Don't you understand? When you are not understood or whether understanding is possible. True signals meaning green light

Good afternoon Please tell me how to place commas correctly in this sentence: “You understand that you are reading for real good book when you stop(,) every couple of minutes just(,) to say: Wow!" Thank you!

Correct punctuation: You know you're reading a really good book when you stop every couple of minutes just to say, "Wow!"

Question No. 300705

Hello. Tell me if a dash is needed in the sentence: “You understand that the most important value is you.” Thank you

Russian help desk response

Question No. 294226

I thought I knew pretty well how to formulate sentences with direct speech. And yesterday I doubted it when I saw an unusual offer. Here it is: Instead of: “You don’t understand anything!” conciliatory: “Let’s figure it out together.” Is this arrangement of signs correct? Answer please.

Russian help desk response

If direct speech is directly included in the author’s sentence as a member of it, then it is enclosed in quotation marks, and punctuation marks are placed according to the terms of the author’s sentence. In this case it is correct: Instead of “You don’t understand anything!” conciliatory "Let's figure it out together." You can also put a dash in place of the predicate (before the wordconciliatory).

Question No. 280025
Please tell me whether a comma is used in this case:

If you know what I mean!

Russian help desk response

A comma is needed.

Question No. 267793
Please tell me. Did I place the commas correctly and is it correct? continuous writing words "dissatisfied":
Often, after achieving your goal, you realize that you are still dissatisfied.

Russian help desk response

The punctuation is correct. Short participles written separately from NOT.

Question No. 265499
Is it necessary to put a comma in the following sentence: “You don’t understand at all what the essence of a stern techie is”? Why?
Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

The comma is placed correctly. The subordinate clause is separated by a comma.

Question No. 246005
Hello! Thank you very much for your answer to the previous question.

Please tell me, in the sentences below, should I put a comma or a dash immediately after direct speech? In the first case, is it necessary to put a comma to close subordinate clause, which begins with the words of the author and ends with direct speech? In the second case, is it necessary to put a comma to close participial turnover? In the third case, is it necessary to put a comma immediately after direct speech before the conjunction “then”? In other words, a comma or a dash?

When Sonya was asked the question: “How old are you?” (,) (-) she always answered the same thing: “No matter how old you are, they are all mine!”

By proving something: “Well, how come you don’t understand!”(,) (-) you turn the client against yourself.

If the client answered: “It’s too expensive for me”(,) (-)then you ask him the question: “...?”

Thank you.

Russian help desk response

In the first and second cases, a dash is placed (after the question or exclamation mark that ends direct speech), in the last - a comma.

Question No. 242251
Hello! Please, tell me how to correctly formulate the author’s words when speaking directly in the following cases:
1) “You’re so weak... you’re a tiny little malipoo,” she looked attentively at the puppy; Her eyes suddenly stung, but the girl immediately shook her head.
- You’re so weak... you’re a tiny little malipoo.
She looked at the puppy carefully; Her eyes suddenly stung, but the girl immediately shook her head.
2) - If only dad were with us... - A tear rolled down the child’s round cheek.
- If only dad were with us...
A tear rolled down the child's round cheek.
3) - That's it, little one! Understand? - Sveta affectionately, barely touching the puppy’s head, stroked the “little one”

Russian help desk response

We offer the following option: - What are you like... - She looked carefully...

Question No. 236851
Hello. I really hope for an answer.
It seems worth finding out (,) what's what.
Do you really not understand (,) what’s what (,) or are you just pretending?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Correctly: Seems like it's worth finding out what's what. Do you really not understand what's going on, or are you just pretending?

Question No. 225001
Is it written correctly? You hear a dog barking, and you understand: “The guest has arrived.”

Russian help desk response

Quotes and capital letters are not required.
Question No. 222691
What rule can be applied when writing the words you understand (b), know (b), can (b), etc. to determine whether you need soft sign?

Russian help desk response

At the endings of verbs, after hissing ones, a soft sign is always written: _you understand, you know, you can_.
Question No. 222013
Please tell me if the punctuation marks are correct: “old punk rock, a kind of pantry of the moon, raking it, you understand a lot and learn a lot.” In particular, I’m wondering if a comma is needed after “which” Thank you

Russian help desk response

The comma after _which_ is not required.

