Green buckwheat Russian Federation. Green buckwheat. Green buckwheat with vegetables

Green buckwheat is a true champion in content useful vitamins and macro- and microelements necessary for the human body. You will never find pesticides in it, since their use is pointless when growing buckwheat. She knows how to protect herself from the adverse effects of the environment. Therefore, we can say with confidence that green buckwheat is all natural and absolutely environmentally friendly.

It is important to note that the brown buckwheat that can be seen in regular stores is the same green buckwheat. It has only undergone heat treatment and has lost most of its beneficial properties because of this.

Real, “living” buckwheat, light green in color with a yellowish tint and a fresh herbal taste, retains the entire complex of beneficial substances inherent in it by nature. This buckwheat, even when boiled, contains a sufficient amount of antioxidants. It has excellent germination abilities. And in the sprouted state it is most useful. And all because valuable plant fiber, important enzymes and microelements are concentrated in sprouts, which have enormous potential for development and germination in any conditions. Starches, proteins and fats contained in dry cereals, during germination, are converted into simple sugars, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acid, which makes them easily digestible. That is why various beneficial transformations occur in our body after consuming green buckwheat: the immune system is strengthened, aging is slowed down.

Already 8 hours after soaking, light sprouts can be observed. In this form, green buckwheat is usually eaten, added to salads, smoothies, and also used to prepare breakfasts and desserts. Although you can eat green buckwheat an hour after soaking. Nutritious and tasty, it saturates the body well, leaving you feeling full for a long time.

Compared to other cereal crops, buckwheat is a record holder in terms of content:

  • lysine,
  • methionine,
  • tryptophan,
  • threonine,
  • arginine

But what green buckwheat does not contain is gluten (gluten), which makes it simply an indispensable cereal in the diet of allergy sufferers.

The amount of useful microelements contained in green buckwheat is amazing. By regularly eating it, after a couple of weeks you can feel the first favorable changes:

  • increased resistance to stress;
  • sleep quality improves;
  • the psycho-emotional state and brain function are restored;
  • the state of the nervous system improves;
  • the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened;
  • the condition of the skin, hair and nails improves;
  • the body's endurance increases;
  • muscles are strengthened and muscle mass increases.

In addition to all this, thanks to its biochemical composition, buckwheat is able to remove toxins, excess cholesterol, waste from the body, lower glucose levels and control blood sugar levels.

Green buckwheat 5 kg reviews

Average customer rating: () 4.72 out of 5 stars

47 no rating
  • Expensive
    Babina Olga January 28, 2020 01:37

    In April last year I bought 3 kg of buckwheat for 600 rubles. Now 750 rub. + delivery. (It turns out 1 kg is 200 rubles. It’s cheaper in the store! For example, for Ozone 0.450 it costs 86 rubles. It’s a shame that the price has increased so much!

    • Ryzhkova Olga Image of Life January 31, 2020 05:18

      Good afternoon, Olga. Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, prices for green buckwheat from the 2019 harvest have increased by 1.5-2 times due to the limited amount of raw materials on the market. For our part, we guarantee that when purchasing a product from us, you receive live, untreated, safe grain from a new harvest. We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that we offer free delivery. You can familiarize yourself with the terms of free delivery on our website in the “Delivery” section, or the manager will be able to tell you all the information in detail.

  • Very pleased)
    Mukhametdinova Irina Alesovna 20 January 2020 20:35

    I ordered it for the first time, pure buckwheat, it germinates quickly. I will order more!

  • I am very pleased
    Ermolaeva Katerina 17 January 2020 16:17

    Last time we took it on sale - one bag contained a lot of other grains, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying... the second one was much cleaner.
    Yesterday new ones arrived - oh, how clean it is... wonderful.
    Thank you - we are very pleased.

  • Green buckwheat.
    Guzhova Ekaterina Albertovna 16 January 2020 06:15

    Buckwheat is excellent, clean, and germinates quickly. I'm very pleased. True, this time I waited a long time for the parcel.

  • The price does not match the quality
    Bukaev Alexey Igorevich January 1, 2020 06:35

    If it weren’t for free delivery when ordering, I wouldn’t even contact this company, the prices are inflated to the extreme, and the products are of poor quality. I bought buckwheat from the Zdorovedy company, it will be larger and more flavorful.

