Everything will be fine - believe me! “Blow, shock and tragedy Everything, with God’s help, will be fine

Everything will be fine - believe me!

Everything will be fine - believe me!

If someone does not fall under sorrow, but in hope of God bears the burden of sorrow, then for patience I am ready for him great reward from God.
Saint Basil the Great

What does a person who has completed his earthly journey leave in memory of himself? At least two dates, between which there is either a dash or a minus... Or a dash. This line contains the entirety of human life. They say that if we cannot expand the time boundaries allotted to us, we cannot lengthen our life, we should, within the allotted time, expand it. Each person can interpret this recommendation in his own way, but those who lead a meaningful spiritual life know exactly what and how this volume is achieved. For in this case we are not talking about escaping boredom, but about saving an immortal soul.

Today we are saved by endurance of tribulations. It’s a paradox: we desire nothing more unconditionally than salvation, and at the same time we fervently and incessantly pray for well-being. This is how man is made. We are afraid of the cross, afraid of drifting and betraying. We are afraid of pain. We sin by lack of faith and cowardice. We know this about ourselves, we mourn our weakness in confession, but we remain the same. If it were not for those beacons that are lit by the strong in spirit, we would be doomed to darkness, for our lamps are good for nothing. By the grace of God there are lighthouses. They shine for everyone who starts moving vertically.

We met Natasha three years ago at an Orthodox forum. A pretty young woman, mother of three sons. Faithful and loving wife. My whole life is dedicated to my family. Perhaps what immediately surprised me was her seriousness and some kind of stubborn focus on the main thing. And the main thing for her was fidelity to the Christian path. She did not scatter herself over the petty and vain. Now I understand why: she didn’t have time for this.

I don't want to say much. I don’t even want to talk at all, just pray. If we talk about it, then the main thing. The way Natasha did it. I'll give the floor to her. Here is one of the advantages of virtual communication: words are spoken in writing. Thanks to this, I have the opportunity to tell about Natasha in her words, carefully collected by brothers and sisters in Christ - those with whom Natasha was in friendly and prayerful communication.

Become large family she and her husband did not intend to. But God gave children, and Natasha accepted them with gratitude.

Using my own example, I will tell you how you can do without infanticide. We came to Russia ten years ago. There was no housing, normal work, or stable salary. When I started going to church, I began to hope for the best. I unexpectedly became pregnant with my second child. The husband was against the birth. It's clear why. And I was also very sick, I was blown about by the wind. There was no thought about abortion, thank God. At the last stage, doctors said that the child might be born deformed. The priest in the church blessed me to receive communion often and I soon gave birth to a healthy son. God bless! The Lord was merciful to us and offered my husband Good work. Then we bought an apartment, they also helped good people. One woman gave a loan without a receipt or interest, another simply gave a large sum of money. After 6 years, I became pregnant again with my third child. My husband was planning to buy a car. He did not want to understand that abortion is a terrible murder of one’s own child! It was hard. She prayed to the Mother of God. Thank God, I gave birth to my third son! Such joy for everyone! And the Lord wonderfully worked on the car. But it’s not even about cars or other benefits. The Lord blesses the family and all their offspring if this family does not kill God-given children.

I am always amazed by God's mercy in the fact that man has free will. But people often use this precious gift not for the glory of God, but in the service of the devil. I read a long time ago that one person, with indignation in his soul, prayed to the Lord like this: “Lord, why are there only criminals, thieves, and drunkards around? Why are those in power such unscrupulous deceivers? Where normal people? And he heard a Voice: “You killed them in abortions...”

So, you and I and all people have free will - how to raise children, what kind of example to set for others. We need weaknesses and sorrows to bring us to the Path of Truth. I myself am very worried about the children who are sick and crippled by their own parents. But God forbid that I cripple my children with upbringing and bad example.

I love October too. And I also want to look at the graphics of the black branches, admire the bend of each branch, the shape of the buds. October also plays a significant role in my life. In October I met my future husband, two years later in October we got married to Rev. Sergius of Radonezh (October 8), and a year later on Pokrov Holy Mother of God we had a son. And we always move in October, and we have moved five times.

My mother gave birth to me at the age of 42, and I walked around with a lot of illnesses. The doctors then simply threw hysterics, saying where to give birth, and even so sick, and you yourself will die, and the child will die. Although I was born on time, I weighed 1400. I didn’t even have the strength to take my breasts. They fed me from a pipette. The doctors immediately told my mother that I was not a survivor. But my mother was a fighter, she fought back all the doctors, and after taking me home, she and my dad began to nurse me. So they came out, thank God! And I, with God’s help and God’s grace, gave birth to three boys, and I still need to give birth to a fourth! Every conceived child has the right to life. Admonition to all our Orthodox Christians! (unchurched, baptized).

Natasha's Christian path began with a child's illness. What admonition could be more effective than this? Thank God for everything!

I had such a day. For a long time. About fifteen years ago. My four-month-old son is seriously ill. We were admitted to the hospital. They began to treat diligently, but there was little use. The child was fading away. He didn't sleep properly for two weeks. I was completely exhausted with him. At that moment I knew one prayer. The most important one: “Our Father...” I read it and cried. The son had not yet been baptized. The son stopped crying and fell asleep. I also lay down with him. I had such a dream in a subtle dream that I still remember everything clearly and get goosebumps. I dream that I take the child and go to the exit. I feel like there is someone behind me, although I was alone in the room. I look around - grandfather is sitting on the bed. So handsome! Fear took over me, I think that’s it! This out-of-this-world grandfather came for my son! And he says so kindly, so affectionately: “Don’t worry! Your son will recover soon!” And disappeared. Then, however, we were quickly discharged. Now my son is 16 years old. Thank God for everything! I think it was Nikolai Ugodnik.

From the works of the Holy Fathers it becomes known that illnesses are allowed to people not only because of their sinfulness, but also to test Faith, and also for reasons known to the One Master. Children also get sick for various reasons: both because of the sinfulness of their parents (for their own admonition), and according to the Providence of God (remember the illness of Ilya Muromets). It happens that a sick child grows in love for other sick people, knowing the severity of illnesses, setting an example for healthy people.

I really love rereading Mother Sokolova’s “Under the Shelter of the Most High,” but her cross is really heavy. But the children have grown up so wonderfully - their father was an example!!! And what another!

Natasha spoke about her faith as if she was in a hurry to reach every heart. Now her words seem like a message, a parting word to us who have time left on this side of the threshold.

We all need to acquire a love that does not seek its own. Then there will be no disappointments. We are all egoists, we all have an attitude towards “pleasure”, and not towards giving, sacrifice. No matter how much Christ teaches us, we still divide people into “bad” and “good!” You have to start with yourself... And end with yourself too...

Without God, life is meaningless. Think for yourself, why live? To eat, drink, get rich, get sick and die? At the beginning of churching, we all strive for God by calling grace, and then we have to work. Go to church as often as possible, read and confess. Everything will be fine - believe me!

Life in Christ, humility, meekness, courage and fidelity to the Truth - this is what we should strive for.
Madness is allowed by God for godlessness! For pride, for vanity, and so on (the list is long). Any person “without skin” is the kindest, but without God he is a dummy.

We often make mistakes too. Man is capable of change, with God's help. “You are the salt of the earth...” “You are the light of the world...” Let us shine for everyone, including the communists.

It is clear that at all times there have been true Orthodox Christians, and those who consider themselves such, but live like demons, then God is the judge of such. And it's a shame. There are sins - as the saints say - that take a long time to correct, and there are sins that need to be cut off immediately, without justifying yourself in the fact that supposedly many people now have it. You move in such a circle and see others like you, thinking that there are many of you and soon everyone will come to your defense. Even if the whole world follows you - it’s an empty matter. The Lord will be on the side of those who hate sin and eradicate it.

In any situation, the Lord will not abandon you. He is with those who forgive and love, and not with those who are looking for thrills. God help you!!!

God bless you, do not be discouraged. When it's difficult for me, I tell myself - this is temporary. Unfortunately, many families now have similar difficulties. The Lord will not leave you - just don’t leave Him.

Go to church more often - the Lord will heal everything. The best remedy out of despondency - look around and see who is worse off, help to the best of your ability. Shift your attention to others. Also, spiritual literature greatly nourishes the soul and does not allow bad thoughts to torment it. I did it, with God's help, of course. Now I’m thinking how good it is, but I might never have reached the temple. Help you the Lord and His Most Pure Mother!!!

The last, fourth pregnancy was difficult for many reasons. Natasha then really asked for prayers. She amazed us with the strength of spirit and the meekness with which she endured all the trials that befell her.