Flirting by girls is sometimes difficult to distinguish from hints of sex. Their behavior can be ambiguous. Everyone knows the truth: “Listen to what a woman says and do the opposite.” Correctly reading women's signals can sometimes be difficult. The purpose of such manipulations is to achieve what you want and take control of the man. After all, when thinking about sex, a man loses his vigilance and common sense, and girls take advantage of this. We will tell you how to understand that a girl really wants sex.

Signals are false and meaningless

Guys are often mistaken when they think that sexy appearance girls means that she wants intimacy. It would be foolish to think that she dressed so openly by chance, grabbing the first thing that was at hand. Girls always think through their image. It may well turn out that by wearing tight-fitting clothes, exposing her shoulders, chest, legs, she is expressing herself in this way, emphasizing her relaxedness. Or maybe she challenges conventions and stereotypes, or she just likes to catch the gaze of men. This does not at all mean that she is available and ready to go to bed with you.

Talking about breaking up with a previous boyfriend is also a false signal. She is either a stupid simpleton, and therefore does not understand that such a topic is unpleasant for most men, or she is openly teasing you.

If a girl holds her gaze on you for a long time and smiles, it means that you are interested in her, and she wants to show you her affection. She evaluates you and thinks about whether you are suitable for her or not, whether it is worth continuing your communication. No more.

The common belief that playing with jewelry, hair, and eyebrows is a hint of “this” is also a misconception. Perhaps she is a little shy and nervous and does this unconsciously in order to calm down and relieve nervous tension.

If a girl gets excited and blushes, this can happen not only because she likes you very much, with all the ensuing consequences, but also due to her physiological or psycho-emotional characteristics: her face often turns red from excitement, especially when she talks to young people.

True signals meaning green light

Signs that a girl wants you:

  1. She always looks good during your meetings. She carefully monitors her hair, makeup, and manicure. You didn't have to take her by surprise.
  2. Invasion of your personal space. If a girl comes close, sits next to you, leans towards you for no apparent reason, it means that you are attractive to her as a sexual object. If she doesn't like your appearance, she won't be in close contact with you.
  3. The girl is the first to start communication. It is unlikely that she will initiate verbal contact if she does not want the relationship to develop.
  4. An important point is the manner of communication. During the conversation, the girl shows tact and demonstrates her respectful attitude towards you. Listens carefully when you speak, values ​​your opinion, and does not use obscene language.
  5. A sure sign of interest, when a girl wants to continue getting to know a guy in bed, are certain phrases, questions and topics for communication. For example, she casually says, “Your girlfriend should like this.” Of course, she doesn't actually care about your crush, she just wants to know if you have one. Or if during a short conversation a girl says several times that she doesn’t have a boyfriend, or asks where and with whom you live, what do you think this is for?

She communicates with you in the form of a confidential conversation, opening the door to the world of her experiences and emotions. Talking about her problems, the girl is looking for advice, without trying to shift their solution onto your shoulders. She needs you and is ready to develop a relationship.

Your chosen one brings up the topic of sex. He asks when was the last time he visited you. She says that she hasn’t had an intimate relationship for a long time and that she wouldn’t mind coming to visit you at home. Girls will never discuss this with someone they don’t see as a sexual partner.

  1. Gestures. Try to “look through the mirror” with her, unobtrusively and naturally repeat her movements and look at her reaction. If everything is in order and she likes you, such behavior will not cause her rejection - the two of you are on the same wavelength and that’s good. If she pulls away, don't force things, wait.

The girl herself may unconsciously begin to “mirror” the man. Just watch her carefully and it will become clear to you how to find out if a girl wants you. Here there is no need to delve too deeply into either her behavioral reactions or female psychology.

  1. Girls love to wear some items from their sexual partners' wardrobe. If she is happy to wrap herself in your sweater, she definitely does not dislike you and is ready for tactile and physical contact, which can be a preliminary stage of sex.
  2. Physical contact. She seems to accidentally touch your arm, shoulder, pat you on the back, knee. A girl will never do that if she doesn't like you.

By the way, it’s much easier to “count” the signs by which you can understand that a liberated girl wants you, because she’s all there in the palm of your hand. Hints from beauties without complexes are always more frank. After a short acquaintance, she sits on your lap, imitates movements or poses known to you, strokes herself in the chest or intimate area, kisses herself, breathes rapidly after hugs and touches - this is a clear invitation to sex.

