Secret documents of the Third Reich. Konrad Miller Secrets of the Third Reich. Looking forward to an orgy in Paris

The history of prostitution in Germany during the Second World War has always been a taboo, only in the 90s did German publications begin to cover this layer of history.

Prostitution in the Third Reich became purely professional. This is hard to believe, since as soon as they came to power, the National Socialists began by supplementing the Criminal Code with a paragraph according to which one could go to jail for worrying a citizen with a depraved proposal. Only in Hamburg for six months about one and a half thousand women were detained, accused of prostitution. They were caught on the streets, sent to camps and subjected to forced sterilization. Somewhat more fortunate were those women who sold their bodies, combining prostitution with government jobs. We are talking here primarily about the notorious “Kitty Salon”, sung in the film of the same name by Tinto Brass.

Warning! The content of this material is intended for adults (18 years and over) only.

At the end, you will also find a good film with rare documentary footage.

During the First and Second World Wars, the German occupation authorities tried to establish control over prostitution in the occupied territories. This was originally done to prevent the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases from prostitutes to soldiers, but the Nazis introduced an element of racial selection into sanitary policy.

To understand how it was with sexual service in the Wehrmacht, we will be helped by the works of the well-known researcher of the Third Reich Andrei Vasilchenko.

The fruits of the propaganda work of the Goebbels department cannot be discounted: the German man in the street, who had a son or brother in the war, was kind to the Wehrmacht, and even among prostitutes, along with professionals, there were, as they say, quite a few who went to serve front-line soldiers from patriotic motives.

Girl with a paddle from the Central Park of Culture
and rest of the city of Stalino in the arms of the German
soldier. 1942

In the 19th century, the creation of brothels was welcomed in Germany in order to avoid numerous diseases. Men who are accustomed to accessibility female body, did not deny themselves habits and did not consider it immoral to hire a prostitute. The tradition was preserved under Nazism, therefore, in connection with the numerous cases of rape, homosexuality and diseases of soldiers, on September 9, 1939, Minister of the Interior Wilhelm Frick issued a decree on the creation of brothels in the occupied territories.

To account for front-line brothels and prostitutes, the military department created a special ministry. The merry frau were listed as civil servants, had a decent salary, insurance, and enjoyed benefits. The fruits of the propaganda work of the Goebbels department cannot be discounted: the German man in the street, who had a son or brother in the war, was kind to the Wehrmacht, and even among prostitutes, along with professionals, there were, as they say, quite a few who went to serve front-line soldiers from patriotic motives.

The highest quality service was supposed to be in the hospitals of the Luftwaffe, Goering's favorite brainchild, which provided for the presence of one full-time frau for 20 pilots or 50 technicians from ground staff. According to the strictly observed rules of conduct, the prostitute met the pilot in clothes, with neat make-up; immaculately clean underwear, like bedding, had to be changed for each "iron falcon".

It is curious that for the soldiers of the satellite armies, access to German sex establishments was closed. The Reich fed them, armed them, uniformed them, but it was considered too much to share their Frau with the Italians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Spaniards, Bulgarians, etc. Only the Hungarians were able to organize for themselves a semblance of field brothels, the rest got out as best they could. A German soldier had a legal norm of visiting a brothel - five or six times a month. In addition, the commander could issue a coupon on his own to the one who distinguished himself as an encouragement or, on the contrary, punish him with deprivation for wrongdoing.

Barter flourished in the subdivisions: womanizers exchanged coupons with those who liked to eat more than sex for marmalade, schnapps, and cigarettes. Individual daredevils indulged in tricks and, using someone else's coupons, made their way to the sergeant's brothels, where the girls were better, and someone even penetrated into the officer's, risking getting ten days in case of capture.

It looked like a room for intimacy

Having capitulated on June 22, 1940, France provided its numerous brothels to the German occupiers. And in the second half of July, two orders had already arrived to curb street prostitution and create brothels for the Wehrmacht.

The Nazis confiscated the brothels they liked, recruited management and staff, adhering to the criteria of Aryan racial purity. Officers were forbidden to visit these establishments; special hotels were created for them. Thus, the command of the Wehrmacht wanted to stop sodomy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in the army; increase the incentive and stamina of a soldier; stop intimate relationships on the side, because of the fear of espionage and the birth of handicapped; and saturate with sex to stop the sexual crimes that undermine the ranks of the army.

In these brothels, only foreigners worked - mostly Poles and French women. At the end of 1944, the number of civilians exceeded 7.5 million. Among them were also our compatriots. For a penny, raising the economy of the warring Germany, living in closed settlements, they had the opportunity to buy goods on a voucher in a brothel, which was encouraged by the employer.

Coupon worth 1 Reichsmark.

To visit the brothel, the prisoner had to make an application and buy the so-called Sprungkarte worth 2 Reichsmarks. For comparison, a pack of 20 cigarettes in the dining room cost 3 Reichsmarks. Jews were forbidden to visit the brothel. The prisoners, weakened after a hard day's work, did not willingly go to the brothels provided by Himmler. Some for moral reasons, others for material reasons, a brothel coupon could be profitably exchanged for food.

In the French city of Brest, a brothel is located right in the synagogue.

It is clear that the fruits of such labor employment appeared. Many women were reluctant to have an abortion and preferred to give birth anonymously in the so-called Nazi nursery - "Lebensborn". The Nazis themselves welcomed the connections of the soldiers with the women of the fraternal Aryan peoples. Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Holland were the breeding countries of "children of good blood". Only registered children were born about 100 thousand, and these children could be adopted, taken away from their mother and taken to Germany. France was not an example of blood, but according to the statistics of the National Socialists, about 80 thousand Germans were born during the 4 years of occupation.

In March 1942, Commander-in-Chief Jerez ordered the creation of brothels in the occupied territories of the USSR. The Nazis were afraid of partisans and venereal diseases. The girls went through a rigorous selection process. Latvians, Lithuanians and rooted Germans were especially welcomed. A similar motel "Great Britain" exists to this day.

A freelancer pays for a prostitute. On the wall is a sign "Only for foreigners!"

Good blood is an eternal source! Ideal, according to Nazi parameters, for working in brothels.

Not all girls were forced to go, there were those who saw salvation in the work of a concentration camp prostitute.

Prisoners in Auschwitz. The girls selected for the brothels were given calcium injections, forced to wash in disinfectant baths, irradiated with ultraviolet lamps and fed better than other prisoners.

Far from everyone was taken into the merry frau: prostitutes for the Wehrmacht were carefully selected by ministry officials. For officer brothels, the rules were extremely tightened: only purebred German women who grew up in primordially German lands, with good manners, at least 175 cm tall, fair-haired, with blue or light gray eyes, could work here.

Soldiers' and sergeant's brothels also did not get from the street: the purity of the blood of front-line prostitutes was monitored by a special department of "ethnic community and health", which was a division of the Gestapo.

The prices in the brothel were set by the field commandant, he also determined the internal routine and ensured the availability of a sufficient number of available women. The production norms developed in Berlin ordered the houses to keep a staff at the rate of one prostitute per 100 soldiers deployed in the district.

For sergeants' brothels, the ratio was 1:75, for officers - 1:50. The highest quality service was supposed to be in the hospitals of the Luftwaffe, Goering's favorite brainchild, which provided for the presence of one full-time frau for 20 pilots or 50 technicians from ground staff.

Photo from the magazine "Signal" for September 41st,
intended for soldiers

According to the strictly observed rules of conduct, the prostitute met the pilot in clothes, with neat make-up; immaculately clean underwear, like bedding, had to be changed for each "iron falcon".

