Dear king tell me dear you love me online. King of Diamonds, tell me dear, you love me. Fortune telling on cards for a guy. Fortune telling on cards for a loved one

Some of you, dear readers, believe in fortune telling, others consider them to be remnants of pagan culture, or simply do not recognize fortune telling as one of the ways to look into your own future. But do you remember the times when playing cards with your friends was as natural an event in your life as going to the shower every morning? And today I invite you to remember the so-called half-joking (not entirely serious) fortune telling.

I’ll give you a positive example, after which I decided to write a continuation of my article about. So, having found in parental home my first fortune-telling records and throwing cards “on the king”, a week later I became convinced of the correctness of this seemingly frivolous and not very smart layout. Yes, yes, one of my regular clients turned out to be in love with me and invited me on a date, and it was the “king” whom I sympathized with, as the cards predicted, and did not pay attention to me.

Well, let’s begin our navigation through the world of card fortune-telling, in which, on the one hand, you want to believe and believe, but on the other hand, you doubt it, thinking: is it really possible that such simple layouts in terms of technique and interpretation of meanings can tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

Let me remind you that before you start doing any of the proposed layouts, you need to shuffle the deck, and then remove part of it with the little finger of your left hand (for left-handers, on the contrary, the right one).

Fortune telling No. 1. For a guy

1. You guess the guy's name when you take it off.

2. You lay out the cards for the name, leaving up to one whole deck.

3. You gradually open the cards, and if, for example, 10 Ace 10 comes up, then you remove them.

4. Look at the values.

Meanings of the “For a guy” layout:

6 6 6 – The road with him;
6 7 6 – Your dream will come true;
6 8 6 – You will be with him again;
6 9 6 – He doesn’t want to think about you;
6 10 6 – He often, too often, thinks about you;
6 Jack 6 - He is angry with you;
6 Lady 6 – He considers you the most beautiful;
6 King 6 – He thinks you are his love;
6 Ace 6 - He was glad to suddenly meet (or get to know) you.

7 6 7 – You will remain in his memory for a long time;
7 7 7 – He will bring home another girl;
7 8 7 – He is jealous;
7 9 7 – He loves you;
7 10 7 – Unfortunately, he thinks about someone else, and not about you;
7 Jack 7 – The guy practically hates you;
7 Lady 7 – Loves!
7 King 7 – This young man wants to date you;
7 Ace 7 - The suffering of a young man because of love, but it is unknown - because of love for whom.

8 6 8 – Oh, how he wants to meet;
8 7 8 - You will have a date;
8 8 8 – This man is following you: don’t you notice it?
8 9 8 – He will invite you to slow dance;
8 10 8 – It’s sad, but yours is a foregone conclusion;
8 Jack 8 – He likes another girl, and don’t think twice about whether she’s blonde or brunette. Because you are still better and will still meet your boyfriend;
8 Lady 8 - Soon you will have a conversation with your lover, perhaps by telephone;
8 King 8 – He doesn’t believe in your ardent feelings;
8 Ace 8 – The desire to kiss you is the strongest...

9 6 9 – He sincerely despises you;
9 7 9 – You are just a sex toy for him;
9 8 9 – He misses you;
9 9 9 – The young man only respects you;
9 10 9 – He doesn’t notice you at all;
9 Jack 9 – He is burned from the inside by jealousy;
9 Lady 9 – Wants a date;
9 King 9 – The young man is waiting for news from you;
9 Ace 9 – He talks about you with his friends.

10 6 10 – He likes you;
10 7 10 – The one you consider to be your rival does not arouse any interest in your chosen one;
10 8 10 – He will go to the cinema with you;
10 9 10 – He will come to ask for forgiveness;
10 10 10 – Strong friendship awaits you;
10 Jack 10 - This guy will give you flowers or a small gift in the near future;
10 Lady 10 - Be on alert: you may get into a fight;
10 King 10 – You are his ghostly dream;
10 Ace 10 – Your rival will interfere with your communication with him.

Jack * Jack

Jack 6 Jack - He will go to another;
Jack 7 Jack - You will make him angry;
Jack 8 Jack - The guy won’t come for a good reason;
Jack 9 Jack - Even if he forgets about you, a kind fairy angel in human form will remind this guy of your existence;
Jack 10 Jack - Strong resentment towards you;
Jack Jack Jack - When meeting you, he will love someone else;
Jack Queen Jack - The young man is jealous of your friend;
Jack King Jack - Your quarrel is inevitable;
Jack Ace Jack - Possible profanity during parting, as well as assault.