  1. Take a closer look at her pose. In your presence, she crosses her legs, paying attention to her graceful knees. She holds her back too straight, probably not only to demonstrate her posture, but also to let you see her beautiful breasts. Rising up at the table, slowly and gracefully, like a cat, she reaches for the fruit. Here you don’t have to be a genius to understand whether a girl wants you, and you should act in such a situation as quickly as possible. After all, ladies' moods are very changeable. Don't miss the right moment!

You can find out that a girl wants you using both hidden and more obvious signals. Among the latter, for example, is her proposal to retire to some cozy and secluded place. Some girls openly disdain the opinions of others and established stereotypes in society, which claim that what is normal for men is taboo for women. Social boundaries are not important to them; usually these girls do not accept restrictions at all and therefore can easily be the first to offer sex. This behavior of women is one of men’s favorite fantasies. And, if this happens in life, the stronger sex, unfortunately, is not always ready to respond to a direct call.

What to do if a girl wants you? It is unlikely that such a question will arise in your head. After all, the answer is obvious. However, before you have sexual intercourse, you must think about your safety and possible undesirable consequences. Choose a method of birth control that is convenient for both of you. Also, if your companion is too young, do not forget to ask her age: sex with minors is criminally punishable.

Test: Does a woman want intimacy with you?

You can find out whether a woman wants you with the help of a test, the results of which can be wisely taken into account as a guide to further actions.

  1. Does she prepare for your meetings and always look great?
  • not always;
  1. Does a girl often look into your eyes?
  • Sometimes;
  • never.
  1. How often does she initiate your communication and meetings?
  • often;
  • Sometimes;
  • never.
  1. Does she listen to you carefully?
  • Sometimes;
  1. Is your opinion authoritative for her?
  • Sometimes;
  1. Does she compliment you?
  • Sometimes;
  1. Does she like to touch you?
  • Sometimes;
  1. Does she wear your clothes?
  • Sometimes;
  1. Does she give you pleasant surprises or show signs of attention?
  • Sometimes;
  1. Does she touch her lips, hair, earlobes, stroke her arms, legs, other parts of her body?
  • Sometimes;
  1. In your presence she almost always good mood, she smiles and laughs?
  • Sometimes;

If, when answering questions, you predominantly chose the answer “Yes,” it means that there is a trusting relationship between you. You both like each other and desire intimacy. You understand without words that the woman reciprocates your feelings and wants the relationship to develop. This is evidenced by the signals it sends. So far, the lady does not dare to express her desire more openly. Perhaps this is due to her upbringing, system of views and principles, moral principles. She is probably waiting for more active actions on your part. Don’t hesitate and don’t force her to continue the game of half-looks and half-hints, otherwise you may miss your chance.

If in most cases you settled on the second answer, your relationship is not ideal and you have something to work on. The girl does not give you due attention and respect, this may be your fault. Perhaps you yourself sometimes show coldness and indifference. You need to have a heart-to-heart talk, find out what is preventing you from establishing closer contact. Without this, your intimacy is impossible.

If your choice is answer number three, the girl is not attracted to you, she is not interested in you. Don't take it to heart and don't waste your time, find yourself a new passion.

It is known that under the influence of alcohol, girls become more relaxed and talkative. Of course, you shouldn’t drink your passion, it’s undignified. But, if she behaves too ambiguously towards you - sometimes approaching, sometimes moving away, then a glass of champagne can play into your hands and help you assess the situation. This way you will be able to find out how she feels about you and how you should proceed.

Finding out that a woman wants you is not as difficult as it might seem. This does not require either great intelligence or sophisticated observation. If you notice one or two signs, don’t delude yourself. This means absolutely nothing. If it’s more, you’ve been given the green light.

Understanding (from Wikipedia) is a psychological state, correct perception or interpretation of an event, phenomenon, fact, accepted in a certain circle. Correct perception or interpretation...

When one person says to another, “I understand you,” how do you know that understanding is truly present? Does he really understand or just agree with what he hears? How can I be sure that his perception is correct?

In general, is understanding possible? Isn't understanding an illusion when what is desired is presented as reality?

Let's look at the barriers to understanding that, in my opinion, are the main ones.

