Which bottled water is the best rated. The best mineral water in the world. The best mineral water in Russia

There are a lot of different mineral waters in our world, each of which is endowed with its own unique feature. All of them can be different in mineral composition, and also treat different diseases. And today, we want to tell you about the ten best mineral waters in the world and Russia. You will learn which water is better to buy and how to distinguish a fake from the original.

Before ending up in a container, this mineral water goes through a complex and thorny path 400 km long through the rocks of Nepal. Discovered in 1997, the source is essentially a gift from ancient glaciers, whose melt water formed the basis of this variety. Enriched with an impressive amount of trace elements and minerals, thanks to its long underground journey, this life-giving moisture is extremely beneficial for health and strengthening human immunity. This can be verified by taking into account the fact that the monks of Tibet use this water exclusively, considering it the most suitable for all living things.

This type of mineral water is perhaps the most unique on the planet, since this water is nothing more than the rain that irrigates the lands of Tasmania. At first, these are just clouds making a celestial voyage of 16 thousand km in order to descend to the ground in the form of precipitation, where specially designed containers await them for collecting liquid. The main highlight is that water is collected in an area that, according to the meteorological organization, has the cleanest air on Earth. Manufacturers claim that this water is cleaner than mine water, because water in the ground also has non-zero contamination. Water is bottled in environmentally friendly containers, including a minimum of impurities in its composition. The average price per bottle is $4.

This type of water is considered one of the most popular in the world. Ask show business and movie stars what they drink and you will hear the name "Voss". This water is also served in luxury five-star hotels. Water gained its fame largely thanks to chemical composition and the fact that it is a champion in terms of minimal salt content. That is why it is so soft and beloved in dozens of countries. The source of the water base is located in the southern part of Norway, from where the mineral queen disperses throughout the world. The unit price of a bottle ranges from an average of $8.00.

Already from the name you can understand that the homeland of this water is the island of Fiji, in particular, the Ugara Valley of Viti Levu. Manufacturers carefully ensure that water does not come into contact with air, just as it existed in natural conditions under the remains of an ancient volcanic crater, tightly closed on all sides. The first contact of water with air occurs only after opening the lid. Fiji mineral water was chosen by many stars and politicians, including Paris Hilton, Nicole Kidman and US President Barack Obama. It is very useful for people with dermatological problems, as it boasts a high presence of fluoride, silicon and calcium, which, in addition to skin and nails, also have a great effect on hair.

This water is a real record holder among mineral waters for oxygen content. There is 35 times more of it here than in any other water. Thanks to this, it works very well if consumed, for example, after hard physical work or after active exercise in the gym. This “breathing” water came from the north-west of Europe, the city of Tilburg in the Netherlands. Some time ago, in addition to two standard options - with and without gas, a new one appeared on the shelves - with the aroma of elderberry and lychee flowers. The water is bottled in interesting 0.33l ball bottles, and its price ranges from 2 euros.

The full name of this water is "Cape Karoo Natural Mineral Water", and its source is located in the savannah South Africa. In order to fully guarantee the quality of the product, before going on sale, manufacturers subject the water to a very detailed examination in a number of independent laboratories, thereby once again confirming its health benefits. The water contains a very small amount of nitrate compounds and a neutral pH level, which makes it possible not only to consume it internally, but also to use it for cosmetic purposes.

A characteristic feature of this mineral water is the complete absence of carbon at all stages of its production. The variety dates back to 2003, and the country that gave this water to the world is Iceland. Manufacturers report that their product is the basis of waterfalls and glaciers, which is true. A volcanic eruption that happened many centuries ago caused the formation of a drainage basin called Olfus, from where this water comes, which tastes like a piece of ice. The shape of the bottle in the form of a volcano is also interesting, by which you can immediately identify the variety.

