Transparent heart emoticon. What do hearts in VK of different colors mean? lines

When the Heart symbol appeared, how many people know what this sign originally meant? Most likely, few people have thought about this, it would seem an obvious question.

Symbol Hearts are known perhaps in all countries of the world without exception. It carries only positive emotions and is entrenched in our minds as a symbol of goodness, mercy and, of course, love.
Doctors and people in general who have at least a little knowledge of medicine are aware that the generally accepted image of the Heart has nothing in common with the real human Heart.

There are several versions of the origin of the Heart symbol

Yet where did this romantic symbol first appear? After all, it is known that this sign is understood by all peoples of the world. In general, there are a huge number of versions of where and when the image of the Heart arose, the way we know it now.

First version. The most common version is the one that includes swans. Pay attention to the swans that are swimming across the lake towards each other, or rather to their necks and the position of their heads, and gradually the Heart symbol will appear before your eyes.
According to researchers, swans are distinguished by their strong attachment to one partner; they choose their soul mate once and for all. Although among animals and birds this is a rather rare occurrence. Perhaps this is why the symbol formed by swans facing each other is associated with devotion and love.

Second version. The appearance of the Heart symbol in Ancient Rome And Ancient Greece, citizens have always been attracted and surprised by the ability of ivy to entwine all objects nearby. For this reason, they graphically depicted an ivy leaf, which in its own way appearance very similar to the image of the Heart, as we imagine it today. These drawings were usually created over tombstones as a symbol of eternal love. Probably since then, the designation of the Heart symbol has become a symbol of affection and love.

Third version. There is another interesting version of the origin of this romantic sign. IN Ancient India the Heart symbol did not originally exist. In a similar way, the Indians depicted the feminine and masculine aura. They assumed many thousands of years ago that each person has his own energetic aura. Accordingly, when two loving souls unite, their auras also merge, forming a figure resembling modern designation Heart symbol.

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Smilies – great way conveying our emotions, desires, attitudes towards people or things. They allow you to add color to dry text lines, add positivity or sadness to them, and make even the most ordinary text more complete, bright and colorful. Quite often you can find emoticons on the popular social network Vkontakte, where there are literally hundreds of different emoji options for the user to choose from. At the same time, quite often we can see hearts in user messages. And many of us often don't know what they mean. Below we will look at what exactly hearts mean on the VK social network different colors. And also in what cases they should be used.

Why are hearts of different colors needed in VK?

With the help of emoji we can express our feelings in correspondence. However, nothing can replace the symbol of the heart, which since ancient times has been considered an expression of sympathy and love. Let's look at why such multi-colored emoticons were created on VK.

What does a yellow heart mean on VKontakte?

Yellow color is a sign of friendship. This can be either a romantic friendship or a friend zone. When a girl cannot be with a guy for various reasons, she chooses friendship and sends the guy a yellow heart on VK. In words it sounds like “let's remain friends.”

Orange Heart Meaning

An orange heart symbolizes that you are no longer just friends, but a little more. Usually it is sent on VKontakte after the first date, signifying a transition to a new format of your relationship. Sending such an emoticon may mean that your interlocutor wants more, hopes for more, and is waiting for reciprocal steps from you. Whether to go for them is up to you to decide.

What does green mean?

Receiving a green heart means an official proposal to date. And this is where emoticons of different colors often help. If you were previously interested in dating and communication, then receiving a green heart in a correspondence on VK is an invitation to a date with all the ensuing steps. All that remains is to think about the proposal, agree or refuse, giving reasons for your answer if possible, so that in case of refusal you do not offend your interlocutor.

Purple heart on VKontakte

Purple color means deep sympathy. An emoticon with such a heart is sent in a situation where we have positive feelings towards this person. We have respect for him (her), we wish him happiness, appreciation, gratitude and other positive emotions. Receiving a purple heart on VKontakte means that we are not indifferent to the person, we want to continue our communication, acquaintance and further meetings.

Pink hearts in VK of different colors and shapes

Various versions of the pink heart in VK are associated with the characteristics of manifestations of romantic feelings and emotions. They have different variants, are responsible for different aspects of romanticism, which are usually present in the image of this emoticon.

