Mammary glands in a child. Red nipples - causes of discoloration The child has an inflamed papilla

Redness of the nipple areola can occur due to many reasons. Some causes of red nipples are quite harmless when associated with cyclical changes in the body. Others talk about the development of a serious illness. Don’t torment yourself with guesses - consult a mammologist or gynecologist in a timely manner. After examination and palpation, the doctor may send for additional diagnostics to make an accurate diagnosis.

Only a qualified specialist can identify the true cause of redness around the nipples. Not in all cases, redness around the nipple is caused by the development of pathology.

The most common reasons:

  • lactation
  • incorrectly selected underwear
  • allergic reactions

Breastfeeding your baby may cause sore and red nipples. This phenomenon is especially common among young mothers who do not know how to properly attach a baby to the breast.

If a woman is a nursing mother, then a number of factors need to be considered:

  • Lactostasis - stagnation of milk is often accompanied by painful sensations in the breasts and redness of the areolas and nipples. Lactostasis is characterized by dysfunction of the outflow of milk from the milk ducts, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.
  • Nipple injuries - there are a number of reasons why injury can occur. This is an uncomfortable bra, errors in attaching a newborn to the breast, and an incorrectly formed baby’s bite.
  • Candidiasis – fungal infection, which not only causes redness on the nipples, but is also transmitted to the baby in the process breastfeeding.

If the woman is not a nursing mother, then the reason may be hidden in incorrectly selected underwear. Synthetic fabric and a small bra size can cause redness near the nipple and also cause the development of many diseases. Carefully select the size of your underwear and opt for products made from natural fabrics.

Allergic reactions are also common cause red nipples. First of all, it is necessary to identify the allergen and eliminate it from everyday life. For this purpose, it is recommended to visit an allergist.

The most common allergens are:

  • Food
  • synthetic fabric from which clothing and underwear are made
  • aerosols for armpits;
  • laundry detergent/fabric softener
  • body creams

In any case, you need to consult a specialist who will help you get rid of discomfort and understand the reasons for its occurrence.


In addition to the harmless reasons associated with lactation and allergens, there are a number of pathological processes also characterized by reddened and sore nipples. It is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis based on just one symptom; to do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of diagnostic procedures to create the most complete picture of the disease.


Symptoms directly depend on the causes of redness. Each individual pathology has its own characteristics, which can only be recognized by an experienced specialist.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • Breast injuries – itching, redness, and sometimes pain.
  • Inflammation of the Montgomery tubercles - itching, burning and increased sensitivity.
  • Hepatic infection - rash in the form of blisters, itching, redness, pain, burning, general malaise.
  • Candidiasis – pain, redness, white coating, cracks, itching, ulcers.
  • Eczema - severe itching, burning, ulcers and cracks.
  • Paget's cancer - redness, pain, itching, burning, discharge, tightness in the chest.
  • Dermatitis - cracks, swelling, erosion of the skin.

If, in addition to redness, your nipples hurt or sores and cracks appear on them, as well as any of the above symptoms, you should urgently visit a doctor for further diagnosis and timely treatment.


Diagnostic procedures are carried out only after an initial examination by a doctor. The specialist will listen to complaints, conduct an examination and refer you for further diagnostics in order to make a diagnosis.

The diagnostic procedure includes:

  1. History - the patient is questioned regarding redness of the nipples, as well as external examination and palpation. Having collected the necessary information, the doctor makes a decision regarding further examination.
  2. Ultrasound of the mammary glands is necessary when lumps are detected in the breast; it helps to determine its presence, location, nature and stage of development.
  3. Biopsy – only required if nipple carcinoma is suspected. It is carried out by taking biomaterial with a needle and examining it for the presence of cancer cells.
  4. A general blood and urine test helps identify the causative agent of the inflammatory process.
  5. Allergen skin testing is only necessary to check for an allergic reaction or the presence of eczema.
  6. Mammography can only be prescribed to representatives of the fair sex who have entered menopause, and in rare cases to young girls. Mammography allows you to determine the presence of a tumor, its location and stage of development.
  7. MRI – used to monitor changes in the breast area, as well as determine the type of tumor detected.

