Day, and Epiphany. IN Lately The most popular Catholic holiday for lovers is Valentine's Day.

In addition to calendar holidays, there are a large number of excursions related to the staging of children's fairy tales.

Among the innovative methods of conducting excursions, it is necessary to dwell on the numerous ethnographic gatherings. In a cozy atmosphere, most often while drinking tea, participants in a theatrical excursion are immersed in the atmosphere of antiquity with the help of museum exhibits, surroundings.

It should be emphasized that it is interactive methods that reveal a new level of museum interactivity, focused on communication in the museum environment, identifying various personality traits and properties through its inclusion in direct activities. Thus, the museum acts as a platform for organizing communication, gets the opportunity to update and change its content, and the museum object becomes a kind of catalyst for communication between different visitors

In the course of interactive museum-pedagogical activities, the personal qualities of students, their ability to speak and present themselves, are actively formed. The use of various kinds of signs, associative symbols, the creation of conditions as close as possible to life situations makes it possible to involuntarily memorize the material and brings the learning process closer to easy perception. Interest in the past is also stimulated, cultural experience is transmitted, and the museum becomes an intermediary between the visitor and the cultural environment.

By using interactive methods when conducting an excursion, you can achieve effective results in educational activities.

As experience shows, today there is a gradual decline in the interest of schoolchildren in traditional excursions, but they have a desire to independently get to know the museum, so interactive forms of working with audiences are becoming increasingly interesting, and the work of local history museums is acquiring a new meaning. Museums design their programs accordingly age characteristics audience, which allows students to gain additional knowledge on the history, culture, and nature of our region. Museums are striving to make more active use of new information technologies. Many have their own Internet sites, which are becoming increasingly interactive, that is, they not only offer information, but also involve them in communication with museums through animated plans and diagrams, games, chats and other “newfangled” means of communication that have become popular among the younger generation. already familiar.

Nowadays, special attention is paid to innovative technologies and interactive methods of conducting excursions. Increasingly, excursion work is becoming very popular, since excursion is one of the leading forms of development of the cultural and educational level of an individual.

Thus, the prospects for the development of museums are closely related to the change in their image, the development of museum communication, and the transformation of museums into a social institution that creates and provides the necessary information and mass accessibility to intellectual, historical, cultural and natural heritage.

Interactive forms of work make it possible to attract various categories of visitors to the museum and interest them. In addition, tourists are left with an indelible impression after visiting the museum festival. Interactive excursions are effective remedy in the fight against the phenomenon of “museum fatigue”. But at the same time, employees should not forget about traditional forms of working with visitors, which remain interesting for an adult audience, experienced visitors, and specialists. Thus, it is the combination of traditional and interactive forms of presenting material that makes it possible to attract new visitors to the museum, awaken interest in the past, and also “raise people with a developed taste for perceiving museum exhibitions.”

1. Znamensky A.V. Modernization of museum activities // Directory of the head of a cultural institution. – 2003, No. 10. – P.70-75

2. Krizhavskikh M.Yu. Museum as a center of additional education // Literary Quarter. –Ekaterinburg, 2008. - No. 13.

3. Leonov E. E. Excursion as a form of communicative approach in a school museum // Science and modernity-2010: collection. Art. based on the results of the VII International. scientific-practical conf. – Novosibirsk: NSTU Publishing House, 2011. – P. 103–106.

4. Mayburova I.B. Museum exhibition as an impulse for children's creativity // Literary Quarter. – Ekaterinburg, 2004. - No. 11.

5. Huuskonen N. M., Glushanok T. M. Practice of excursion activities. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house. Foundation “Gerda”, 2008. – 208 p.

1.4. Excursion method of cognition

In practice, many different methods of cognition are used: inductive, deductive, analytical, synthetic, methods of abstraction, analogy, modeling, generalization, experiment, etc. All these methods are used to one degree or another when conducting excursions.

The term "method" has several meanings:

1) approach to reality, natural and social phenomena;
2) a system of techniques for theoretical research, practical achievement of the set goal, and purposeful implementation of certain work;
3) a means of cognition, a way of reproducing the subject being studied in the mind, constructing and justifying a knowledge system;
4) a method or image of practical actions.

Method in logic it is defined as a set of external, in relation to the material, subjective rules and methods of research, study of specific objects and ordering of the resulting series of thoughts.

The concept of “method” is broader than the concepts of “method” and “technique”. In its simplest form, each technique is like a particle of a method.

In the process of pedagogical and cultural-educational activities, the method is the basis for obtaining new knowledge and forming a person’s moral qualities. The method for activity cannot be chosen arbitrarily. The main requirement for the method is that it must ensure achievement of the goal with the greatest efficiency and the least expenditure of resources.

On excursions, such resources include verbal material (story), objects on display (show), vehicles, and the guide’s working time.

According to their significance and scope of application, all methods used in human activity can be divided into four categories:

A. Dialectical-materialistic method, which is the basis of any cognitive process, regardless of the area where the research takes place. Dialectics is a method of explaining development processes occurring in nature, the universal connections of nature, transitions from one area of ​​study to another.

B. General, formal-logical methods, which serve as the basis for many sciences - analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalization and abstraction, analogies, etc. The general method is formal logic - a method used to find new results, move from the known to the unknown. General methods and their elements are used when conducting excursions.

