Is it possible to run after dinner? Rules for evening running. Are there any disadvantages

Sitting at work, we often sadly look out the window, planning how to relieve the stress that has accumulated during the day. There are actually a lot of options: read a book, meet friends in a pub or cafe, sit at home in front of the TV, eating a delicious dinner. Very attractive options, aren't they? But we can offer a more worthy alternative - running in the evenings, because this is really the best way to shake yourself up and throw off all the problems that have been tormenting our poor head all day. So much has been said about the benefits of jogging that it hardly makes sense to continue this topic, but here right choice The timing for this event is still in doubt among many. To make this choice easier, we’ll talk about all the delights evening run.

Arguments for"

Scientific studies of human biorhythms have been able to identify the time when a person is at the peak of his activity, and all organs and systems interact harmoniously, which makes this time period optimal for physical activity. This period begins at 6 pm and ends after 8. Training carried out at this moment will be much more effective than the same, but, for example, in the morning. But without even touching scientific research, you can find a number of advantages that make such runs more attractive. So what does running in the evenings do for us?

No early rise. For many of us, even the thought of getting up one and a half, or even two hours earlier several times a week becomes simply unbearable. And in the morning, instead of vigor, we feel lethargic and weak. What a jog this is. What a pleasure it is. Evening exercises are much easier in this regard, because the body does not need to “swing”.

Sufficient amount of time. Those who have at least once tried a morning jog have probably encountered an acute lack of time, because they still need to have time to get themselves in order and get to work. But in the evening this problem disappears on its own, because you have the right to dispose of yourself as you please.

Stress relief. Communication with family or friends still, at a certain point, begins to boil down to discussing pressing problems. While jogging makes it possible to completely abstract from them, switching to a more positive way.

Well, a little about the benefits of running in the evenings. During the working day, our activity is minimal, and if we come home and move from the work desk to the dining or computer desk, this begins to become chronic: the muscles gradually atrophy and sag, blood circulation worsens, and problems with the back and legs begin. Incredible, but only about half an hour physical activity will give the body the opportunity to replenish oxygen reserves in the blood, improving its composition and facilitating circulation. Capillaries begin to intensify their growth, supplying blood and oxygen to painful areas. Running in the evenings is also useful because muscles weakened during the day become toned, thereby keeping your figure in great shape.

Disadvantages of an evening workout

As such, there can be no shortcomings in the jogging itself, but the choice of the evening time may not always be successful. First of all, because there is a high probability of plans being disrupted. After all, the temptation to go to, say, a picnic or a disco instead of the stadium, can always appear. In addition, no one is immune from delays at work or an overly difficult working day.

The level of stress should be under strict control, because if overexcited, the body can “thank” you with insomnia, which over time turns into a chronic form.

Another, albeit easily correctable, disadvantage is the evening air pollution, which is oversaturated with exhaust gases and dust raised by cars. It is, of course, difficult to deal with this problem globally, but by planning your route away from busy roads, you can improve the situation.

Considering all the pros and cons of running in the evenings, only one conclusion suggests itself: the latter are much less significant, and if taken seriously, they are practically unable to affect the schedule and quality of training.

Evening running rules

To get out of a run maximum benefit, you need to take into account a number of features.

Eating. I run on an empty stomach - a firm “no!” The peculiarity of morning jogging is that it is done on an empty stomach. In the evening, this behavior can be compared to an experiment on yourself, and the result will not have the best effect on your well-being. A light dinner + rest for an hour is the best formula for the evening.

Warm up. Those who are tormented by the question “How to start running in the evenings?” , We must clearly understand: you need to start with a warm-up. Muscles that are relaxed from sitting for eight hours need to be thoroughly warmed up before exercise, otherwise this is fraught with injury. To do this, a couple of simple exercises are enough: squats, stretching, swinging your arms, jumping. Even the simplest complex performed in physical education classes is quite suitable.

Running pace. Since the logical conclusion of every evening is sleep, overstraining the body with active running and heavy loads is, to put it mildly, undesirable. The best option for beginners - jog; more trained people will be able to choose their own pace, but it should not cause discomfort. Shortness of breath of any strength, redness, pain in the side, thick saliva - all this indicates that you need to reduce your speed, or better yet, go to a fast pace.

