Strong Slavic conspiracies and witchcraft. Natalya Stepan's secret book of the healer Spell of the healer

As I already said, in the arsenal of healers, sorcerers, shamans and sorcerers there are various methods and methods of summoning the spirits of dead people. I offer you, as ignorant people who do not have thorough and deep knowledge, the simplest and most harmless methods that will never harm you, which I absolutely guarantee. To call the spirit of the person you need, you need a day as close as possible to him, for example, the day of his birth or death, the date of his wedding or baptism, etc. It is advisable that you have or have received some clothes or things on the day of calling the spirit. Ideally, it should be something loved and dear to him during this person’s lifetime.

The call is made quite late, starting from midnight, or better if it is an hour of midnight before dawn, that is, at three o'clock in the morning, the room where the spirit will be called should not contain mirrors. Everything should be clean and tidy.

Draw a large mark on the floor with chalk or charcoal, correct form circle. Stand in it, holding a lit candle in your hand. There should be no electric light, like the light of the moon. Close the curtains tightly.

Looking at the flame, which will inform you with its vibrations about the arrival of the spirit, begin to calmly, in a clear voice, without hesitation, without unnecessary emotions, without raising your tone, read the spell:

Spell to summon the spirit of the deceased

Significant servant of God (name)
The life-giving cross.
Cross and with a cross:
In front, behind, in the heads,
From earth and in heaven.
In heaven is the Kingdom of God,
And underground there is a dead state.
I call, God's servant ( full name),
The spirit lying in the coffin,
Not walking on earth (name).
Castle of the earth, open up.
Lid of the coffin, rise up.
Spirit of God's servant (name), appear
Here, to me, to God’s servant (name).
Come spirit, appear, submit to Me (name).
Meet me like a blood friend,
Answer all my questions.
Be my patron,
A deliverer from troubles and enemies.
Don't go near the circle
Don't leave without asking
You will leave when I let you go.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, forever, forever and ever. Amen.

After reading the spell, stand and do not move. When you see the fire flickering, ask the spirit a question. When you hear an answer that is usually spoken in a whisper, do not flinch or exclaim. You also cannot extend your hands beyond the circle. After you receive the answer, say just two words to the spirit: “Thank you and goodbye!” Extinguish the candle with your breath and leave the circle. The trace of the drawn circle is not left until the morning; it should be wiped off immediately with a wet cloth.

Having heard the answer, you cannot tell it to anyone: the spirit will not forgive you for this.

*** The spirit is not invoked on holy holidays and during fasting.

*** You can't overuse calling spirits very often.

*** Do not summon the spirit of those people who treated you poorly during your lifetime. Especially don't call your enemies.

*** By calling a spirit, you can, without asking him questions, ask him for something that you really need. Usually people ask for protection from enemies, saying their full names. They ask for the most necessary and urgent things.

*** I think you understand that you should ask for what is considered reasonable among people. That is clever man will not ask for a third hand or a royal throne if he is not an heir and not of royal blood, etc. Otherwise, the spirit may be offended, believing that you are mocking him, and this will be avenged.

Since I have been doing this since early childhood (my training required this), I can say with full responsibility: the spirits you call are happy about it. They will be happy to help you, especially if they are your relatives. They, as in their previous life, want to take care of you and keep you and really want to communicate with you.

Your calling of spirits from the other world, the astral world, is in fact the only and desirable opportunity for them to meet you, I myself have heard about this from them many times.

There are cases when, without even resorting to calling the spirit, a person who was mortally offended, sobbing at the grave of his mother or father, complained about the enemy who did not allow him to live, and after that the offender of the crying person unexpectedly died. Spirits are omnipresent and are able to hear the moans and pleas of their children. Here is an example for you when, without even resorting to calling the spirit, a person was heard by him, and soon the offended one was avenged. And if this can happen without a special ritual and challenge, then how zealous will the spirit be if he was invited and asked to help with a spell!

From the letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna, I have no one else to tell about what happened to me. About 20 years ago, my mother died. For me, she was the most important thing on earth. For as long as I can remember, my mother always lived for me. When she died "Dad, she didn't remarry because she didn't want anyone to hurt me. Mom worked two jobs so that I could get an education. Despite her fatigue, she never yelled at me or got angry, even if I was wrong about something. When the word cooperative appeared in the country, my mother, trusting my plans, sold all the most valuable things, as well as our beloved dacha, inherited from my father’s mother. I invested all this money in my business, and, to my Fortunately, he went. My mother was also very happy and proud of me, and I dreamed of saving money and taking her to a resort, since she began to complain of chest pain. But I didn’t have time to do this, my mother died.

At that time, during that hard time, there was rampant racketeering throughout the country. They had not touched me before, but then they attacked me like jackals. First they announced the protection to me and told me how much it would cost. I remained silent and decided to write a statement to the department for combating organized crime. I wrote, and that same evening a gang showed up and knocked down my door. In the hand of one of them was my statement, which they forced me to devour. Apparently, everything was seized from them. They beat me hard and mocked me for a long time, and when I left they told me to sign over my business to them tomorrow. These were terrible people, with terrible, inhuman faces, I remembered these eyes and faces for the rest of my life. Some time after they left, he barely got up from the floor, which was covered in blood.

My knocked-out teeth were also left on the floor. There was such wild pain that it seemed to me that I was dying. Wiping the blood off myself, I made a decision for myself: I will die, but I will not sign my property to them. The good that was given away was what the mother had earned through her labor. The dacha that my father’s old people loved so much. My life seemed worthless and terrible to me; I could not hope for an investigation or a trial.

You won’t believe it, Natalya Ivanovna, I wanted to die. I’ll die, I thought, and they’ll be left with nothing, it’s better for all this to go to waste than for them to get it. But before I committed suicide, I wanted to say goodbye to my mother.

And although it was late evening, I got dressed and trudged to the cemetery. Or rather, I caught a car and went there. The cemetery gates were closed. I never thought that the cemetery could be closed, because I had never been there so late, and here in front of me was a hanging castle. Despite the terrible pain throughout my body, I climbed over the fence almost without difficulty. It was not difficult, despite the darkness, to find my mother’s grave, since I visited her very often. I probably looked somehow ridiculous at that moment - an adult man sitting on the ground, near a grave, in the dark. But then I didn’t think about it, because I decided that tomorrow I would die. Self-pity, anger and resentment, despair that tomorrow I had to die, did their job. I didn’t cry, I sobbed, tearing the grave cover with my hands. I was choking on tears, complaining to my mother about those who had ruined my whole life. I said goodbye to her and asked her forgiveness, since she always believed that suicide was the most grave sin. I made excuses to her for what I wanted to do, I cried for so long that I became completely exhausted and fell asleep.

The dream that I saw at the grave was so beautiful that in the morning, when it began to get colder, I never wanted to wake up, so as not to lose my mother again, whom I had finally found in a dream. In the dream, my mother was washing me, and I was as tall as her knees. Tenderly chiding me for the abrasions and dirt on my face, my mother repeated and repeated: “That’s all. The tears will dry, the wounds will heal. And whoever offended you, I will punish him. Now you sleep, and tomorrow everything will be better, not you, but they will in this land..."

