What kind of friend are you according to your zodiac sign? Friendship according to the horoscope: how different zodiac signs see their best friend. How Scorpios are friends

06/7/2018 at 12:12 · Johnny · 45 890

Which zodiac signs should you not be friends with?

Friendship is a wonderful relationship between people that is built on respect, understanding and selflessness. Everyone has friends. But sometimes in life it happens that a friend suddenly becomes a stranger. In order not to experience disappointment and resentment towards your friends, you should always know what the stars say about this. Each zodiac sign has its own character and its own characteristics. Everyone makes friends differently. To find out about your friend and whether he knows how to be friends, just read about his horoscope. The stars will be able to tell you whether you should trust and be friends with certain people. And then it's up to you.

10. Aries

People who are beneficial to them can become his friends. Aries will sincerely be friends, help and come to the rescue only as long as this friendship is beneficial to them. As soon as a friend becomes better than Aries in some way or becomes useless in this relationship, then all the selfless devotion of Aries will come to naught. They are very calculating and cunning. They are demanding of their friends, and believe that a friend is their shadow. He must give everything and at the same time remain invisible.

9. Taurus

They try to be cautious even in friendship and will never open up to a friend. They often lie for their own benefit and have secrets even from their best friends. Very often they see in people only those qualities that will be useful to them. Taurus believes that friendship should only bring benefits. It is better not to enter into arguments with them, even friendly ones. Taurus cannot stand it when a friend gives them advice, they are very stubborn and will never be able to admit their mistakes. They themselves can offend their friends for no reason and will consider themselves right. Taurus needs friends only in difficult situations; they will insist on help and demand it, although they themselves may forget about you in difficult times.

8. Gemini

They do not know how to be friends for a long time and they very often make new friends to whom they give their whole soul. Geminis spend everything with them free time and just fall in love with this person. But as soon as they meet a more interesting person in their life, their love and friendship quickly begin to fade away; old friends for them are just unnecessary things. They turn all their care and attention to their new friend. Geminis should not be told secrets; they will definitely spill the beans and do it with special pleasure. Very often they spread rumors about their former friends, so their friendship is very unreliable.

7. Cancer

He is a silent friend. Cancer becomes very quickly and strongly attached to a friend, and often becomes simply annoying. For Cancer, a friend is more than a relative, he sincerely believes that your family is his family and can come to visit without an invitation, and will think that this is normal. To be friends with him, you must consider him your close relative, otherwise this friendship will only irritate you. Cancer can always listen to his friend and will try to help to the best of his ability. He will not only listen and worry about his friend, but will also try to give advice, although sometimes advice is completely useless.

6. Virgo

This sign is very selfish. In friendship, he skillfully manipulates his comrades. Virgo's friend cannot even imagine that he is doing everything that this sign asks. The friend will be confident that he is the leader in these friendly relations, but the cunning maiden will skillfully choose words so that everything will be according to her will. Virgos will very quickly make you stop communicating with other people, and will draw all the attention to themselves. The virgins themselves never refuse to help their friends and are ready to do anything for them. Sometimes the aggressive behavior of Virgos is explained by their reluctance to share a friend with others; they will do anything so that you only have one friend left.

5. Libra

This sign can be friends with everyone, he doesn't like so much conflict situations that he is ready to accept everyone as a friend and show that he trusts them. It is sometimes very difficult to figure out whether Libras have best friends, because they are friends with everyone. Libras show universal affection and friendship to others only for their own benefit, to make their world comfortable and calm. If they are sincerely friends, then they always show concern for their friend, it is always carefree and pleasant to be with them. To provide assistance, they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of pure friendship; Libra can very easily act as a parliamentarian, and often make peace with their friends.

4. Leo

3. Scorpio

Scorpios are very strange friends, sometimes they just pretend to be friends in order to simply take advantage of a person for their own benefit. Scorpio is a manipulator in friendship. This sign will easily find words and actions to make you do whatever he needs. If Scorpio has chosen someone as his chosen one, and did it sincerely, then without regret he gives everything for his friend. Scorpios are very often generous and not only in material terms. They easily share their luck and experience only with true friends and are happy to solve all problems for their friend.

2. Sagittarius

These signs are very touchy towards their friends, they believe that everyone owes them and demand unconditional loyalty in friendship. After all, they themselves, without reminders, are ready to rush headlong to the rescue; for the sake of a friend, they will share everything they have and give up their last without regret. But, if their friends do not also treat them, then resentment cannot be avoided; Sagittarians begin to punish their friends, showing their indifference by silence. Sometimes they commit rash and ugly things, but they are always sure that their friend is simply obliged to support them, even if the Sagittarius is clearly wrong.