Queen * Queen

Lady 6 Lady - This boy will soon forget about your appearance in his life;
Lady 7 Lady - He considers you unworthy of himself;
Lady 8 Lady – Your meeting-date;
Lady 9 Lady - He is afraid to approach you;
Lady 10 Lady – Thinks he is unworthy of you;
Queen Jack Queen - His close friend likes you, not himself;
Lady Lady Lady - There is interest in you, but there is also a certain secret from you, that is, not everything is as simple as you think;
Lady King Lady - he thinks that you are busy and does not dare to interfere in an existing relationship;
Queen Ace Queen - You will meet your loved one on the street or at a party with friends.

King * King

King 6 King - Your lover often dreams of you;
King 7 King - In the heart of this man there is sadness for you;
Kool 8 King - Strongly desires a date;
King 9 King – Declares his love;
King 10 King - The guy really loves you;
King Jack King - Darlings scold - only amuse themselves;
King Lady King – Passionate kiss;
King King King - He became interested in you;
King Ace King - This young man is delighted with you.

Ace * Ace

Ace 6 Ace - You will be very happy with him;
Ace 7 Ace - close;
Ace 8 Ace - The chosen one writes about his love for you, perhaps in poetry;
Ace 9 Ace – Your destiny is to be his best friend, but not beloved;
Ace 10 Ace - Tormented, suffering through your fault;
Ace Jack Ace - The young man likes someone else and it seems that she is your friend;
Ace Queen Ace - One of your female friends is preventing you and this guy from getting back together, despite your mutual love for each other;
Ace King Ace - Feels that life without you loses all meaning;
Ace Ace Ace - Loves you.

Fortune telling No. 2. So-and-so king, tell me...

Layout technique:

“Such and such a king” - you say, removing the first card from the deck;
“Tell me, dear” - taking off the second;
"Do you love me?" - to the third;
“I love you,” you say, taking the fourth card;
“With all my heart” - on the fifth;
“With all my soul” - on the sixth;
“But there is someone better than you,” you finish saying this on the seventh card.


1. If you get “Say, darling” or “Do you love me?” together with the hidden king (for example, diamonds), then the person you mean by this suit has not yet decided on his feelings towards you.

2. And if “So-and-so is the king” comes up, then the relationship between you is just beginning to take shape, so you shouldn’t think too much ahead.

3. The phrases “I love you”, “With all my heart”, “With all my soul” speak about a person’s love for you in one form or another.

4. “But there is someone better than you” comes out when you have one or when a man is seriously infatuated with another lady.

To be continued...

On playing cards for the king - one of the most famous and popular fortune telling today. Such fortune telling is especially popular during the New Year holidays and Christmas week. This is love fortune telling and is popular among girls. There are several types of fortune telling about the king. It can be performed on a variety of card decks.

Layout "Communication"

Has your chosen one started to move away from you? This fortune telling will help you find out what your chosen one is thinking about, what is going on with him now?

Fortune telling occurs when they tell fortunes about kings of different suits of cards. Depending on the situation. For diamonds, hearts, spades and crosses. A layout of this kind will tell you about your feelings for your chosen one, about his feelings for you. And, naturally, about what will happen between you later.

Fortune telling is carried out like this. A deck of cards is taken and the cards are shuffled. To tell fortunes from the deck you need to pull out the one you need. King of Diamonds pulled out if your chosen young man does not have a wife and is young and also good-looking.

Those fortunetelling about middle-aged or married need to choose king of hearts. Do you love an old man, an older man, or a man who already had a wife, but divorced her? Then feel free to take it king of clubs. Well, and finally king of spades. It is chosen if the chosen one is old or his wife has died.

The king is placed on the table. The deck is shuffled again. Your actions should continue to be like this. Listen to your inner voice and intuition and draw eight cards from the deck. We open the cards. The first and second are placed to the left of the king. The third and fourth ones go on top. We place the fifth and sixth cards to the right of the king. And we place the last two cards at the bottom.

The layout is ready. Each card will tell you something:

  • First the card will tell about the past.
  • Second will warn about a specific event that indicates the sphere of influence of the chosen one, will show what he is doing and what he is doing.
  • Third the card speaks of the present.
  • Fourth will indicate what you do together.
  • Fifth the card will tell you about the future, how the chosen one will influence him.
  • Sixth the card will tell you whether this future will be common to you.
  • Seventh the card will tell you about the man’s feelings towards you, answer the question - “What does he think about you?”
  • Eighth about how you feel about him and what you think about.