In the ground forces, where service was put on stream, there was no time to dress every time, and the girl was waiting for a new guest in bed. By the way, sheets and pillowcases in soldiers' brothels were supposed to be changed after every tenth client.

It is curious that for the soldiers of the satellite armies, access to German sex establishments was closed. The Reich fed them, armed them, uniformed them, but it was considered too much to share their Frau with the Italians, Hungarians, Slovaks, Spaniards, Bulgarians, etc. Only the Hungarians were able to organize for themselves a semblance of field brothels, the rest got out as best they could.

A German soldier had a legal norm of visiting a brothel - five or six times a month. In addition, the commander could issue a coupon on his own to the one who distinguished himself as an encouragement or, on the contrary, punish him with deprivation for wrongdoing.

Soldiers' and sergeant's brothels moved directly behind the troops and were located in a village not far from the location of the unit. The release note was accompanied by a pass pass: for soldiers - blue, for sergeants - pink.

An hour was allotted for the visit, during which the client had to register a coupon, where the name, surname and account number of the girl were entered (the soldier was instructed to keep the ticket for 2 months - for every fireman), receive hygiene products (a bar of soap, a towel and three condoms), wash (According to the regulations, it was necessary to bathe twice), and only after that was he allowed to the body.

Barter flourished in the subdivisions: womanizers exchanged vouchers from those who liked to eat more than sex, for marmalade, schnapps, cigarettes ... officers, risking ten days in case of capture.

In France, the countries of Scandinavia and the Benelux, the Wehrmacht made extensive use of the possibilities of already existing brothels, the owners of which quickly realized how beneficial cooperation with the invaders could be. Just a year after the surrender of France, there were 19 brothels for German soldiers in the center of Paris alone.

The situation was more complicated in the east: in the USSR, prostitution was banned and the Germans had to create entertainment establishments from scratch. Special teams were engaged in the selection of girls, many of whom were faced with a dilemma between deportation to Germany for forced labor and "service" in a brothel. Here the racial question was no longer a matter of interest, only external attractiveness and figure were of interest.

In the "Eastern" brothels, there was often no time for hygiene, and German soldiers had to sadly recall the atmosphere and standards of brothels in Belgium or Holland. Nose clips were often given out on the spot.

In the cities of northwestern Russia, brothels, as a rule, were located in small two-story houses. The workers were driven here not by a machine gun, but by a fierce military hunger. From 20 to 30 girls worked in shifts, each of which served up to several dozen clients a day.

The monthly salary was about 500 rubles. The cleaner of the brothel received 250 rubles, the doctor and accountant - 900 each.
Once developed, the system, without further ado, was used in different occupied regions.

In one of the brothels in the city of Stalino (now Donetsk), the life of prostitutes proceeded according to the following schedule: 6.00 - medical examination, 9.00 - breakfast, 9.30 - 11.00 - exit to the city, 11.00 - 13.00 - stay at the hotel, preparation for work, 13.00 - 13.30 - lunch, 14.00 - 20.30 - service for soldiers and officers, 21.00 - dinner. Girls were obliged to spend the night only in a hotel.

In some restaurants and canteens for the Germans, there were so-called meeting rooms, in which dishwashers and waitresses could provide additional services for a fee.

A. Vasilchenko quotes from a German diary:

“On another day, long queues lined up at the porch. For sexual services, women most often received payment in kind. For example, German clients of the bath and laundry plant in Marevo, Novgorod Region, often spoiled their beloved Slavs in “brothel houses” with chocolates, which at that time was almost a gastronomic miracle. The girls usually did not take money. A loaf of bread is a much more generous payment than rapidly depreciating rubles.

And in the memoirs of the German artilleryman Wilhelm Lippih, who fought near Leningrad, we find the following:

“In our regiment, I knew soldiers who took advantage of the chronic hunger of local young women to satisfy their sexual needs. Having seized a loaf of bread, they went a couple of kilometers from the front line, where they got what they wanted for food. I heard a story about how one heartless soldier, in response to a request for payment, cut off only a couple of slices for a woman, and kept the rest for himself.

You can also find this information:

When a German battleship moored in the French port of Brest during World War II, hard work began in the brothels of the German occupiers. The women “just remained lying between the numbers. There were no more toilet stalls, lingerie, flirting and seduction, they just pulled up their skirts so that up to five dozen pistons would stick into them in a day. We can find such words in the autobiographical novel by Lothar Günther Buchheims "The Boat".

Venereal diseases have always been a horror for the leadership of any army. The German Wehrmacht was no exception at all. These diseases undermined the health of soldiers and significantly reduced the combat capability of military units. Almost immediately after the occupation of France and Poland, the Wehrmacht was simply overwhelmed by an epidemic of venereal diseases, which at some point began to take very rampant. During the Second World War, almost one in ten German soldiers had syphilis or gonorrhea. The leadership of the Third Reich tried to solve a similar problem through the creation of military brothels. Almost immediately, in France, Scandinavia, the Balkan countries, Russia and Poland, a network of “brothels” arose, which only German military personnel had the right to visit.

The pedantic Germans, who during the war counted every gram of margarine, every pair of warm woolen socks sent to the front, every officer's coat with a dog collar, also kept strict records of front-line brothels and prostitutes. For this, a special ministry was created within the framework of the military department. It is interesting that all the prostitutes who worked in the field brothels were listed as officials of this ministry! So Nazi Germany can be considered the first country to officially legalize prostitution. After all, prostitutes received salaries, insurance, had certain benefits, and if (God forbid) the Third Reich had existed for another 30 years, they would have deservedly received a pension as combatants! At the beginning of the war, ladies from front-line brothels were divided into categories: some were intended for soldiers, the second for non-commissioned officers, and others for officers. The categories were later cancelled.

On the issue of sexual service, the African campaign of the German army stood somewhat apart. There was almost no entertainment in the desert, and the soldiers of the Afrika Korps were languishing with boredom. In order to somehow raise their spirits, a special propaganda company was created, which arranged concerts and amateur performances, showed tricks, and played their favorite movies. But there were no women in it.

Most of the soldiers liked to play football, tug of war and so on. Became a favorite pastime card game slope The army field newspaper Oasis was read from cover to cover. Given that reception conditions in the desert were excellent, the soldiers could pick up almost any shortwave radio station in Europe and listened to the radio from early morning until late evening.

Even in the rear there were very few places where one could relax and unwind. There were several bars and pubs in Tripoli and Benghazi, there were clubs in Derna and in a couple of other cities. In Tripoli, on Via Tassoni, house 4, there was a Wehrmacht rear brothel, but most of the "Africans" did not see it. I saw pictures of the ladies who worked there. They were obviously recruited from Italian women who agreed to go to the desert, but none of them were beautiful. The only German women to be found in the desert were the nurses. About 200 women worked in the rear hospital in Derna. Their skill was very much needed by the German soldiers during the upcoming battles.

During the African campaign, the Wehrmacht was not actually entitled to its own brothels. In Libya, Egypt and Ethiopia, General Erwin Rommel decided to use the services of the local population. However, soldiers from the Afrika Korps rarely used their services. Firstly, the terrible African heat killed any sexual desire. And secondly, the Germans were forbidden to have sexual intercourse with the “colored”. European women in these places were very rare, moreover, most of them were very old. On the other hand, Arab palaces, despite all the prohibitions, turned out to be very popular with German officers. They very willingly took young and attractive Arab girls as servants.

During the fighting in Europe, the Wehrmacht did not have the opportunity to create a brothel in every major settlement. The respective field commander agreed to the creation of such institutions only where a sufficiently large number of German soldiers and officers were stationed. In many ways, the real activities of these brothels can only be guessed at. Field commanders took responsibility for equipping brothels, which had to meet well-defined hygiene standards. They also set prices in brothels, determined the internal routine of brothels and made sure that at any time there was a sufficient number of available women.