I woke up to the cawing of crows, of which for some reason there are always so many in the cemetery. Mom smiled at me from the portrait, and her words kept ringing in my head: “Tomorrow everything will be better, not you, they will be in this land.” I don’t know why, maybe there was something wrong with my head from the beating, but for some reason I believed in her words. Maybe I just wanted to believe in it, and like a little kid I clung to this dream.

No one came to me at the indicated time, and they promised to come with a notary. No one came on the second day or the third, and then I saw an obituary and an article that my enemies crashed in a car. I don’t know how everything really happened there, but if you believe the newspaper, then those who beat me to death all burned in the fire. No one will ever be able to convince me that it was not the spirit of my mother that sent my enemies to the next world. I want you to write about my mother and how she saved me. If you want to change my last name, if you want, leave it as it is. It was a long time ago, but everything I wrote to you is absolutely true. With great respect for you and your work."

© Stepanova N.I., 2017

© Publishing, design. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL Classic", 2017

For health, against illnesses

If a person is going to see a healer
(you need to know this)

From the letter:

“I suffer from psoriasis and decided to go to a healer and ask her for help. I traveled for two days. I decided that I wouldn’t go to the hotel, I’d negotiate with the healer’s neighbors - it would be cheaper - someone would definitely let me in. Grandmothers were sitting on a bench near the house, and I asked to spend the night with them. She explained that she had come to Zarina (that was the name of the healer). They didn't want to let me in, but in the end I persuaded one of them. In the morning I came to the healer, she accepted me. She listened, then began to explain how and what herbs I should take, what prayers she would read, and which ones I would read. Kazakhstan and I have a three-hour time difference, and we agreed that I would read prayers and light candles at the time when she would do it. When she saw me off, she said: “Go and don’t go anywhere until the station. Don’t look back, don’t talk.” I say: “Okay, I’ll just go and get your things from your neighbor.” I stayed with her yesterday.” When Zarina heard about this, she became angry and said that she would not treat me or read prayers. She told me to find another master. I began to persuade her, but to no avail. Zarina did not explain the reason for the refusal, but I had been traveling for two days.

Well, is that possible?! Not everyone knows what to do and what not to do when you go to a master.”

You are right, Tatyana Sergeevna, not everyone knows the rules that must be followed so as not to spoil the master’s work and not harm themselves. You shouldn’t be angry with Zarina, she did the right thing. She is a good, competent and responsible master, whom I have known for a long time. And she didn’t give in to you because she knew perfectly well: if you break the rules, you will not only work in vain, but also harm the patient and yourself. The rules are the same for everyone, and they have been followed strictly for centuries, so before going to the healer, be sure to read about them to avoid mistakes.

On the day of admission, do not eat anything meat. You can eat fish, potatoes, bread, milk, vegetables, fruits.

Do not comb your hair on the day of treatment.

Women who have started menstruating should not go to witch doctors; if the matter is urgent, then you need to warn the master from the doorway so that he does not read some prayers. In such cases, masters sometimes do a reading from the Guardian Angel.

When going to an appointment with a master, do not take anyone with you for company, since other people, just like you, have their own Guardian Angels. And if the Guardian Angel of the person you take with you is stronger than yours, then this may negatively affect the work of the master. The exception is blood relatives (mother, daughter, etc.), and then the master must decide each time whether it is worth working in such conditions. Therefore, I want to warn you once again: don’t take risks, don’t invite your friends with you, you’re not going to have fun.

If you ask a specialist to help a seriously ill person or small child who, naturally, cannot turn to a healer themselves, then it is best to take a photograph of this person with you. In this case, the master will reprimand them through you, through “healthy blood,” since a weak Guardian Angel will be of little use. But here too, the master will analyze each specific case and make an appropriate decision.

You should not waste effort searching for an apartment near a master. Firstly, people do not like to let sick people into their apartments, believing that they can take over other people’s illnesses and damage. Secondly, now, unfortunately, is a time when people are simply afraid to let a stranger into their apartment. “Anything can happen, what if they steal or kill you? - they think. “Even though the woman looks harmless, where is the guarantee that she won’t open the door to her accomplices at night?” This is roughly what many people think when you ask for an overnight stay. Should you be angry with such people? Of course not! Would you yourself let in a person you are seeing for the first time? Would you risk your life and the lives of your children for money? That's why it's better to stay at a hotel and come to see a specialist the next day. And one more thing: sometimes it is necessary to read a special spell on the threshold, which means that after that you should not enter someone else’s house, you should immediately go to your own. Otherwise, you will ruin all the master’s work and leave strangers’ health and happiness. In addition, for some time after you leave the master, you will not be allowed to talk.

When leaving the master, you cannot say “thank you” and “goodbye”.

When you return to your home, do not rush to tell everyone that you visited a healer. Remember that even a mother who selflessly loves her child can sometimes put the evil eye on him without meaning to. Surely you yourself have witnessed such an unintentional evil eye more than once. For example, the child’s mother will praise him, and then he will burst into tears and scream day and night. There are things that a person must do secretly. You don’t go to the toilet in public, you always close the door, so you need to get rid of negativity away from prying eyes. Only the man himself, the master and the Lord God should know what happened. Previously, if someone from the family was going to see a healer, the questions “to whom?” and for what?" they didn’t ask him, didn’t see him off or meet him. Everyone pretended that they knew nothing, so as not to “damage” the patient’s roads and not drag his illness onto themselves.

If you are going to a healer or returning from him and suddenly a dog barks somewhere, say:

It's not me, it's the pig.

You should not quarrel with the master if you are refused; it is better to ask him to help you if possible. The master, as a rule, refuses if a person’s Guardian Angel is too weak, if, having considered your thoughts, he did not approve of them. The master may also refuse if he has not yet fully recovered from the previous treatment (remember the expression: “Grandma gets sick when she treats”).

Don't discuss the master you've had before. Masters (good, competent) always support each other and do not like ungrateful people. Even if they couldn’t help you before, you don’t know the reason why this happened. And there can be a lot of reasons. Perhaps the Lord wants you to suffer for some time, atonement for the sins of your parents. Therefore, you should be eternally grateful to those people who tried to help you, spending their time, energy and health on you. After all, the master is always in danger when he begins to treat a person, as he receives a backlash, letting someone else’s negativity pass through him.

I remember once a woman came to see me and began to ask for help. The conversation went like this. “Natalya Ivanovna,” she told me, “I visited many masters, and went to monasteries. I didn’t feel better, but I’m ready to bow to the ground to everyone who sincerely tried to help me. I am so grateful for the support that I may not have earned if God is punishing me so severely.”

I saw that the woman spoke sincerely, was not disingenuous with me, and was truly grateful to the specialists who were trying to solve her problem. She looked at me with such faith and hope that I could not refuse her, despite the fact that I saw perfectly well what I was dooming myself to. The Lord helped me, and I am happy that this woman recovered.

Here is another example, exactly the opposite of the previous one. A master from Tver called me, about whom I had heard a lot of good things. With resentment in her voice, she said that she had been approached by elderly woman, who complained about doctors and healers who were unable to help her. She said that there are only swindlers and charlatans around, doctors are mediocrities who bought diplomas, but in their heads, as she put it, “there’s not a boom-boom.” And yet they try to outwit her, poor thing, take money, but then do not provide help.

