Andrei Klychkov, who replaced the dismissed governor of the Oryol region: “Great trust was shown. Andrey Klychkov’s attitude to the “Renovation” program. What changes the status of a deputy? What you can, what you can’t

At the end of January, the acting governor of the Oryol region started his own account on the social network VKontakte.

Greeting his new subscribers, he noted that communication in in social networks helps a lot in my work.

— During my work in the Oryol region, my accounts on social networks have become real discussion platforms: people ask questions, pose problems and offer solutions. I thank everyone who reads me and everyone who gives feedback. You can't even imagine how this helps in your work,— Klychkov wrote.

Having called on Oryol residents to communicate on social networks, the acting acting director reminded them of Internet platforms where residents of the region can address their problems. In particular, he called “Internet reception” and “ Feedback» on the website of the government of the Oryol region, but kept silent about the new portal “Pay Attention”, widely presented at the end of 2017.

Journalists from the Oryol media noticed that in the “Career” column on Andrei Klychkov’s page, the place of work is indicated as “Office of the Governor and Government of the Oryol Region”, and the position is “Governor”.

Let us remind you that the elections for the governor of the Oryol region will take place in September 2018, and election campaign hasn't started yet.

Also, it is worth noting another factual error. The “Governor’s Office” was liquidated about a year and a half ago, and it was replaced by a new body, the “Governor’s Administration.”

Oryol media have more than once expressed the opinion that the acting social media accounts were not run by Klychkov himself. The posts posted on Klychkov’s pages vary in style and manner of presenting information.

In addition, the acting media advisers have repeatedly found themselves in unpleasant situations. For example, a blogger from Belgorod, Sergei Lezhnev, upon his arrival in the Oryol region, he stated that his main task would be to create a “bridge between the government and society.”

After some time, he managed to turn against the media by speaking impartially on social networks. The adviser subsequently apologized for his words, noting that he had been misunderstood. He began meeting with representatives of the Oryol media space, but he has not yet succeeded in building bridges of communication with journalists.

Last week, the editor-in-chief of “Red Line” Yuri Lebedkin spoke about his communication with the head of the information policy department of the Oryol region administration, Natalya Rozhkova, who tried to “build” the Oryol journalist.

Let us remind you that Klychkov was appointed to the Oryol region in October 2017. Previously, he was a deputy of the Moscow City Duma. In September 2018, gubernatorial elections will be held in the Oryol region. According to the acting press service, “for at least the next two to three years, Andrei Klychkov will have to enter the process of managing the region, study the situation, get to know people.”

As Kommersant expected, the 38-year-old leader of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma and Secretary of the Central Committee Andrei Klychkov became the acting governor of the Oryol region. The decree on the resignation of Vadim Potomsky (elected from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) was signed today by President Vladimir Putin. The chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov, began his political career in the Oryol region, and he sought to ensure that the region was led by a representative of the party. The candidate for leadership in the Moscow faction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is now called Moscow City Duma deputy Leonid Zyuganov, the grandson of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

“Accept the resignation of the Governor of the Oryol Region V.V. Potomsky. By at will. Appoint Andrey Evgenievich Klychkov as acting Governor of the Oryol Region until the person elected as Governor of the Oryol Region takes office. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing,” says the text of the decree published on the official website of the President of Russia. The former governor of the Oryol region, in turn, was appointed deputy presidential envoy to the Central Federal District (CFD).

Kommersant reported on the possible resignation of Vadim Potomsky on October 2. Then Kommersant’s sources said that he could receive a new appointment, and the region should be headed by a representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The latter is important for Gennady Zyuganov, who was the first secretary of the Oryol regional committee of the Komsomol and began his political career in this region. Among the candidates for the post of acting, Kommersant's interlocutors named the 40-year-old deputy chairman of the Communist Party Central Committee, Yuri Afonin, who is responsible for all organizational work in the party. He did not comment on this. Another candidate for the post of head of the region was named by Kommersant’s sources as a native of the Oryol region, head of the operational department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anatoly Yakunin. However, a source close to him denied this possibility.

Vadim Potomsky has headed the region since 2014. According to Kommersant’s sources in the Oryol region, the signing of the decree on the resignation of Mr. Potomsky and the new governor for the region has been expected for several days.

Local elites, who negatively perceive the Varangians, received the news about Andrei Klychkov without enthusiasm. “What can you say about him? A young and promising technocrat-communist? So Potomsky is the same! Why remove it then? What is needed here is a person with extensive political experience, preferably local. For Klychkov, Oryol could be the end of his political career,” an influential local businessman told Kommersant on condition of anonymity.

