How to draw a dog in a jump step by step. Young artist - how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step, instructions for children. Step-by-step description of drawing

A dog is the most devoted creature in the world, sharing both joy and misfortune with humans. The cute little puppy immediately becomes part of the family. Every owner sooner or later wants to draw his pet. It’s great if your artistic skills allow you to do this without difficulty. But what if you haven’t done this before today? Or another situation: your child at school was given an assignment to portray a dog. The schoolboy is confused. Who else, if not his parents, will have to teach him. Many schemes have been developed for children on how to draw a dog, but with parents it will be much easier to complete the task.

Draw a cartoon dog

Children who cannot draw should start mastering this science with simple drawings. Cartoon puppies are so cute and kind that your child will definitely love this activity. All we need is an album or a sheet of thick paper, a simple pencil and an eraser. If desired, the drawing can be made in color. Whether you use colored pencils or watercolors depends on your skill level. So, let's learn how to draw a dog from a cartoon. There should be no difficulties - each element of the future drawing is depicted as much as possible, with a dose of imagination.

Detailing of the fur, sensual intelligent eyes and claws on the paws is not needed. Sharp or rounded triangle ears, a round nose, tail, paws and a long tongue - this is quite enough for others to be able to recognize what is depicted on the paper.

At first, a young artist who is learning how to learn to draw a dog needs to remember the main thing - the emotions and essence of the image. For example, this cute bulldog is not angry at all, but rather stupid, which is why he looks so funny.

And these kind dogs from Disney cartoons exude playfulness and enthusiasm.

Over time, the child, as they say, will get better at it, and it will be possible to start drawing more complex objects.

Drawing a realistic dog

If you have mastered the lesson on how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step, it’s time to try to draw a realistic animal. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed whose representative you are going to draw, and master the concept of proportions. A dog is a rather complex animal to depict, so let’s start with a simplified diagram that will tell you how to draw a dog with a pencil.

To draw an Icelandic Shepherd, you will have to learn to draw some details that cartoon dogs did not have - fur, more realistic eyes, paws. By following the diagram below you will easily draw this animal.

A drawing diagram of a representative of the Basset Hound breed will help you work on drawing up the correct proportions.

And this courageous Rottweiler will help you practice with full-face drawings of a dog.

Drawing a lying dog is a separate topic. Try to imitate this cute schnauzer.

Remember, fine art is a complex but feasible science. It is, of course, stupid to deny the importance of innate talent, but anyone can learn to draw. The main thing is regular training. Never create psychological blocks for yourself or your child: forget about the existence of such phrases as “I’m not made for drawing,” “I can’t do it,” and about hands growing from the wrong place.

To help a young artist

Today there is a sufficient amount of different literature that describes in detail drawing techniques for beginners. One simple pencil and a sheet of paper is all you need to create a stunningly realistic drawing of a dog. Pay attention to the following books: W. Halbinger “Drawing Dogs”, W. Foster “Drawing Dogs”, D. Brown “How to Learn to Draw a Dog”.

A lesson on “How to draw a dog” will certainly interest a child of any age. After all, the dream of a real, reliable, understanding furry friend accompanies us from early childhood. All dogs, from a purebred aristocrat to a simple mongrel, faithfully serve their owner. Watch for fun game a funny puppy, the graceful and swift running of an adult animal - a very exciting activity. I just want to capture this picture on paper.

Drawing a dog from life is not so easy: not a single animal, even a trained one, is capable of staying in one position for a long time; it constantly needs to run somewhere. Besides, you can’t take your dog to school or kindergarten. Therefore, a lesson or lesson requires visual aids, illustrations, slides, photo and video materials.

It is much easier for a preschooler to solve a problem if he completes the drawing step by step, simultaneously with the teacher. You can inspire a child to create a masterpiece by reading poems, stories, or watching a cartoon.

Externally, dogs of different breeds differ greatly from each other. Before making a pencil drawing, you need to note characteristics specific animal. In this case, not only the shape and size of body parts are determined, but also the length, thickness and color of the coat.

From this article you will learn

How to draw a German Shepherd

German Shepherds have been among the most popular breeds for decades. These are loyal, strong and intelligent representatives of the dog tribe. According to scientists, this breed is one of the three most intelligent. Their capabilities are universal: they are capable of being reliable guards, companions, shepherds and guides.