1. Capricorn

This zodiac sign practically does not know how to be a friend. If a Capricorn has relatives, then he practically does not need friends himself and does not know how to behave with his close friends so as not to offend them. Capricorns try to take advantage of each friend, so they are friends only when they need something. They prefer to keep a great distance from people, hiding their true feelings and emotions, but if Capricorn nevertheless let a friend into their life, then you will not find him more devoted.

Many astrologers highly recommend choosing friends based on their zodiac sign. Often such compatibility can become the basis for long-term mutually beneficial and pleasant relationship. If you suffer from a lack of communication, arm yourself with the tips below and choose a true friend based on your zodiac sign.


Aries has the best friendships with Sagittarius and Gemini

This representative of the zodiac table approaches friendship issues very responsibly. He values ​​his existing connections, respects his friends, and is ready to do anything for them. Aries strives to gather around him a large number of people who are faithful and devoted to him. Only in this case will he be happy.

  • Gemini and Sagittarius will smooth out rough edges in relationships, add a touch of adventurism, and entertain the ever-busy and serious Aries.
  • Aquarians, on the contrary, have exactly the same views on life as Aries. These signs are always ready to support each other.
  • Capricorn and Aries have the same views on the need to accumulate material things.

In communication, this zodiac sign does not accept gossip, emotionality, or understatement. He can take friends under his wing, but will not forgive them if they demonstrate their autonomy to him. Aries should not start relationships with people who are most similar to him. Namely with Taurus. There is a high probability that these zodiac signs will not get along together due to the similarity of character and stubbornness.


Best friends for Taurus - Pisces

Moderately sociable sign. He tries to gather a stable circle of friends around himself. However, he truly trusts only a select few and relatives. He tries not to take seriously the failures and troubles that arise in his loved ones. So you shouldn’t expect help from Taurus. This representative of the zodiac will gladly share your joy and feast with you, but, unfortunately, he will not know you in trouble. If you behave decently towards a Taurus, you can count on exactly the same attitude.

Taurus is very kind and friendly, so he chooses friends to match himself. He is friends with Pisces, who appreciate his organizational skills. This zodiac sign will also like how Taurus knows how to manage finances and how he approaches complex issues in detail.

You should not start a relationship with Aquarius and Sagittarius, as they have an outlook on life that is alien to the stubborn Taurus.


Geminis have the widest social circle of all the zodiac signs.

Representatives of this sign are easy and pleasant to communicate with. They perceive you as you are, without the desire to change you. Geminis get along with people easily. They are straightforward, but at the same time non-conflicting, they will never criticize you. This is a very optimistic zodiac sign. Its representatives are always cheerful, interesting, and energetic. These people have a wide social circle and are welcome in any company. Geminis do not try to strive for spiritual intimacy with any of the zodiac signs. Truly close people for them are family. But friends cannot cross this very line, which opens the door to the inner world of Gemini.

  • Geminis are great friends with Aries. It is with this zodiac sign that they will find the very necessary communications.
  • Pisces will urge Gemini to accomplish important things.
  • Libras will love that their zodiac friend is very flexible in communication and can take their hesitations with humor.
  • Aquarius will appreciate Gemini's lively mind and intelligence.

Such people are contraindicated to communicate with strict Capricorns and Taurus. These signs will not appreciate the high energy and sometimes even optional nature of Gemini. Frequent clashes will be doomed to scandals, as a result of which any friendship will end.


Cancer knows how to truly make friends, but does not forgive betrayal

Cancers choose their friends very carefully. However, recognized people need not worry about themselves. Cancers will always take care of them and will never abandon them in an unpleasant situation. Representatives of this sign have a very pronounced maternal instinct towards all close and dear people. If a friend gets into trouble, Cancer will do everything in his power for him.

But if you betray the trust of this zodiac sign at least once, it will be very difficult to return it. Cancer does not allow any betrayal. If a friend stumbles once, he risks breaking a long-term relationship forever.

Cancers cannot stand lies and gossip. Even if you naively embellished an event, you will cause a negative reaction and provoke a reason for the cooling of the relationship.

  • Cancer is a strong friend of Taurus, as they have a common predisposition to hidden reflection.
  • They will get along well with Virgos, because Cancers are often also pedantic and strict.
  • Pisces will appreciate the desire to solve problems and will always respond in kind.

Cancer has a negative attitude towards zodiac signs who are too emotional and perceive friendship with them as overcoming any problems.

  • Therefore, you should not communicate with Leos who demand admiration in friendship.
  • Sagittarians will also not become best friends because of their wishful thinking.
  • Cancers will not find anything in common with Geminis, as they are too flighty.

a lion

To be friends with a Leo, you just need to admire him

This fire zodiac sign is great with everyone who is included in his social circle. In order to become a close person, you need to admire strengths and the successes of Leo. Then he will provide his friends with the necessary support. This zodiac sign is a great friend and the soul of any company. There will never be a dull moment with him.