"Begotten, not yet born,
You have always been a man!
Nine months of secret
You hoped, believed, loved!

Really, beautiful poems? I read them on a poster in the antenatal clinic.

It is always necessary to delve into yourself, but with benefit and with Hope. Snuggle closer to God and His Most Pure Mother, as little children do in moments of danger - they snuggle up to their mother and seek consolation; if earthly mothers are unable to refuse their own child, then all the more the Heavenly Mother will not refuse consolation to anyone!

In due time, the baby John, of heroic physique, was born. I now regret that I did not save the SMS messages that Natasha sent me from the maternity hospital in my phone memory.

Soon after being discharged from the maternity hospital, Natasha began to have serious health problems.

... must tell me the results of the tests. And I believe that it will not be a pure accident, and it will not be the doctors’ mistake, even if they tell me that there is nothing. This will be the mercy of God! Forgiveness and abandonment of mine grave sins! We must seriously prepare for confession, communion and unction.

The examination left no doubt about the diagnosis: cancer.

Thank God for this little one! If only you could see what a wonderful baby! I will miss my children again. Wasn’t it a MIRACLE that I carried the child to term along with the tumor? The Lord will not allow my baby not to remember his mother. Tomorrow I’m waiting for the priest with the Holy Gifts, I hope Christ will come again, cleanse my soul, help my sick body. This is the great Mercy of God towards me, a sinner!

I am a very sinner, but I do not fully realize this, and there is no true repentance in me. The Lord visited me with an illness, cancer, I was already treated for 2 courses, discharged, but now, after 2 months, metastases have appeared in the vertebra. We have 4 sons - 17 years old, 11 years old, 5 years old and 6 months old (Vladislav, Vladimir, Dimitri, John). Thank God for everything!

Whenever there is an opportunity, maybe and should share what we have. But honestly, I don’t see anything interesting in my life - just everyday vanity, what can you tell me about? If I were somewhere, I would see something, otherwise all 18 years are pots and diapers...

All this time I went to church with my children, they were noisy, they needed something (you understand!), what kind of prayer did I have in church?! No! At home there is always running around. Previously, I could secretly read canons, akathists, and spiritual literature when my husband was at work. I don’t have the strength right now, the children need a lot of attention, I’m glad that I can serve them in at least this way. I pray on the go. A short rule. And in the evening it’s even worse - I’m tired and in bed I can barely manage “Our Father...” and “Theotokos...”. I have no spiritual life.

I am not a person of deep faith, but a sinner, cowardly and cowardly, otherwise I would not be so sick. The Lord teaches my evil soul, teaches, but never teaches. How much He has done for me! Thank God for giving me sisters and brothers in Christ who tirelessly pray for me. Everything that I did that was good was done by the Lord in me, and I had nothing to do with it.

Now I am in the hospital with liver toxicosis, in general, it takes a long time to be treated, my body can no longer withstand the stress, everything came at once. Thank God, there is an opportunity to be treated and little by little, God willing, things will get better.

Lord help everyone to live in love and harmony! Now I am suffering from insomnia, but you can not suffer, but read a lot here and be encouraged. Pray again properly. See people's opinions and love, how they cope in difficult unpredictable situations. Yesterday I received an SMS from “Good Word” on my cell phone: “Frequent communion and fervent prayer healed many when doctors refused. (ig. Nikon (Vorobiov) The Lord consoles me, does not leave me a sinner, no matter what. Of course, I knew this a long time ago and did the same before. But now I had to read THIS again. I wrote it, maybe someone will find it useful too.

I pray briefly, but I earnestly asked, apparently I have to suffer more, I feel sorry for my loved ones.

February 13.
Tomorrow I’m waiting for the priest with the Holy Gifts, I hope Christ will come again, cleanse my soul, help my sick body. This is the great Mercy of God towards me, a sinner!
The worst thing is to die without repentance, and this illness provides a good opportunity to repent.

February 17.
Christ came to me, a sinner, and Father performed the Sacraments. God bless! I started eating, the pain is bearable. The merciful God does not leave us, glory to Him!
God forbid that I forget the Lord, who has given me so many mercies, a sinner! Glory to Thee, Lord!

March 14th.
Today, a liver ultrasound showed metastases. It looks like my candle is burning out... If I don’t write to you for a long time, then remember me for your repose.
I only hope for God's mercy. What I can? And what about my “perseverance”? It was the Lord who did everything in me, strengthened and supported me.

On April 7, Natasha turned 39 years old. On April 8, she received Holy Communion. On the night of April 9, her angelic soul departed to the Lord. Until her last minute there was a faithful and loving husband Alexander.

Faith in God is a gift from God. If we often do not have this Gift, it is because of our sinfulness. Think what will happen to us after death - where will we be and before whom will we appear?! Human life is not grass: it turns green and withers forever. The soul is IMMORTAL!

Eternal memory to the servant of God Natalia, may the Lord rest her bright soul in His Kingdom.

Christ is Risen!

Robert Sheckley

God willing

There is a planet called Atalla in the Universe. And on it is the huge Mount Sanito, at the foot of which, in the valleys where the climate is temperate and favorable, various civilizations flourish. The top of Sanito is chained in eternal ice, and avalanches come down the slopes every now and then. These slopes are not just steep - they are almost vertical, and among the bare rocks there are bottomless abysses.

No one has ever been to the top of Sanito. She is considered impregnable. Even the hills in its foothills seem to challenge climbers. However, as the legend says, once upon a time one saint managed to climb this mountain, for the holiness of this man over many years reached the level of divinity - and all thanks to the enhanced and unidirectional concentration of all his spiritual powers.

This newly-minted god, known among the local population under the name Shelmo before his ascension to Sanito, carved a cave into the granite cheek of the mountain, made himself a bed of ice blocks and wove a meditation mat from lichens. He didn’t need anything more - after all, he had learned to generate quite enough energy and internal heat for his life.

Shelmo decided to spend several thousand years on top of Sanito and thoroughly practice using one-pointed concentration, although he was already quite good at this skill, and it even brought him the title of god. But the results achieved did not satisfy him. He believed that he could still hone his skills.

Centuries passed. Civilizations arose and disappeared, but Shelmo had no time for that: to achieve truly full concentration of time requires an extremely large amount of time. On the other hand, Shelmo understood that he might be showing some selfishness towards the peoples living in the neighborhood - he, God, needs to somehow look after people, but he forgets about them, devoting all his time to his favorite pastime. But then Shelmo reasoned sensibly: firstly, the law is not written for the gods, and secondly, there is still more than enough time ahead and it is quite possible to prove himself as a highly moral deity, of course, when he finally manages to completely master the skill of one-pointed concentration.

For a god who wanted to renounce everything, Mount Sanito was truly an ideal place. The roar of storms and the roar of avalanches created an excellent sound background, and the swirling white clouds and dark clouds provided an excellent object for meditation. And Shelmo's cave was located so high that human prayers rarely reached his ears. Muffled by the howling of the winds and the thickness of the snow, they seemed to Shelmo more like sad moans or sighs that had nothing to do with him.

However, even the gods are not allowed to remain aloof from worldly squabbles forever. Of course, you can hold out for a while, but in the end you will still be bothered by earthly problems.

And then one day a man from the lower world took Shelmo by surprise, climbing to an impregnable peak and finding his cave. (But Shelmo, of course, did not show any surprise at this - the gods are never surprised. And yet it was unexpected for him.)

The man fell on his face before the deity and began to offer him a long prayer.

Yes, yes, thank you very much,” Shelmo interrupted him. - Tell me better, how did you get here? After all, it is believed that no one except the gods can climb Sanito. Are you by any chance a god in human form?

No, said the man. - I'm an ordinary person. And my name is Dan. I was helped to rise to such a height both by my own virtues and piety, and by the prayers of the people who worship you down there.

“I see,” said Shelmo. - Would you like to sit down from the road? Here is a suitable ice block. I hope you have good thermoregulation?

Yes, sure! - Dan answered. - After all, this is one of the easiest steps on the path to higher spirituality.

“You’re right,” Shelmo agreed. - Well, tell me, why did you come to me?

Dan sat more comfortably on the ice block, straightened his clothes and said:

Lord, we, your believers, pray to you for help! Without your intervention, we will soon be destroyed, erased from the face of Atalla.

Yes? And what happened to you? - asked Shelmo. - I hope it’s something serious? I don't like being distracted by trifles.

It's all about the damn steel crabs! - Dan exclaimed. Self-programming mechanical vampires are also, of course, not a gift. And the copper scorpions with exploding tails are a bit boring. But the main thing is still crabs. These damn automata have learned to reproduce themselves! We destroy one factory, and then a dozen new ones appear! Damn creatures have filled our houses, streets, even temples are full of them! They are created as killers, and now we are clearly losing to them.

But in my time there was nothing like this on Atalla,” Shelmo noted. Where did these crabs come from?

Well... - Dan began, - you probably know that peace reigns on Atalla now. But even in the very recent past, some countries continued to fight with each other, and that’s when steel crabs were invented. And after some time, they escaped from the control of people and instantly spread, first throughout the territory of the country where they were created, and then throughout the world. The crabs multiplied faster than they could be destroyed. We, of course, committed a great stupidity, but... now we’re just disappearing! Lord, I beg you, show your mercy, help us! Do something!

Despite his voluntary hermitage, Shelmo still felt something obliged to these people - “his believers,” as they called themselves.

“Okay, I’ll sort it out,” he said, “but will you be able to take care of yourself afterwards and leave me alone?”

O, sure! - Dan exclaimed. - We are absolutely confident that human society is capable of governing itself. We, people, want to forge our own destiny! We believe that the separation of church and state is justified. Except... the damn crabs are unfortunately out of control!

Shelmo comprehensively studied the problem of “damn crabs”, including the Great Knowledge, which he now (as a god) had at his disposal. There really was serious trouble down there.

Of course, he could easily perform a miracle, and all the crabs would immediately disappear - God knows! - however, the Council of Divine Ethics would hardly approve of such direct interference in people's lives. Such “miracles” usually lead to the emergence of superstitions, and Shelmo had to create a certain virus - people, by the way, were never able to understand its origin - which destroyed the microcircuits of not only steel crabs, but also copper scorpions and mechanical vampires. Skillfully manipulating the virus at the genetic level, Shelmo forced it to destroy only machines harmful to humans, and then undergo self-destruction.

Everything will be fine with God's help

Sergey Kazuk worked as the head of the exhibition directorate at the Perm Fair for 25 years. For 18 years he was the executive director of the art salon “ART Perm” and the exhibition of designer dolls and Teddy bears “The Magic Closet”.

Sergey Alexandrovich, how did you react to the news about the closure of the Perm Fair from June 2016?

For me it was a blow, a shock and a tragedy. I worked at the Perm Fair from the first day of its foundation. The entire life of this company passed before my eyes, but that’s not the main thing. The essence of the drama is that now, most likely, many projects that have become so beloved by all Perm residents will “perish.” One “ART Perm” is worth it! After all, this project is already making waves all over Russia, and it is still at its peak.

February 2016, when the last exhibition took place, proved this: among the participants there were artists from all over Russia, the exhibition was visited by more than 25 thousand people in 10 days, the folder with applications for participation next year, as always after this exhibition, is filled with hundreds of applications, including from completely new artists and masters. So what now? Perm lost one of its best cultural events, lost something to be proud of.

Now I remember the reviews of participants and visitors to the salon from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They said that only in Perm can such a grandiose event be seen, that nothing like this had happened in their capitals and that it was unlikely that it would ever happen. Now it’s unlikely in Perm either...

At a press conference held regarding the closure of the Perm Fair, the founders said that the exhibition business in Perm had reached its “ceiling”, that it had nowhere to develop, and this main reason sales of exhibition pavilions. What do you say to this?

I categorically disagree with the founders and I think they are being disingenuous. I think that the motives for selling the pavilions are completely different. On the contrary, the presence of such a developed exhibition infrastructure in the city center is a huge plus of the Perm Fair. Other regions do not have the advantages that our exhibition center has. My opinion is that Perm Fair had more than enough opportunities to continue its activities, but the management and founders decided in their own way.

Here is another example of the fact that the free market regulates and coordinates little, or does it stupidly and how will it manage. Look what's happening: no competition. Specialists working in a company, one of the best in the country, in a modern exhibition complex with 25 years of business experience, leading excellent social and commercial projects, were left with nothing. Yes, with nothing! As soon as more luxurious incomes loomed on the horizon, everything collapsed, despite its social and cultural significance.

You will say that a holy place is never empty? Let's see what Perm gets in return. It seems to me that the process of revival, if one begins, will be long and very painful. I think that only the state, that is, the government of the Perm Territory, can revive exhibitions in Perm by building a new exhibition complex, but judging by the way we are building a new zoo and a new gallery, I don’t think we should have much hope for this.

Sergey Alexandrovich, shortly before the news about the closure of the Perm Fair, you submitted your resignation. You already knew what would happen. If not, what motivated you?

I swear to God that I knew nothing about the plans of the founders, and the news that the exhibition complex would be turned into a hypermarket was indeed news to me. There were, of course, different rumors, but none of my colleagues or I even imagined that it would all end so suddenly.

Today the day started as usual. Having cleaned the stove and filled it with coal, I began morning procedures with my stepfather (he is bedridden).
I changed his bed and fed him, then, glancing at the clock, I rushed to the village medical center to get another injection (I was being treated for asthma) and to get a trust deed from the village council nurse-deputy for the removal of coal for the past year for my stepfather. Then she got on the mine bus to go to the neighboring village to the village council - to certify this very act.
Everything worked out for me: I certified the paper and hurried to the mine to find out when they would finally bring this ill-fated coal for the second half of last year, which we cannot bring in any way.
At the mine, the drivers told me that it was not profitable for them to transport coal over short distances, that is, for five kilometers they would earn eight hundred rubles for delivery. Now, if only it were further away to “cut down” two thousand at once...
But on that day the coal was no longer released and I was advised to come on Monday or Tuesday morning: maybe someone would agree to bring this coal.
Having found out what time it was, I realized that there would be no buses heading my way in the near future.
The temperature outside was sub-zero and I decided not to stand still at the bus stop, but to move so as not to get sicker.
If someone is driving, I’ll try to ask for a ride.
But no - no!
With God’s help I will get home: just don’t stand still, but move.
And I walked along the highway. Cars drove past me, one cooler than the other, but no one cared about the woman walking along the highway between populated areas. I didn't even try to stop anyone. I just kept repeating to myself: “Go ahead and with God’s help you will be home...”
I had already walked probably a third of the distance between the villages when a car stopped next to me. The door opened and they told me: “Get in the car, we’ll take you there.” Who took pity on me anyway? When I saw the man driving, I was not surprised. This was our father - Father Victor, rector of the Temple of Olga and Mikhail in the village of Yasenovsky. He asked why I was walking so far. And I explained to him.
Soon we arrived at my stop. I thanked him and went home. And my soul felt warm and light.
Indeed, with God's help...


Yes... you don’t believe me... You will believe it!
Such amazing pleasant occasions only
strengthen the belief that everything is above, everything is under control!
HE KNOWS EVERYTHING... With the Holy Baptism of Our Lord
Jesus Christ! Health to you and everyone at home!
With warmth, Boris.

The daily audience of the portal Stikhi.ru is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

God willing

To the great joy of the students, the Master announced that for his birthday he would like a new shirt. We bought the best fabric. The village tailor came, took the measurements and promised to finish it in seven days with God’s help.

A week has passed. An apprentice was sent to the tailor: The master asks where is his new shirt?

“I didn’t have time to finish it,” the tailor answered, “but with God’s help I’ll finish it tomorrow.”

The next day it happened again:

Sorry, it's not ready yet. Come tomorrow - if the Lord wills, I will certainly finish it.

The next day the Master said:

Ask him how long it will take him if he works alone, without the Lord's help.

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Modification using classification One of the ways in which a concept new to the target language can be conveyed is the use of a generic concept (classifier) ​​together with a borrowed word, which in this case shows that a certain

From the book Mysticism Ancient Rome. Secrets, legends, traditions author Burlak Vadim Nikolaevich

Solving Problems with the Gospel When we were on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Milka Shecherova from Sanad in Banat told us how she received permission from her mother for this pilgrimage. Milka is a widow and has a small son. No one of their kind has ever been to

From the book Real help in difficult times [Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, Seraphim of Sarov] author Mikhalitsyn Pavel Evgenievich

Those who trust with God's help turn evil into good. Fifth reward: by true trust in God, we are given, as it were, complete omnipotence - we seem to be omnipotent. The Holy Apostle Paul freely proclaims: “I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).

From the author's book

From the author's book

“And all this time they turned to Matrona for help” Our story. A family of military personnel, my father was transferred to Moscow in 2000. We lived in K., we sold our apartment there, but it was impossible to buy a home here. We settled in a student dormitory (room - 16 meters, amenities in the corridor), but I