According to former governor Vadim Potomsky, Andrei Klychkov’s candidacy came as a surprise to him.

Former governor of the Oryol region Vadim Potomsky in an interview with Kommersant FM:

“I want him to be able to maintain the stability that exists in the Oryol region, the socio-economic situation, with all the complexity of budget processes and so on. The main thing is that the heating season should pass very calmly, without any difficult situations; The main thing is that he has an understanding with all political parties represented in the regional council of people's deputies, parliamentary parties. I want him to be able to work for federal level, and he received the same support that I received. I can say that this is a somewhat unexpected candidate, but [Klychkov] is a smart guy, young, with very good parliamentary experience, with good education. Therefore, I am convinced that he will cope with the assigned tasks. In the end, he will ask for advice - you’re always welcome, I’ll help in any way I can.”

Andrei Klychkov himself told Kommersant FM that an action plan for the new post can only appear after familiarization with the situation in the region. “You need to get to know the region and the people who live there. After that, we can decide on some plans. This region is of great political importance for us, I am glad that my predecessor is also from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In order to take into account all the interests in the area, it is necessary to form an understanding and knowledgeable team as much as possible, while my goals are to bring in some new people and change everyone at once. I wouldn't say I'm unfamiliar with the region, but I'd like to dive deeper. For myself, I consider the offer to lead the region as a kind of challenge,” he said.

After the appointment of Andrei Klychkov, the campaign scenario for the Moscow mayoral elections in 2018 is changing. He was going to run from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which did not perform very successfully in the 2017 municipal elections. “They are driving him out of Moscow,” assures one of the party members.

According to a Kommersant source close to the Moscow city committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma can now be headed by 29-year-old Leonid Zyuganov, the grandson of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. He was elected as a deputy in 2014.

Maxim Ivanov; Vsevolod Inyutin, Voronezh

Colleagues and party comrades characterize him as a good lawyer and an experienced deputy who knows Russia and will become a competent leader of the region.

Local deputies note that Klychkov will face a number of unresolved socio-economic problems, because of which residents of the region are leaving to work in Moscow.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday relieved Vadim Potomsky from the post of governor of the Oryol region, and Moscow City Duma deputy Andrei Klychkov was appointed acting deputy, the Kremlin press service reports. Putin appointed Potomsky as deputy plenipotentiary representative of the head of state in the Central Federal District.

Young and experienced

Andrey Klychkov is 38 years old. He was born in Kaliningrad, graduated from the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian University innovations, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Like Potomsky, he is a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and heads the communist faction in the Moscow City Duma.

Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov said that Klychkov’s candidacy was discussed with him, and called him an experienced deputy who knows Russia well.

“Andrey was sent there to perform his duties. He is an excellent lawyer, an excellent experienced deputy, knows Russia well, went through an excellent school. He is very well versed in the problems of urban management, development, utilities, renovation. Together with him we gathered all the shareholders in the country,” Klychkov described head of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.


Klychkov himself said that his appointment was not expected and called the new position a challenge that needs to be realized.

"On the other hand, talk Lately walked. The region is important for us. Of course, this is a challenge that will need to be implemented,” Klychkov said.

He also said that he is in contact with former leader Potomsky region.

“We have an absolute mutual understanding on interaction and future prospects, but to say that there are already plans for work would probably be wrong. We need to delve into the details, then,” Klychkov said.

He noted that he had already visited the Oryol region and promised to do everything to improve life in the region.

Unexpected appointment

Chairman of the Moscow City Duma Alexei Shaposhnikov said that the appointment of Klychkov as acting governor was unexpected for the capital’s parliament.

“In general, this was unexpected for us. We are happy for our colleague,” Shaposhnikov said.

He called Klychkov a competent lawyer who thoroughly knows the law.

“Therefore, he can clearly be a fairly competent leader of one of the regions. And this is confirmed by today’s appointment,” said the chairman of the Moscow City Duma.

As explained by Dmitry Reut, a member of the Moscow City Election Commission, by-elections to the Moscow City Duma in single-mandate district 21, in which Klychkov was elected, must be held within a year from the date of termination of office.

Potomsky will help

Vadim Potomsky, who resigned from the post of governor of the Oryol region, said that he wishes his successor to maintain stability in the region and intends to help the region already in the post of deputy plenipotentiary representative of the president in the Central Federal District.

“I will help the region as much as possible, because they are my family. My doors have always been open to residents of the region, they constantly wrote to me on social networks. And everyone who wanted to get an appointment with me got it. Today the region is absolutely stable, I wish the new head of the region to keep this situation," Potomsky said.