  • Excellent contact with Gemini. The ease of character of both zodiac signs, the desire to have fun, and the absence of negativity are valued here.
  • Will find mutual language with the ever-doubting Libra.
  • In Aries, Leos will find rabid fans who will enthusiastically admire their successes.

Leo cannot stand boredom, so he will never tolerate a bore next to him. And he also does not accept any criticism or moralizing. That is why it is contraindicated for him to be friends with prim Taurus and strict Capricorns.


Virgo makes friendships based on benefits and common interests

Not very sociable, but treats friendship responsibly. The useful qualities of this zodiac sign are the ability to value relationships, as well as devotion. Virgo bonds with friends based on common interests or benefits. She will meet people with whom she can build partnerships or friendships with further prospects for development. Friendship for Virgo is an exchange on an energetic level.

  • Will get along well with Taurus. They are famous for their prudence, which Virgo will really like.
  • Good partnerships will develop with Capricorns and Aries.
  • Virgo will find a common language with Libra based on interests in the field of art.

Virgo will not tolerate it if one of her close friends begins to expose her personal life to strangers.

  • Virgo's character is simply contraindicated for people like Sagittarius. Unfortunately, they do not tolerate criticism, but are accustomed to receiving admiration.
  • The same applies to Lviv. A calm and prim Virgo will not be a good friend for them.
  • He will also not be able to make friends with Pisces due to the similarity of characters.


Libras are more prone to socializing than to close, trusting relationships.

Quite a sociable sign. Therefore, relationships with others develop very easily, but only a select few become true friends. Libras love to hang out among a large number of friends and spend active holidays with them. However, these meetings are more of a secular nature, and there can be no talk of spiritual closeness or shared secrets.

  • Libra will find a common language with Sagittarius, as they will consider them absolute leaders, but at the same time they will be able to obey.
  • Libra attracts Taurus, as they can give useful advice in one area or another.
  • They get along well with Geminis, as they cannot stand loneliness, and Geminis will be able to fill all the space around them.

This zodiac sign is also very prone to doubts and hesitations. Therefore, do not rush to rejoice if after a certain time you have planned a meeting, trip or other joint event with Libra. Everything can change several times.

  • Libra will not find support from Cancer, since they are supporters of decisive action, while Libra constantly doubts.
  • They will not be able to contact Capricorns, since the latter are too correct and demanding.


Scorpio and Virgo have the best friendships

Many people mistakenly believe that Scorpio is the heaviest sign of the zodiac. This is wrong. If we are talking about a friendly relationship, then you can count on long-term contact with Scorpio. He values ​​all those people who have proven, not by word but by deed, how devoted they are to this relationship. For the sake of true friendship, Scorpio is capable of much, so rest assured that you are under reliable protection.

Very frank with his friends. They are usually aware of his financial, personal and social life.

Scorpio can let the following representatives of the zodiac close to him:

  • Virgo. They get along well with each other, as both value loyalty.
  • Will be able to find a common language with correct and tactful Capricorns.
  • Scorpios interact well with Cancers.

Despite all his devotion, Scorpio has a rather harsh character. Therefore, sometimes it can easily offend with a word, especially if his pride has been hurt before.

  • Communication with Sagittarius and Gemini is contraindicated due to their inherent frivolity.
  • Scorpio will not be able to get along with stubborn Aries.


The best friends for Sagittarius are representatives of the sign Libra

He is a very positive, emotional and bright person. He is a source of vitality and has a wide circle of friends. True, representatives of this environment often change. Sagittarius will never refuse help if you are his loved one. Heloves decisive, positive people and does not tolerate boredom.

  • He will make friends with Libra, who will somewhat weaken his ardor, and in turn, he himself will gain good communication skills.
  • Together with Aquarius, they will experience a great thirst for adventure.
  • Sagittarius will get along with Aries, with whom they will build long-term relationships.
  • Sagittarius and Leo are temperamentally compatible. Therefore, they will become great friends for many years.

If Sagittarius has stopped receiving any emotional support, then, most likely, communication is over. And also very often he shows tactlessness towards those closest to him. Sagittarius often does not control his words, which can seriously hurt.

That is why representatives of this sign will not be able to get along with Capricorns, because their views on life differ in direct proportion. The same goes for the right Taurus.


Capricorn can be the most reliable friend and will never betray

This sign has a very difficult time getting close to people, but with a select few they can create successful, trusting relationships. He is looking for only loyal friends, he does not need others. He will never betray a loved one.

Can serve as a so-called crying vest for a long time, will give good advice and instructions for further behavior.

Capricorn values ​​​​family values ​​very much, so he can only exchange a friend for blood ties.