Simple fortune telling for the king

This fortune telling can be done on playing cards of any type; the deck will answer what is in your loved one’s heart and how you should behave with him. There is no need to learn to guess, everything is extremely simple, anyone can figure it out. All you need is a deck of 36 playing cards and your imagination. The deck of cards is in your hands for a short time. At the same time, you should imagine the face of your loved one.

Shuffle the cards and in your thoughts ask the question: “What awaits me with this person?” Start with the very first card (the one at the top above the others), start laying them out, turning them over as you do so. When you turn over the cards, say: six, seven, eight, nine, jack, queen, king, ace. Those cards that match your spoken words are put aside. Thus, you need to go through the entire deck of cards.

Let's assume such a moment. Not a single card came out at the same time as what you said. This will mean that the future with your loved one is uncertain, or it will not exist at all.

Card designation


  • Six. A date awaits you.
  • Seven. You will have a good and pleasant time in the company of your chosen one.
  • Eight. Satisfaction from communication. Perhaps even of a scrupulous nature with hints of intimacy.
  • Nine. He confesses to you that he loves you very much.
  • Ten. The man of your dreams will ask you to marry him.
  • Jack. An uninvited guest will interrupt your date.
  • Lady. He has one or a favorite.
  • King. A new lover, the person you are wondering about. Because of it, you can forget the one you love now.
  • Ace. Letter of love.


  • Six. An enjoyable trip with your loved one.
  • Seven. You have a rival.
  • Eight. Hateful feelings.
  • Nine. There may be an obstacle on the way to your loved one.
  • Ten. Expect a gift, a gift.
  • Jack. A person you completely trust.
  • Lady. You yourself will cheat on him.
  • King. A lover who will be rejected.
  • Ace. You will remain friends.


  • Six. The date will fail, and the trip will be useless and unnecessary.
  • Seven. Flirting and sympathy.
  • Eight. Tears await you. You will cry.
  • Nine. Negative consequences of the past.
  • Ten. Deception and false hopes.
  • Jack. An enemy who cares about you.
  • Lady. You will be his faithful girlfriend.
  • King. Rival. He will ruin your relationship.
  • Ace. Sad news, a disaster that destroys everything.


  • Six. You will be on the road together, but you will not know happiness.
  • Seven. You'll have a big fight.
  • Eight. An unpleasant conversation will end in tears.
  • Nine. You won't be friends. Beloved ones too.
  • Ten. Fierce enemies.
  • Jack. You've got a liar.
  • Lady. Evil or rival.
  • King. A rival who will ruin plans and relationships.
  • Ace. Trouble, sad news.

These fortune telling often come true. We live in a world of information, which is energy, and we ourselves do not notice the magic happening around us. Guess, and you will learn a lot of new, unusual, interesting things about yourself and your loved ones.

Women's free online fortune telling “For the King” got its name thanks to the special technique of this layout. Previously this love fortune telling Gypsy fortune tellers used playing cards to answer the question about the relationship of a beloved man to a woman in love with him. In this way they used to tell fortunes about a husband, a boyfriend, a man they liked, a partner in a love union, a person of interest.

To tell fortunes on the king and find out whether your loved one loves you, you need to take a deck of 36 playing cards and shuffle it, after setting aside 4 Kings (King of Spades, King of Clubs, King of Diamonds and King of Hearts). Make a wish for a loved one on one of the set aside king cards and remember the card. After this, the “Kings” are put back into the deck and it is carefully shuffled again.

After such preparation for fortune-telling “For the King,” cards are taken out of the deck one by one (starting from the top), saying the following words to each: “My dear King - answer, dear - do you love me? - I love you - with all my heart - and with all my soul... - There are probably better people than you. “My dear King—answer, dear...”. So the cards are removed from the deck until the king card on which they wished for a loved one is revealed.

As the name suggests, women's free online fortune telling with playing cards “For the King” is intended exclusively for girls and women who want to find out if their loved one loves and get an answer to the question: "How he treats me?". This card fortune telling for love is known to many, but probably only some fans of virtual cards know about it.

To get started online fortune telling, think of a person and choose one of the 4 Kings by clicking on the card with the mouse.

Girls have always been interested in the question of whether someone sighs for them on dark evenings, whether their feelings are reciprocated. But how to find out about this is scary to ask directly. It’s good that there are fortune telling on cards for a guy, you can tell fortunes online, you can also turn to professionals. But why trust your feelings to a stranger or a soulless machine, because you can tell your fortune yourself.