The use of instrumental diagnostics is necessary only in cases where there is a suspicion of nipple cancer. Timely diagnosis and treatment help increase the chances of complete cure, as well as reducing the risk of relapse.

Treatment and prevention

To get started effective treatment, you will need to first identify the cause.

Common causes and methods of their treatment:

  1. Allergies – initially you will need to get tested and identify the allergen. In the future, you should avoid any contact with him. Food allergies require a complete overhaul of your diet and a special diet. Usually, eliminating the allergen acts as a treatment. Sometimes the doctor prescribes antihistamines in various pharmacological forms.
  2. Mastopathy, mastitis – physiotherapeutic treatment in combination with tablets and external preparations is necessary. Such therapy allows you to get rid of the disease in the shortest possible time.
  3. Candidiasis - first of all, it is necessary to relieve such unpleasant symptoms as burning and itching. For this purpose, medications are required to relieve irritation. Drugs are also prescribed to help activate immune system and elimination of candida. Introduced special diet. If not only the mother, but also the child is infected, then both will need treatment.
  4. Tumor – surgery is most often used in combination with chemotherapy, radiation or hormonal therapy. The set of procedures directly depends on the severity of the disease.
  5. Cracks - usually occur during breastfeeding. For prevention, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of the mammary glands, and also avoid washing the skin of the breast with soap. Treatment consists of following feeding rules, using antiseptic and wound-healing agents. All medications for skin restoration must be agreed upon with a doctor.

You should not self-medicate and resort to traditional methods without prior consultation with a specialist - this may lead to a worsening of the condition. If your nipples hurt for a long time and there are other unpleasant symptoms, then a visit to the doctor should not be put off for a long time. Early diagnosis of serious pathologies allows you to get rid of the disease most effectively and quickly.

After birth, complex adaptation processes begin to occur in the baby’s body. At this time, their hormonal background, due to which a sexual crisis develops. This process is manifested by swelling of the mammary glands. Moreover, such changes can occur in both girls and boys. Sometimes this condition of the body is also manifested by a rash, changes in skin color, and the appearance of spots.

After the baby leaves the mother's womb, the level of estrogen in his body drops sharply, which gives impetus to the onset of hormonal changes. Therefore, swelling of children's mammary glands is a consequence of hormonal changes.

Such changes first actively develop, and after 4 weeks they begin to disappear without special treatment.

Typically, a lump in the breast appears in 70 out of 100 infants. According to statistics, an increase in the area pectoral muscles occurs in most girls, as well as in 50% of boys.

Sexual crisis most often develops in full-term babies, and babies who are born ahead of schedule, are often not susceptible to this phenomenon. Some doctors say that the absence of such symptoms is more of a pathology than the norm. Therefore, this process does not require treatment.

Symptoms of sexual crisis:

  • enlargement of the chest area;
  • the appearance of mucous or bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • presence of rashes on the face.

Process Features

Most often, the mammary glands enlarge evenly, but there are cases when unilateral swelling occurs. The norm is an increase in the diameter of the chest by 3 centimeters, while there should be no rashes or irritations on the epidermis.

There are cases when children may begin to leak grayish or whitish liquid from the mammary gland.

Most often, the breasts begin to grow on the second day after birth, and inflammation begins to decrease by the end of the first seven days of life. This symptom disappears completely after a month. A process that develops in this way does not require any treatment. It is forbidden to put pressure on enlarged areas of the body, try to squeeze out secretions from them, and do not apply compresses. It is necessary to eliminate friction of the swollen parts on clothing.

Pathology or normal

Mastitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mammary glands. Typically, mastitis in infants develops due to unnecessary self-medication of breast enlargement in the baby, and it can also appear due to poor hygiene standards due to prickly heat, weak immunity, or the presence of an infection that has penetrated through the nipples.

Symptoms of the pathology:

  • breast thickening appears instead of a decline in its swelling during a sexual crisis;
  • this process begins at 2-3 weeks of life;
  • the appearance of unilateral purulent inflammation.