  • Different interpretation based on personal experience;
  • Recognizing your interpretations as most accurately reflecting reality;
  • Personal attitude to information;
  • A certain unchangeable conclusion about a person.

1. Different interpretation based on personal experience.

To understand a person, to understand his words or actions, we usually rely on our own experience. When we claim to understand another, we are likely to assume that our experience resembles the experience of the person we claim to understand. But these assumptions of ours can lead to serious errors and cause problems in mutual understanding if the experiences differ.

By conveying any thoughts to our interlocutor, we hope for understanding. Let's see what our interlocutor is doing.

Having received your thoughts, he begins to compare them with his experience. For example, if you say that sugar is very sweet, the interlocutor will remember his feelings, which he also named “sweet” and will agree with you.

Suppose you have the experience of an orange tasting sour. And whenever you talk about oranges, you will mean that they are sour. If you say that all oranges are sour, but your interlocutor has the experience of tasting an orange not only sour, but also sweet, then he will not agree with you. And each of you will prove your point, because your experiences were different. Moreover, you will both be right, but each for himself.

When sharing different experiences, it is very difficult to achieve understanding. But the taste of orange is not the case when a conflict can flare up (although in life it happens that even because of such a trifle people stop communicating with each other).

If a woman, for example, has experience communicating with men who have always deceived, in all conversations about men she will hear only the same thing - the man is deceiving. Even if a friend talks about her friend as a wonderful person, the woman will assume that this wonderful man is deceiving his friend. All phrases about a man will be perceived with suspicion and with a search for confirmation of his deception.

Another example. Taking offense at her husband, the wife becomes silent and withdraws into herself, demonstrating dissatisfaction. When faced with a similar condition in her husband, based on her experience, the wife may decide that he was offended by something against her. It wouldn’t even occur to her that a man could remain silent because he’s simply upset about something, or doesn’t want to upset his loved ones with something, something that doesn’t concern them personally and will sort itself out on its own, and the wife has absolutely nothing to do with it .

Or a wife may be offended by her husband because when she feels bad, the husband, instead of supporting her, withdraws. But a man has his own experience - when he feels bad, it’s easier for him when no one touches him or tries to support him. And he acts from his experience - he withdraws, gives his wife time alone to come to her senses.

In the examples mentioned, experience is limited, has only one side, one option of behavior. But it happens that a person has no specific experience at all for some action or experience, and then words can turn out to be an empty phrase, a slogan.

How often do we hear the following words: “accept”, “let go”, “love yourself”, “love the world”, etc. But how can you accept, let go, love if you don't understand, if you don't have that experience? Words simply remain words, slogans remain slogans. This sounds especially funny coming from a person who himself does not understand how to do this, that is, he also has no experience.

A person does not understand how to “let go” of this, what to do, what to feel, how to behave? “I let him go because I don’t hold him, and he does what he wants,” the woman will say. To which a friend may object: “No, you’re holding it!” If a friend cannot explain what her concept of “you are holding him” means, then understanding is unlikely to be achieved. And the word “let go” will remain an empty slogan. And it will also cause irritation.

It may be that the same word will mean completely different things to different people, because different life experiences are associated with this word. Or the same experiments, but named with different words. Or a word may mean nothing at all if a person has nothing associated with this word. How can we achieve mutual understanding in this case? You can talk about the same thing, but not understand each other at all.

I sometimes do this exercise in class. I ask all group members to focus on one selected word-concept and for three minutes imagine this word in pictures. Then the group shares their ideas. Imagine the surprise when people begin to share their ideas. Sometimes such ideas are radically opposite.

Focus on the word "generosity." Close your eyes and occasionally say it to yourself. Imagine this word in pictures. Ask your friend to do the same, and compare your idea with that of your friend.

With the word “magnanimity,” someone may have a picture of a gentleman giving a fur coat from his shoulder. In this interpretation, a person will perceive the word “generosity” as something negative, degrading the dignity of others. Another will see in this word a kind gray-haired old man, giving everyone his smile and love. The third is something else.

“Generosity” is an example, you can choose any other word and compare the ideas.

People can use the same words but have completely different experiences.

For one, a certain word may be very offensive, while another may not attach any meaning to it, because he has not had such experience when this word caused offense in him.

