Eye on palm palmistry. The sign of the witch in the palm of your hand. God's Eye or High Triangle

One can learn about a person's psychic abilities with the help of palmistry. There are certain signs in the palm of your hand that indicate a person's propensity for the occult and clairvoyant abilities.

Take a close look at your palms: maybe you have abilities that you don’t even know about? If there is at least one such sign on your hand, this indicates that you are an unusual person, and you can see and feel much more than all other people.

Psychic signs on the hand

The figure shows the signs that indicate the presence psychic abilities. Below is a breakdown of the values.

  1. Cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger. This is a sign indicating the ability to foresee the future. It usually appears in people who have received this ability after suffering deep stress, for example, after accidents, accidents and the death of a loved one.
  2. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger. In palmistry, this sign on the hand indicates the sensitivity and susceptibility of a person to subtle energies.
  3. Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers. This is not so much a mystical sign as a sign that speaks of a strong personality. Such a sign in the palm of your hand speaks of a person’s ability to control the masses. This is a mark that speaks of charisma and inner magnetism. A person with such a mark can easily develop the ability to hypnosis.
  4. Lines on the Mount of Mercury talk about the ability to heal.
  5. Island in the belt of Venus speaks of the ability to clairvoyance. However, this gift most often manifests itself only when the owner of this sign is under stress.
  6. Ring of Jupiter. The strength of such people lies in their word. They are able to easily reconcile the warring parties, achieve their goal with a simple conversation and help a person cope with a problem. As a rule, very good psychologists have such a ring.
  7. Ring of the black mage. This sign in palmistry is found in people who are full of negative energy and do not know how to use it correctly. The owners of the black magician's ring are considered people with an "evil eye" - they can have a negative energy effect on a person, even without realizing it.
  8. Mystical cross in the center of the palm. This is a sign of complete harmony of a person with himself and the world around him. Often such people can see the future, help with a kind word and treat people.
  9. Square on the Mount of Jupiter- this is the gift of persuasion, the ability to hypnosis.
  10. Isis line. The owners of such a line in the palm of their hand are able to see prophetic dreams. Information can also come to them through random visions. And if there is also an island on this line, then a person is able to read other people's thoughts.
  11. double line life. Very often, palmists call it the line of the guardian angel. Such a person has a very strong energy protection. And his thoughts and words quickly materialize.

If you have found at least one of the listed signs in your palm, then you should listen to your feelings and feelings. This will help you see what is hidden from other people and influence your destiny. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.10.2014 09:48

An important rule for all palmists is that when reading fate on the palms, it is important to take into account the lines ...

A large number of stereotypes and misconceptions are associated with the appearance of witches and sorcerers. Contrary to these beliefs, magicians do not show themselves in any way, they look like ordinary people. But they also have features of appearance by which they can be identified. More often, such a feature is the sign of a witch or the mark of a sorcerer. Let's figure out how you can recognize a magical essence in appearance.

How magic manifests itself in the appearance of a person

The presence of magical knowledge and powers that allow manipulating reality in a supernatural way through objects, rituals and spells inevitably affects a person's appearance. But such manifestations are not always pronounced.

You can identify a witch and a sorcerer by a combination of several signs.

External manifestations of a witch:

  1. Beauty. The witch is distinguished by an extraordinary beauty that distinguishes her from other attractive women. They are characterized by the expressiveness of facial features with some attractive "zest". It can be the shape of the eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows, chin, forehead.
  2. Hair color - red or black.
  3. Eyes - peculiar to witches green color eye.
  4. Moles - large, strongly protruding, overgrown with hairs. Location in secluded places - between the fingers, armpits, in the groin. The accumulation of moles in the form of constellations, bizarre patterns.
  5. Birthmarks with a shape resembling any mystical symbols. The unusual color of birthmarks is burgundy, bluish.

The classic appearance of a witch is a slender beauty with red hair and green eyes, with marks on her body - moles or a birthmark.

Sorcerers have a slightly different appearance. They have a different combination of characteristics.

External signs of a sorcerer:

  1. Look and eyes. Wizards have supernatural powers. Their energy is manifested in their eyes - unnatural brilliance, bewitching depth. The eyes of sorcerers are often black.
  2. Like witches, sorcerers are distinguished by extraordinary beauty. These are tall, slender people with beautiful hair, pronounced lines of the face with the correct proportions.
  3. A mandatory attribute of a sorcerer is the presence of amulets and amulets.
  4. There are magicians and marks on the body, but they are not such a striking sign as the sorceresses.

How to find witch signs in the palm of your hand

In addition to appearance, hair and eye color, marks on the body, the witch is characterized by the presence of special marks on the palms. The signs of the witch on the hand are closely related to palmistry. Palmistry in this context should be understood as a reflection on the skin relief of the palms individual features person.

