Khazin Delyagin. “new democracy” M. G. Delyagin and M. L. Khazina is a party of a goal or another party of a slogan. About the trap for those traveling abroad

Mikhail Delyagin:

Yes, a crisis is an opportunity. My least favorite German Gref said a brilliant thing in 2008: “For most people, it’s like crashing into a concrete wall at a speed of 70 km per hour, and, if you’re lucky, you can spend two weeks in the hospital.” A crisis is a rather painful thing.

The most common question asked in all audiences is: when will the crisis end? It won't end because it's not really a crisis. A crisis is a transition to some new quality. It means to pass through the eye of a needle and something will open behind it. So, in our case, this is not a transition to a new quality. This is the new quality itself. We just don’t like the unknown, and we hide from it. The unknown is now a normal state, at least throughout our lives.

The main elements of the crisis are as follows. New technologies are changing not only social relations, but also the person himself, behavioral and value systems. A generation of people has already grown up who make decisions absolutely freely, without any external influence.

In the global market, monopolies are rotting. By commercializing technologies that were created during cold war, an attempt is made to increase consumption through technological development. She, in my opinion, failed. Because new technologies are super productive. Productivity is growing faster than the capacity of the markets they create, and we see the emergence of “superfluous” people, moreover, the middle class of developed countries who consume too much and produce too little. As a result, the middle class of developed countries is disappearing and being eroded. And this is a critical part of global demand. The economy of tomorrow is an economy without demand. A big hello to market relations.

The middle class is the symbol and basis of democracy. The political system of tomorrow is not democracy, at least in the traditional, Western sense of the word.

This does not mean that everything is hopeless. There are many bright spots. Not only in information technology, but even in agriculture. But these are nothing more than isolated spots. 30 years will go down in history not as a time of missed opportunities, but as a time of national betrayal. ———-takeout

Mikhail Khazin:

There is a wonderful phrase: “The rescue of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves.” You won't be able to use existing features if you don't want to use them. If you look at the picture of our state in retrospect, then, with a few exceptions, it moved within the framework of one model. Some call it liberal market, others call it consensus. Doesn't matter. The important thing is that this model of economic growth can no longer function. And nowhere. Capital is not being reproduced anywhere in the world today. If it is not reproduced, then the economy is not reproduced.

Why doesn't anyone want to think about switching to another model? The main problem: as soon as you have a resource, an elite group appears that serves this resource.

In the Washington Consensus model, the main resource was investment. And the modern Russian elite has grown on this resource and privatization. These people categorically do not want to change the model, because in this case they will have to leave. And they constantly tell us from all the screens that we need to make sure that foreign investment flows. But how you can convince someone to invest money in a situation that only produces losses, I don’t know.

The current situation in Russia is as follows. The existing economic model, which is protected by the government and the Central Bank, is guaranteed to produce a 2.5-3% decline from year to year. Now the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, is trying to accelerate this decline, as she maintains an overvalued ruble in order to provide international speculators with a more efficient withdrawal of capital from Russia through carry trade operations.

Theoretically, we can ensure 5-7% economic growth per year in our country for at least 20 years. But we have no practical possibility, because this would require a revolution in the classical sense of the word. That is, a change in the ruling elite. The current one doesn’t pull it, doesn’t understand, but she will cling to power at any cost.

The change can be either from below or from above. Nobody from below wants to do this on the 100th anniversary of the revolution. And from above... The President understands perfectly well that if he starts doing something, it will be impossible to avoid a situation “a la 1937.” He doesn’t want this and is counting on some external factors that will force him to make a decision.

Is there a chance to stop being a country that depends primarily on the sale of hydrocarbons?

Mikhail Khazin:

What does the price of hydrocarbons have to do with it? The situation works differently. The elite believes that it determines both the rules of the game and, accordingly, how assets should be distributed.

Mikhail Delyagin:

We can agree on anything. If any elite and I agree on the time of dawn, even if there is complete consensus, dawn will still come on its own schedule.

The problem of “getting off” the raw materials needle in economic terms does not exist. This is a problem of the state's motivation, what it wants. The state is an amazing machine - it honestly solves the problems it has set for itself. Krivenko, with a C grade, with costs, in the wrong time frame, but it solves it. But if this machine is for destruction and theft, then it will not solve the problems of development. Simply because it is not her task. The machine drives, it does not drill. You can hammer a nail with a screwdriver, but you cannot remove a screw with a hammer. This is a question of changing the motivation of society and the development model.