  • Capricorn will have an excellent relationship with Scorpio. Both of these signs have hidden leadership qualities.
  • Capricorn will get along with Pisces.
  • Good relationships will be built with Taurus, since both signs are distinguished by their stability and perseverance.

The downside of Capricorn is secrecy. It is almost impossible to bring him to frankness. Capricorn fully trusts only himself, so he very often refuses offered help.

Capricorn will not be able to improve relations with Leos, since they require admiration, and he adequately views the current situation.


Aquarians communicate well with the signs of their element - Gemini and Libra

This sign is devoid of arrogance, but can resort to harsh criticism. Doesn't change it to suit itself. Never complains. He solves his problems on his own and prefers to just have fun with friends.

  • Aries will value perseverance and the desire to achieve goals if they agree on their views on life.
  • Gemini will give you much-needed lightness and add variety to communication.

If a friendship starts to crumble, Aquarius will simply step aside and see what happens.

  • He will not get along with Capricorns, since they are looking for a devoted friend, and Aquarius is not one.
  • Not always compatible with Pisces.


Pisces will get along well with those signs who will be lenient about their tendency to exaggerate.

Pisces have no tendency to judge, are very sentimental, and touching. They love to show attention and give gifts for no reason.

  • Friends with Capricorns. Pisces will be delighted with the correctness of this zodiac sign.
  • Friendship with Taurus will take place, as they are very generous.
  • They communicate well with Cancers and Scorpios, despite the fact that they are quite secretive people.

But all help ends with moral support. Pisces can also be caught in lies. That is why they will not be able to establish relationships with Virgos, who value the truth. The same goes for Libra.

It is not always necessary to rely on zodiac predictions when choosing a friend. Sometimes they do not correspond to reality, and the image of a particular sign is collective. And yet, having chosen a friend, try to maintain the relationship and lead it in the right direction, based on the advice of astrologers. Perhaps this will help you bring communication to the desired level and not create any illusions.

Horoscope compatibility is one of the ways to determine how suitable a person is for you as a person. Thus, you can “calculate” not only future friends, but also colleagues or the likelihood of a happy marriage. Of course, even an ideal combination does not guarantee you a strong friendship “for life” or a successful marriage. But it is quite capable of telling you how suitable a person is for you in a particular case. How to determine best friends by zodiac sign?

Of course, choosing friends based only on a horoscope is far from best idea, you need to find out more about the nature of the zodiac signs. But this will help in many ways to bypass the “risk zones” and find like-minded people. After all, who knows - what if people attach the same importance to horoscopes? Common interests can become a good basis, first for friendly relations, and then for a long friendship.

What to do if your friend or colleague is the complete opposite of you in terms of your dominant element? The good news with this scenario is that different personalities and temperaments can balance and complement each other. Best friends according to zodiac signs most often they can belong to the same verse: Fire, Water, Air or Earth. What such a relationship might look like:

  • Water people (Pisces and Scorpios are perfect for each other);
  • people of Air (Aquarius, Libra and Gemini are great friends with each other);
  • Fire people (a strong and lasting partnership is possible between Leo, Aries and Sagittarius);
  • people of the Earth (practical and self-confident Taurus will find complete understanding with Virgo or Capricorn).

An even more complex combination is the mutual understanding of different elements. They are able not only to argue, but also to harmoniously complement each other, expanding the capabilities of a friendly tandem. This makes the best friends according to the zodiac signs a true union of opposites. They form such unexpected, at first glance, combinations as:

  • Fire and Air (they complement each other and feed, not allowing them to fade away);
  • Water and Earth (a union of practical elements that can bypass any obstacles);
  • Water and Air (give dynamism and allow you to soften the changeable nature of each partner);
  • Fire and Earth (dynamic and bright Fire warms the Earth, preventing relationships from becoming too boring);

The worst option appears when best friends - the elements of the zodiac signs - have to find a common language, combining opposites. The combinations of Fire - Water, Earth and Air get along very poorly with each other. But in many situations, it is precisely such opposites that attract, creating quite strong tandems.

Combination of the same zodiac signs in friendship

Any close relationship is based, first of all, on a person’s personal qualities: his character, habits, hobbies. The reason for this may well be a common hobby, for example, a passion for horoscopes. In this case the right combination Zodiac signs can play a decisive role in friendship. For people whose horoscopes coincide, this problem does not arise at all, since they subconsciously feel the unity of souls.

