What is fanfic - is it pampering or a modern phenomenon. Designations in fanfiction What does fic mean

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we'll talk about fanfiction - a phenomenon that is only officially over fifty years old.

And if now the reader is faced with such a concept for the first time, it is only because this topic has always been relevant for a relatively narrow circle of people - fans of this or that fictional universe.

What are fanfictions and where to find them (Ficbook)

Fanfiction is a kind of amateur writing created based on a work of art. It is based on the original book, cinematic, game, comic universe (including anime).

The very term fanfiction is jargon. By origin, it is a phonetic tracing paper with in English. In turn, the abbreviation fanfic is decomposed into "fan fiction", which translates as " fan fiction ».

In the English-speaking space, there are also shorter versions of the word - fic (fic) and ff (FF). The corresponding ones are used in special communities and here, so they are also worth remembering.

For the first time the term was used before 1965, but then it was about a different meaning. A fanfiction was a stand-alone science fiction work written by a non-professional. However, very quickly the abbreviation acquired a modern meaning.

As for the phenomenon itself, its roots go much deeper - up to the "Testament of Cressida", and this is the XV century.

If you are interested in the topic and you have a desire to plunge into the world of alternative continuations and branches of some kind of "universe", then I advise you to start with the site FicBook .

The video below explains how to create a fandom on the FicBook website and how to deal with it all.

Varieties of fanfiction

To understand how fanfic is made, what it is, it is best to take the time and familiarize yourself with several such texts. This will be especially interesting for those who are already interested in any original world - be it the England of Sherlock Holmes or the Marvel Universe.

The fact is that such works are created by some members of the fan community for others, which means that acquaintance (and preferably detailed) with the source is implied by default.

Often fan texts are signed with specific terms related to their place in the classification. Knowing their meaning, it will be easier to choose a fanfic for dating. Consider the main varieties.

By volume Fanfiction is divided into 3 types:

  1. Drabble is a sketch that often contains no more than a hundred words. An excerpt, a thought on the theme of the original, a scene taken out of context, or just a portrait of a character.
  2. Ficlet is a short, complete text. Like a play in one act.
  3. Vignette is also a short text, created to verbalize feelings, thoughts, descriptions of a small scene.

There are also classification according to subject fanfic:

  1. Continuation is a continuation of the original work, the author's universe does not change, everything happens according to its laws.
  2. Dark, from Darkfic. from the position of the side, he acted as an opposing force in the original work.
  3. Angst is a depressing story that describes the drama, experiences, suffering of the characters - and above all, spiritual ones.
  4. Deathfic. Be prepared for the fact that George Martin will be the author of such fanfiction (yes, your favorite character will die).
  5. Hart/comfort. In these sketches, one of the heroes saves the other from suffering - physical or spiritual.
  6. Established Relationship - A text dealing with established relationships between characters.

The following distribution is based on the method creating a fan story:

  1. Сrossover - in the process of creativity, facts from several fan universes are used, fandoms are united (we'll talk about what fandom is another time).
  2. Filk is a song based on the source.
  3. Profic - "professional literature" - these are commercial texts created by writers or developers based on cult series. They are copyrighted, it is supposed to be distributed for money. It's about being unique in the world of literature.
  4. Round robin - prefabricated text. Several authors take turns writing it - each his own fragment.

Brief Summary

The subject matter of fanfiction is quite broad. Interested people also offer their own - already more precise and detailed - classifications. It must be understood that a phenomenon that is rooted in the centuries and has been actively developing for the last half a century cannot be described in one article.

But if the reader would like to just touch his beloved universe - the world of fan fiction is open, he will gladly accept another author ...

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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A work written by fans as a continuation of the story of the characters or to reveal some atypical direction of this story. Fanfiction can be found everywhere famous works literature, cinema, series, comics, they are created according to the plots of cartoons or anime.

Usually created by fans for entertainment, so that the story of favorite characters does not end at the end of a book or movie, or in order to change some storylines and character stories. Fanfiction is made by people different ages and in completely different genres: prose, in the form of a mini-story or a work of considerable volume, comparable to a short story or even a novel. There is only one thing that unites fanfiction: the love of authors and readers for the created world.