In particular, the following pink emoticons are popular:

Pink hearts on VKontakte with transcript

Receiving one of these emojis signals positivity in your romantic relationship. It remains to wish you to receive more such hearts.

What does the color blue symbolize in emoji?

Receiving a blue heart in VK means the interlocutor’s desire to go to the carnal level and make love to you. This is a sexual and sensual context, and is usually sent in a situation where you have already gotten to know each other.

If you send such an emoticon to an unfamiliar girl, then in most cases this can be perceived as tactlessness and rudeness on your part. A backlash against you is possible.

Black Heart on VKontakte

Black color in European culture is inextricably linked with negativity and death. Therefore, receiving a black heart in VK means a desire to end your relationship, their rejection, refusal to continue the romance. In some cases, this can also signal that your partner is dissatisfied with something in your communication or relationship, anger, disappointment, or other negative emotions.

When receiving not a colored, but a black heart in VK, it is worth finding out from your interlocutor what caused such emotions in him, and how you can restore the previous favorable communication. Constructiveness and the search for common ground are always valued in relationships, and perhaps your interlocutor will be happy to meet you.


In our material, we looked at what exactly hearts in the VK social network of different colors mean. And also what emotions they convey and for what purposes they are used. Use them in accordance with the meaning we have outlined, this will allow you to avoid ambiguity in communication and build the dialogue the way you need. Good luck with your correspondence.

Heart symbol

Heart symbol( ) - a symbol in the form (shape) of a heart. Used to denote love.

Versions of origin

  • A pair of swans swimming towards each other form a heart shape at the moment they touch. Swans are a symbol of love, loyalty and devotion, since the formed couple remains together for life, which is extremely rare in the animal world.


  • To visually denote the verb "to love". For example: “I love you” = “I love you.”
  • As a symbol of love, it is depicted on gift products: postcards, toys, chocolates, etc. When celebrating Valentine's Day, it is customary to give cards in the shape of a heart - “Valentines”. Gifts in the shape of a heart are also customary to give to loved ones on birthdays and other holidays.
  • The sign schematically represents the heart - an organ of the circulatory system.
  • IN computer games hearts can represent “lives.”
  • On playing cards The heart symbol represents the hearts suit.
On playing cards, the heart symbol represents the hearts suit.

Computer code

The heart is usually represented by an emoji as . Unicode has several symbols to represent it:

Style Description HTML code Alt codes

Mathematical description

There are several mathematical formulas that lead to the formation of curves similar to the heart symbol. The most famous of them is the cardioid, which is a special case of Pascal's snail, epicycloid and sine spiral. Other curves, such as (x2+y2−1)3−x2y3=0, can provide a better approximation of the heart shape.

Construction of a cardioid (animation) y = 1 2 | x | ± 1 − 3 4 x 2 (\displaystyle y=(\frac (1)(2))\left|x\right|\pm (\sqrt (1-(\frac (3)(4))x^( 2)))) (x 2 + y 2 − 1) 3 − x 2 y 3 = 0 (\displaystyle (x^(2)+y^(2)-1)^(3)-x^(2)y^(3) =0) (16 sin 3 ⁡ t 13 cos ⁡ t − 5 cos ⁡ 2 t − 2 cos ⁡ 3 t − cos ⁡ 4 t) (\displaystyle \textstyle (\binom (16\sin ^(\scriptscriptstyle 3)t)(13 \cos ()t-5\cos 2t-2\cos 3t-\cos 4t)))

How to put a heart in “Contact”, or all about the “hearts” of the system

A long time ago, you could come across a question on the Internet about how to put a heart in “Contact”. Nowadays it is asked less often, and for the most part only by those who are starting to get acquainted with the social network. Let's see what it is.

What is this?

What do the hearts mean in Contact? Let's take a closer look at this part of the social network. To do this, you need to understand what the heart symbolizes here.

The hearts themselves are a manifestation of love or sympathy. So, hearts in in social networks- these are the so-called “likes”. Translated from English, this means that in this way people leave tags on posts and photos that they like. How to put a heart in “Contact”? In general, there are several ways. But first, let's look at where these elements can appear on a social network page.

Everywhere and always

The world is constantly and actively developing. With it, new technologies are also being developed. This is what made people a little lazy. Emoticons are now used instead of emotions, and “likes” and “hearts” are used instead of words of approval. But where can you see them?