Fortune telling for a guy's name using playing cards

For this fortune telling you need to know full name guy and all the time of fortune-telling, think intensely about him, imagine his appearance. A shuffled deck of 36 cards needs to be divided into as many parts as there are letters in the guy's full name. When the entire deck is laid out, you need to look at the suit of the bottom cards, if the one you are guessing about has fair hair, then the suit should be red, if the hair is dark, then black. In the event that the suits do not match, such cards must be put aside until the “correct” one.

Now the cards need to be carefully collected, without mixing, and again laid out face down, but this time the name should be a diminutive, the one by which it is more often called. After the cards are laid out, you need to take the first pile and place them one by one on the remaining ones. Repeat this until there are two stacks left. Now start turning over 2 cards at a time, putting cards with the same value (2 tens, 2 jacks, etc.) aside. After this, you can begin to interpret.

Two sixes mean marriage, four – fidelity.

Two sevens – a meeting, four – a date.

Two eights - conversation, four quarrels.

Two nines are love, four is the greatest love in life.

Two tens – interest, four – calculation.

Two jacks means trouble, four means a lot of empty trouble.

Two ladies are hopes, four are gossip.

Two kings - strong friendship, four - brotherhood.

Two aces - physical intimacy, four -.

Fortune telling for a guy's love using playing cards

Shuffle a deck of 36 cards and remove them with your left hand towards your heart. Make a wish for the king of the desired suit. If the one you are guessing on is young, then it should be the king of diamonds, if not free - the king of hearts, if older and occupies an important position - the king of clubs, and if you don’t know him well, then the king of spades. Mentally focus on your lover and slowly place the cards on the table, saying for each card:

"The suit of the king" is the king,

Tell me dear

Do you love me?

With all my heart,

I love you.

With all my soul,

But there are others better than you.

Continue laying out cards until the chosen king is revealed. If it came out with the words “Say dear” or “Do you love me,” then the object has not yet figured out his feelings. If the king lands on the first phrase, then they love you.

Fortune telling for 4 jacks

This card fortune telling for a guy’s love will help those who have 4 candidates for the role of the only one.

Assign a person’s name to each jack; you don’t have to follow the “suit-age/position” rules, but do it in any order. After this, select all the jacks from the deck and shuffle them. When they are thoroughly mixed, place these cards face down in a horizontal row.

Now shuffle the remaining 32 cards and place them face down in rows under the jacks. As a result, there will be 8 rows of 4 cards each. Remove pairs of cards of equal value lying next to each other in vertical rows under the jacks. If the first one matches card in a vertical row with the last card in the same row, then they are also removed. All pairs are placed on the jack under which they were found. When all pairs have been removed, the deck must be assembled and the layout repeated 3 more times. After this, you can open the jacks and look at the interpretation of the paired cards.

  1. Sixes are the road, he wants to visit you.
  2. Sevens - he is waiting for a meeting.
  3. Eights - wait for an important conversation.
  4. Nines - they love you.
  5. Dozens - he is openly interested in you.
  6. Ladies - he already has a sweetheart, nothing will happen to you.
  7. Kings - he you.
  8. Aces - he probably has a passion for you.

Of course, these are not all fortune telling for love, but these are the simplest options that even a novice fortune teller can handle.

    Does anyone know why cards need to be shuffled only with the left hand? Where did this come from? I see women in villages doing similar arrangements all the time. Whether they come true or not, they don’t say)

    I, like any girl of my age, really like to make out with guys. I have a lot of friends and fans, and I am always interested in how this or that person treats me and whether it is worth planning any relationship with him that goes beyond friendship. It’s always better to check than to regret your actions later. And there are so many useful layouts!

    I remember wondering, but the scheme was different - that’s why it didn’t work out, probably =)) And thank you for this article, I tried it using it and it turned out to be both more interesting and closer to the truth. Only the young man’s hair color didn’t quite match, but that’s because he dyes it, I think that’s why it is so. And in the long term, so far everything is coming true, I hope it will continue to be so! Love and happiness to you!

    I have been interested in fortune telling with cards for a long time. Even as a child, I often told fortunes with my friends. Now sometimes I wonder too. Very interesting article, I learned a lot of new things.