The shepherd's body is powerful, elongated, tapering towards the tail. The neck is strong and wide, the back is slightly sloping, the legs are long and muscular, the tail is fluffy and large, with long hair. The body is covered with rather thick fur.

You need to start drawing a dog, as usual, with the location of the main figure on the sheet. If you want to add details to the composition, for example, draw a bowl, a bone or a ball near the dog, you need to leave free space for them.

Step 1

To depict the figure of a dog, we need to draw three circles of different sizes step by step. The first, largest, is located slightly to the side of the center of the sheet. This is the basis of the front part of the body, which in a shepherd dog is quite massive.

Stepping back a little, next to the first circle, make a second one, a little smaller. The centers of the circles should be approximately at the same level. The shepherd's head, when standing straight, is at an angle of 45° from the body. Draw a short line from the front and draw a third circle.

Step 2

The forelimbs are easy to draw: draw two lines from the first third of a large circle. The back legs of the shepherd dog are the most difficult part of the picture.

First, from the center of the circle you need to draw the direction of the upper limb; this segment will be the longest. Then lower the line down and finish with a short stroke, as shown in the diagram. Note that dogs use the pads of their paws in a similar way to how women walk in heels. Draw the tail as an extension of the back.

Step 3

Draw the shepherd's ears in the form of two triangles. The dog's muzzle is shaped like an elongated trapezoid with rounded edges. Don't make the dog's nose too long or flat, otherwise it won't look like a shepherd. Its upper part should be longer than the lower one. Draw the lower jaw. Connect all three circles smoothly and consistently. The lines of the back and neck are drawn not straight, but in an arched manner.

Step 4

Shape the paws. The upper part of the hind legs is massive and wide. Dogs have feet with toes that end in claws. Mark them on the picture.

Step 5

Erase all auxiliary lines. Finish the face: draw the eyes, nose, long protruding tongue and eyebrows, giving the shepherd a characteristic “face” expression. The noses of almost all dog breeds are similar; they are triangular in shape with round nostrils. Don't forget your teeth.

Step 6

Finish the pencil drawing: mark with abrupt lines the direction of the fur on the back and paws, add details as desired.

Step 7

The German Shepherd's color ranges from white, light yellow and gray to brown and black. The most common is the so-called black-and-white. A dog in such “clothes” seems to be dressed in a blanket covering the neck, back and tail, and a black mask. Highlight these areas with thin lines for convenience.

Step 8

To color the work, use all shades of brown, beige, black and orange. When coloring the picture, pay attention to the direction in which the fur grows.

Step 9

The last stage of drawing will be highlighting individual areas with shading. Cover the lower part of the body, the lateral areas of the paws with a dark tone, make individual areas lighter, as if light were falling on them. To make the pencil mark brighter, increase the pressure. Use short strokes. This way the image will be three-dimensional and more realistic.

How to draw a husky puppy

Husky is a breed that has become popular due to its cheerful disposition and memorable appearance. This charming dogs Many films and animated films are dedicated to it. Children are probably familiar with the cute puppy Everest from the cartoon “Paw Patrol”, and Jenna from “Balto”, and Hachiko from the film of the same name.

Husky's ancestors are northern dogs and wolves, so appearance these animals retain the features of their wild relatives. They say they cannot bark, but only howl, like their ancestors. No other breed has such expressive and beautiful blue eyes, almond-shaped, brightly outlined against a background of snow-white wool. However, a husky’s eyes can also be brown, and the color can vary from white to steel-gray, red, black, and brown.

You can conduct a lesson on the topic “How to draw a husky puppy” at senior group kindergarten or in primary school, in 1st–2nd grade.

Step 1

The outline of a sitting puppy can be divided into several geometric shapes. The animal's head is like a ball, and its body is trapezoidal.

Step 2

Now it’s the turn of the other parts of the body: draw the hind legs with two lines, the direction of the front legs, triangular ears.

Step 3

Outline the eyes with two small circles and the dog’s face with a larger circle.

Step 4

It's time to move on to the details: draw the paws with semicircular pads.

Step 5

Change the shape of the head: in a Husky, it tapers slightly at the top. Then draw the puppy's eyes with pupils, tongue, nose, lower jaw, eyebrows.

Step 6

The color of a husky's face is a bizarre combination of dark and light zones. To depict them, first select a light strip from the nose to the forehead, then the area of ​​​​the eyes and the sides of the muzzle. For expressiveness, highlight the eyes with a wide dark line.

Step 7

Remove the auxiliary lines and draw abrupt lines along the contour to imitate wool.

