What is an eshka? Eshka - what is it? What does "eshka" mean? The influence of youth slang

My dears, again not my article...

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First, about what is relevant.

I have something to say, and I will say it.

And you will like it. But but but...

If you pay attention to this topic, you will benefit the health of yourself and your family.

Go? I have to help you, think about it.

E-additive codes. Or how to stay alive?

Many of us go into a store or shopping mall when buying food, they do not pay attention to E-supplements. Let's ask why??? After all, most citizens do not know that many products contain very malignant E-additives. So what is in E-supplements?

Nutritional supplements, or Food starting with E.

Today, most packages with a wide variety of products are decorated with the letter E and mysterious numbers.

We already know that all this together means so-called food additives: dyes, preservatives, flavorings and similar “improvers” and substances that help preserve the product as long as possible.

Why "E"? The fact is that the specific names of food additives are usually long and reflect their complex chemical composition.

Therefore, in the countries of the European Community, a digital codification system was created, where the letter E means food additives permitted in these countries.

According to this system, each food additive is assigned a three- or four-digit code.

Permission to use additives, of which there are already several thousand, is issued by a special committee of the World Health Organization, and the list of approved and safe additives is constantly being revised in the light of the latest scientific data.

New E-numbers are included, more advanced substitutes for the old ones, and those whose appropriateness of use is in doubt are excluded.

The final approval for the use of certain additives in your country is issued by the relevant health authorities.

Thus, amaranth (E 123) is banned in the USA and Russia, but in Europe, and especially in France, it remains very popular.

Currently, Russia allows the use of 250 food additives in food production and the presence of 250 food additives in imported goods.

List of food additives that do not have permission for use in the food industry in Russia

Dye E-121 (citrus red 2). It was customary for them to process orange peels; causes malignant tumors

Dye E-123 (amaranth) is a synthetic dye that has nothing in common with the plant of the same name; provokes the development of allergies, causes malignant tumors

Preservative E-240 (formaldehyde) is a very toxic substance in which doctors store, say, tissue samples;

E-924a and E-924b - they were previously used in the baking industry to improve flour.

Let's look at the names.

There is no need to explain what dyes and flavors are.

Preservatives prevent the growth of microorganisms.

Antioxidants, or antioxidants, slow down oxidative processes in fat and oil emulsions.

Stabilizers maintain consistency.

Leavening agents make baked goods fluffier.

Emulsifiers create a stable emulsion and help maintain the smoothness of, for example, cream or ice cream.

From the very beginning of the introduction of "E", the World Health Organization has been promoting the idea that none of the additives approved for use pose a health hazard.

At the same time, the end of the phrase is kept silent: “...for the health of an absolutely healthy person,” which is also a big question.

But in the realities of modern civilization, which of us can call ourselves absolutely healthy?

It's not for nothing that last years There are heated debates among doctors and scientists about the extreme undesirability of some additives that are used everywhere and widely.

You've probably already heard about the harmful effects on human body sodium nitrites (E 250) and sodium nitrates (E 251).

They can cause a variety of inflammatory and allergic reactions, headaches and hepatic colic, irritability and increased fatigue even in an absolutely healthy person!

However, sodium nitrates and nitrites are still not prohibited for use in our country, as in many others!

On the contrary, they are very popular in the production of a variety of sausages and meat products long-term storage and canned food.

No less dangerous are sodium sulfate (E 221) and monosodium glutamate (E 621). Both of these additives are not prohibited and are used in Russia, but have long been unpopular in the West, especially monosodium glutamate.

But it is included in many Chinese dishes - read packages of Chinese noodles and canned food.

Monosodium glutamate enhances the taste of meat or chicken, of which there is a tiny amount in each package of noodles, and the result is a “full-fledged” (tasting) product.

In Russia and other countries, monosodium glutamate is widely used in the production of a variety of bouillon cubes,

instant soups,

all kinds of sausages and semi-finished products, in which there is ten times less meat or chicken than soy protein and rolls.

Nitrite, nitrate, sulfate and MSG not only are not absorbed by the body and cause inflammatory symptoms, but they also contain high amounts of sodium, which retains water in the body and can itself cause swelling, leading to high blood pressure.

In this sense, they act in exactly the same way as table salt - sodium chloride.

The negative effect on allergy sufferers (especially asthmatics) of antioxidants E311 (octi lgallat), E 313 (ethyl gallate), and preservative E 213 (calcium benzoate) has already been proven.

Fortunately, they are not approved for use in our country, but are used in others - so read the packaging carefully.

