How to learn to dance beautiful dances at home. Dance lessons for beginners: free videos for girls to practice at home. Video lessons of modern dances for beginners

After six years of dancing, Masha Botvinina found out whether it is possible to lose weight by dancing, and which part of the body usually hinders the dancer the most. Her advice to beginners is priceless.
A few years ago I enrolled in a dance school. Just. Quite by accident I saw an ad in the LiveJournal feed. I didn’t have global goals like “lose weight here” or “pump up there.” I needed non-boring physical activity - and I suddenly decided that dancing was what I needed.

And recently it suddenly dawned on me: I’ve been training for six years now. I mentally went over the last few years: I changed 3 jobs and 4 boyfriends, but dancing has not gone away!

Therefore, if you are also starting to dance or are thinking about it, here you go practical advice, verified by personal experience.

1. By working out 1-2 times a week, you can completely tone up your muscles, pump up some muscles, and even pump up some of them very well. But not all. Systems that are not used in dancing (for example, biceps-triceps) will stand out pitifully against the background of those that are involved.

2. Lose a little weight - yes, you can. But radically - it’s impossible. Dancing is not a gym, so, hurray, you will have excellent muscles, and on top, alas, your own fat.

3. All beginners are usually worried about the question “will I be able to dance cool at a disco later?” It all depends on you and the dance. If you learn to dance hip-hop and go to a hip-hop club, yes. But my Irish dancing will only help in the pub)))

4. Anyone can learn to dance. You too. If your teacher says that dancing is not for you, you can safely glare at him: “This is not your teacher, and not a teacher at all.”

5. It's never too late to learn to dance. In modern schools there is no age limit. Even ballet schools have groups for adults. So what do you have to lose?

It's never too late to dance!

6. If you come to the first lesson and your group is full of people, do not be alarmed: a third will not come to the second lesson, because they will not like the unusually heavy workload. In a month, another third will not come, whose desire to practice will be broken by the realization that “like in Riverdance” something didn’t work out in a month... Then from those who remained, there will be another third left - the rest will stretch something, break something, they will move to another city or simply quit. This is how natural selection occurs and groups are brought to normal numbers.

7. You will probably have a part of your body that will constantly get in the way and strive to do the wrong thing. For example, in my Irish ones these are hands. Here they are needed to tie shoelaces, but the rest of the time they are not. You may sometimes want to tear them off. At such moments, remember that tying shoelaces with your teeth is not comme il faut. There's also a chance you'll get together for a group Irish dance. There are rumors that they move their arms there too.

It's me. I think how my hands get in the way)))

8. Most likely, you will need special shoes. If, again, you go to Irish dances, which I go to, you will need at least 2 pairs of shoes: step shoes and soft leather slippers. If you bought shoes and they feel comfortable, wear them to class. If you still think they are comfortable, these are not the shoes for you. When you look at your particular shoes, you should want to wrap your feet in adhesive tape up to the knee. If these sacrifices are not for you, try dances where you dance in sneakers or even barefoot.

Boots for step, they are also “hard”, they are also step shoes

9. After six months of training, you will learn how to jump over puddles in a pretentious manner. This is one of the most important bonuses. However, after a couple of years, you will carefully sidestep all the puddles, because to jump you need to warm up, be in the right shoes, and in general, this is a street, not a stage.

10. Metro - the best place to practice turning your toes. In addition, when they see your face during this activity, even pregnant grandmothers will give you their seat.

11. If you saw a colorful shiny dress at a competition and thought that you would never wear such bad taste in your life, just wait. In a year or two, you yourself will choose rhinestones for the same.

Irish dancing dresses are always "very": very bright, very shiny and very short.

Ballroom dancing also has its own fashion, very unique)

12. Dance competitions are practically the only place where adult aunts can wear crowns, tiaras and rhinestones, and also paint their faces so that mom won’t worry. After all, isn’t this a reason to participate?))

13. Judges at competitions are very insidious and can lower scores because of all sorts of bullshit. For example, if one of your socks has slipped down. Cunning Irish dancers even came up with glue for socks in order to win medals! Now you've seen everything)

Sock glue is not a fiction, but a harsh reality

14. No, that’s not all. The wig and bun are also an important detail of the costume. Have you ever wanted to dance on stage with a ponytail??