Fanfiction, as can be seen from his, is a non-independent work, that is, created according to the plot of another author using his characters, their characters and storylines. Fanfiction does not violate copyright only if its author waives all rights and does not derive commercial benefit from the distribution of his works. It is better that in the header of the fanfiction, that is, immediately under its name and a short one, this waiver of rights should be painted.

In the same place, in the header, the author of fanfiction usually indicates his rating - for the convenience of readers. The tradition of ratings in fan fiction came from Western countries, where ratings for works of literature and cinema began to be set long before the adoption of such a law in Russia and the CIS countries. Therefore, in the ratings of fan fiction, out of old habit, the Western abbreviation is put: G - for all categories of readers, fan fiction does not contain obscene expressions or immoral overtones, PG - for children under the supervision of parents, PG-13 - not recommended for readers under 13 years old, R - for readers under 17 years of age only with the presence of parents, NC-17 - not recommended for readers under 17 years of age.

A natural question arises: why? Why work so hard to create fan fiction if the author does not receive royalties from its distribution, like real writers. Wouldn't it be better to create something of your own and try to publish your own work? However, aspiring authors in the stormy sea of ​​literary works are not so easy to spot. Therefore, not everyone can achieve popularity. Fanfiction, on the other hand, gives such authors the opportunity to quickly find their readership and fame.

Also, not all fanfiction creators aspire to be professional writers, so writing based on their favorite novel or movie is just a hobby for them. However, other cases are known when fanfiction writers used their first steps in literature to successfully start their writing career. The most striking example would be the name of Erica Leonard James, who, while creating fanfiction based on the famous series of books, eventually turned it into an independent work of Fifty Shades of Gray and became a world-famous author of novels.

What is fanfiction? This question is visited by many who have heard this incomprehensible foreign word. However, the term has no Russian analogue, which is why it is necessary to use borrowing. So, fan fiction (eng. fanfiction) is a kind of fan art, based on the original Fan fiction (creations of this direction) are created based on popular movies, TV shows, books, comics, and sometimes songs. Having come to us from the West, they are rapidly gaining popularity.

Most often, fans create their stories for fun. On this, as a rule, everything ends, copyright is not violated in any way. If it comes to publication, then the fan's relationship with the author of the original will be governed by the laws of the country where the work is being promoted.

Fanfiction writers are called ficwriters. They don't think about fanfiction, they just create. All this is read by fikriders - people who are not enough for what the masters have become generous with, those who want to once again plunge into their beloved magical world.

Anything your heart desires

The variety of types, genres, and directions used by fiction writers sometimes makes it difficult to understand what fanfiction is. Fan-favorite movies, books get sequels, prequels, back-to-back events, alternate plot developments, and a wildly popular pairing. love relationship heroes).

One of the main objects of amateur creativity has become Harry Potter, fan fiction about which is as numerous as it is diverse. Someone describes the little wizard's dramatic relationship with Aunt Petunia during the holidays, others send him to travel in time and correct the mistakes of the past, others fantasize about what would happen if Harry got into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor, etc.

What is fanfiction for literature in general?

The artistic value of fanfiction is debatable. First of all, because their authors do not create new characters, but only borrow. But in the huge one, there are periodically real diamonds that can be on a par with the original. In addition, the development of this direction creates a favorable environment for young writers who, having tried their hand, will be able to work on their own unique works.

Also preventing fics from strengthening their positions is the fact that very often the authors, in the process of writing and publishing chapters, abandon their works and never return to them. This is typical for non-professionals, the initial impulse rests on the need for a detailed study of the work, and hands drop. Or there are more pressing concerns, because this is not the main activity of most fiwriters, but just a hobby.

There are a lot of fan resources on the global network, each of which has its own fanfiction archive. Most of them are English-speaking, but the number of domestic ones is growing rapidly. Interest in literature among young people is in a deplorable state, so we can only be glad that a new direction has appeared that encourages people not only to read, but also to create!

), - as a rule, become fans of original works. Typically, fanfiction is created on a non-commercial basis (to be read by other fans).

At the turn of the 20th century, the world looked at Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland from a new angle: based on it, parodies were created by such authors as Francis Eliza Hodgson Burnett and Edith Nesbit. In addition, several versions of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been written by fans of Arthur Conan Doyle.

Modern representation

Science fiction magazine Spockanalia"contained the first fanfic in the modern sense of the word.