The brothels had to have hot and cold bathrooms. cold water and obligatory bathroom. Every "visiting room" was to have a poster "Sexual intercourse without contraceptives - strictly prohibited!". Any use of sadomasochistic paraphernalia and devices was strictly prosecuted by law. But the military authorities turned a blind eye to the trade in erotic pictures and pornographic magazines.

Doctors and paramedics from military units had to provide brothels not only with soap, towels and disinfectants, but also with a sufficient number of condoms. The latter, by the way, until the end of the war will be centrally supplied from the Main Sanitary Directorate in Berlin.

Only air raids prevented the immediate delivery of such goods to the front. Even when supply problems began to arise in the Third Reich, and rubber was provided on a special schedule for certain industries, the Nazis never skimped on condoms for their own soldiers. In addition to the brothels themselves, soldiers could purchase condoms from canteens, kitchens, and supply chains.

But the most striking thing about this system is not even that. It's all about the notorious German punctuality. The German command could not allow the soldiers to use sexual services whenever they wanted, and the priestesses themselves worked according to their mood. Everything was taken into account and calculated: for each prostitute, “production standards” were set, and they were not taken from the ceiling, but were scientifically substantiated. To begin with, German officials divided all the brothels into categories: soldiers, non-commissioned officers (sergeants), sergeant majors (foremen) and officers. In soldiers' brothels across the state, it was supposed to have prostitutes in the ratio: one per 100 soldiers. For sergeants, this figure was reduced to 75. But in officers, one prostitute served 50 officers. In addition, a certain customer service plan was established for the priestesses of love. To receive a salary at the end of the month, a soldier's prostitute had to serve at least 600 clients per month (assuming that each soldier has the right to relax with a girl five or six times a month)!

True, such "high rates" were assigned to bed workers in the ground forces. In the aviation and navy, which in Germany were considered privileged branches of the military, the "production standards" were much lower. The prostitute who served Goering's "iron falcons" had to receive 60 clients a month, and according to the state in aviation field hospitals it was supposed to have
one prostitute for 20 pilots and one for 50 ground support personnel. But for a warm place at the air base, it was still necessary to compete.

Of all the countries and peoples that participated in the war, the Germans were the most responsible approach to the sexual service of their soldiers. Here is a line from the diary of General Halder, who headed the German General Staff at the beginning of the war: “July 23. So far everything is going according to plan. Current Issues Requiring Immediate Resolution: 1. POW camps are overcrowded. It is necessary to increase the convoy units. 2. Tankers demand new engines, but the warehouses are empty. It needs to be taken from the reserve. 3. Troops move fast. Brothels do not keep up with the parts. Heads of rear units to supply brothels with trophy vehicles.

But the Germans cared less about their allies (Hungarians, Bulgarians, Slovaks, Finns, etc.). Food, weapons and uniforms were supplied, and the organization of brothels was entrusted to the allies themselves. And only the Hungarians were able to organize something like field brothels. The rest got out as best they could, since access to German institutions for soldiers of satellite armies was closed.

Crazy Reich. How prostitution raised the morale of the Nazis.

Looking forward to an orgy in Paris

The first weeks of the First World War were marked by the German invasion of Belgium and France. The war was expected to be short, and this greatly influenced the sexual behavior of German soldiers. As historian Dagmar Herzog has written, mobilization disrupted traditional social structures in the area of ​​gender relations and provided citizens with new opportunities to realize their desires.

Due to the expectation of a fleeting war, the command of the German army at first did not think about regulating the sexual behavior of employees. On the contrary, the authorities believed that the war would contribute to the moral and biological restoration of the nation, embodied in the image of a heroic and chaste mobilized soldier. But, of course, sexual violence against citizens of the occupied territories soon became the norm.

The period from September to November 1914 was a turning point both in the course of hostilities and in the question of the sexual behavior of soldiers. The goals set for the army were not achieved. The employees did not embody the ideal to which they were called to aspire, and expected a grandiose orgy in Paris, but now they had to be content with provincial Belgian and French prostitutes. Brussels became one of the capitals of prostitution - many soldiers who went to the front decided to go out there for the last time.

As a result, the command of the German army had to accept the fact that the war is for a long time, and the venereal diseases that employees received in brothels can undermine the morale of the soldiers. Calls not to succumb to "French debauchery" and to keep oneself for the wives who remained at home did not lead to anything, because the men taking part in the hostilities needed sexual relaxation. At the front, leaflets were distributed about the dangers of casual sex, which contained a recommendation to use a condom. At the beginning of 1915, the occupying authorities not only stopped the liquidation of brothels in the occupied territories, but also began to actively regulate their work.

In Belgium, prostitutes and women suspected of being prostitutes were forced to undergo medical examinations twice a week; soldiers who had sexual contact were also subjected to a similar procedure. For this, the morality police was founded, which included German officers and representatives of the local administration. The names of women who passed the examination were entered into a special list - it was assumed that all prostitutes would be taken into account in this way.

The occupying authorities forbade prostitution in certain places: near the buildings where the German garrison was quartered, near the administration buildings, in bars and hotels that were not registered with the vice police. The German army tightly controlled the brothels, dividing them into soldiers' and officers' - more comfortable and with better services.

Image: Mary Evans Picture Library /

Preventive dictatorship

The "preventive dictatorship," as the policy was informally called, included the practice of forcibly hospitalizing women infected with sexually transmitted diseases. Initially, as in pre-war times, they were treated in civilian hospitals, but they could not cope with the growing flow of patients, and special dispensaries were created for infected prostitutes. In them, women were literally kept in prison conditions, and corporal punishment was applied to them. The message of this policy was simple: if most prostitutes are not in brothels where they can be controlled, then at least the infected should be isolated from society.

The local population was shocked not at all by the conditions in which the women were kept. Prostitution at that time was perceived exclusively as dirt, the scourge of society, and the opening of venereal dispensaries made it visible to society. The local underground press wrote about pre-war Germany as a nest of debauchery - and now, in her opinion, the Germans bring their diseases to Belgium and infect Belgian women with them.

On the other hand, the German occupation authorities attributed the spread of venereal diseases to the backwardness of the region and the primitive notions of the local population about hygiene. The Germans thought of themselves as the saviors of the dark European countries. They considered the Poles "overwhelmed by primitive instincts", the Belgians - "immoral", and France - the birthplace of fornication and pornography. The occupiers actively spread the myth that French prostitutes intentionally infect German soldiers with venereal diseases.

The Germans saw the inhabitants of southern and southeastern Europe as "dirty". In Romania, soldiers were warned that the hair of the locals was infested with lice, and they were forbidden to have sexual contact with Romanian women. “The danger of infection from street girls is extremely high; medical examinations are carried out only in brothels,” read the text of one of the leaflets. Similar warnings were issued in Poland and Lithuania.

It is difficult to assess the success of such a policy, but, for example, in the Prussian units of the German army in Last year In the war, there were far more soldiers infected with venereal diseases than in the first.

Prostitutes entertain a German officer in a specially created brothel
Photo: Evans / Three Lions / Getty Images

Between the first and second

After the First World War, there was a surge in venereal diseases in the territories under German occupation. In Belgium, this caused a real panic among the population. Non-profit organizations actively discussed the issue of regulation of prostitution.

New regulations have been introduced in many European countries. For example, in Poland, a ban on prostitution was actively discussed, brothels were outlawed, and their owners were threatened with imprisonment. Approximately the same situation was in other European countries: the legislation on prostitution became tougher.

Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party, who came to power in 1933, professed double standards. On the one hand, prostitutes were recognized as an asocial element and sent to concentration camps, on the other hand, at the beginning of World War II, the Third Reich developed a system of brothels in cities, in occupied territories, and even in concentration camps. Registered prostitutes were deprived of all rights and freedoms.

Third Reich

On September 1, 1939, the Nazis launched a military operation to capture Poland. Taught by the experience of the First World War, they immediately created a system of control over prostitution, the main message of which was the universal registration of all sex workers. Searches, raids, checks of hotels and restaurants were carried out.

Poland became the first country in which the occupying authorities organized brothels, and later this practice was extended to other occupied territories. Where possible, the Nazis relied on an already existing infrastructure for sexual services. For example, in France and Holland, the registration system for brothels and prostitution was established, so the Germans had to do almost nothing.

The situation was quite different in the USSR. In 1936, the CPSU announced that prostitution had been eradicated in the country, and the sphere of sexual services had gone underground. The Nazis had to either look for pimps to help find prostitutes or build soldiers' brothels from scratch. They did the same in Poland and France. Nevertheless, street prostitution continued to exist and even grow. In wartime conditions, women were looking for a way to earn a living.

Jewish women are escorted by German soldiers. Warsaw, September 1939
Photo: dpa /

The creation of brothels was driven by the fight against sexually transmitted diseases, as well as political and security issues. Firstly, it was supposed to contain the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and secondly, to prevent the transfer of military secrets to third parties. The third reason was that sexually satisfied soldiers were less likely to rape local women, which would have a positive effect on the image of the army. In addition, brothels were seen as a measure to counteract homosexual relations among soldiers, which the Nazis considered unnatural.

The Nazi ideology was also very important, which did not allow mixing of races. For example, the Slavs were considered an inferior race, and sexual contact with Slavic women was forbidden for the Aryans - the Nazis feared incest. This category, for example, included Poles, Czechs and Soviet women. Nevertheless, Wehrmacht soldiers were allowed to have sexual intercourse with Slav women within official brothels.

On the other hand, Jews were completely excluded from the system, who, according to the racial hierarchy of the Third Reich, were at the lowest level. Documentary evidence suggests that Jewish prostitutes were arrested, sent to prison, and then "settled in special houses, where they were kept separately." It's hard to say what that means. Perhaps we are talking about the organization of special brothels for the "racially inferior", but, most likely, after a while they were simply shot. Interestingly, the properties from which the Jews were evicted (houses, synagogues) were often turned into visiting houses.

Local prostitutes usually worked in front-line and front-line brothels on the Eastern Front, and often the Nazis also brought European sex workers there - for example, from Holland, France and Poland.

When women became part of the system, their rights and freedoms were significantly limited. They had to undergo regular medical examinations, and if it turned out that a prostitute had a venereal disease, she was hospitalized until she fully recovered. However, these were official recommendations occupying authorities, but in fact, infected women were often simply killed - why waste money and time when the problem is solved simply.

The politics of coercion

Differences can be seen in the German policy of controlling prostitution in the First and Second World Wars. Despite the fact that in both cases it was based on coercion, the Third Reich went further: the Nazis introduced racial ideology into it.

A woman removes a sign that reads "Adolf Hitler". End of World War II
Photo: Berliner Verlag / Archiv /

During both wars, the Germans extended restrictive practices not only to prostitutes, but also to women suspected of prostitution. The punishments for them were harsh, but this did not apply to Nazi soldiers who had sexual intercourse with them.

That such a state of affairs was meekly accepted by the civil administration of the occupied territories is not surprising. The policy pursued by the Nazis was also close to the population of those countries where prostitution was also considered a socially condemned occupation - it justified violence not only against prostitutes, but also against women in general.

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The history of the “flying saucer” that fell in the United States was considered in a new capacity. One of the most famous mysteries in history is the so-called Roswell incident, which gave a powerful impetus to the emergence of a general interest in UFOs. In July 1947, in the vicinity of the American city of Roswell (New Mexico), a certain spaceship fragments of which have been found. American documentary filmmakers have made a new film and claim that the Roswell UFO is a secret development of the Nazis. So what happened in Roswell?

It would seem that in the 21st century there are no more white spots left on the Earth, every inch of its surface, even the most remote corners, has been photographed from space satellites and thoroughly studied. But by carefully studying ordinary Google maps, inquisitive researchers make stunning discoveries. IN Lately more and more surprises are presented by Antarctica. Global warming leads to the gradual melting of its glaciers, and researchers are discovering what was hidden under the ice for many tens, hundreds, or even thousands of years.

Historians around the world claim that German scientists during the war sought to create their own territory on the icy continent - "New Swabia", where they conducted secret tests of space objects. A huge territorial anomaly discovered by UFO Hunters in Antarctica may prove the presence of a Nazi UFO testing base here during World War II. Details of the amazing discovery are published by the British newspaper The Daily Mail. Scientists from...

The more time separates us from the Second World War, the more interesting is the personality of the founder of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler, in the first place. Who really was this person? It seems incredible, but the Fuhrer himself never killed anyone. The right to sign orders for the mass extermination of Jews, death camps, etc. he prudently provided to his assistants. "The Fuhrer's hands must be clean," Hitler liked to say. And yet, one day, as it turns out, he changed this rule by sending a loved one to the next world.

Hitler's only assassination

In the declassified German archive, the journalists of the Facts newspaper managed to find an order signed by the Fuhrer on the destruction of a certain Aloisia V. The order was executed immediately. On December 6, 1940, Aloysia went to the gas chamber in the Hartheim concentration camp (Austria), sending curses on the head of "cousin Adolf."

The reason that prompted Hitler to kill the closest relative was very serious. For many years Aloysia suffered from a severe form of schizophrenia. The ideologists of National Socialism believed that people with such diseases had no right to life. And the sister's diagnosis could cast an indelible shadow on the Fuhrer, so he hastened to remove it. Unfortunately for Hitler, Aloysia was far from the only relative who made life difficult for him.

In 1931, his niece Geli Raubal committed suicide in Munich, with whom, according to rumors, the young Hitler had an affair. In July 1933, the newspaper Osterreichische Abendblatt came out with a revealing article "Sensational footprints of Hitler's Jews in Vienna", printing photos of six tombstones of the Jews of the "Gütlers" as evidence. At the same time, the Fuhrer's nephew William Patrick Hitler, who lived in the UK, began to share with the press sensational details about Adolf's difficult childhood in the village of Spital in the Waldviertel region, which caused his uncle's serious anger.

There was another reason that prompted Hitler to go to the gas chamber of Aloysia. In 1940, in Hitler's entourage, the idea arose of proclaiming him the messiah immediately after the "final victory." The chief ideologue of Nazi Germany, Goebbels, received a secret order: "With the help of appropriate propaganda, it is more careful to hide the origin of the Fuhrer." And here is a living compromising evidence in the face of a cousin ...

However, the entire power of the Nazi propaganda machine was not enough to hide the truth about Hitler's relatives from his party comrades. In early 1944, Heinrich Himmler, who had long sharpened his teeth against the Fuhrer, handed over to Martin Bormann a folder with "top secret information relating to Hitler personally." The report categorically stated that "some of the Fuhrer's relatives were semi-idiots and crazy", and a logical question was posed: is the "great Fuhrer of a healthy German nation" a pure-blooded Aryan, because he himself did not present any evidence of this "well-known fact"?