Food allergies can also be caused by products containing the yellow dye tartrazine - E 102 (approved and used in Russia, used in candies, ice cream, and confectionery);

with sodium benzoate preservative - E 211 (approved and used in Russia, used in drinks, canned fish and shude-vegetables);

with the bitter substance quinine (tonics) and antioxidants butylhydroxytoluene - E 321 and butylhydroxyanisole - E 320 (approved and used in Russia, used in fatty products and chewing gum).

E 320 also retains water in the body and increases cholesterol levels.

Allergies can also be caused by E110, E122, E123, E 124, E 150, E 151, E 180, E 233, E 228, E 414.

It has been proven that E 127 (provokes thyroid tumors), E 132 (has a carcinogenic effect), E 140, E 142, E 252, E 304 (promotes the formation of kidney stones), E 220 and E 450 also have a toxic effect on all people (non-toxic, but remove calcium from the body and destroy vitamins).

Some food additives are truly harmless, as declared by the World Health Organization, since they are vitamins or food extracts, although they are also used to protect food from spoilage.

Safe food additives.

E 260 acetic acid

E 290 carbon dioxide

E 300, E 301, E 302 - vitamin C
E 306, E 307, E 308, E 309 - vitamin E

At the same time, additives E 302, E 308 and E 309 are not allowed in Russia, although these are just varieties of vitamins C and E.

E 322 lecithin
E 375 - nicotinic acid is also not allowed in Russia, although it is one of the vital vitamins used in the treatment of heart disease;
E 440 - pectin is the only food additive, besides lecithin and vitamins C and E, that is even useful.

This jelly-like substance, obtained from fresh fruits, adsorbs all substances that the body does not need and thus removes poisons and toxins.

In general, the most harmful substances are artificial colors and most preservatives.

Many scientists believe that preservatives play an important role in triggering the mechanism of oncological processes.

Emulsifiers and antioxidants are of less concern, but it is still advisable to minimize their use.

Do not buy canned food, semi-finished products and shelf-stable confectionery products and try to cook everything at home from fresh vegetables, fruits and meat.

A more detailed description of E-supplements and their effect on the body.

E100 - E199 (dyes) - substances that give the product a new color or hide its natural honey fungus

E200 - E299 (preservatives) protect the product from rotting, fermentation and other decay processes

E300 - E399 (antioxidants) prevent oxidation of the product (for example, rancidity of the fats contained in it or the decomposition of light-sensitive natural dyes)

E400 - E499 (stabilizers/thickeners) maintain the desired consistency of the product or provide the product with a certain viscosity

E500 - E599 (emulsifiers) provide a homogeneous appearance of the product

E600 - E699 enhance the natural taste and smell of the product

Officially prohibited in Russia: dyes E121 (citrus red) and E123 (amaranth), preservative E240 (formaldehyde).
Dangerous dyes: E102, E110, E120, E124.
Carcinogens: E103, E105, E110, E121, E123, E125, E126, E130, E131, E142, E152, E153, E210, E211, E213 - E217, E231, E232, E240, E251, E252, E321, EZZO, E4 31, E447, E900, E905, E907, E952, Aspartame.
Mutagenic and genotoxic: E104, E124, E128, E230 - E233, Aspartame.
Allergens: E131, E132, E160b, E210, E214, E217, E230, E231, E232, E239, E311-E313, Aspartame.
Undesirable for asthmatics: E102, E107, E122 - E124, E155, E211 - E214, E217.E221-E227.
Undesirable for people sensitive to aspirin: E107, E110, E122 -E124, E155, E214, E217.
Affects the liver and kidneys: E171-E173, E220, E302, E320-E322, E510, E518.
Thyroid dysfunction: E127.
Lead to skin diseases: E230 - E233.
Intestinal irritation: E220 - E224.
Digestive disorder: E338 - E341, E407, E450, E461, E463, E465, E466.
Improper fetal development: E233.
Prohibited for infants, undesirable for small children: E249, E262, E310-E312, E320, E514, E623, E626 - E635.
Affects blood cholesterol levels: E320.
They destroy vitamins in the body: B1 - E220, B12 - E222 - E227, D -E320.E-E925

This information is taken from the book Mayskaya Anna - “Allergies, tell her goodbye”

List of food additives that do not have permission for use in the food industry in Ukraine