Time and frequency of training. Is it possible to run every day in the evening? A favorite question for beginners who want to give it their all. However, even professional athletes do not train this often; the body must still receive much-needed rest a couple of times a week; otherwise, you simply will not be able to go for a run due to severe muscle pain. The optimal schedule is 3-4 runs for 30-40 minutes. The main thing is to strictly adhere to it, without giving yourself any concessions. On the days chosen for training, other problems and temptations should cease to exist for you.

Running and losing weight. People who watch their figure often think about how to run correctly in the evenings to lose weight. The answer is extremely simple: run correctly in the morning. We simply cannot afford the intensity that will allow us to burn our reserves carefully stored on our sides. Evening jogging is aimed more at maintaining shape than at getting into it, so you shouldn’t flatter yourself with unnecessary hopes. Increasing the load can lead to disruption of the body’s rhythms, which is completely undesirable.

The age-old question

After reading all the arguments, many continue to be tormented by the question of whether it is better to run in the morning or in the evening. Getting to the truth here is almost impossible, but main conclusion is this: running is best, and when is practically irrelevant.

You need to choose the time based solely on your rhythm of life. If you can’t get up even five minutes before the alarm rings, you shouldn’t force yourself and go for a morning run, because it will not only not bring any pleasure, but will also take away all your strength, you’ll just fall asleep after lunch. And vice versa, if at eight in the evening you already want to fall into the arms of a pillow, then what kind of evening run can we talk about, because it is much easier to go for a run at six in the morning. You can choose the optimal time by periodically alternating morning and evening runs, so you yourself will understand which is more convenient for you. Once you get involved, time will completely lose its meaning for you.

Are you still deciding how to run correctly - in the morning or in the evening? I already decided for myself, only in the evening. Why? Is it good to run in the evening? During the day we move, this gives a warm-up for the muscles, which means the stress from running on the body is minimal. The second reason is important for me - evening running helps to get the blood pumping and relieve the head from its rushes during the day, and it relieves well the psychological stress received during the same working day. And let’s be honest, we often desperately miss the morning for the toilet, breakfast, getting ready and getting to work without being late. Therefore, this article is dedicated to all those who like to sleep and who find it difficult to “swing” in the morning about how to run correctly in the evenings.

The optimal time range when running in the evening is useful is from 19 to 22 hours. During this period of time, we return home from work and the body is still active. There is no need to run in a hungry state, as when jogging in the morning. A light dinner will help you satisfy your hunger - its menu may include light soup, omelet, vegetable salad or a glass of kefir, depending on your preferences.

An hour after your evening meal, you can start jogging. How to run in the evening? To do this, it is best to choose a park away from the road. It is necessary to choose your own rhythm, taking into account that by this time the body is already tired and is waiting to go to bed. Therefore, it is better to jog at a moderate or slow pace for 20-30 minutes. Bring some warm water with you drinking water to restore the body's water balance after a run.

While running, listen to your body’s reaction to the load you receive and, by changing the pace and style of running, choose the optimal mode. Correct .

As it should be for everyone sporting events Before running, you need to do a warm-up to warm up the body and get the blood flowing. The warm-up can be done at a faster pace to get your heart rate up. Take several deep breaths through your nose, followed by a complete exhalation through your mouth. Perform swinging movements with your arms and legs, bending, squatting and rotating your torso. Perform stretching exercises to warm up your muscles, especially your back and legs.

Several Yet useful tips to run correctly in the evening:

Make fewer unnecessary movements. While running, people often make a lot of unnecessary movements that overload the body. A slight tilt of the body forward will help to avoid unnecessary movements - this will shift the center of gravity of the body.

You need to run straight, without bouncing up and down.

The feet must be placed gently, avoiding hitting the heels. Impact loads can damage your joints.

Less contact with ground. You're not on a walk, it's a run. Having lowered your foot to the ground, you need to try to quickly tear it off it.

Breathe through your nose while running. If while running a person switches to mouth breathing, this means that the body is overloaded, it does not have enough oxygen, and if your face, in addition, begins to distort with grimaces, then it is time to stop the race altogether.