There are many examples that can be given, I think that you have already remembered none. So one of the main obstacles to understanding will be different interpretations of words, actions, concepts, experiences, and signals.

2. Recognizing your interpretations as most accurately reflecting reality.

Just because you listen doesn't mean you hear everything.

Pay attention to how you behave if something that is said to you does not agree with your ideas, with your beliefs, with your faith, with your view, with your opinion. We begin to block our attention and push away information that we do not like.

It turns out that our ability to hear is limited by our opinions, beliefs and beliefs. This means that we are ready to hear only what we already know, which corresponds to what we consider correct.

And how can understanding then arise if some information that comes to us contradicts our attitudes, and we begin to block our attention? We begin to defend our idea, sincerely considering it true, without trying to verify or clarify it.

If we return again to our example with the orange, then in the dialogue about it you can see how one person, who has experienced the orange as sour, will prove that all oranges are sour. And he will not react to the assurances of the second that oranges can be sweet, ignoring his experience.

All of us: “You don’t understand me!” come from here - we each try to impose our own, sincerely considering this to be the only true one, ignoring the opinion of the interlocutor. And the interlocutor is doing the same thing.

The following example can be given. A girl, having met a young man for a year or two (the length of time is not important) and faced with a situation of misunderstanding each other, declares: “I only now realized what you are like!” But is this really so? Was she really just now realizing this? She simply believed that her young man corresponded to her image, but the reality turned out to be different. And to the question: “Why did you break up?”, the girl will most likely answer: “He is not who he said he was!”

Unfortunately, it is impossible to understand a person while our beliefs and attitudes allow only the information that corresponds to them to pass through. In reality, it turns out that we don’t see anything else, and we don’t want to see anything else.

There is no understanding, and there cannot be, as long as we draw in our heads the image of those who are next to us and communicate with this image, and not with a person at all.

And if suddenly a person ceases to correspond to the image, we cannot understand what happened, why he suddenly changed dramatically. And we often don’t have the desire to understand; we are immediately given a “bad” rating.

How many families collapse because initially no one tried to get to know and understand the person next to them - what he likes, what he wants, what he is interested in, whether he accepts our way of life or whether he has a completely different view of the family, different expectations from the family . We sincerely believe that the person close to us fully shares our values, and we are outraged if this turns out not to be the case.

What is also surprising is that we have a fear of understanding another precisely because, having understood, we may be disappointed in him without having time to enjoy our illusions. We, like blind kittens, poke into a warm sweater, imagining that this is our mother. Yes, how much suffering could have been avoided! After all, if we communicate not with a person, but with our idea of ​​him, and most importantly, the more interested we are in this person, the higher the likelihood of our understanding errors.

Think about how ready you are to accept new thoughts? What do you do with what doesn't fit with your structure? Are you trying to understand those people who do not share your point of view? Just be honest, at least don’t deceive yourself.

3. Personal attitude to information.

Personal attitude is when personal interests, needs and emotions influence our perception. We begin to hear only what we want to hear and miss important messages that are sent to us from other people.

If we are very pleased to hear something, some words evoke pleasure in us, then we focus our attention on these words and besides them we no longer hear anything. Focusing, for example, on words of love, we may not catch the message with which they are presented to us.

If something is unpleasant for us, causes pain, resentment, or our needs are not met, then our conditioned reactions come to the fore, and we immediately focus on our feelings, on our thoughts, and not on the words of our interlocutor.

“Well, you’re being stupid now...” our interlocutor throws out. That's it, the channel for receiving information is closed. All thoughts revolve around the concept of “they called me stupid.” “I should look at myself”, “I’m stupid myself”, “how dare he offend me” - and everything in the same spirit. How can we understand something new if we always react in the old way?

Without trying to understand something, we begin to make assessments “this is bad”, “this is good” in relation to us personally. There is no neutral perception of information as information worthy of understanding or rethinking. If it’s good for me personally (again, we take information from personal experience), that means it's good. If it’s bad for me personally, then it’s generally bad. Well, what is the understanding here? “You did me bad and I absolutely don’t want to understand what caused your action. You did me bad!” or “I feel so good with you. And why do I need to understand anything, why I feel good that you are doing this, that I feel good. I’d rather enjoy all this.”

4. A certain unchangeable conclusion about a person.

Have you ever noticed that we not only listen to what a person says, but also make certain conclusions about how the person is characterized by what he is talking about?