Excursion analysis is based on the action of methods of analysis and synthesis. The method of analogy is no less actively used in the excursion methodology. Using analogy in show and tell, the guide draws the group’s attention to the similarities and differences of monuments, to the unity of the time of different actions and the place where the objects are located.

Analogy in excursions is not limited to demonstrations of externally similar objects. These can be objects of different shape and structure, but similar in their functions.

B. Concrete historical method- ascent from the abstract to the concrete. This method involves the movement of thought towards a more complete, comprehensive and holistic reproduction of the subject in the human mind. This method allows you to form concepts that reflect individual aspects and properties of an object.

D. Private Methods, which find application in one of the sciences or branches of knowledge, as well as when using various forms of knowledge communication. It is to this category of methods that the excursion method 1 should be classified. In a narrow sense excursion method is a set of methodological techniques that are used on excursions. In a broad sense, this is a complex method; it has a number of features: the selection of the most important and significant in the observed objects; linking the newly studied material with the experience and knowledge previously gained by the excursionists, etc.

The excursion method is characterized by taking into account such features of the excursion as objectivity, material evidence (visibility). The excursion method is built on the primacy (predominance, primary importance) of the display. In most excursions (except literary ones), the positions put forward in the guide’s story are argued using visual evidence. Often the story is only a commentary on the visual characteristics of excursion objects.

Rice. 1.4. Scheme of commentary on the visual characteristics of objects

The excursion method is aimed at studying the main thing in the topic. He allows individual aspects to be highlighted and studied in more depth, the whole to be divided into separate parts, but on condition that a close connection between them is maintained. The reason for calling the excursion method complex is that it organically combines teaching methods and educational methods.

It should be noted that scientific excursionists saw the novelty and originality of this method not in the totality of methods that make up a single complex method, but in something completely different. Some considered motority (i.e., the movement of excursionists) to be the main feature of the excursion method. Professor I.M. Greve saw the essence of this method in the formula: “travelling is the soul of excursion™.” In the early 20s, a prominent excursion specialist N.A. Geinike noted that among methodologists there is no complete unity in the definition of what an excursion method is 1.

Professor B.E. Raikov in the book “Methods and Technology of Excursions” wrote: “By excursion we mean the study of objects at their natural location (local principle) and in connection with the movement of one’s place in space (motor principle). These are the two principles. , closely related to each other, and constitute the essence of the excursion method." He called the excursion method one of the types of active-motor assimilation of knowledge. The importance of the excursion method was emphasized in a number of his works 2. It is more logical to adopt another definition: excursion- a form of knowledge dissemination and education based on the excursion method. Many years of excursion practice allows us to conclude that the excursion method is visual, unlike verbal and practical methods. Characterizing this method as a comprehensive way of understanding the reality surrounding a person, it is necessary to see the connection between the concept of “concreteness” and the principle of clarity. Excursion display in most cases should be understood as a complex multilateral process of implementing the principle of visibility. The complex nature of the excursion method is also expressed in the fact that knowledge of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world takes place with the participation of all human senses.

The learned guide V.I. Ado noted the following advantages of the excursion method: a research element in the work of students; a living, concrete and vital study of the past; comprehensive perception of the object; increased interest in the work and, based on this, a more in-depth and lasting assimilation of the material.

In most excursion work features of the excursion method are considered in relation to educational work with students. In fact, this method underlies all excursion work, regardless of which circle of participants it covers - children or adults.

Thus, excursion method is the basis of the excursion process and is a set of methods and techniques for communicating knowledge. The basis of the totality is: visibility; a mandatory combination of two elements - showing and telling; optimal interaction of three components - the guide, excursion objects and tourists; movement of tourists (motority) along a certain route in order to study objects at their natural location. The complex nature of the excursion method is expressed in the action of mechanisms for communicating knowledge by the guide and assimilating this knowledge by excursionists.

Almost all excursion theory is just an analysis of the action of the excursion method. The purpose of the excursion method is training (transfer of a certain system of knowledge) and education (formation of a comprehensively developed personality).

Unlike educational institution Education on an excursion takes place during training, in the process of communicating with excursion objects, during the guide’s story and his actions when showing objects. The content of the knowledge conveyed by the guide develops in students a certain approach to explaining natural phenomena, understanding the course and logic of the development of society, and leads to an assessment historical events.

Currently, excursion institutions in their activities are guided by the following basic principles:

A) any excursion is based on one excursion method of communicating knowledge;
b) show and tell - components of the excursion and main elements;
c) movement (motority) is one of the signs of an excursion;
d) the excursion methodology is a private methodology and consists of two parts - a methodology for preparing and a methodology for conducting excursions;
e) the methodology for conducting excursions is a set of methodological techniques for showing excursion objects and telling about them and the events associated with them.


All excursions are based on the use of a special comprehensive method, which is based on a combination of traditional pedagogical methods of teaching and education. The difference is that they are used with a greater degree of clarity. In this case, not only the logical unity of teaching and upbringing methods is of decisive importance, but also the action of those laws that are their driving force.

The excursion method, being an active method of practical actions of the guide and excursionists, creates conditions for their communication with objects and for the organized and effective activities of excursionists. The experience of excursion work convincingly demonstrates that only those excursions achieve their goals that are built taking into account the features and requirements of the excursion method.

Control questions

1. The concept of "method". Types of methods.
2. Excursion method, its meaning, purpose and objectives.
3. Features of the excursion method.
4. Requirements of the excursion method.
5. Features of the excursion.