When approaching the finish line of the planned distance, under no circumstances stop abruptly. Gradually slow down your running pace and then walk until your heart rate returns, preferably another 10 minutes.

After the first run, many muscles may ache on the second and third days. This indicates that the body is not trained and the muscles are weak, and this is normal. Get over this muscle pain, it will go away over time. The main thing is not to give up.

Don’t forget that the body will only benefit from regular jogging, and the load needs to be gradually increased. You will feel for yourself how much and when you can increase the load. Now I think you understand what I mean by how to run properly in the evening. Knowing all this, it’s time to stop thinking about when it’s more useful to run in the morning or in the evening, otherwise you’ll soon come to questions - is it necessary at all?! Need to! And let's start running, because running is health!

Running in the evenings is much more beneficial than in the morning. Evening running promotes fat burning, relaxation, and helps relieve stress. Regardless of your goals, you need to know some features and rules regarding how to run in the evenings.

Finding time to run regularly in the morning is quite difficult. It is difficult for a working person to overcome himself by getting up one to one and a half hours earlier to go for a run. Only a few are capable of performing such feats every day. In addition, the evening is ideal for getting rid of all the negativity and stress that has accumulated during the day.

Morning jogging can cause excessive fatigue, which will affect performance. In favor of running better evening, indicates the possibility of getting rid of excess calories consumed during the day. And even if such physical activity causes muscle fatigue, it goes away overnight, and the recovery process during sleep occurs simultaneously with the expenditure of energy.

Where is the best place to go for a run in the evening?

You should not run on busy highways, highways, or freeways, but you should also beware of dark alleys. The presence of large amounts of traffic will minimize the benefits of physical activity, and unlit nooks and crannies can be extremely dangerous. Exhaust fumes from cars will not only negate the benefits of training, but also cause harm.

When running, a person exhales much more oxygen, which increases the amount of harmful substances entering the body. And for jogging to bring maximum benefit, it is best to run in a park area, on playgrounds and football fields, which are often located close to home.

Duration of jogging in the evening

It is not recommended to overexert the body before going to bed, as this will negatively affect your well-being and sleep. The first runs should not be long. It is best to start with ten or fifteen minutes, and then regularly increase the time.

The maximum duration of a jog in the evening should not exceed half an hour. It's better to take short breaks. You can't stop suddenly. If you want to take a break, you first need to slow down and then take a step at a fast pace.

When is the best time to run?

Most beginners make a similar mistake. They run after dinner and rest, which is fundamentally wrong. Time spent in an inactive state after a long working day transfers biorhythms to a passive state. If you go for a run, they will start up again, which leads to a lot of stress.

The best time to run is between seven and ten o'clock in the evening. The body is calm at this time, but has not yet switched to passive mode, which allows you to quickly get rid of stress.

Is it possible to eat before evening runs?

You should run in the morning on a healthy stomach. It’s better not to do this in the evening, but you shouldn’t have a heavy dinner either. The ideal choice would be a salad, soup, or light lunch. The menu must include proteins with carbohydrates, which promote faster recovery after jogging.

You can prepare a steam omelet, which will perfectly complement boiled chicken or beef. When you don’t want to have dinner, you can have a snack by eating fruit, for example, bananas or apples. Homemade yogurt can satisfy your hunger and maintain your strength.

Do you need to warm up before running?

Before running, be sure to warm up properly. This allows you to minimize possible risks and injuries and obtain maximum benefits. It is enough to warm up for a couple of minutes. It is necessary to warm up mainly the legs.

It is best to practice with a ball or a rolling pin. The muscles on the legs should be rubbed and massaged, which increases blood circulation. It is best to start jogging with a brisk walk, and then gradually increase your speed.

Does it matter what surface you run on?

It is strongly not recommended to overwork yourself at night, so it is best to choose a flat place for jogging. A bad choice would be a strong slope or jumping up. You need to run on a flat surface. Finding a flat area in a small park area is not difficult.

It is not recommended to run in the stadium, as you will have to run in a circle. If the area is large, then everything is fine. When the stadium is small, your head will start to spin. The ideal option would be a straight, flat, long road.