In the process of communication, we begin to evaluate the person and the possibility of understanding disappears. “Why should I understand him? He is like this, like this and like that. I don’t want to understand this,” or “Yes, everything is clear with him, what’s there to understand,” etc.

And this interferes with understanding, and this interferes... But in general, is it possible, real understanding?

Theoretically, yes, but practically...

Real understanding is only possible when you simply listen. When you stop evaluating, you stop agreeing or disagreeing. Only then can something new enter into you.

It is often said that in order to understand another, you need to take his position. This is difficult to do if, taking his position, you understand from your experience, from your reality, from your personal attitude to information and from a certain conclusion about a person. In this case, understanding will not happen. It is necessary not only to stop listening to yourself, to your experience, but to enter into the person’s experiences, feel the way he feels, hear his thoughts that create his experience. It is clear that this is not easy, and also energy-consuming. “There are a lot of things to do, and then you have to spend your time, your energy trying to understand something”...

Taking the position of your interlocutor is a way, but not a goal. Therefore, you will never have the time and energy to understand another if you do not have a goal. And when you don't have a purpose for interaction, then you won't be able to understand anything new. So what is your purpose for interaction?

If you communicate with someone and say, “Yes, I understand,” you are simply confirming what you already agree with. You haven't learned anything new. You only confirmed what you already knew. And at the same time you will say that this is very good man, and you understood a lot from the conversation with him. But was there any understanding? Was there any desire to understand anything at all?

If something is incomprehensible to us, unfamiliar, if what the interlocutor says does not agree with our knowledge, then we do not strive to understand, but immediately begin to defend our knowledge. The person turns out to be uninterested in learning anything new. He is only interested in confirming what he already knows.

So the world is divided into “good” and “bad”. The good ones are those who share our knowledge, our ideas, our beliefs, our points of view. And the bad ones are those who do not share them.

So what are we looking for? Understanding or agreement?

What is the purpose of your interaction?

Anton,” I called him. I'm tired of silence.

I’m sorry that I’m really in love with you,” he said in a whisper, as if he couldn’t raise his voice - he didn’t have enough strength. - I wrote this to you - what you just read. I want to prove that I love you, but I don’t know how to do it.

“No way,” I answered, and in order to move the conversation to another topic, I pulled out the ring I found.

“I found it near the pizzeria,” I said quietly and handed it to him. - That is yours.

The young man turned his head towards me and, holding out his hand, took the ring with two fingers.

How did you find him? - he asked hoarsely.

Well,” I admitted embarrassedly, “I was there, in the pizzeria, when you were waiting for me.” And she picked it up before you and Alina left.

How's that? It still got to you. You know, you and I seem to be connected by something. - He brought the jewelry to his lips and lightly touched the ring with them.

In terms of? - I did not understand.

I bought it for you, and the second - what was on the paper with the verse - for myself.

For what? - I asked a stupid question.

“They are engaged,” he smiled through force. - I wanted you to become my bride.

What? - I was stunned. - The bride? Yes, I haven’t forgiven you and I don’t know when I can forgive you! Which bride? You, the groom, are unfinished... - I couldn’t finish the sentence. Anton, quickly rising on his knees, unexpectedly for me, sitting on the swing, pulled me towards him. He hugged me and touched my lips with his lips, silencing me.

It started snowing in the desert.

He didn’t do anything, he just froze, not moving, making me hear either his or my heartbeat. I felt his warm, motionless lips and was afraid to breathe. He was also afraid to breathe.

I like his hair.

You advised me to run away?

I still like them.

I couldn't help myself and carefully ran my fingers through his silver-platinum hair and squeezed it lightly. Kay seemed to wake up, whispering “Can I?” and after waiting for my weak nod, he kissed me for real.

Mother! The butterflies have arrived! Who called the necromancer??

They just came to life.

“Sorry,” the guy whispered again, pulling away for a moment.

It turned out that the butterflies did not die, but simply hid somewhere! And now they, large, bright and very beautiful, suddenly fluttered out from somewhere and, silently having fun, began to fly over our heads, touching our hair with their wings. No, honestly, it was not the wind, but butterflies!