According to him, difficult political issues issues were always resolved in the region; there were no disputes between representatives of different parties. He also noted that he will make efforts to ensure that the investment projects launched in the region are implemented.

Didn't live up to expectations

The chairman of the United Russia faction in the Oryol Regional Council of Deputies, Mikhail Vdovin, believes that Potomsky shook up the Oryol region, but did not live up to expectations.

“It remains to be assessed what was good and what was bad. But there will be many questions for Potomsky’s team,” says Vdovin. He noted that the questions relate to the construction and repair of roads, the activities of the capital repair fund.

The head of the "A Just Russia" faction in the Oryol Regional Council of People's Deputies - the chairman of the regional branch of the party, Ruslan Perelygin, told RIA Novosti that the party intends to build constructive relations with the new acting governor.

“We do not spit in the back of the departing person. We believe that it is unsightly to evaluate the actions of the former governor. If the president made such a decision, we support this decision and will build constructive relations with the new acting governor,” Perelygin said.

The chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction in the regional council of deputies, Vyacheslav Morozov, noted that Potomsky had difficulties, but he ruled the region as best he could.

“I think that, like any governor today, there were difficulties. Financial difficulties. Therefore, I think it’s unlikely that anyone could have coped better than him. Because everything comes down to finances... As far as he was able to manage the region, that’s how it turned out ", said Morozov.

He noted that he was pleased with the fact that a communist had again become the leader of the region.

A number of unsolved problems

The new leader of the Oryol region will have to resolve many unresolved socio-economic issues, says the chairman of the regional council, United Russia member Leonid Muzalevsky.

"There are always complaints against those who work. Nowadays, former head there were certain complaints. There are many questions - both job creation and growth wages. The revenue side of the budget is clearly not enough for many socio-economic issues: the construction of schools, roads, kindergartens. We need to pay attention to the development of rural settlements,” says Muzalevsky.

According to the parliamentarian, because of these problems, residents of the region are actively leaving to work in the capital.

Muzalevsky noted that Potomsky’s work will be remembered for a number of positive aspects, for example, the adoption of a law on the investment attractiveness of the region.

Change of generations

General Director of the Institute regional problems Dmitry Zhuravlev believes that Potomsky’s resignation occurred as part of a generational change.

“There is a change of generations. Second-generation regional leaders, that is, business executives, are being replaced by Western-style managers. This is important for both the economy and politics,” Zhuravlev believes.

The expert noted that for the Oryol region, which before Potomsky was led by Yegor Stroev for 16 years and Alexander Kozlov for five years, the issue of generational change is more acute than for other regions.

“The strategic goal is to replace, in principle, the approach to managing the region with a more modern, more Western one. The market economy in Russia requires a different approach to management. The governor-economic manager set himself the task of stabilization, preservation, and salvation. And he accomplished this task. Therefore, it is very many governors left with orders and new positions. But their time is over,” Zhuravlev concluded.

Klychkov is a Russian surname. Famous representatives: Klychkov, Andrey Evgenievich (1979) leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation faction in the Moscow City Duma, member of five commissions, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Klychkov, ... ... Wikipedia

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- (Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, until 1995 the Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) is the governing body of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, operating on a permanent basis. Members of the central committee are elected by secret ballot by the congress... ... Wikipedia

- (MGK Communist Party of the Russian Federation) the governing elected body of the Moscow city branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. The current work of the committee is led by the bureau elected at the plenums of the Moscow City Committee, and by the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Observing legal succession, the collection of the governing body from ... ... Wikipedia

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The chronological framework of the Silver Age of Russian culture cannot be established with complete accuracy. The beginning of this period should be dated back to the 1890s. between the manifestos of Nikolai Minsky “In the light of conscience” (1890) and Dmitry Merezhkovsky “Oh ... ... Wikipedia

Early relieved Vadim Potomsky of his duties as Governor of the Oryol Region. A young promising politician from the Moscow City Duma, a native of the Kaliningrad region, a member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Andrei Klychkov, was appointed to the vacant position. The majority of local residents supported his candidacy in the elections on September 9, 2018.

Childhood and youth

Andrey Klychkov was born on September 2, 1979 in Kaliningrad. Parents Evgeniy and Elena met at the Kaliningrad Technical Institute of Fisheries and Economy, and after their marriage they continued to work in their profession.

My father worked at the Kaliningrad base as a fish processing foreman, then as an assistant captain for production on vessels of the fishing fleet. Mother worked at the Atlantic Fisheries Research Institute, and in free time was engaged in scientific activities.