    • Ryzhkova Olga Lifestyle 22 January 2020 13:38

      Good afternoon, Alexey Igorevich. Thank you for rating our product! As we understand, in the retail chain you came across a product not produced under the Altai Lifestyle brand. Manufacturers' prices usually differ. Pricing is based on the quality of raw materials. Green buckwheat under the Altai Lifestyle brand is an environmentally friendly, unprocessed product that does not contain GMOs and meets safety requirements, which is confirmed by tests in our own laboratory. But the main thing is that our buckwheat is alive and capable of germinating. In addition, the cost of the final product also depends on the size of the grain, the uniformity of the raw materials, purity, the number of damaged grains and the year of collection. Also, prices for green buckwheat from the 2019 harvest increased by 1.5-2 times due to the limited amount of raw materials on the market. Considering that price increases in retail chains occur more slowly, we can assume that not all supermarkets had time to react to the changing market situation; retail chains often offer the harvest of 2018 and earlier, which significantly reduces the cost of the final product.

  • green buckwheat
    Budkova Anna Vladimirovna 29 December 2019 14:45

    Excellent buckwheat, clean, germinates 100 percent. Delivered quickly.

    Pushkarev Sergey Yurievich December 28, 2019 02:54

    I have been cooperating with this company for a long time already, like 4!!! I’m always satisfied with the prices and promotions!!! for us, for raw foodists, this is simply a paradise of prices and quality!!! WISHING PROSPERITY FOR YOU

  • green buckwheat 25 kg
    Veselova Ekaterina Anatolyevna December 27, 2019 20:19

    Buckwheat, as always, is excellent, but the delivery is beyond words. Once again a 25 kg bag with holes arrived. Three huge holes, last year there was only one, so now I don’t want to remain silent anymore... I don’t know how much buckwheat didn’t arrive, only the bag was wrapped in film and in order to put it vertically I had to work thoroughly with tape ((((

  • Two-story Banking method - for a small car.
    Desyaterik Mikhail Viktorovich December 25, 2019 03:32

    For the first time, I bought as much as a bag, loaded it into a backpack (thanks to the administrator of the pick-up point in St. Petersburg, Galina Lobanova, for her support in loading, and for her good memory of the customers’ names). I’m glad that I did this on an astronomically special day of the year (December 23, which our ancient ancestors, thousands of years ago, called the Christmas of the Planet,...), very favorable/effective/promising (... BUT, this is a separate topic, I will NOT get distracted).

    Buckwheat - glory and praise! Cereals of the highest quality, clean, not a speck of dust, not a speck, without any problems, at a low price, with trouble-free service. When soaking - NO empty floating grains. Germination is almost 100%.

    Out of excess feelings, I will outline (to fans of this store and product) my simple-and-modest method of germination:
    single serving, for one or two people, and I’ll call it

    Two-story Banking method - for a small car.

    I take a liter (or less) jar, 250 (or less) grams of grain, fill it with water.
    . After the cereal is saturated with moisture (4 - 6 hours):
    1) I thoroughly rinse the buckwheat in a fine-hole colander, let it drain and shake off the water;
    2) I pour it again into the same glass jar (and weigh it);
    3) I cover it with a convex strainer (there are kitchen models with a diameter slightly larger than the neck of the jar, with a handle), and, turning this jar-with-a-mesh over, I place/fix it on top of a container with a wider top (you get a “jar on a bowl” type design , with a sieve between them");
    4) I put it in a warm sunny place and wait until these swollen and suspended grains, being in dampness, with access to air and an abundance of light, begin to germinate;
    5) and then - according to the usual scheme. By the way, the sprouted biomass, even taking into account shrinkage, is greater than the original one.

    What if it’s fresh oil?
    pour a little bit into it,
    life will blossom, melancholy will fade away,
    and you can continue to live in peace!

    . If they start asking questions, then just say:
    “And this is my green stuff ripening in a jar,” or:
    “And this is my little frog riding in a box,” or:
    “And this is my Vasilisa the Beautiful, the Wise Dove, the Queen of Altai, who has come to the feast, ...”, or:
    “And this is my bank worker, and nurse, and milkmaid,” or:
    “And this masterpiece of mine is growing - not by days, but by hours,” or:
    “DO NOT be alarmed, dear guests, this is a beast-grass, fire-food, whoever consumes it... catches up with a wolf, kills a bear,... (well, or something else),” and so on, and so on.