But there is a problem with the world. This is the creation of new technologies. This is a non-market and anti-democratic activity. Progress is machines instead of oil and laboratories instead of oil. Not a single person will give up today's consumption for the sake of tomorrow's incomprehensible benefits.

What awaits us, what positive prospects will there be? The global market is falling apart. When this process is completed, it will collapse into a global depression. Tearing the world into these pieces, on the one hand, will provoke a terrible situation: technologies were created in a monopoly logic. And monopolies make money by inflating costs. Therefore, today's technologies are excessively complex. Accordingly, they are excessively expensive. Therefore, for many of them there will be no markets, there will not be the required number of consumers. This will also apply to life support technologies. It is no longer possible to create a new generation of antibiotics, which is vital.

A situation will arise that threatens technological collapse. And here Russia suddenly has a competitive advantage. Our country was the only place in the world where such a thing as the military-industrial complex existed. Due to the monstrous inefficiency of management, this was the only place in the world where huge amounts of money were allocated for research, roughly speaking, for no reason. No guaranteed results. As a result, a large number of strange technologies were created, which were distinguished by their primitiveness, respectively, low cost and high productivity. It is now impossible to introduce them in a normal monopolized economy.

What does laser hardening of rails mean, which increases the price by 10% and reduces wear by 30%? This means that more than half of the rail industry must be thrown into the trash heap along with workers, trade unions, businessmen, politicians and taxes. This is impossible, which is why it was blocked both in the West and here.

But technology lived in the pores of society, it is an element of our culture. If we remain a self-reflective society, we will have a good competitive advantage.

The bad news is that a new reality is being created that does not need people. When extra people become global problem. Now there are two models - population recycling for undeveloped countries (physical during the “Arab Spring”), and for developed countries - through virtual reality. When you get a capsule apartment, virtual reality, through which people get better emotions than in real life, and food rations, which allow you to exist quietly for some time. And, probably, after a while people will learn to use it.

The problem is that knowledge does not live on a reservation. Secret knowledge always dies. History is replete with examples of this. Therefore, if a situation where people are thrust into virtual reality is realized, then humanity will crumble. This will be a new crisis, comparable to the Neolithic in its consequences.

There is a way out that the USSR could not cope with: force people to engage in self-improvement and turn it into an activity for people. How to do this is still unknown, and there is not even a statement of such a task. Because this is not a business task.

At the same time, as it is said in the famous film, “if you want to live, you won’t get so excited.” And this is our perspective, because of the relatively large societies we are the only ones who combine three elements of culture: we are inclined towards technology, towards humanism and, at the same time, also messians. It is not enough for us to see the truth, we must bring it to everyone else, otherwise we feel socially inferior. And this is our competitive advantage.

Can you formulate several necessary decisions for the Russian government to make that will lead to significant economic growth, including at the regional level?

Mikhail Khazin:

It is very difficult to explain today what the source of growth is. There will be no foreign investment, and domestic investment, in rubles, is prohibited by the Central Bank. For this reason, the only source of development is the local area. And here is a way to make the city itself a source of jobs. In Perm there is no need to increase the population more than three times. There are already a million people. For this reason it is possible.

Very roughly speaking, this is the creation of an urban environment in which a self-sustaining system of people working for each other is formed. This requires some investment, but much less than some people think. The key point is the involvement of our own population in these processes.

Another thing is that in Russia there are no cities in the Western sense of the word. All big cities Soviet times are a set of factory villages. And for this reason, nothing is connected, there is no city life. There should be not even 10 or 20, but 300-400 centers such as the Perm Opera House in a city of this scale. They may be unknown outside the region, but they must be popular within. As soon as such a cultural urban environment appears, it immediately begins to support a similar situation in satellite cities. In the same Kudymkar. Without this, nothing will work.

I think this is a key issue to address today, regardless of economic growth. It will not be possible to offer this project to a city where half a million people live. The critical value is 800 thousand people. You can do it. But if you do nothing, then water will not flow under the lying stone.

popular internet

The policy pursued by “our” economic bloc is so obviously harmful to the economy and population that defining it as criminal has become a commonplace. Economists openly talk about this and political scientists argue about this. However, with the diagnosis of the reasons for what was happening, obvious disagreements arose.