Shortly before the beginning of 1965, the expression " fanfiction" has been used in science fiction fandom to denote a stand-alone work (albeit amateur, but done in the science fiction genre and published in a science fiction magazine) as a branch distinct from mainstream fiction created by professional writers; or a kind of artistic creation of art fans, based on some kind of fandom.

Be that as it may, the modern concept of fanfiction - as the artistic embodiment of some kind of fandom through the interpretation of the fans' own fantasies - was popularized and clearly defined thanks to the Star Trek fandom and science fiction magazines based on it, published in the 1960s years. The first science fiction magazine Spockanalia"(1967) contained fan fiction. Many fans followed suit. Such sci-fi magazines were produced using single prints, mimeographs, and distributed by mail to other fans or sold at sci-fi conventions for a fraction of the cost. Unlike other aspects of fandom, female authors dominate fanfiction: in 1970, of the fanfiction written on Star Trek, 83% of fanfiction was female, and in 1973, 90%. One scholar once remarked that fanfiction " designed to meet the needs of a predominantly female audience for fictional storytelling that goes beyond the conventional film industry." .

Japanese doujinshi

Also around the 1960s and 1970s, a similar trend began in Japan. At that time, amateur manga and novels, known as doujinshi, became popular in doujin circles (a Japanese term for a group of people united by common interests, hobbies, etc.). Most of these doujinshi were based on existing manga, anime, franchises computer games.


The distribution of fanfiction in some countries may be considered an infringement of the copyrights of the creators of the original works, which limits the commercial value of this kind of creativity. That is why fiwriters indicate the copyright holder - the author of the original, who owns all the rights to the characters used or art world, without claiming any profit from this creativity. And the vast majority of such works are created just for fun (or even for fun), rarely reaching the "real" publication in a serious publishing house.

Creative Perspectives

Fanfiction is a related type of creativity and includes both elements of the original world and the fiction of a fiction writer that goes beyond the canons of the original. Because most fanfiction is intended to be read by other fans, it is often assumed that the reader should be familiar with the original work of art.

Fanfiction is what literature in a post-apocalyptic world would look like if reinvented by a bunch of talented pop culture fans locked in a bunker. They don't do it for the money. Not for this at all. Writers write and post their work on the Internet for their own pleasure. They are ordinary fans, but not silent couch media consumers. The culture speaks to them, and they answer it in its own language.

Original text (English)

Fanfiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker. They don't do it for money. That's not what it's about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They're fans, but they're not silent, couchbound consumers of media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.

The encyclopedic ambition of transmedia storytelling often results in gaps, inconsistencies, or understatements in the plot that imply an episode that cannot be told in more detail, but is limited to hints only. Therefore, enthusiastic fans have an incentive to continue or more carefully think through these episodes of the plot with the help of their imagination, which, in the end, results in their own creation. Fanfiction can be seen as an unauthorized addition to media franchises, born out of a desire to "fill in the gaps" they opened in the plot of the original artwork.

Original text (English)

The encyclopedic ambitions of transmedia texts often results in what might be seen as gaps or excesses in the unfolding of the story: that is, they introduce potential plots which can not be fully told or extra details which hint at more than can be revealed. Readers, thus, have a strong incentive to continue to elaborate on these story elements, working them over through their speculations, until they take on a life of their own. Fan fiction can be seen as an unauthorized expansion of these media franchises into new directions which reflect the reader's desire to "fill in the gaps" they have discovered in the commercially produced material.

Varieties of fanfiction

These are just some examples of fics from the English subculture. In reality, each author can create his own type of fanfiction, so there are so many varieties that it is impossible to list them.