Maria (the master from Tver) did not like the words of this woman, and she refused to help her. But the woman knelt down and began to ask for the sake of Christ, and the masters have an unwritten rule: when they ask for the sake of Christ, the person cannot be refused. Maria told me about all the rituals that she performed, and listed the prayers that she read, trying to help her client. Naturally, the patient bought candles and paid for trips to church and cemetery. No changes were noted, and after three months of treatment the patient began to demand that the money spent be returned to her. She showed up to the master and said: “If you don’t give me the money, I’ll write to the newspaper and they won’t leave you alone! You, like everyone else, are a swindler. Now I’ll go to Stepanova, maybe she’ll help.”

“Natalya Ivanovna,” said Maria, “at the first minute I unbearably wanted to punish this woman, and to punish her more severely, because how many masters she had already slandered, because how she offended me, only God knows! I gave her the money right away, I didn’t even argue. But now let her spend even more on medicine. And don't judge me. Why on earth should she be allowed to mock those who tried to help her with impunity!”

Soon this patient actually showed up at my place, and I refused her. Masters are obliged to help each other and not allow evil and dishonest people to discredit the names of real healers!

How to talk yourself out of illness for the whole year

This is a very old and proven method. My grandmother spoke about him like this: “Defence girl, saver.” If you do everything correctly, free yourself from colds and illnesses for the whole year.

Take out the charcoal from the ash pit with your left hand. Draw a line on the floor, stand with your back to it, step over the line with your left foot back and forth and say:

There is no line to the devil, there is no cross for him.
So I don’t have any illness or pain either
Not for tomorrow, not for the day after tomorrow,
Not for a week, not for a month and not for the whole year!

How you can quickly help yourself if you feel unwell

If you are sick, eliminate all meat from your diet. Give preference to fish, or even better, fish soup (fish broth). Grind in a bowl butter with honey, rub yourself with this mass, warm up in the bath.

See how quickly your strength will return.

* * *

Sleep restores health. Turn off the doorbell, telephone, close the curtains tightly. When you go to bed, say:

Angels, strengthen my health. Amen.
* * *

If possible, eat less, drink lingonberry infusion with honey and hot milk with foam more often. Twice a day - morning and evening - wipe yourself with a terry towel soaked in hot salt water. After this procedure, rub with a dry waffle towel.

* * *

If your bones ache, strip naked and wrap yourself in a goat's shawl and, as you lie down in bed, say:

Two-horned, take it from a two-legged one.
I, am, Abu, Ali, Ala.
The two-horned one took, the two-legged one gave. Amen.

The same advice helps with colds.

* * *

If your illness has dragged on for a long time, do this.

Enter the river (if there is no river nearby, you can go into a bath of water), pour water over yourself from head to toe and say:

The maternal waters have receded,
The mother's labor began.
I am from the water - and I came out of the water.
God gave me a soul and settled me on dry land.
I’ll go into the water and find relief.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
* * *

The sacrificial blood of a freshly killed bird helps to alleviate the painful condition.

They chop the chicken and place their left hand under the warm blood. With this blood they draw forty crosses on the naked body, and each time they say:

You, bird, are dead, and I am alive.
Blood is on the cross, but health is in me. Amen.

After this, your health will quickly improve.

* * *

If you suddenly notice that you are not walking like yourself, as if you have been replaced, put on your dress backwards, put your slippers on the wrong foot and do twelve circles around the room where you usually sleep, whispering as you do so:

The illness came to the wrong house,
I found the wrong one.
I'm confusing you, sickness, in circles, taking you out.
I’ll take you out, you sick thing, with my feet.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.
* * *

Do you want to quickly recover from a cold? Stand with the moon behind you. The moon phase is waning. Ask three times in a whisper:

Luna, are you going to leave?
Will you remember to take the disease from me?
Are you decreasing?
And let the disease go away. Amen.
* * *

Stand in the front corner in front of the All Saints icon and bow from the waist.

Make forty bows. Then wash yourself with holy water and dry yourself with the clothes in which you bowed to the saints. Put on new clothes.

By evening you will feel better, and the next day you will completely recover.

* * *

A cold will go away very quickly if you boil a glass of milk with a clove of garlic and half a teaspoon of pollen, which can be bought at any pharmacy. If you drink, the next day you will be like a cucumber.

* * *

If you don't have time to rest during a cold, do this.

Lie on the floor by your bed and spin clockwise twelve times while saying:

Gender, my gender,
Put my illness on stake.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

I tested it, it helps very quickly, but not on Sunday.

* * *

If you often have lower back pain, treat it this way.

Melt a glass of honey along with half a glass of salt and one hundred grams of lard. Add a piece of propolis the size of Walnut. Lubricate your lower back, cover it with cellophane and wrap yourself up better. Your lower back will soon stop hurting.

* * *

For those who are constantly sick, I recommend this mixture. For half a liter of Borjomi, take half a glass of light honey, squeeze the juice of one lemon. Mix everything thoroughly. Place in a cool place for a day, dark place(without closing the bottle). Drink two tablespoons morning and evening for two weeks. You cannot eat meat at this time.

* * *

If you get irritated over trifles, if you don’t want to look at yourself in the mirror, give your body a feast. Buy ten liters of milk, a half-liter jar of honey, one hundred grams of linden blossom, mint and yarrow. Warm it all up without bringing it to a boil. Strain through a sieve into a bath of warm water and soak for twenty-five minutes.

See how your eyes sparkle and how your skin turns pink, having absorbed life itself along with milk. Of course, the bath will be a little expensive, but your health is more valuable than any money. It’s better to deny yourself something else, but be sure to give yourself this gift. Great appearance and wonderful well-being will be guaranteed to you.

Saving words (if you feel unwell)

Take an apple, cut it with the blunt side of a knife into two halves, put them together and say:

As with my mother, so with me
Blood with blood, womb with womb.
Neither on the first day, nor on the last,
Neither at sunrise nor at sunset
My body won't hurt. Amen.

A conspiracy to protect during epidemics

The spell is read over water, stirring it with a torch split from a log. They interfere only in one direction, clockwise, until the plot is read three times in a row. After this, the charmed water is given to all family members to drink, and the splinters are dried and burned. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

The shield of the Lord is with me
From every earthly illness:
From the pestilence, from the fire plague,
From purulent leprosy,
From the plague and the shaking,
Ognevitsa, bushenitsa.
Protect my family, Lord, with Your fence.

From a contagious disease

If an epidemic occurs, talk to yourself in advance so as not to get sick.

Place two mirrors. One in front and one in back. Look at the back of your head and say:

There are no eyes on the back of the head, there is no nose on the back of the head,
There is no mouth on the back of the head.
Also, so that I don’t get sick:
Neither from people nor from animals,
Neither from horses nor from cows,
Neither from goats nor from birds,
Neither by the wind, nor from the water, nor from the land.
Lord, save me.
Save and defend.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy to get rid of illnesses

This conspiracy is used in cases where a person cannot say exactly what is hurting him and answers: “Everything.” In this case, take the patient outside the threshold, ask him to look into a basin of water, and at that moment whisper the following spell:

Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden,
Deliver God's servant (name)
From pain and torment, his legs and arms,
So that the body does not hurt and does not sweat,
Bad blood didn't make me numb,
From the evil chill, the heavy lifting,
From Marya Irodovna,
From all twelve shaking girls.