Most sane economists agree that this is a consequence of elementary illiteracy and incompetence of representatives of the so-called liberal clan brought to power by the “West”. Judging by Ms. Nabiullina, who could not defend her dissertation, this opinion has some basis.

Supporters of Khazin and Delyagin argue that the reason is that they are directly dependent on the global liberal elites and do not serve the interests of the country, but serve global business and its ideologists.

Adherents of Fedorov’s sect argued that what was happening was the result of occupation legislation and that it was enough for the PEDRosovites to get 2/3 in parliament, they would change the Constitution, legislation and we would live “sovereignly”, like “in Christ’s bosom.” The result of their activities, after the “victory,” is well known... It became clear to adequate members of the sect that they were “divorced” and the NOD’s goal was to push more comprador accomplices into parliament under pseudo-patriotic slogans.

What unites all these concepts diligently thrown into the media space: reference to some external forces. Instead of analyzing the economic interests of social groups and classes modern Russia, they shift the focus of public attention to its foreign enemies. I am convinced that this is the result of the purposeful activity of the interested parties, whom we need to identify.

If this is really the case, then behind the seemingly chaotic and/or “ignorant” actions of our economic authorities, it will be revealed iron logic and someone's selfish interest.

Therefore, let's try, guided by the old principle: Cui prodest? (Who benefits), determine the true customers of the policy being pursued! We will try to analyze the most egregious actions/decisions of the government and the Central Bank and correlate their consequences with the interests of a certain social group: the “comprador bourgeoisie” or simply COMPRADORS.

Who are compradors?

First, let's look at a few facts:

What conclusions can we draw about the processes taking place? A significant part of the “Russian” bourgeoisie, and, as we see, not only the so-called oligarchs (not all 20 thousand who left belong to them), organized their economic activities in a special way. Despite the “domestic” affiliation by the nature of the source of wealth, they purposefully bring to the West the income received through the exploitation of national wealth and the population of Russia. This process is growing. As can be seen from the above data, instead of developing their business in Russia, they are withdrawing an increasing part of the profits received from the country, bleeding its economy.

Therefore, instead of industrial development, there is a continuous degradation of production (primarily complex, knowledge-intensive, with a high share of surplus value). The result is a simplification of the production structure, turning the country into a raw material appendage of the global West. Thus, a vicious economic model has formed in the country, in which increased exploitation within Russia does not lead to the accumulation of national wealth and strengthening the state’s economy (albeit in the hands of a narrow circle of the national bourgeoisie). Instead, its outflow to the global West is only intensifying... Particular cases of the consequences of this process are general impoverishment and the growth of social inequality within the country.

It is THIS part of the bourgeoisie, mainly selling mineral wealth and/or low-value products abroad, as raw materials (for further processing in the West) that are called compradors. Thus, compradors act as junior partners in relation to the countries of the capitalist core, which plays the role of the metropolis of Russia.

Due to economic ties and their own views, these people are much more connected with the global West than with Russia. Firstly, consumers of their products are located outside of Russia. Therefore, they are not interested in the economic situation of citizens and domestic producers - what is more important to them is the presence of effective demand in the West. Secondly: they are connected with the West by assets and future: their children, villas, financial assets, etc. - everything is there in the true “homeland”. Therefore, our country is only a source of profit for them - no more...

A joint report by the Mikhail Khazin Foundation for Economic Research and the Institute for Globalization Problems has been published. NEW DEMOCRACY:what a successful political project should be". by M.G. Delyagin and M.L. Khazin. Since two not the last foundations in Russia took part in writing the report, it is of interest to see how the proposed party as a political system fits into existing economic platforms, whether it is going to occupy a certain niche in electoral field and get a place in the legislative branch, i.e. be another batch of slogans or will it offer citizens something new that will avoid problems with the technological singularity. The consideration will be carried out based on the work “Fundamentals of the Theory of Economic Systems”, published by the publishing house LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing in 2014, as well as on the articles “ SECRETS OF CHINESE ECONOMIC CUISINE" And


http://perevodika. ru/articles/26999. html.

Like any project, the authors begin it with a characterization of the modern political system “... not only in Russia, but also in developed (not to mention undeveloped) countries, political parties, expressing the common interests of global business, have therefore become poorly distinguishable from one another and are causing increasing electoral irritation.” At the same time, judging by the text, only the capitalist system is considered, but from the position of economics, this is a crisis system. The mistake is that it does not take into account the fact that there are two political systems based on two different economic platforms: the platform of A. Smith - this system is considered by the authors and the platform of V. I. Lenin - this system is considered in passing, without presenting its structure. It is the economic successes of this (on the platform of V.I. Lenin) political system currently And "… are causing increasing electoral irritation.” This is due to the fact that the economy on this platform develops without crises, but on the A. Smith platform it does not emerge from them - even in the 21st century, the current crisis is the third.