Kay pressed me to him with one hand, and with the other stroked my hair and face, and I felt like a happy big moth that had reached the light, but managed to find myself a special fireproof suit that prevented the light from burning me.

Well, who came up with this love, feelings, butterflies, Anton, in the end? Why do I melt with him like a chocolate bar squeezed between hot fingers?

Who-who! Horse in a coat! And a woman with a pistol... That's enough with him... okay, okay, just don't shout, I'll probably have a little of that too... I'll enjoy it. But it's still wrong! And don't hug him! And don't touch his hair, stupid! What difference does it make to me what you've been wanting for a long time? Well, you bastard, why are you doing it so well - kissing?

Our kiss probably lasted a long time, a very long time, because the sun rose very high, my lips even managed to get a little tired, and his breath was abnormally hot, and his hugs were more frank. And in general, Anton’s eyelashes trembled, like a girl’s, when he kissed me. Is this even normal?

But still, I managed to move away from the guy first. And I'm still proud of it. And butterflies too! By the way, they were probably the ones who pulled me away from Caton by the ears.

I found something to be proud of.

Katya,” to my horror, Anton knelt down in front of me and took my palms in his hands, kissed them and said nervously but stubbornly, “I love you and I want us to have a real relationship.” Baby, I want you to put on this ring and fly away with me.

What? Where? - I still couldn’t come to my senses after the kiss. What have I done? What about my pride?

In one ominous dark place...

You know that "On the Edge" is flying away. The last concert awaits us in Moscow. Then recording a new album in Germany. Then - tours. Sun - yes, I admit, it sounds sweet, but you don’t allow me to call you baby - in short, come with me? I will never leave you, and I have enough money for all your whims. Just be with me always. I will sing for you alone,” his voice dropped to a seductive whisper.

I looked dumbfounded grey eyes guy. He is joking? I? Leave? From your hometown? Leaving your family behind? Without even graduating from university? No way in life!!

Besides... What if he still leaves me? Words are one thing, but actions are completely different. If he leaves me, I won’t survive it, honestly, I won’t survive it. He left Alina, which means... he can leave me too. Or not?

No! He loves you... me!

Katya, think well,” the musician said dryly and as if indifferently. He seemed to be scared. In case I refuse.

You won't refuse.

Kate, i love you. I want you to be mine.


Sorry, Kay,” I freed myself from his hands and stood up from the bench, which creaked pitifully. - I won't go with you.

How can you not go?? Even those damn zombies with wings are back!

Why? - He froze in place. It seems Anton was expecting a different answer. - You do not love me?

It’s stupid to deny - I love you,” I answered honestly. “I already realized that I’m going crazy without you, psychopath.” You are not like everyone else, and that’s why I subconsciously liked you. But I can't completely trust you, Kay. Maybe it's psychological, or maybe I have such a bad character. But I'm not going anywhere. I'll finish my studies here. I'll find a job. I will live. And all this in the city that is familiar to me, Antosha. Sorry. I'm not ready to forgive you completely - at least not now.

Haven't you forgiven me? - Kay looked at me with sick eyes. - But you kissed me back.

Yes, and it was... very pleasant, I have never felt anything like... what I felt with you: you were Kay or my classmate Anton. - I nodded. - I want to be with you, even though you behaved like the last ass. I want a normal relationship

Believe me, me too. - The guy said stubbornly. - I want more. Much more.

Ahh, the guys are all like that - Ninka is right!

I want too. Is it true. You know... I love you. No, even so - I'm crazy about you. But leaving with you is not. No, not now. And get up already,” I extended my hand to him, but instead of getting up, the guy sat me on his lap, although he was sitting on the ground.

Sorry, but I...,” I tried to free myself.

Hush,” Anton interrupted me, hugging me to him again, “I understand, you don’t need to tell me ten times.” Is this your final decision?

Yes,” I think he heard the firmness in my voice.

I’ll be leaving for two years, and I’ll rarely be able to come back,” he carefully kissed my temple, and then my neck. It’s nice, damn it, you can’t say anything!

Well, I want you to have a great music career. Made my wish come true. I will wait for you, Antosha.

If you don’t go, then neither will I,” he suddenly declared.

Are you crazy? - I was scared. - You will go! Otherwise I'll leave you altogether! You'll never see me again. And don't look at me like that!