    Eh! So Zhelezno loves Buckwheat - only a Russian person!!
    Buckwheat, as the most Russian, I love you most of all! (joke)

  • green buckwheat
    Satanenko Alexey 24 December 2019 19:46

    That buckwheat is excellent, good, large, no doubt, I took a 25 kg bag WITH A DISCOUNT for 2475 rubles, it came out at 99 rubles per kg BUT! in Auchan Khimki it’s similar, also tasty, maybe a little smaller (subjectively) retail is 80 rubles. some kind of residue of misunderstanding about how the prices worked out: base, wholesale, store...., there was some time, then it went away, which means it was necessary. And the sharp jump in prices and demand in our country leads to the fact that next year buckwheat will be planted by all and sundry and brought from everywhere and it will cost 20-30 rubles, just take it, it’s already happened

    • Ryzhkova Olga Image of Life January 24, 2020 05:02

      Good afternoon, Alexey. Thank you for rating our product! As we understand, in the retail chain you came across a product not produced under the Altai Lifestyle brand. Manufacturers' prices usually differ. Pricing is based on the quality of raw materials. Green buckwheat under the Altai Lifestyle brand is an environmentally friendly, unprocessed product that does not contain GMOs and meets safety requirements, which is confirmed by tests in our own laboratory. But the main thing is that our buckwheat is alive and capable of germinating. In addition, the cost of the final product also depends on the size of the grain, the uniformity of the raw materials, purity, the number of damaged grains and the year of collection. Also, prices for green buckwheat from the 2019 harvest increased by 1.5-2 times due to the limited amount of raw materials on the market. Considering that price increases in retail chains occur more slowly, we can assume that not all supermarkets had time to react to the changing market situation; retail chains often offer the harvest of 2018 and earlier, which significantly reduces the cost of the final product.

Green buckwheat is a “live” product that has earned enormous popularity among many healthy eating enthusiasts. It is filled with vitamins, minerals and other biologically active components. These characteristics allow it to be included in any diet menu, and even in those aimed at losing weight.

Brown and green cereals: what's the difference?

What is the difference between green buckwheat and regular buckwheat?

  • First of all, the processing method. Mine Brown color Buckwheat, which is familiar to all of us, is obtained as a result of thermal effects.
  • Green buckwheat is not subjected to such heat treatment, and therefore it is more useful - it contains approximately 30% more biologically active substances.
  • In addition, light green buckwheat is quite easy to germinate, which allows you to significantly expand its use - you can use it not only as a regular side dish, sprouted grains are added to salads, pates, baked goods, including bread, smoothies and other dishes. While brown cereals can only be consumed boiled.
  • The taste is also different - green buckwheat is much more delicate than brown buckwheat.
  • However, those cereals that have undergone heat treatment are not susceptible to the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms in it, which cannot be said about green buckwheat - the risk of microbial development in it is quite high.

Taking these characteristics into account, each person can easily choose the most suitable type of buckwheat for their diet or successfully combine them in their menu. For example, in the buckwheat diet, using brown grains for soups, and sprouted grains for salads and smoothies.

On a note! Today, quite a few manufacturers sell green buckwheat, but grains from Germany and Austria are considered the highest quality!

Rich composition and nutritional value of “live” buckwheat

The peculiarity of the composition of green buckwheat is that it contains a fairly large amount of protein - about 13-15%, while rice contains only 7%, and it is the latter grain that is most often recommended to be included in the diet to compensate for the deficiency of this substance . The protein present in green buckwheat grain is ideally balanced in amino acid composition, plus it contains a large portion of lysine, which is very little in other grains.

Green buckwheat contains flavonoids, as well as protease and trypsin inhibitors. And thanks to these components, the product has anti-cancer activity. However, it should be remembered that the amount of these substances directly depends on where and under what conditions the plant developed - under the influence of high temperatures, a significant proportion of these substances is destroyed.

Green buckwheat is also rich in minerals, including calcium, iodine, iron, potassium, copper, phosphorus, and fluorine. The composition also contains vitamins B, E and PP. In addition, green grains contain organic amino acids such as oxalic, linolenic, citric, maleic and malic.

The calorie content of green buckwheat is 310 kcal per 100 g of product.

Effect on the body

Green buckwheat is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and all because of the unique proteins present in its composition, healthy vegetable fats and minerals. In addition, this grain is recognized as one of the best suppliers of natural antioxidants, which are designed to strengthen our immune system and ensure the prevention of premature aging. The components contained in it help eliminate the negative impact bad ecology, removing radioactive substances and salts from the body heavy metals, cleanse the blood of excess cholesterol and stimulate the protective functions of cells.