Regarding the “middle class”, its impoverishment in the future is associated with two factors further increase labor productivity (in its classical sense) and the development of competition - satisfying the selfish needs of the owners of the means of production (Maslow's pyramid) and, as a result, a dead end in the development of capitalism. Therefore, at this point a singularity arises between the crisis and non-crisis economies (see “Secrets ...”). This will be a breakdown “... world into depression and the collapse of global markets into macro-regions.” How this singularity will “leap” is not known.

The authors are right that “ Russia has a unique advantage in this situation: the old two-party political system, which has exhausted its resources, has not had time to take shape....” However, the authors do not take into account that it also belongs to those countries whose political system was based for a long time (70 years - three, four generations) on the economic platform of V.I. Lenin. This platform is not subject to the influence of technological singularity - the goals are different (the laws in the terms of J.V. Stalin). J.V. Stalin in his work “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR” defined both the goals of capitalism and the goals of socialism, namely:
“The essential features and requirements of the basic economic law of socialism could be formulated approximately this way: ensuring maximum satisfaction of the constantly growing material and cultural needs of the entire society through continuous growth and improvement of socialist production based on higher technology" For a long time it was formulated as: “The welfare of the people is the highest goal of the party.”
“The main features and requirements of the basic economic law of modern capitalism could be formulated approximately this way: ensuring maximum capitalist profit through exploitation, ruin and impoverishment of the majority of the population of a given country, through enslavement and systematic robbery of the peoples of other countries, especially backward countries, and finally, through wars and militarization of the national economy, used to ensure the highest profits." (Emphasis added). Regardless of the field of activity - only “profit” is either housing and communal services, or the military-industrial complex.

However, Soviet and then Russian economists lacked a scientific understanding (an abstract representation of the economy as an object of study) about the structures of these economic platforms, and the political systems on these platforms lacked an understanding of the place and role of the party in the economy. This led to the fact that it seemed best to them when the economy would be managed by “economists and lawyers” - this is in the absence of a scientific understanding of the object of management, and the party would deal with ideology. As a result, against the background of such illiteracy of “economists and lawyers,” the political system “moved” to the economic platform of A. Smith.

Now let's go back to " ... present time ...", which was mentioned above. For those countries whose political systems are based on the economic platform of V. I. Lenin, world economists strongly suggest that they switch to the platform of A. Smith. For example, V. M. Mazurin. "The Vietnamese Economy Today". M. Publishing House "Forum". 2013. In some, even in the charter it is written about the need to strive for a market economy. For example, from “The Secret of…”. P It seems that in “Chinese characteristics” there are two seemingly contradictory concepts: from the Charter of the CPC.

“a) Firmly upholding the socialist path, the democratic dictatorship of the people, the leadership of the Communist Party of China and Marxism-Leninism, the thought of Mao Zedong is the basis of the foundations of our state. In the entire process of socialist modernization, it is necessary to firmly adhere to these four basic principles and fight against bourgeois liberalization.

b) It is necessary to radically reform the economic system, which fetters the development of productive forces, to preserve and improve the socialist market economy system, and in accordance with this, carry out reform of the political system and reform of other areas.

Deploy the basic role of the market …» . This also suggests that the Chinese comrades also do not understand the place and role of the party (CCP) in the economy, but are going in blind - so far successfully. Not understanding that the basis of the market is competition, which is the driving force behind crises and corruption.

So far, the political systems of these countries stand firmly on the platform of V.I. Lenin, and then we’ll see. In general, for the authors of such proposals, the market economy is something that is infallible. She is for them like God for believers, whose existence is not discussed.

Now let us turn to the main problem that the political system proposed by the authors must solve. «… move on to the formation of the political system of tomorrow, the main task of which should be maintaining stability against the backdrop of crisis processes around the world " The question again arises - the stability of the political system, on what platform? Here we will take it as an axiom: “If the economic platform does not develop stably, then the political system on it also shakes, and if it is stable, then the political system is stable.”

An economy on A. Smith’s platform, in principle, cannot develop stably:

a) the goal of economic development is not known - can one name the goal of economic development in the USA, France, Germany, etc. - No. This means we don’t know how to manage – that’s why this economy operates in a weathervane mode,

b) It is not known who controls, but it is known that the elite controls, but who it is - according to the family - is not known. Only its goal and all the managers of the economy are known - to make a profit, regardless of the laws or not - this is how it turns out, and there are many such managers of the power of the continuum at all levels - from the federation to the rural settlement. From here the economy develops spontaneously, and is constantly heading towards crisis. Its offensive is announced by the elite, and not by some economists and lawyers. Therefore, the development of the economy is one implementation of a non-stationary random process and all sorts of cycles and patterns are the appearance of a pattern and are most likely the cause of sunspots. The onset of the crisis can only be guessed. Therefore, after the onset of the next crisis, several economists and others appear who claim that they are still in N - they warned that the crisis would happen in such and such a year (the author belongs to the latter (etc.)).

The economy on the platform of V. And Lenin is developing more steadily because not only the budget is planned there (the skin of the not killed...), but also production. The goal is known - the good of the people, and who controls - the party (national elite). The structure of the economy is multi-circuit, which means it works faster and more accurately - China has emerged from the “crisis” of 2009 in quarters. The Party controls the managers. It is inscribed in the structure of the economy (see “Secrets ...”) - control signals arrive without delay. It is possible to forecast for 3–5 years.

Since the authors have not decided on a platform, it makes no sense to further discuss the task (the goal of the political system). Without deciding on a task, talk about its content, structure, methodology for solving the problem, management, organization and personnel, even more so.

2. Regarding global business, which “... provides not only the level of competition necessary to maintain society “in good shape,” but also modern technologies– both production and, what is becoming increasingly important, social“, then it’s worth remembering the words of Lenya Golubkov, who told his brother in an advertisement for the famous MMM pyramid: “You and I are partners.” The brother replied: “You are a freeloader, Lenya.” There is nothing more to add. Regarding competition, we must imagine that it is often unfair (simply “competition” is defined in the law “On the Protection of Competition”, but is not tied to certain numerical concepts). In economics on the platform of V.I. Lenin, competition is socialist competition ( see “Immediate tasks of the Soviet government”).

3. The proposal for a single emission center on the territory of Russia, then it is necessary to understand the place and role of such a central bank in the structure of the economy of this association (EAEU). CENTRAL BANK IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY (PLACE AND ROLE) The economy is one, therefore planning should be common, so that the issue is also common, and not everyone on their own.

Such an element should be part of the financial system, and not be above it or outside it and try to manage the economy as a “black box”.

Regarding the old parties and the “New Democracy”, it is necessary to imagine the place and role of parties on each economic platform and how many there can be. This is for “Basics...”. Otherwise, one gets the impression that the authors are economists and do not understand the place and role of parties in the economy.

Regarding the name, something different is needed, otherwise they might call it a little differently - “der...”, etc. Actually, about the word “Democracy”, then you don’t need to translate it from Greek, but read 4-8. Next, we will limit ourselves to just a note about understanding the processes taking place in China, so read “Secrets of ...”. Regarding the movement of the left in Europe and other parts, the whole problem there is the lack of theory, and everything happens spontaneously. It is unlikely that anything will happen spontaneously - the opposite side is organized.

This expression is not clear at all " " Democratic values ​​are forcing the West to demand real electoral potential from the Russian opposition, at least at the level of 20%.”

Regarding electoral opportunities, you won’t really surprise anyone by criticizing privatization, you can’t put criticism on a plate, and getting back what has been privatized is a dream…. Therefore, unfortunately, some kind of “bright future” is needed. It has always been this way.

Thus, until the proposed political system is “planted” on the appropriate platform, it is not possible to determine whether this is something new or just another political system of slogans. For now, this is a kind of idea and not even at the level of content. Therefore, let us end with a reminder from Karl Marx:

« Ideas cannot accomplish anything at all. To implement ideas requires people who must use practical force.”

Andrey Yashnik

article read by: 6938 people

The policy pursued by “our” economic bloc is so obviously harmful to the economy and population that defining it as criminal has become a commonplace. Economists openly talk about this and political scientists argue about this. However, with the diagnosis of the reasons for what was happening, obvious disagreements arose.

Most sane economists agree that this is a consequence of elementary illiteracy and incompetence of representatives of the so-called liberal clan brought to power by the “West”. Judging by Ms. Nabiullina, who could not defend her dissertation, this opinion has some basis.