Stalin's last love

The number one sensation in world historiography, of course, was the book "Hitler's Dossier" by German historians Henrik Eberli and Martin Uhl, which was published in March 2005. The book owes its appearance to Joseph Stalin, who had very strange feelings towards Hitler.

Prior to World War II, Stalin openly sympathized with Hitler, seeing him as a potential ally in the war against Western countries. That is why he so acutely experienced the betrayal of Hitler, who treacherously violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and attacked the USSR. All the years of the war, Stalin passionately wanted to look into the eyes of a defeated enemy, but he never succeeded. Eyewitnesses claim that, upon learning of Hitler's death, the Soviet leader was furious, refused to believe in the Fuhrer's suicide, believed that he was "hiding somewhere." Stalin personally examined his bunker and ordered the creation of a special investigation team that would shed light on this mysterious case.

I must say that the NKVD investigators were incredibly lucky. On May 2, 1945, in Berlin, they detained the Fuhrer's personal adjutant Otto Gunsch and his valet Heinz Linge. Based on their testimony in 1949, a 413-page report was compiled containing comprehensive information about Hitler's death, his way of thinking and relations with his inner circle.

The dossier on Hitler exists in only two copies. The original version with Stalinist notes in the margins, apparently, is still kept in closed archives. Fortunately, in 1959 Khrushchev ordered that a copy be made of it and sent to the archives of the Central Committee of the CPSU in Moscow. In the summer of 2004, it was discovered by the German historian Martin Uhl. The authenticity of the dossier was confirmed by the famous historian of Nazism Henrik Eberli.

As a result, many Interesting Facts from the life of Hitler. So, for the first time it was proved that the Holocaust, which claimed the lives of 6 million people, was carried out on the personal order of the Fuhrer. But Hitler, contrary to the assumptions of historians, did not know anything about the famous flight of Rudolf Hess to Great Britain in 1941 to conduct peace negotiations. And the leader of Nazi Germany did not take the threat of opening a “second front” seriously, repeatedly repeating that “American cars have never won races, American planes seem fast, but their

...and doomed children from enslaved countries to inhuman experiences.

worked on building a nuclear bomb. Apparently, the young physicists who worked in it managed to get around even the famous Werner Heisenberg, who struggled with the same problem, first in Leipzig and then in Berlin.

In March 1945, the historian assures, a German nuclear bomb was tested on Soviet prisoners of war in the vicinity of Ohrdruf in Thuringia and on the island of Regen in the North Sea. Karlsh claims to have found traces of uranium, plutonium, caesium-137 and cobalt-60 in these parts, which could only appear there as a result of an atomic explosion. These data, however, are disputed by IAEA experts, who claim that Karlsz did not conduct standard tests. In their opinion, isotopes could appear in the center of Europe ... after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

But his American colleague, history professor Mark Walker from Union College (New York), who studied the protocols of interrogation of German physicists Dibner and Gerlach, who were taken to the English town of Farm Hall in 1945, agrees with the German historian. True, in his opinion, before the creation of a "real atomic bomb", Hitler's scientists were not mature enough. “They didn’t know how to calculate critical mass, so they took enriched uranium at random, surrounded it with conventional explosives, and set it on fire. The charge exploded, scattering particles of uranium and infecting the area with radiation. Such a bomb is considered “dirty”, but not atomic,” the scientist claims. However, another American historian Friedwardt Winterberg from the University of Nevada believes that German physicists simply did not have enough time and money: “In 1945 they had the technology to create a bomb, they lacked only uranium.”

Germany - the birthplace of "plates"

However, the journalists of the Discovery channel, who made a film about Hitler's "flying saucers", shared the most sensational data with the general public.

This story dates back to the 40s of the last century, when a young German engineer Andreas Epp sent the Luftwaffe leadership a description of disc-shaped aircraft, completely invisible to radar and having high maneuverability and payload. The letter remains unanswered. Imagine Epp's astonishment when, in 1943, he learns that his project is being implemented at the Skoda factory in the vicinity of Prague. Taking advantage of his official position, Epp enters the plant and sees with his own eyes "a flying disk built according to my drawings."

His data is confirmed by the Italian engineer Giuseppe Bellonze, who back in 1950 stated that Germany and Italy produced several flying discs of various modifications: heavily armed, transport, for sabotage operations and devices that interfere with enemy aircraft. Henry Stevens, an English aviation history expert, agrees with him, who claims that “by order of the SS, 15 prototypes of flying saucers were built, they had a propeller from below, and they had a jet drive.”

In 1944, the first tests of "flying tops" were carried out, immediately after which Hitler went to his ally Mussolini to show off a new miracle weapon. The flying saucer was seen by several people from the Duce's entourage, who shared their memories with journalists. “It was something unusual. The flying saucer was round, in the middle it had a cabin with a plexiglass dome. Jet nozzles were visible from all sides, ”says Mussolini’s military adviser, 84-year-old Luigi Romers.

However, the flying saucers had significant design defects, which prevented their use on the battlefields. In May 1945, shortly before the arrival of the Soviet army, the Skoda plant in Prague was blown up, all drawings and prototypes were destroyed. However, the father of flying saucers Andreas Epp survived. Shortly after the war, he left for the United States, where, according to rumors, he continued to design disc aircraft for the needs of the CIA.

This information is indirectly confirmed by the report National Institute US Scientific Discoveries, published in the summer of 2002. After analyzing numerous reports of huge black triangular objects, which, starting from the 80s of the last century, were repeatedly observed over various regions of the United States, his employees came to the paradoxical conclusion that "UFOs are manufactured in American military factories." According to scientists, the mysterious objects are nothing more than "secret vehicles used by the US military."

This explains the fact that UFOs are often observed in the vicinity of military bases, and the US Air Force does not even think of attacking them. “Apparently, we are dealing with some variations on the theme of airships, which explains their size and noiselessness, high carrying capacity, speed and range, as well as the ability to climb to a height unattainable by ground-based radars,” the scientists conclude. True, they failed to explain how the Pentagon managed to hide such an innovative invention from the general public ...