I wanna be with you. - He stated stubbornly, knitting his eyebrows. In my opinion, Kay had a poor grasp of reality.

Yes it would be nice. “My nails dug into my palm again to prevent tears of regret, mixed with tears of joy and tenderness for this wonderful man, from rolling out of my eyes.

To the wonderful non-human.

You should be with me.

May be. And you, you will go where you need to go. How's your group?

Don't know.

What about the fans? You made a promise to yourself to be the one who plays special music, be a man and fulfill it.

And I will wait for you here. “I said quietly, touching his pale face with my palm. Are you really mine now?

And something inside me either giggled maliciously, or sobbed convulsively, or waved away the cheerful flock of butterflies.

Anton told me for a good half hour that he would not go anywhere without me, and I convinced him of the opposite. For almost an hour we argued that distance is not a hindrance. I convinced and convinced him.

Still would. The fans will tear me apart if Kay, through my fault, doesn’t go where he wants! They will strangle me, stab me, and then boil me!

Anton,” I said gloomily, in the end, “I still remember your deception too well and, although you say that you love me, I won’t be able to forget about it all at once.” I'm speaking for the last time. I won’t go anywhere with you, if only because I don’t trust you. And in these two years you must regain my trust and my respect. Understand? If you can, I will go with you, even to the shore of the Arctic Ocean, or to Easter Island. But now - no.

Kate! - he shouted - Are you kidding me?

“Yes,” I responded contentedly and kissed him on the nose. Now we stood opposite each other, all in the same clearing. - You go where your group is going. Because without you “On the Edge” will really be on the edge.

He suddenly nodded. And looking thoughtfully at the sky, he touched my chin.

You won't get rid of me that easily. - The guy quietly told me.

I know. And by the way, be yourself. The way you feel. I really loved two people: Anton and Kay. I realized late that this was the same person. Or rather, one idiot with principles.

Babe. My stupid baby,” he smiled at me with a truly Keevsky smile and hugged me again. Touching meant a lot to him - I managed to understand this.

Do it right, idiot? And make sure these two years fly by quickly.

This is how I placed the heavy burden of love on his shoulders. And in general, Cayton is stronger than me and his shoulders are wider. Let him carry it.

And I will just love him. As before.

Probably me too.

As soon as Katya thought about this, her wings of her personal butterflies, still glistening in the sun from tears of happiness, caught Anton’s thoughts: “And I will love her. More and more every day. And I won’t give up.”

“I’ll break her, no, I’ll conquer her. No, that’s not right... I’ll achieve it. I’ll prove that I’m sincere. I’d rather break myself,”- and these thoughts remained unread by them: the transparent blue wave of his consciousness hid them within himself.

Anton looked into the brown ones, dark eyes Katrina, feeling how light it became on his shoulders - the heavy burden of lies, omissions and mistrust slowly but surely disappeared, dissolving in the warm invisible radiance emanating from the girl.

They smiled at each other.

A short continuation to follow =)

A couple more notes:

Kalach - ecstasy.

Rave is a big party.

Staff party - battle show of bartenders.

Flaring - (from the English flaire - flying, ring - in a circle) style of bar art, when the bartender uses a whole range of juggling elements in preparing cocktails.

Avas - short for Anatoly Wasserman :)

Long Island is a cocktail based on vodka, rum, tequila and gin with the addition of Triple Sec liqueur, cola and ice.

“My name is Legion...” - in the letter from Mark (chapter 5, vv. 2-9) it is said that when Jesus landed in the country of the Gadarenes, there he met a man who was possessed by demons and an “unclean spirit” . This unfortunate "had a home in coffins and...always, night and day, in the mountains and coffins, he screamed and beat himself on the stones." When they met, the man greeted Jesus, and he spoke to the demon that had possessed him. Jesus said, "Come out, O unclean spirit, from this man." And he asked: “What is your name?” The demon answered: “My name is Legion, because we are many.” After these words, Jesus took the spirits out of the man, allowing them to move into a herd of two thousand pigs, which was thrown from a cliff into the sea.

Ani - big brother in Japanese (again, Nellie's word).

Simatta - damn, damn it in Japanese.

Dramas are Asian (Japanese, South Korean, Taiwanese, etc.) series, usually small: from 8 to 20 episodes.

In bold and very malicious - Katrina's inner voice =)

And I'm still editing...)