This subconscious attraction unites people into one whole. How different cases of combining the same zodiac signs in friendship work:

  1. Aries and Aries. An excellent option if both learn to give in to each other without trying to “pull the blanket over themselves.” The unifying goal can be a common hobby or joint work.
  2. Taurus and Taurus. Two “fundamental” people will perfectly understand each other in their conservatism. Traditional gatherings in the kitchen, hearty feasts on holidays and general business are an indispensable key to success in this case.
  3. Gemini and Gemini. Changeable Geminis are full of bright surprises and pleasant surprises. They will never be bored together, since they are both “easy-going.”
  4. Cancer and Cancer. Two emotional and sensitive Cancers can really understand each other perfectly. They experience any disagreement, even the slightest, painfully, so they try to avoid them as much as possible.
  5. Leo and Lion. Two bright and powerful people may well form a magnificent tandem of partners who harmoniously complement each other. This is a strong and uncompromising partnership between the two mature people.
  6. Virgo and Virgo. The relationship between two Virgos is based on the frankness and sincerity of both people.
  7. Libra and Libra. Balanced and tactful Libra will find an ideal partner in a person of the same temperament. This is a union of two mature people, which will in no way violate Libra’s love for changes of opinion.
  8. Scorpio and Scorpio. Self-sufficient Scorpios are great friends with each other, despite their difficult nature, and, if necessary, provide sincere support.
  9. Sagittarius and Sagittarius. Bright Sagittarius are capable of creating a real union - “fireworks”. Two adventurers not only understand each other literally, but also “infect” everyone around them with positivity.
  10. Capricorn and Capricorn. Strict and conservative Capricorns feel great in the company of the same " soul mate" They not only value their own personal space, but also unconditionally respect the space of others.
  11. Aquarius and Aquarius. Sensitive Aquarians understand each other without words, forming an alliance “do not spill water.”
  12. Pisces and Pisces. Dynamic and easy-going, Pisces feel best in the company of their own kind.

But what if life brings together very different people? This option is possible if you pay more great importance combination of a variety of signs in friendship. In this case, a special compatibility table will certainly help, with the help of which you can easily “balance” the strengths and weaknesses of the nature of each of the partners.

These are the most reliable signs of the zodiac and they are considered the best friends. They immediately endear you and inspire trust. You can calmly share all the information with them, and they will listen to you carefully. You can always count on them, knowing that they will lend a shoulder to you in the most difficult times.

1. Taurus

Two best quality Taurus is all about reliability and loyalty, especially when it comes to friendship. This sign will never disrupt your plans or let you down. If Taurus somehow offended you or put you in an awkward position, he himself will feel terrible and try with all his might to make amends, since he is very loyal to his friends. He is constantly by your side, and not out of obligation, but because Taurus truly cares about his loved ones.

2. Cancer

This emotional zodiac sign is distinguished by very deep feelings and heightened feelings. Cancers know how incredibly difficult it is when someone hurts you, which means they don't want to put others through that experience. Cancers have very developed empathy, they sincerely sympathize with people and are fully aware of the consequences of carelessness and disrespect. This sign is powerfully attached to loved ones and does everything possible not to lose them.

3. Virgo

A friend like Virgo will never disappoint you. He always has your back and lends a helping hand no matter what. You can be sure that Virgo will not step over you, leaving you in trouble, and will not look at your problems with indifference, but will come up with a lot of solutions on how to deal with them. Virgo's devotion and devotion are absolutely selfless, and she doesn't want anything from you in return.

4. Scorpio

Another true friend is Scorpio. This person, of course, is capable of causing a lot of problems for other people in life, but if he is your friend and you really need him, he will defend you with all his stubbornness and assertiveness. No one wants to mess with Scorpio's friends, because he will instantly come running to their defense and begin to strike with his poisonous sting. Scorpios tend to form very long-term friendships and cannot tolerate betrayal and deception.

5. Pisces

Pisces will gladly give you their last shirt. They are incredibly selfless and love to be generous to loved ones. These qualities make them amazing friends as they will never turn their backs on you if you are in trouble and in need. Pisces are also very open, friendly and want to completely trust those with whom they are friends. Pisces are those people whom you can safely call in the middle of the night, and they will immediately rush to your aid without asking any unnecessary questions.

Want to know about the most sociable and reliable signs of the zodiac? About how people behave towards their friends depending on their date of birth? If so, you might be interested. In this article we will look at the friendship horoscope of each zodiac sign.


Sociable zodiac sign.

Positive character traits

Aries takes friendship very seriously. He values ​​established connections and behaves decently towards his friends. This person does not like to listen to gossip, and even more so, never spreads it. He also knows how to keep other people's secrets and treats everyone who trusts him with sympathy, even if this person is not his friend.

You can safely turn to Aries for help - he will not refuse. For the sake of loved one A representative of this zodiac sign is capable of sacrificing a lot, and will do it absolutely selflessly. Helping others makes him feel great, but in any case he will not remind him of his good deeds.

Negative character traits

Aries is an owner, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. He is jealous of his friends as much as he is of his loved one. The status of his best, if not only, friend is important to him. Naturally, an adult Aries will not tell his girlfriend or friend about this openly, but if a friend dares to have fun without him, he may well boycott him without explaining the reasons.