Supporters of Khazin and Delyagin argue that the reason is that they are directly dependent on the global liberal elites and do not serve the interests of the country, but serve global business and its ideologists.

Adherents of Fedorov’s sect argued that what was happening was the result of occupation legislation and that it was enough for the PeDrosists to get 2/3 in parliament, they would change the Constitution, legislation and we would live “sovereignly”, like “in Christ’s bosom.” The result of their activities, after the “victory,” is well known... It became clear to adequate members of the sect that they were “divorced” and the NOD’s goal was to push more comprador accomplices into parliament under pseudo-patriotic slogans.

What unites all these concepts diligently thrown into the media space: reference to some external forces. Instead of analyzing the economic interests of social groups and classes of modern Russia, they shift the focus of public attention to its foreign enemies. I am convinced that this is the result of the purposeful activity of the interested parties, whom we need to identify.

If this is really the case, then behind the seemingly chaotic and/or “ignorant” actions of our economic authorities, it will be revealed iron logic and someone's selfish interest.

Therefore, let's try, guided by the old principle: Cui prodest? (Who benefits), determine the true customers of the policy being pursued! We will try to analyze the most egregious actions/decisions of the government and the Central Bank and correlate their consequences with the interests of a certain social group: the “comprador bourgeoisie” or simply COMPRADORS.

Who are compradors?

First, let's look at a few facts:

1. “In Russia, approximately 0.2% of families (!!!) control about 70% of the national wealth,” said Valery Goreglyad, former deputy head of the Accounts Chamber, now the Chief Auditor of the Central Bank of Russia, back in 2011.

2. The total capital of 28 Russian dollar billionaires increased by $17.09 billion in January - August 2017 (data from Bloomberg Billionaires Index);

3. Over the past 13 years, 20 thousand dollar millionaires and billionaires have left Russia, 6 thousand of them in the last three years alone;

4. Up to 40% of oligarchs have already renounced Russian citizenship;

5. Russia’s national wealth has not grown since 1990, but has been redistributed and then flowed offshore. Now there is an amount equal to 75% of Russia’s national income (more than 1.3 trillion dollars). Please note that these amounts do not include legal assets withdrawn directly to Western countries.

6. Net capital outflow from the Russian Federation in the first half of 2017 increased to $14.7 billion, 1.7 times compared to the data for the same period last year.

What conclusions can we draw about the processes taking place? A significant part of the “Russian” bourgeoisie, and, as we see, not only the so-called oligarchs (not all 20 thousand who left belong to them), organized their economic activities in a special way. Despite the “domestic” nature of the source of wealth, they purposefully bring to the West the income received through the exploitation of national wealth and the population of Russia. This process is growing. As can be seen from the above data, instead of developing their business in Russia, they are withdrawing an increasing part of the profits received from the country, bleeding its economy.

Therefore, instead of industrial development, there is a continuous degradation of production (primarily complex, knowledge-intensive, with a high share of surplus value). The result is a simplification of the production structure, turning the country into a raw material appendage of the global West. Thus, a vicious economic model has formed in the country, in which increased exploitation within Russia does not lead to the accumulation of national wealth(albeit in the hands of a narrow circle of the national bourgeoisie) and strengthening the state’s economy. Instead, its outflow to the global West (the core countries of the capitalist system) is only intensifying... Particular cases of the consequences of this process are general impoverishment and the growth of social inequality within the country.

It is THIS part of the bourgeoisie, mostly selling mineral wealth and/or low-value products abroad as raw materials (for further processing in the West) are called compradors. Thus, compradors act as junior partners in relation to the countries of the capitalist core, which plays the role of the metropolis of Russia.

Due to economic ties and their own views, these people are much more connected with the global West than with Russia. Firstly, consumers of their products are located outside of Russia. Therefore, they are not interested in the economic situation of citizens and domestic producers - what is more important to them is the presence of effective demand in the West. Secondly: they are connected with the West by assets and future: their children, villas, financial assets, etc.. - everything is there in the true “homeland”. Therefore, our country is only a source of profit for them - no more…

They are joined by banksters - five banks monopolizing the financial market, owners of federal networks (usually non-residents of the Russian Federation), “saddled” with trade and raising markups up to 300%, etc. bourgeoisie oriented towards the global West

From the data above, we see that these people have enormous combined economic power, often exceeding even the capabilities of the state (more than a trillion dollars, only in offshore accounts). It would be surprising if they did not use it to exert political influence on the processes taking place inside Russia, in the interests of your social group. Consequently, they should be joined by major officials and politicians who serve their interests within the state.