In Poland and Germany, there are still legends about mysterious underground fortifications lost in the forests of northwestern Poland and designated on Wehrmacht maps as the "Earthworm Camp". This concrete and reinforced underground city remains to this day one of the terra incognita of the 20th century. “In the early 1960s, I, a military prosecutor, happened to leave Wroclaw on urgent business through Woluw, Glogow, Zielona Gora and Mendzizhech to Kenshitsa,” says retired colonel of justice Alexander Liskin. – This small settlement, lost in the folds of the relief of northwestern Poland, seemed to have been completely forgotten. Around are gloomy, impenetrable forests, small rivers and lakes, old minefields, gouges, nicknamed "dragon's teeth", and ditches of Wehrmacht fortified areas overgrown with thistles that we have broken through. Concrete, barbed wire, mossy ruins - all these are the remains of a powerful defensive rampart, which once had the goal of "covering" the fatherland in case the war rolled back. The Germans called Mendzizhech Mezeritz. The fortified area, which also included Kenshitsa, was called "Mezeritsky". I have been to Kenshitsa before. The life of this village is almost invisible to the visitor: peace, silence, the air is filled with the aromas of the nearby forest. Here, on a patch of Europe little known to the world, the military talked about the secret of the forest lake Kshiva, located somewhere nearby, in the salary of a deaf coniferous forest. But no details. Rather - rumors, speculation ... I remember, along the old, in some places sagging paved road, we were driving the Pobeda to the location of one of the signal brigades of the Northern Group of Forces. The five-battalion brigade was located in a former German military town, hidden from prying eyes in a green forest. Once it was this place that was marked on the Wehrmacht maps with the toponym "Regenwurmlager" - "Earthworm Camp". The driver, corporal Vladimir Chernov, drills a country road with his eyes and at the same time listens to the work of the carburetor of a passenger car recently returned from overhaul. To the left is a sandy slope overgrown with spruce. Spruces and pines seem to be the same everywhere. But here they look gloomy. Forced stop. I guess near the curb there is a large hazel. I leave the corporal at the raised hood and slowly climb the loose sand. The end of July is the time for harvesting hazelnuts. Walking around the bush, I suddenly stumble upon an old grave: a blackened wooden Catholic cross, on which hangs an SS helmet, covered with a thick web of cracks, at the base of the cross is a white ceramic jar with dried wildflowers. In the sparse grass I guess the swollen parapet of the trench, the blackened spent cartridge cases from the German MG machine gun. From here, this road was probably well once shot through. I return to the car. From below, Chernov waves his hands to me, points to the slope. A few more steps, and I can see stacks of old mortar shells sticking out of the sand. They seem to have been torn apart melt waters, rain, wind: the stabilizers were covered with sand, the heads of the fuses stick out from the outside. Just behind... A dangerous place in a quiet forest. Ten minutes later, the wall of the former camp, built of huge boulders, appeared. About a hundred meters from it, near the road, similar to a concrete pillbox, a gray two-meter dome of some kind engineering structure. On the other side are the ruins, apparently of a mansion. On the wall, as if cutting off the road from the military camp, there are almost no traces of bullets and shrapnel. According to the stories of local residents, there were no protracted battles here, the Germans could not withstand the onslaught. When it became clear to them that the garrison (two regiments, the school of the SS division "Dead Head" and support units) could be surrounded, he urgently evacuated. It is hard to imagine how it was possible for almost a whole division to escape from this natural trap in a few hours. And where? If the only road we are driving on has already been intercepted by the tanks of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the First Guards Tank Army of General M. E. Katukov. The first "rammed" and found a gap in the minefields of the fortified area was the tank battalion of the guards of Major Alexei Karabanov, posthumously - the Hero Soviet Union. It was somewhere here that he burned down in his wounded car in the last days of January 1945 ... I remember the Kenshitsky garrison like this: behind a stone wall - a line of barracks buildings, a parade ground, sports grounds, a canteen, a little further - headquarters, classrooms, hangars for technology and means of communication. The brigade, which was of great importance, was part of the elite forces that provided the General Staff with command and control in the impressive space of the European theater of operations. From the north, Lake Kshiva approaches the camp, comparable in size, for example, to Cheremenetsky, near St. Petersburg, or Dolgy near Moscow. Amazingly beautiful, Kenshitsa forest lake is everywhere surrounded by signs of mystery, which, it seems, even the air is saturated here. From 1945 until almost the end of the 1950s, this place was, in fact, only under the supervision of the security department of the city of Mendzizhech - where, as they say, he was supervised by Polish officer by the name of Telyutko - and the commander of a Polish artillery regiment stationed somewhere nearby. With their direct participation, the temporary transfer of the territory of the former German military camp to our communications brigade was carried out. A convenient town fully met the requirements and seemed to be all at a glance. At the same time, the prudent command of the brigade decided at the same time not to violate the rules for quartering troops and ordered a thorough engineering and sapper reconnaissance in the garrison and the surrounding area. It was then that the discoveries began that struck the imagination of even experienced front-line soldiers who were still serving at that time. Let's start with the fact that near the lake, in a reinforced concrete box, an insulated exit of an underground power cable, instrumental measurements on the cores of which showed the presence of an industrial current with a voltage of 380 volts. Soon the attention of sappers was attracted concrete well who swallowed the water that fell from a height. At the same time, intelligence reported that, perhaps, underground power communication was coming from Mendzizhech. However, the presence of a hidden autonomous power plant and the fact that its turbines were rotated by water falling into a well were not ruled out here. It was said that the lake was somehow connected to the surrounding water bodies, and there are many of them here. The sappers of the brigade were unable to verify these assumptions. Parts of the SS that were in the camp on the fateful days of the 45th, as if sunk into the water. Since it was impossible to bypass the lake around the perimeter due to the impassability of the forest, I, taking advantage of Sunday afternoon, asked the commander of one of the companies, Captain Gamow, to show me the area from the water. They got into a boat and, changing in turn at the oars and making short stops, circled the lake in a few hours; we walked very close to the shore. From the eastern side of the lake rose several powerful, already overgrown with undergrowth hills-heaps. In some places, artillery caponiers were guessed in them, facing the front to the east and south. I also managed to notice two small lakes similar to puddles. Shields with inscriptions in two languages ​​towered nearby: “Danger! Mines!
- Do you see the heaps? How Egyptian pyramids . Inside them are various secret passages, manholes. Through them, from under the ground, our radio relayers, when arranging the garrison, got facing slabs. They said that "there" are real galleries. As for these puddles, then, according to the sappers, these are the flooded entrances to the underground city, - said Gamov and continued: - I recommend looking at another mystery - an island in the middle of the lake. A few years ago, low-altitude post sentries noticed that this island was not really an island in the usual sense. He swims, or rather, slowly drifts, standing as if at anchor. I looked around. The floating island is overgrown with firs and willows. Its area did not exceed fifty square meters, and it seemed that it really slowly and heavily swayed on the black water of a still reservoir. The forest lake also had a clearly artificial southwestern and southern extension, reminiscent of an appendix. Here the pole went two or three meters deep, the water was relatively clear, but the lush and fern-like algae completely covered the bottom. In the middle of this bay, a gray reinforced concrete tower rose gloomily, clearly once having a special purpose. Looking at it, I remembered the air intakes of the Moscow metro, accompanying its deep tunnels. Through the narrow window it was clear that there was water inside the concrete tower. There was no doubt: somewhere below me there was an underground structure, which for some reason had to be erected right here, in remote places near Miedzizhech. But acquaintance with the "Earthworm Camp" did not end there. During the same engineering reconnaissance, sappers revealed the entrance to the tunnel disguised as a hill. Already in the first approximation, it became clear that this is a serious structure, moreover, probably with various kinds of traps, including mines. It was said that once a tipsy foreman on his motorcycle decided to ride through the mysterious tunnel on a bet. They allegedly did not see the reckless driver again. It was necessary to verify all these facts, to clarify, and I turned to the command of the brigade. It turned out that the sappers and signalmen of the brigade as part of a special group not only descended into it, but moved away from the entrance at a distance of at least ten kilometers. In fact, no one got lost. The result - found several previously unknown inputs. For obvious reasons, information about this unusual expedition remained confidential. With one of the headquarters officers, we went beyond the territory of the unit, and the already familiar “steps to nowhere” and a gray concrete dome that looked like a pillbox, faceless sticking out on the other side of the road, immediately caught my eye. This is one of the entrances to underground tunnel, the officer explained. - You understand that such revelations can excite the minds. This circumstance, taking into account our legal status in the host country, prompted us to weld a steel grating and armor plate to the entrance to the tunnel. No tragedies! We were obliged to exclude them. True, the underground entrances known to us make us think that there are others. “So what is there?” “Under us, as far as one can assume, is