Step 8

Last step: color the drawing with colored pencils, using shades of blue for light areas, and black, blue, brown for dark areas. Try to draw with jerky movements so that the strokes resemble animal fur.

This cute puppy can decorate a child's room or become the basis for a greeting card.

A selection of drawings of dogs for sketching

Here you can download dog templates and use them for sketching (click on the picture - it will enlarge and download):

Video instructions for drawing a dog with a pencil




  • If you have a dog, constantly watch it, notice how different parts of the body are located in movement.
  • In parallel with drawing, sculpt an animal. This way you will feel the shape faster.
  • To learn how to draw animals professionally and beautifully, you need to be able to do quick, easy pencil sketches, since animals are constantly on the move.
  • Of course, it’s too early to talk about anatomy in elementary school. But the schematic structure of the skeleton can be studied. This is necessary so that the animal’s pose is conveyed as accurately as possible.
  • It’s easy to learn from scratch using video master classes from the Internet if you can’t visit an art studio. But it’s better to try to work with different masters, otherwise the images will be stereotypical.
  • Before drawing the details, make sure that the main parts of the body are depicted correctly. It is better to make several sketches than to redo an almost finished work.
  • Draw a dog at home when he is sleeping or just lying down. In other cases, take several photographs, select the best ones, print them and use them for sketching.
  • In addition to the fact that each breed has its own characteristics, the drawing must also take into account age characteristics. Puppies have disproportionately large paws and heads, in young animals the stomach is retracted, in older dogs the coat becomes lighter, especially on the face, chest, and front legs.
  • Try to maintain the correct proportions: only small dogs such as dachshunds, pugs and French bulldogs have short legs, the hind limbs of representatives of all breeds are shorter than the front ones, and even the head of puppies is at least three times smaller than the body.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Today I will tell and show you how to draw a dog for children and with children. This instruction will appeal to those who want to quickly draw a dog step by step or teach a child 5-8 years old.

Step 1

Since we want to draw a dog for children step by step, let's start with the auxiliary lines.

Draw three circles - one larger and two small - this will be the dog's head.

Step 2

The next step is to sketch the animal's body and paws. My instructions on how to draw a dog with a pencil have clear pictures for children. They, like the descriptions, will help you understand how easy it is to draw a dog without the help of adults.

Step 3

Now let's work on the lines of the head, adding ears and a tail to our dog. This instruction will be useful for those who want to learn how to draw a dog by cells.

Step 4

Now we remove the rough lines of the sketch and draw all the contours of the animal. We are working on the muzzle - we draw the eyes, nose, mouth and collar of the dog.

Step 5

You already know how easy it is to draw a dog with a pencil step by step for beginners, now let's color our picture. For the puppy, I choose a reddish-brown shade, and for the background, a rich light green.

Well, our drawing of a dog is ready. And in this instruction you can learn how to draw a cat and a dog.

Drawing animals is not an easy task. After all, drawing and showing the expression of a muzzle and the naturalness of a pose is quite difficult, especially for non-professionals. And if we are talking about the image of a dog, then it would seem completely unrealistic to convey such a nature. And yet there is a whole set detailed diagrams, describing the step-by-step creation of a portrait of a person's friend in different poses. Let's look at the most popular options.

Materials and tools

So that nothing distracts from the creative process, you should start with carefully preparing everything you need for drawing.

If fine art is not strong point your hobbies, and there is a craving for skillful use of pencils and paints, it is worth using methods of developing drawing skills, the effectiveness of which has been proven by the experience of more than one generation of lovers of this type of visual activity.

How to draw a dog - we understand various techniques

Dogs differ not only in breed and size, but also in their posture, facial expressions and even personalities. And all these details must be shown in the drawings.

Cheerful four-legged friend without auxiliary lines

There is an opinion that it is better for beginners to take on pictures based on reference figures. The presented diagram refutes this opinion.

Even a child can draw such a cute dog


  1. Draw the dog's body in the form of an elongated bean.

    Let's start with the base figure

  2. We show the ears with triangles, and the nose with a rectangle extended from below. So, based on geometric shapes, we created the outline of the face.

    At this stage we designate all the large details of the animal image

  3. Draw the fur on the chest and a piece of the tail.
  4. Moving from top to bottom, we add circles for the eyes, as well as a couple of curved triangles of fur on the head.
  5. We show the fur sticking out in clumps on the neck.
  6. We complete the tail and add lines for the upper and lower paws.
  7. Draw a smile line, the lower part of the lip.