    Like most young girls, I like to tell fortunes for my beloved from time to time. But I don’t know much fortune telling. only 2) It’s good that I found an article about fortune telling using ordinary cards. I learned a lot of new things! Fortune telling is described in detail and clearly. Well, I’m off and running, I’ll tell my fortune, I’ll suddenly find out about my soulmate)

    I generally love playing cards, solitaire is my weakness) it’s just a pleasure to shake the decks in my hands. If even the most ordinary cards fall into my hands, I will definitely spread them out)) and then I believe in what they show, and even often comes true))

    Fortune-telling is described everywhere, but mostly these are either very “childish” options or very “serious” ones using special fortune-telling decks. I only have playing cards at home and I always wanted to try to tell fortunes with them and find out what awaits me. I will definitely try all the options! Does anyone know if I need a new deck of cards or if I can use the one I was playing with?

    It turns out there are so many guesses about the guy. You can get a lot of information about a guy’s attitude towards you, about your future with him. Very interesting methods of fortune telling with cards, I will definitely try them. Cards provide answers to the most intimate questions. This is time-tested. After all, sometimes it’s interesting to find out what awaits you in the future with your beloved man, what a man wants from you and what challenges await you ahead or happy moments. Believe in the power of cards. When used correctly, they rarely make mistakes.

    I had no idea that there were so many ways to find out your fate, tell fortunes about your betrothed, about your already loved one, and everything! Such interesting ways of fortune telling on cards. I already knew some of it, but there is still so much unknown! I agree with the statement that cards should be trusted. After all, they will really tell the truth and will always help!

    Thanks for the info! As a child, we always used cards to tell fortunes by the name of a guy we liked! It was very interesting! I couldn’t even think that such a method really existed (I thought as a child that someone just invented it for fun). But it turns out it's true! Not only that, there are many more ways to tell fortunes with cards, which I learned from this article

    I went to a fortune teller a couple of times and she told me three husbands using cards! Of course, I’m shocked, I always considered myself a monogamous person and wanted to have only one husband! I really hope that she was wrong. Now I want to try to tell fortunes myself, today I’ll go, buy cards and have a fortune telling evening with my sister! Your article was very useful and clear, thank you very much! Everyone Have a good day!

    You know, I have always been a skeptic in such matters. But at one time, events in life led me in despair to cards. Now I can say that I was shocked by what I heard and returned to fortune telling a couple of times. Because it warned me against certain events that influenced the subsequent outcome in life. After that, I am very respectful. I don’t understand how this is possible, but I checked it on myself.

    So interesting. I remembered that in childhood, during my school years, we used to guess the name, it’s very similar in description, but how we knew this, I can’t even remember. But after reading the article, I wanted to buy cards))) Only for a guy, otherwise my husband wouldn’t understand)) and to see about our future life. There are some interesting questions. And my husband definitely won’t let me go to someone.

    They guessed four times. The first time everything came true, after which I understood. how important this assistant is, and more like psychological help, cards constantly help me overcome all sorts of crises, they show me where I will find it, where I will lose it... the only time it didn’t come true was that the fortune teller said that the MC would return to me after a specific date. Thus, she helped me, I calmed down, because... I couldn’t find a place for myself, but when he didn’t return, the wounds had more or less healed…. and I was still grateful to her for her help. One thing I understood is that you must always be prepared for such knowledge, because if you are not ready to hear everything, then it is better not to try.

    Twice I was told fortunes using ordinary cards; not everything came true, but a lot came true. What was happening now at that moment was said everything clearly, but the future did not come true. I admit that we are still changing our destiny. In general, it is interesting that the present can be analyzed very accurately, but predictions for the future do not always come true in the specified time period.

    I once had a fortune told by my hand (I went to her not because of problems, but because of great curiosity)... a really unfamiliar aunt (in the sense of a person who saw me for the first time) looked at my hand with a magnifying glass and said almost everything about me as it is... I was in a slight shock... at that time I had not yet studied anything, neither cards nor astrology, but I was directly “drawn” in that direction... and when this woman told me that I would “find what I was looking for” - it just inspired me and I I flew from her like on wings, although I didn’t feel any certainty about this at the time... Now, a year later, I’ve delved deeply into this topic.

    And my friend’s grandmother always tells fortunes using cards when we come to visit her. Everything comes true for everyone. First, she talks about the past, making your hair stand on end. I ask how she knows this, and she answers that the cards speak. Then about the future: he describes his future husband, says how many children he will have. And I believe her, because for many, as she said, everything, as she said, has already come true.