Dye E-105 – causes malignant tumors

Dye E-121 - causes malignant tumors

Dye E-123 - provokes the development of allergies, causes malignant tumors

Dye E-126 – causes malignant tumors

Dye E-130 – causes malignant tumors

Preservative E-239 – causes allergic reactions

Preservative E-240 (formaldehyde)

The following food supplements have not yet been fully studied, therefore not officially permitted:

Dye E-103 causes malignant tumors

Dye E-125 causes malignant tumors

Preservative E-214 - provokes the development of allergies, causes malignant tumors

Preservative E-215 - provokes the development of allergies, causes malignant tumors

Preservative E-216 - provokes the development of allergies, causes malignant tumors

Preservative E-217 - provokes the development of allergies, causes malignant tumors

E103, E107, E125, E127, E128, E140, E153-155, E160, E166, E173-175, E180, E182, E209, E213-219, E225-228, E230-233, E237, E238, E241, E263, E264, E282, E283, E302, E303, E305, E308-314, E317, E318, E323-325, E328, E329, E343-345, E349-352, E355-357, E359, E365-368, E370, E375, E381, E384, E387-390, E399, E408, E409, E418, E419, E429-436, E441-444, E446, E462, E463, E465, E467, E474, E476-480, E482-489, E491-496, E505, E512, E519, E521-523, E535, E537, E538, E541, E542, E550, E554-557, E559, E560, E574, E576, E577, E580, E622-625, E628, E629, E632-635, E640, E641, E906, E908-911, E913, E916-919, E922, E923, E924, E925, E926, E929, E943, E944-946, E957, E959, E1000, E1001, E1105, E1503, E1521


primarily with colored fillings (may contain E102 tartrazine, E131 blue patent, E142 green S, E152 charcoal, E330 citric acid) -

Accordingly, they can cause the development of allergies, exacerbations in asthmatics, and malignant tumors.

Canned fish:

Accordingly, they can cause the development of allergies and malignant tumors.

Margarine, frying fats:

Accordingly, they can cause the development of allergies, malignant tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney diseases.

Condensed milk: may contain E339 sodium phosphates, which can therefore cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Cream (also vegetable cream):

Accordingly, they can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Processed cheeses:

Soups, broths, sauces:

Breakfast cereals:

Accordingly, they can cause the development of allergies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidney diseases.

Accordingly, it can cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Jam, marmalade:

Accordingly, they can cause diseases of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, and cause the development of allergies.

Fruits and vegetables in the form of semi-finished products or finished products (dried potatoes, respectively, chips, tomato paste, respectively ketchups, fruit and berry purees, raisins and other dried fruits) -

Accordingly, they can provoke the development of allergies and cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bakery products, cookies: bakery products with a pleasant baked color

Accordingly, they can cause the development of allergies, exacerbations in asthmatics, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

I often hear the question:

So what should you eat if everything around you is polluted?

I answer...

Do what you can influence. If you cannot influence the manufacturers of low-quality products, then find ways to regularly cleanse the body and remove all kinds of toxins from the body.

Have you noticed that when washing dishes from normal food, the sink still gets dirty from it? It’s as if you didn’t throw the dirt there, but it ended up there! I have to clean my knee.

It’s the same with our body... It also needs to be cleansed.

For example, if you drive a car, then you know that it needs preventative maintenance, and regular maintenance. Likewise, our body needs help.

Mother Nature did not expect that the human body would be regularly attacked by all kinds of toxins that man himself invented.

Fortunately, a man figured out how to use natural remedies you can cleanse your body.

Good health to everyone!

P.S. Please comment. Why are we going? Let's be useful to people.

It is very important. And, a huge request to all people: write about yourself, post your photos, just write about yourself. Every person is unique.

You only gain from this.

In this article we will talk about drugs - ecstasy, amphetamine or simply a club drug. Employees of the Mayak Health rehabilitation center know hundreds of stories of use of this substance. But also, before our eyes, there have been many cases of recovery from this terrible addiction. We know everything you need to treat advanced and not only stages. We have helped many, and we will be happy to do the same with you or your loved ones.

Multi-colored pills have ruined millions of lives around the world. Since their introduction, eshkas have become popular among partygoers and people who want to party all night without feeling tired. Its main danger is not even its harmful effects, but its accessibility. The drug is inexpensive and accessible to the younger generation.

Most people try it in a friendly environment, which lowers the resistance threshold. For many, this is the first step not only to hallucinogens, but also to other deadly drugs. Although it was invented as medicinal product, investing only good thoughts, he was still not destined to become one.