If pathological mastitis is not treated, intoxication may occur, resulting in enlargement and hardening of the gland, and the appearance of pain.

The development of intoxication in children is accompanied by:

  • temperature rise;
  • the presence of seizures;
  • lethargy;
  • restless behavior;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • digestive problems;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • pain;
  • the chest becomes hot;
  • sensation of fluid moving under the skin;
  • capriciousness.

The development of purulent mastitis in girls can lead to damage to part of the mammary gland and blockage of the ducts.

The appearance of these pathological complications in the future will negatively affect the lactation process. In the absence of therapeutic procedures, breast compaction enters a chronic stage, accompanied by the appearance of extensive purulent foci, which are localized on the outer part of the epidermis. Unfortunately, the treatment of such mastitis is carried out exclusively by surgery.

How to treat

If you notice that your baby has symptoms of pathological mastitis that accompany breast hardening, you should urgently go to see a surgeon. Only an experienced doctor can accurately diagnose the pathology.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child is admitted to a hospital for treatment, where doctors take cultures of the discharge for examination and determine the sensitivity of the infection to the action of antibiotics. Based on the data obtained, the doctor selects effective treatment.

Typically treatment procedures include the following:

  • If breast enlargement is not accompanied by the presence of pus, compress therapy is prescribed in combination with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Here it is necessary to distinguish pus from mucous whitish discharge. Pus has a greenish or yellowish tint, often accompanied by a mild or strong unpleasant odor;
  • if breast compaction is accompanied by the presence of pus, opening of the lesions and elimination of purulent discharge is required. At the same time, the gland tissues are preserved. The surgeon makes an incision near the nipple under anesthesia to remove the pus, and then prescribes bandages that have a resolving effect. Antibiotics and physical therapy are also prescribed.

Further treatment is carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician.

Do you know what processes occur in a child’s body from the moment of birth until two months? While in the mother’s body, maternal hormones pass through the placenta to the baby, which influence the proper formation of the breasts and genitals in both boys and girls.
Breast tissue is the most sensitive to estrogen. During the entry of this hormone through the mother's placenta, they begin to form mammary glands in a child. After birth, enlargement of the mammary glands in children can be observed. Over time, estrogen will leave the baby's body, and the mammary glands will no longer be swollen.

What to do?

Moms and dads should not be concerned if they notice swelling of the mammary glands in their baby. This is an absolutely normal process that will be completed in a short time.

Do I need to see a doctor?

It may happen that a clear or white liquid begins to ooze from the swollen mammary glands. This is not any pathology at all. This is called virgin milk, which is very similar in composition to a new mother's colostrum. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out this milk, because such actions can introduce infection and various harmful microbes into the breast tissue, leading to serious consequences. You should not massage the mammary glands, as good grandmothers may sometimes advise, or touch them often. There is no need to do various warming compresses; on the contrary, they can provoke inflammation.

You need to calm down and remember that you shouldn’t rush to the hospital for this reason. But if, when examining your child, you find swelling around the nipples, if the tissue has become hot, or if one nipple has become larger than the other, then you can call a pediatrician and consult.

What kind of examination and what tests need to be done and what will the results say?

Usually no tests are needed. If suddenly there is a suspicion that the tissue near the nipples is inflamed, the doctor will definitely order a blood test from the child. Sometimes a prescribed course of antibiotics can be prescribed without a blood test.

Is treatment required?

Enlargement of the mammary glands in a child, which is temporary and does not require any treatment. After a certain time, the glands will return to their normal state. If suddenly an infection appears in the baby’s swollen glands, the doctor will prescribe special ones for the child. Antibiotics are usually prescribed in the form of capsules or tablets, because in this form they quickly enter the body and exert their therapeutic effect.

Can complications arise?

One complication that can occur as a result of swollen mammary glands is infection. But usually, this happens very rarely and if swelling occurs, it is only on one side of the chest. Therefore, the main recommendation of pediatricians to young parents is to remain calm and not take any independent actions that could harm the baby.

