Sanitary protection zones for sources. Sanitary rules and regulations

State sanitary and epidemiological regulation
Russian Federation

State sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards


Sanitary protection zones for water supply sources and drinking water pipelines

Sanitary rules and regulations


Ministry of Health of Russia


1. Developed by the Department of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov (Prof. Mazaev V.T., Associate Professor Shlepnina T.G.), Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene named after. A.N. Sysina RAMS (candidate of medical sciences Nedachin A.E.), Federal Center State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Kudryavtseva B.M.), Ph.D. Gasilina M.M., with the participation of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia (A.P. Veselov).

3. Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G.G. Onishchenko February 26, 2002

4. Entered into force by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2002 No. 10 from June 1, 2002.

5.Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 24, 2002. Registration number 3399.

6. Sanitary rules and regulations “Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and water supply pipelines for domestic and drinking water supply. SanPiN” from the moment of entry into force of SanPiN lose force (resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Inspector of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2002 No. 11).


Russian sanitary doctor
Federation - First Deputy
Minister of Health
Russian Federation



Sanitary protection zones for sources
water supply and water pipelines
drinking purpose

Sanitary rules and regulations


1. General Provisions

1.1. Sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN) "Zones of sanitary protection of water supply sources and drinking water pipelines" were developed on the basis Federal Law"On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650), Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554, which approved the "Regulations of the state sanitary Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation" and "Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standardization" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295).

1.2. These sanitary rules and regulations define the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization and operation of sanitary protection zones (SZZ) of water supply sources and drinking water pipelines.

1.3. Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.

1.4. Sanitary protection zones are organized at all water pipelines, regardless of departmental affiliation, supplying water from both surface and underground sources.

The main purpose of creating and ensuring the regime in the WSS is sanitary protection from contamination of water supply sources and water supply facilities, as well as the territories where they are located.

1.5. Sanitary protection zones are organized into three zones: the first zone (strict security) includes the area where water intakes are located, sites for all water supply structures and a water supply canal. Its purpose is to protect the water intake site and water intake structures from accidental or intentional contamination and damage. The second and third zones (restriction zones) include an area intended to prevent water pollution from water supply sources.

Sanitary protection of water pipelines is provided by a sanitary protection strip.

In each of the three zones, as well as within the sanitary protection strip, according to their purpose, a special regime is established and a set of measures is determined to prevent deterioration in water quality.

1.6. The organization of a SSO must be preceded by the development of its project, which includes:

a) determination of the boundaries of the zone and its constituent belts;

b) a plan of measures to improve the sanitary condition of the territory of the ZSO and prevent pollution of the source;

c) rules and regime for economic use of the territories of the three zones of the ZSO.

When developing a project for a water supply system for large water supply systems, a provision on the water supply system is first created, containing the hygienic principles of their organization for a given water supply system.

1.7. Determination of the boundaries of the WSS and the development of a set of necessary organizational, technical, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures depend on the type of water supply sources (underground or surface) designed or used for drinking water supply, on the degree of their natural protection and possible microbial or chemical contamination.

1.8. On water pipelines with under-channel water intake, the SSS should be organized as for a surface source of water supply.

On water pipelines with artificial replenishment of groundwater, the ZSO is organized both for a surface source (relative to water intake for infiltration basins) and for an underground source (for the protection of infiltration basins and production wells).

1.9. A fundamental decision on the possibility of organizing a water supply system is made at the stage of a regional planning project or master plan, when a water supply source is selected. In master plans for the development of populated areas, sanitary protection zones for water supply sources are indicated on the planning restrictions diagram.

When choosing a source of domestic drinking water supply for a separate facility, the possibility of organizing a water supply system should be determined at the stage of selecting a site for the construction of a water intake.

1.10. The sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the selection to the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, the customer submits materials characterizing the source of water supply, incl. approximate boundaries of the SZZ and possible sources of pollution. The volume of materials is determined in the appendix. 1.

The act on the selection of the site (route) is signed in the presence of a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

1.11. The WSS project must be an integral part of the domestic and drinking water supply project and developed simultaneously with the latter. For existing water pipelines that do not have established sanitary protection zones, the ZSO project is developed specifically.

1.12. The structure of the ZSO project should include a text part, cartographic material, a list of planned activities, agreed upon with land users, the timing of their implementation and performers.

1.12.1. The text part must contain:

a) characteristics of the sanitary condition of water supply sources;

b) water quality analyzes to the extent provided for by current sanitary standards and regulations;

c) hydrological data (main parameters and their dynamics over time) - of a near-surface source of water supply or hydrogeological data - of a near-underground source;

d) data characterizing the mutual influence of an underground source and a surface reservoir in the presence of a hydraulic connection between them;

e) data on construction prospects in the area where the source of domestic and drinking water supply is located, incl. residential, industrial and agricultural facilities;

f) determination of the boundaries of the first, second and third zones of the ZSO with appropriate justification and a list of activities indicating implementation deadlines and responsible organizations, individual entrepreneurs, with identification of sources of financing;

g) rules and regime for economic use of territories included in the sanitary protection zone of all zones.

1.12.2. Cartographic material must be presented in the following volume:

a) a situational plan with the designed boundaries of the second and third zones of the WSS and drawing the places of water intakes and sites of water supply structures, the source of water supply and the basin of its supply (with tributaries) on a scale - near-surface source of water supply - 1:50,000 - 1:100,000, with underground -1 :10,000 - 1:25,000;

b) hydrological profiles in characteristic directions within the area of ​​water intake - with an underground source of water supply;

c) plan of the first belt of the ZSO on a scale of 1:500 - 1:1,000;

d) plan of the second and third zones of the ZSO on a scale of 1:10,000 - 1:25,000 - for an underground water source and on a scale of 1:25,000 - 1:50,000 - for a surface water source, with all the objects located in the given territory depicted.

1.13. The project ZSO with an action plan must have the conclusion of the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and other interested organizations, after which it is approved in the prescribed manner.

1.14. The established boundaries of the SZZ and its component belts may be revised in the event of emerging or upcoming changes in the operation of water supply sources (including the productivity of groundwater intakes) or local sanitary conditions upon the conclusion of the organizations specified in clause 1.13 of these SanPiNs. The design and approval of new boundaries of the SZZ must be carried out in the same manner as the original ones.

1.15. Sanitary measures must be carried out:

a) within the first zone of the ZSO - by public utilities or other owners of water pipelines;

b) within the second and third zones of the ZSO - owners of objects that have (or may have) a negative impact on the quality of water from water supply sources.

1.16. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the territory of the Western Socialist Republic is carried out by bodies and institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation by developing and monitoring the implementation of hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, coordinating water protection measures and monitoring the quality of source water.

1.17. The absence of an approved draft sanitary protection system is not a basis for exempting water supply owners, owners of objects located within the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone, organizations, individual entrepreneurs, as well as citizens from fulfilling the requirements of these sanitary rules and regulations.

2. Determination of the boundaries of the SZZ belts

2.1. Factors determining SSO

2.1.1. The range of pollution propagation depends on:

Type of water supply source (surface or underground);

Nature of contamination (microbial or chemical);

Degree of natural protection from surface pollution (for an underground source);

Hydrogeological or hydrological conditions.

2.1.2. When determining the size of the ZSO belts, it is necessary to take into account the survival time of microorganisms (2nd belt), and for chemical pollution - the distribution range, assuming its composition in the aquatic environment is stable (3rd belt).

Other factors that limit the possibility of the spread of microorganisms (adsorption, water temperature, etc.), as well as the ability of chemical contaminants to transform and reduce their concentration under the influence of physical and chemical processes occurring in water supply sources (sorption, precipitation, etc.), can be taken into account if the patterns of these processes have been sufficiently studied.

2.2. Determination of the boundaries of the zones of the underground source zone

2.2.1. Borders of the first belt Groundwater intakes should be located outside the territory of industrial enterprises and residential buildings. Location on the territory of an industrial enterprise or residential development is possible with proper justification. The boundary of the first zone is established at a distance of at least 30 m from the water intake

When using protected groundwater and at a distance of at least 50 m - when using insufficiently protected groundwater.

The boundary of the first zone of the WSS group of underground water intakes must be at a distance of at least 30 and 50 m from the outer wells.

For water intakes from protected groundwater located on the territory of a facility that excludes the possibility of contamination of soil and groundwater, the size of the first zone of the ZSO may be reduced subject to a hydrogeological justification in agreement with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Protected groundwater includes pressure and non-pressure interstratal waters that have a continuous impermeable roof within all zones of the Western Zone, excluding the possibility of local recharge from overlying insufficiently protected aquifers.