For Irish dancers there are special wigs with crazy curls

15. You will learn the taste of victories and defeats. Why not stand on the pedestal if possible? True, only you will know how hard it is to get these places.

By the way, if you one day decide to participate in competitions, you will most likely have to forget about regular rest - your entire travel schedule will be subordinated to the competition schedule. That’s why I’ve been going on vacation in April for the third year now, and I haven’t been to the warm sea for about the same amount of time! And all because in April my dance association - the World Irish Dance Association - holds a big event: the World Championships, the European Championships and the Grade Feis ("Great Competitions") - and all this pie with candles at once in 3-4 days somewhere in Europe. I’m not participating in championships yet, but with Grade Feis I have two silver medals :)

Due to scheduling conflicts, I didn’t make it to my own awards ceremony! I had to climb onto the pedestal when everyone had already left!

For all my achievements, many thanks to my teacher and founder of the “Moscow School of Irish Dance Maria Singal” - Masha Singal and all the other teachers, because over these 6 years I have managed to study with everyone, and I know for sure that they are wonderful :)

I'm sure there are many dancers among our readers. What are you dancing?

I started dancing at the age of 11, having absolutely no inclination for it: fat, sickly, pathologically shy child, completely devoid of physical training, but generously endowed with complexes and nervous tics. A couple of years later I took first place in the competition, and five years later I was performing on stage. I studied without fanaticism, and I didn’t discover any incredible talent - I just had great fun and easily overcame the fears that definitely stop many of you:

Fear #1: “I have no hearing or sense of rhythm.” If you cannot distinguish the note E of the first octave from F of the second, I really sympathize with you. You will never become an outstanding pianist. But as a dancer, it’s easy: hearing has little effect on the speed of learning. The sense of rhythm is indeed very important, but it develops perfectly with the help of dances, especially modern ones.

Fear #2: « I'm too old already." Again, age matters only if you want to become a professional ballet dancer, and you are 10 years old (you need to start at 5-6). An amusing study carried out a year ago by the University of Hertfordshire showed that dancers over 40 are much more relaxed and confident than twenty-year-olds, and therefore learn quickly and easily. “There is nothing worse than a very young group,” says Anna Moiseeva, a teacher of classical choreography at the Tais school. “Everyone evaluates each other, develops terrible complexes and, as a result, quickly leaves the race.”

Fear #3: « I’ll be the worst in the group.” I’ll tell you a terrible secret: adults with a similar lifestyle and without a sports and dance background have almost the same ability to dance. “After only five to seven lessons in a group, some students get ahead,” explains Maria Khmelnitskaya, a specialist in dance and movement therapy. — And everyone else continues to develop at approximately the same level. In short, someone always displays outstanding abilities, but very rarely is there a complete absence of them.”

Fear No. 4: “Dancing is very expensive and troublesome.” If you want to dance seriously and professionally, you will have to pay for master classes, concert costumes, and travel to foreign festivals. But if the goal is only pleasure, then dancing is a very low-cost activity. Sometimes you need expensive professional shoes, but they will last a long time.

So, we’ve dealt with our fears, now let’s act. The first point here is predictable: lift your butt off the couch. And then do five more easy things.

1. Choose a style. Play instant association (the exercise is described in the text). Write “dance” on a piece of paper, and then write five words that come to mind first. If it is, for example, “sea, skirt, guitar, sun, passion,” it will probably suit you. Be sure to read our program articles: , .

2. Don't delay because you can't find a school. You can start dancing at home and practice it fully. One of my friends, a star of the Moscow flamenco scene, has never been to a “live” lesson in her life: she only learned from video. , - choose and get started.

3. Be beautiful. Regardless of where you study, in the studio or at home, you need to come to your first classes very dressed. You are not moving very gracefully yet, so you need to create a beautiful affirming picture on your own. No old T-shirts or leggings! If you dance Latin, wear a skirt and wear makeup. For hip-hop - . I repeat: even at home, and especially at home.

4. Don't look for a partner. Even if you want to learn couples dancing. Many people do not dare to go to hustle or tango due to the lack of friends and husbands. Firstly, the school will help you with the pairing. Secondly, you can dance without it. An excellent example is ours, with which you can learn solo salsa (it would seem an oxymoron).