Then wash the patient with this water and pour the rest onto the road. In all conspiracies, use the words “servant of God” and “servant of God” depending on who you are reading the conspiracy or prayers for.

Spell that grants health

Read this health-promoting spell three times in a row in the bathhouse immediately after washing and rinsing. The words are:

The bathhouse washed away the dirt, the bathhouse gained health.
Saint Paul,
Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel,
Congratulate me on your light steam,
With health. Amen.

How to get your health back

Collect thin, parchment-like white bark from a birch tree and brew it at three in the morning while reading a special spell. Each time add three pinches of salt, three pinches of wood ash, three pinches of crushed shells of eggs boiled on Easter to the healing potion. Then let the patient drink this potion. The plot is as follows:

Like on Bright Sunday, on Easter,
Jesus Christ rose from the dead,
So to the servant of God (name)
Deliverance and healing are granted. Amen.

How to restore strength to a patient

As I said before, white magic is truly powerful. With its help, you can even restore strength to a dying person. They usually say about such cases: “He was very bad, and no one hoped that he would survive, and look - he recovered!” I think that for any master there is no greater reward than hearing such words.

So, stay alone with the patient and ask him to remain silent throughout the ceremony. Light twelve candles. After this, read a special spell over water poured into three glasses, and then give these glasses to the patient: he should take a sip from each, no more. After such a ritual, a person seems to be born again.

The words of the conspiracy are:

Magdalena cried, Mother Mary wept,
The demon rejoiced, and Jesus was resurrected.
God help me,
Raise God's servant (name) from the grave,
Give joy to us, Your servants (names).

Conspiracy against weakness and impotence

If a person experiences a loss of strength due to hard work, nervous disorder or any illness, the following conspiracy should be read for forty days in a row:

Great God, praiseworthy and incomprehensible,
Having created man by Your hand,
Finger off the ground to everyone
And honoring him with Your image,
He appeared on Your servant (name).
Give him sleep and peace,
Health and life saving,
Mental and physical strength.
The Lover of Mankind, the King himself, appear!
By the influx of Your Holy Spirit
Visit Your servant (name).
Grant him health, strength and blessings
By your goodness.
Every gift from You is goodness,
And every gift is perfect.
You are the doctor of our souls.
We swear with thanksgiving
To Your Beginningless Father
And to Your Most Holy Life-Giving Spirit.

If you have no strength

They pick up elecampane leaves, lie down on them, close their eyes and read first the “Our Father”, then the “Virgin Mary” and, finally, a spell for strength in the body:

The stars are frequent, the dew is bright,
The thunder is loud, the scythes are sharp.
You mow the scythes, the grass,
And not the white body of God's servant (name). Amen.
Nine forces to me, heaviness to the damp earth.

Gain strength quickly

There are all sorts of circumstances: a person loses strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go outside, raise your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:

The stars are not counted
The sky is immeasurable.
Oh my God,
Heavenly powers are with me.
I praise the Mother of God,
Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for all illnesses

On Holy Week, on Wednesday, you need to scoop up a new mug of water from a well, a barrel on the street, a river, etc. Then, after crossing yourself three times, you need to cover the mug with a clean new towel, and at two o’clock in the morning, after crossing yourself three times again, pour this water over , leaving a little in the mug. On a wet body, without drying, put on clothes and pour the water that remains in the mug until three o'clock in the morning under a bush or on flowers. After such a ritual, there is a feeling as if the person was born again.

From an unknown and contagious disease

The spell is read over a towel, which is then used to wipe the patient from head to toe. The spell words are as follows:

How King David drove Herod's daughters
Up a stone mountain,
So do I in the name of Jesus Christ
I wipe, drive and kick out
From God's servant (name)
From the seventy ailments named,
And from all those sent
And from those who are unknown.
How true it is that a person eats through the mouth,
And after... the food will leave him,
It is also true that this illness from this day forward,
Once, an hour, the servant of God (name) will leave
And he won’t come back to her.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Since ancient times, it was believed that witches were female individuals leading a solitary lifestyle. Basically, they settled in deep, impenetrable forests, where they could carry out their villainous machinations without attracting much attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, strange plants and mushrooms for their black deeds.

Witches: who are they and do they have a place in a world where everything is so unsteady, incomprehensible and relative?

As a rule, people become witches by nature. For example, if only women or only men are constantly born in a family tree for three generations, these are potential witches and magicians. If you teach such a representative witchcraft, the person will feel great power. Such people often know that they are unusual; without understanding what they are doing, they can harm others. It has happened more than once in life that a random word uttered in anger very soon comes true. These are the forces given by nature that find their application.

You can become a witch unwittingly. Many have heard that when a witch dies, she must transfer her power. As a rule, she knows about her death a couple of days in advance and can prepare. But in extreme cases, when this is impossible, the witch realizes that the evil spirit will not let her go, but will begin to torment her with terrible torment. At the moment of agony, she is ready to throw power on anyone; it is enough for the witch to touch a person’s hand.

By transferring power without knowledge, the successor is doomed to torment. The transfer of knowledge by mutual consent has slightly different forms. This phenomenon is called Confession of a Witch. Depending on the physical condition it can last more than one day. Having begun her monologue after midnight, the witch speaks until the first rooster, and then falls silent to continue the next night.

The successor cannot write down, so she is forced to remember everything said. To simplify this, the elder witch distilled the knowledge into a story, which is why they say “Confession of a Witch.” An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. A worthy and stronger successor was supposed to be chosen. Deathbed Confession is not devoid of logic, because, having full knowledge, the newly minted witch could use them against the Teacher.

Watch also the documentary video about the book of witches:

But there are those who consciously train to become a witch.

The last type of witch is the conscientious disciple. These people, aware of themselves, chose the path of witchcraft and divination. Experts assure that almost everyone can do it. If you decide to engage in black magic, you need to perform a ritual ceremony and read the words to become a witch. The initiation ritual itself requires not only physical cleanliness; strict fasting for three days is required, but you also need to wear clean clothes.

Your mind must be sober and not clouded by alcohol “for courage” or other intoxicants. Choose a room for reading the dedication that no one will actually enter or disturb. Before starting the ritual, light the lamp, and from that day let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires awe, respect and belief in the importance of what is happening. You need to realize: by dedicating yourself, you take responsibility. All your words will have a different weight and power. It will be impossible to throw threats left and right. After reading the text of the dedication, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, every spell is an order from the witch to be carried out. So, if you are ready and aware of your actions, then you should read the following words:

After completing the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone that day.

The concepts of “black magic” and “witch”

The concepts of “black magic” and “witch” in the minds of modern people have a pronounced negative connotation. But a witch is not someone who only does evil to people. The word “witch” comes, first of all, from the word “to know,” that is, to know.

There are different types of witches:

  1. There are witches who help people solve their problems, heal them and never do evil. White witches usually do not hide from people and are always ready to help. But you may not see blacks right away.
  2. There are also witches who work only for their own benefit and do not refuse any work, even the dirtiest. These are black witches.

