How to choose the right pineapple. How to choose a ripe and sweet pineapple for the table. How to choose a pineapple in a store

When choosing a fruit in a store, many enjoy imagining how they will eat it, what its taste and smell will be... But what a disappointment awaits those who bought unripe fruit! Bananas, of course, will ripen without difficulty in the window, but buying an unripe pineapple is a waste of money, because picked pineapples no longer ripen. Therefore, when planning to buy a pineapple, take the time to find out how to external signs choose ripe and tasty fruit so as not to get into trouble. In this article we will look at the main indicators of pineapple ripeness and danger signs that indicate a stale or rotten pineapple.

First, appreciate the smell of pineapple. If the fruit exudes a sweetish aroma, this indicates that it is ripe. An odorless fruit is probably unripe. However, too strong an aroma will indicate that the fruit is rotting or will soon begin to rot. Also, refrain from purchasing pineapples with fermented or artificial flavors. The fruit should smell pleasant, soft and sweet. The second step is to visually determine the ripeness of the pineapple. The fact is that most varieties have a yellowish color when they reach the desired ripeness, so they are easy to distinguish. However, not all green pineapples are unripe; some types do not turn yellow at all. If it is difficult to determine ripeness by color, focus on the fresh appearance of the fruit: it should not be limp, wrinkled, cracked, or, conversely, too small and stubby. Of course, take the time to carefully examine the fruit for signs of rot - you may not notice the formation of mold or softening of the fruit.

Foliage is also a good indicator of ripeness. Maybe even a better indicator than the peel. Ripe pineapple leaves are healthy, green and look fresh. Naturally, yellowing leaves are not the best sign for a pineapple. Such a fruit is unlikely to please you with good taste. Unripe pineapples can be identified by tough and clearly young foliage that cannot be easily plucked off. However, leaves that are easily torn from the top are a sign of hidden rot.

Now pay attention to the shape, weight of the fruit, the structure of the peel and its elasticity. A good pineapple will have a soft, but elastic, springy peel. A peel that is dented and too soft and does not hold its shape is a good reason to leave such a fruit on the counter. The texture of the skin of a healthy fruit should be clearly defined, and the black eyes in the middle of each shield are a good indicator of a ripe pineapple. It is important to pay attention not only to the size, but also to the weight of the pineapple, since these parameters are not directly dependent on each other. By weight it is easy to determine the juiciness of the selected pineapple. Take two fruits of the same size that you like: the heavier one is juicier. Proper storage will help preserve the freshness of the fruit. After peeling the pineapple, do not rush to cut it if you are not going to eat it right away. The larger the pieces, the longer the pineapple can last in the refrigerator. You don’t have to cut it at all or divide it into four parts, then the fruit will last for a week or two. You can give yourself a pleasant surprise for the winter - cut the fruit into more or less large pieces and freeze. This method allows you to preserve the pineapple for six months, and the large size of the pieces will prevent it from losing its aromatic properties.

We all know what a pineapple looks like. The fruit is covered with a thick skin, behind which lies yellow aromatic pulp, and on top there are green hard leaves. When choosing a pineapple, try to take a good look at it. Pay special attention to the following factors:

  • pleasant subtle aroma from the skin. If the fruit is healthy, its smell is barely noticeable. The pungent smell of sweetness indicates that the fruit has most likely already begun to deteriorate;
  • beautiful green tops. There should be no inclusions or signs of rotting on the leaves. Try to tear off one leaf from the entire top; on a ripe pineapple it comes off without much effort. Few people know, but the tops of the fruit rotate around its own axis. Just pick up a pineapple, hold it with one hand, and rotate the tops with the other hand. If it turns well, this indicates the obvious ripeness of the fruit. Don't hesitate to buy it;

Rotate the tops very carefully, without applying force. Otherwise, it may separate from the fetus.

  • elastic crust. Many people mistakenly assume that a ripe pineapple must have a hard skin, but this is not entirely true. The skin is dark in color, smooth, shrinks a little when squeezed, but is springy. If the fruit cannot be squeezed, it is probably not yet ripe. When your fingers sink into the pulp, the pineapple has already begun to rot;
  • pulp. Tap the fruit and evaluate the sound. If the sound is empty, then the pulp is bad. A dull sound, on the contrary, is a sign of ripeness.