5. Dance for yourself. Almost any dance forces us to socialize: make new acquaintances, go to discos, communicate a lot and perform. On the one hand, this is wonderful. On the other hand, this is exactly what many are afraid of. Remember: you don’t have to go to clubs or drink tea with new acquaintances after each workout. Do not tell your friends that you went to the dance, otherwise they will torture you with requests to “show something.” Let dancing be your secret strength, like Superman! No clubs or stages are needed. Believe me, one fine evening you will start dancing on an empty street. And you will get almost the greatest pleasure in life.

Dancing can be considered a universal hobby. There are several benefits to this hobby. Classes improve the outline of the silhouette, provide a healing effect, add grace to movements, give a boost of energy and Have a good mood. The popularity of this type of fitness is growing rapidly; in every city and town there are schools and studios that teach the basics of choreography. But many would like to know how to learn to dance at home. Visiting fitness centers and schools can create certain difficulties. Some people don’t have the time or money for this, while others feel embarrassed. In any case, you need to understand that self-study at home will provide positive results if you approach it competently and responsibly.

Where to start

If you decide to start training, start by preparing the space for future classes. You will need free space in which you can move without risking injury or damaging any piece of furniture. It is better to remove rugs or carpets from the floor; dancing has elements of sliding that such coverings will interfere with.

In the dance halls mandatory element is a mirror. It is advisable that the room have a canvas that allows you to see yourself completely. If you don’t have one, prepare a gadget that will record a video of your classes.

Prepare your workout uniform. It should not be too loose, as you will need to monitor the correct movements. A good option will be shorts or leggings, a top, a T-shirt. These products do not restrict movement and prevent overheating during active training. You also need comfortable low-heeled shoes. Get yourself a yoga mat, it will come in handy for warming up.

The important thing is to allocate time for studying. You can achieve results only if you train regularly. It will take willpower and self-discipline. Find the most convenient times in your schedule to eliminate unnecessary hassles. It is recommended to start exercising 1-1.5 hours after eating. If one of the conditions is weight loss, you should not eat for an hour after training.

How to choose a dance style for yourself

There are many dance styles in the choreography. There are ballroom, folk, Latin American dances, modern ballet, etc. But if you decide to learn to dance at home, paired options are not suitable; you will have to choose a style that does not require a partner. Consider your preferences, level of physical fitness, and goals you want to achieve.

Here are some options for those who want to learn to dance at home:

  • Eastern dance will eliminate overweight, will provide harmony to the figure, have a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, and give grace to movements;
  • Latin American dances ideally develop and strengthen muscles and joints, make beautiful posture, promote weight loss;
  • Jazz Modern includes elements of hip-hop, break, step, R`N`B styles, burns calories perfectly, trains all muscle groups;
  • strip of plastic combines oriental and Latin American dances, ideal for people with good physical fitness.

Dance lessons for beginners in all styles can be found on the Internet, on CDs.

How to learn to dance beautifully at home

Those who want to know how to learn to dance at home should learn a few rules that will allow you to achieve results faster, avoid disappointment, and give up further training.

Do exercises and stretching

Muscles, ligaments, joints require preparation. If you warm them up well, performing movements, even complex ones, will be much easier. In addition, warming up eliminates the risk of injury in active dancing with physical activity. Complexes for such charging can be found on resources on the Internet.

Learn the movements step by step

Choreography is available to everyone. But you don’t need to try to master all its basics at once. Step-by-step dance lessons for beginners are much more effective. Each movement must be perfected before moving on. You will bring its implementation to automaticity. From now on, you won’t have to think about how to move correctly; your body will handle this task on its own.

Start with easy dances

Even if you really like complex dances that include many elements, you should not start mastering them at first. The lack of significant results in the initial period can cause a decline in enthusiasm, loss of confidence in one’s abilities, and termination of classes. Master it first simple lessons dancing for beginners. When you study them well, you will already have formed faith in your own abilities. This will help without special problems Learn to dance in any style you like.

Eliminate the risk of overload. Physical exercise should increase gradually. Otherwise, overwork will occur, which will not allow you to continue effective training, and a reluctance to continue training will form. The optimal schedule is 4-5 lessons per week for 40 minutes, or 3-4 lessons lasting 60-70 minutes.

Choose inspiring music and videos

The choice of music needs to be given special attention. It should make you want to move and energize you. Such accompaniment will provide invaluable assistance in learning. It will be much easier to master the movements while listening to inspiring music. It will stimulate interest in dancing and the desire to continue classes. At first, such an incentive is necessary.