But doesn’t the nurse from the clinic come to you for lunch?

or go to the clinic on the day healthy child“so that there are no sick children and sit in queues.

so I'll sit until 10 and call the toll office

and it’s testosterone that’s playing tricks and is being eliminated from the body in this way - the main thing is that there is no fever, otherwise it looks like you need to see a surgeon..

It seems that if there is no discharge from the nipple, it will go away on its own..

In short, look at the condition, well, it’s better to be safe)))))

Today the doctor starts at three. I signed up and we'll see.

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Forum of the School of Parenting Excellence “WE”

Redness of a girl's nipple. Breast swelling.

Sonya4 Nov 29, 2009

Maybe someone has encountered this? why could this be?

I surfed the Internet a little, but everywhere there was the same answer - (urgently) to a surgeon or a pediatrician. But I didn’t want to go to the clinic now because of the quarantine. or is it still necessary?

Olison Nov 29, 2009

Sonya4 Nov 29, 2009

Maybe it really is hormonal? Actually, my thyroid hormones may be acting up (I haven’t checked for a long time), my cycle has just moved forward by three days - I wonder if this could have affected it through breastfeeding?

AnnaZinch Nov 29, 2009

Olison Nov 29, 2009

I won’t undertake to answer your questions, I’m not competent, I only wrote as we had. I just hope that there is nothing wrong with you and that everything will pass soon!

Sonya4 Nov 29, 2009

Tatiana Sep 30, 2016

The baby we know is about two weeks old.

The pediatrician came for an examination and ordered to smear the girl’s chest with Vishnevsky ointment.

Mom’s words so that I don’t misinterpret:

“The pediatrician came and pointed out to us that the child’s mammary glands were swelling and told us to make compresses with Vishnevsky ointment.”

Otherwise it may develop into mastitis.

Mom says that her breasts are really swollen. That “they (the mammary glands) have really swollen and become rough, this was not the case yesterday afternoon.”

We didn't sleep well at night. The mother thought that the child was hot, but the temperature, she said, was normal.

Is this hormonal and the pediatrician says “beware pediatrician” or can it really be dangerous?

klarissa Sep 30, 2016

Most likely hormonal.

The middle daughter has a swollen gland on one side. We applied ointment, it didn’t help, we went for a consultation with a gynecologist. The endocrinologist scared that puberty can bring a child to nervous disease(Why?).

Everything has resolved. The child is now 19 years old.

Mammary glands in a child

Do you know what processes occur in a child’s body from the moment of birth until two months? While the fetus develops in the mother's body, maternal hormones pass through the placenta to the child, which influence the proper formation of the breasts and genitals in both boys and girls.

Breast tissue is the most sensitive to estrogen. As this hormone enters through the mother's placenta, the baby's mammary glands begin to form. After birth, enlargement of the mammary glands in children can be observed. Over time, estrogen will leave the baby's body, and the mammary glands will no longer be swollen.

Moms and dads should not be concerned if they notice swelling of the mammary glands in their baby. This is an absolutely normal process that will be completed in a short time.

Do I need to see a doctor?

It may happen that a clear or white liquid begins to ooze from the swollen mammary glands. This is not any pathology at all. This is called virgin milk, which is very similar in composition to a new mother's colostrum. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out this milk, because such actions can introduce infection and various harmful microbes into the breast tissue, leading to serious consequences. You should not massage the mammary glands, as good grandmothers may sometimes advise, or touch them often. There is no need to do various warming compresses; on the contrary, they can provoke inflammation.

You need to calm down and remember that you shouldn’t rush to the hospital for this reason. But if, when examining your child, you find swelling around the nipples, if the tissue has become hot, or if one nipple has become larger than the other, then you can call a pediatrician and consult.

What kind of examination and what tests need to be done and what will the results say?

Usually no tests are needed. If suddenly there is a suspicion that the tissue near the nipples is inflamed, the doctor will definitely order a blood test from the child. Sometimes a prescribed course of antibiotics can be prescribed without a blood test.

Is treatment required?