It is necessary to understand that black magic is not a priori “evil”, it has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course, you may have to appeal to the powers of demons and spirits, but definitely in the vast majority of rituals you will not be required to make sacrifices, torment black cats or drink blood. You yourself decided to learn the ancient spells of witches, which means you must be aware of the dangers of your choice.

Witchcraft should not be perceived as something fabulous and fantastic, a la Harry Potter - this is a real teaching. Based on the principle of influence, the directions of witchcraft can be divided into two types: active and passive.

  1. Summoning demons and spirits, treating or damaging a person is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive followers of magic limit themselves to fortune telling, predictions, reading amulets, and creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires a lot of energy from the witch.

Real spells for beginning witches are not hard to find. Printing houses regularly publish new books about magic, and many websites on this topic have been created on the Internet. Everyone decides for themselves the question of the authenticity of such abundant information.

It's the 21st century. An age in which most supernatural phenomena were scientifically substantiated or disproved. However, the world is so diverse that it regularly supplies the human mind with new mysteries. In all ancient cultures and at all times, there have been women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in everyday life was and remains to know the answers to these riddles, to help people who do not know to cope with difficulties.

Witchcraft and its various varieties have been known since time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and inhabitants of Mesopotamia, especially the Babylonians. Man's interest in everything mysterious has always been. People were attracted by the unknown forces of powerful nature.

Just imagine how much knowledge about the power of spirits has been accumulated over the years, centuries! It is difficult for the common man to call magic a science, but it is as old as the world, and has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know, if not everything, then a lot. It’s not even a matter of book knowledge about damage, diseases, etc., magic reveals the secret of that side of life where mathematics, biology or physics could not look. It is pointless to deny the interaction of the mind and soul, but understanding it is very important.

In ancient times it was easier to come to terms with magic; you could either know a lot or know nothing. A witch could be a priest, a healer, a healer, which means she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore with the appearance of grains of knowledge among ordinary people, a division into right and left, good and bad was needed. So it was easier for a person to understand what was going on around him, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

The original symbols and knowledge changed their meaning in the course of development; man replaced concepts in order to learn how to manage the world. He continues to do this to this day. For example, the Chinese symbol from antiquity is Yin-Yang. Modern man states: the meaning of a sign is the opposite, feminine and masculine, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese had a different meaning:

  • Yin - shady mountainside
  • Yang is sunny.

And where is it good and where is it bad? There is only one mountain! Witches are perhaps those people who preserve the original meaning of existence and do not try to adapt or modernize it.

Now it is difficult to comprehend when and how magic began to be divided into white and black, and their servants into magicians and witches. Perhaps, with the advent of a single patriarchal religion, service to higher powers, God, and therefore the function of the priest, the bearer of good, began to be tied to the masculine principle (white magic), while concern about the material world (concerns about daily affairs) was associated with evil, the feminine principle . This is how it turns out that those who practice black magic, struggling with the adversities of life, are witches.

How to identify and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of witches, I would like to pay attention to such an issue as recognizing a true witch. Serbian researchers of occult sciences found a very original method. In one of the abandoned ancient monasteries, they found ancient writings with instructions for identifying witchcraft in the female population. Everything is simple and at the same time funny, but this method brings in good income at the Museum of Witchcraft.

So, the girl needs to weigh herself twice, the first time using the classical method, and the second time by riding a broom:

  1. If the weight was greater when re-weighed, this is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch
  2. But if the weight remained the same, this is direct evidence that this is a witch.

Witches often attend church, feeding on the energy of holiness, and also as part of rituals. As a rule, those who come to the temple of God with the intention of performing a ritual are closed from the grace emanating from the icons.

How they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross their arms, legs or fingers.
  2. When praying, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross their legs from behind.
  3. You should also be wary if a parishioner crosses herself with her left hand and in the reverse order (stomach, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called okrest. Witches can cross themselves with their right hand, but then afterward they make a sharp movement with their hand, as if throwing the cross to the floor. The best solution will not approach such people and not take anything from them.
  4. While in church, the black witch tries not to turn her back to the altar and icons . This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spine, and the grace that comes from the images burns the witch’s back extremely strongly. Even when leaving, she will cross herself, backing towards the exit and not turning around.

Why do witches come to churches?

It's simple: by performing rituals, they spend their life energy. It takes a long time to replenish it naturally; it is much faster to feed from an ignorant parishioner. This is done quite simply. The witch, without attracting attention, will walk around you counterclockwise, then as if accidentally push you with her hand, and that’s all: all she can do is stand behind you and receive your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone is carrying out such manipulations, do not hesitate and hit that person with your left hand, this will return the effect of the damage back. There are a lot of people who experience all sorts of troubles from the induced one. Very often, people quickly die from the damage caused, and from an incurable disease. And many people at the master’s reception exclaim, why am I doing this, who did I cross the path of?

But there are witches who spoil people not for anything, but just for fun. From history we know that witches and sorcerers are those who made a deal with the devil himself and sold their soul to them in exchange for knowledge. Perhaps vanity from possessing sacred secrets pushes witches to create evil.

And yet, witches are not all evil. There are inquisitive researchers in this area called witches. It is worth remembering: the word “witch” comes from the word “to know.” Magic is like a mirror; whoever turns to it in search of answers to questions, he reveals his true intentions.

The Old Believers or Rodovers date back to the period of the ancient Slavs. Then it was a huge tribe that spread not only in the territory modern Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, but in the Balkans, in the Baltic states. They worshiped the ancient gods and made rich sacrifices to them in exchange for harvests and peace. Not many people know Old Russian conspiracies. They formed the basis of Slavic magic, and later began to be used by modern practitioners.

They have enormous power, because their power comes from nature, the spiritual connection between man and his ancestors.

If you are looking for strong protective, healing spells, as well as effective damage, then it is worth delving into the study of this magical tradition. For the Old Believers they had great importance, will help you. The memory of generations will help you perform a powerful natural ritual. Your life will change for the better, because you know how to control its course.

Religion of Ancient Rus'

Everyone knows that Ancient Rus' was pagan. There are many beautiful legends, stories about gods and heroes. Before the baptism of Rus', sacrifices were made, the Magi helped people choose right time for crops, construction, blessed them for exploits and battles. Women received help and relief during difficult childbirth; they had the support of the goddesses Lada and Mokosh. A lot of time has passed since then. A decision was made about the Baptism of Rus', the transition to the Orthodox faith.

Temples were destroyed, idols were burned, and traditions were forgotten. But that was only in public. For a very long time, paganism remained the main, most powerful religion of the Old Believers. They did not accept the new God and his faith. New idols were built in the forests, rituals were carried out secretly. In some places they were generally against worshiping the new God. The old rituals were carried out there, services were held in the name of Perun, Yarilo, Svarozhich. People did not want to forget their gods. There were a lot of such outbreaks in the East.

The Old Believers have preserved their traditions from much earlier times. The baptism of Rus' was aimed at eradicating paganism, but it was also divided into two camps. There are several generations of Slavic pagan gods. The first, the most ancient, begins with the thunderer Perun. Later, many centuries later, Yarilo came to his place - a wise, fair, very warlike god. This is where the split occurred. The Old Believers wanted to continue their rituals in honor of Perun, and fans of the new gods shouted with one voice that the future belonged to Yaril - the Sun, Light, Power.