Is this so and in whose interests is the state’s financial and economic policy implemented? The most glaring and discussed facts:

*Extremist and terrorist organizations prohibited in Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, Jabhat al-Nusra ", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people", "Misanthropic Division", "Brotherhood" of Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization Ukrainian nationalists"(OUN)

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    14.01.2019 15:41 30



    About gifts for Russians for the Old New Year

    While half of Russia is on extended holidays, surprises are pouring in on Russians like in buckets. So, after this, believe in the low season in January! State banks are raising mortgage rates, the State Duma is tightening the screws, but the most important thing... ... is happening in the consumer market. Rosstat published data on price growth for the first ten days of 2019. The average temperature in the hospital is an increase to pre-New Year prices of 0.5%,...

    13.01.2019 13:06 39



    About those who will never be replaced by robots

    Photo © Reuters. Robotization, this storm of the 21st century for hired workers, is successfully and quickly penetrating into all areas. The title photo shows robotic trainers for pets that can operate both autonomously and in control mode from a smartphone. That is, even the most exotic activities of people are quite successfully subordinate to the general trend towards replacing humans with machines. And who - especially...

    11.01.2019 5:53 39



    About the best future of Russia

    Let's talk about the future without apocalyptic predictions and pessimistic forecasts. Let's say everything won't be so bad around Russia. The war will not start, the revolution will not happen, #oil will not collapse, punitive #sanctions will not be introduced, and even another global #crisis will not begin. How will #Russia prosper then? According to realistic forecasts of the World Bank, the Russian #economy will be able to continue its progressive growth. Thus, Russia's #GDP will increase by 5% in the next three years. This is one of…

    10.01.2019 13:32 38



    About the mystery of America's debts, incomprehensible to Russians

    In polite society, the phrase “Have you seen the US national debt?” is already considered indecent - and thank God! But just a little step to the side, and the average Russian’s brain begins to boil, straying into the usual patterns about debt bondage and poor America. And also to other similar heresies. You don't have to look far for examples. Most recently, it was reported that 24 million Americans believe that taking money from...

    9.01.2019 14:57 30

    Science and technology


    About the enchanting superiority of Ukraine over Russia

    Frankly speaking, this could not have happened. Or something similar. All the long-term and wise efforts of Russian statesmen have led to this, starting in 2013, and maybe even earlier. To be fair, we must admit that the Ukrainians, for their part, also tried a lot – in a good way. And for national pride Great Russians should probably be offended...

    8.01.2019 15:57 48



    About the future of Russia in one photo

    Photo © Reuters. Fortune telling on Christmas Eve is a holy and yuletide tradition in Rus'. It's not just girls who are guilty of this. Everyone wants to look into the future. Moreover, here, in the photo, everything is so obvious that there is no need to even guess. Of course, only a small fragment was chosen as the title image. And the whole picture is under the cut. This is how this meeting is...

    7.01.2019 18:21 36



    About the upcoming catastrophe for “our everything”

    As often happens in real life, a fur-bearing animal crept up unnoticed. While “understanding people” ridiculed the ambitious plans of their continental neighbors in every possible way, they simply worked on them. Not without the help of the state treasury, of course. But now those investments appear to be starting to pay off. And although the catastrophe in the headline will clearly not happen tomorrow or even next year, it...

    5.01.2019 17:56 32

    Science and technology


    About the valiant army of China, which will soon conquer the entire planet

    Photo © Reuters Ancient #China is known for many incredible achievements, one of which is undoubtedly the Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, equally famous for his untold wealth and immoderate cruelty. Nowadays, associations with that era are evoked by the new army being created in the vicinity of Suzhou, in the province of Jiangsu. Her warriors are in the title photo. Yes, these are iPal household robots produced on an industrial scale. They are produced by a Chinese company...

    4.01.2019 16:28 44



    About the main cause of all women's misfortunes

    In public transport in any country in the world you can see a similar picture. Young people - regardless of gender - are cheerful, active, active and happy. But it's not the same with middle age. Men look relaxed, pleased with themselves and almost happy. Whereas women are the complete opposite. Intense gaze, drooping shoulders, dull eyes and pursed lips... No, happy...