Eshki - a drug “without shame”

By destroying the growing body, food “gives” ease of communication, relaxation, looseness and mobility. Alien to man: shame, awkwardness and shyness. Moreover, he wants to talk, contact with others, touch them. Emotions become vivid, physical endurance is simply incredible.

Against this background, it intensifies sexual attraction, hundreds of thoughts appear in my head. The center's residents say they quickly found mutual language, easily made acquaintances, and danced together even with unfamiliar people. Indeed, this is very typical for eshki: the drug, connecting with the musical rhythm, alcoholic drinks and lighting effects, gives a person an emotional boost. All this led to the incredible popularity of the substance among the club crowd - schoolchildren and students. As a result, this has led to an increase in teenage drug addiction and horrific statistics.

Eshki: drug effect

Peak activity occurs approximately 3 hours after administration. After this, the sensations last for several hours, after which the effect gradually fades away. Some addicts take more to make it last longer. But beginners tend to experience discomfort. They may experience: nausea, convulsions, spasms, depression. Memory deteriorates greatly; the person who took the substance may not even remember what he just said. After the narcotic effect, drowsiness and muscle pain appear. Joy and tranquility are replaced by emptiness and severe fatigue. In general, the effect of the food depends on the condition of the person himself. But only one thing is important - everyone will need qualified help in getting rid of addiction. The rehabilitation center has helped many; we have everything you need for treatment.

Slang(from English slang) are new names for familiar words or sets of words that are used by different kinds of people in different fields. In general, slang is non-standard vocabulary that unites people of the same profession and/or company.

Nowadays, many of the slang expressions have firmly established themselves in our literary language and are actively used by almost all groups of people. For example, “write a cheat sheet” (a hint, a reminder), “make a fuss” (tell everyone, make it public), “fail an interview” (receive a refusal at an interview, not get a job).

The main difference between slang, for example, and colloquial expressions, is its use in their colloquial speech by educated people, people of similar professions, ages, etc. Often it is slang that determines a person’s belonging to certain group(for example, PS - computer slang, grandmothers - criminal jargon). In addition, in different group circles, slang words having the same sound mean completely different things (for example, CNC - SEO, Internet and CNC - factory machine).

The Russian language also actively uses common slang, for example, bummer, showdown, money, party, cop, get sick of it, bullshit. These are words borrowed mainly from youth or criminal slang, but which have become commonly used and understandable to almost everyone.

Youth slang

Youth slang is usually used by people aged 12-25 to contrast themselves with the system and parents. Most often, the formation of slang expressions concerns appearance, clothing, the person himself, his home and leisure. Basically, the creation of slang is borrowing foreign words, abbreviation, creation of derivative expressions, and can also be formed from any associations regarding an object. In fact, youth slang- the code language of youth.

Youth slang is the most rapidly changing. And this is quite logical, the rapid change of generations has its own words, its own meaning.

Examples of such teenage slang are:

  • Internet - Internet;
  • Chikane – crazy;
  • Comp – personal computer;
  • A nerd is a person who is super pro at something, who spends too much time improving his skills and does not pay attention to real life. For example, a computer game nerd;
  • Rodaki - parents;
  • Tusa - party, spending time together in a company;
  • Khachi - people from the Caucasus;
  • Chel is a young man;
  • Shirka – drugs, injecting drugs;
  • 2fast4u – too fast for you (English);
  • DPS player is a player who causes damage to other characters in computer games;
  • Easy - too simple (English);
  • Arta is a tank from the game world of tanks that deals huge damage.

Teenage slang and its meaning

Not all teenagers consciously use slang. Many people use it as a joke and often because of this they are not accepted by other peers. For a teenager, using slang expressions is a game, a coded language that most adults cannot understand and therefore you can calmly talk about anything. In most cases, as they grow older, youth slang disappears from colloquial speech, and the teenager begins to call a spade a spade.

The influence of youth slang

In principle, there is nothing wrong with using slang when communication in it does not go beyond the boundaries and the person understands the difference between commonly used colloquial speech and this humorous, coded (often temporary) language. But if, due to non-acceptance of generally accepted norms in adolescence, a gross rejection of the “normal” occurs, then this is already a problem.

The thing is that all our thoughts are closely connected with the word, and not with the image, like in animals. Therefore, using slang expressions, a teenager begins not only to speak, but also to think in it. As a result, slang seeps into all areas of his activity and takes root in such a way that sometimes he himself needs translation from “normal” to “his” language.

It will be very difficult to get rid of slang later. But it is quite achievable. And this will require a lot of conscious effort.