    I didn’t know there were so many fortune telling for guys! Very interesting, I succeeded in finding the guy I wanted that he loves. I believe this is true. I have much more confidence in card layouts, even on the Internet, than in reading information by hand; it always scared me personally.

    Previously, I didn’t believe in all this and had a negative attitude, but after some events that happened with friends, I reconsidered my point of view. Somehow I found myself in such a difficult situation, which led me to fortune telling with cards. Everything was so plausible that after that incident she resorted to fortune telling by cards more than once.

    When I was not yet married, a grandmother-fortune teller in the village laid out everything on the cards for me so that it was scary to live further. I guessed everything well, I was just afraid that it might not come true. And in some situations, she seemed to warn me from bad things, saved me. After that, I really trust card layouts, especially in the area of ​​relationships.

    After this article I wanted to buy cards and remember adolescence my, oh, how much excitement and worry there was back then, how I wanted to find out the truth from a deck of cards, I constantly laid them out with my friends. And I had to take information from libraries and on the sly from my parents, for some reason they didn’t welcome this, but my friends and I did it all the time, thanks for the memories it brought back!

    To be honest, at first I was busy laying out the cards out of boredom, but then I noticed that from time to time, seemingly “comic” predictions tend to come true. And now I look at this whole thing differently; for the last 5 years, in difficult situations in my life, I immediately turn to the cards, see how best to act and behave.

    I was guessing the guy's name. It didn’t work out the first time, only the 3rd time everything worked out as it should, as it is, but I’m afraid to guess about the future, what if something bad happens, and then I’ll wait for something to happen. My friends were guessing, they liked it and everything came true. We'll be guessing Christmas time soon.

    3 years ago I had a book on fortune telling; a friend gave it to me. There are exactly the same layouts of cards and meanings, I wondered, it turned out that a happy marriage awaits, and marriage. But I didn’t have to wait long, I married my husband, we are already expecting a baby and I still use cards. I don't let anyone touch them.

    I sat with my friends and read it, but as soon as I left the site, I started discussing it and decided to guess. While we were buying cards, my friend was left alone. I told myself all sorts of things on playing cards; the whole room played with these cards. How should she accept this? Do the cards lie or not? Because we read that no one should touch them.

    Fortune telling on cards has long been known as the most quick way know the past and future. Many fortune tellers say and write that if there is a virgin on the cards, then the cards will tell only the truth and will never be mistaken. As always, the cards are often old and make mistakes. It’s better to make cards yourself and guess.

    The fortune telling is written clearly, I tried it on the guy’s relationship with me, but it turned out to be a rival. I didn’t believe it, everything was perfect with him, we walked together in a cafe and visited friends, but a month later he said that he was leaving for his ex. Because she's pregnant. When I came home and saw the cards, I took them and spread them out again and saw this lady very close. So it works.

    I also like to tell fortunes using ordinary cards; they are always at hand, but I don’t allow anyone to take them. I’ve been guessing since I was young, my grandmother gave me a book with an interpretation, I gradually learned everything and now I can guess without these notes. Like a real fortune teller) My girlfriends always come to me for Christmas, we spend time with pleasure - telling fortunes and dreaming.

    I tried to guess how the young man feels about you. The Lady fell out - beware of your opponent. The appearance of this card may indicate either another woman, or some person who has designs on your lover. I was very upset, I didn’t notice anything like that about him. Now I will watch and follow (

    I liked fortune telling by the 4 Kings and fortune telling by the name of a young man. Only in the article everything is written correctly, you need to carry out the ritual in a calm, balanced state and always alone. That's why I don't like it when people gather around Christmas and tell fortunes. I think this is an intimate process.

    There are so many options, it's dizzying. Words cannot express how grateful I am to you for such a useful article. I use a special deck, store it in a secluded place and lay it out when I’m alone. It turns out that I had done everything correctly before, and now I am convinced that I was right.

    I didn’t think that telling fortunes for Friday the 13th is not only possible, but also necessary. I haven’t liked this day since school, something always happened. and here's some advice. It’s a pity that the next Friday falls on the thirteenth only in July, maybe some special prediction awaits. I'll have to try it.

    I remember those times when at school we collected various fortune-telling stories and wrote them down in a special notebook, decorated it in different ways and kept it as a treasure. And now, everything is so simple: you set a parameter and find the necessary options for fortune telling, especially since you can not only try it in real life, but also online, great!

    This year there was no Epiphany frost at all. But we still told our fortunes. I don’t know whether it will come true or not)) We’ll wait)