By the nature of the relationship
  • « curtain story"- the story, as a rule," Slash”, in which the couple behaves in an exaggeratedly homely way, for example, goes to the store to buy upholstered furniture.
  • « domestic discipline"- a fanfic in which corporal punishment is present. As a rule, in such fanfics, one of the sexual partners beats the other when he (she) does something wrong.
  • « Alternate Pairing» (« Shipping”) is a fanfic that describes the romantic or sexual relationship of couples who, according to the canon of the original work, do not have love feelings for each other.
  • "Slash" - a variety of " Alternate Pairing in which there is a romantic or sexual relationship between members of the same sex.
  • « Femslash» ( Femmeslash, Fem, Saffic) is a fanfic that describes romantic or sexual relationships between female characters.
  • « Fluff”- this is a warm, unclouded relationship between the characters.
  • « Het"(Heterosexual, "Shipping") - the plot mainly focuses on romantic or sexual relationships between heroes of opposite sexes. At the same time, it can range from laid-back romance to outright erotica.
  • « Smart”- a fanfic in which one character makes it clear, in word or deed, how important friendship (without a hint of romantic or sexual relationship) with another character is for him.
  • « Gen"(from English general audience) - the love line is absent or insignificant.
  • « Grapefruit"- denotes fan fiction in which there is violence or coercion to a sexual act.
  • « Lemon"- contains sexually explicit scenes," Lemon» with a predominant focus on sex scenes with minimal plot refers to PWP.
  • « lime" - same " Lemon”, which was censored and has more erotic than pornographic scenes.
  • PWP(from English. Porn without Plot - pornography without a plot or from English. Plot, what Plot? - Plot? What plot?- plotless pornography, a simple minimal plot, where the main emphasis is on sex scenes.
  • UST(Eng. Unresolved Sexual Tension) - the characters are attracted to each other, but for some reason do not enter into sexual contact or even open romantic interaction.
  • « vanilla”- a fanfic describing sexual relations without BDSM (sado-masochistic motives).
By way of creation
  • « Crossover"- a fanfic that uses the realities of several fandoms at the same time.
  • "Filk"- fanfiction in the form of a song.
  • "POV"(from English Point of view) - a first-person narrative of one of the characters.
  • « Profic» - professional works of art, in which various authors describe the adventures of heroes in a world created by someone else. " Profic are written for profit, sold in bookstores, and opposed to fanfiction. An example is the book series on the universes Dragonlance, Star Wars, Warhammer, or any other commercially successful universe whose authors allow franchising.
  • « round robin”- a fanfic created by a group of authors, each of whom takes turns writing his own piece. As a rule, they are distinguished by a sharp transition between parts and inconsistency in style.
  • "RPF"(eng. real person fiction) - the heroes of these works are real people, usually celebrities.
  • "RPS"(eng. real person slash) - homosexual relationships are described between real people who have not openly declared their homosexual orientation.
  • « Self-insert» ( "Author character") - this is the name of cases when the author in one way or another “fits” himself into the context of his fanfiction.
  • "Song fic"- fanfic that often uses a song (not authored by the fanfic creator).
  • "TWT"- the time sequence of the action is violated in the fanfiction.
According to the original
  • « AU"(From English Alternative Universal) - there are significant discrepancies and contradictions with the canon of the original.
  • « NO-AU"- there are no discrepancies with the world of the original, or they are controversial, or of little significance.
  • « original fantasy”- sometimes this is the name of amateur works that do not affect any of the fandoms at all or have a very small and indirect relationship.
  • "Uber Fanfiction" "Uberfic"- a kind of fanfiction, very close to " original fantasy”, but has a greater connection with the original. For example, a ficwriter uses in his FF Xenu and her friend Gabriel, although, apart from names and friendships, everything else in fanfiction is completely fiction of the fanfiction writer, which has nothing to do with the canons of the original.
  • « OOC"(From English Out Of Character) - there are significant discrepancies and contradictions with the characters of the characters of the original work.
  • "OC"(from English. Original Character) - a fanfic in which a ficwriter creates a unique image of a character that is not included in any of the fandoms. As a rule, such characters are secondary to fandom characters and often interact with them, helping to overcome obstacles. Unique characters are mysterious and unpredictable, while not at all similar to the image "Mary Sue".
  • OFC(from English Original Female Character) - a fanfic in which a ficwriter creates a unique image of a female character.
  • "OMC"(from English Original Male Character) - a fanfic in which a ficwriter creates a unique image of a male character.
  • "Mary Sue"(eng. Mary Sue), sometimes Marysia or "Mashka"- a character, according to the general opinion, which is the embodiment of either the author himself, or what the author would like to be (the phenomenon is inherent, as a rule, in female fan fiction). Mary Sue usually stunningly beautiful and indescribably smart. As a rule, they have a very unusual eye and hair color, a complex melodious-sounding name, a turbulent past, and supernatural abilities. They usually show up, outshine all the other characters, get into bed with canon characters who are attractive to the author, and then save the world. Following the salvation of the world, they either marry the canonical hero or die a heroic death. Mary Sue is a derogatory term.
  • "Marty Stew", he is " marty stu" (eng. Marty stu) or " Maurice Stu"(eng. Maurice stu) (any male names: Gertie, Matty, variations of surnames - Sue And Stu, sometimes there is a scornful variant Merisey) - male hypostasis Mary Sue. Appears then to charm the heroine. Slightly less common than average Mary Sue. There are heterosexual and homosexual Marty Sue .
According to the plot
  • « angst"- these are strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, in fan fiction there are depressive motives and some dramatic events. [ ]
  • "Dark", "Darkfic"- a story written from the perspective of " dark side”: one of the antagonists of the original work is placed in the center of the narrative. [ ]
  • "Deathfic" A fanfic in which one or more characters die.
  • "Established Relationship"- describes the established relationship between the characters.
  • Hurt/comfort- a fanfic in which one character, one way or another, suffers, and the other comes to his aid.
  • "Continuation"- continuation of the original work.
To size
  • « ficlet"- a short one-part fanfic.
  • « Drabble"- an excerpt. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character. Sometimes this means a short (one hundred words) story that has double connotations and / or an unexpected ending.
  • « Vignette”- a very short story that includes some one thought (description of feelings, internal monologue, small event).