Old Believers and worshipers of new gods

Even before the advent of the Orthodox faith, entire regions appeared that did not recognize the power of the New Gods. They did not want to attach the ancestral faith of their grandfathers. Mysticism played a huge role in their lives. The faith of the Old Believers was closely connected with magic and rituals. Most of the conspiracies that date back to the Slavic period came to us from the times of the Old Pagan Gods. This was the beginning of the great Slavic magic, which fed from a source of natural power:

  • The earth is a mother, a protector. She provided food, clothing, the opportunity to sow and harvest crops.
  • Water - there would be no harvest without water. A person cannot live without water; plants and animals need it every day. The Slavs settled along the rivers not only for the sake of their crops, but also thinking about protection. It is not easy to cross a stormy river, so on the one hand their cities were well protected.
  • Air is no less necessary than water.
  • Fire - warmth, light, protection from wild animals. With the help of fire, you can not only cook food and heat your home, but also create weapons. Even then the Slavs knew how to subjugate metal.

These four elements are pure nature for all Old Believers. She nourished their magic, giving the power of all elements at once. Rituals were performed that formed the basis of today's elemental and natural magic.

In those days the balance between black and white magic was much stronger

Another important feature is Rod. The ancient Slavs even had a god named Rod, who sacredly guarded the connection between generations. All the power of the ancestors is behind the back of the one who honors the family history, knows the names of his great-grandfathers and follows their faith. Nature and the power of the family helped the mystics ancient Rus'. They received enormous power with the blessing of their ancestors. Their life was full of mysticism, rituals, conspiracies. Both white and black.

In those distant times, nature and fate were merciless to man. He had to use two types of magic at once in order to survive. The Old Believers had many enemies, but they also had friends. Their gods always stood nearby, reminding them of themselves with thunder, rain, the bright Sun or fertile soil.

Old Gods and New Gods

There are several generations of gods. They transformed, because man’s idea of ​​the world and the forces of nature changed. The most ancient gods belong to the era of Animism. This means that a person saw the soul in everything:

  • forces of nature: rain, thunder, lightning, clear weather;
  • animals: ritual, totem animals for gods and goddesses, they served as victims or, on the contrary, were glorified;
  • nature: stones, trees;
  • change of seasons: the rise to power of one or another god was accompanied by a change in weather, temperature, and living conditions.

For the Old Believers there was nothing, no one without a soul. The whole world was created at the behest of the gods, which means that even the smallest stone on a dusty road contains a part of the divine touch.

The most ancient gods:

  • Perun - Thunderer, Father and Creator;
  • Mother is earth, sky, water and fire. Later Lada.

In addition to these gods, there were also children and grandchildren:

  • Horse is a god who personifies the Sun. Later, when Yarilo came to power in heaven, he united the power of Perun and Khors in himself;
  • Dazhdbog - commanded the rains, rivers, seas. He was asked for good rains for a bountiful harvest;
  • Semargl - conveyed the will of the gods to people. He was the messenger and voice of the highest deities;
  • Stribog is the lord of the winds;
  • Rod is the protector of the clan, family, home;
  • Svarozhich is the god of fire and blacksmithing. According to legend, he gave people fire and taught them how to forge iron.

Dazhdbog, Simargl, Stribog

These are male deities, but what about women? They had their own goddesses:

  • Makosh is a female goddess. She taught women to spin, sew, cook and keep the house clean. Later she will be replaced by Friday. She also taught women to create amulets, to protect the house from evil spirits;
  • Women in labor - provide assistance during pregnancy and childbirth. These goddesses keep a record of everyone born child, creating his own destiny;
  • Beregini - they are only half goddesses. This is a bird woman. A very kind character who always stood up for a woman, protected her from suffering, troubles, and misfortunes.

Everyone, young and old, believed in these gods. This tradition continues even after 1000 years.

The power of ancient conspiracies

Conspiracies were a part of everyday life. What did the Slavs protect themselves from?

Chernobog with his army of demons, devils, and watermen. They were the main enemies of humanity. In order for there to be peace in the house, children not to get sick, old people to live peacefully, and the harvest to be good, it was worth protecting yourself from the influence of the evil god. He was also revered, but his army could do a lot of harm with its cunning. All the black deeds of man only multiplied this army of evil.
Chernobog caused illness, damage, and could kill or cripple even the most skilled warrior with his will. But the worst thing is that he put bad thoughts into people:

  • to bewitch;
  • kill;
  • steal;
  • take away.

Then he no longer acted on his own, but with the help of other people. Against such black deeds, amulets and talismans were created that protected the will and soul of a person. Other conspiracies helped cure people of illnesses. This kind of magic was practiced by the Magi, but it was also common among ordinary residents. They knew how to use magic:

  • ward off diseases;
  • help in childbirth;
  • relieve fever;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • save children and adults from death.

All these rituals were accompanied by sacrifices. Today, few people make traditional sacrifices, but this tradition has survived. The gods will gladly accept homemade kvass, good beer, ritual fire, fresh flowers, and animal blood from you. To do this, it is not necessary to kill a chicken or pig, as was done before. Today, fans of this tradition buy fresh meat, beef or pork heart. Such a sacrifice pleases the old gods. If you want to follow the ancient rituals exactly, you will have to slaughter a ritual animal.

Simple conspiracies

They do not need rituals at all; you can recite them every day for your protection or for your own benefit. It is best to have a small image (idol) of the deity you choose to worship. You need to make it yourself from clay, wood or stone. Such an idol helps to quickly appeal to God. These spells must be learned by heart; the gods do not like it when words are read on paper or from a computer screen. During rituals or conspiracies, it is generally better to be outside, closer to an open window. Nature will help you and give you the strength to carry out the conspiracy of the Old Believers.

A few simple spells for every day will help you get started with this amazing, interesting, ancient tradition.

Health spell

This Old Believers spell is suitable for children and adults. It can be pronounced on yourself or another person. So, use it when something hurts you, or your loved ones are sick. You need to put your hand on the person’s forehead and say:

“I will stand blessed, go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (the name is spoken) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomea, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Chilly, Shaking, Fire, Fluffy, Yellowing, Dumb, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. She came from the wind - go to the wind, she came from the water - go to the water, she came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century. A mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound came not blood, but from that wound came pure water. Yes, the water was pure, it flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, to that island and to that Buyan, to that Buyan and high mound. On that mound, the alatyr stone lies in its entire width. You cannot lift it, you cannot roll it up, as long as the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under a stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Wanderer Lay down, my Bright Guardian, given to me by the Patron Family for protection, I earnestly ask you: Enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to good deeds and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Oh, mother Lada, most pure mother of Sva! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you, Now and ever, and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us!”

The pain quickly goes away, and the person falls asleep. This is the only side effect.

Conspiracy - request for protection

Ask for protection in difficult times - the Slavic gods will not leave your request unanswered. Your entire family will come to your defense and support. It does not need to be used every day, but only when you are in danger. It's short, so remember it and teach it to your child.

Whatever happens, say:

“Father, you are Semargl the Fire God, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! Just as you burn and scorch grass-ants, thickets and slums in a field, underground roots of a damp oak tree, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, so you slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

Help will come to you suddenly, but it will be exactly when you need it.