The famous brand of medicinal table water, which arose back in the 30s of the 19th century in Georgia. To this day, mineral water of this brand is the main drink of a huge number of people who drink it both for preventive and medicinal purposes. "Borjomi" is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs. Its composition of mineral substances has remained to this day the same as it was at the time of the discovery of the first spring, of which there are now 9, located within the Borjomi Nature Reserve.

Paradoxical as it may sound, "Kona Deep" is sea ​​water. It is extracted not from natural springs or from artificially created wells, but directly from the ocean very close to Hawaii. Research has been conducted there for more than 30 years and has revealed that, while preserving minerals and beneficial features, at a depth of 2-3 km, the water is purified from a number of pathogenic microorganisms and other unfavorable factors. It is recommended to drink this desalinated and commercially available water during active training or during the hot season. If it seems too salty, then you can add ordinary water to it. Its price is usually a little less than 2 dollars.

The birthplace of this water is several natural springs near the French city of Evian-les-Bains, which is located on the shores of Lake Geneva. The history of water begins at the end of the 18th century, when it helped the noble Marquis Lessert in the treatment of kidneys and liver. Almost 200 years later, water has gained worldwide fame, and now, despite its comparative high cost, it is very popular on all continents. Its benefits are not limited to the liver and kidneys, but extend to the entire gastrointestinal tract. Due to its mineral balance, it is very useful for pregnant women and children. Its quality is confirmed by the fact that the water is not artificially purified, but when bottled at the source, it retains its authentic taste and purity.

The best mineral water in Russia

All these waters are considered elite, some of them you will not find in Russia, and their prices are simply outrageous. Remember that high price does not always mean quality, as a rule it is the fault of excessive marketing. But don’t be upset, we can also find good mineral water, which in its composition can compete with the leaders of the rating. Here are several high-quality, not very expensive and healthy mineral waters that can be found on the shelves in Russia:

  • Narzan
  • Slavyanovskaya
  • Essentuki
  • Arkhyz

How to spot a fake

The main problem is that mineral water is very easy to counterfeit, while the costs are minimal - tap water, soda, salt and iodine. And the worst thing is that about 3/4 of the water on the Russian market (70%) is fake. There have been cases when police departments discovered tens of thousands of counterfeit bottles of water. In large supermarkets, the percentage of counterfeits is much lower; there you can ask for a quality certificate, but even this does not give a 100% guarantee.
According to the State Trade Inspectorate, the most frequently adulterated waters are: Borjomi, Narzan, Holy Spring, Bon Aqua, Essentuki. And this is not surprising, because they are all considered market leaders and are in great demand. Almost every one of these manufacturers can be found in all stores in Russia and the CIS countries, some of them do not produce nearly as much water. Now we'll give you a few useful recommendations, which will help protect you from counterfeiting.

  • Look at the price. Making fake water is not very expensive, which is why the price of such water can be significantly lower, and this is the very first sign of a fake. Sellers of kiosks and stalls buy water at small wholesale markets, where there are most fakes, where the price of fake water is 15-20% lower than the original. Be sure to look at the price, if it is lower than the market average, then it is better not to buy this water.
  • Look at the manufacturing date and container of the bottle. As a rule, original mineral water does not stay in warehouses for a long time, and if you get a bottle with a manufacturing date more than six months ago, it is better to refrain from purchasing it. If the water container is made of glass, this is a significant plus; such water is more difficult and more expensive to counterfeit, and on its bottle and lid, as a rule, there are various embossings.
  • Look at the quality of the bottle and label.

More and more people Lately use bottled water for drinking and cooking. The reason is that in some regions the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired, and in others people are worried about the dangers of chlorine and possible impurities. Bottled water is now widely available – it is supplied to Russian shelves by about 700 manufacturers.

However, such significant diversity also poses problems. The risk of purchasing a counterfeit or low-quality product increases.

Rating of drinking bottled water: how to understand

Before analyzing the offers of different manufacturers, it is necessary to understand that there are three main types of bottles sold drinking water: simple purified, natural mineral and artificial.