an underground city, where there is everything necessary for an autonomous life for many years,” the officer replied. “One of the members of the same search group, created on the orders of the brigade commander, Colonel Doroshev,” he continued, “technician-captain Cherepanov, later said that through this pillbox that we see, they descended deep into the ground through steel spiral staircases. By the light of acid lamps we entered the underground metro. It was precisely the subway, since a railway track was laid along the bottom of the tunnel. The ceiling was without signs of soot. The walls are neatly lined with cables. Probably, the locomotive here was driven by electricity. The group entered the tunnel not at the beginning. The beginning of the tunnel was somewhere under the forest lake. The other part was directed to the west - to the Oder River. Almost immediately discovered an underground crematorium. Perhaps it was in his ovens that the remains of the dungeon builders were burned. Slowly, with precaution, the search party moved through the tunnel in the direction modern Germany. Soon they stopped counting the tunnel branches - dozens of them were discovered. Both right and left. But most of the branches were neatly walled up. Perhaps these were approaches to unknown objects, including parts of the underground city. grandiose underground network remained for the uninitiated a labyrinth filled with many dangers. It was not possible to test it thoroughly. The tunnel was dry, a sign of good waterproofing. It seemed that from the other, unknown, side, the lights of a train or a large truck were about to appear (vehicles could also move there) ... According to Cherepanov, it was man-made underworld, which is an excellent implementation of engineering. The captain said that the group was moving slowly, and after a few hours of being underground, they began to lose the feeling of really passing. Some of its participants came up with the idea that the study of a mothballed underground city, laid under forests, fields and rivers, is a task for specialists of a different level. This different level required a lot of effort, money and time. According to our military estimates, the subway could stretch for tens of kilometers and "dive" under the Oder. Where further and where its final station - it was difficult even to guess. Soon the leader of the group decided to return. The results of the reconnaissance were reported to the brigade commander. - It turns out that there were battles from above, tanks and people were burning, - I thought aloud, - and below lived the giant concrete arteries of the mysterious city. This is not immediately possible to imagine, being in this gloomy land. Frankly, the first information about the scale of the secret dungeon was scanty, but it was amazing. As the former chief of staff of the brigade, Colonel P. N. Kabanov, testifies, soon after the memorable first inspection, the commander of the Northern Group of Forces, Colonel-General P. S. Maryakhin, who personally descended into the underground metro, specially arrived from Legnica to Kenshitsa. Later, I had the opportunity to meet and repeatedly talk in detail about the "Earthworm Camp" with one of the last commanders of the Kenshitsa brigade, Colonel V. I. Spiridonov.
Gradually, a new vision of this unusual military riddle took shape. It turned out that in the period from 1958 to 1992, the five-battalion brigade had nine commanders in turn, and each of them - like it or not - had to adapt to the neighborhood with this unsolved underground territory. Spiridonov's service in the brigade took place, as it were, in two stages. At the first, in the mid-1970s, Vladimir Ivanovich was a staff officer, and at the second, a brigade commander. In his words, almost all the commanders of the Northern Group of Forces (SGV) considered it their duty to visit the distant garrison and personally get acquainted with the underground labyrinths. According to the engineering report, which Spiridonov happened to read, 44 kilometers of underground utilities were discovered and examined under the garrison alone. Vladimir Ivanovich still has photographs of some objects of the old German defense near Kenshitsa. On one of them is the entrance to the underground tunnel.
The officer testifies that the height and width of the underground metro shaft are approximately three meters each. The neck smoothly lowers and dives underground to a depth of fifty meters. There, the tunnels branch and intersect, there are transport interchanges. Spiridonov also points out that the walls and ceiling of the metro are made of reinforced concrete slabs, the floor is lined with rectangular stone slabs. He personally, as a specialist, drew attention to the fact that this secret highway was pierced in the thickness of the earth in a western direction, to the Oder, which is 60 kilometers from Kenshitsa in a straight line. He had heard that in the section where the subway dives under the Oder, the tunnel was flooded. With one of the commanders of the SGV, Spiridonov descended deep into the ground and, on an army UAZ, drove through the tunnel towards Germany for at least 20 kilometers. The former brigade commander believes that a taciturn Pole known in Miedzizhech as Dr. Podbelsky knew about the underground city.
In the late 1980s, he was almost ninety years old ... A passionate local historian, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, alone, at his own peril and risk, he repeatedly descended underground through a discovered hole. In the late 1980s, Podbelsky said that the Germans began building this strategic facility back in 1927, but most actively since 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. In 1937, the latter personally arrived at the camp from Berlin and, as they claimed, along the rails of a secret subway. In fact, from that moment on, the hidden city was considered handed over to the use of the Wehrmacht and the SS. Through some hidden communications, the giant facility was connected to the plant and strategic storage facilities, also underground, located in the area of ​​the villages of Vysoka and Peski, which is two to five kilometers west and north of the lake. Lake Kshiva itself, the colonel believes, is striking in its beauty and purity. Oddly enough, the lake is an integral part of the mystery. The area of ​​its mirror is at least 200 thousand square meters, and the depth scale is from 3 (in the south and west) to 20 meters (in the east). It was in its eastern part that some army fishing enthusiasts managed in the summer, under favorable lighting, to discern something on the silted bottom, in its outlines and other features resembling a very large hatch, which received the nickname “the eye of the underworld” from the military.
The so-called "eye" was tightly closed. Was it not at one time that the floating island already mentioned above should have covered him from the gaze of a pilot and a heavy bomb? What could such a hatch be used for? Most likely, he served as a kingston for emergency flooding of part or all of the underground structures. But if the hatch is closed to this day, it means that it was not used in January 1945. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that the underground city is not flooded, but mothballed "until a special occasion." Does its underground horizons store something? Who are they waiting for? Spiridonov noticed that around the lake, in the forest, there are many preserved and destroyed wartime objects. Among them are the ruins of a rifle complex and a hospital for the elite of the SS troops. Everything was made of reinforced concrete and refractory bricks. And most importantly - powerful pillboxes. Their reinforced concrete and steel domes were once armed with heavy machine guns and cannons, equipped with semi-automatic ammunition feed mechanisms. Under the meter-long armor of these caps, underground floors went to a depth of up to 30-50 meters, where sleeping and amenity premises, ammunition and food depots, as well as communication centers were located. Personally, Spiridonov examined six pillboxes located to the south and west of the lake. As they say, his hands did not reach the northern and eastern pillboxes. The approaches to these deadly firing points were securely covered by minefields, ditches, concrete gouges, barbed wire, engineering traps. They were at the entrance to each pillbox. Imagine, from the armored door inside the pillbox there is a bridge that will immediately capsize under the feet of the uninitiated, and he will inevitably fall into a deep concrete well, from where he can no longer rise alive. At great depths, the pillboxes are connected by passages to underground labyrinths. During the years of the colonel's service in the brigade, subordinates repeatedly reported to him that the "soldier's radio" reported on secret holes in the foundation of the garrison club, through which unidentified servicemen allegedly went "AWOL". These rumors, fortunately, were not confirmed. However, such reports had to be checked carefully. But now, as for the basement of the mansion in which the brigade commander himself lived, the rumors about the manholes were confirmed. So, having decided one day to check the reliability of the dwelling, he somehow on Sunday began to tap the walls with a crowbar. In one place, the blows resounded especially dull. Having knocked with force, the officer lost his gun: the steel crowbar “flew” into the void under its own weight. It's up to the "small" - to explore further ... But, oddly enough, this does not reach the hands! “So this is what an earthworm “dug up” in the wilderness! Has he deployed a network of underground cities and communications all the way to Berlin? And isn't here, in Kenshitsa, the key to unraveling the mystery of the concealment and disappearance of the "Amber Room", other treasures stolen in the countries of Eastern Europe and, above all, Russia? Perhaps the "Regenwurmlager" is one of the objects of preparation of Nazi Germany for the possession of an atomic bomb? In 1992, the communications brigade left Kenshitsa. Over the past 34 years of the history of the Kenshitsk garrison, several tens of thousands of soldiers and officers served in it, and turning to their memory, one can probably restore many interesting details of the underground mystery near Mendzizhech. Perhaps the veterans of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Guards Tank Army, their fighting neighbors on the right and left, the former soldiers of the 8th Guards Army at that time, Colonel General V. I. Chuikov, and 5th Army Lieutenant General Berzarin? “Do people in modern Poland know about the “Earthworm Camp?” asks Alexander Ivanovich Lukin at the end of his story. - Of course, to understand it to the end, if possible, is the business of the Poles and Germans. Probably, documentary traces remained in Germany, living builders and users of this military engineering phenomenon.

Or just hang out behind the screen. If you just want to indulge your passion for gambling, then just play for fun, for the sake of playing, without any real investment.

Photo taken from the German Federal Archives

Second World War touched almost every corner the globe; according to historians, it claimed the lives of about 70 million people and destitute countless families. World War II is considered the deadliest conflict in human history; all her events were well documented. And even seventy years later, they have not been erased from the public consciousness. However, it is impossible that a conflict of this magnitude and scope did not have its share of unsolved mysteries, ranging from operations that have not been declassified to this day, to the strange, terrible events that took place in the gloomy back alleys of the Third Reich. Many of the real mysteries of World War II have gathered a huge amount of conspiracy theories around them over the decades, so most of the dark events still lurk in the shadows. It's no surprise that some of the darkest mysteries surrounding Nazi Germany are only now beginning to surface. Just about them and will be discussed in this article.

1. Who were the seventeen British prisoners who were held in the Auschwitz concentration camp?

When Polish historians were doing preservation work in an old Auschwitz bunker in 2009, they stumbled upon what seemed to be out of place among other documents. It was a list of seventeen names, presumably British. He had no clear indication of who these people were or what they were doing in the infamous Nazi death camp.

Eight names were marked with a tick. On the reverse side of the list sheet, historians have found the words on German, next to which the English equivalents were written - "now" (now), "never" (never), "since" (since, subsequently) and "then" (then, then). According to the British newspaper "Telegraph", the list included such names as Gardiner, Lawrence and Osborne.

When trying to explain the cryptic list, many different theories have emerged. Some have argued that the names may actually have belonged to Jewish prisoners of war who were subsequently sentenced to death, double agents, or even British defectors.

However, to this day, the found list remains an unsolved mystery from the Second World War. No one knows for sure who these names belonged to, who these people were and why they were included in a separate list. In total, about 1.1 million prisoners were killed in the Auschwitz concentration camp between 1940 and 1945.

2. What happened in the Polish city of Malbork?

In 2009, construction workers discovered a mass grave in Northern Poland containing the remains of approximately 1,800 men, women and children. During the Second World War, the city, which was then known as Marienburg (today it is called Malbork), was part of Germany. At the end of the war, its 1,840 inhabitants were officially listed as missing. About them tragic fate became known only after more than sixty years, when a mass grave was found on the site of modern Malbork.

What happened in Marienburg several decades ago is not known for certain. The city and its environs were in the very center of fierce fighting between the forces of Germany and the USSR. Scientists have determined that some of the skeletons found in the mass grave had bullet holes. It was also revealed that a tenth of them were most likely executed.

It is believed that some of these people froze during a severe cold, but most of them - apparently before death - were taken away clothes and jewelry. In addition, scientists have established that the pit in which the killed and dead people were buried was formed as a result of a bomb explosion. Further excavations suggested that the remains belonged to at least 2,000 people who had not been evacuated from Marienburg before the arrival of the Red Army. Anyway, these are all unconfirmed theories. The real fate of these two thousand inhabitants of Marienburg continues to be a terrible secret of the Second World War.

3. Was there a movie in a Nazi time capsule?

In 1934 the Nazis decided to build The educational center in the Polish city of Zlocenets, which was then in Germany and was called Falkenburg. In 2016, a group of archaeologists carried out excavations here. According to rumors, they managed to find something that has existed for decades: a time capsule.

It was a copper cylinder, inside of which, among other things, were found two copies of "My Struggle" (Adolf Hitler's book, combining elements of an autobiography with an outline of the ideas of National Socialism), various newspapers, coins and documents outlining the history of the building's concept.

The only thing scientists haven't found inside the cylinder is a documentary film dating back to 1933. It was because of him that they began all these searches. As a result, no one is sure what the content of this film was or why it was not included in the time capsule. His fate remains a wartime mystery.

4. What happened during the two months of the absence of the German submarine U-530?

It's no secret that a number of high-ranking Nazi party officials not only managed to escape Germany, but disappeared without a trace before they could be tried for countless war crimes. The idea that Hitler and Eva Braun might have been among those who managed to survive and escape Germany formed the basis of the Third Reich conspiracy theory. What the German submarine U-530 did during a sixty-day period in 1945 remains a complete mystery.

On May 8, 1945, all German submarines in the nearest port were ordered to surrender. All but one - U-530. Two months later, she appeared in an Argentine port. Her commander, Lieutenant Otto Wermuth, destroyed all the logbooks and threw away most of the equipment. He explained that he disobeyed the order to surrender and proceed to the shores of the United States because he needed medical care, which he hoped to receive in a South American port.

After the story of the U-530 became known to the public, rumors began to surface that the submarine had arrived at an Argentine port to disembark two passengers, a man and a woman. Such claims are nothing more than the usual conspiracy theory, but the reasons why Wermouth destroyed the logbooks and discarded most of the equipment are still unclear.

5. What happened to Herschel Grynszpan?

Photo taken from the German Federal Archives

On a November night in 1938, Nazi soldiers carried out a pogrom against Jews throughout Germany. This event went down in history as Kristallnacht. It was provoked by the actions of a teenager named Herschel Grynszpan.

On November 7, Grynszpan came to the German embassy in Paris and shot the first Nazi official he came across. His actions led to a hardening of the German policy towards the Jews. However, what happened to Grynszpan himself, we do not know.

Herschel Grynszpan was born in 1921. When he was fifteen years old, he moved to France. The teenager was outraged by what was happening in his home country, so he decided to kill a diplomat from the German embassy. Grynszpan was arrested immediately after the incident. His trial was scheduled for January 1942. However, due to military events, it was postponed. Nothing is known about Grynszpan's further fate.

6. What actually happened at Wewelsburg Castle?

It was Heinrich Himmler who ordered the occupation of the 17th-century castle located in the German village of Wewelsburg. The castle was destined to become the center of the occult activities of the SS under the leadership of Heinrich Himmler.

Initially, the castle housed the school of the SS. However, what were once classrooms soon became laboratories, where scientists researched everything from pseudoscience to mysticism, rune worship and ancestor cults. The premises were given names from the legends of the Holy Grail, so it is not surprising that all sorts of rumors began to appear around Wewelsburg.

Today, the Renaissance castle acts as a museum, where you can find a huge amount of paraphernalia of the Third Reich; it is designed to keep a history that we must not forget. Museum employees say that it is unlikely that pagan rites and rituals were once held within its walls, but one cannot be completely sure of this.

7. What was the Thule Society really like?

The German Thule Society was named after the mysterious country of ancient Greek mythology. Its members were engaged in the study and research of the occult. From the very beginning, it worked closely with the Nazi regime: first with the German Workers' Party, then with the National Socialist German Workers' Party. However, there are many things we don't know about him.

There is an opinion that the Thule Society included such prominent figures as Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg, but this cannot be confirmed, since there was no official list of its members (there were about 1,750 people).

Much of what happened in behind closed doors The Thule Society remains a mystery. Historians have long been intrigued by the question of how this research group managed to acquire considerable influence on German politics. They also often argue among themselves over whether Adolf Hitler was a member of the Thule Society or not.

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