    We show wool with zigzag lines

  8. We draw shreds of fur on the neck, add bangs and detail the paws, showing the toes.

    We draw the fingers with short arched strokes

Video: how to draw a sad puppy with felt-tip pens

Four step dog

You can draw such a funny pet in just a few minutes.


How to draw a dog's face step by step

Dog faces are considered the most difficult element of the drawing, but this task can be successfully completed.


  1. We start the drawing with a circle and two hanging ovals - ears. Inside the circle we draw two intersecting slightly curved straight lines, with the horizontal line below the upper border of the circle by a third.

    Auxiliary lines in a circle are needed for subsequent detailing of the facial features

  2. Making the nose. Show the outline of the inverted heart and add a triangle with two cutouts.

    The dog's nose resembles a heart shape

  3. Let's get to the hard part - the eyes. We draw oval outlines. To show their shine, add wavy lines inside the pupils.

    The eyes should be symmetrical

  4. We complement the image with small circles on the nose, lines for the eyelids and ears.

    Detailing the features of the muzzle

  5. We draw the dog's paws on which he put his muzzle. To begin with, we show 4 triangle-like figures located on both sides of the muzzle.

    Showing the paws on which the muzzle rests

  6. Adding paw details.

    Drawing the toes

  7. We outline the contours and remove the pencil lines.

    Removing auxiliary lines

  8. Color as desired. Choose grey, black or brown shades.

    You can color the picture with pencils, paints or wax crayons.

Drawing a sitting dog

Let's take a cheerful spaniel as a model.


  1. Draw a circle that is not closed at the bottom. And immediately add an oval at the bottom with a notch at the bottom to show the shape of the muzzle.
  2. In the upper part we draw two symmetrical small circles - these are the dog’s pupils. Outline them with eyelid ovals.
  3. At the bottom we draw a nose in the shape of a heart.
  4. Under this oval we draw a small arc - the dog’s mouth.
  5. Adding eyebrows.
  6. On the left side of the head we draw the letter C - this is a prototype of the ear.
  7. We make the second ear symmetrically.
  8. We draw two parallel lines from the head - the neck of the animal.
  9. Draw to the neck irregular shape circle.

    You should not try to draw perfectly straight lines - they will deprive the image of naturalness.

  10. We finish drawing the paws, and the hind ones should be a little larger.

    We make the paws plump

  11. We make a few strokes on the chest to indicate scraps of fur.
  12. We can color it if desired.

    You can color this dog with felt-tip pens

Drawing a lying dog

It is believed that small animals are the fastest. But although for the most part these four-legged pets are actually quite mobile, they are not at all averse to lying down to rest. Like this schnauzer, for example.

A lying figure is more difficult to draw


  1. First, draw a circle that will be the basis of the dog’s head. In its lower half we draw an auxiliary horizontal line.
  2. We add an oval to the circle - the body of the animal.

    The base shapes for this drawing will be a circle and an oval

  3. We draw the shape of the upper part of the head, and below, that is, on the beard, we draw the fur.
  4. Add triangular ears.

    This dog's ears are triangular in shape.

  5. Draw fluffy eyebrows, add beady eyes. We show the nose and focus on the fur around it.
  6. We draw the front paws, detailing the fingers and claws on them. We depict the chest, showing it as a fold under the left paw and an arch between the limbs.
  7. We draw a smooth line for the back, add a hind leg, detailing the fur on it below, and show the fingers and claws.

    Detailing the body and muzzle

  8. Erase the auxiliary lines and, if desired, color the pet.

    Breeds with thick hair are easy to color with pencils

Don't wake a sleeping dog

The main principle of depicting sleeping animals is smooth lines.


  1. We start with auxiliary lines. In this drawing it will be two circles - a little larger for the head, and a little smaller for the muzzle. In a larger circle we draw two intersecting arcs. We complete the shape of the ear.

    Add an ear to the auxiliary lines

  2. Showing the shape of the animal's head and ear.

    We designate the contours of the muzzle

  3. We complete this sketch of the skull with the second ear and lower jaw. Add a heart-shaped nose.

    At this stage we draw the nose, second ear and closed mouth

  4. We draw the lines of the jaws and the slits - the eyes.

    The eyes of a sleeping dog seem to be slightly open

  5. We take on the torso, showing two slightly uneven parallel lines. We also show the growth lines of the dog’s paws.
  6. We detail the fur lines on the chest.