On a note! Sprouted green buckwheat grains contain 75 times more antioxidants than other grains!

The beneficial properties of green buckwheat also extend to improving the functioning of the digestive system. These grains help normalize the basic functions of the intestine and its microflora.

Overall, adding green buckwheat to your daily diet, you bring quite tangible benefits to your body. General well-being noticeably improves, metabolism is stimulated, protective functions are significantly increased and health is strengthened.

Use for weight loss

Green buckwheat is considered a very valuable product not only for ridding the body of harmful substances, but also for losing weight. In many countries of the world it is one of the main components dietary nutrition. This buckwheat contains valuable components that help the body get rid of harmful deposits and at the same time perfectly support it during the period of struggle with excess weight.

On a note! With regular consumption of green buckwheat in 2 two weeks you can reduce your body weight by 5 kg!

In order to cleanse the body and at the same time get rid of extra pounds, you need to take a two-week course, which involves eating green buckwheat. There are two menu options.
In the first case, the green grain must be thoroughly ground. During the first half of the day, we drink only water, eat ground buckwheat in the afternoon, 120-150 g each. Chew the prepared powder thoroughly, if necessary, wash it down with any vegetable juice.

On a note! If this method of cleansing the body and losing weight seems too harsh for you, then in this case you can add a couple of fruits that can be eaten 2-3 hours after eating buckwheat!

The second diet option is green buckwheat with kefir. Here the grains must be pre-steamed. We wash 2 cups of cereal, pour it into a saucepan or large bowl and pour in a liter of boiling water. Cover the dish tightly with a lid and leave for several hours, preferably overnight. In the morning, divide the resulting porridge into several equal portions and consume them throughout the day. At the same time, throughout the day you need to drink a liter of kefir, 1% fat. Distribute your meals so that the last one does not occur very late - no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Important! Only in this case, buckwheat must be eaten without any additives. The use of salt, sugar and oil is prohibited!

Both the first and second versions of the two-week diet can be practiced no more than twice a year.

Cooking green buckwheat

Sprouted grains

Sprouted green buckwheat is considered the most useful. In that case, all of her beneficial features are fully revealed.

  • Fill the green cereal with water and remove all floating fragments and debris. Then pour it into a colander and rinse thoroughly.
  • We transfer the buckwheat into a bowl, and cover the colander with gauze (one layer is enough), after which we return the washed grains to it. We also cover the top of the buckwheat with gauze, but only this time, folded in two layers.
  • We wet everything under running water, let the excess liquid drain and leave at room temperature for 7-8 hours. After the specified time, wet the top gauze again and leave the seeds for another 5-6 hours.
  • Afterwards, carefully transfer the buckwheat into a deep container and rinse thoroughly. This technique will allow you to get rid of the white foam and unpleasant odor that has formed on the grains.
  • Place the sprouted seeds in a container and store in the refrigerator for 3 days.

This cooking option allows you to get small, neat sprouts. If you want them to be larger, then the cereal must be kept for about 20 hours twice, wetting the gauze every 7 hours.

Ground green buckwheat

Green buckwheat can also be used to make flour. It is used in diets, as described above, and also for making pancakes, dumplings, bread, pancakes and other baked goods.

On a note! Buckwheat, and therefore buckwheat flour, does not contain gluten, and therefore in its pure form is practically not used for making bread, pancakes and other baked goods. Usually it is mixed with wheat flour!

Making green buckwheat flour is very simple. First, you need to wash the cereal thoroughly, then dry it thoroughly and grind it in a coffee grinder.


Green buckwheat porridge has a somewhat unusual taste for us. In most cases, those who try it for the first time do not understand that it is actually buckwheat. This porridge has a very delicate taste and the same texture, and therefore, having tried this dish once, many people want to see it in their diet as often as possible.

Before cooking green buckwheat, it must be filled with water and left for several hours. It is convenient to do this in the evening, leaving the cereal in water overnight.

Advice! If you want to try the porridge as quickly as possible, then you can soak the grains not overnight, but for at least an hour!

In the morning, wash the cereal and place it in boiling water. After boiling again, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, remove the pan from the stove, close the lid and leave for about 20 minutes. The porridge should sit for a while and absorb water.

You can prepare this porridge in another way. To begin, wash the grains, put them in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. Close the lid tightly and leave for several hours. This porridge is very convenient to prepare in the morning and take with you to work - this way, during your lunch break you will always have a hearty and very healthy dish on hand.