Proper breathing during evening runs

Maintaining the correct breathing rhythm is of utmost importance. Physical activity increases the body's need for oxygen. When a person stops gasping for air, he usually starts gasping for air, which is wrong. You need to breathe only through your nose. This saturates the body with the maximum amount of air. Thanks to this, the rhythm is maintained and the pulse does not lose momentum.

For people who start running in the evenings in order to lose weight, it is especially important to breathe through their nose. The more oxygen the tissues and muscles receive, the faster the metabolism occurs. Breathing must be constantly monitored. Involuntary loss of rhythm should not be ignored. When you start gasping for air, you need to gradually reduce your speed, but not stop suddenly.

How do you know if your run was done correctly?

For every novice runner, this question is of paramount importance, since only the right results bring physical exercise. Otherwise, no effect will be achieved. Those who have never run before or started training after a long break feel muscle pain the next day. If this is not the case, then either they are overtrained or something was done incorrectly.

You shouldn't stop running. You need to adhere to the basic rules and be able to recognize the needs of your own body. It should be remembered that muscle pain will torment until the tissues become sufficiently trained, that is, they get used to the load. After some time there will be a change pain Pleasant fatigue will come, helping you fall asleep quickly.

If you overcome yourself and find time to jog in the evenings, after two to three weeks you can see positive changes. Thanks to half an hour of running in the evening, weight is reduced, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized, and the heart muscle is strengthened.

In the summer, you just want to do more active movements, and play sports at fresh air everyone will enjoy it. Take out your sneakers and start your evening jogging, because there are five important reasons for this.

Stress relief

Firstly, evening jogging will help relieve the stress that has accumulated throughout the day. After training, you will feel relaxed, calm, tired and in a positive mood. Morning jogging, on the contrary, can only tire you out if you have a hard day of work ahead. Therefore, at the beginning of the day, it is better to do simple exercises or gymnastics to wake up, and in the evening go for a run.

Efficiency in losing weight

Another benefit of running in the evening is that losing weight with it is much more effective than jogging in the morning. Evening exercise helps you quickly burn calories accumulated throughout the day. Therefore, if you allowed yourself too much at lunch, an evening jog can solve this problem.

Benefit for health

Scientists also support the idea of ​​evening running and argue that it is from 18 to 20 in the evening that a person is at the peak of his activity. Therefore, the benefits of running during this period of time will be one hundred percent, and the effectiveness is much higher than that of morning “analogues”. In addition, evening jogging will give the body the opportunity to replenish oxygen reserves in the blood and improve circulation, and muscles that were not actively used during the day will be able to tone up. Thanks to this, it will be much easier to keep your figure in shape.

No rush

It’s incredibly convenient to run in the evening, since you don’t need to rush anywhere and you can afford to additional circle or a couple of exercises on simulators, if there are any nearby. Don’t worry about having time to wash, get dressed, put on makeup and get to work on time.

Hello friends! Yesterday we talked about running in general, but today I want to go deeper in particular. Namely: running in the evenings to lose weight. Are there any advantages to this particular routine? Is it useful? Who is this type of running suitable for and why? Let's look into this and other important details regarding evening sports.

Who is the evening suitable for?

I have already mentioned that there is not much difference between morning and evening running, and you should focus primarily on your own preferences. Most fitness trainers insist that morning exercise brings more benefits: it speeds you up and helps you burn calories more actively - if you run on an empty stomach. All this is true, but... It’s easy to talk about getting up early for those for whom sports are work. The rest should return to everyday reality and honestly answer a few questions. Are you able to run in the morning? What time will you have to get up in order to run and get to work? to get your share of healthy sleep?

Something tells me you won't like the answers. What can you do, the modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions, but this does not mean at all that you should sadly agree and do nothing. Can't do it in the morning? Run in the evening! This option has its advantages:

  1. Helps to stretch the body after a working day. This is especially true if you have a sedentary job.
  1. Relieves and relaxes. Unlike a morning jog, the need to go out for which only irritates many people.
  1. Improves night sleep by saturating the body with oxygen.

Night owls will especially enjoy running in the evening: by that time their biorhythms have just “swinged up” and are at the peak of activity. Jogging will help direct your energy in a useful direction and focus your attention. If you are one of the “night people”, you probably often work or go about your business closer to the night, or even after midnight, an evening run will help you concentrate and spend your time even more usefully than usual.