    Draw fur on the chest

  7. Add nostrils, arc-shaped lines near the ears and eyes. We remove the auxiliary lines.

    Adding nostrils and forehead folds

  8. Color the drawing or leave it in pencil.

    Smoothness of lines is the basic principle of depicting sleeping animals

How to draw a husky

One of the most popular dog breeds today. Many people want to draw such a blue-eyed miracle: some out of love for art, and some in the hope of getting a puppy of this unusual dog.

This is interesting. Husky as a factory breed of dog was registered by dog ​​handlers from America in the 30s of the twentieth century. The ancestors of blue-eyed pets are sled dogs - the oldest breed of the North. It was this fact that the Americans incorporated into the name - “Eski”, which translated from English means “Eskimo”. But over time, the word became distorted to “husky.”


  1. We begin work with 7 auxiliary circles repeating the location in the figure.
  2. We connect these circles with smooth lines.

    The basis of the husky figure is seven circles

  3. Using interconnected triangles we show the dog’s ears. We designate the eyes and in the smallest circle - the muzzle - draw the nose and mouth. We work on the front legs, making one line with strokes to show the fur. We depict the hind legs slightly at an angle, not forgetting about the anatomical curves, tufts of fur and toes.

    We immediately make the lines on the paws zigzag to show the fur.

  4. We draw the fur on the dog’s body, show the tail and add accents to the face: add tufts of fur on the ears, cheeks, eyebrows, and also near the nose.

    Detailing the muzzle

  5. The drawing is ready, you can paint it, not forgetting the characteristic blue tint of the eyes.

    You can color the dog with a simple pencil, focusing on the eyes with light blue wax crayon

Video: how to draw a husky puppy

Mathematical method for drawing a shepherd

The basis of the dog’s drawing will not be auxiliary lines, but a grid with cells drawn according to the specified measurements. This picture will require a ruler.


  1. We retreat 2 cm from the edge of the sheet at the top and side, then measure down three times, 6 cm each. Divide the uppermost square in half with two horizontal segments of 2 cm each and make three vertical segments, also 2 cm each.
  2. Let's start with the head. Draw the ears using triangles as a basis. Using a smooth curved line we show the animal’s forehead, we finish drawing the open mouth with teeth, nose and tongue. Draw the eye.

    We start with an image of the shepherd's muzzle

  3. We use two arcs to denote the line of the neck and back. We show part of the body and the front paw with fingers. Please note that the paw begins on the body with the roundness of the joint.

    First we show the line of the back, and then the chest

  4. We draw the line of the abdomen, the outline of the leg from the foreground, the tail and the paw that is in the background.

(6 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

A dog is the most popular and beloved animal by many, especially children. But they like puppies more - small, affectionate and so stupid. How about having a pleasant and useful time with your child? Surely he will really like drawing a dog or a cute little puppy?

Before the New Year 2018, you should definitely learn how to draw a dog, because such a pet becomes a symbol of the next 12 months. When choosing a dog to draw, you should give preference to the cutest and plush one, so that there is a great desire to get a finished New Year's picture. Let's add a funny red cap with a fur insert at the base and a small bubo.

Necessary materials for drawing a dog:

  • a sheet of paper (preferably watercolor);
  • simple HB pencil and eraser;
  • watercolor;
  • tassels;
  • palette and glass of water.

Stages of drawing a New Year's dog:

1. You should start drawing any animal or cartoon character from the head. To depict a dog, as a symbol of 2018, you should draw a small oval. Let's add one triangle to it on each side. We connect the figures with an arc and get a sketch of the pet’s head.

2. Draw a semi-oval to the head to get the front part of the body. Let's add legs to it that will look like triangles. Draw part of the left paw and tail in the background.

3. Let’s add a few New Year’s attributes to the dog’s drawing. For example, we’ll put a beautiful cap with a cute bubo on the top of the head of a fluffy pet. We attach a collar with a decorative element to the neck.

4. Remove the auxiliary lines so that you can draw the dog’s face. Let's draw a big nose and small, but so natural eyes. We adjust the contour of the body and head so that the dog becomes fluffy and plush in appearance. We will also work on the hat so that it becomes voluminous and on the objects of fur inserts it acquires a wavy look.