After graduating from school, Andrei Klychkov entered the Kaliningrad Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to become a lawyer. He graduated in 2000 and immediately joined the criminal investigation department of the Kaliningrad criminal police. The young man did not like the job, and he decided to change his occupation.

In July 2001, following the example of his father, who served as first secretary of the Central District Committee of the Komsomol of Kaliningrad, he joined the Communist Party. Klychkov immediately came in handy in the public reception area: he provided legal assistance to those in need. I didn’t take money for a consultation - people paid with kind words.

At the same time, Andrei Evgenievich received an education: in 2004 he graduated from the Russian University of Innovation with a degree in political technology, and later, in 2008, from the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a degree in international relations.

Career and politics

The life of a communist politician was in full swing. Klychkov not only helped the public, but also represented party interests in the Central Election Commission of Russia and Supreme Court. Insight and diligence helped to advance to the position of deputy manager legal service Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. At the same time, Andrei Evgenievich was an adviser to State Duma deputy Anatoly Lokot, the current mayor of Novosibirsk.

In March 2006, the politician made his first attempt to join the Kaliningrad Regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but it was unsuccessful. A year later, in December 2007, he also did not find support in the State Duma elections. In 2009, Klychkov joined the Moscow City Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and headed the faction. 2 years later he was offered a seat as a deputy in State Duma, however, the politician refused in favor of continuing his career at the municipal level.

For the next term of the Moscow City Duma, Andrei Evgenievich was re-elected in single-mandate district No. 21 (part of the Vykhino-Zhulebino and Ryazan districts). He received 37.32% of the vote, overtaking the former “owner” of the district, Vladimir Zotov from United Russia (32.16%). Klychkov oversaw issues of public associations and religious organizations, urban planning and land use.

As chairman of the Communist Party faction in the Moscow City Duma, he implemented useful initiatives. For example, the sensational project to demolish 5-story buildings at the instigation of the communists has undergone changes: the displaced were provided with legal assistance, and there was also a guarantee that high-rise buildings would not be built on the site of the demolished 2-story buildings. Party members unconditionally took the side of the protesting population and even went to a rally against the renovation.

Andrei Klychkov was one of the initiators of toughening punishment for attacks on doctors, and also defended the trolleybus when Moscow City Duma deputies proposed to abolish it from the capital’s road network.

2017 was a successful year in the politician’s biography. In February, Andrei Klychkov announced plans to run for mayor of Moscow, emphasizing that he “really assesses his chances.” In an interview with the Kommersant newspaper, he said:

“The presidential campaign is not a level for me, unlike the mayoral election. The important and significant point is that I have some kind of recognition and some kind of reputation.”

Klychkov's candidacy was supported by the oppositionist.

On October 5 of the same year, Vladimir Putin issued a decree appointing Andrei Klychkov to the post of acting governor of the Oryol region. There are many scandals associated with his predecessor Vadim Potomsky - the installation of a monument, the preparation of the city of Orel for the 450th anniversary and the accompanying budget theft, bankruptcy and closure of large industrial enterprises.

After the departure of Vadim Potomsky, the region turned into a “socially depressed region.” Andrey Klychkov took this as a challenge:

“I regard the appointment as hard work, a mandatory path when you need to prove that you can. Moscow has a lot of positives compared to other regions; there are more opportunities, including hardware ones. Therefore, I will try to implement [the capital’s experience] and I hope that the residents of the Oryol region will support me in this.”

Residents supported. In the elections of September 9, 2018, Andrei Klychkov won an unconditional victory, gaining 83.55% of the votes. The favorable policy in the field of development of the periphery of the region and the comprehensive improvement of the city of Orel played into the hands of the governor.

Thus, over 6 months of 2017, 34 sections of roads were repaired with subsidies from the regional government (5 sections in 2016), and 10 public areas were improved. Sports grounds for future champions have opened in villages and villages.

It is worth noting that the activities of the young politician are supported by the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who is from the Oryol region.

Personal life

The first lady of the Oryol region, Valeria Olegovna Klychkova, is from Ulan-Ude. The young people met in Moscow at a party of friends, and then accidentally ran into each other at an exhibition in the State Duma. Andrei Evgenievich did not tempt fate and invited future wife on a date. The aspiring politician had little money, so the romantic meeting took place in the dining room.

The Klychkov family has two children: Vsevolod was born in 2008, Nikolai was born in 2015. The governor has repeatedly hinted in public to his wife that he wants to have another child.

Andrei Evgenievich is not afraid to put details of his personal life on public display: in