How to improve air circulation in an apartment. Forced ventilation in simple words

Apartments in high-rise buildings are connected to a common ventilation system, which ensures the removal of exhaust air masses into environment through exhaust duct.

This type of ventilation system structure is very effective, but only when it comes to buildings new construction. At the same time, over time, its functionality decreases and leads to disruption of the microclimate in the building. Forced ventilation in an apartment is a way out of the current situation and allows not only to create the most comfortable conditions for people’s lives, but also to save them from many problems.

Air flows and types of forced ventilation systems

Most residential apartment buildings are equipped with natural ventilation systems. It consists of several exhaust air ducts connected to a single outlet channel, which runs along the riser. Windows, doors, vents and balconies serve as supply channels, i.e. all objects through which air can freely flow into the apartment.

Such an air exchange system is quite effective and ensures the creation of optimal conditions for people’s lives. However, over time, its functionality gradually decreases, which can lead to disruption of the microclimate in the apartment. The main reason The effectiveness of the system is reduced by insufficient maintenance of communications, which leads to their filling with debris and a decrease in diameter.

Typical scheme for organizing natural exhaust in apartments

The consequences of disturbances in the distribution of air masses in an apartment are varied, ranging from the development of mold to the appearance of various insects. A good ventilation system in the apartment, designed to eliminate excess humidity and normalize air exchange, will help to avoid such developments.

The principle of operation of forced ventilation is based on the use of various mechanisms that enhance the air flow and ensure its cleaning. Today, there are several types of similar systems that allow you to normalize the ratio of humidity and thermal parameters inside the apartment. They look like this:

  • exhaust;
  • supply;

The above models are able to fully satisfy the needs of the room for fresh air and ensure complete removal of waste materials.

Calculation of parameters and their influence on the selection of system components

The choice of one type of system or another is made based on the degree of functionality of the existing ventilation system. In most cases, it is this criterion that plays a fundamental role. However, when calculating the parameters of forced ventilation, it is necessary to take into account other factors that influence the aeration of the apartment:

  1. room area;
  2. level of tightness of windows, doors and balconies;
  3. existing air flows;
  4. location of supply and exhaust openings.

All these criteria must be taken into account when choosing a ventilation system model. However, the air exchange parameters specified in the technical documentation have different values ​​for residential and utility premises, which should not be forgotten.

The bedroom and living room should be provided with 3 cubic meters. fresh air per 1 sq.m. area. In this case, forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is calculated based on the requirements of 25 cubic meters/hour. regardless of the square footage of the premises.

Compliance with the requirements of SNiP makes it possible to create optimal conditions in the apartment and completely normalize the microclimate. In addition, based on the speed of movement of air masses and their volume, the main parameters of the system are selected, such as the cross-section of air ducts, the power and number of fans, as well as the feasibility of installing additional equipment.

Forced exhaust ventilation and its features

Installing a forced exhaust ventilation system is advisable in the case when the supply air enters in normal mode, but the exhaust mass is not removed in full. As a rule, the reason for this is clogged ventilation ducts that are unable to fully perform their functions. As a result of poor circulation, air masses stagnate, warm air accumulates under the ceiling and contributes to the appearance of dampness. Moreover, due to excess pressure inside the apartment Fresh air is forced back out into the street through the supply channels or does not enter at all.

To stabilize circulation and normalize the microclimate, the principle of forced exhaust ventilation is used. It is based on the use of several fans, which are installed at the entrance inside the exhaust ducts, providing the necessary draft. As a rule, they are installed on existing ventilation holes located in the kitchen or bathroom and connected to a common duct.

Exhaust fan with check valve

In the case when the main exhaust air duct is completely clogged and does not function, holes are created directly in the walls and are led both into the entrance and to the street. This arrangement of additional channels allows for normal distribution of air flows and an optimal microclimate inside the apartment. The power of fans and their number are selected based on the existing conditions inside the room and the design parameters obtained initially.

