What you can do while breastfeeding. What a nursing mother can and cannot do: imaginary and real prohibitions when breastfeeding. What a woman should not eat while breastfeeding

I have a 7 month old baby, we are on breastfeeding. After giving birth, I developed a small tummy (fat) and my sides became rounder. It’s not critical, of course, but it makes me a little uncomfortable. I want to have an anti-cellulite massage, but after it I still have to watch my diet, especially not to eat flour. Tell me, if you eat separately, won’t the milk go to waste?

Sometimes as a snack I eat a baked apple, banana, kozinaki, marshmallows, muesli with yogurt or cottage cheese. Sometimes I bake homemade rolled oats cookies with apples. But these are all mostly sweets. The doctor told me to limit myself to sweets, because... The baby has a small rash and gas may be from sweets. I can’t imagine what else to think of as a snack, but I have a good appetite, and I’m not gaining weight at all, which is very pleasing.

Girls, I really want something sweet. I'm already tired of drinking tea just like that. I wonder which sweets are the most harmless for breastfeeding. Why can't you eat sweets? Because of the sugar? It is clear that chocolate, honey, nuts, butter creams, and yeast baked goods are not allowed. Can I have pastila? Or just banal oatmeal cookies and waffles. What can you do with dried fruits? I have Antonovka at home, can I have some charlotte?

What tasty treats can a nursing mother indulge in? I really want chocolate, I keep telling myself no. When will it be possible to have a little bit of it? Can I have pomegranate juice? And what are your secrets?)))

The child farts and poops, but he also grunts and strains at other times and in the morning he especially cannot empty his intestines. The neonatologist also confirmed that there was a lot of gas. I don’t understand what it is in my diet that causes gases and does nutrition always affect this or can gases be caused by buckwheat alone? Today I decided to eat some buckwheat and see the result. The neonatologist said less sweets, but the only sweets I have are baked apples, honey (just a little), a couple of spoons of jam, maybe a lick, a couple of oatmeal cookies. What then is there anyway? :(

Very, no VERY!!! I want coffee with milk - but can I afford it at least once a day during breastfeeding??? Well, at least thin?? Is anyone drinking??

The doctor forbade us to eat so much that I no longer know what to eat... so sad... They forbade: kefir, sour cream, chicken, fish, all fruits and berries, even currants, all fresh vegetables, millet, I myself don’t eat potatoes. , she's getting puffy. Cottage cheese was allowed - only rarely, but I really want cottage cheese - every day. Eggs - 2 pieces per week. Limit butter and virtually eliminate sweets.

Girls, what sweets can you have during breastfeeding? Honey, jam, chocolate, jams, sugar are not allowed as I understand, but I can’t want to: (((Share your experience, or advise, please:))

Tell me, is fried food not allowed during the entire period of breastfeeding? Or is it possible after a certain age? I'm so tired of all this boiled and stewed stuff... I just want a piece of fried meat. I would also be grateful if someone explains to me what is harmful about fried foods, otherwise I’m a novice in this matter, there has never been a need to monitor my diet...

I was hurt. I felt sick at night, not like a child, and felt sick. I'm sinning for the custard tart. Although I used to buy it for my husband all the time and nothing. Apparently I'm so unlucky. Is it possible to feed the baby or keep formula just in case?

My poor bowsaurus cried all day yesterday. The tummy swelled up like a balloon. The doctor says I ate something wrong. And I seem to already eat the minimum. Yesterday's diet: buckwheat, Activia yoghurts, actimel, apricots, dried fruits, prunes. What could be causing the swelling? And, please tell me, what foods definitely won’t make your little one swell?

Maybe someone developed it for themselves weekly menu, where products do not cause diathesis. And who has had it confirmed in practice? Otherwise, drinking water alone is not an option. So it won’t take long to die:) (And one more thing. We are already 4 months old. I don’t give complementary foods yet. I decided from 6 months. Who started with what product? They advise me: 1 Apple juice, 2 carrot juice, 3 kefir and cheese, 4 vegetable broth (potatoes, cabbage, carrots). What do you advise?