Aries is demanding of their friends. He has an established idea of ​​what a person should be, and he himself tries to comply with these rules. Everything would be fine, but he treats others in exactly the same way. Aries can form a good and strong friendship with a person who is as similar to him as possible.

Horoscope of Aries friendship with the opposite sex

Aries will treat a representative of the opposite sex as a relative, and if this person is also younger than him, he will surround him with care like a younger brother or sister. The transition from friendly relationships to personal ones is possible only due to a spontaneous coincidence of circumstances.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


Positive traits

A representative of this zodiac sign has a stable social circle, which he has not changed for years. Taurus' relationships with friends are easy, friendly, but not too trusting. Taurus does not take the troubles of his friends to heart, but does not refuse to help them.

This person does not like to burden those with whom he is friends with problems and does everything to ensure that communication brings maximum positive emotions. If a friend behaves decently towards Taurus, the latter may take him under his wing if appropriate. Taurus is a kind and caring zodiac sign, and good relations sincerely appreciates it.

Negative character traits

Taurus behaves somewhat prudently in friendships. Then, when the relationship is trusting and has been tested over the years, he will warm up to his friend with all his soul, but at the initial stage of communication, he primarily considers people from the point of view of benefit. The decisive factor is usually high social status a person and the opportunities that will open up to Taurus thanks to friendship with him.

A representative of this zodiac sign may be offended by a friend who has disappeared for some time, without being interested in the reasons for his disappearance. Taurus will wait for a friend to appear, mentally giving him a chance to improve, but he himself will never initiate a meeting or telephone conversation.

Taurus friendship horoscope with the opposite sex

For Taurus, friendships with the opposite sex often end in marriage, but romantic relationships do not precede this. Taurus will definitely appreciate the existing mutual understanding with a woman or man, and will not miss his chance for happiness. He needs an even and stable relationship.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about Taurus.


Sociable zodiac sign.

Positive traits

It is easy and pleasant to communicate with Geminis - they accept people for who they are, along with their shortcomings and oddities. A representative of this zodiac sign is not capable of caustic criticism, and in a controversial situation it is better to remain silent in order to maintain peace.

Gemini is one of the most optimistic signs of the zodiac. They are not only fun, but also interesting. This person is always up to date with the latest events, is interested in everything that happens in the world, and follows fashion. He willingly shares his knowledge with friends, so people often perceive him as a useful source of information.

Negative character traits

Geminis do not strive for spiritual intimacy with those with whom they communicate. The representative of this zodiac sign has a vast environment, but there are very few truly close people. Usually this is either a childhood friend or one of the relatives, but definitely not someone who appeared relatively recently.

Geminis are not very attentive to their friends. They do not always remember the content of conversations, make promises that they then forget about and are late for meetings. In fact, this happens due to the activity and constant employment of this zodiac sign, so you just need to not be shy about reminding yourself.

Horoscope of Gemini friendship with the opposite sex

Geminis tend to flirt with friends of the opposite sex, but do not take it seriously. They will not keep someone who truly interests them as a friend and will openly declare their sympathy. If the relationship went from friendly to personal, this speaks only of one thing - mutual affection arose immediately, but the circumstances at that moment were not in favor of the future couple.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more about Gemini.


Uncommunicative zodiac sign.

Positive character traits

Cancers care about those they consider their friends. They do not abandon their friends in difficult times and try to be useful to them. We can say that this person’s attitude towards friendship is more reminiscent of maternal or paternal instinct.

A representative of this zodiac sign is as open as possible with his friend, but only if he has known him for many years and has gone through fire, water and copper pipes. If this is the case, then for the sake of this person's comfort or happiness, Cancer will do everything in his power.

Negative character traits

Cancer doesn't trust anyone completely. Theoretically, this person allows betrayal by anyone, even if his friend has been tested for years, or, in addition to friendship with a friend, he is also united by kinship. Noticing insincerity, a representative of this zodiac sign can break off a long-term relationship in one moment.

Cancers cannot stand lies, especially if the lie is meaningless. Innocent embellishment of events causes a sharply negative reaction in them, and this can also serve as a reason for breaking off relations.

Cancer friendship horoscope with the opposite sex

Cancer is not subject to outbursts of passion, and values ​​emotional intimacy much more than sexual attraction. He views a friend of the opposite sex primarily as a man or a woman, and this is how he usually arranges his personal life. The length of communication does not matter.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.

a lion

Sociable zodiac sign.

Positive character traits

Leo treats everyone with whom he interacts well. To become his friend, it is enough to be attentive to him and admire the strengths of his character. Leo will definitely reciprocate and provide the necessary support to his friend in difficult times.

The representative of this zodiac sign is the soul of any company and the first favorite of the public. It's never boring or sad with Leo. He does not complain about life and does not burden his friends with his problems. At the same time, he is responsive and will not refuse help if it is required.