When you have assessed the fruit in all respects, weigh it. Do not take small pineapples, remember that normal weight fruit is from 1 to 2 kg. Be sure to pay attention to the price of the fruit. A low price or promotion should alert you; it’s better not to buy such pineapples. If the fruits are of proper quality, no one will sell them for nothing. Do not forget to wash the fruit under running water before eating. Cut the fruit and enjoy its sweet and juicy taste.

How to store pineapple after purchase

If you have a few pieces of aromatic pulp left, put it in the refrigerator. The temperature in it should not be below zero degrees. The most optimal temperature range for storage is considered to be from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius.

At a lower temperature, the pulp instantly loses its taste and becomes soft. At elevated temperature Rotting of the pulp develops faster. Pieces of fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. If you leave a pineapple on the table, it will barely last two days. If more time has passed and you forgot to remove the fruit, throw it in a bucket, because eating such a fruit is unsafe for health and there is a high probability of getting food poisoning.

You only need to store already cut pineapple slices under film or wrap them in paper. Moisture must not be allowed to get into the flesh, otherwise rotting will quickly develop.

You can transfer the pineapple chunks to a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. Line the bottom of the container with paper towels in several layers.

Choose your fruit carefully; never grab the first fruit you come across. Even if you choose an unripe fruit, it’s okay: leave it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, and it will ripen. It is not advisable to eat unripe pineapples; they do not taste as sweet, and they have much less benefits than ripe ones.

Nowadays it is rare to surprise anyone with exotic fruits. You don’t have to go to Asian and Eastern countries to get them. Most fruits are available on supermarket shelves. It is especially popular. The aroma and taste of the fruit are liked the first time; both children and adults eat it with pleasure.

Sunny fruits have a rich composition of nutrients and are suitable for fitness diets, light snacks, and varied menus. Dishes with the addition of fruit become piquant and have aromatic notes. How to choose a pineapple and not make a mistake in choosing? How to store correctly at home? Read the tips in the article and get the most out of the exotic fruit.

Choosing the right pineapple

There are many varieties of tropical plants. Fruits come in different colors, sizes, shapes - there are many varieties. Ripe pineapple has a taste and aroma that cannot be confused with any other.

If you don't know how to determine the ripeness of a pineapple, pay attention to the following characteristics when choosing a fruit.

  1. We choose by aroma. Ripe fruits have a sweet, barely noticeable odor. If the aroma is pronounced, this is a sign of beginning rotting or overripeness. Refuse to purchase, such a product can cause fermentation processes in the intestines, increased flatulence, and nausea.
  2. We choose according to external features. Carefully examine the pineapple for dark spots, scuffs, dents, and other damage. Color may vary. There are varieties in yellow and green shades. If the pineapple is not uniform in color, this indicates that it is not ready to eat. Scales with brown veins are a sign of rotting.
  3. Press down onto the surface. A good fruit will be elastic and dense. The soft one has been stored for a long time, the hard one has not yet ripened to the end.
  4. Remember? Patting. Do the same. If the sound is dull, feel free to take it. It is ripe and of excellent quality.
  5. How to choose the right pineapple based on price. The lower its cost, the more likely it is that the fruit is “not the first freshness.” Do not be led by sellers who claim that they are selling goods at a discount.

Let's consider the points in detail. To enjoy the delicious fruit to your heart's content.

Is it possible to determine ripeness by the rosette of leaves on a pineapple?

What does a good quality pineapple look like based on the condition of the crown of leaves located at the top?

To choose a fruit, when buying, carefully examine the top. Signs of ripeness are not difficult to notice:

  • the upper leaves are thick, dense, bright green in color, juicy when pressed;
  • trying to tear off a leaf is difficult, it fits tightly to the fruit;
  • the tip of the leaf is green or slightly dried (normally up to 1 centimeter).

Discard the choice if the socket “falls off” from the pineapple or is missing. An overripe specimen is noticeable by completely dried leaves and a limp rosette. A green pineapple has the same tuft characteristics as a ripe one. The rosette is elastic and juicy. You can buy it because it ripens easily under properly created storage conditions.