Today we are planning an event - dad expressed a desire to finally take us to a Chinese restaurant :) I have only one doubt - we are still partially on the GW, can I eat all this Chinese? Well, after all, there are all sorts of seasonings and sauces, won’t Dani have allergies?

I am primarily interested in fruits and vegetables, because... I love them very much and mostly raw. But it turns out that practically nothing is possible:-((How to live? The baby is 1 week old today, there are peaches, plums, apples, tomatoes, bell peppers left in the refrigerator (from the pregnancy period). Some of this can be eaten raw or just boiled ( compote of fruits, soup of the rest)?

Mommies, what dishes did you receive from the maternity hospital? How can you please and pamper a young mother without harming breastfeeding?

What mom can eat: Veal, chicken, rabbit, beef, horse meat, boiled or stewed. No fatty sauces. Grilled, not overly fried. Liver once a week. Fresh (white) fish, boiled ham, eggs. Pasta, rice, bread Fruits and vegetables as tolerated. May cause allergies: strawberries, peaches, bananas, plums, grapes. You can have potatoes! a glass of wine a day (white) or beer.

There are so many prohibitions and restrictions on food for a nursing mother that it seems that you can no longer eat anything. And you constantly want to eat, the hunger is brutal, as the baby mercilessly “drinks all the juices out of you.” How to keep yourself and your baby healthy? The answer is simple - you need to eat properly and balanced!

When restrictions are placed on the usual food, we must somehow manage to replenish the body with vitamins. But it’s not so simple when a child becomes allergic to your favorite fruit or develops allergies. So, let's figure out what you can eat when breastfeeding without harming the baby.

What can nursing mothers eat when breastfeeding in the first month?

We present to you a list of foods that you can eat and drink during lactation:

  • dairy products - kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese;
  • meat - beef, rabbit, turkey;
  • fish - white fish: saury, haddock, flounder, pollock, cod, hake;
  • cereals - rice, buckwheat, gluten-free pasta;
  • vegetables - white and green vegetables, turnips, cauliflower, broccoli;
  • fruits - peeled apples of any color, bananas, apricots, persimmons, cherries;
  • drinks - tea, compotes, ;
  • sweets - marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, biscuits;
  • olives, black olives.

We have listed what mommy can safely eat during breastfeeding, but not to the point of fanaticism. Don't overeat, it's better to eat little by little. If you don’t know the line between a lot and a little, we’ll try to help you with this by answering the most popular questions.

Can a nursing woman eat persimmon (quince)?

Answer: yes!
This fruit is very healthy; it contains many vitamins and microelements. Due to its high iron content, persimmon helps get rid of anemia. You can eat 1-2 ripe fruits per day. Start introducing persimmon into the diet of a nursing mother with one quarter of the fetus and no earlier than two weeks after birth. Be sure to record this in your food diary. Please note that persimmon has strengthening properties and in rare cases can cause allergies.

Can a nursing mother eat pomegranate?

Answer: yes!
Daily consumption of pomegranate will allow mother to replenish the lack of iron in the blood, as well as strengthen the immune system, thanks to its unique beneficial properties.
How much pomegranate can you eat during lactation? Start with 10 grains per day and no earlier than the child is one month old. Don't forget to note in your food diary! If no allergies are detected, then you can increase to 100 grams.

Can a nursing mother eat bananas?

Answer: of course yes!
Bananas are recommended from the first days after birth; on the second day, the mother is ready to eat everything healthy. They contain the “joy hormone”, so they improve your mood. Please note that bananas have a strengthening effect, so they should not be overused for constipation. If this does not concern you, then two bananas a day is the norm.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have seeds?

Answer: yes!
The seeds are very healthy; they contain large amounts of vitamin E. Half a glass of unhulled seeds is the optimal daily requirement. Please note that the seeds and hands must be clean. If you come across overcooked seeds, discard them completely. In rare cases, the baby may develop an allergy to seeds or constipation.

Can a nursing mother eat feijoa?

Answer: yes!
Feijoa - very healthy fruit due to the high iodine content. Can there be an overdose of iodine due to feijoa? No! Since the soluble iodine compounds found in these fruits are broken down by liver enzymes only in case of iodine deficiency in the body. You can eat no more than 200 grams of ripe fruits per day and no earlier than three weeks after birth. In the south of Russia, feijoa ripens in October-November, so it is better to buy it at this time of year, otherwise you will stumble upon imported fruit.