Negative character traits

Leo cannot stand boredom, so he can disappear from his friend’s life in the event of a prolonged depression of the latter. Providing him with material assistance or participating in temporary difficulties is one thing, but despondency and dissatisfaction with life are quite another. Leo is dependent on positive emotions, and if he doesn’t receive them from communication, he simply moves away.

Leo cannot stand criticism. They need to be constantly admired and on his side even when he is completely wrong. Moral teaching or even advice on business is perceived extremely negatively by Leo.

Horoscope of Leo's friendship with the opposite sex

Leo is not at all interested in the gender of the person with whom he communicates - as long as it is fun. As for sympathy, if there is any, Leo will say about it immediately and openly. Gradual rapprochement with people of the opposite sex through friendship is not his case.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo's characteristics.


Moderately sociable zodiac sign.

Positive character traits

Virgo treats any relationship with full responsibility, and friendship is no exception. This person values ​​useful and long-lasting connections very much, and does everything to ensure that communication goes well.

Virgo can become close to another person based on common interests or mutual benefit. These relationships are more like partnerships than friendships, but they are strong and promising. Virgo knows how to be grateful and is not inclined to take advantage of the favor of her friends without giving anything in return. Every kind deed or broad gesture by a representative of this zodiac sign will definitely be appreciated.

Negative character traits

Virgo does not need emotional intimacy. This man is not used to being frank even with those who have proven by deeds that they are trustworthy. Any conversations about personal matters and complaints about life can be met with Virgo’s coldness and even some rudeness.

Virgo is the very first critic of the entire zodiac cycle. Even treating a friend with her sympathy, Virgo is able to undermine his self-esteem in a way that even open ill-wishers do not dare to do. For this reason, representatives of this zodiac sign often lose close friends, or at least deprive them of the opportunity to be frank.

Virgo friendship horoscope with the opposite sex

Virgo does not use friendship as a way to get closer to a guy or girl. At the same time, it is thanks to long-term communication that Virgo can arrange her personal life, but the driver in this case will not be spiritual intimacy, but benefit in any of its manifestations.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about Virgo.


Sociable zodiac sign.

Positive character traits

Communication with a representative of this zodiac sign is quite easy, but it can be called friendship only in the most exceptional cases. Mostly conversations and joint leisure with Libra are of a secular nature, where there can be no talk of spiritual intimacy.

Libras often help out their friends useful tips, and they do it delicately and unobtrusively. Surprisingly, a representative of this zodiac sign sees the simplest way to solve a problem, because he does not have the habit of complicating anything.

Negative character traits

Libras are not inclined to take everything that happens to their friends to heart. They cannot stand the bad mood of even those closest to them, but they do not criticize or ignore them pointedly. In such situations, a representative of this zodiac sign will find a reason to disappear, and will appear when everything in a friend’s life gets better without his participation.

Libras are prone to doubt and hesitation. If this person has any joint plans with a friend, the latter may lose time due to Libra's indecisiveness. Even if Libra decides that they will not take part in the common cause, they will not say so directly, and will look for excuses until the last moment.

Libra friendship horoscope with the opposite sex

Libras can be equally friendly with both men and women if they have common creative hobbies or a craving for art. If sympathy arises, a representative of this zodiac sign will not say it directly, but will try to hint about his feelings in a way that is accessible to him.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.


Moderately sociable zodiac sign.

Positive character traits

For a strong friendship, Scorpio needs long-term communication. He values ​​those people who have proven by their actions that they are reliable and trustworthy. For the sake of a true friend, the generous and generous Scorpio is capable of moving mountains, and if necessary, he will give his last or sacrifice his own comfort for the sake of a friend.

Scorpio is extremely frank with friends, and appreciates those who trust him. You can tell this person everything, and be sure that he will not criticize, ignore, and even more so, spread gossip or use the information received for his own purposes.

Negative character traits

Scorpio does not offend those who are devoted to him. As for his former friends who somehow hurt his pride or did not live up to his trust, you cannot envy them. Scorpio is one of the most vengeful signs of the zodiac, so if you are not ready to be his friend, it is better not to play with fire.

If the relationship collapses, Scorpio sincerely suffers, but he will not cry quietly into his pillow. This person is so vulnerable and emotional that he is not able to control himself at such moments. What Scorpio’s offense will result in depends on his individual qualities (Scorpios are also different), but you definitely won’t expect any good from him.

Horoscope of Scorpio's friendship with the opposite sex

Scorpio is interested in people with whom he communicates only as friends. If sympathy arises on his part, he will not focus on searching for emotional intimacy. Only passion, emotions and an all-consuming feeling of love.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read the detailed characteristics of Scorpio.