If you look closely, you will notice that “hearts” are present in many places on the social network. After the user figures out how to put a heart in “Contact”, he quite often begins to “like” files and posts of other users.

So, you can see an image of a heart near posts on the wall, under photographs, uploaded pictures, videos, in groups and communities, polls and notes. That is, almost any action in Contact can actually be approved. Sometimes this helps users quickly find a post they like (such as a recipe or movie). So “likes” are a pretty useful thing if you don’t get hung up on it, as most users do. Let's see how to put a heart in Contact.

We bet our hearts

So, now let's see how you can like it. To do this, you need to show some attentiveness to what exactly you want to note.

First of all, you need to find the object that you would like to approve. After this, you need to find the image of the heart and simply click on it with the mouse. Ultimately, of course, you will see how the “like” tag has changed its color - it has become darker. This means that you “liked” the post/photo/video. In addition, if you move your mouse cursor over this heart, you will notice that an image of your account will appear there under the caption “People liked it.”

However, it is worth noting: in order to understand how to put a heart in “Contact”, you need to register there. Anonymous users do not have such rights. In addition, if you have the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b“liking” a post and remaining unnoticed, then this number will not work. You will not be able to leave your heart and make sure that no one knows about it - other users who have registered in Contact will also know about your sympathy.

There is another way in which you can leave a mark on what you like. To do this, take a good look at the inscriptions located near the heart under the entry, picture, photograph, video or note. There should be an inscription "I like it." As a matter of fact, just click on it - a heart will appear that will change its color, and you will be added to the list of those who liked the post.

If you mistakenly liked someone's post, you can easily remove the tag. To do this, you just need to click on the heart (or the corresponding inscription) again. That is, clicking again can remove signs of your sympathy for a particular entry. So now let's look at what gave rise to the appearance of so-called "likes" among users.

"Like" disease

Today you can see the absolute nightmare that is happening because of the so-called hearts on social networks. The point is that in modern world their number has become a certain indicator of coolness, importance and a standard of popularity.

Now, instead of actually showing that a person is truly worthy of praise, people post their photos and videos in huge quantities in the hope that they will be “liked” by online visitors. Thus, on the Internet it is generally accepted that the fewer “likes” a person has, the less popular he is. The same can be said about groups in this social network.

In the struggle for “hearts”, various methods began to be used - honest and not so honest. For example, adding hearts to Contact. It can be carried out through programs that are prohibited in principle. This is an illegal and dishonest method. But there is also a method in which “likes” are simply paid to strangers. It’s also not entirely fair, but, nevertheless, this can still be called a legal way of promotion. True, “hearts” on a social network are not only a way to express your sympathy or approval. Let's see what else this image symbolizes.


Of course, you can’t go anywhere without emoticons. Especially in the virtual world. So there are also social networks different types“funny faces” that are designed to express different emotions.

This is where the hearts meet. For example, you can put such a green heart in “Contact”. At the same time, you can send it in a message to your interlocutor or set it as a status in your profile. True, for the most part, it is customary to take the so-called like, which we learned about today, under the “heart” on a social network.

Heart is a symbol of love.

Quote from Treasures_Amazon Read in full In your quotation book or community!

February 14th, Valentine's Day, is approaching, when store shelves are filled with souvenirs: cards, toys, heart-shaped decorations...

It comes as no surprise to anyone these days that one of the most important symbols of Valentine’s Day is the heart. Even in ancient times, the symbol of the heart was the source of all emotions. And only later did it become associated with only one feeling - love. In fact, the heart is the most important organ, a kind of pump that pumps blood throughout the body, i.e. this is the basis of our life.
It is still not known when and why the heart became a symbol of Valentine's Day. Some scholars believe that the heart symbol acquired a romantic meaning and form when people first tried to depict an organ that they did not know about before, and which, of course, they had never seen.

The heart is a symbol rooted in human history.

Historians have traced the development of the heart symbol. It first appeared before the last ice age. But there is no general agreement about its meaning. Later, between 600 and 400 BC, the Greeks used the heart symbol to represent musical instrument- lyres. He was also associated with Eros, the god of love. The symbolism and most common meaning of the heart, as well as the association of this symbol with romantic relationships in the West, dates back to the city of Sirene, in northern Africa, in the 7th century. BC. The city was a major (and wealthy) trade hub, thanks to an extinct species of the fennel family whose seeds were heart-shaped.
It is common to think that a “Valentine” will please a loved one and give a feeling of belonging to the bright ideals of love, even if the Valentine is presented simply to a good friend.

However, we contemplate the symbol of the heart not only on Valentine's Day. It is so firmly rooted in our minds as a symbol of love that we are accustomed to using it without even thinking about where it came from, why love is associated with it, and why it looks this way and not otherwise? After all, everyone who has ever seen a picture of a heart in a school anatomy textbook knows that the “heart” has a very distant resemblance to the anatomical human heart. Since ancient times, the heart has been considered the center of feelings and emotions. It’s not for nothing that they say “the heart aches with melancholy” or “the heart is not a stone.” It is the heart that begins to beat more often from a previously unknown feeling of love...
1 version:
According to a common view, the origin of the heart symbol was a pair of swans swimming towards each other against the background of a bright red sunset, intersecting their heads and the base of their necks, forming a pointed bottom. Swans are a symbol of fidelity, devotion and dedication. The formed pair remains together for life, which is extremely rare in the animal world.

Version 2:
Another, much more prosaic version of the origin of this symbol was recently voiced by psychologist Galdino Pranzarone from Roanoke College in the US state of Virginia. It turns out that the stylized heart, symbolizing love, has nothing to do with its anatomical original. The American psychologist proves that his prototype was a completely different, more piquant part of the body, namely the female buttocks.
The psychologist claims that the familiar symbol of love - a plump red heart - owes its origin to a woman. The scientist proves that it was the beauty of the shape of the female buttocks that inspired our ancestors to symbolically depict this part of the body, which later became a sign of love.
“It would be a stretch to say that the two lobes of the stylized heart roughly correspond to the connected auricles or ventricles of an anatomical heart,” says the scientist. But he immediately casts doubt on this version, pointing out that a real heart is never such a bright scarlet color, and in its shape there is no depression at the top and a point at the bottom. But this is exactly the outline of a beautiful female butt, says the scientist.

During his research, Professor Prasarone analyzed various literary, mythological and other sources in which he found clear evidence of his hypothesis. The psychologist recalls that even the ancient Greeks sang beauty female body, and in particular - the sirloin part. For example, Aphrodite was revered as the goddess of beauty, who admired, above all, the seductive shape of her butt. The Greeks even built a temple to Aphrodite Kallipygos, which literally means "Goddess with beautiful buttocks." Perhaps this is the only religious building in the world that is dedicated to the cult of female buttocks, the scientist adds.
Version 3:
The version suggests that this is the form of a leaf of the now extinct Siphium plant, which the ancients used as a contraceptive, hence the connection with love. More precisely with sex.

Version 4:
If the well-known symbolic image of a heart is divided in half and a horizontal line is added to each half, then two numbers “2” will be obtained, one of them will be a mirror image of the other. It is no coincidence that the mirror image of two numbers has become a symbol of love. This is explained by the fact that love serves as a connecting element in the world. Therefore, by creating a mirror image of the two, they get what is considered a symbol of love. The heart is the perfect image of love as the force that binds the world. That's why they talk about two halves of the heart.

One way or another, the image of a “heart” has taken root in our imagination as the image of the most desirable feelings for the majority of humanity - mutual love. Therefore, a gift in the form of a heart, given with love, becomes a silent declaration of love on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is able to strengthen those relationships that have been established for a long time.
The symbol is simple, but unique in its power and meaning, which have been preserved from ancient times to the present day almost unchanged. No matter how much we laugh at this innocent squiggle, it was and remains one of the most powerful positive emblems in the world. It concentrated all the main symbolic forms, which, naturally, could not but affect its meaning: the symbol “heart” became multifaceted, universal, suitable in meaning to many different everyday situations.
Today "hearts" are everywhere. It is customary to decorate women’s clothing and accessories with them (mainly girls and girls) - and this is justified, because the “heart” has always been a female symbol. It was given as a gift lovely ladies and they still give it to this day: you must admit, it’s hard to imagine a respectable gentleman with a heart on a chain. But this symbol is ideal as a female amulet!
Even just looking at the image of a “heart” is useful - if a person is open to love and does not conflict with his family, the symbol awakens positive vibrations in the body...

Why is the sign of the heart that we often draw at all similar to the one we have inside? Who invented the heart sign?


According to a common view, the origin of the heart symbol was a pair of swans swimming towards each other against the background of a bright red sunset, intersecting their heads and the base of their necks, forming a pointed bottom. Swans are a symbol of fidelity, devotion and enlightenment. The formed pair remains together for life, which is extremely rare in the animal world.
Psychologist Galdino Pranzarone of Roanoke College in the US state of Virginia believes that the symbol of the heart has its origin in a feature of the female anatomy, indicating that ancient people associated feminine beauty primarily with the shapes of the female body from the back.
However, there is a different opinion about the subject of the ancient Hellenes’ worship of the charms of the goddess Aphrodite. Initially, the symbol that now means “heart” was a symbol of the feminine principle, and over many centuries it has not undergone any changes. The sign itself depicts the female pelvic area. The ancient Greeks worshiped precisely the reproductive function of the feminine principle in the person of the goddess Aphrodite, for whom they built that very temple.

The image is similar to a schematic drawing of the heart of an amphibian or the head of the male penis. According to one version, the heart symbol appeared in ancient Rome. Perverted patricians sent it to their beloved or desired persons.

This is a graph of the differential function - Cardioid r = (1 + cos j) with which you can describe the work of the heart. Algebraic curve of the fourth order.

What does the black heart mean on VKontakte?


All sorts of different colorful hearts are usually placed in the status on the social network VKontakte. You can also insert a “black heart” into the status, you can do this different ways, the easiest one is just copy and paste, you can use keyboard shortcuts. It is very difficult to say what exactly the user who set himself a “black heart” meant; the easiest option is to ask him himself, since there is no exact meaning. This can mean a “broken heart”, or that the person is very vulnerable and touchy, and many other things, even “bitchiness”. A black heart can mean that someone has broken their heart and is now incapable of feelings; or some kind of deceit. Such people usually have had negative experiences in the past.

Many Internet users are interested in the question of placing various unusual symbols using a computer or laptop keyboard. Eg, how to add to written text emoticons, hearts, smiles, etc., which are quite often found in postcards, posts and statuses of participants in various social networks, as well as in the login itself.

It turns out that making a heart on a computer is not at all difficult; you just need to know which keyboard buttons and in what combination you need to press. This article will talk about exactly this, as well as ways to draw hearts in Odnoklassniki, Facebook and other social networks.

In fact, there are a huge number of printed characters on a computer, and the keyboard cannot accommodate them all. These are notes, card suits, currency symbols, hieroglyphs, feminine and masculine signs, etc. Therefore, not only hearts can be easily written in text editor, blog or website, but also other interesting signs.

To make a heart, you need to use the following on the keyboard key combination “alt” and “3”(numbers must be used from the right side of the keyboard, while the “NumLock” key must be pressed; also, the activity of the keys depends on pressing the “Win” or “Fn” buttons). A heart will appear at the cursor location immediately after the keys are released.

You can do the same to add creativity to your social media status posts.

We work in the text editor Word

When working in the Word program, in addition to the described method, you can use the following tab: “Insert” - “Symbol” - “Other Symbols”, and then select the required character. Of course, the previous combination is much more convenient, and this method is an indispensable assistant in case you have forgotten which number the desired symbol corresponds to, because thanks to this method you can find it manually.

Windows Character Table

You can find a heart - a symbol that is missing on the keyboard - in the table of all symbols. This method also applies to the case when you can select it manually, without using the corresponding keyboard key combination. To do this, you need to follow the following path: “Start” - “All Programs” - “Accessories” - “Service” - “Symbol Table” and familiarize yourself with the presented table. The desired heart will be at the very bottom.

Considering that there are a considerable number of symbols in it, you should use the action, thanks to which you can find the heart faster. For this you need tick, thereby checking the “Advanced Options” line, and then grouping all characters into certain Unicode ranges.