Insufficiently protected groundwater includes:

a) groundwater, i.e. groundwater of the first free-flowing aquifer from the surface of the earth, receiving recharge in the area of ​​its distribution;

b) pressure and non-pressure interstratal waters, which, under natural conditions or as a result of the operation of a water intake, receive recharge in the area of ​​the ZSO from overlying insufficiently protected aquifers through hydrogeological windows or permeable roof rocks, as well as from watercourses and reservoirs by direct hydraulic connection. For water intakes during artificial replenishment of groundwater reserves, the boundary of the first belt is established, as for an underground insufficiently protected source of water supply, at a distance of at least 50 m from the water intake and at least 100 m from sedimentation and filtration structures (pools, canals, etc.). The boundaries of the first belt of groundwater infiltration water intakes include the coastal area between the water intake and the surface reservoir if the distance between them is less than 150 m. When determining the boundaries of the second and third belts, it should be taken into account that the influx of groundwater from the aquifer to the water intake occurs only from the supply area of ​​the water intake, the shape and size of which in plan depends on:

Type of water intake (individual wells, groups of wells, linear row of wells, horizontal drains, etc.);

The amount of water intake (water consumption) and the decrease in groundwater levels;

Hydrological features of the aquifer, conditions for its supply and drainage. The boundary of the second zone of the ZSO is determined by hydrodynamic calculations, based on the conditions that microbial pollution entering the aquifer outside the second belt does not reach the water intake.

The main parameters that determine the distance from the boundaries of the second zone of the ZSO to the water intake is the time of movement of microbial pollution with the flow of groundwater to the water intake (T m). When determining the boundaries of the second belt T m accepted according to the table. 1.

TimeT m - calculation of the boundaries of the 2nd zone of the ZSO

Hydrogeological conditions

T m(in days)

Within I and II climatic regions

Within climatic region III*

I. Insufficiently protected groundwater (groundwater, as well as pressure and non-pressure interstratal waters that have a direct hydraulic connection with an open reservoir)

2. Protected groundwater (pressure and non-pressure interstratal waters that do not have a direct hydraulic connection with an open reservoir)

* Climatic regions in accordance with current SNiP. The boundary of the third zone of the ZSO, intended to protect the aquifer from chemical pollution, is also determined by hydrodynamic calculations. In this case, it should be assumed that the time of movement of chemical pollution to the water intake must be greater than the calculated one T X.

T x is taken as the service life of the water intake (the usual service life of the water intake is 25-50 years).

If groundwater reserves provide an unlimited service life of the water intake, the third belt should ensure a correspondingly longer preservation of the quality of groundwater. For infiltration water intake of groundwater, it is necessary to install the second and third zones of the SSS and for the surface reservoir feeding it, in accordance with paragraphs 2.3.2 and 2.3.3. Determination of the boundaries of the second and third zones of the WSS underground water supply sources for various hydrogeological conditions is carried out in accordance with the methods of hydrogeological calculations.

2.3. Determination of the boundaries of SSO belts of a surface source

2.3.1. Borders of the first belt The boundary of the first zone of the WSS water supply with a surface source is established, taking into account specific conditions, within the following limits:

a) for watercourses:

Upstream - at least 200 m of diversion intake;

Downstream - at least 100 m of diversion intake;

Along the bank adjacent to the water intake - no less than 100 m from the water line of the summer-autumn low-water period;

In the direction to the bank opposite the drainage intake, with a river or canal width of less than 100 m - the entire water area and the opposite bank 50 m wide from the water line during summer-autumn low water, with a river or canal width of more than 100 m - a strip of water area no less than 100 m wide;

b) for reservoirs (reservoirs, lakes), the boundary of the first zone should be set depending on local sanitary and hydrological conditions, but not less than 100 m in all directions along the water intake area and along the shore adjacent to the water intake from the water line of the summer-autumn low-water period.

Note: at bucket-type water intakes, the entire water area of ​​the bucket is included within the first zone of the water protection system.

2.3.2. Borders of the second belt The boundaries of the second zone of the WSS watercourses (rivers, canals) and reservoirs (reservoirs, lakes) are determined depending on natural, climatic and hydrological conditions. The boundary of the second zone on the watercourse, for the purpose of microbial self-purification, should be removed upstream of the water intake so that the travel time along the main watercourse and its tributaries, when the water flow in the watercourse is 95% of the supply, is no less than 5 days - for I A, B, C and D, as well as II And climatic regions, and at least 3 days - for I D, II B, C, D, as well as III climatic region.

The speed of water movement in m/day is taken as averaged over the width and length of the watercourse or for individual sections of it due to sharp fluctuations in flow speed. The boundary of the second belt of the WSS watercourse downstream should be determined taking into account the exclusion of the influence of wind reverse currents, but not less than 250 m from the water intake. The lateral borders of the second zone of the WSS of water discharge during the summer-autumn low-water period should be located at a distance:

a) with flat terrain - at least 500 m;

b) for mountainous terrain - to the top of the first slope facing the source of water supply, but not less than 750 m for a gentle slope and not less than 1,000 m for a steep one. The boundary of the second zone of the water protection zone on reservoirs should be removed across the water area in all directions from the water intake at a distance of 3 km - in the presence of surge winds up to 10% and 5 km - in the presence of surge winds of more than 10%. Boundary 2 of the ZSO belt on reservoirs in the territory should be removed in both directions along the shore by 3 or 5 km in accordance with clause and from the water edge at a normal backwater level (NLU) by 500-1,000 m in accordance with clause 2.3 .2.4. In some cases, taking into account the specific sanitary situation and with appropriate justification, the territory of the second zone can be increased in agreement with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

2.3.3. Borders of the third belt The boundaries of the third zone of the WSS surface water supply sources on the watercourse upstream and downstream coincide with the boundaries of the second belt. The lateral boundaries should follow the line of watersheds within 3-5 km, including tributaries. The boundaries of the third belt of a surface source on a reservoir completely coincide with the boundaries of the second belt.

2.4. Determination of the boundaries of the WSS water supply structures and water conduits

2.4.1. The sanitary protection zone of water supply facilities located outside the water intake area is represented by the first belt (strict regime), water pipelines - by a sanitary protection strip.

2.4.2. The boundary of the first zone of the WSS water supply facilities is taken at the distance:

From the walls of spare and control tanks, filters and contact clarifiers - at least 30 m;

From water towers - at least 10 m;

From other premises (settlements, reagent facilities , chlorine warehouse, pumping stations, etc.) - at least 15m.


1. In agreement with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, the first ZSO belt for free-standing water towers, depending on their design features, may not be installed.

2. When water supply facilities are located on the territory of the facility, the specified distances may be reduced in agreement with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance, but not less than 10 m.

2.4.3. The width of the sanitary protection strip should be taken on both sides of the extreme water supply lines:

a) in the absence groundwater not less than 10 m for water pipeline diameters up to 1,000 mm and not less than 20 m for water pipelines with a diameter of more than 1,000 mm;

b) in the presence of groundwater - at least 50 m, regardless of the diameter of the water pipelines.

If necessary, it is allowed to reduce the width of the sanitary protection strip for water pipelines passing through a built-up area, in agreement with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

2.4.4. If there is a consumable chlorine warehouse in the area where water supply facilities are located, the dimensions of the sanitary protection zone to residential and public buildings are established taking into account safety rules for the production, storage, transportation and use of chlorine.

3. Main activities in the territory of the ZSO

3.1. General requirements

3.1.1. Activities are provided for each ZSO belt in accordance with its purpose. They can be one-time, carried out before the start of operation of the water intake, or permanent in nature.

3.1.2. The scope of the main activities listed below in the territory of the ZSO, if there is appropriate justification, should be clarified and supplemented in relation to specific natural conditions and sanitary conditions, taking into account the current and future economic use of the territory in the area of ​​the ZSO.

3.2. Activities in the territory of the WSS underground water supply sources*

3.2.1. Events in the first zone The territory of the first zone of the ZSO must be planned to divert surface runoff beyond its boundaries, landscaped, fenced and provided with security. Paths to structures must have a hard surface


* The purpose of the events is to maintain consistency natural composition water intake by eliminating and preventing the possibility of its contamination. It is not allowed: planting tall trees, all types of construction that are not directly related to the operation, reconstruction and expansion of water supply facilities, including the laying of pipelines for various purposes, the placement of residential and utility buildings, human habitation, the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Buildings must be equipped with a sewerage system with wastewater discharge to the nearest domestic or industrial sewerage system or to local wastewater treatment plants located outside the first zone of the ZSO, taking into account the sanitary regime in the territory of the second zone.

In exceptional cases, in the absence of a sewerage system, waterproof sewage and household waste receptacles should be installed, located in places that prevent contamination of the territory of the first belt of the ZSO during their removal. Water supply facilities located in the first zone of the sanitary protection zone must be equipped with a system to prevent the possibility of contamination drinking water through the heads and wellheads, hatches and overflow pipes of tanks and pump filling devices. All water intakes must be equipped with equipment for systematic monitoring of the compliance of the actual flow rate during the operation of the water supply system with the design capacity provided for during its design and justification of the boundaries of the WSS.

3.2.2. Events for the second and third zones Identification, plugging or restoration of all old, inactive, defective or improperly operated wells that pose a danger in terms of the possibility of contamination of aquifers. Drilling of new wells and new construction associated with soil disturbance is subject to mandatory approval from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance. Prohibition of pumping waste water into underground horizons, underground storage of solid waste and mining of subsoil. Prohibition of the placement of warehouses for fuels and lubricants, pesticides and mineral fertilizers, industrial waste storage tanks, sludge storage facilities and other objects that pose a risk of chemical pollution of groundwater.