Practice your dance moves in front of the mirror

The mirror is the ideal assistant. It is quite difficult to master the basics of dancing without it. You will not be able to understand with your feelings, sensations whether you are doing the movement correctly or making mistakes. Incorrect execution of steps will gradually become entrenched and it will be more difficult to relearn. An impartial witness, the mirror will show all inaccuracies and allow them to be corrected immediately. If you can’t install a large canvas, record your workouts on video. Then review and evaluate the correctness of the movements.

Video lessons of modern dances for beginners

If you want to learn to dance, dance a lot and everywhere

In mastering any skill, practice is necessary to ensure consolidation and improvement of acquired abilities. This applies primarily to dancing. Don't think that regular practice is enough. Don't limit yourself to lessons. Every opportunity to hone your skills should be taken.

While doing household chores you have to move a lot. Try incorporating dance steps into your movements. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Gradually, you will not only perfectly master all the dance movements, but also provide ideal beauty and even seductive magic to your gait and gestures.

An excellent option for improving your skills would be going to discos and nightclubs. On the dance floor you can show off the skills you've learned in class. The admiration of others will add confidence and desire to continue studying. You can also show off your skills at family celebrations, friendly parties, picnics, etc. free time turn on your favorite music, enjoy a beautiful dance.

Dancing arose with the advent of humanity. IN ancient world dance movements were part of the rituals, later developing into a fine art. The ability to move well decorates and has a hypnotic effect on those around you. Dancing classes promote physical and emotional health, charge you with energy and optimism.

Modern choreography requires the ability to dance to any rhythm: from fiery Latin and club disco to sensual chill-out. The article contains the best, according to reviews from YouTube users, dance video lessons of different genres for women.

Basic dance movements: step, swing

Hearing the rhythm and keeping the tempo is very important for a dancer. The training session offers effective training on simple steps and hip movements. The elements are great for warming up before classes, relieving tightness and muscle tension, liberating movements, and preparing the body for the dance load.

Dance workout for every day

Video for home dance training for every day - active and fun. Gives a boost of energy for a long time.

Jazz funk. Video tutorial for beginners

Jazz-funk is a young dance style for clubs and parties, suitable for girls and boys. The choreography represents a hooligan mix of jazz, hip-hop, strip dance, and vogue. Jazz-funk classes provide an opportunity to go beyond a certain direction and fully unleash your dance potential, creating a style and manner to your own taste. An online lesson with a choreographer from the Marte dance school will teach you the basic steps and movements of the arms, head, and hips. At the end of the lesson, beginners will learn a mini-dance in the jazz-funk style.

Club dance: basic movements

A simple and effective combination for beginners, built on basic steps and hand movements. A combination of three eights is ideal for training a sense of rhythm and dance style. Repeating the sequence multiple times at a dynamic pace will help you get a boost of energy and mood, and will accustom your body to movement and balance.

How to dance at a disco for a girl

The lesson is suitable for those who want to learn how to feel comfortable at a disco or party without choreographic skills.

Video dance lessons for beginners. Lady Style

Online lesson on learning feminine modern dance to relaxing music. The choreographic pattern alternates between smooth and sharp movements: waves and hair swings, slides and shoulder impacts. The lesson is designed for dancers with minimal experience who have mastered the basics. Beginners can learn and master the movements by pausing the video. The proposed dance sequence is universal and can be performed at medium, slow and fast tempos to any club music.

Simple dance lesson for women

The class is suitable for beginners and professionals who want to replenish their dance knowledge with new movements.

GoGo online video tutorial

Go-go is the most suitable choreography option for a club dance floor. A detailed video lesson from Dance Paradise dance school will help you learn a go-go dance routine. Learn to confidently dance the proposed combination and use the mastered movements in your own order, adding others. Professionals recommend learning such ligaments in high-heeled shoes in order to immediately accustom the body to the necessary balance and balance while dancing.

Go-Go. 7 hand chips

For free Go-go improvisation, you need to master many movements. Fewer repetitions means more varied and interesting dance. The video lesson shows 7 variations of arm movements that can be combined with any hips (swing, circles, figure eights) and steps. Each chip is shown several times at a slow and fast pace.