Supply and supply and exhaust ventilation models

Installation of supply ventilation is advisable in diametrically opposite conditions, when the access of oxygen is limited, but the hood is fully functioning. This situation is also not uncommon and occurs quite often. This is due to new metal-plastic windows and doors, which ensure 100% sealing of the room. As a result, cold air cannot fully enter the apartment, which is extremely important from the point of view of energy efficiency, but is absolutely not advisable in relation to ventilation.

To increase the circulation of air masses, supply fans are used, the installation of which requires the creation of special through holes that go directly to the street. They are equipped with a special supply valve or fan, which increases the speed and volume of incoming air, and on the other side, special blinds are installed that allow these parameters to be adjusted.

A supply and exhaust forced ventilation system in an apartment is installed when there is a general disturbance in the distribution of air flows. Sometimes it is used to improve the functionality of an existing system that is not performing its duties. However, in most cases, this model involves the creation of new channels intended for the installation of mechanical equipment, and the complete blocking of old inactive holes.

Additional components and their purpose

An apartment's forced ventilation system may include some additional components in addition to the necessary fans and air ducts. Their inclusion in the overall scheme makes it possible to improve air quality and provide the most comfortable living conditions. Their list is as follows:

  • Ventilation grilles that protect the ducts from the penetration of rodents or the accumulation of dust. As a rule, they are installed on the outside of air ducts and also perform a decorative function.
  • Valves or louvers provide regulation of the speed and volume of supply air, and, if necessary, can completely block them.
  • Air heaters organize heating of supply air in winter.
  • Sound absorbers eliminate all extraneous noise that comes from the street or appears due to the operation of fans and other mechanisms.
  • Aerofilters prevent any small debris, dust and plant pollen from entering the apartment.
  • A control unit that controls the functioning of the entire system, turning on or off certain parts of it. It operates fully automatically based on specified parameters and requires a constant supply of electric current.

The installation of all these devices does not at all affect the functionality of the ventilation system in the apartment, providing additional comfort for its residents. Their installation is carried out solely as a modernization and only helps to improve air quality, but does not in any way affect its mobility.


Using a forced ventilation model is advisable when natural system does not cope with the functions assigned to it. Poor air exchange in the apartment may be caused by blockage of the exhaust duct or high tightness of windows and doors. The choice of the type of forced ventilation is made based on the available parameters and in accordance with the requirements of technical documents. At the same time, the installation of such systems makes it possible to optimize the distribution of flows and completely eliminate all negative factors associated with air stagnation.

There must be constant ventilation in the house or apartment. If there is no air exchange, then harmful gases will quickly accumulate. The composition of the air can even become dangerous to health and life. The biggest threat is formaldehyde, which is released from plywood. But also gases that are formed during combustion, vital activity, or released from various substances For example, toxic styrene is released from polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene) during its decomposition.

Air exchange in the apartment and in the house is also required to be ensured by standards. For example, SP 55.13330.2011 requires air exchange in an apartment to be at least 3 cubic meters. per hour per square meter of area (if 1 person has less than 20 square meters of area). Therefore, in a room of 20 square meters. At least 60 cubic meters should be supplied per hour. air.

Read more about the air exchange standards in private houses and apartments below.

How is ventilation organized in existing houses and apartments?
What needs to be done to ensure satisfactory ventilation of residential premises?

How is ventilation done in old apartments?

Old apartment buildings and each apartment in them was equipped with natural exhaust ventilation. The exhaust is carried out through ventilation ducts, the exits of which were made into the kitchen, bathroom, pantry, and sometimes into other rooms. The ventilation duct itself rose through a separate tunnel to the ridge of the roof.

But special means There was no provision for fresh air. Fresh air is supplied through leaks in frames and doors. Then, from each room with windows and doors, air moves through loose interior doors into rooms with ventilation ducts.

With such a ventilation device, it is not possible to ensure standard air exchange. The holes and slits through which the inflow occurs are not adjustable and can be of any size.

Although the ventilation duct is standardized by design, it does not provide a fixed draft - it completely depends on the difference in temperature indoors and outdoors and on the wind. Moreover, in winter the natural draft is maximum, and in summer it disappears completely. The wind can either increase or decrease draft.

As a result, air stagnation in the premises may occur, the accumulation of harmful gases, odors, and a significant increase in humidity.
Or vice versa, there may be increased air exchange and excessive heat removal from the room along with the air, dryness, coolness in the room.

Due to improperly functioning ventilation, heat loss along with air from an insulated house in winter can reach 50-60%. This is quite a significant amount of money literally thrown away.

The situation in single-family houses

Many private houses were not equipped with exhaust ducts at all, i.e. ventilation devices were not provided. Exhaust was carried out through a stove and chimney. Air could only enter through leaks in frames and doors or through the opening of vents and sashes.

A separate case is wooden houses, of which there are quite a lot in Russia. Previously, they were all built without any ventilation systems. Unregulated air exchange occurred in them due to the high air permeability of the walls themselves. At the same time, ventilation was often unnecessary; such a house often had to be insulated, by sealing (caulking) the cracks between the logs. Nowadays, in the construction of wooden houses, the emphasis is on more dense joining of logs; for example, spiked beams are used. In modern wooden houses With low air permeability of the walls, ventilation means are necessary as in any other houses.

When constructing and reconstructing houses with ventilation ducts for natural ventilation, it is necessary to provide supply devices that would ensure a constant flow of fresh air into all rooms, as well as ensure the flow of air between rooms through interior doors if the exhaust vent of the duct is not located in every room.

How to determine whether air exchange is normal

Without an automation and control system for forced ventilation, it is not possible to know the volume of replaced air in the premises.

But it is possible to indirectly determine how ventilation works. And not only by the subjective sensations of air freshness, but by the humidity inside the room.
In a room where people are, the humidity will always increase. In addition, moisture can enter the house from the ground due to construction disturbances.

Comfortable recommended indoor humidity is 50% - 60%.
If ventilation is insufficient in a house or apartment, the humidity will be increased - 60 - 70%.
If the air exchange is excessive and heat is excessively consumed with the air, the humidity will be reduced - 30 - 45%.

There are household humidity meters in the form of a small electronic device.
Use such a device and, based on humidity indicators, regulate the ventilation in your house or apartment yourself by turning on exhaust fans or opening supply valves, or opening windows and adjusting the grilles on the ventilation ducts.

A simple ventilation scheme with an exhaust duct and supply valves in each room on the windows.

But you can install automated ventilation means - breathers, automated valves, fans. These devices can be configured in such a way as to automatically maintain optimal ventilation mode and at the same time save heat in the best possible way.

What are the regulatory requirements for ventilation systems?

There are regulatory requirements for ventilation of private houses and apartments.
According to SP 55.13330.2011 “Single-apartment residential buildings”, the following must be ensured in private houses.

According to SP 54.13330.2011 “Residential multi-apartment buildings” for apartments in apartment buildings provided.

The requirements must be met at +5 degrees C outdoors and +18 degrees indoors and in calm weather.

Also, on its way to the ventilation duct, fresh air should flow through no more than two interior doors. Transfer holes in interior doors- at least 200 sq. cm in a room with an inlet and at least 800 sq. cm. in the room with ventilation duct.

To fulfill these requirements, in a private house, as a rule, air supply units must be installed in each room, as well as a ventilation duct outlet on each floor. The attic of a house cannot be effectively ventilated with such a short ventilation duct; forced exhaust(pressure).
Other measures must also be taken to ensure the ventilation scheme in the house. – read further

The exhaust vents in the apartment are located in rooms with high humidity and dirty air. Usually this is the bathroom and kitchen. Remember the ventilation grilles over the sink or stove? These are the exhaust holes.

Take a strip of newspaper paper and bring it to the ventilation grille at a distance of 1-2 cm. If the newspaper sticks to the grille, it means it’s working natural ventilation. If the newspaper remains motionless or deviates slightly, then it is worth installing household exhaust fans in the apartment. Otherwise, unpleasant odors and dampness will linger in the rooms.

Wall mounted fans are commonly used as bathroom exhaust fans. They are easy to install: you just need to remove the grille and replace it with a fan of a suitable diameter. It will push air through the channel and ensure uninterrupted operation of exhaust ventilation.

When choosing forced ventilation for a bathroom, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  • The fan capacity should be 90-120 m3/h. You can read more about air exchange standards in an apartment.
  • The fan must be waterproof. It's damp in the bathroom - an electrical appliance with poor insulation can become a serious problem.
  • Often the fan is connected to the light in the bathroom: when the light turns on, it turns on, and vice versa. This is not enough for normal air exchange. It is better to buy forced ventilation with a timer - it is more expensive, but it does the job.
  • It would be a good bonus check valve. It will prevent air from the exhaust duct from getting back into the apartment. And this is possible, for example, if your neighbor also installed an exhaust fan, but it is much more powerful than yours. In this case, its fan will simply push air through the hood anywhere, including into your apartment.

You can also install a wall-mounted exhaust fan in the kitchen. But still, more often than not, a special kitchen hood-umbrella is hung above the stove.

This hood is much more complex than a conventional fan. It has so many functions and features that it would be enough for a separate article. Here we note only the most important points:

  • The kitchen hood should constantly work in the background and switch to a more intense mode during cooking. If you turn it on only during cooking, then the rest of the time the hood will stick out like a plug in the ventilation duct.
  • The background capacity of the kitchen hood should be 60 m3/h if the kitchen has an electric stove, and 90 m3/h if it is gas.
  • The maximum extraction capacity according to the standards should be 180 m3/h. A weaker hood may not cope with the smell of burnt cutlets.

There are no particular difficulties in installing a kitchen hood, but it is still an expensive device (the price of forced ventilation for a kitchen is about 5,000 - 15,000 rubles), so it is better not to experiment with its installation. Specialist installers will do everything better. They will also provide a guarantee.

Let us summarize the information about forced exhaust ventilation:

Problem: the hood doesn't work, the bathroom is damp and smells, the kitchen is also damp and smells.
Optimal solution: a domestic exhaust fan for the bathroom and an umbrella hood for the kitchen.

The primary task of the air supply, like any other ventilation system, is to provide the room with a constant flow of fresh air. In this case, the role of exhaust air removal is performed by exhaust fans already installed in each apartment. At the same time, you can choose what atmosphere to create in your home and what level of comfort you require. Ideally, supply ventilation helps create proper air exchange in the apartment, which looks like this:

Compact air handling units for apartments are divided into three types: valves, mechanical ventilators and breathers. Valves, in turn, are divided into wall and window valves. In fact, all the valves are the very same cracks that were included in the building codes back in Soviet times, but they have already been designed and made more accurately.

The air flow coming from the valve is regulated only manually, without remote controls and other bourgeois whims. In addition, the valves do not have filtration systems or it is represented by simple protection against insects. Such devices are not heated, which means the air enters your apartment exactly as it is outside the window, bringing with it an invigorating cold and the same street noise. However, if you live in an ecologically clean area, of which, according to WHO, there are almost no left, with a constant wind from a convenient direction and without any sound sources nearby, then this solution is perfect. The valves work best in winter, when there is a difference in air temperature inside and outside.

Mechanical ventilators represent the next stage in the evolution of ventilation. Depending on the manufacturer, they have different air supply capacities, but the process itself becomes controllable and adjustable, which means you can force fresh air into the room. In addition, mechanical ventilators already have a filtration system, again, which may vary depending on the manufacturer and cost, but basically includes a filter for coarse dust, at best a simple carbon filter. In most cases, such devices also have achievements of technical progress in the form of a completely understandable control panel and remote control.

Today, the most powerful mechanical ventilator on the market includes basic and carbon filters and air heating, which is practically necessary for everyone who does not live in the tropics and knows what winter is.

Breezers are the most popular type of domestic supply ventilation for apartments today. The secret of their success is no longer a secret to anyone - a filtration system that includes air purification according to medical standards, constant and adjustable air flow, smart heating due to the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly ceramic heating element.