The magical powers held within a witch are more often released into the outside world through the hands. Supernatural energy leaves marks on the physical body. These are signs in the form of moles and birthmarks or marks, manifested in a special arrangement of lines on the hands.

In palmistry great importance has an arrangement of lines on a particular hand. The witch's marks appear on both hands, but also have different meanings. Right hand - acquired abilities by inheritance. Left hand - acquired during life.

Expressed lines and signs speak of the development of abilities. Blurred, weakly expressed symbols are skills that are present, but poorly understood and not used.

Symbols, marks and lines on the hands are not equivalent for sorcerers and witches. Some signs are characteristic of women, others are characteristic of men. Greater value in the manifestation of abilities, marks on the palms are for witches. For sorcerers, signs on their hands cannot always be expressed clearly.

hill of the moon

The hill of the Moon occupies a key place in determining magical abilities along the lines on the hand. This is a section of the palm next to its edge, expressed in the form of a tubercle. The pronounced, developed hill of the Moon is the main manifestation of the witch on the hand. For right-handers, it should be evaluated on the right hand.

Marks in the form of a combination of lines are more often located on the hill of the Moon. The closer the sign is to the tubercle, the more pronounced the magical abilities.

witch's eye

The witch's sign looks like a cluster of wrinkles that form a recognizable symbol - an eye. The symbol is present in girls who received their gift by inheritance. It should be looked for only on the right hand, next to the hill of the Moon.

The Eye of the Witch is the most important sign that reflects the girl's ability to magic. Such girls have supernatural innate knowledge, they see things and signs that other people cannot see.

The Witch's Eye mark appears quite rarely. A pronounced sign is a single phenomenon. A girl with such a sign, unaware of her abilities, will unconsciously manifest her magical powers - to influence reality with her thoughts, predict the future, attract good luck and success to herself.

Mystic Cross

The witch's characteristic mark on the palm is a secret cross formed by two lines of short length. The main Mystical Cross is located between the lines of the Head and the Heart.

Mystical Cross in the palm of your hand

The closer the cross is to the Hill of the Moon, the more powerful the forces inherent in a person. The Mystic Cross often manifests itself in early childhood. This is a sign of involvement in magical powers that were inherited from one of the ancestors. A characteristic manifestation of this mark is the development of intuition, proximity to natural forces.

Mystical crosses also appear at the base of the fingers. The cross at a particular finger is associated with a particular planet:

  • Jupiter - index (magical wisdom);
  • Saturn - middle (the magic of learning);
  • Sun - nameless (love magic);
  • Mercury - little finger (the magic of prophecy and predictions).

Each planet is associated with certain magical abilities, powers and knowledge. The presence of a cross at a certain finger indicates potential in a particular area.

crow paw

The Crow's Paw symbol looks like three lines radiating across the palm from the wrist. The sign resembles the paw print of a magical bird - a raven. This mark on the right hand symbolizes the presence of witchcraft inclinations. The crow's paw on the left hand says that you were a sorcerer in a past life.

People with this mark need to be careful. Their words and thoughts are endowed with a serious magic power. They tend to come true.

Devil's Mark

A mark that appears as a cluster of short lines that form a seven or six-pointed star. The sign appears on the right hand during life, is located in the central part of the palm, next to the Hill of the Moon. This is a symbol of a black magician who has serious power received from dark forces.

Pentagram in the palm - a witch's sign

Psychic Triangle

Another witch sign is the Psychic Triangle. It looks like the intersection of several lines to form a triangle. Appears at the base of the ring finger above the line of Venus. This label is hard to see.

The presence of this sign indicates the blocking of magical powers. More often this is due to black forces that can cause serious harm. Concealment and containment of abilities allows you to protect the wearer and others from the dangers of using supernatural powers. This sign is especially important in situations where a person does not suspect involvement in witchcraft.

Palmistry is a powerful source of very valuable information. It gives us an understanding of both our physical and spiritual bodies. Each of us has heard about, which can tell almost everything about a person. So, what signs in the palm of your hand indicate that a woman was born a real witch?

Signs of a Witch

Mystic Cross

Perhaps one of the most powerful signs that you are a witch is the presence of a secret cross (or mystical cross). This X-shaped sign is located between the line of the heart and the line of the head. People who have these signs are considered to have magical abilities from the very beginning. early age. And, indeed, among real magicians, witches and clairvoyants there are a lot of those who have such a sign in their palms.