Let's listen to the sounds and estimate the weight

Take a pineapple in your hands. And just tap it with the edge of your palm. If the sounds are ringing, then it will be empty inside. If they are deaf, the flesh is juicy. Press the scales additionally. They must be pliable and elastic at the same time.

Estimate the weight. By appearance a fruit of normal ripeness seems smaller than its actual weight.

How much does a standard size pineapple weigh? Usually no more than two kilograms. The weight may depend on the variety and variety. So, in Asian countries Large-sized fruits predominate; in Latin America, small ones.

Let's smell the tropical guest

Let's just take a deep breath of the aroma. Don't you feel anything? This means that the fruit did not have time to ripen; it was picked green.

When you feel the sweetish characteristic aromas, you can confidently say that the product is ideal.

A sickly sweet smell, pronounced, is evidence of signs of fermentation and overripeness.

Which pineapples should you not buy?

Fruits are picked at the same ripeness. However, they do not always arrive on our shelves in the proper form. Provoking factors are: inappropriate storage periods, changes in temperature regime, long-term transportation, shocks during unloading/loading.

If your goal is to choose a ripe, aromatic pineapple, avoid purchasing a product that has the following characteristics:

  • too convex scales or their absence in several places;
  • cloying smell;
  • leaf lethargy;
  • insufficient elasticity;
  • too loud sounds when tapping the surface.

Many sellers will begin to assure that green exotics are already ready for consumption.

This is wrong. Their taste is different, their juiciness is insufficient. But you can make pineapple ripen at home.

Will green pineapple ripen?

How to ripen pineapple at home is often of interest to consumers. Of course, he will ripen. At the same time, it will be quite sweet, aromatic, juicy.

It is not difficult to achieve this result at home. We share simple techniques.

  1. Place the purchased product for storage in a warm place or at room temperature. Low temperature slows down the ripening process.
  2. When storing, place the fruit so that the rosette of leaves is on top. In this position, the starch contained at the base will be evenly distributed over the entire surface. This will add sweetness to the pineapple without any unpleasant sourness.

If you followed the storage conditions and did everything correctly, then after two or three days you will notice yellowness on the scales. The product is ready for consumption, both raw and for preparing stewed and baked dishes.

To ensure that the pineapple ripens completely, do everything correctly. Remember, green fruits are not suitable for consumption.

How to store pineapple at home

Healthy, tasty tropical fruits can be stored at home for quite a long time. While keeping everything beneficial features.

Proper storage

  • Ripe ones should be stored on the lower shelves of the refrigerator, turning them over periodically.
  • No other products should be stored nearby. They are given a separate cell.
  • To keep the smell aromatic, place it in paper bags with holes for storage.

At room temperature, fruits are stored for no more than 3-4 days.

In a refrigerator

Storage – from two to three weeks. Storage temperature is at least +12 degrees.

Regarding the cut specimen, it is placed on a plate. Then it is covered with plastic wrap and placed on the bottom shelf. Storage is important for no more than two days.

Is it possible to freeze

Of course, you can store the product frozen. We have all seen frozen fruits on supermarket shelves. This can be done as easily as possible at home.

To freeze pineapple you need:

  1. Buy a fully ripe pineapple.
  2. Rinse thoroughly under running water.
  3. Cut off the scales.
  4. Cut the fruit in half, remove the core.
  5. Grind into medium-sized pieces. The cutting shape is arbitrary.
  6. Place on a plate or board. It is important that the pieces do not lie on top of each other.
  7. Place in the freezer.

After 3-4 hours, the pineapple is completely frozen. All that remains is to carefully separate it from the surface and transfer it to plastic bags. Write the date and store in the freezer.

A few more methods for storing pineapple

Pineapple puree is frozen in the same way, filling into ice cube trays. The shelf life of this product is 12 months. This fruit will be an addition to the preparation of creams, sweet sauces, ice cream, cocktails, and confectionery.

Exotic can be preserved by preparing jams, marmalade, preserves from it. The preparation technology is similar. The product is placed in sterilized glass containers and covered with lids. Store in a cool place.

You can store pineapple in dried form. The prepared pieces are laid out on a baking sheet. Dry at an oven temperature of +80 degrees until the juice has completely evaporated (about a day). Completely retain beneficial properties. Sweet dried fruits. Shelf life – one year.

How long can pineapple be stored at home?

Let's summarize. The optimal temperature for storing fruit in the refrigerator is at least +12 degrees. Under these conditions, pineapples remain fresh for up to three weeks.

If you do not have the opportunity to store the fruit in the refrigerator, create optimal humidity conditions (no more than 85%). And remember, the fruit must be consumed within three days.

Now you know how to properly store pineapple at home. This will allow you to fully enjoy its unique taste.

The tropical fruit is available on the shelves of many stores. Juicy pulp is hidden under the thick skin. To avoid disappointment when eating fruit, you need to know how to choose a pineapple. Some tricks and tips will help determine how ripe the fruit is.

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When a pineapple is shipped by sea, it is picked while still green. Its ripening occurs along the way. The suitable time for harvesting fruits is the period April - June, as well as December - January. During these months, pineapples are at their best.

When thinking about how to choose a ripe and sweet pineapple, you should understand the main indicators of product quality. Signs of a ripe fruit include:

  1. Externally, the crust may be yellowish, slightly reddish or brown in color.
  2. Symmetrical shape.
  3. The bottom of the fruit is hard and dry.
  4. Ripe fruit should be heavier than it looks.
  5. The eyes are large and pronounced. There are no stains or signs of rotting on the scales.

Small pineapples are sweeter than large ones. The same applies to varieties whose leaves are spiny.

When figuring out how to choose a ripe pineapple, you should know the signs of an unripe and overripe fruit. In the first case, the fruit is hard, has a green tail and lacks aroma. The presence of spots on the rind, softness of the fruit, the appearance of dents, and a pungent odor indicate an overripe pineapple.

Pineapple variety with spiny leaves

How to properly evaluate on the counter?

When wondering how to choose the right ripe pineapple, it is important to know what to look for at the counter. There is no way to cut the product and try it. Therefore, you will have to navigate by other indicators. For the right choice follows:

  1. Visually assess the quality. There are no stains or scratches. If the scales are greenish, this is not a sign of immaturity. This color is acceptable, but it must be uniform.
  2. Feel it. It should be moderately soft. When pressed, no dents are formed.
  3. Tap the fruit several times. A sign of ripeness is a dull sound.
  4. Find out the weight. The fruit should be heavy. Light fruit is characterized by loss of moisture, which leads to its rapid drying.

The above parameters will tell you how to choose a sweet pineapple.

The fetus must be free of any damage. Too much low price should be alarming.

How to store at home?

  1. Turned from bottom to top. The leaves are trimmed, leaving a few centimeters to the base, turned over with this part down and placed in a dark place.
  2. With other fruits. The fruit is placed with others. Only fruits are allowed; they should not be mixed with vegetables.
  3. In parchment. You need to wrap the product in several layers of parchment. You should check it daily for signs of rotting.
  4. One way to store pineapple at home is to use a cloth bag. The fruit is lowered inside and placed in dark place. Avoid exposure of the product to sunlight.

Can it be put in the refrigerator?

The question of whether pineapple can be stored in the refrigerator arises immediately after purchase. Such preservation is allowed, but subject to certain factors:

  1. The air temperature should be 7-8 degrees.
  2. Air humidity is about 90%.

Many refrigerator models have a special compartment for storing fruits and vegetables. When choosing where to store pineapple, you should choose this option.

When figuring out how to store pineapple, it is necessary to highlight several suitable methods:

  1. Entirely. The fruit is located with other fruits.
  2. In a bag or paper. The fruit is wrapped in material, air should flow inside, there is no need to tighten it too much.
  3. In a container. The fruit is first cut and placed in an airtight container.

When thinking about where to store pineapple at home, you need to choose a method depending on the period during which the product should remain fresh and tasty.

How long does it stay fresh and tasty?

Another important question is how long does pineapple last? If it is in the refrigerator, then it will be fresh for quite a long time - up to 2 months or more. Pre-peeled fruit can be stored for several days only in the refrigerator.

Once you have learned how to choose a delicious pineapple, you should familiarize yourself with the procedure for peeling the fruit. The bottom is cut off and installed bottom down. The skin is cut thinly. The eyes are removed with a knife. The resulting barrel is cut crosswise. The core is removed, the fruit is cut into arbitrary pieces. How to eat mango correctly - read.

In addition to how to choose a good pineapple, you should learn about the useful and harmful properties. The fruit improves the breakdown of proteins, strengthens the immune system, and has a high content of vitamin C.

Pineapple juice can negatively affect the condition of teeth; the fruits can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

Useful video


  1. The recommendations described will help you figure out how to choose the right pineapple.
  2. You need to evaluate its external characteristics, feel the aroma.
  3. Tapping will help determine ripeness.
  4. Proper storage will allow you to enjoy the fruits longer.

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The leaders in growing and exporting pineapple to Russia are the Philippines, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Thailand. Before reaching the consumer’s table, these exotic fruits travel a long way by sea or by air. How to choose a ripe pineapple and what features help distinguish it from others?

The quality of pineapples largely depends on the delivery method. Fruits delivered by sea are picked while still green, with the expectation that they will ripen during the journey. Their taste and aroma are less pronounced than those of fruits picked ripe and delivered by plane.

On a note. The most delicious pineapples are harvested between April and June and December and January.

When purchasing, it is recommended to give preference to fruits from supermarkets, since they provide the most comfortable conditions for their storage: maintaining temperature and humidity. On the shelves of vegetable departments in the supermarket you may find unripe, overripe and ripe fruits. Their condition can be determined:

  • by the appearance of the tops and skin;
  • by the smell and sound made when patting the fruit.

Signs of an unripe pineapple

On a note. Eating unripe pineapple is fraught with unpleasant consequences, as it can cause stomach upset.

The following signs indicate that the pineapple is not yet ripe:

  1. The fruit is very hard to the touch.
  2. The eyes of the fruit are poorly developed, the scales are greenish in color.
  3. The characteristic pineapple aroma is very weak or completely absent.
  4. The green tail crowning the top of the fruit cannot be twisted.
  5. Individual leaves are pulled out from the fruit tail with great difficulty.
  6. When cut, the flesh is pale, almost white, has a pungent taste.

If it is not possible to buy a completely ripe fruit, then you can buy an unripe one and let it ripen at home. To do this, it is left at room temperature, tilted with its tail down, for several days until it is fully ripe.

Signs of an overripe pineapple

Signs of overripe fruit can be caused by a long shelf life or violation of their conditions in the warehouse. If there is high humidity in warehouses or temperatures below normal, fruits are subject to rapid spoilage and taste qualities decrease, the pulp becomes dark and watery. The following signs indicate that a pineapple is overripe:

  1. The fruit is soft when pressed; after pressing, a dent remains.
  2. There are dark spots on the crust.
  3. Wrinkled, red-brown peel.
  4. The sultan of the fruit has turned yellow, the leaves are easily pulled out.
  5. The fruit makes a hollow sound when tapped.
  6. The aroma of the fruit is sharp, fermented, reeks of alcohol or vinegar.

How to Identify a Perfectly Ripe Pineapple

Pineapple fruits, depending on the variety, can have an oval or cylindrical shape and reach a weight of up to 5 kg. The top of the fruit is crowned with a bunch of hard green leaves, the peel is golden yellow, reddish or yellow-brown.

Signs of a ripe pineapple:

  1. The fruit is symmetrical and elastic to the touch, easily giving in when pressed.
  2. The eyes are large, pronounced, scales without spots, traces of rot and mold, dense, black or dark brown at the ends.
  3. The bottom of the fruit is dry and hard.
  4. When tapped, the fruit makes a dull sound.
  5. A ripe pineapple is heavier in weight than it looks.
  6. The aroma is delicately sweet, medium pronounced.
  7. The tops are green, without plaque or traces of mold, and slightly dried out at the tips.
  8. The tail gives in when pressed and lightly twisted.
  9. You can pull out a leaf from the plume without putting much effort.
  10. When cut, the flesh of the fruit is uniformly colored golden or golden brown.

On a note: Some varieties of pineapple can be green even when ripe. Small pineapples are sweeter than large ones, and varieties with spiny leaves are sweeter than those with smooth leaves.

When buying, you should not rush and take the first fruit that comes to hand, so as not to experience disappointment from the purchase later. Using the tips presented, you can easily choose the ripest and most delicious pineapple.