5. Use red and burgundy watercolors to paint over the areas of the hat and collar with a decorative element.

6. Now we move on to drawing the fur. Apply a yellow-brown shade of watercolor paint to all areas of the animal. We give the layer time to dry and once again paint the ears, muzzle, body with legs and tail with a more saturated and dark color.

7. Use black watercolor to carefully paint the nose, and blue watercolor to paint the white areas of the cap. We will also go over the fur areas again and create a third layer of paint, where we apply dark brown shades of watercolor mixed with burgundy and red tones.

8. Finally, use black watercolor to paint over the eyes and the shadow under the dog at the base of the picture.

9. Finished watercolor drawing of a dog on New Year 2018, if desired, we modify it with black liners. For the general outline you should choose 0.7 mm, but for fine shading - 0.1 mm.

10. We get this New Year’s illustration that just begs to be put on a postcard. self made to embellish it! But such a purebred dog looks very natural, picturesque and festive here.

DIY Dalmatian drawing

A Dalmatian puppy in a festive sock is the main theme of this drawing lesson. Therefore, if you want to draw a New Year’s picture, then for animal lovers you can’t imagine anything better! The lesson uses many shades of colored pencils. However, if such a picture can be drawn with minimum set. After all, it all depends on your desire and imagination!

Necessary materials:

  • colour pencils;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paper.

Drawing steps:

01. Use simple lines to indicate the general shape of the Christmas stocking. Let's draw all the bends.

2. Then we will finish the upper part of the sock, which has a fur insert. You also need to show that the sock is hanging on the fireplace or other piece of furniture. To do this, draw a circle at the top.

3. The sock will be striped. To show this, draw a few lines and draw a patch on the heel.

4. A Dalmatian puppy will be peeking out of the sock. Therefore, at this stage it is very important to correctly draw the silhouette of the animal’s head and front paws.

Then we clarify the small details. Since this is a Dalmatian, you should not forget about the spots on its short coat.

5. Using a red pencil, we begin to decorate individual fragments of the sock.

6. Let’s add volume to the New Year’s stocking with other shades of red pencils.

7. For contrast, use green colors for the sock. We use pencils to decorate the remaining fragments of the sock and the patch.

8. We will make the fur insert in the sock a soft blue color. You can follow the outline with a blue pencil.

9. Now let’s decorate the Dalmatian puppy itself. First, use a black pencil to outline the paws, head and muzzle. Then completely paint over the pupils, nose and spots with black. To add volume, we use flesh-colored and light brown pencils.

10. We clarify and check all the details in the drawing. This completes the step-by-step drawing of a New Year's picture with colored pencils, because we have a nice Dalmatian puppy in a New Year's stocking.

Drawing a yellow dog step by step

In anticipation of the New Year 2018, you can already learn to draw a dog. After all, she will become a symbol on whole year. Its main color is yellow.

So when choosing colored pencils, you should give preference to shades from yellow to red. Bright hues are suitable for the base color of the coat, but dark ones are suitable for volume and creating a contour.

Necessary materials:

  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pencils;
  • eraser.

Drawing steps:

1. Draw the dog’s head in the form of a circle. We deform the contour from the sides.

2. Then draw the body of the 2018 symbol with a simple pencil. It will consist of a neck, chest and front legs.

3. Next, draw the dog’s back and the outline of the hind legs on the sides.

4. At the top we draw two ears in the form of triangles with rounded corners. In the middle of the head we draw a spot of disproportionate shape, which starts from the top and smoothly flows to the center to the nose.

5. Let’s complement the New Year’s drawing of the dog with small details on the body and head. In the middle of each ear we draw a center in the form of small triangles with rounded corners, but on the muzzle we draw the eyes, nose and mouth.

We will also draw several vertical lines on the paws to delimit the pads. We clarify the outline and smoothly move on to coloring the picture.

6. First, take a yellow pencil and add the color of the dog’s fur to hind legs and back, head and ears. Already with an orange pencil you can add contour and volume.

7. Use red and burgundy pencils to color the middle of the ear and additionally create volume in the yellow areas of the drawing.

8. Take a black pencil and color in the eyes, nose and mouth completely. Then we create the outline of the entire drawing.

9. Finally, take a red pencil and color the tongue. In the white areas of the design, you can add a slight tint to add a little dimension.

10. We get a finished drawing for the New Year 2018 in the form yellow dog. But from such a bright picture you can get a wonderful front part of a New Year’s greeting card.

Drawing a dog with a pencil - educational lesson with explanation

Lesson for Beginners