Psychic Cross

Among all the lines in the palm of your hand, the Psychic Cross is a really important sign. It is located at the base of one of the fingers. It must be borne in mind that each finger represents a certain planetary entity. Therefore, you need to match the finger with the corresponding planet and see what this sign means on a particular finger.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the index finger:

The index finger is the finger of Jupiter. The psychic cross at the base of this finger means that Jupiter's luck is on your side. You will have magical abilities that will help you achieve success. It also means that you have an uncanny predisposition for magical wisdom. You can become a very powerful person because you have the ability to easily absorb knowledge.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the middle finger:

The middle finger is the finger of Saturn. If a psychic cross is found in this place, Saturn itself, considered the planet of witches, will bless you. You have the ability to learn and assimilate easily everything you touch. You will be able to discover your extremely powerful energy as soon as you start taking enough time for yourself. Pay attention to meditation. She really works wonders.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the ring finger:

The ring finger is the finger of the Sun. Therefore, if you notice the cross there, then you are blessed by the Sun and Apollo, the God of Magic and Prophecy. You have the power to attract what you need in life. You are a real sorcerer or sorceress. This means that your love life can become an inspiration in your magical activity. When you are sexually active, you find enlightenment through the pleasure you receive.

If the psychic cross is found at the base of the little finger:

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. It is Mercury that is associated with all magical deeds and predictions. If you have such a sign, it means that you have plunged into Magic world mysteries and magic. Therefore, if you are blessed with this sign, you were born to love magic and be associated with it forever.

Signs of a witch in a woman

Psychic Triangle

The pyramid sign, which looks like a triangle at the base of the ring finger, is the Psychic Triangle. Look closely, most often such a sign is fuzzy or pronounced. Did you find such a sign? If it is present, it means that for some reason, intentionally or unintentionally, you are blocking your magical abilities in yourself. This happens if in past lives we did something bad and used magic for dark purposes. This is a defense mechanism that works so that we no longer hurt ourselves and other people.

The Psychic Triangle is more like a psychic prison in which our magical abilities are imprisoned. The key to releasing our powers and abilities is to love and accept ourselves and others.

Healer's Mark

Four or more parallel lines on the bottom of the little finger are indicators that the person is a powerful healer and has the strongest abilities. This means that people with such a mark on their body have great powers, they can touch people's hearts and heal their scars, both emotional and physical.

It is safe to say that these signs on our hands are similar to the marks of Mercury - Hermes, the god of communication and healing. 4-5 parallel lines indicate a powerful healer, 6-7 lines indicate someone who is destined to become a healer. But 8 or more lines indicate that this person had the ability to heal in his past lives. The more lines, the more developed this gift.

astral lines

These marks in your palm indicate a natural ability to transcend time and space. In the astral plane, you travel more than you realize. If there is a similar mark on the palm of a person, then the person was born to travel both in the physical and in the astral body.

In addition, the owner of such lines in the palm of his hand has every chance of becoming a great magician / witch, because he knows how to do what other people are not given. The most important thing is to develop your unusual gift in time in the right direction, without harming, but on the contrary, helping those who need help. Be sure to pay attention to them. After all, it is quite possible that you drown out the abilities that you were given from birth.

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Every person has. This is evidenced by special signs on the palms. Each of them reveals one of the facets of a special gift, whether it be clairvoyance, a talent for the occult or healing.

A psychic gift, like any other, needs to be developed. Only then will he be able to fully express himself. But until the age of 28, you should study under the guidance of an experienced mentor or teacher. Otherwise, you can incur a lot of troubles, such as total bad luck or chronic illnesses. At an older age for independent work there are no barriers above. Certain signs in the palm of your hand will help you better understand which direction to take.