Enlargement of the mammary glands in a child, which is temporary, does not require any treatment. After a certain time, the glands will return to their normal state. If suddenly an infection appears in the baby’s swollen glands, the doctor will prescribe special antibiotics for the child. Antibiotics are usually prescribed in the form of capsules or tablets, because in this form they quickly enter the body and exert their therapeutic effect.

Can complications arise?

One complication that can occur as a result of swollen mammary glands is infection. But usually, this happens very rarely and if swelling occurs, it is only on one side of the chest. Therefore, the main recommendation of pediatricians to young parents is to remain calm and not take any independent actions that could harm the baby.

Hello! My daughter is 10 years old. Her breasts began to grow at the age of 9, and for some reason only the left one. Now the right breast is a little swollen, but there is still a huge difference. Please tell me, is this normal or is it better to see a doctor?

hello, my daughter is 1.3! we were on IV! we noticed an increase in the mammary glands at 2 months! We immediately went to the pediatrician, we were sent for an ultrasound! ,5 times! We have now been referred to an endocrinologist! We haven’t contacted him yet, we are waiting for a referral from a pediatrician! Tell me, how dangerous is this?

Hello. My child is 1.5 years old. I began to notice that one of his nipples was a little red. Please tell me, should I be worried?

My son is 3 years old, his nipple is red and slightly hardened, what is it? Is it dangerous? Could it be low hemoglobin?

Hello! My daughter is 7 years old. The breast on the right side has enlarged. We had this when the child was 8 months old, then they said it was a release of hormones, over time everything went away, but now on the other hand, what to do, which doctor to see?

Enter the ages of the father and mother; if the father or mother had blood loss (surgeries, blood donation, childbirth), then enter the age at which this occurred.

If the baby has an inflamed nipple and the baby is a couple of weeks old, then there is nothing to worry about. Inflammation of the nipples in a child over one year of age may indicate a serious illness.

Shortly after birth, babies (both girls and boys) may experience breast engorgement and nipple discharge. Doctors consider this a normal phenomenon due to hormonal changes in the body.

Symptoms of nipple inflammation

Symptoms of nipple inflammation include: increased nipple soreness, hardening, redness and enlargement, fluid may be released from the nipples (most often white or transparent). The appearance of such symptoms is explained by the penetration of hormones that stimulate breast tissue through the placenta from the mother into the baby’s blood. That is, if a child has an inflamed nipple, doctors do not believe that anything should be done: the symptoms go away on their own after one to two weeks without outside intervention.

If the fluid coming from the nipples is not white or clear, the baby may have developed milk duct ectasia (a benign blockage). In this case, symptoms will appear for several months.

How to treat sore nipples in a child?

Inflammation of the nipples in a child occurs in 5% of newborns and does not pose any threat to their health, that is, it does not require any treatment. At the same time, parents are strictly prohibited from squeezing liquid out of the mammary glands or kneading them, since these actions can cause serious consequences that will not go away on their own.

If nipple inflammation occurs in children over one year of age, or nipple inflammation occurs as a result of injury, then in this case, of course, you need to consult a specialist as soon as possible. Inflammation of the nipples can serve as a symptom of mastitis or breast cancer, and can also be a sign of developing inflammation. Each of these diseases requires immediate, highly qualified treatment.

URGENTLY! The baby's nipple is red

but there is no way to get to the pediatrician. We are in another city.

tell me what it was? and how did it go?

I understand that a lot of time has passed... but maybe tell me what it was like for you and when it passed? We have the same symptoms, only we are 7 months old

Damn, we have the same thing, the baby is three months old, yesterday I noticed that the areola on one breast is red, what is this all about?

Hello! Tell me, how did it go for you? It started for us this morning. ((((

Good afternoon, please tell me, did your redness go away on its own or what happened?

My son has the same thing today, what is it?

Mom won't miss

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1 nipple in a child is inflamed

My 4-year-old daughter noticed yesterday that one papilla on her right breast became red and slightly swollen, she has no pain and feels normal. Tell me what it could be and what should we do?