The best breakfast with green buckwheat

The recipe for cooking green buckwheat continues with an incredibly delicious breakfast that will charge you with energy for the whole day. We will need the following products:

  • green buckwheat – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • banana;
  • celery (green part);
  • chia or flax seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • walnuts - a handful of peeled kernels.

We start preparing in the evening. Soak buckwheat and nuts in separate containers. In the morning, drain the water and wash them thoroughly. Place all ingredients except seeds into a blender bowl and blend until smooth.

If you are using chia seeds, you must first soak them in water for 5 minutes and then add them to the dish. If you have flax seeds, then you should grind them separately - in a coffee grinder, and only then add the resulting powder to the steel ingredients.

Green buckwheat with vegetables

To prepare this dish you will need the following products:

  • a glass of green buckwheat;
  • egg;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • ½ head of onion;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 avocado.

We rinse the green buckwheat and place it in a colander to remove excess liquid. Beat the egg separately. Combine buckwheat with beaten egg and mix.

Heat a frying pan on the stove and melt butter. Add the cereal and egg and fry them, stirring constantly, until the buckwheat becomes crumbly.

Finely chop a clove of garlic. Chop half an onion into small cubes. Add to the pan, add salt. Mix everything and add water - it should cover the food by about 1 cm. Cover with a lid, reduce the gas supply to the minimum mark and cook for 10 minutes.

Cut the bell pepper and tomato as desired. Divide the avocado into two parts, extract the pulp and also cut it into pieces. Add the prepared ingredients to the pan and cook for about 5 more minutes.

Is there any harm possible?

Having considered the benefits of green buckwheat and found out how it can be used, all that remains is to find out whether it can cause harm.

  • Rutin was found in this cereal, and therefore it is not recommended to use it if there is increased blood clotting.
  • If green buckwheat is present on the menu too often, it can cause increased gas formation.
  • You should not offer porridge from such cereals to small children, as constipation may occur.

If you consume green buckwheat in moderation and take into account contraindications, then it will bring exceptional benefits to the body!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Today on the pages of publications about healthy eating You can often find articles about the supposedly unprecedented benefits of green buckwheat. But does it really have many advantages? At the request of Roskachestvo, the benefits of green and brown buckwheat were compared by scientist, candidate of agricultural sciences, head of the laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry of the All-Russian Research Institute of Leguminous and Cereal Crops Sergei Bobkov.

– How is the familiar brown buckwheat produced? Buckwheat grain is moistened, creating a certain level humidity, then steamed, dried and peeled. And green buckwheat is grains that have been cleaned without prior steaming and, accordingly, drying.


– Among the advantages of any buckwheat, one can note the presence of rutin, a substance that improves blood flow. The main “keeper” of rutin is the shell of buckwheat; there is 17 times more of it than inside the kernel. And when treated with steam it is destroyed (during heat treatment green color grain turns brown, which just indicates the disappearance of rutin, because it is this substance that colors buckwheat grain green). Thus, the benefits of brown buckwheat are less than green buckwheat.

Taste and smell

– As they say, there is no friend according to taste. Many people say that green buckwheat is tastier, its taste is more delicate, although I would not highlight this advantage. But the smell of green buckwheat is, perhaps, really more pleasant.



– In my opinion, brown buckwheat is more pleasant to cook and easier to use in cooking. It retains its shape better and does not lose its so-called graininess. But green cereals quickly turn into “mess” and become overcooked. In addition, the cooking time for brown buckwheat is shorter due to primary heat treatment. (By the way, the price of brown buckwheat is almost two times lower, which is very beneficial for practical housewives. – Editor’s note.)


– The fact that brown buckwheat is stored much longer than green, and green buckwheat can eventually begin to rot and be colonized by bugs, is actually nothing more than a myth. The shelf life of green cereals is also quite long (about a year), but green buckwheat is more “picky” about where it is stored. If you leave it in the light, it will quickly lose its green tint, and along with it, rutin will begin to disappear, that is, the very benefits that we mentioned earlier will decrease.


– This cereal is quite difficult to find. The production of green buckwheat is not on the same scale as the production of brown buckwheat, and it is most often sold only in specialized stores (for example, those offering for sale environmentally friendly products, which in fact may not be so. - Ed. note).

– Both green and brown buckwheat are incredibly healthy. They are equally rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, sums up Sergey Bobkov. – But personally, I still don’t share the hype around green cereals, which is fueled by some glossy publications.

Detailed results of the Roskachestvo study on buckwheat are available

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