The placement of such objects is allowed within the third zone of the Western Zone only when using protected groundwater, subject to the implementation of special measures to protect the aquifer from pollution in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, issued taking into account the conclusion of geological control authorities. Timely implementation of necessary sanitary measures surface waters having a direct hydrological connection with the used aquifer, in accordance with hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters.

3.2.3. Events for the second belt

In addition to the measures specified in section 3.2.2, the following additional measures are subject to implementation within the second zone of the ZSO of underground water supply sources. Not allowed:

Placement of cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, waste disposal fields, filtration fields, manure storage facilities, silage trenches, livestock and poultry farms and other objects that pose a risk of microbial contamination of groundwater;

Application of fertilizers and pesticides;

Felling of main use forests and reconstruction. Implementation of measures for sanitary improvement of the territory of settlements and other objects (equipment of sewerage systems, installation of waterproof cesspools, organization of surface drainage, etc.).

3.3. Activities on the territory of the ZSO surface water supply sources"

3.3.1. Events in the first zone On the territory of the first belt of the surface water supply source, the measures specified in paragraphs,, must be provided.


* The goal of the measures is to maximize the reduction of microbial and chemical pollution of water sources, allowing modern technology processing to ensure the production of drinking quality water. It is not allowed to discharge any wastewater, incl. Wastewater water transport, as well as bathing, washing clothes, watering livestock and other types of water use that affect water quality.

The water area of ​​the first zone is fenced off with buoys and other warning signs. On navigable reservoirs, lighted buoys must be installed above the water intake.

3.3.2. Activities for the second and third zones of the ZSO Identification of objects that pollute water supply sources, with the development of specific water protection measures provided by funding sources, contractors and agreed with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Regulation of the allocation of territory for new construction of residential, industrial and agricultural facilities, as well as coordination of changes in the technologies of existing enterprises associated with an increased risk of wastewater pollution of the water supply source. Preventing the disposal of wastewater in the catchment area of ​​the water supply source, including its tributaries, that do not meet the hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters. All works, incl. extraction of sand, gravel, and dredging within the water area of ​​the WSS is permitted in agreement with the center of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision only if hydrological calculations justify the absence of deterioration in water quality at the water intake point. The use of chemical methods to combat eutrophication of water bodies is permitted provided that drugs that have a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion from the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation are used. If there is shipping, it is necessary to equip ships, landing stages and fire guards with devices for collecting sludge and sub-sludge waters and solid waste; equipment at the piers of drainage stations and receivers for collecting solid waste.

3.3.3. Events for the second belt

In addition to the measures specified in section 3.3.2, within the second zone of the SSS of surface water supply sources, the measures of paragraphs, paragraph 1,,, as well as the following are subject to implementation. The felling of main use forests and reconstruction, as well as the assignment of standing timber and long-term logging stock to logging enterprises are not carried out. Only maintenance felling and sanitary felling of forests are allowed. Prohibition of the location of camps and grazing of livestock, as well as any other use of the reservoir and land plots, forests within the coastal strip with a width of at least 500 m, which may lead to a deterioration in the quality or reduction in the quantity of water from the water supply source. The use of water supply sources within the second belt of the Western Zone for swimming, tourism, water sports and fishing is permitted in designated places, subject to compliance with hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters, as well as hygienic requirements for recreational areas of water bodies. Within the boundaries of the second belt of the sanitary protection zone, it is prohibited to discharge industrial, agricultural, urban and storm water wastewater, the content of which chemical substances microorganisms exceeds the hygienic water quality standards established by sanitary rules. The boundaries of the second zone of the ZSO at the intersection of roads, pedestrian paths, etc. are indicated by pillars with special signs (Appendix 2).

3.4. Measures for the sanitary protection strip of water pipelines

3.4.1. Within the sanitary protection strip of water pipelines there should be no sources of contamination of soil and groundwater.

3.4.2. The laying of water pipelines in the territory of landfills, sewage disposal fields, filtration fields, irrigation fields, cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, as well as the laying of main water pipelines in the territory of industrial and agricultural enterprises is not allowed.

Annex 1

Drinking water supply research program

1. Underground springs

1.1. Geological structure of the area where the source is located and general characteristics its hydrogeological conditions; type of the selected aquifer (artesian - confined, ground - unconfined), depth (absolute elevation) of the roof of the aquifer, thickness, water-bearing rocks (sands, gravel, fractured limestones); conditions and places of recharge and discharge of the aquifer; general information about the water abundance of the horizon (operational reserves); information on the current and future use of the aquifer for water supply and other purposes.

1.2. General information on the hydrogeological conditions of the area (field), recharge conditions of aquifers proposed for use for water supply, topographic, soil and sanitary characteristics of the water intake area, characteristics of the aquifer planned for exploitation (lithological composition, thickness, protection of the aquifer by overburden rocks, dynamic water level during design water withdrawal) .

1.3. Data on the water permeability of layers, overlying layers, data on the possibility of influence of the recharge zone on water quality.

1.4. Sanitary characteristics of the area immediately adjacent to the water intake; distance from the water intake to possible sources of water pollution: abandoned wells, absorption craters, sinkholes, wells, abandoned mine workings, storage tanks, etc.

2. Surface sources

2.1. Hydrological data: area of ​​the drainage basin, surface flow regime, maximum, minimum and average flow rates, speed and water level at the point of water intake, average periods of ice formation and break-up, estimated flow rate of water used and its correspondence to the minimum flow rate at the source, data on the characteristics of tidal currents.

2.2. General sanitary characteristics of the pool in that part of it that can affect the quality of water at the water intake:

Characteristic geological structure of the basin, soil, vegetation, presence of forests, cultivated lands, populated areas;

Industrial enterprises (their number, size, location, nature of production);

Reasons that influence or may influence the deterioration of water quality in a water body, methods and places for disposal of solid and liquid waste in the area where the source is located; the presence of domestic and industrial wastewater that pollutes the reservoir, the amount of wastewater discharged, facilities for their treatment and their location;

Distance from the wastewater discharge point to the water intake;

Availability of others possible reasons source pollution (shipping, timber rafting, watering, winter ice dumps, swimming, water sports, reclamation work, use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and so on.).

2.3.Characteristics of the self-purifying ability of the reservoir.

2.4. For reservoirs, in addition, the following shall be indicated:

Reservoir area and volume of the reservoir, useful and “dead” volume, mode of nutrition and use, water release in the reservoir, layout of the reservoir, its maximum and minimum depth, nature of the bottom, banks, bottom sediments, presence of blooms, overgrowth, siltation, direction of prevailing winds and currents, speed movement of water in the reservoir.

3. General information

3.1. Data on the possibilities of organizing a sanitary protection zone for a water supply source, the approximate boundaries of the sanitary protection zone for its individual zones.

3.2. Data on the need to treat source water (disinfection, clarification, deferrization, etc.).

3.3. Data from adjacent water intakes having the same supply area (location, productivity, water quality).


* Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 31, 2002, registration N 3220.

Registration N 17592


Sanitary and epidemiological rules
"Zones of sanitary protection of drinking water supply sources in Moscow"
(approved resolution Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated April 30, 2010 N 45)

1. General Provisions

1.1. Application area

1.1.1. These sanitary rules define the hygienic requirements for the organization and sanitary regime of the territory and water area of ​​the sanitary protection zones (hereinafter referred to as the SZZ) of the Moscow water supply system. Based on these sanitary rules, the owner of the water supply system is developing the “Project of the Moscow Water Supply System”.

1.1.2. The project of the Moscow water supply system includes:

a) determination of the boundaries of the zone and its constituent belts;

b) a program of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures to improve the sanitary condition of the territory and water area of ​​the WSS and prevent pollution of the source;

c) rules and regime for economic use of the territory of the ZSO belts.

1.1.3. The project of the Moscow water supply system with the Program of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures is coordinated, approved and implemented in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the location of water sources on the territory of four constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The established boundaries of the SZZ and its constituent belts may be revised in the event of emerging or upcoming changes in the operating conditions of water supply sources or local sanitary conditions.

The design and approval of new boundaries of the SZZ must be carried out in the same manner as the original ones.

1.2. General requirements

1.2.1. The main goal of organizing a water protection system is to protect against pollution and depletion of sources of centralized drinking water supply, as well as water supply facilities and the surrounding area, which affects the sanitary regime of the water supply source.

1.2.2. The source of water supply for the Moscow city water supply system is a multi-level second-order hydraulic system, consisting of first-order hydraulic systems that closely interact with each other based on hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological factors.

1.2.3. Features of the water supply system of the Moscow city water supply system, sanitary and anti-epidemic measures on its territory and water area are determined by:

Large water supply capacity reaching (approx. );

Geographical location and large sizes catchment area (Smolensk-Moscow ridge of the Central Russian Upland, characterized by a dense hydrographic network and low power of natural watercourses);

Administrative division and socio-economic conditions of the territory where the water supply source is located (the territory of four constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Smolensk, Tver and Moscow regions, which differ significantly in demographic indicators, as well as the degree and nature of economic development);

The political, economic and strategic significance of the water supply facility - the Moscow urban agglomeration.

1.2.4. The territory of the ZSO belongs to a zone of limited economic and urban development, where the placement and development of industrial and large-scale agricultural production is not allowed, and the development of populated areas and the placement of new civil engineering projects is limited by the assimilative capacity of soils and water bodies (their ability to self-purify).

1.2.5. The territory of the ZSO is divided into sections that are subject to the structure of the hydraulic systems that are part of the source of the Moscow water supply system.

1.2.6. The basis for calculating the size of the WSS is to ensure water quality that meets the hygienic requirements for water from centralized drinking water supply sources in the closing sections (waterworks) of each first-order hydraulic system.

2. Diagram of the ZSO and its constituent belts

2.1. The WSS is organized for each water treatment station and each hydraulic unit of the 1st order hydraulic system.

2.2. The WSS of the water treatment station consists of zones 1A and 1B (strict regime) and a second zone (restrictions).

2.2.1. 1A, 1B and the second ZSO belts are organized for water treatment stations:




Western and Southwestern.

2.2.2. 1A zone ZSO water treatment station (strict regime) includes the territory and water area of ​​​​the location of water intakes, sites for the location of all water supply facilities, structures of waterworks and canals supplying water from water intakes to the sites of water treatment facilities, where any activity not related to the needs of the water supply system is excluded, including and measures to neutralize sludge from water treatment facilities.

The purpose of the 1A belt of the water treatment plant is to protect the water intake site, water intake, water supply and hydraulic structures from accidental or intentional pollution and damage.

2.2.3. 1B zone of the WSS water treatment station (strict regime) includes part of the water area of ​​the water supply source, first-order tributaries and their coastal territories within the limits ensuring the constancy of the water composition at the point of water intake.

The purpose of the 1B belt of the water treatment station is to protect the water area of ​​the source and coastal area from anthropogenic impacts that have an adverse effect on the constancy of the water composition at the water intake site.

2.2.4. The second belt (belt of restrictions) of the water treatment station includes the water area of ​​the water supply source and the territory of the first slope facing the water supply source, which extends along the banks of reservoirs, main watercourses, as well as along the banks of first-order tributaries.

The main watercourses in the WSS water treatment stations are: r. Klyazma (from the site near the village of Klushino to the confluence with the Klyazma Reservoir), river. Ucha (from the site near the village of Sukharevo to the confluence with the Pyalovskoye Reservoir), as well as sections of the Canal named after. Moscow, connecting the Ivankovskoe reservoir with the Moscow River.

The purpose of the second belt of the water treatment plant is to protect the water supply source from biological and chemical pollution coming from surface and underground runoff and from ships located in the water area of ​​the belt, as well as to ensure self-purification of water from existing biological pollution.

2.3. The waterworks protection zone consists of 1 belt (strict regime) and 2 belts (restrictions).

2.3.1. The first and second zones of the ZSO are organized for waterworks:








Ivankovsky, as well as for

Channels Gzhat - Yauza and Yauza - Ruza.

2.3.2. The first zone of the waterworks protection zone (strict regime) includes the territory of hydraulic structures and the water area of ​​the outport of the waterworks, where any activity not related to the needs of the waterworks is excluded.

2.3.3. The purpose of the 1st belt of the waterworks protection zone is to protect the water area of ​​the source and the coastal area from anthropogenic impacts that have an adverse effect on the constancy of the water composition at the waterworks dam, as well as hydraulic structures from accidental or intentional damage.

2.3.4. The second zone of the water supply system (restriction belt) includes the water area of ​​the water supply source and the territory of the first slope facing the water supply source, which extends along the banks of reservoirs, main watercourses, as well as along the banks of first-order tributaries included in the hydraulic system.

The main watercourses in the WSS hydroelectric complexes are: r. Moscow, r. Ozerna, r. Vazuza, b. Gzhat, r. Ruza (from the site of the Ruza hydroelectric complex to the mouth), river. Istra, r. Malaya Istra, r. Kasnya.

The purpose of the second belt of the water protection system is to protect the source of water supply from biological and chemical pollution coming from surface and underground runoff and from ships located in the water area of ​​the belt, as well as to ensure the processes of self-purification of water from existing biological pollution.

2.4. The boundaries of 1B and 2 zones of water treatment stations and 1 and 2 belts of water treatment facilities at the intersection of roads and pedestrian paths are marked by pillars with a special sign.

2.5. Sanitary and anti-epidemic measures must be carried out:

a) within the 1A belt of the water treatment station and the 1st zone of the water treatment plant - by the owner of the water supply system and the owner of the hydraulic structures;

b) within the 1B belt of the WSS water treatment station - by the owners and possessors of land plots and facilities located on its territory and in the water area;

c) within the second belt of the water treatment station and the second belt of the waterworks - by the owners and possessors of land plots and facilities located on their territory and in the water area, as well as water users.

2.6. Citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form and form of ownership, including owners, owners of land plots, facilities and business entities that have (or may have) a negative impact on the water quality of drinking water supply sources, are responsible for failure to implement sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in the territory and water areas of sanitary protection zones.

2.7. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision over compliance with the ZSO regime, including the approval of documents on the provision of land plots for construction and reconstruction, the implementation of the prescribed sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, as well as control of the water quality of water supply sources is carried out within the limits of:

1A and 1B belts of water treatment stations and 1 belt of water treatment plants - by the bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in Moscow;

2 zones of the water treatment station and 2 zones of the water treatment plant - by bodies exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the Moscow, Tver and Smolensk regions on a territorial basis.

2.8. Coordination of the provision of land plots for reconstruction on the territory of the 1B zone of the Western Social Protection Station of a water treatment station, the construction and reconstruction of facilities on the territory of the 2nd zone of the Western Social Protection Station of water treatment stations and waterworks, is carried out taking into account the implementation of citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities necessary sanitary and anti-epidemic measures, including wastewater disposal, to prevent a negative impact on the water quality of the drinking water supply source.

3. Boundaries of the ZSO belts

3.1. Boundaries of the 1A zone of the Western Water Treatment Stations of water treatment stations

3.1.1. Belt 1A of the Western Water Treatment Plant includes:

The entire water area of ​​the Uchinsky reservoir and water supply canal from the Uchinsky reservoir to the Eastern water treatment station;

Territory of the Eastern water treatment station, territory of the 1st lift pumping station with a regulator and water intake within the fence;

A strip 150 meters wide from the water's edge at a normal retaining level throughout the Uchinsky reservoir;

A strip 100 meters wide from the edge of the canal and the bucket along the open part of the water supply canal from the Uchinsky reservoir to the Eastern water treatment station and 50 meters wide from the axis of the canal in its closed part;

The territory along the route of water conduits of the 1st rise within the right of way, but not less than 10 meters in each direction from the axis of the outermost water conduit;

The forest area lies south of the Uchinsky reservoir and includes the territory of 82, 85, 90, 95, 100, 101, 102 quarters of the Uchinsky forestry.

3.1.2. Belt 1A of the Northern Water Treatment Plant includes:

The territory of the main water treatment facilities of the Northern water treatment station on the Klyazminskoye reservoir in the village. Northern NEAD of Moscow within the fence;

The territory of the 1st lift pumping station, located on the southern bank of the Klyazma reservoir west of the village of Terpigorievo within the fence, as well as the water area of ​​the Klyazma reservoir with a radius of 150 meters from the water intake;

The territory of the 1st lift pumping station, located on the southern bank of the Uchinskoye reservoir within the fence.

The territory along the route of the 1st rise water pipelines is within the right of way, but not less than 10 meters in each direction from the axis of the outermost water pipeline.

3.1.3. Belt 1A of the ZSO Rublevskaya water treatment plant includes:

The territory of the Rublyovskaya water treatment station, including the territory of the cleaning shop, within the fences;

The water area of ​​the Moscow River within 200 meters upstream and 100 meters downstream from the fence of the Rublevskaya water treatment station and the corresponding strip of the left bank 100 meters wide from the water’s edge;

3.1.4. The 1A zone of the Western and South-Western water treatment stations includes:

The territory of the Western water treatment plant within the fence;

The territory of the South-Western water treatment plant within the fence;

The territory of the 1st lift pumping station is within the fence;

Water area of ​​the river Moscow within 200 meters upstream and 100 meters downstream from the water intake fence and the corresponding strip of the left bank 100 meters wide from the water’s edge;

The territory along the route of water pipelines 1 and 2 rises within the right of way, but not less than 10 meters from the axis of the outermost water pipeline in both directions.

3.2. Boundaries of the 1B zone of the WSS water treatment stations

3.2.1. Belt 1B of the Western Water Treatment Plant includes:

The area adjacent to the 1A belt of the Western Protective Zone is around the Eastern water treatment station and the pumping station of the 1st rise with a regulator and a water intake 100 meters wide;

The territory adjacent to the 1A belt of the ZSO is around the Uchinsky reservoir within the following boundaries: from the Akulovskaya dam in the northeast direction to the eastern part of the 101st quarter of the Tishkovsky forestry of the State Institution "Special Forestry "Uchinsky". Further, the border goes through the territory of the following quarters of the Tishkovsky forestry: 95, 90, 85 , 91, 86, 78, 77, 76, 69, 67. From the 67th quarter, the border runs along the territory of the 66th quarter west of the village of Stepankovo, Pushkinsky district and the adjacent holiday village through heights 177.3, 177.7, along the southern part of 61 quarter of the Tishkovsky forestry. Further - along the western border of the 59th quarter of the Tishkovsky forest park, south of the villages "Pestovskie Dachas" and the North-Eastern Territory "Tishkovo"; going around the latter, it passes along the northern side of the nameless ravine; crosses the ravine south of the tourist camp and the fisherman's house; further - along the territory of 45 and 48 blocks of the Tishkovsky forest park approach the shore of the Pestovsky reservoir 500 m west of the dam of the same name.

On the southern bank of the Pestovskoye reservoir, the border runs at a distance of 500 meters from the Pestovskaya dam along the eastern border of the Pestovo boarding house, then along the southern and western borders of the lands of the FSUE "State Farm named after Timiryazev", skirts the territory of the gardening partnership "Plumber" from the northern, eastern and western sides and further to the south along the technological road of the Akulovsky hydroelectric complex, along the western side of the 8th and 13th quarters of the Uchinsky forestry it leads to the Pyalovsky reservoir. On the southern bank of the Pyalovsky reservoir, the border goes through the village of Prussy, through the 23rd quarter of the Uchinsky forestry, along the northern border of the village of Manyukhino, along the land use of the FSUE "State Farm named after Timiryazev" through heights 172.2 - 169.1, 170.8 - 169, 2 through the territory of the 64th quarter of the Uchinsky forestry and then approaches the border of the 1B belt of the ZSO water canal.

3.2.2. Belt 1B of the Northern Water Treatment Plant includes:

Adjacent to the boundary 1A of the WSS belt, the area around the Northern Water Treatment Station to the south and east is 100 meters wide;

A strip 200 meters wide along the perimeter of the fence of the 1st lift pumping station, located on the southern bank of the Klyazma reservoir west of the village of Terpigorievo, and a coastal strip along the shore of the reservoir 400 meters long to the northeast and southwest, 100 m wide from the water's edge at normal support level.

3.2.3. The 1B zone of the WSS Rublevskaya, Western and South-Western water treatment stations includes:

The water area of ​​the Moscow River from the dam in the village. Petrovo-Dalneye to the northern border of the village of Rublevo and a strip 100 meters wide on both banks;

The entire territory of the Starorechye peninsula with its bay and channels, and the entire territory of Lokhinsky Island within its natural boundaries, as well as the water area of ​​the oxbow lakes bordering them;

The ravine and a strip 100 meters from its slopes along the left bank of the Moscow River, above the new water intake of the Rublevskaya water treatment station;

Coastal stripes of the river Moscow below the Rublevskaya water treatment station with a length of 1000 meters: on sections of the right steep terraced bank - a lower floodplain terrace, slopes, and a strip of upper floodplain terrace 10 - 15 meters wide from the cliff, on sections of the left flat bank - a strip 100 meters wide from the water's edge;

The territory of the village of Rublevo within the red lines, the territory to the southeast of the water treatment station including part of the 7th quarter of the Serebryanoborsky forestry and the territory 100 meters wide north of the hospital in the 7th quarter, including part of the 7th, 8th and 4th quarters of the Serebryanoborsky forestry;

Water area and coastal strip of the river. Lipki from the upper reaches of the lower pond to the mouth, 50 meters wide, including the steep slopes of the floodplain on each bank;

Adjacent to the boundary 1A of the WSO belt, the strip of the bank of the bend of the Moscow River opposite the water intake of the Western water treatment station is 400 meters wide;

Water area and coastal strip of the river. Somynki from the Poselkovy Pond site 50 meters above the dam to the mouth within the natural boundaries of the river floodplain. Somynka, including steep slopes of the floodplain;

The water area and coastal strip of the Skabeltsyn stream within the natural boundaries of the floodplain;

Water area and coastal strip of the river. Medvenki from the bridge on the Krasnogorskoe highway to the river mouth within the natural boundaries of the floodplain, including the steep slopes of the floodplain;

Water area and coastal strip of the river. Chachenka from the upper reaches of the Romashkovsky pond to the mouth within the natural boundaries of the floodplain, but not less than 20 meters and not more than 50 meters from the water's edge;

The water area and shoreline of an unnamed stream flowing into the river. Moscow above the water intake of the Rublevskaya water treatment station within the natural boundaries of the floodplain, plus a strip of 50 meters in each direction from the outer edge of the floodplain.

The territory along the route of water conduits 1 and 2 rises within the right of way, but not less than 10 m in each direction from the axis of the outermost water conduit.

3.3. Boundaries of the first zone of the Western Social Protection System of the Moskvoretskaya and Vazuzskaya water systems

3.3.1. 1 belt ZSO Mozhaisk hydroelectric complex

A strip 100 meters wide on both banks from the reservoir dam to the alignment of the village of Blaznovo - the village of Kriushino and the water area of ​​the reservoir between the indicated alignment and the dam of the hydroelectric complex.

3.3.2. 1st belt ZSO Verkhneruzsky hydroelectric complex

3.3.3. 1st belt ZSO Ruza hydroelectric complex

A strip 100 meters wide on both banks of the reservoir from the reservoir dam to the site of the village of Pestovo and the water area of ​​the reservoir between the specified site and the dam of the hydroelectric complex.

3.3.4. 1 belt ZSO Ozerninsky hydroelectric complex

A strip 100 meters wide on both banks of the reservoir to the Volynshchino watershed site of the Sports Committee of the Russian Federation and the water area of ​​the reservoir between the specified site and the dam of the hydroelectric complex.

3.3.5. 1st belt ZSO Istra hydroelectric complex

A strip 100 meters wide on both banks of the reservoir from the dam to the site of the village of Lamishino and the water area of ​​the reservoir between the specified site and the dam of the hydroelectric complex.

3.3.6. 1 belt ZSO Karmanovsky hydroelectric complex

The territory is within the land allotment of the Mosvodokanal MGP.

3.3.7. 1st belt of ZSO Zubtsovsky hydroelectric complex

The territory is within the land allotment of the Mosvodokanal MGP.

3.3.8. 1 belt of the Ivankovo ​​hydroelectric complex

The territory is within the land allotment of the Mosvodokanal MGP.

3.3.9. Along the Gzhat-Yauza and Yauza-Ruza canals

An area 50 m wide in each direction from the axis of the canal.

3.4. Boundaries of the second zone of the WSS water treatment stations and waterworks

3.4.1. The upper boundary of the 2nd zone of the water supply system in the water area of ​​the water supply source must be removed upstream from the waterworks dam at a distance so that the time to travel along the main watercourse, first-order tributaries and the waters of the reservoir to the waterworks dam is at least 5 days (at a water flow of 95% of the supply ), but not further than the dam site of the overlying hydroelectric complex.

3.4.2. The lower boundary corresponds to the water intake or waterworks site.

3.4.3. Lateral boundaries are established not only along the banks of the main watercourse or reservoir included in hydraulic systems (hereinafter referred to as hydraulic systems), but also along the banks of first-order tributaries flowing into them.

The lateral boundaries of the 2nd zone of the water intake or hydroelectric complex should pass from the water edge at a normal retaining level for reservoirs and during summer-autumn low water for main watercourses and first-order tributaries at a distance of:

a) with flat terrain - at least 500 m;

b) for hilly terrain - along the tops of the first slope facing the water supply source.

4. Main activities on the territory and waters of the ZSO

4.1. Activities for 1A belt of water treatment stations

4.1.1. Within the boundaries of the territory and water area 1A of the ZSO zone of water treatment stations, only activities related to the intake, preparation, storage and supply of drinking water are allowed.

All types of construction and economic activity, not directly related to the operation, reconstruction and expansion of water supply facilities, including the laying of pipelines for various purposes, permanent storage and processing facilities for solid industrial waste (sludge from water treatment facilities), placement of residential and utility buildings, recreational facilities, human habitation .

4.1.2. Territory 1A of the WSS belt of water treatment stations must be planned to divert surface runoff beyond its boundaries, landscaped, fenced and provided with security. Roads and pedestrian paths to structures must have a hard surface.

In water area 1A of the water treatment station zone, the discharge of any wastewater, including wastewater from water transport, as well as swimming, washing clothes, watering livestock, fishing and other types of water use that affect water quality are not allowed.

Water area 1A of the water treatment station zone is fenced off with buoys and other warning signs. In navigable areas of water bodies, lighted buoys must be installed above the water intakes of water intakes.

4.2. Activities for 1B belt of water treatment stations

4.2.1. All types of new construction are prohibited on the territory of 1B belt of water treatment stations. Types of economic and other activities that lead to microbial and chemical contamination of soil, groundwater and source water, including first-order tributaries, including livestock farming, the use of pesticides, the placement of public garages and hangars, warehouses, and public beaches are not allowed.

In water area 1B of the water treatment station belt, the basing and operation of motor and sailing vessels, including jet skis, is not allowed, except in cases of supervisory and inspection checks by authorized bodies.

4.2.2. Reconstruction of existing facilities is permitted provided that the adverse impact of the reconstructed facility on the source of water supply is reduced by reducing population density and increasing the level of amenities, subject to the following requirements:

Buildings must be sewered with drainage to treatment facilities located outside the 1A and 1B belts of the water treatment stations, taking into account the sanitary regime in the territory of the second zone;

It is not allowed to discharge any wastewater, including storm water, into the water area of ​​the water supply source;

The construction of fences along the boundaries of land plots and the coastal strip, in order to preserve the natural conditions of underground flow, should be carried out on a columnar foundation;

When carrying out reconstruction work, the parking of specialized machines, equipment and auxiliary equipment, as well as the storage of building materials and construction waste, must be located outside the 1B belt of the water treatment station;

Ensuring the timely removal of solid waste outside the 1B belt of the water treatment plant.

4.2.3. If it is impossible to connect the reconstructed individual properties to the centralized sewerage system, determined technical specifications for connection to existing or planned sewer networks, it is allowed to collect household wastewater after local treatment facilities in a sealed cesspool, provided that regular waste removal is ensured by special vehicles.

4.2.4. In the territory 1B of the WSS belt of water treatment stations, the construction of embankments, the construction of bank protection and other work on the improvement of coastal areas is allowed, provided that there is no negative impact on the water quality of the source of drinking water supply.

4.3. Activities for the first zone of the waterworks protection zone

4.3.1. Within the boundaries of the territory and water area 1A of the waterworks zone, all types of construction and economic activities that are not directly related to the operation, reconstruction and expansion of hydraulic structures are not allowed, including the laying of pipelines for various purposes, permanent storage and processing facilities for solid industrial waste, the placement of residential and household buildings, recreational facilities, human habitation.

4.3.2. Territory 1A of the hydroelectric power station belt must be planned to drain surface runoff beyond its boundaries, landscaped, and fenced.

In water area 1A of the WSS waterworks belt, the discharge of any wastewater, including wastewater from water transport, as well as swimming, washing clothes, watering livestock, fishing and other types of water use that affect water quality are not allowed.

4.4. Activities for the second belt of water treatment plants and water treatment plants

4.4.1. When developing regional planning documents, the standard for summer recreational load on the territory of the 2nd zone of the waterworks hydroelectric system should not exceed (in thousand people per 1 sq. km) for the Istrinskaya GTS - 80, the Mozhaisk GTS - 80, the Ruzsko-Ozerninskaya GTS - 70, the Ivankovskaya GTS - 200, along the watershed reservoirs of the Canal named after. Moscow - 150, Vazuzskaya GTS - 80.

4.4.2. When developing regional planning projects, master plans for settlements, providing land plots for new construction of residential, industrial and agricultural facilities, as well as when reconstructing existing facilities within the territory of the ZSO, restrictions on building density and settlement, as well as increasing the level of improvement of settlements in order to prevent negative influence on water quality of drinking water supply sources.

4.4.3. When allocating sites for the construction of recreational facilities (boarding houses, country resorts, etc.), one should proceed from the density of vacationers on the territory of the enterprises of no more than 15 - 20 people. per 1 hectare of land for organizing recreation.

4.4.4. It is not allowed to place land plots for country houses, gardening, individual housing construction, sewage treatment facilities, gas stations (gas stations) passenger cars at a distance of less than 100 meters from the water's edge of a source of drinking water supply at a normal retaining level for reservoirs and during summer-autumn low water for main watercourses and first-order tributaries. When constructing and reconstructing recreation and sports facilities, it is necessary to comply with the requirement that all buildings are located at a distance of at least 100 meters from the water's edge. In recreational areas within a strip of 100 m from the water's edge, capital construction is not allowed; installation of small architectural forms is allowed.

4.4.5. On the territory of the 2nd belt of the Western Social Protection Station of water treatment stations and waterworks, it is not permitted to place objects that pose a risk of chemical and microbial contamination of soil, groundwater and water supply sources:

Cemeteries, cattle burial grounds (in existing cemeteries, expansion of the territory is not allowed; burial in related graves is permitted in accordance with sanitary rules and regulations for the placement, arrangement and maintenance of cemeteries, buildings and structures for funeral purposes);

Warehouses for fuels and lubricants, pesticides, mineral fertilizers;

Industrial waste storage facilities, sludge storage facilities, landfills and storage facilities for industrial solid waste (ISW) and municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills;

Sewage disposal fields, filtration fields, agricultural irrigation fields, underground filtration fields;

Livestock and poultry complexes, farms, silage trenches and manure storage facilities;

Application of pesticides, organic and mineral fertilizers;

Changes in the technology of existing enterprises associated with an increase in anthropogenic load on the water supply source;

Felling of main use forest and reconstruction in an area at least 500 m wide from the water's edge. Within these limits, only thinning and sanitary felling of forests are allowed.

4.4.6. The location of camps, grazing of livestock within a coastal strip of at least 500 m wide, as well as plowing of land within a coastal strip of 100 meters is not allowed.

4.4.7. The sanitary regime of settlements on the territory of the 2nd belt of the Western Social Protection Station of water treatment stations and waterworks must comply with the requirements of sanitary rules. Cities and towns must have urban sewerage systems with mechanical, biological and tertiary treatment units for urban wastewater, as well as systems storm sewer with drainage of wastewater to treatment facilities.

4.4.8. Discharge of treated industrial, municipal and domestic wastewater into the source of drinking water supply in the water area of ​​the 2nd zone of the Western Social Protection Station of water treatment stations and waterworks is permitted provided that the quality of wastewater is brought to the level of water quality requirements for water bodies of the first category of water use in accordance with hygienic standards.

4.4.9. When supplying water to an individual housing and dacha construction site from a shaft well or standpipes without a house distribution network, the installation of sealed cesspools is allowed, provided that regular waste removal by special vehicles to drainage stations is ensured.

4.4.10. The use of the water area of ​​the source of drinking water supply within the 2nd zone of the Western Socialist Zone of water treatment stations and waterworks for swimming, tourism, water sports and fishing is allowed in established places (recreation zones) subject to the hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters, as well as the load on the beach area of ​​no more than 1000 people/ha, per water area - no more than 500 people/ha.

4.4.11. Vessels plying in the waters of the WSS, landing stages and fire guards must be equipped with devices for collecting waste water, sub-sludge water and solid waste. Accumulated wastewater and solid waste are transferred either to sewage pumping stations or to special treatment vessels.

4.4.12. The use of chemical methods to combat eutrophication of water bodies is permitted subject to the use of drugs whose safety has been confirmed.

State system of sanitary and epidemiological regulation of the Russian Federation

State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations


sanitary protection of sources
drinking water supply

Sanitary rules

Ministry of Health of Russia
Moscow 2002

Zones sanitary protection of drinking water supply sources in Moscow: Sanitary rules. - M.: Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 2002.

1. Developed by the Department of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. I. M. Sechenov (Prof. Mazaev V. T., Associate Professor Shlepnina T. G.) with the participation of the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Veselov A. P.).

3. Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation G. G. Onishchenko on October 11, 2001.

4. Entered into force by Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2001 No. 32 from April 1, 2002.

5. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 31, 2002. Registration number 3220.

6. With the entry into force of SP “Zones of sanitary protection of sources of drinking water supply in Moscow”, the “Zones of sanitary protection of sources of domestic drinking water supply in Moscow” lose their force.

the federal law
“On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population”
No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999

“State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts, establishing sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), non-compliance with which creates a threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases” (Article 1) .

“On the territory of the Russian Federation, federal sanitary rules are in force, approved and put into effect by the federal executive body authorized to carry out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities” (Article 39).

“For violation of sanitary legislation, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established” (Article 55).

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



08.11.01 Moscow No. 32

About implementation

sanitary rules


Based on the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554


1. Put into effect the sanitary rules “Zones of sanitary protection of drinking water supply sources in Moscow. SP", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on 11.10.01, from April 1, 2002.


Chief State Sanitary

doctor of the Russian Federation - First

Deputy Minister of Health

Russian Federation

G. G. Onishchenko


Sanitary protection zones
sources of drinking water supply in Moscow

Sanitary rules

1. General Provisions

1.1. The sanitary rules of the “Sanitary Protection Zone of Moscow Drinking Water Supply Sources” were developed on the basis of the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650 ), Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554, which approved the “Regulations on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation” and “Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Standards” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295).

1.2. These sanitary rules define the hygienic requirements for the organization and maintenance of the territory and water area of ​​the sanitary protection zones (hereinafter referred to as the SZZ) of the Moscow water supply system. Based on these sanitary rules, the “Moscow Water Supply Project” is being developed.

1.3. The project of the Moscow water supply system with the program of measures is coordinated and approved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.4. The main purpose of the ZSO is to protect centralized drinking water supply sources, as well as water supply facilities and the surrounding area from pollution and depletion.

1.5. The source of water supply for the Moscow city water supply system is a multi-level second-order hydraulic system, consisting of first-order hydraulic systems that closely interact with each other based on hydrological, hydrochemical and hydrobiological factors.

1.6. Features of the water supply zones of the Moscow city water supply, sanitary and anti-epidemic measures on their territory and water area are determined by:

· high water supply capacity, reaching 75.7 m3/s (about 7 million m3/day);

· geographical location and large size of the catchment area of ​​water supply sources (Smolensk-Moscow ridge of the Central Russian Upland, characterized by a dense hydrographic network and low power of natural watercourses);

· administrative division and socio-economic conditions of the territory where water supply sources are located (the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Smolensk, Tver and Moscow regions, which differ significantly in demographic indicators, as well as the degree and nature of economic development);

· political, economic and strategic significance of the water supply facility - the Moscow urban agglomeration.

1.7. The principles of organizing the water protection system for the sources of the Moscow water supply system in connection with its characteristics are:

· the territory of the ZSO belongs to a zone of limited economic and urban development, in which the placement and development of industrial and large-scale agricultural production is not allowed, and the development of populated areas and the placement of new civil engineering projects is limited by the assimilative capacity of soils and water bodies (their ability to self-purify);

· dividing the territory of the WSS into sections subordinate to the structure of the hydraulic systems that are part of the source of the Moscow water supply system;

· the external boundary of the WSS includes the catchment area of ​​the water supply source;

· the basis for calculating the size of the water protection system is to ensure water quality that meets the hygienic requirements for water from sources of centralized drinking water supply in the closing sections of each hydraulic system and parts of the watercourse connecting individual hydraulic systems.

1.8. The SSS of each hydraulic system is organized into three belts.

1.9. The first zone (strict regime) includes the area where water intakes are located, the sites where all water supply facilities are located, the structures of waterworks and canals supplying water from water intakes to the sites of water treatment facilities.

Its purpose is to protect the water intake site, water intake, water supply and hydraulic structures from accidental or intentional contamination and damage.

1.10. The second belt (belt of restrictions) includes the territory of the first slope, facing the source of water supply, and extends along the banks of reservoirs and main watercourses included in the hydraulic system, as well as along the banks of first-order tributaries.

The main watercourses are: along the Moskvoretsky source - the river. Moscow, r. Vazuza, b. Gzhat, r. Ruza, b. Istra, r. Malaya Istra, r. Kasnya; according to the Volga source: r. Volga, r. Tvertsa, r. Lama, b. Shosha.

The purpose of the second belt is to protect the water supply source from microbial and chemical pollution coming with surface runoff.

1.11. The third zone (belt of restrictions) includes the catchment area of ​​the water supply source.

The purpose of the third belt is to protect the water supply source from chemical pollution coming from surface runoff.

1.12. Sanitary and anti-epidemic measures must be carried out:

a) within the first zone of the ZSO - by the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal";

b) within the second and third zones of the ZSO - owners of objects that have (or may have) a negative impact on the quality of water from water supply sources.

1.13. Water users bear, in accordance with the established procedure, responsibility for the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures within the 2nd and 3rd zones of the Western Zone.

1.14. State sanitary and epidemiological supervision of compliance with the ZSO regime, incl. the allocation of land plots for construction and reconstruction, the implementation of the prescribed measures, and control of the water quality of water sources is carried out within the limits of:

· first zone - by the state sanitary and epidemiological service in Moscow;

· second and third zones - by the state sanitary and epidemiological service in the Moscow, Tver, Smolensk regions.

The allocation of land plots for construction on the territory of the 2nd zone of the ZSO is carried out taking into account the technical conditions of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal" for water disposal.

2. Diagram of the ZSO and its constituent belts

2.1. The following areas are distinguished on the territory of the Moscow water supply system's water supply system:

· according to the Moskvoretsky source - Vazuzsky, Mozhaisky, Ruzsko-Ozerninsky, Istrinsky, section of the river. Ruza (from the dam of the Ruza hydroelectric complex), river. Moscow (from the Mozhaisk hydroelectric dam), r. Istra (from the dam of the Istra hydroelectric complex), river. M. Istra to the Rublevsky hydroelectric complex;

· according to the Volga source - Verkhnevolzhsky, Vyshnevolzhsky, the Volga River from the Verkhnevolzhsky hydroelectric complex to the western border of the Kalininsky district of the Tver region, Ivankovsky, canal named after. Moscow, watershed reservoirs of the Canal named after. Moscow.

2.2. Borders of the first zone of the Western Zone

2.2.1. The first zone of the sanitary protection zone of the Eastern Waterworks includes:

· the entire water area of ​​the Uchinsky reservoir;

· the territory of the station itself, which includes the territory of the pumping station of the 1st rise with a regulator and water intake and a strip of area around them 150 m wide, as well as the territory along the water pipelines of the 1st rise 10 m wide from the axis of the water pipelines in each direction;

· the area along the open part of the water supply canal from the Uchinsky reservoir to the end inclusive, 150 m wide from the edge of the canal and a bucket 50 m wide in each direction from the axis of the canal;

territory along the route of water pipelines supplying the city clean water, within the right of way, but not less than 10 m in each direction from the axis of the outer water conduits.

The drainage area of ​​the direct flow of the water supply part of the Uchinsky reservoir is within the following boundaries: a strip 150 m wide from the Akulovskaya dam to the eastern part of the 101st quarter of the Tishkovsky forest park of the Uchinsky forest parkkhoz. Further, the border goes along the following blocks of the Tishkovsky forest park: 95, 90, 85, 91, 86, 78, 77, 76, 69, 67. From block 67, the border goes along the land use of the Zelenogradsky state farm, west of the village of Stepankovo ​​through a height of 177.3 -177.7 goes along the southern part of the 61st quarter of the Tishkovsky forest park.

Further through blocks 60 and 59, south of the village of the Tishkovo sanatorium, the border goes along the western part of the 59th block and along the land use of the Zelenogradsky state farm, through a height of 177.8, passes through 42, 45 and 13 blocks to the southern part of the 43rd block, the border passes at a distance of 1 km from the Pestovskaya dam.

On the southern bank of the Pestovsky reservoir, the border runs along the territory of the Pestovo holiday home at a distance of 1 km from the Pestovskaya dam, along the eastern part of the 1st and 2nd blocks of the Uchinsky forest park, along the southwestern part of the end of the 4th block to a height of 177.8, then along the land use of the state farm them. Timiryazev to the 8th quarter and along the western part of the 8th and 13th quarters it approaches the Pyalovsky reservoir.

Along the southern bank of the Pyalovsky reservoir, the border goes through the village of Prussy, through the 23rd quarter of the Uchinsky forest park, along the northern part of the village of Manyukhino along the land use of the state farm named after. Timiryazeva, through heights 172.2-169.1-170.8-169.2, approaches the border of the 1st canal belt at the 69th quarter of the Uchinsky forest park.

Further, the entire forest area lying south of the Uchinsky reservoir is included in 1 zone. The border runs along blocks 82, 85, 90, 95, 100, 101 and 102 of the Uchinsky Forest Park and approaches a strip 150 m wide from the Akulovskaya dam.

2.2.2. The first zone of the sanitary protection zone of the Northern Waterworks includes:

· the territory of the main water treatment facilities, located near the village of Severny, Timiryazevsky district of Moscow, and a strip of area to the north, east and south of this territory, 150 m wide; to the west of this territory the border runs along the red line of Dmitrovskoye Highway;

· the territory of pumping stations within the fence, located on the southern bank of the Klyazminskoye reservoir to the west of the village of Terpigorevo and on the shore of the Uchinskoye reservoir;

· the territory along the route of the water pipeline 1 and 2 rises within the right of way, but not less than 10 m from the axis of the water pipelines in both directions.

2.2.3. The first zone of the sanitary protection zone of the Rublevskaya waterworks includes:

· the territory of the Rublyovskaya water station together with treatment workshop No. 2 and the territory of the village of Rublyovo within the red lines; the area southeast of the waterworks including part of the 7th quarter of the Serebryanoborsky forestry and the area 100 m wide north of the hospital in the 7th quarter, including part of the 7th, 8th and 4th quarters of the Serebryanoborsky forestry;

· the water area of ​​the Moscow River from the dam in Petrovo-Dalny to the northern border of the village of Rublevo and a strip 100 m wide on both banks, including Starorechye and the entire territory of Lokhinsky Island (together with the first belt of the Western Waterworks);

· the territory along the route of water pipelines 1 and 2 rises within the right of way, but not less than 10 m from the axis of the water pipelines on both sides.

2.2.4. The first zone of the sanitary protection zone of the Western Waterworks includes:

· the territory of the Western waterworks, Konkovsky reservoirs, chlorine and ammonia warehouses within the fences;

· the coastal part of the territory of the water intake structures of the Western Waterworks within the fence;

· the water area of ​​the Moscow River from the dam in Petrovo-Dalny to the northern border of the village of Rublyovo and a strip 100 m wide on both banks, including Starorechye and the entire territory of Lokhinsky Island (together with the first belt of the Rublyovskaya water station);

· the territory along the route of water pipelines 1 and 2 rises within the right of way, but not less than 10 m from the axis of the water pipelines in both directions.

2.2.5. The first belt of the waterworks protection zone includes the territory on which all the waterworks structures are located, a coastal strip 150 m wide from the waterworks in both directions and the water area of ​​the outport.

2.3. Boundaries of the second zone of the SZZ hydraulic systems

2.3.1. The upper boundary must be removed upstream from the waterworks dam so much that the travel time along the main watercourse, first-order tributaries and the water area of ​​the reservoir is at least 5 days (at a water flow of 95% of the supply), but not further than the dam site of the overlying waterworks.

2.3.2. The lower boundary corresponds to the waterworks site.

2.3.3. Lateral boundaries are established not only along the banks of the main watercourse or reservoir included in hydraulic systems (hereinafter - GTS), but also along the banks of first-order tributaries flowing into them.

The lateral boundaries should run along the tops of the first slope facing the source of water supply, but not less than 750 m from the water's edge during summer-autumn low-water periods.

2.4. Boundaries of the third zone of the SZZ hydraulic systems

2.4.1. The upper and lower boundaries of the third ZSO belt coincide with the boundaries of the second ZSO belt.

2.4.2. The outer boundary of the third belt of water supply sources of the Moscow water supply system is determined by the boundaries of the watershed and includes the following territories.

For the Moskvoretsky source:

a) for the Vazuzskaya GTS - Gagarinsky, Novoduginsky and Sychevsky districts of the Smolensk region;

b) for the Mozhaisk GTS - Mozhaisk district of the Moscow region;

c) along the Ruzsko-Ozerninskaya GTS - Shakhovsky, Volokolamsky and Ruzsky districts of the Moscow region;

d) along the Istra GTS - Istra and Solnechnogorsk (basin of the Istra reservoir) districts of the Moscow region;

e) on the river section Ruza (from the dam of the Ruza hydroelectric complex), river. Moscow (from the Mozhaisk hydroelectric dam), r. Istra (from the dam of the Istra hydroelectric complex), river. M. Istra - Odintsovo and Krasnogorsk districts of the Moscow region.

For the Volzhsky source:

a) for the Verkhnevolzhskaya GTS - Penovsky, Selizharovsky and Ostashkovsky districts of the Tver region;

b) on the section of the Volga River from the Verkhnevolzhsky hydroelectric complex to the western border of the Kalininsky district of the Tver region - Rzhevsky, Oleninsky, Zubtsovsky and Starinsky districts of the Tver region;

d) for the Ivankovskaya GTS - Kalininsky, Likhoslavlsky, Torzhoksky and Konakovsky districts of the Tver region, Lotoshinsky district of the Moscow region;

d) on the channel named after. Moscow - Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region;

f) along the watershed reservoirs of the Canal named after. Moscow - Solnechnogorsk (Klyazma river basin), Khimki, Mytishchensky and Pushkinsky districts of the Moscow region.

3. Main activities on the territory and waters of the ZSO

3.1. Events in the first zone

3.1.1. The territory of the first zone of the ZSO must be planned to divert surface runoff beyond its boundaries, landscaped, fenced and provided with security. Roads and pedestrian paths to structures must have a hard surface.

In the water area of ​​the first zone of the ZSO, the discharge of any wastewater, incl. water transport wastewater, as well as bathing, washing clothes, watering livestock and other types of water use that affect water quality.

The water area of ​​the first zone is fenced off with buoys and other warning signs. On navigable reservoirs, lighted buoys must be installed above the water intakes of water intakes.

3.1.2. Within the boundaries of the territory and water area of ​​the first zone of the ZSO, activities related to the intake, preparation, storage and supply of drinking water are allowed.

3.1.3. Buildings must be sewered with wastewater discharged to the nearest domestic or industrial sewerage system or to local treatment facilities located outside the first zone of the ZSO, taking into account the sanitary regime in the territory of the second zone.

3.2. Activities for the second zone of the ZSO

3.2.1. On the territory of the second zone, it is not allowed to place objects that pose a risk of chemical and microbial contamination of soil, groundwater and water supply sources, namely:

· cemeteries, cattle burial grounds;

· warehouses for fuels and lubricants, pesticides, mineral fertilizers;

· industrial waste storage facilities, sludge storage facilities, landfills and solid waste storage facilities;

· sewage disposal and filtration fields, agricultural irrigation fields, underground filtration fields, solid waste landfills;

· livestock and poultry complexes, farms, silo trenches and manure storage facilities;

· summer cottages, garden plots and plots for individual construction at a distance of less than 150 m from the water's edge and when the slope of the adjacent areas is steeper than 3 degrees.

3.2.2. The use of pesticides and fertilizers is not allowed.

3.2.3. It is not allowed to cut down the main use forest and reconstruct it in an area less than 500 m wide from the water's edge. Within these limits, only thinning and sanitary felling of forests are allowed.

3.2.4. Within the coastal strip with a width of at least 500 m, the location of camps, grazing of livestock and plowing of the land is not allowed.

3.2.5. Newly built detached manor houses, cottages, and individual residential buildings must be equipped with local wastewater treatment plants.

3.2.6. The sanitary regime in populated areas in the territory of the second zone must comply with the requirements of sanitary rules for the sanitary maintenance of the territories of populated areas. Cities and towns with a population of over 20 thousand people must have urban sewerage systems with mechanical, biological and tertiary treatment units for urban wastewater, as well as storm sewer systems with drainage of wastewater to treatment plants.

3.2.7. Discharge of industrial, urban wastewater and wastewater from livestock complexes may be permitted provided that the quality of the wastewater is brought to the level of the water quality requirements for water bodies of the first category of water use in accordance with the hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters.

The discharge of wastewater into the waters of the Uchinskoye and Rublevskoye reservoirs is prohibited.

3.2.8. The use of water supply sources within the second belt of the Western Protective Zone for swimming, tourism, water sports and fishing is allowed in established places, subject to compliance with hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters, as well as the load on the beach area of ​​no more than 1000 people/ha, on the water area - no more 500 people/ha.

3.2.9. Vessels plying in the waters of the WSS, landing stages and fire guards must be equipped with devices for collecting bilge and sub-sludge waters and solid waste. The piers must be equipped with drainage stations and receptacles for collecting solid waste.

3.2.10. Periodic cleaning of canals and reservoirs from bottom sediments and removal of aquatic vegetation should be provided.

3.2.11. The use of chemical methods to combat eutrophication of water bodies is permitted subject to the use of drugs approved by state sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

3.2.12. The boundaries of the second zone of the ZSO at the intersection of roads, pedestrian paths, etc. are indicated by pillars with a special sign (Appendix). The sign is produced and installed by order of local executive authorities and is handed over to the owner of the land against receipt and protection.

3.3. Activities for the third zone of the ZSO

3.3.1. In the territory of the 3rd zone of the ZSO, aerial chemical treatment of forests and agricultural land is not allowed.

3.3.2. When treating farmland and forests with pesticides, the application dose should not exceed 1.3 kg/ha.

3.3.3. The sanitary regime in populated areas on the territory of the third zone of the ZSO must comply with the requirements of sanitary rules for the sanitary maintenance of the territories of populated areas.

Cities and towns with a population of over 20 thousand people must have urban sewerage systems with mechanical, biological and tertiary treatment units for urban wastewater, as well as storm sewer systems with drainage of wastewater to treatment facilities.

· 3.3.4. Discharge of industrial, urban, storm wastewater and water from livestock complexes is permitted provided that the quality of wastewater is brought to the level of sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the quality of water in water bodies of the first category of water use.

· 3.3.5. Existing solid waste landfills must comply with hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of solid waste landfills.

· 3.3.6. Livestock complexes and farms on the territory of the third zone must have facilities for the accumulation and disposal of manure, equipped in accordance with veterinary, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the installation of technological lines for the removal, processing, neutralization, and disposal of manure obtained on livestock complexes and farms.

· 3.3.7. The summer recreational load on the territory of the WSS should not exceed (in thousand people) per 1 km2 for the Istrinskaya GTS - 80, for the Mozhaisk GGS - 80, for the Ruzsko-Ozerninskaya GTS -70, for the Ivankovskaya GTS - 200, for the watershed reservoirs of the Canal named after. Moscow - 150.

· When allocating sites for the construction of recreational enterprises (boarding houses, country resorts, etc.), one should proceed from the density of vacationers on the territory of the enterprises of no more than 15-20 people per 1 hectare.

7. SP “Hygienic requirements for the design and maintenance of landfills for municipal solid waste.”

8. “Procedure for accumulation, transportation, neutralization and disposal of toxic industrial waste (sanitary rules)” No. 3183-84.

9. Sanitary studies of the possibility of placing public recreation facilities in drinking water basins in Moscow. Moscow City Executive Committee, GAPU, NIPI General Plan of Moscow, SES of Moscow, MOBI, Moscow, 1973.

10. GOST 2764-84 “Sources of centralized domestic and drinking water supply.”

11. “Veterinary, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the installation of technological lines for the removal, processing, neutralization, and disposal of manure produced on livestock complexes and farms” No. 115-6a dated 12/15/79.

12. Decision of the Moscow Regional Executive Committee and the Moscow City Executive Committee No. 500-1143 dated April 17, 1980 “On approval of the project to establish red lines of the borders of the ZZZ water supply sources of Moscow within the boundaries of the LPZP” (with regard to the boundaries of the 1st belt).