Sociable zodiac sign

Positive character traits

In the company of Sagittarius, you can catch as many positive emotions and vivid impressions as representatives of all other zodiac signs cannot give if they get together. Being around him is interesting and fun, he is a source of vitality and a sip fresh air. Sagittarius's surroundings are extensive, but, however, not always constant.

Sagittarius does not refuse to help his friends, but does not like to fight their bad mood. He likes determined and cheerful people, and he can take care of them even if they are not his friends.

Negative character traits

If it's boring, Sagittarius will leave. He may leave the holiday if something did not go according to plan, or the event was not as fun as he expected. If he has ceased to receive emotional nourishment from communicating with a friend, or his friend is in prolonged depression, Sagittarius may well stop communicating with him.

Sagittarius can be tactless towards those closest to them. He is not at all afraid of offending another person with his words or actions, so those who overreact to criticism have nothing to do in his society.

Sagittarius friendship horoscope with the opposite sex

Sagittarius tends to be friends with people of the opposite sex much more than everyone else. It’s easier for Sagittarius guys in this regard, but girls born under this sign very often suffer from unrequited love for men and boys who see them only as a friend.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Sagittarius.


Uncommunicative zodiac sign

Positive character traits

It is very difficult for Capricorn to get close to people, but if the communication is trusting and successful, it is difficult to find a more devoted friend. He will not abandon a loved one under any circumstances, but on the contrary, he will show his best side if his friend is really unwell.

The representative of this zodiac sign is very patient. He can stay next to his friend for a long time, listen to him carefully, help with advice and specific actions. Moreover, Capricorn perceives a friend not as a separate person, but together with his loved one or relatives. Family values ​​have always been and will always come first for him.

Negative character traits

Capricorn is the most secretive sign of the zodiac. It is almost impossible to bring him into a frank conversation, except in situations where he needs help. Capricorn does not fully trust anyone, despite the fact that outwardly he gives the impression of being quite open.

A representative of this zodiac sign tends to make decisions regarding friends without their knowledge. He does not consider it necessary to consult, because he acts solely for the good. As a result, instead of gratitude, he periodically encounters misunderstanding and even resentment.

Horoscope of Capricorn's friendship with the opposite sex

Capricorn does not believe in friendship with the opposite sex. If communication occurs, it will be no more than superficial. Capricorn will arrange his personal life through gradual emotional rapprochement only if it is beneficial for him.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Capricorn.


Sociable zodiac sign

Positive character traits

It is easy to communicate with Aquarius - he is completely devoid of arrogance and love of harsh criticism. This person accepts those around him as they are, and does not seek to change anyone to suit himself. Aquarius is peaceful and tactful, which is why people are drawn to him.

This person is not inclined to complain and look for “free ears.” He prefers to solve his problems himself, and never makes a tragedy out of it, remaining outwardly optimistic and light-hearted.

Negative character traits

Aquarius does not take responsibility for the development of friendships, but rather reciprocates the other person's affection for himself. If communication does not work out or the friendship gradually collapses, Aquarius will not lift a finger to correct the situation.

A representative of this zodiac sign often takes advantage of the ideas and merits of friends, passing them off as his own. He views general success only as his own, and is sincerely offended if they tell him about it or try to shame him.

Horoscope of friendship between Aquarius and the opposite sex

Aquarius easily gets along with people, and can easily be friends with both men and women. Friendly relationships in this case always have a chance to develop into personal ones, but without participation from Aquarius. In love, as in friendship, he often does not take the initiative, but reciprocates.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aquarius.


Sociable zodiac sign

Positive character traits

Pisces is the most merciful sign of the zodiac. They perceive the troubles of their friends as acutely as their own, and never refuse moral support to loved ones. Pisces can listen to other people's revelations for hours, and at the same time do not interrupt or judge the interlocutor.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are very sentimental and know how to touchingly take care of their friends. They love to give gifts and please with pleasant signs of attention for no reason. If Pisces is sincerely disposed towards a person, he will constantly feel this and feel warmth and understanding.

Negative character traits

As already mentioned, Pisces know how to sympathize, but the problem is that this is where their participation in the problems of their friends usually ends. It’s easy to listen or even sit next to you and shed a tear together, but it’s unlikely to do anything concrete. In addition, when delving into the difficulties of a friend, Pisces becomes so upset that the friend often forgets that he is actually the victim here and switches to consoling Pisces.

Pisces have a habit of lying where there is no need for it. If you are for sincerity in relationships, do not be offended by the representative of this zodiac sign! He does this not out of malice, but simply for the beauty of the moment.

Pisces friendship horoscope with the opposite sex

Pisces often get close to people on the basis of friendship and mutual understanding, but these relationships can hardly be called serious. After a short affair with a girlfriend or boyfriend, they may well continue to be friends with him as if nothing had happened.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign