What's the best way to start running in the evenings? How to lose weight by running. The benefits of running: obvious advantages

The trend of running in the evenings has seriously pushed back morning exercises past times. Modern man prefers to devote time to sports in the evening, and there are reasons for this.

By postponing your workout until the evening, you can enjoy an extra hour of sleep. Saving strength and energy. It’s not the first day that those who go in for sports experience a pleasant anticipation of training all day long. And in many ways it is simply more convenient to exercise in the evening.

The benefits of running in the evening

Make it a rule that sport should be fun. It makes no sense if the lesson takes place through clenched teeth and unwillingness to do it. Do sports for yourself, and the results will come unnoticed.

In the evening, the body is more ready for strength training than in the morning. Muscle development occurs faster. But stretching the muscles is a little more difficult. The time is good for visiting the gym and doing strength training.

It is more effective to run in the evening using (special bands, belts, vests) and at a slow pace. This will accelerate muscle development.

If increasing muscle size is not a priority, then run at a moderate pace without weights for at least 30 minutes. This will burn 300-400 calories depending on gender, age, height and weight. By increasing your running time to 1 hour, you can expect to lose 800-1000 calories.

Effect on the body.

Evening running can calm the body and prepare you for sleep. In the evening, muscles tend to increase more as a result of training. On the contrary, calories are burned in a smaller volume. The circulatory system is also better trained at the end of the day.

Maximum benefits can be obtained by exercising regularly. Only under this condition the best result is achieved.

Remember! Muscles grow while at rest. The impression that muscle growth occurs during training is erroneous. The training sets the stage, and based on the stress received, the body begins to adapt. The body will be better prepared for the next lesson. The process of alternating activities and rest is called training.

Regularity of training.

If the goal is to achieve an attractive figure, then running every day is harmful. Daily training does not allow the muscles to relax in order to begin dividing, i.e. adaptation to the received loads.

Therefore, the ratio of training to rest should be approximately equal. Usually, alternating a training day and a rest day is used. That works out to 3-4 runs a week.

Approximate schedule: Monday – Tuesday – Wednesday – Thursday – Friday – Saturday – Sunday.

Class days are marked in green. In the second week there will be 3 classes, and the green ones will be rest days.

Calming effect.

In addition to relaxing your muscles, running in the evenings allows you to relieve your head of unnecessary thoughts. Switch from hard everyday life to relaxation mode. In many ways the feeling is similar to meditation. The slow running training regimen itself suggests that there is no need to rush anywhere.

How to control your well-being?

An important criterion for achieving greatest effect classes is the correct heart rhythm. It is recommended to measure your heart rate before starting your workout. If the number of beats exceeds 90 beats, then you should refrain from jogging today. The normal heart rate is 60-90 beats per minute. People with a developed circulatory system have less than 60 beats.

There is a formula that allows you to calculate the required minimum heart rate for jogging.

(190 + age)*60%

The first value is 190 – maximum heart rate. With age, its indicator changes. Also, the maximum possible heart rate is higher in trained people. The average is 190 and that’s what we’ll take.

If the student is 30 years old, then the formula and result will look like this:

(190 + 30)*60% = 132

The result was the minimum heart rate for the greatest benefit of running training. To find out the maximum heart rate, replace the last value with 70%: (190+30)*70%=154 – the maximum number of contractions for the workout.

What to do while running?

Sometimes running is simply boring and the enjoyment of the activity decreases. To avoid this problem, I suggest you read the recommendations.

Music. The simplest and effective remedy cheer up. Suitable music for training should be dynamic. Rock music is used for this purpose. However, it is important that you like it personally.

Partner. It’s a rare success if you manage to find a partner who will work out regularly. While running in a group you can compete or talk. Talking while running doesn't hurt your side.

Pain in the side is caused by pressure from the kidney or spleen on the walls of the organ mucosa. This occurs as a result of a sharp increase in the blood involved. The body does not have time to distribute the blood, and the side begins to hurt. Talking is not the cause of side pain.

Reflections. During running training, the brain is able to think more creatively. This allows you to solve problems that require a creative approach.

If you plan to pump up muscles or increase endurance, then running in the evenings will be useful in achieving your goal. The only downside is that there are many reasons to put off your workout until tomorrow. Convincing yourself to go for a run after a tiring day is not an easy task. However, the benefits you will get by winning will pleasantly surprise you.

Running in the evenings is much more beneficial than in the morning. Evening running promotes fat burning, relaxation, and helps relieve stress. Regardless of your goals, you need to know some features and rules regarding how to run in the evenings.

The benefits of jogging in the evening

Finding time to run regularly in the morning is quite difficult. It is difficult for a working person to overcome himself by getting up one to one and a half hours earlier to go for a run. Only a few are capable of performing such feats every day. In addition, the evening is ideal for getting rid of all the negativity and stress that has accumulated during the day.

Morning jogging can cause excessive fatigue, which will affect performance. The fact that it is better to run in the evening is evidenced by the possibility of getting rid of excess calories consumed during the day. And even if such physical activity causes muscle fatigue, it goes away overnight, and the recovery process during sleep occurs simultaneously with the expenditure of energy.

Where is the best place to go for a run in the evening?

You should not run on busy highways, highways, or freeways, but you should also beware of dark alleys. The presence of large traffic congestions will minimize the benefits of physical activity, and in unlit nooks and crannies it can be extremely dangerous. Exhaust fumes from cars will not only negate the benefits of training, but also cause harm.

When running, a person exhales much more oxygen, which increases the amount of harmful substances entering the body. And for jogging to bring maximum benefit, it is best to run in a park area, on playgrounds and football fields, which are often located close to home.

Duration of jogging in the evening

It is not recommended to overexert the body before going to bed, as this will negatively affect your well-being and sleep. The first runs should not be long. It is best to start with ten or fifteen minutes, and then regularly increase the time.

The maximum duration of a jog in the evening should not exceed half an hour. It's better to take short breaks. You can't stop suddenly. If you want to take a break, you first need to slow down and then take a step at a fast pace.

When is the best time to run?

Most beginners make a similar mistake. They run after dinner and rest, which is fundamentally wrong. Time spent in an inactive state after a long working day transfers biorhythms to a passive state. If you go for a run, they will start up again, which leads to a lot of stress.

The best time to run is between seven and ten o'clock in the evening. The body is calm at this time, but has not yet switched to passive mode, which allows you to quickly get rid of stress.

Is it possible to eat before evening runs?

You should run in the morning on a healthy stomach. It’s better not to do this in the evening, but you shouldn’t have a heavy dinner either. The ideal choice would be a salad, soup, or light lunch. The menu must include proteins with carbohydrates, which promote faster recovery after jogging.

You can prepare a steam omelet, which will perfectly complement boiled chicken or beef. When you don’t want to have dinner, you can have a snack by eating fruit, for example, bananas or apples. Homemade yogurt can satisfy your hunger and maintain your strength.

Do you need to warm up before running?

Before running, be sure to warm up properly. This allows you to minimize possible risks and injuries, get maximum benefit. It is enough to warm up for a couple of minutes. It is necessary to warm up mainly the legs.

It is best to practice with a ball or a rolling pin. The muscles on the legs should be rubbed and massaged, which increases blood circulation. It is best to start jogging with a brisk walk, and then gradually increase your speed.

Does it matter what surface you run on?

It is strongly not recommended to overwork yourself at night, so it is best to choose a flat place for jogging. A bad choice would be a strong slope or jumping up. You need to run on a flat surface. Finding a flat area in a small park area is not difficult.

It is not recommended to run in the stadium, as you will have to run in a circle. If the area is large, then everything is fine. When the stadium is small, your head will start to spin. The ideal option would be a straight, flat, long road.

Proper breathing during evening runs

Maintaining the correct breathing rhythm is of utmost importance. Physical activity increases the body's need for oxygen. When a person stops gasping for air, he usually starts gasping for air, which is wrong. You need to breathe only through your nose. This saturates the body with the maximum amount of air. Thanks to this, the rhythm is maintained and the pulse does not lose momentum.

For people who start running in the evenings in order to lose weight, it is especially important to breathe through their nose. The more oxygen the tissues and muscles receive, the faster the metabolism occurs. Breathing must be constantly monitored. Involuntary loss of rhythm should not be ignored. When you start gasping for air, you need to gradually reduce your speed, but not stop suddenly.

How do you know if your run was done correctly?

For every novice runner, this question is of paramount importance, since only the right results bring physical exercise. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved. Those who have never run before or started training after a long break feel muscle pain the next day. If this is not the case, then either they are overtrained or something was done incorrectly.

You shouldn't stop running. You need to adhere to the basic rules and be able to recognize the needs of your own body. It should be remembered that muscle pain will torment until the tissues become sufficiently trained, that is, they get used to the load. After some time there will be a change pain Pleasant fatigue will come, helping you fall asleep quickly.

If you overcome yourself and find time to jog in the evenings, after two to three weeks you can see positive changes. Thanks to half an hour of running in the evening, weight is reduced, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, and the heart muscle is strengthened.

Evening time is considered the most best time days for recreational jogging. After all, thanks to this, you can relieve the stressful state received after a difficult, stressful day at work, ensuring a strong and healthy sleep.

After work, we feel slightly tired, we want to rest and relax, but the body works at full capacity, and the brain begins to actively scroll through everything that happened during the day. Therefore, it is at this moment that it is important to switch, that is, to prepare the body for sleep. This is where you can't get by without the help of healthy light running.

Evening running will be the final stage of the working day, giving the muscles the necessary load, setting the body in a positive mood before bed. But for us there is nothing better than falling asleep in a good mood.

It is best to run at a speed of 9 km. no more than half an hour per hour. Such training will have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, forcing it to work actively, improving metabolism and improving blood circulation. As a result of constant training, the process of capillarization will occur, that is, the process of cleansing blood vessels that have atrophied due to lack of motor activity, new ones appear that will provide blood access to painful organs, renewing and healing them.

Running in the evening- it's the same excellent remedy to rejuvenate the body, but it is best to do such a run after eating, at least 2 hours before. But everything will depend on its density. Before starting a run, it is recommended to do a ten-minute warm-up, for example, do a few squats, jumps and bends to prepare the body for the next portion of the load. While running, try to monitor your breathing, which should be even.

It is about improving your health, and if you want to be healthy and resilient, then you need to do this kind of jogging regularly, and preferably twice a day - morning and evening.

  1. You need to do jogging systematically and regularly, that is, if you want to start running in the evenings, then set four days a week for this and run for fun.
  2. You should never skip training time; this can only be done as a last resort - during illness or in the winter season, when the air temperature is below 30 degrees. If you're not sure you can spend less for running three hours per week, then it’s better not to start anything.
  3. The intensity and duration of exercise should be increased gradually, everything will depend on your physical fitness. If you intend to take up running seriously, then to monitor your health you need to use special devices and programs that can help you calculate your pulse and heartbeat.

Evening jogging is a great hobby for women and men. It is known that running is the most natural way to exercise your body. For humans, this is the same natural property as walking or swimming. Running in the evenings will not force you to constantly choose your time, spend money on expensive sports equipment, or go to the gym.

Wherever you are - at home, on vacation or on a business trip - you can always put on your sneakers and go to class. At the same time, you will look great and be in excellent athletic shape.

Morning or evening?

The benefits of running are undeniable not only for weight loss, but for the entire body as a whole. To this day, despite the abundance of gyms, swimming pools and fitness clubs, jogging is extremely popular due to its high efficiency.

They are practiced not only by mere mortals, but also by stars, politicians, and public figures.

If you join them, you are guaranteed to find yourself in a noble, worthy company of comrades! Let's figure out how to run correctly, how to calculate the optimal running time for yourself, and outline all the obvious pros and cons of this activity.

Many athletes and amateurs practice jogging in the morning, motivating it with a charge of positive energy for the whole day. However, this is not entirely correct. Evening is the optimal time to relieve stress and heterogeneous loads accumulated during a busy day.

In the morning we are already fresh and alert, but intense aerobic exercise can create additional fatigue for us, which will negatively affect labor productivity and the overall performance of the body.

It is much better to practice regular exercises or joint exercises in the morning - it tones and strengthens, and does not require much effort. Adherents of training after waking up clearly answer the question “ Should I run in the morning or evening?” in favor of the first option.

They supplement their arguments with the fact that it is at this time of day that the air is the cleanest and freshest. Perhaps you really can’t argue with this. But still, evening runs definitely have more advantages than their morning “analogues”.

The main thing you should know is that running in the evening is ideal for losing weight. But this is what girls who decide to go jogging mainly strive for. The fact is that by putting stress on the body at late times of the day, we quickly and actively burn all the excess that we have accumulated during the day.

Simply put, even if you allowed yourself to eat a bar of milk chocolate at lunch, this will not affect your figure in any way if you go for an evening jog.

Advantages and disadvantages of evening jogging

What else does running in the evenings do? Intensive relief from stress factors! All the negative energy accumulated during a busy day is guaranteed to leave your body and soul when training on fresh air. In addition, you will quickly relieve fatigue and sleep soundly. And what, if not healthy sleep, contributes to normal functioning and tone?

Unfortunately, for all its advantages, evening jogging is also famous for its quite objective disadvantages.

Among them:

  • Constantly “stealing” time from your loved ones and loved ones. Of course, if you get up at 5-6 in the morning, you cannot deprive your spouse or children of your attention. But not everyone will like a busy wife and mother in the evening, because this particular period of the day is intended for spending time together and relaxing;
  • Fast fatiguability. Unfortunately, the body, which was already tired during the day, can literally “give up” in the evening. Even if you complete the workout itself, upon returning home you will throw yourself on the bed and fall asleep without your hind legs, again, depriving your loved ones of time and attention. But it’s even more likely that you will simply stop finding the strength to additionally load your body and quite quickly abandon the idea of ​​evening or night jogging;
  • Hunger. We all know how much we want to have a hearty dinner after a busy day at work. Sometimes people rush home not at all in order to rest, but to finally saturate their body and give their stomach much-desired food. But training, especially if it concerns aerobic exercise, is in no way compatible with a hearty meal. Yes, you will have to limit yourself in food when going for a run. But this problem is completely solvable. You can have a light protein snack immediately after work, then come home, spend time with your children and husband, and read good book, and after 1.5-2 hours go to the stadium. If the feeling of hunger increases after training (which is quite natural and advisable), you need to wait a while and drink a protein shake. And only then, with a calm soul, go into the arms of Morpheus.

But still, all these disadvantages are rather technical and are quite subject to correction. The main thing is to engage in time management and plan as efficiently as possible. own time. So what do we get from running in the evenings - benefit or harm? Definitely the first!

Learning to manage your time

For example, there are certain health risks associated with morning jogging. Doctors unanimously advise “loading” your body no earlier than 2 hours after waking up (and, by the way, no later than 2 hours before bedtime).

In an effort to get everything done, you'll probably get up before the sun, which means putting your body under intense stress. Imagine being woken up at three in the morning and immediately forced to dance the Argentine tango. How will you feel? Your body reacts to early workouts in much the same way.

In addition, morning jogging has another significant and very important disadvantage. During the night, our body loses a significant amount of fluid, and the blood becomes quite thick.

At the same time, you put a strong load on the heart, which a priori is not good - thick blood simply cannot move at a given speed. Rheology is disrupted, cardiovascular problems begin...

Perhaps this is the main thing to think about when deciding to run in the morning. The harm of this activity for people who already have similar pathologies is completely undeniable.

We figured out the pros and cons of running in the evenings. It's time to arm yourself with comfortable sneakers, plan your workouts and take action!

We organize outdoor training

If you have already been inspired by the benefits of running in the evenings and decided to start today, we advise you not to rush. The more clearly and carefully your run is planned, the less likely it is that you will soon abandon it.

  • Decide on your running technique. Under no circumstances should you start with a long-distance sprint! Jogging will be the best choice for a beginner - it is more similar to race walking, but it is no less, if not more effective. Provides a uniform and beneficial load on the entire body, promotes rapid weight loss;
  • Mark the time. For the first week, twenty-minute runs will be enough. From the next day, start jogging for half an hour, and add 10 minutes every week;
  • Plan your day. Organize your time so that you can get everything done. If jogging crowds out more important plans in your life, you are guaranteed to stop doing it within a few days;
  • Choose a location. Avoid freeways, busy areas and highways. Give preference to stadiums, especially if you are afraid of unnecessary attention. Better yet, run in the park. This way you will achieve the main philosophy of jogging - saturating every cell of the body with oxygen;
  • Practice your breathing. Without normal breathing, the entire load will go down the drain. It is also important to warm up well before running;
  • Choose clothes and shoes. Pay special attention to the second one. And in no case do not skimp on expensive sneakers - they are very important for normal, healthy and fulfilling running!

Is it possible to run in the evenings? Scientists are more inclined to believe that running in the evening is not only healthier but also more correct than running in the morning. First of all, this is confirmed by the fact that running in the morning takes place on an unprepared, rested body. The consequences of such running create stress for the body. But running in the evenings is the opposite - after an active motor day, when the muscles are stretched and in motion - running will not bring any stress to the body, but only benefit. First of all, this is blood circulation, which actively increases when running, and all fatigue and psychological stress that accumulated during the day are also relieved. Well, the most undeniable plus evening run– this is that you don’t have to get up early! After all, most people don’t like it that much; they just have to get to work on time, let alone run around.

The most convenient and optimal time for an evening walk is from 7 pm to 10. Everyone chooses a place for jogging on their own - it can be a city park, an alley in the forest, or a village outskirts. It all depends on the place where you live. Of course, first of all you need to choose the place where there is the least traffic.

Since it is, first of all, dangerous, not convenient, and there is little benefit from running in such a place. First of all, it is of great benefit for strengthening the cardiac system. Running will also help you lose weight. overweight and make your figure even more attractive.

Preparing for the evening race

Just do a little warm-up. Spending no more than 10 minutes on this. Do a few bends, squats, walk quickly, and dance. Running should be even and straight. There is no need to bend, jump or gallop. When running, your feet should be lowered as gently as possible so as not to knock your heels off and damage your joints.

Do not contact the surface for a long time. Lift your feet off the ground as quickly as possible. Of course, breathe only through your nose. If you feel that you need to connect your mouth to breathing, then you better stop, as this is a sign that you are tired. It is strictly forbidden to stop running abruptly; reduce the rhythm gradually so that your heart rate improves faster.

What should an amateur remember?

Jogging should not be done at a too fast pace, as this will only harm the body. Since it is evening, the body is quite tired and there is only a cozy bed ahead. It is not advisable to go to bed in an excited state. Choose either a slow or medium but moderate rhythm, no more than half an hour. After a run, it is advisable to drink something cool, but not cold water. This will help restore your water balance, as some fluid is lost after a run.

And of course, always listen to your body. If you feel that running is not for you, it is better to stop playing this sport. First of all, you should know that running can not only be beneficial, but also harmful, it all depends on your state of health. You cannot run if you have heart problems, if you have asthma, pulmonary heart failure, heart defects, and so on.