Purified water is simply fresh water. Free from all harmful impurities. It is used for regular use and cooking. Mineral water is divided into table water, medicinal-table water and medicinal water.

Medicinal water is not intended for regular drinking. It is used as prescribed by a doctor in limited quantities. Its most famous species in Russia are “Lysogorskaya” and “Essentuki-17”.

Medicinal table water differs from medicinal water in having a lower concentration of minerals. The most famous brands– Georgian origin: “Narzan”, “Borjomi”, “Essentuki-4”. But it is also better not to abuse these waters.

Table mineral water can be drunk regularly, since the concentration of salts in it is very low. Its most famous brands are “Sarova” and “Silver Dew”.

Many companies produce simple purified water. The most common are “Holy Spring”, “Bon Aqua”, “Aqua Minerale”.

Within each group, you can also create a rating of bottled water.

Best bottled drinking water: ranking

Among all producers of medicinal table mineral and purified waters, Georgian ones are now in the lead. However, domestic companies also occupy a worthy place there.

  1. "Holy spring"
  2. "Borjomi"
  3. "Narzan"
  4. "Santalovsky source"
  5. "Bon Aqua".

However, not all manufacturers not included in this top five are untrustworthy. The following companies are in the middle of the bottled water rating:

  • GG&MW Co. N.V (from Borjomi);
  • Nestle Waters (from Holy Spring);
  • "Kavminvody".

There are also the last ones on the list, which should hardly be preferred by those who really care about their health:

  • Biba company;
  • Ulanskaya water
  • "Mercury";
  • "Avka";
  • "Raifa Spring".

Fake bottled water rating

It is clear that dishonest manufacturers who have nothing to do with respectable companies often try to get close to the leaders. You can spot a fake if you shop carefully.

The sloppy bottle and label should raise suspicions. Reputable companies that hold first places in the ranking of drinking bottled water care about aesthetics.

You should also study the information on the label. If there is very little of it, this is a reason for suspicion, especially when it comes to mineral water.

Finally, it is better to buy water in large shopping centers. They make purchases in large quantities and deal only with trusted sellers.

Sometimes you can contact a laboratory for quality control.

If you use the available information about the rating of bottled water and follow simple rules for protecting against counterfeiting, you don’t have to be afraid that the water will be harmful.

What could be safer than drinking water? It definitely won’t cause any harm to your health, many are sure. Alas, it's not that simple.
Experts from the Roskontrol association tested 12 popular brands of bottled water and found out which of them did not meet the standards.

Dirt under the lid

The Rostest-Moscow laboratory found that 5 out of 12 bottles of water submitted for examination could cause health problems. Thus, in the Russian water “Simply ABC” the number of microbes exceeded the permissible norm by 70 (!) times, and in the Armenian “Aparan” - by 3.5 times. This means that the liquid may contain bacteria that cause intestinal infections. In addition, in a bottle from Armenia they found 2 times more nitrates (salts of nitric acid, harmful to the human body) than SanPiN allows. And in premium water from France, the total amount of nitrates and nitrites (nitrate derivatives) exceeded the threshold by 40 times.
“Most likely, nitrates got into the source from which the water was taken, along with wastewater - perhaps there were industrial enterprises, wastewater treatment plants, collective farms or farms nearby,” Irina Konokhova, a leading expert at NP Roskontrol, explained to AiF.
Before pouring water - as taken from natural sources, and from the water supply - into bottles, it must be cleaned. But, as you can see, not everyone can do this efficiently.

Besides, it's too pure water also not good for health. " Modern technologies purifications (especially “reverse osmosis”) make it possible to obtain almost sterile water, says Rufina Mikhailova, head of the laboratory of drinking water supply hygiene and sanitary protection reservoirs Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment named after A. N. Sysin. “But, unfortunately, in this case the water is deprived of both harmful and beneficial substances, approaching in its qualities distilled water.”

No taste or benefit

This is exactly what happened with some of the specimens that participated in the examination. Useful calcium and magnesium were almost absent in “Shishkiny Les” and “Aqua Minerale”. Fluorine, necessary for bone strength and caries prevention, was missing not only in the budget waters “Holy Source”, “Lipetsk Pump Room”, etc., but even in expensive bottles.

And in the Shishkin Les water, among other things, the content of bicarbonates turned out to be exceeded. “You should not drink this water if you have kidney disease or decreased secretion of gastric juice,” explained I. Konokhova. She explained to AiF why water with an unbalanced mineral composition is harmful: of course, you won’t get poisoned with it, like a liquid with a lot of microbes, but drinking such water increases your susceptibility to various diseases. And the body’s reaction to an imbalance is always the same: it removes excess elements along with water and the necessary salts. Therefore, it is better to choose water that is balanced in mineral content. You can evaluate this yourself by looking at our table.

Drinking water research results
brand of water,
a country
Type of water Pathogenic microbes, nitrates/
Useful values* - 25-130 mg/l
Useful values* - 5-65 mg/l
Fluorine. Useful values* - 0.5-1.5 mg/l
mineral No 87,2 23,1 <0,1
mineral No 84,9 16,3 0,1
“Lipetsk pump-room”, Russia first category drinking water No 25 5 <0,1
Nestle Pure Life, Russia first category drinking water No 27,5 5,1 0,3
"Bon Aqua"
first category drinking water No 22,6 19,1 <0,1
"Holy Spring", Russia first category drinking water No 32,9 8,4 <0,1
Aqua Minerale, Russia first category drinking water No <1 <1 0,7
"D (Dixie)", Russia first category drinking water No 52,8 14,8 0,7
"Shishkin Forest", Russia first category drinking water No <1 <1 0,4
“Just ABC”, Russia first category drinking water The microbial content is 70 times higher than permissible 20,8 16,3 0,1
first category drinking water For nitrates and microbes does not correspond to the highest category 25,6 5,1 0,6
drinking water of the highest category The nitrite content does not correspond to the highest category 122
(does not correspond to the highest category)

* Useful values ​​according to SanPiN “Drinking water”. They are not provided for mineral water.
The data applies only to samples provided for examination. According to the protocols of the Rostest-Moscow laboratory

Chloroform, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nitrites - what can be found in cooler water?

Sales of water for coolers in our country are growing every year. Residents of large cities do not trust tap water, no matter how much officials say that it meets all safety and quality requirements and that it can be drunk straight from the tap. Some people are afraid of bleach, others are afraid of iron that gets into the water from pipes, and others simply cannot believe that tap water is really safe.

There are a great many brands and manufacturers of water for coolers. There are even more delivery services. How to choose? Many people choose based on price, believing that all bottled water is the same, and you can buy the cheapest one, or vice versa - they choose the most expensive, in the hope that if water costs 350-400 rubles per bottle, then the manufacturer monitors its quality. Recently, mineral, melt, and mountain water has become “fashionable,” which is supposedly more natural and healthier than ordinary water.

The Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights (OCPP) Roskontrol purchased and sent for examination water for coolers of 14 brands. To understand the difference between expensive water and cheap water, for children and adults, mineral and drinking water, a detailed analysis was carried out: experts tested the water according to 44 indicators.

The following water was purchased for the examination: "Arkhyz" And “Arkhyzik”, “Shishkin Les”, Nestle Pure Life, “Chernogolovskaya” and “Chernogolovskaya for children”, “Royal water”, “Volzhanka”, “Staro-Mytishchi source”, “Guchkovskaya”, “Sudogodskaya”, “Pilgrim”, “Kubay” and "Mountain peak".

Test results

Shishkin Les water turned out to be the best among the tested samples. However, experts also have complaints about it: the mineral-salt composition of the water cannot be considered physiologically complete (although it corresponds to what is indicated in the labeling).

from 340 P UB.

This water has an almost ideal content of calcium, magnesium and fluorine for the body; it can be considered physiologically complete. The only complaint about the water is that it does not meet the requirements for water of the highest category in terms of nitrite content.

from 340 P UB.

Pilgrim water is blacklisted for deceiving consumers. During the examination, traces of treatment with chlorine-containing compounds were found in the water, which is not allowed for natural mineral waters.

from 300 P UB.

Nestle water contains excess ammonium, an indicator of organic pollution. In addition, organohalogen compounds characteristic of water treated with chlorine were found in this water.

from 320 P UB.

“Sudogodskaya” water also ended up on the “black list” due to violations of safety requirements - the number of microbes exceeds acceptable standards. This water will not cause serious harm to health, but a person with a weakened immune system is likely to have a gastrointestinal disorder

from 210 P UB.

Gross violations of safety requirements became the basis for adding this water to the “black list”. The number of microbes exceeds the maximum permissible by 12 times.

from 260 P UB.

Guchkovskaya water does not meet the requirements not only for drinking water, but even for tap water. Inconsistencies were found in the composition of the water relative to what was indicated on the label, and serious violations of microbiological indicators were also discovered.

from 175 P UB.

“Royal Water” is blacklisted due to multiple excesses of the standard for microbial content, which makes it unsafe for consumers. In addition, the mineral composition of water cannot be called physiologically complete.

from 310 P UB.

Like most of the tested samples, Kubai water does not meet safety requirements for microbial content. This may be due to the fact that sanitary standards are not observed in production: perhaps the containers were not washed well after use

from 330 P UB.

Arkhyzik water should not be given to children. The number of microbes in it exceeds the permissible standards for water intended for baby food. In addition, this water has clearly been processed: there is less calcium and magnesium in it, and more sodium than it should be

from 409 P UB.

The water does not meet safety requirements: the number of microbes found in it exceeds the permissible limit. For this violation, the sample was included in the “black list” of Roskontrol.

from 270 P UB.

The label of this mineral water states that it is intended for adults and children from birth. Based on the results of the examination, it turned out that under no circumstances should it be given to children, especially in the first year of life, and this is not the best option for adults. The main complaints are about the mineral composition: the water was treated so that there was no calcium, magnesium, or fluorine left in it.

from 258 P UB.

Neither children nor adults should drink this water - it is unsafe. The number of bacteria in it broke all records: the total microbial number exceeds the permissible standards by 100 times!

from 290 P UB.

The most serious violation was discovered in the Arkhyz water - microbiological experts found Pseudomonas aeruginosa in it. This is a putrefactive microorganism that causes various purulent tissue lesions. The infection it causes is difficult to treat, and in some cases even antibiotics do not help.

from 400 P UB.

Black list

The results were shocking

More than half of the samples - eight out of fourteen - based on the results of the examination do not meet microbiological safety requirements. The number of microbes found in water exceeds the permissible limit not only for bottled water, but even for tap water. The most serious violation found when testing water of a popular brand "Arkhyz".

Arkhyz water not only does not meet the standard for the total content of microbes. During the examination they found... Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

For reference:

Pseudomonas aeruginosa(Pseudomonas aeruginosa) belongs to a species of gram-negative bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas. It persists for a long time and reproduces successfully in water. It can get into water from the surface of plants, from the soil, with groundwater, and also in case of contamination of the water source with fecal wastewater.

How can the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in drinking water be dangerous?

Larisa Ilyina, head of the laboratory of microbiological testing methods at Rostest JSC:

“I can say that for the first time in the years of my work in a microbiological laboratory, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found in bottled water. During testing they found water from open reservoirs, fountains, wells, but never in bottled water.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is known as a bacterium that causes various purulent tissue lesions in people with poor health in the postoperative period. The infection it causes is difficult to treat, and in some cases even antibiotics do not help. Getting Pseudomonas aeruginosa into the blood can lead to sepsis - blood poisoning, gangrene. However, the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in drinking water is also unsafe: a person who drinks such water may experience symptoms of acute intestinal infection (diarrhea, vomiting). But, most importantly, its presence is a sign that the water or container is contaminated.”

As for the total number of microbes, the permissible standards for this indicator are exceeded in water "Staro-Mytishchi spring"- 12 times, in "Royal water"- 20 times. The most depressing indicators are near the water "Chernogolovskaya for children": germs - 100 times more than permissible values! According to infectious disease doctors, if this water is not boiled (and most often water from coolers is not boiled), it can cause intestinal and other infections.

For reference:

TMC (total microbial count)- a sanitary indicator reflecting the total content of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms in 1 ml of water - indicates the general contamination of water. It may indicate the presence of various bacteria in the water, including salmonella and dysentery bacillus. In water that does not meet the standards for this indicator, there may be the presence of dangerous viruses that are characterized by water transmission (rotaviruses, enteroviruses and others).

The standard for bottled drinking water is no more than 20 microbes (CFU) in 1 ml, for tap water - no more than 50 microbes (CFU) in 1 ml, for mineral canteen - no more than 100 microbes (CFU) in 1 ml.

Exceeding standards for microbiological indicators is the biggest problem with water for coolers. Why?

Yuri Anatolyevich Rakhmanin, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A.N. Sysina:

“Because water is supplied in so-called reusable containers. They bring you water, you drink it, then you return the empty bottle, they wash it at the factory, fill it with water again, and bring it to someone else. And so dozens of times! It happens that the bottles become dirty at the buyers' disposal, but at production they were poorly washed or not entirely clean water was used for washing. And bacteria from the container end up in a bottle of water and begin to multiply. And Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a very tenacious microorganism; it can form biofilms on the surface of containers and equipment. And if at least once you come across contaminated water, then Pseudomonas aeruginosa will settle in the cooler, which will then have to be disinfected.”

Is water from the cooler for children? In no case!

It is precisely because of the potential danger of water in reusable containers that doctors do not recommend giving children water from coolers. After opening the bottle, it is not recommended to store baby water for more than 1-2 days, which is why it is most often bottled into small containers.

Roskontrol tested water not from a cooler, but from closed bottles. The bottles were unsealed in a sterile microbiological laboratory and immediately sent for analysis.

What would have happened if the water had stood in the cooler for another day or two? During this time, there would be many more microbes.

In water "Arkhizik", on the label of which it is written “baby water”, the excess of microbial content (in comparison with the standards for water intended for baby food) is not as egregious as in "Chernogolovskaya for children", but also significant - 4 times, although the standard for mineral water is not exceeded. The manufacturer insured himself as best he could. Experts from Roskontrol found a certificate of conformity on the website of the seller of this water. There is not a word in the document that the water is intended for baby food. There it is simply called “table mineral drinking water.” Requirements for drinking water in terms of microbial content are 5 times stricter than for mineral water. So, to be on the safe side, manufacturers often document their water as mineral water, and in the name they write whatever they want: “children’s”, “for children”, “for children and adults” and so on. These words by themselves have no meaning, experts say.

Read the label carefully: it should say “drinking water of the highest category for baby food.”

So, "Arkhizik" And "Chernogolovskaya for children" cannot be considered safe for children, since they do not meet the standards for microbial content.

Regarding water "Mountain peak"(which the manufacturer recommends giving to children from birth), its microbiology is fine, but there is another problem: it contains practically no calcium, magnesium and fluorine. This means that if you constantly give this water to a child, he may have a deficiency of these useful elements in the body and, as a result, caries, impaired skeletal formation, problems with the heart and nervous system.

Let us note that many experts consider it possible to give children natural mineral table water, too, but only if it is natural, that is, it has not been subjected to any processing.

What is the difference between drinking, mineral, artesian, mountain, and baby water - see the article http://roscontrol.com/community/article/voda-v-butilkah-kakaya-ona-bivaet/

"Mineral" does not mean "natural"

Mineral water is fashionable. On expensive French water from well-known brands it is written just like that - “natural mineral water”. So our producers decided: why are we worse? They wrote beautiful words on the label about the benefits of natural mineral water to give consumers the impression that it is somehow better than regular drinking water. At the same time, safety standards are higher for drinking water.

What do mineral water manufacturers do for coolers? They soften the water, that is, they “remove” calcium and magnesium from it. For what? The fact is that many manufacturers of water in reusable containers provide coolers for rent. The devices remain the property of the companies, which then clean, repair and maintain them. If the water is hard, then scale will accumulate in the coolers - deposits of hardness salts, and they will have to be cleaned. This is not profitable for companies, so they “purify” the water of calcium and magnesium.

Three samples of supposedly “natural mineral water,” as the examination showed, were subjected to processing: "Mountain Peak", "Arkhyz" And "Arkhizik". They contain much less calcium and magnesium than natural mineral water. The water of these brands does not correspond in mineral composition to the source water of the deposits (wells) indicated in the labeling, which can be regarded as deception of consumers.

Where do organochlorines come from in water?

Why do many people prefer to buy bottled water rather than drink tap water? Of course, because they believe that bottled water, unlike tap water, is not chlorinated.

An examination by Roskontrol showed that 3 out of 14 water samples contained organohalogen compounds characteristic of water disinfected with chlorine, including chloroform.

And if on the water Nestle Pure Life honestly (albeit somewhat veiledly) it is written that it is from the city water supply, then "Kubay" And "Pilgrim" declared in the labeling as natural mineral table waters, for which treatment with chlorine is not allowed in principle.

What does the presence of organohalogen compounds in water indicate? Does this mean that the bottles were simply filled with tap water?

Yakov Khromchenko, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, head of the Testing Center “Research Institute of Municipal Water Supply and Water Purification” (NII KVOV):

“The presence of organohalogen compounds in water does not necessarily mean that the water has been disinfected (that is, that the manufacturers bottled chlorinated tap water). This is just one of the options. It can also be assumed that the well from which the water was taken was disinfected with chlorine preparations. It is possible that these compounds got into the container when it was processed in production (for example, tap water was used to process the container). To avoid such contamination, conscientious manufacturers treat containers with water, the quality of which is subject to the same requirements as drinking water itself.”

The amount of chlorine and bromine compounds found in water does not pose a health hazard. The permissible values ​​for these indicators are not exceeded. The very fact of detecting these compounds in “natural mineral” water is important.

The consumer has the right to know what he is paying money for - for clean, natural drinking or mineral water, or for chlorinated water.

Nitrites - why are they scary?

In water “Volzhanka”, “Chernogolovskaya for children”, “Old Mytishchi source” An excess of nitrite content permissible for water of the highest category was revealed. This indicator is also high in water "Mountain peak" And "Arkhizik". The last two brands are positioned as “children’s”, which means that when buying “water for children” parents expect higher quality water. The probable reason for the excess nitrite content is contamination of groundwater by infiltrated surface water, or non-compliance with safety requirements of the initial composition of the water.

For reference:

Nitrites- salts of nitrous acid HNO2. In large quantities they are generally toxic and carcinogenic substances. Drinking water with high levels of nitrites is dangerous because they interfere with the blood's ability to carry oxygen, essentially poisoning hemoglobin. When converted to nitrosamines, they can cause cancer.

Experts noted that in the concentrations in which nitrites were found in the tested water, they are not so dangerous, but the content of nitrites in water is primarily an indicator of organic pollution by surface water, which means it may contain viruses, pesticides and other harmful and toxic substances.

Another indicator of organic water pollution is the ammonium content. An excess of this indicator was found in water Nestle Pure Life. Most likely, this water was not purified well enough.

The examination showed that water for coolers is not only no better, but sometimes much worse than tap water. And why pay for such water?

Test details


Pollution indicators

Useful elements

NameOMCH (KMAFAnM) Pseudomonas aeruginosa

not found


610 CFU/1ml


The question arises - what next?