Of course, all the benefits of evening jogging will only be preserved if you do so afterwards. I will tell you more about this below. In the meantime, let’s get to the main thing: how exactly you need to run in the evenings so that the results are not long in coming.

Class schedule

To plan evening workouts, you can borrow a table from in general: the principle is no different. You can start by walking; for beginners, it will most likely be difficult to immediately pick up a brisk pace. And it’s not necessary - health is more important, right? Regularity and a gradual increase in load will allow the body to adapt to a new type of activity and not force the carcass, trying to aggressively lose weight, but harmoniously, building up muscles along the way.

Calculate your training schedule for at least ten weeks at once - and if some reviews on the Internet promise noticeable results after just a month of training, feel free to go for such experts... for a run - because they lie, blatantly lie and don’t blush. For the effect of the classes to become noticeable in the “before” and “after” photos, it will take at least a month and a half, and in advanced cases, more. The main thing is not to slow down and know that the goal is nearby.

Be careful!

An important point in planning an evening run is to think about where to run in advance. Even if it seems that you know some path by heart and could walk with eyes closed, don't risk running if there is no lighting there. This is unsafe in many ways. If you trip over an unnoticed pebble or a random root, you can, at best, get bruised, or, at worst, even break something for yourself.

Well, there’s no need to talk about the danger of stumbling upon various suspicious characters in dark corners - we ourselves know and understand everything. Hey runner, do you have a call? What if I find it?

If you don't have a well-lit and fairly safe running path in mind, consider joining a gym.

Eating after a run in the evening

Another important point for evening runs - food. The right diet is generally important, I will never get tired of repeating this, but here the influence of food on the effectiveness of weight loss increases significantly: you need to take into account not only what and how to eat after a run (and whether to eat at all), but also what to eat throughout the day. Your daily routine and activity level also matter. In general, I recommend starting with a calorie intake calculator. It will help you figure out how much you need to eat, taking into account your current and desired weight and other parameters.

Calorie intake calculator




Sedentary lifestyle



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There are also calculators for you:

Other calculators and tables.

Once you know your norm for weight loss, start planning your menu, arranging dishes approximately as follows:

  • hearty breakfast;
  • average lunch;
  • snack half an hour before training;
  • light dinner no earlier than an hour after jogging.

If you go to bed soon after finishing your classes, you can do without dinner. In this case, the calories allocated for the evening meal can be transferred to lunch and breakfast.

For dinner (if it is still present), it is better to choose light dishes - meat, fish or vegetables. The following dinner menu for the week is suitable for both men and women:

  1. Rye croutons with cottage cheese. Soak the pieces of bread in egg white and milk, lightly “grab” them in a frying pan (without oil) and add low-fat cottage cheese.
  1. Berry-oat smoothie. Mix a glass of milk with a half glass of yogurt in a blender or add half a glass of berries to your taste, a tablespoon of oatmeal and seeds.

  1. Carrot-apple smoothie with ginger. Here you need to chop one sour green apple along with a glass of carrot and orange juice, a teaspoon of fresh ginger and a tablespoon of honey.
  1. Vegetable casserole. Grated zucchini is mixed with a glass of boiled lentils and half a glass of chopped spinach, poured with beaten eggs (2 whole and 5 whites), salted to taste and baked with cheese for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  1. Steamed chicken breast. There is no need to explain anything: you put the fillet in a steamer or slow cooker, steam it, eat it, and be happy. Bonus: you can set it to cook while you run, no supervision required.
  1. Stuffed eggs. Cook a couple or three chicken eggs, cut in half and in a separate bowl mix the yolks with chopped green onions, yogurt, mustard, lemon juice and pureed avocado. Stuff the resulting mixture into egg whites and enjoy a healthy dinner.
  1. Steamed white fish. The same story as with chicken: fast, simple, delicious. I recommend taking lean fish with a small number of bones - for example, hake.

This is just an example proper dinners during evening jogging. Don’t forget to take into account what you eat for breakfast and lunch, so as not to exceed the norm but also to get all the necessary elements.

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That's all for today.

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