Improvisation lessons for dummies

In choreography classes, they usually learn dance sequences. It is much more useful to learn the ability to improvise. Improvisation is considered to be the highest level of mastery of art. However, the author of the video lesson has developed a methodology for teaching improvisation from scratch. With just a few training sessions, beginners will be able to create their own choreographic pattern and dance style.

How to develop dance skills

Flexibility and plasticity are like the voice: they can be given from birth or developed through exercise. Good plasticity gives the movements lightness and grace, allowing you to perform dance steps without strain or effort. The video shows a special complex for plastic training. It is recommended to include exercises in the warm-up before classes or perform them independently.

Strip plastic: dance sequence

Strip plastic is a charming dance of femininity, demonstrating the beauty and capabilities of the body. A training video with an instructor presents step-by-step learning of sensual dance. The composition includes a beautiful gait with arm movements, deep plies and bends, and dance on the floor (in the stalls). This exercise is recommended for those with good or average stretching.

Learn to dance like Beyoncé

A short video with a step-by-step explanation will help you quickly learn a few MTV-style moves. Based on dance fragments in the style of Beyoncé, you can create your own dance or improvisation. The lesson is designed for absolute beginners and is based on the principle of a dance lesson in a club: step-by-step learning of movements at a slow pace, combining several steps into one sequence and repeating at a fast pace.

Learn to dance with your hands

If a novice dancer has naturally flexible fingers, hands, elbows and shoulder joints, it is worth paying attention to the Vogue genre. Hands performance is a fashionable dance technique based on hand movements: smooth and sharp, chaotic and rhythmic, a mix of oriental and go-go. Rotations, waves, punches look interesting and self-sufficient. A video with a professional will introduce beginners to the basic movements and their names, combination options.

Learn to dance with your feet

Simple training videos with active and exciting leg movements.

Women's plastic surgery. Dancing with Ekaterina Firsova

Many people dream of learning to dance beautifully, but not everyone has the opportunity to attend special dance classes. However, it is not at all necessary to go somewhere, because basic things can be learned at home.

What are the benefits of learning to dance at home?

Where should I start?

First you need to make room for classes. Clear out the space in your room: remove unnecessary chairs and other furniture that gets in the way. It is advisable that there is no carpet on the floor. This will help you glide while doing some dance moves.

You must also see yourself, so there should be a large mirror or any other reflective surface in front of you in which you will see your reflection. If you do not have the opportunity to see yourself while training, then film your movements. This way you can analyze them in the future and achieve optimal results. And of course, you need a computer screen on which you will study.

Don't skimp on buying special clothes in which you will dance. This could be, for example, tight-fitting leggings or shorts, in which you can clearly see the movements of your legs, as well as a T-shirt or T-shirt.

Before starting the class, a warm-up is required, for which you will need a mat. Also, do not forget to choose for yourself a complex of several simple exercises for stretching.

Which dance style should you choose?

The next important step is to determine what style you want to start dancing in. There are many different areas that you can start mastering without a coach.

Let's list some of them:

From theory to practice

Once you have decided on a dance style, or even chosen several, develop a schedule according to which you will practice. Try to study 2-3 times a week for an hour and a half. During training, you should be completely focused on practicing your skills, forgetting all your household chores for a while. To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the dance, you can also learn more about its history: founders, origins, movements, etc.

Next, look for your favorite video lessons on the Internet or buy a CD with a video course. Don’t be lazy to find out more information about the course choreographer, since for home training it is important that he is a professional in his field. The main indicator of a good workout will be muscle pain. Don't let this scare you. It just means you worked hard on the dance and your time was well spent. With regular exercise, the pain will not be as severe.

Remember the main 4 components of effective training:

  • Warm up.
  • Practicing old movements.
  • Learning new movements.
  • Improvisation (implies free dance, which you build on the basis of the dance experience acquired during training).

You should start with basic movements and ligaments, so that the classes do not seem too difficult to you in the first couple. Try to follow the trainer’s instructions as clearly as possible, because only you can control the correctness of your movements during home lessons. Don't be discouraged if you don't do well at first. The key to success is constant practice. Train no more than 10 movements in combination until you perfect their execution.

Another important point- is to hear music. Try to get into its sound, catch the beat in which your movements should fall, and you will immediately feel more confident, and your movements will become more relaxed. As your skills develop, you can create your own combinations of individual movements to make your workout more intense and interesting.

We hope that this article was useful and motivated you to finally start exercising if you have been wanting to do this for a long time!