The heart will be located in the "Symbols and Icons" section. You need to click on it and use the “Select” function - it will appear in the input field; after which you need to copy the icon and send it to the clipboard, apply the standard “Paste” function using the “Ctrl+V” keyboard shortcut or the right mouse button, and the heart will appear in the text in the place where the cursor is.

We recommend learning how to work with a table, because last years the number of characters in it has increased hundreds of times, despite the fact that the set of characters on the keyboard has remained almost unchanged, and many unusual characters today can only be displayed on a computer with the help of special applications and auxiliary procedures. And as you gain experience, in a simple and convenient way, in addition to the desire to find hearts, you can further expand your collection with new intricate and original icons, changing their fonts and colors.

Well, for the lazy! You can make hearts on the keyboard from symbols without copying and encoding by pressing the keys in this combination: “Ctrl+V” and “Clrl+C”.

Saved characters

Those who do not want to waste time searching for symbols in the table and remembering key combinations today have the opportunity to use ready-made symbols offered by Internet users. You can also prepare the necessary signs yourself and save them in a specially created folder, by copy and paste into a text document.

For example:

  • mathematical signs (√∫∂∑∏ ± - x ÷ ≈ ∝ ≠≤≥ ∈ ∩ ∪⊂⊃⊆⊇ ∧∨∃∀ ←→↓↔ ′″∞ ‰ ∇∛∜∅);
  • symbols of snowflakes and flowers (✽✾❀❁❃❅❆❈❉❋✱✲✶✷✸✹✻✼);
  • asterisks (✪★☆✬✭✮✰ ⋆);
  • signs of planets (☉♁☿♄♅♇);
  • numbers (➀➁➂➆➇⑫⑬⑭⑮ ⑳ ➍ⅪⅫ);
  • hearts (ღ ❥ ❦☜♡☞).

It is worth noting that many laptops do not have some number pads, and the top row with numbers, as was written earlier, does not take any part in creating the heart symbol on the keyboard.

And if there is no keyboard on the right, you need to take a closer look at the letters: D, L, O, Ш and Ш. On the buttons with these letters you can see small numbers. They function in exactly the same way as the small number pad on a computer. It turns on when you simultaneously press two keys: “Fn” and “NumLock”.

When you press them, it will be as easy to print a heart as on a computer. For example, you need to press "Alt" and "D" keys(more precisely, the button with the number three on it).

So, in order to print a heart, you can use the following simple methods:

  • by simultaneously pressing the “Alt” + “3” keys, using the number from the small keyboard on the right, checking that it is active, or if there is no small keyboard on the laptop, use the button with the letter “D” instead of the three;
  • copy the heart or its code on the Internet and paste it into the text;
  • find the heart sign in the table and also insert it into the desired place (line, middle of a word) of the text document.

Heart symbol

So, the heart symbol, where did it come from, and how far back does its history go? How many people know this? I think no.

The heart symbol is the most positive emblem of the whole world. It is firmly entrenched in our consciousness as a symbol of love, mercy and goodness. However, people who know human anatomy know that what we consider to be a symbol of the heart has nothing to do with the human heart.

Three versions of the origin of the heart symbol

So where did the heart symbol come from? It is known that he has no homeland in any country, faith or culture. There are many versions of the origin of the heart symbol. One of them, and the most common, is the version that this symbol was suggested to us by nature itself - swans version. Looking at two swans swimming towards each other, or more precisely at their heads and necks, the image of a heart visually emerges. As you know, swans are birds that are distinguished by devotion and faith, they choose a mate for themselves forever, and in the world this is rarely observed among animals, so maybe that’s why the symbol that they create is associated with love and devotion.

There is another interesting version of the origin of the heart symbol. In Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, people personified and were attached to the ivy plant, they were fascinated by its ability to twine around everything nearby. Therefore they depicted an ivy leaf, which, by the way, is very similar in shape to the heart symbol, on tombstones, as a symbol of eternal love. Apparently since then, the meaning of the heart symbol has turned into a symbol of love and affection.

There is also a very interesting version. In ancient India, the symbol of the heart was not originally such. For them it was an image male and female auras. They believed and knew, many years ago, that a person has his own energy aura. Accordingly, when a male aura connects with a female one, that bright and strong feeling arises that we call love!