The meaning of the signs on the palms

  1. Cross on the upper phalanx of the index finger indicates a tendency to clairvoyance. But this gift most often manifests itself after severe stress, for example, a serious accident or the death of loved ones. The owners of such a sign can at certain moments literally see pictures of future events. It is best to use this ability when preaching, since the "cross" is also an indicator good relations with the church.
  2. Triangle on the middle phalanx of the middle finger appears as a result of occupation in the occult sciences. This sign indicates a high sensitivity to subtle energies.
  3. Vertical lines on the lower phalanges of the fingers can be found on the palms of people with special magnetism and charisma. For example, leaders who are highly respected. They are able to attract the attention of others. Such a sign most often appears as a result of many years of work on oneself. It also testifies to high professionalism in any field of activity.
  4. Minimum three lines on the hill of Mercury called the sign of the Samaritans. It appears already in childhood and reflects the ability to heal. In ancient times, people with such lines were necessarily given as apprentices to the doctor. As a rule, the owners of the Samaritan sign are very fond of animals and children. If you have it, but you are far from medicine, do not be discouraged. It is never too late to take up energy techniques such as reiki, as well as healing touch, “alive” practice, etc.
  5. Island in the belt of Venus found in people who are predisposed to clairvoyance and have strong intuition. However, such abilities in the normal state may not manifest themselves in any way. Most often, a person begins to foresee the future, falling into a trance, for example, with a strong emotional experience.
  6. Ring of the white magician (Ring of Jupiter). This is the sign of the master. He speaks of the innate ability to help others through word, thought or action. "Ring" is often found on the palms of psychologists, spiritual mentors, yogis. These are people who have reached deep self-realization. Often the carriers of the "ring of the white magician" also have the gift of telepathy, clairvoyance, and so on.
  7. Ring of the Black Mage. The owners of this sign are popularly called people with an "evil" eye. It is best not to get in their way and not to come into conflict with them. They have great potential negative force but often do not know how to use it. If you find such a sign in yourself, remember: you need to carefully monitor your thoughts, words and actions, because any message to the outside, sooner or later comes back.
  8. Standing separately cross in the center of the palm It is called the cross of St. Andreas and indicates that the emotions and mind of a person (the right and left hemispheres of the brain) are in perfect harmony. Such people are distinguished by absolute calmness. They are almost always in a meditative state. And, what is especially valuable, they tend to make very right decisions in any situation.
  9. Square on the Mount of Jupiter, or teacher's square - testify to innate oratorical talents. These people are great at presenting information. They have a strong gift of persuasion. And if a cross is also visible in the square, it can be interpreted as a sign of protection, the presence of a guardian angel in life.
  10. Isis line. Owners of an arcuate line from the hill of Mercury to the hill of the Moon often have prophetic dreams. They always foresee the future. And if there is an island on the line, this means that a person is able to read other people's thoughts.
  11. Double life line. In extrasensory perception, it is called the guardian angel line. Such people have considerable energy, they are much more lucky in life than others.
  12. Radial loop on any finger. It is often referred to as the "scanner" sign. The carriers of this difference are able to capture the emotional state of others and adopt it. They are often on a “foreign wave”, and often find themselves in situations that are not “their own”. They are easy to convince of anything, and take advantage of it. Therefore, if you find a radial loop on your arm, when communicating with people, try to keep track of where your thoughts are, and where they are imposed, strangers.
  13. Circle at the bottom of the Hill of the Moon. The sign reflects the ability to clairvoyance. Its owners can hear other people's voices in their heads and observe "pictures" on the screen of their inner vision. Often such visions turn into real events.

Recommended for reading.

Oddly enough, but with the help of palmistry, you can find out not only your fate and your own psychological portrait, but also find out something about others.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

The sign of the witch on the hand - palmistry

Suspecting that you have paranormal abilities, you should look for the sign of a witch on your hand - palmistry directly indicates that its presence indicates a predisposition to witchcraft. Such a gift can be inherited, this will primarily reflect the left (passive) palm. To find out how implemented, you need to study the right (active) brush.

A watchful eye, a magical star

In the days of medieval bonfires and general struggle against witchcraft, many "guides" were created for church interrogators. The instructions gave the exact answer by what signs one can distinguish respectable ladies from women who sold themselves to Satan. The first to fall under the punishing sword of the Inquisition were those who had a witch's eye on their hand - palmistry still interprets this symbol very unambiguously.

If there is such a sign, it is easy to detect it by looking at the palm at least in passing. Most likely, it will be located on the hill of the Moon or somewhere near it. Small dashes and strokes are combined and form a fairly recognizable symbol, most reminiscent of drawn eye. Only “born” sorceresses, to whom the gift came by inheritance, have such a mark.

Sorceresses who received the Force by birthright, who managed to use it properly, are a rare phenomenon. More often, people who have only a predisposition to magic learn witchcraft, persistently comprehending, under the guidance of a mentor (or independently), witchcraft disciplines. In this case, they may find in their palms « star » . Such a symbol speaks of the inquisitiveness of the mind, fine mental organization, intuitiveness, and a well-developed imagination.

Palmistry - a witch's sign in the palm of your hand and other symbols

In reality, there are much more special marks by which one can judge the “genetic” proximity of a woman to the world of magic. Suffice it to recall how several centuries ago they mercilessly burned everyone who was unlucky enough to be born with moles or age spots on the body. Such traces were called the "seal of the Devil."

From the point of view of palmistry, the signs of a witch can be very different, but the abilities of the “born” are significantly different.

  • If there is a circle on the hill of the Moon, as if drawn with a thin line, this indicates potential clairaudience and clairvoyance.
  • Doubling the line of the head (mind) is considered a satanic mark.
  • The duplication of the life line is a very auspicious sign, evidence of the constant attention of the Guardian Angel.

The index finger should also be considered, more precisely, the lines that encircle it. The pronounced "