Related genres

As the possibilities of fans of works of art grow, caused by the general technical progress, high-quality fan fiction gradually ceases to limit itself to the framework of one literary creativity. Known, for example, is the short film "Star Wars: Revelations", filmed Panic Struck Productions at a high technical level based on the plot of "Star Wars" is a fan film.

Another kind of fan art, reminiscent of fan fiction, is fan art - drawing images based on popular art or animation, creating new artistic images of favorite characters.


  1. E. N. Shagalova. The newest Dictionary Russian language of the XXI century. Moscow: AST, 2011 ISBN 978-5-17-074756-6
  2. English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary. Retrieved October 10, 2013.

Fanfic(from English fan - fan and fiction - fiction) - a kind of creativity of fans of popular works of art (the so-called fan art in broad sense of this word), derivative literary work, based on some original work (usually literary or cinematic), using his ideas of plot and (or) characters. Fanfiction can be a continuation ( sequel), background ( prequel), parody, "alternative universe", crossover(“weaving” several works), and so on.

Beta(Beta) - a person who reads fanfiction before publication and helps make it better. Beta suggestions can range from simple things like spelling and punctuation to more complex things like character traits, removing or adding scenes, and so on.

Beta-reader (sometimes also called gamma- beta, which deals with literary proofreading of the text

Disclaimer(English disclaimer) - a warning in which the author informs readers (and especially the copyright holder) that the fanfic or site in question was not created for profit, and indicates who exactly owns the rights to the characters used.

Warning(English warning) - warnings about the content of fanfiction, if there is a possibility of rejection among readers for any reason (slash, OOC, AU, obscene language, character death, etc.).

Rating Rating is an informal system of definitions adopted by fanfiction authors to give the reader a preliminary idea of ​​what to expect, as well as how appropriate the content of the fanfiction or fanart is for certain age groups.

The following scale is commonly used (in ascending order):

G(General) - fanfiction that can be read by anyone.

R(Restricted) - fanfiction that contains sex and violence, obscene language.

Sometimes there are designations PG-15 or NC-21 - they drop out of the accepted list, the values ​​are similar to PG-13 or NC-17, respectively.

NC-21- the fanfic contains a detailed description of cruelty and sex, various perversions, both moral and physical. On most resources, such fanfiction is prohibited.

Pairing(English pairing) - the graph is usually used for love genres of fan fiction that describe romantic and / or sexual relationships. This line in the header allows you to determine which characters will be involved in such a relationship in the course of the action. Pairs are written through a slash - slash (First character / Second character). Well-known canon characters are usually identified by their initials. Fandom jargon usually has words for famous ships.

Drabble(Drabble) - excerpt. Often just a scene, a sketch, a description of a character. Sometimes a drabble refers to a short (100-word) story that has a double subtext and/or an unexpected ending.

Fanfiction types:

By the presence of a love line in the plot:

"Jen"(from the English general audience) - the love line is absent or insignificant, "just adventures." The term came from the abbreviated "general audience", any audience, and goes back to the rating system adopted in the cinema.