OZPP Roskontrol requires manufacturers to:

Stop violating legal requirements and remove from sale products that do not meet safety requirements;

Conduct an audit at your own enterprises, related enterprises and distributors, both on the quality of delivered water and compliance with disinfection regimes for reusable water containers;

Until the situation is corrected and the causes and conditions that led to the published results are identified, stop producing water that does not meet safety and quality requirements (for microbiology, nitrite and ammonium content, content of organohalogen compounds, discrepancy between the information on the label and the actual data);

The water manufacturer “Arkhyz” should take measures to establish the circle (number) of consumers of its products in order to carry out large-scale measures to disinfect water bottling devices (coolers) to eliminate Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in order to prevent its spread;

OZPP Roskontrol makes a demand to online stores and online water delivery services:

(http://www.vodaplus.ru/, http://www.pou-cooler.ru/ and others)

Correct the information about Arkhyzik water on your websites and not mislead consumers regarding the consumer properties and qualities of the product.

If the results of the publication do not result in a proper and adequate response from the producers of water included in the “black list”, OZPP Roskontrol, in order to ensure the safety of consumers and protect their rights, will officially contact supervisory, law enforcement agencies and judicial authorities.

In addition, in accordance with the Federal Laws “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation” and “On the Mass Media,” publication in the media about an offense is a signal for government agencies to conduct checks of the arguments set out in the publication and take comprehensive measures, including bringing to disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability.

It is known that for proper metabolism and normal functioning of the body, an adult should drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day. Information about the quality of tap water completely discourages the desire to comply with this recommendation, so more and more Russians prefer bottled water.

19 liters of health

Making the right choice among bottled water companies is not that easy. Manufacturers compete fiercely with each other, so they often resort to marketing tricks. A beautiful label often hides ordinary tap water that has undergone a deep purification process. If there is no information about the origin of the water, then most likely the water is not natural, and the required content of trace elements and minerals is achieved by technology using various physical and chemical methods.

There are dozens of companies engaged in the production and sale of bottled water on the St. Petersburg market. Prices vary in a very wide range - from 150 rubles/bottle (Sosnovskaya Tsarina drinking water) to 610 rubles/bottle (Klyuchevaya Premium water, Polustrovo). It should be understood that cheap water, as a rule, is purified tap water. For example, artesian physiologically complete drinking water “Aqualine Natural Premium” in high-quality polycarbonate containers costs only 250 rubles per bottle. For an objective rating water in St. Petersburg bottles require reliable data based on the results of independent examinations, which are carried out either at the request of the manufacturer or based on consumer complaints, so for most brands such information is simply not available. However, on thematic forums and review sites you can find a lot of useful information on the basis of which you can form a consumer rating of water in 19-liter bottles.

Taking into account the price ratio, service, label information and the number of reviews, the TOP 5 rating of drinking water in St. Petersburg is as follows*:

  1. Artesian water Aqualine
  2. Arkhyz mineral water
  3. Nestlé deep purified drinking water
  4. Artesian water Spring Land
  5. Water Rosinka Polustrovo

The quality of water in 19-liter bottles is significantly influenced by the process of preparing and washing the container. No matter how clean the water from an artesian well is, poor handling of returnable containers can cause serious microbiological contamination. And the key factor in this matter is the container itself, or rather the material from which it is made. The most common due to its low cost are PET containers (if the container is dark blue, then it is definitely PET). But the best option is containers made of polycarbonate (an artificial glass substitute). Polycarbonate containers are several times more expensive than PET, but they are absolutely safe and can withstand the most thorough sanitary treatment, unlike PET containers, which lose their consumer properties after just a few turns.

Systematic long-term consumption of drinking water, the composition of which differs significantly from the recommended one, increases the risk of the occurrence and progression of certain diseases. It is most useful with optimal indicators of general mineralization, hardness and microelements content, ensuring the stability of the water-salt balance in the body and the normal functioning of organs and systems.

* Important:The information is current at the time of publication and may be changed as new information becomes available.

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