Conspiracy to have happiness in life

For happiness in life, this conspiracy is pronounced. It helps especially well if you have a “black streak”. No job, no money, bad family relationships. This conspiracy will change everything, turn it upside down. You will have every chance of happiness. This is what you dream about today, the same thing the Slavs dreamed about many centuries ago. Text:

“Zarya-Zarenitsa, red maiden, mother and queen herself. The month is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, sleeplessness. Zarya-Zarenitsa in the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and take away from me (the name is spoken) and take away from me the cursed power, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

For success in any business

May all your endeavors be successful. Say quietly:

“Work, work, be it for me, God’s servant (name), to enjoy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all the stubble. Forever and ever. Goy!

This short, simple spell is powerful. Your words will be heard. Do not do it very often, you may offend the gods with your desire for profit. It is best to choose the most important things; before you start, say this text 1-3 times. You will have the support you need.

Among the Old Believers, this ritual was carried out in the field, so it is better not to deviate from tradition.

An ancient ritual of the Forces of Nature

This ritual is suitable for strong conspiracies when you need to increase your personal power. On a windy day, go out into an open field, preferably all planted with rye, wheat, and corn.

  • You need to stand in the middle of the field, draw a circle around yourself with a new knife.
  • Light a fire in the north, place a container with rain or river water in the south.
  • East will correspond to the element of air.
  • In the west, collect fresh soil with your own hands and pour it into a pile.
  • Get on your knees and say:

“Perune! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give health and abundance to all the children of Svarozh, show mercy to the families, rule over everyone, from the Motherland! So be it, so be it, so be it!”

  • Ask God for strength to carry out your ritual. You need to address Perun respectfully, but without fear. God loves the brave, encourages them, and will always help them. And he doesn’t listen to those who fawn and complain.
  • In this circle, thank all the elemental elements for their presence.
  • Start carrying out your ritual and conspiracy. You now have the power of a great ancient god.

Very good sign the beginning of thunder and rain during a spontaneous ritual is considered. This means that Perun blessed you for the ritual and will help you in every possible way.

A spell to cure drunkenness

The big problem is drunkenness. To rid a person of it, you need to perform a ritual. Ask Perun and the forces of nature for help. When you have completed preparations for the ritual, place on the ground in a circle:

  • personal belongings of the patient;
  • a bottle of vodka;
  • three laurel leaves;
  • egg.

Calling on forces is a prerequisite for the ritual

Take a personal item and place three laurel leaves on it. They have magical property protection, give wisdom and clear the mind.

“White spirits, help (name) remember his previous life the way I remember it. Help him overcome the passion that is destroying himself, his entire family, his wife and children. Help me find a new meaning in life and start life from scratch. Let the good remain, let the bad go forever.”

  • Place a chicken egg on the ground with the pointed end down.
  • Now you need to pour the entire bottle of vodka on the ground onto the egg.
  • While you are pouring, say: just as fire water flows into the ground from an egg, so (name) is freed from its dependence and burden. Let it be so. Goy.

The personal item should be left there on the field, and the bottle and egg should be buried in different places. At the end of the spontaneous ritual, they usually thank the deity and the forces for their presence and release them. Only after this can you leave the circle and leave the field.

A conspiracy to protect against all evils

After the ritual, you need to lie on the ground and say loudly:

“Perun, Rod, Svarog, protect my house and the entrance to it, my body and the business in which I am engaged, from all those who oppose me, from all those who wish me harm, whose names I will tell you, and from whom I suffer without guilt. Protect me. Goy"

The earth will give you the necessary power of protection. She is a mother, an ancestress, a nurse. The earth will take away any troubles from you, and give you happiness. Don’t throw away the clothes you were wearing during the conspiracy, but keep them at home as a protective talisman.

Home protection

Take a candle and bring it to the place where you will perform the ritual. After calling on Perun, the forces of the elements, light a candle. You need to talk to her:

“My beloved home! I drive out anger, envy, discontent and quarrels! May love, peace, joy and tranquility reign within these walls!”

  • Bring the candle home and light it.
  • Enclose all corners.
  • Light up the corners, jambs, and window frames with it.
  • This way your home will be reliably protected from any adversity and troubles.

Conspiracy from envious people

A conspiracy will help against envious people and evil tongues:

“From a bad hour, from a bad time, from a girl’s, from a youth’s, from a night, midnight, from a day, midday, from an hour, half an hour, from gray eye, from the yellow eye, from the black eye, which jokes and dries this person. He did not flatter you, he did not do evil to you, take all ailments out of the whole white body and from the violent head. And if you don’t stop joking and drying out this man, I’ll go and pray to my family, I’ll bow to the Sun, let God, I’ll turn to Perun, I’ll turn to Kryshen, they will send threatening clouds on you, they’ll beat you with thunder, they’ll burn you with lightning, they’ll pierce the earth through the ashes of Mother Cheese. . Oh Mother Holy Mother of God, could you save God for the people, help us to dissuade us from every unclean spirit, from a dashing eye, from a bad hour.”

If you know a person who spreads gossip about you and has conversations, then imagine him during the ritual. He will stop very soon, and if he starts again, the gods will punish him.

Dark magic of the Old Believers

In addition to protective and healing magic, there is another side. This is the dark magic of the Old Believers. This includes damage, curses, love spells and a variety of destructive spells. They came from Chernobog himself, who also sought to help people by teaching them to control the souls of others. Anyone who dares to pronounce these conspiracies will be able to repair their love, defeat the enemy, or take revenge for an insult. Traditionally it was considered a great sin, but they were used anyway.

If you lose something valuable or get seriously cut after the spell, then your debt to Chernobog is paid.

There is no such person whom Chernobog could not convert to his faith. He tempts his soul with power, but always takes his toll. The sacrifice for him is not determined, because this ruler the afterlife, the lord of darkness chooses his own victim.

The stronger the impact, the more valuable the sacrifice for it will be. Be prepared with an open mind to sacrifice something dear to make an impact. These are the rules, they were the same in the times of the ancient Slavs, and they remain the same today. The power of this magic is in following traditions, because this is how it managed to survive even after 1000 years.

Love spell for a guy

Love spells and sugar spells belong to dark magic. They may sound quite harmless, but they are not. In fact, any love spell or sexual attraction is coercion. You destroy a person’s defenses, you subjugate his will.

To bewitch a guy, you need to go to where the birch trees grow. Tie three red ribbons onto the birch tree, tightly. The knots can be moistened with water to prevent them from coming undone. Tell:

“Oh birch, beauty!
Help me, help me!
Send me love and happiness!
How birds build nests in pairs,
That’s how I want to meet my sweetheart!”

Tighten the knots tighter. Go away, don't look back. Now the first news from your loved one will come in 3 days.

Bewitch any person

To bewitch a guy or a girl is a strong spell. You need to cut your hand a little. Cut so that there is blood. Go to the guy or girl's house. Shake this blood off the ground, looking to the South near the house of your beloved person. Tell:

“I ask you Kama, I ask you Lada,
Help my misfortune, weave a dear one into my destiny.
He will love me, he will be dear to me.
I ask you Kama, I ask you Lada,
Like the branches of a birch tree and an oak tree intertwined,
So a betrothed one appeared in my life.”

Now he won't get away from you. The feet of your loved one or your beloved will be brought to you.