"Get"(from "heterosexual") - the defining love line, describes the relationship between heterosexual characters.

"Slash", or "slash" (from the English slash - a slash icon) - a fanfic in which there are romantic and sexual relationships between members of the same sex, a fanfic containing descriptions or references to homosexual behavior or feelings. According to legend, the term comes from the custom of combining characters with a slash (slash) in the pairing graph.

fem slash(eng. fem-slash) - fan fiction, which describes the romantic and / or sexual relationship between female characters.

According to the realities of the original world:

"AU"(from English Alternative Universal) - there are significant discrepancies or even contradictions with the world of the original.

"non-AU"(do not have special jargon) - there are no discrepancies with the world of the original, or they are controversial or of little significance.

According to the correspondence of the character of the heroes of fanfiction to their character in the original:

"OOC"(from the English. Out Of Character) - there are significant discrepancies or even contradictions with the characters in the original work.

"In character"- there are no discrepancies with the characters of the characters in the original, or they are controversial or insignificant.

Mary Sue(Eng. Mary Sue) - an original character, according to the general opinion, is the embodiment of either the author himself or what the author would like to be (a phenomenon inherent only in female fan fiction). A pronounced classic Mary Sue is not that hard to recognize, as she is necessarily dazzlingly beautiful and extraordinarily intelligent. Traditionally, she has an unusual appearance - not just beautiful, but original and with a twist, as the author understands this. The name is Mary Sue, either as the author or with a complex original name. If the canon format allows, then Mary Sue also has some incredible magical abilities. Having appeared among the canonical heroes, Mary-Sue overshadows everyone with her beauty and talents, causes respect for positive heroes, envy of negative ones and insane delight of all representatives of the opposite (and in slash - their own) sex. Then they start an affair with those heroes of the canon that the author likes the most, and finally save the world, discover ancient secrets, reconcile principled enemies, kill the main villain, etc. After saving the world, they happily marry the author’s favorite hero ... well, especially "original" authors - die a heroic death under the friendly sobs of all the characters.

Marty Stew, aka Marty Stu (eng. Marty Stu) or Maurice Stu (Maurice Stu) - the male hypostasis of Mary Sue. Appears then to charm the heroine. It is somewhat rarer than the average Mary Sue.

OFC(abbreviated Original Female Character) - "Original female character." Typically appears in fanfiction for a romantic relationship with a canon character. In Russian fandoms, the abbreviation is more often used NZHP- a new female character. You have to be careful with NZHP - they are always at risk of turning into a Mary Sue.

Respectively NWO- new male character.

"Genre"- a special note about the general "mood" of the fanfic.

General genres:

Action, Action (Action) - fan fiction with a dynamic plot, a lot of action, few mysteries and relationships between characters.

Humor(Humour) - humorous fanfic.

Parody(Parody) - a parody of the original work.

Dark or Darkfan (Dark, Darkfic) - a story with a huge amount of death and cruelty.

Deathfic A fanfic in which one or more characters die.

pov(Point of view) - "point of view", first-person narration of one of the characters.

Smart(Smarm) is a fanfic in which one character makes it clear, in word or deed, how important friendship (without a hint of a romantic or sexual relationship) with another character is to him.

Love genres:

Romance(Romance) is a fanfic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending.

Drama(Drama) - a romantic story with a sad ending.

angst(Angst) - these are strong experiences, physical, but more often spiritual suffering of the character, there are depressive motives and some dramatic events in fan fiction.

Fluff(Fluff) - this is a warm, unclouded relationship between the characters. Romance, romance and more romance.

Other genres:

H/C(Hurt/comfort) - "Carrot and stick", a fanfic in which one character, one way or another, suffers, and another comes to his or her aid.

ER(Established Relationship) - established relationship between the characters.

PWP(Porn without Plot - literally: pornography without a plot; or “Plot, what Plot?” - literally: Plot? What plot?) - plotless porn, a simple minimal plot, where the main emphasis is on bed scenes.

bdsm(Bondage, Domination / Discipline, Sadism, Masochism) - sexual practice, including coercion, sexual slavery, sadomasochism and other actions associated with the deliberate infliction of pain or restriction of freedom in order to obtain sexual satisfaction

Smat(Smut) is a fanfic that does not describe anything other than sex between the characters. Usually rated NC-17.