Return of an ancient tradition

Today you can be anyone, which means if you want to profess the religion of the ancient Slavs, Old Believers, then all the cards are in your hands. There is a lot of literature on this topic, forums, communities. You choose the path yourself:

  • join the community of Old Believers, perform rituals together, exchange experiences;
  • follow your own path into the depths of ancient magic.

All doors are open to you. Today you won’t surprise anyone with your interests, so you can easily get busy doing what you love. There are many workshops where amulets and ritual attributes are made in strict accordance with tradition. Buy everything you need there or make it yourself.

Followers of the Old Believer tradition recommend spending more time in nature. Make fires, swim in rivers, meet the winds, breathe deeply. This will help you be closer to nature and restore the balance of power. It is your choice to follow white magic or black magic. In any case, these are powerful spells, proven rituals, the result you need. Your world will change if you start these practices.

Ancient witch spells are dangerous magic. The originals of such texts were written in Latin. Today many of them have been lost. Below are some of the ones that still exist.

In the article:

What are witch spells?

All texts in witch spell books are divided according to characteristics. There are a large number of expanded and condensed classifications; they help determine which spell to use for a sorcerer in a particular situation. There are 6 main categories.

Simple. These include curses, conspiracies and rituals, the implementation of which does not require preliminary preparation. Sometimes they consist of several words.

Natural. In these texts, the emphasis is on addressing all elements (or one), natural phenomena. These spells are not for beginners. Experienced sorcerers can turn to the forces of nature.

Wellness. Restoration of physical and energetic strength, correction of mental state are directed. This category of magic includes witchcraft.

Prayers. Designed for the call of the Higher Powers. The main difference from other categories is that when using such spells, the magician seeks help, and does not order the Higher powers what to do.

Protective. This is the second most extensive category of spells. Designed to protect the sorcerer from any attacks from this and other worlds. This category includes texts that are used for h charming amulets, amulets, herbs and decoctions. When performing rituals, jewelry is enchanted for the magician to wear on himself. This guarantees the spell's permanent effect.

In rituals using such spells, spirits, gods, and demons are summoned. Not one person takes part in them, but a certain number. This is important for creating a special concentration of energy that can awaken dark or light forces.

Witch spells in Latin

All ancient spells were written in a dead language - Latin. Almost no original texts have reached us. Today, modern languages ​​are used when performing magical rituals.

But, despite the fact that all the texts were translated almost word for word and well adapted, spells that are pronounced in Latin have great power. They preserve magical information and protect it for many centuries. Comparable to them are the spells that were written on ancient Greek and other ancient languages.

To undertake a ritual using a Latin text, make sure it is authentic. It is easier in this regard for those who have studied this language. New editions make mistakes in writing the text.

And the ritual may simply not work out, or everything will go wrong. When you don’t know Latin and can’t assess the accuracy of the text, use an adapted translation.

If you are an inexperienced magician, begin your acquaintance with ancient spells carefully and slowly. Remember, when casting a spell in Latin, it is important to pronounce each sound clearly. Use the textbook and place all the stresses correctly, check how the sounds are read correctly.

Powerful Love Spells

Ancient sorcerers tried to find optimal ways to control human feelings. Therefore, there are various witch conspiracies that allow you to achieve a person.

How to win the man you want

This magical ritual is carried out at night from Friday to Saturday. The text of the conspiracy for the ritual was translated from Latin into Russian. Even inexperienced magicians can use it; they must be learned in advance.

Stay alone in the house, open the window all the way. Take a large container of water in advance. Place it on the windowsill and bend over the surface. And honor the text three times:

I (my full name) speak to you, conjure you, holy and brave angels, with the names Hey, He, Ya, Sadai, Heya, Ye, Adonai and Sadai, who on the 6th day was able to create various creeping creatures, animals and humans, and gave his will to Adam over all creatures, and decided to bless the name of the Great Creator in his monastery. In the name of all the angels who serve in the 3rd legion before the mighty Dagiel, the strong and brave prince. In the name of his star, called Venus, his sacred seal and all the names mentioned, I implore you, O mighty Anael, who rules on the 6th day, help me and make (the name of a loved one) love me with hot and strong love.

All this time, think about the object of your desire. Then wet your fingers in water and wash your face from top to bottom. Do the first action with your left hand, then with your right. So that water flows down your face freely. Don't wipe it off. Repeat the ritual from start to finish 2 more times.

When done, do not pour out the liquid. Drink half yourself, give the rest to your loved one man. When you drink, mentally repeat the words of the spell. You need to drink it all on Saturday, don’t leave it until the next day.

How to attract love

When a person who will love you, show care and respect does not appear in your life, it is easy to attract him. This ancient ritual is performed on the full moon. Arm yourself with special witchcraft attributes:

  • jasmine oil;
  • rose quartz;
  • wax candles (5 regular and 1 red);
  • pomegranate (stone);
  • carnelian (stone).

carnelian jasmine oil rose quartz wax candles

Perform the ritual in the room where you sleep. Wait until dark and open the window. Place and light candles around the bed (pre-lubricate the red one with oil).

Then sit on the bed and take the stones in your working hand. Close your eyes, free your head from unnecessary thoughts and imagine that your dream has come true: you are loved, desired, cared for and valued.

Imagine how you give yourself to the last drop to your loved one and how he returns all this energy back. Visualize your chosen one. Outline facial features, physique, describe character. When the attributes are saturated with your energy and thoughts, place them by the bed and say the following spell:

Oh, great Goddess of light, bring me happiness, true and bright! Let new love; strong and tender will come to me. So be it!

Let the candles burn out after the ceremony, and you go to bed.

How to attract good luck

Ancient witch spells help in attracting good luck and achieving what you want. Conspiracy in Russian ( adapted translation). It is read quietly. When using the original text to perform a ritual, pronounce it loudly, clearly and do not forget about the correct intonation.

For the growing month go outside, turn to the night light and say three times:

Angels of God and Archangels, I (full name) conjure you, most powerful saints, with the greatest name of the holy Deity, wise and towering above the boundless heavens. To the one who created in one day the earth, the world, the heavens, the sea and all living things, forever sealing them with his name.
I also speak in the names of the Angels of the Saints who rule the 4th legion and serve the strong Salamis, the titled and great Angel. The name of the star called the Sun, its sign, the greatest name of the living God. I (full name) ask you, oh, great Angels, work for me, bring constant luck into my life and help fulfill all my desires and requests according to my will.

Once you have spoken the main text, you can independently express your dreams, hopes and ask for what you want to come true. Good luck will accompany you in any area you name.

Beginners are advised to take an adapted translation for this ritual. Incorrect use of the original text will entail undesirable negative consequences, which will affect the sorcerer himself, but also his close relatives.

Ancients used to obtain the desired result. To apply such knowledge, they undergo a rite of passage. Some magicians prefer to become related to all the elements; those who really assess their abilities choose one of them.

In such rituals, spells in Latin are often used to create an indestructible connection between the sorcerer and the forces of nature. The element to which the sorceress belongs is her protector, patroness, and when performing any complex rituals the sorceress turns to her.

Of all the elements, water responds more readily to requests than others. She is able to cleanse negativity, transfer energy and intention to the object of the ritual, as well as remember events and share them. This spell is typical for water magicians.