Daily menu for nursing mothers

  • Water - at least 2 liters.
  • Fermented milk drinks - 500 ml.
  • Milk in tea - no more than 150 ml.
  • Lean meats or fish - 200-300 g.
  • Cereals - 100 g.
  • Cheese - 20-30 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 100-150 g.
  • Sour cream - 20 g.
  • Vegetables - 500-600 g.
  • Fruits - 200-300 g.
  • Butter - 30 g.
  • Vegetable oils - 15 g.
  • Bread with bran - 200 g.
  • Egg - 1 pc.

For some this volume of products will seem small, but for others it will seem large. But everything is purely individual and depends on your weight, height, lifestyle and how many children you feed. If you are feeding one child, add 500 kcal to your daily calorie intake before pregnancy, if you are feeding twins - 1000 kcal. And if, in addition, you lead an active lifestyle, then the number of calories consumed can be increased by 100-200 units.

Before thinking about what a nursing mother can eat, ask your parents, father-in-law and mother-in-law: did you or your husband have allergic reactions to any foods as children? Predisposition to allergies can be inherited.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again: everything is possible in moderation! In any case, try a new product a little at a time and see how your baby reacts. Because you want something tasty, but eating too much is also dangerous.

In Soviet times, the rules of breastfeeding were established by medicine. Young mothers were taught in advance that before feeding they need to wash their breasts, preferably with boiled water, and after feeding they need to express milk until the breast is empty. The baby was supposed to be fed strictly at certain hours, without paying attention to whether the child was crying or sleeping. All these moments turned caring for a baby into agony. These rules have now been revised.

Previously, young mothers were advised to feed their children strictly on time, even if such a schedule did not suit the baby

Only at the beginning of this century, the World Health Organization (WHO) made a statement that only breast milk is absolutely harmless for a child under 2 years of age. This thesis is very relevant, despite the development of medicine. Breast milk builds the baby’s immunity and promotes the development of the brain and nervous system.

Thanks to WHO, the policy for training medical staff in maternity hospitals has changed. Doctors, consultants and nurses began to be trained in breastfeeding techniques. They began to give the baby to mothers in the first half hour after birth, plus, the mother and baby in the maternity hospital are in the same ward. After giving birth, a woman can ask the staff for information, but some advice for mothers should be read in advance.

When breastfeeding is expected, experts give advice to the nursing mother on all issues that concern her. The most important advice is to stop worrying. There are women who have a lot of milk, and there are those who have little. In the second case, it is necessary to apply methods to increase the amount of milk produced. How to do this will be described below. Lactostasis and cracked nipples do not always appear. If they do appear, they simply need to be cured.

Even if there is little milk, there is no need to rush into supplementary feeding - there is almost always an opportunity to increase the volume of lactation

Even during pregnancy, you need to tune in to breastfeeding, enjoying these thoughts. Imagine how the baby lies in your arms, touches you with its small hands, and takes your nipple into its mouth. Talk to other mothers who are breastfeeding. Read specialized literature. Watch Dr. Komarovsky's programs. Remember that only 3% of women cannot breastfeed a baby. The rest just need to want it, and everything will be fine. No reason - unfavorable heredity, anatomical features of the breast structure, illness - is a reason for refusing to breastfeed.

How to increase breast milk supply?

The first point is choosing a maternity hospital. It is necessary to choose an institution in which mothers immediately place the baby on the stomach and chest after giving birth.

A woman’s body, upon contact with a newborn, triggers the lactation mechanism. While a woman produces not milk, but colostrum, a very useful product for the baby. It transmits immunity from mother to baby and contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

A woman experiences nervous tension after childbirth. She worries about the baby, thinks that there is too little colostrum to feed the baby. This is wrong. The substances contained in colostrum are quite enough to satisfy the baby’s needs for all useful substances. Under no circumstances should you start feeding your newborn with formula milk, otherwise he will get used to easily receiving nutrition from the nipple and will refuse to suckle. The milk will come in 2-3 days. Don't rush things.

One of effective ways To improve lactation is the use of preparations of natural composition based on royal jelly of bees. For example, the drug Apilak Grindeks, which contains 10 mg of natural royal jelly, will provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and macro- and microelements to maintain vitality and comprehensive care for the body. It contains the same valuable substances as breast milk: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a group of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2 B3, B5 B6, B12, E, K, folic acid), macro and microelements (calcium , iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium).
The drug Apilak Grindeks has clinically proven its effectiveness in the treatment of hypogalactia, gently stimulating milk secretion in women suffering from this problem.

What rules to follow?

Old views on the sterility of the maternal nipple have now been revised. Moreover, modern doctors believe that it is impossible to wash your breasts with soap or gel. Nipples are very delicate and can become cracked by soap, which dries out the skin. Think about the smell - the baby recognizes his mother by her smell, and if she smells of the same soap as the others, he will not recognize her, will become worried and may refuse to breastfeed. It makes sense to wash your breasts no more than 2 times a day with warm water without soap.

The use of brilliant green and other disinfectants to lubricate the nipples can lead to dry skin and cracked nipples. The nipples are covered with natural lubricant, protecting them from external influences. There is no need to wash it off with soapy water.

If you feed your baby and he cries after 1-2 hours, give him the breast again. Perhaps he wasn't completely full last time. It is necessary to feed the baby at his first request, and not maintain a schedule. The baby, of course, can cry for another reason - a wet diaper, a tummy ache or something else, but hunger is the most common cause crying.

You should not interrupt the familiar and familiar aroma of your mother’s breast with the pungent smell of soap or shower gel.

How often should you feed your baby?

Babies breastfeed differently, depending on their strength and character. There are children who suck actively and quickly get full. Others suckle slowly, resting periodically. During the first days, the woman feeds the baby very often. A regimen is gradually developed - eating every 1.5-2 hours. The mother and child must come to such a regime on their own, without forcibly limiting the number of feedings.

There is no need to take your baby off the breast when you think he is full. At first, babies very often suckle their mother also because feeding is his way of communicating with the person closest to him. While suckling, he calms down and can fall asleep.

There is no need to accustom a newborn to a pacifier. On the street it is convenient to give him a pacifier so as not to go home and breastfeed. This habit, however, does not contribute to increased lactation, unlike breastfeeding. The more the baby sucks on the breastfeeding mother, the more lactation is stimulated. When part of the feedings are replaced with a pacifier, the woman’s milk gradually disappears. The psychological connection between the baby and mother is also present only during breastfeeding. The dummy does not establish such a connection.

A pacifier is more of an emergency measure than a panacea, so it should be used extremely rarely

When is pumping necessary?

If the mother follows the above rules, there is no need to express her breasts. Previously, when the mother fed the baby by the hour, the breasts would overflow with unclaimed milk. He had to be pumped. When a newborn breastfeeds on demand, there is no excess milk left. It is as if the baby places an order for a certain amount of milk - how much he eats this time, the same amount will arrive the next time. When pumping after feeding, the next time more milk will come than the baby is able to eat. This can lead to lactostasis.

Pumping leads to another problem. Thick milk containing lactase is removed from the breast. This enzyme breaks down the sugar present in the mother's liquid milk. When feeding, the baby will receive the liquid part of the milk with a lot of sugar. This sugar will enter the intestines, which can cause upset bowel movements. When there is a need to express:

  1. The mother leaves home for a long time; another relative will have to feed the newborn with milk from a bottle (we recommend reading:). To do this, the mother stores breast milk in advance.
  2. The woman produces too much milk and her breasts become hard. There is a danger of mastitis.
  3. Lactation is reduced, the mother is unable to provide the child with milk. This happens when the baby feels unwell and has little strength to actively suckle his mother.
  4. Due to the woman’s illness, treatment was required with drugs prohibited for the baby. In this case, they pump to maintain lactation until the mother recovers.

Feeding positions

How often should you change breasts when breastfeeding? This should be done no more than once every 2 hours. Only with this tactic will the baby receive both types of milk - liquid and thick.

To prevent milk from stagnating, you need to change the baby’s position during feeding. Practice suggests that wherever the baby’s chin rests, that’s where the milk comes from. Changing positions is an excellent prevention of mastitis.

When applying to the breast, pay attention to the area where your baby latch onto the nipple. He should take into his mouth not only the nipple itself, but also the area around it - the areola. His lips will seem to be turned outward - with this grip, feeding will be successful. If you don't make sure to latch on to the nipple, your baby will swallow air and get a tummy ache.

The problem of proper nipple latching can also affect the baby's weight gain - he will absorb less milk, and his weight will lag behind the age norm. The doctor at the clinic sometimes does not have the time or desire to think about proper nipple latching; he will prescribe you complementary feeding with formula milk, and this will lead to a decrease in lactation.

Pick up your baby and bring him to your chest. Place the nipple deep into his mouth and hold the baby tightly. In this position, the baby will not swallow air, he and the mother will be comfortable.

There are many feeding positions, but in each of them the baby must grasp the areola area completely

Is the baby getting enough to eat?

How do you know if your baby has enough milk? The wet diaper method will help here. In the first days after birth, the baby pees 5-6 times a day. Gradually this number increases to 20-25 per day. If your baby pees less than 6 times a day, he is not getting enough fluids. In this case, you need to contact your local pediatrician to avoid dehydration of the little person.

Should I give water to my baby?

Do I need to give my baby extra food? If the child is breastfed, he does not need supplemental feeding. Milk consists of 80% water. It is heterogeneous in its structure. At the beginning of breastfeeding, the baby drinks the liquid part of the milk, which gets drunk. Then comes thicker milk, which serves as food. These 2 types of milk fully satisfy the baby's needs for food and drink. If you give a baby water, it will take up a certain volume in his stomach, he will suckle less from his mother, and lactation will decrease.

Should I feed at night?

It is imperative to breastfeed at night. It is at this time of day that when feeding, prolactin is produced in large quantities - a very important hormone. Prolactin not only promotes lactation, but also stimulates immune system, relieves pain, delays ovulation during breastfeeding. Mom doesn’t have to worry about getting pregnant when the first baby is still too small (we recommend reading:).

So that it is not difficult for the mother to get up, take the baby out of the crib, etc., it is better to put the baby to bed with her. When he begins to stir, the mother can only give him the breast and continue to sleep. In the same bed with the parents, the baby feels protected and quickly calms down. If you feel uncomfortable sleeping with your baby, place his crib so that he is close to you. Remove the partition between you and the child. Then the mother will be able to take the baby into her bed only during feeding.

When to introduce complementary foods?

Take your time with introducing complementary foods. Up to six months, a baby can easily survive on mother’s milk. After 6 months, complementary foods can be introduced to introduce the child to different tastes of food. Complementary foods should not replace breastfeeding. Mother's milk is much healthier than any vegetable puree. With early supplementation of infant feedings with vegetable purees, mother's milk is gradually replaced by other, less healthy products.

What should a mother eat during lactation?

A healthy, balanced diet for a nursing mother is very important for active lactation.

A woman’s nutrition needs to be thought out in advance (we recommend reading:). Many substances from food and medicines pass into mother's milk and can harm the baby. Some foods cause allergies, and medications cause significant harm. You don’t need to prescribe treatment for yourself - this should be done by a therapist, taking into account your situation.

Mothers should exclude allergenic foods from their diet. You should not eat red and orange vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to exclude smoked meats, pickles, spicy and fatty foods from the diet. You should not eat seafood, nuts, honey, chocolate.

It is necessary to limit the content of fermentable foods in the mother’s diet. They will not harm the mother, but the baby will have a tummy ache. Such products include cabbage, grapes, radishes, radishes, chocolates and other sweets.

  • fermented milk products;
  • rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • yellow and green vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable soups;
  • lean meat;
  • bread made from durum wheat.

Fermented milk products are great for nursing mothers

How much should I feed my baby?

Until what age should a child be fed? Many women believe that breastfeeding for up to 1 year is enough. This is wrong - you can feed until 2 or 3 years. The baby receives many other foods per year, but is in no hurry to give up breastfeeding. Sucking his mother's breast calms him down. By forcibly stopping feeding, you traumatize the child psychologically, and this will also affect the health of your mammary glands. Wait until your baby refuses breast milk on his own.

Some women breastfeed for longer than the generally accepted duration, but doctors actively encourage them to do so

Should I wean during mother's illness?

When the mother is sick, there is no need to wean the baby from the breast. Talk to your doctor about what medications you can take while breastfeeding. If a mother gets sick with a seasonal cold, only breastfeeding will protect the baby from infection. Together with mother's milk, he will receive antibodies that will fight the infection. If infected, the baby will survive the cold much easier.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Many mothers know that pregnancy and breastfeeding “suck all the juices out of the body,” adding many health problems to existing ones if you do not approach the issue of nutrition correctly. Regular use healthy products- this is a guarantee of the quality and quantity of milk, the health of mother and baby, as well as strength, which you simply cannot do without during this difficult, energy-consuming period.

What foods on a nursing mother's table will be the healthiest?

  1. Fish
    First of all, we are talking about salmon - the most invaluable product for a nursing mother. Why? Because it is in salmon that you will find that “set” of polyunsaturated fatty acids, on which the development of the baby’s nervous system and mother’s health and mood depend (these elements are excellent remedy for the prevention of postpartum depression). To avoid an allergy to protein in the baby, the mother should eat salmon in measured quantities - a piece of 60-80 g is enough (maximum 350 g per week of any salmon). And of course, during the feeding period, eating salmon in salted and smoked form is excluded.

    What are the benefits of salmon:
    • No carbohydrates.
    • A large amount of protein (almost half of the product).
    • Restoring the balance of microelements/vitamins by consuming 70 g of salmon at least once a week.
  2. Dairy
    During the feeding period, dairy products are extremely important for the mother as a source of protein, vitamins B and D, and calcium for the baby’s skeletal system. To replenish the body's resources for your own needs and the needs of the baby, you should consume kefirs, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, cheese (grainy and semi-hard) and cottage cheese, cheesecakes and condensed milk (sugar-free) daily. cottage cheese casseroles etc.

    As for the whole cow's milk– it is recommended to exclude it from the diet for a while in order to avoid allergies in the baby.
  3. Lean meat and oil
    This product is one of the iron-containing foods necessary for mothers to replenish the deficiency of energy, vitamin B12 and protein. We are talking about boiled meat (or meatballs, meatballs, etc.) of the following varieties - white poultry, tongue, beef, rabbit, turkey.

    Meat should be included in the menu at least every other day (preferably daily).
    Don't forget about butter: the daily ration of this product is 15 g of sunflower and about 25 g of butter.
  4. Nuts
    This product is also indispensable for mom. But only after careful checking for an allergic reaction and a little at a time (20 g per day, no more). The properties of nuts are different - each nut has its own. And some can even cause harm.

    Therefore, we remember:
    • Cedar
      The most useful for a nursing mother. Advantages: least allergenic, high nutritional index, easy digestibility, do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate regeneration processes, help in the healing of mucous membranes, etc.
    • Walnuts
      These nuts increase the fat content/digestibility of milk due to their unsaturated omega-3 acids. The main thing is not to get carried away, in order to avoid colic and bloating in the baby. It is also worth remembering the high allergenicity walnuts(start introducing them with caution).
    • Almond
      Thanks to antioxidants, it helps reduce fatigue and helps fight exhaustion.
    • Coconut
      Useful for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, rich in fiber, protein and vitamins A, E.

    The most allergic nuts are hazelnuts and peanuts. It is better to refrain from using them during feeding.

  5. Fruit drinks, fruits
    Everyone knows about the benefits of fruits and their drinks for nursing mothers. Experts recommend drinking berry/fruit drinks and fruits twice a day - an excellent source of vitamins for mother and baby (total about 300 g of fruits/berries + 200-300 ml of drinks).

    The most useful will be:
    • Blueberries, cherries, cherries, currants, gooseberries.
    • Cherries, plums (in compotes, decoctions, purees), pears (without peel, with caution), apples (without peel, baked), bananas (a source of potassium), peaches (“vitamins” for depression), apricots.
    • Juices and other drinks with pulp – canned and fresh. It is better to give preference to drinks intended for feeding babies.

    Tropical fruits should be excluded during feeding. As well as fruits in red and orange colors. The main rule when introducing a new fruit into the diet: 3 days to test, without mixing with other fruits. If there is no allergy, then you can use it.

  6. Brown rice
    If there is a dialing problem excess weight is present (in mother or baby) - it’s time to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. But it’s right to reduce it – while maintaining your activity and milk quality. Brown rice will help with this, as it will replenish the mother’s energy reserves and provide the body with the number of calories necessary to produce full-fledged, high-quality milk. Just replace your usual white rice with brown rice.

    Useful properties of the product:
    • Availability of necessary dietary fiber and gamma-oryzanol.
    • The presence of amino acids, rich chemical composition.
    • Helps with the appearance of edema (removes excess fluid).
    • Lack of gluten (gluten).
    • Astringent and enveloping effect.
    • Replenishing the deficiency of mineral salts.
    • Improved sleep, complexion, hair condition (with regular use).
    • Nutrition of the nervous system (B vitamins).
    • Removal of toxins, radionuclides and waste.

    And many, many other useful properties.

  7. Eggs
    For the growth of a baby and the formation of its skeletal system, the most useful element is vitamin D. And egg yolk is a universal source of it. True, with chicken eggs you will have to wait a little - they are very powerful allergens (especially egg whites). But quail eggs will come in very handy in my mother’s diet.

    Beneficial features:
    • Lots of vitamins.
    • Easy to digest.
    • Prevention of many viral diseases.
    • Helps with the functioning of the heart and digestive system.
    • The presence of proteins, fats and folic acid for normalization hormonal levels moms.

    Of course, you should not attack the eggs - start carefully (as with chicken eggs). For starters, no more than 1 egg per day. This product can be consumed raw, but during the feeding period it is recommended to eat them exclusively in boiled form.

  8. Whole wheat bread
    Not only future mom needs folic acid - a nursing mother needs it no less. And also for the crumbs - for the normal functioning of organs and systems. And whole grain bread, muesli and pasta made from coarse flour will help with this. These products are a source of folic acid, iron, fiber, vitamin B, etc.

    Whole grain bread will also help solve gastrointestinal problems, reduce hunger, and recharge with useful energy. The product is also useful for anemia, high cholesterol, and impaired functioning of the nervous system. A couple of slices of bread in the morning or at lunch is enough.
  9. Green vegetables
    Much has been written about the properties of green vegetables, but for nursing mothers they will be especially useful - it is green vegetables (as well as herbs) that contain the “ammunition” of vitamins that a woman needs during the period of feeding her baby.

    Green vegetables are...
    • Vitamin A, calcium.
    • Iron, vitamin C.
    • Antioxidants.
    • Low calorie content.
    • Fiber, etc.

    The daily menu should contain at least 400 g of fresh or thermally processed vegetables. First of all, we pay attention to green salad and herbs, broccoli, zucchini and spinach.
    And, of course, don’t forget about pumpkin, carrots, beets, eggplants - they won’t be superfluous either.

  10. Dried fruits
    This product is a “shock” spectrum of vitamins, coupled with carbohydrates, organic acids, fiber, etc. Dried fruits that are most beneficial for a nursing mother are dried apricots and prunes. It is recommended to consume about 100 g of dried fruits per day. True, not in the first 2 weeks of feeding - a little later, otherwise the baby’s tummy simply will not cope with so many microelements.

    It is best to use dried fruits in compotes, and in dry form - after the child is 3 months old. You should not eat dried fruits by the handful, mixing raisins, dried apricots and prunes. Start small and introduce one fruit at a time.
  • Deadlines: the entire period of breastfeeding
  • Product cost: 1400-1500 rubles per week

General rules

- the optimal type of child nutrition. First of all, it is a manifestation of maternal love, and secondly, it is an ideal food product of high digestibility with an optimal and balanced level of substances for the child, with the presence of protective factors and biologically active substances, which helps create a barrier from environmental influences.

At the same time, it must be remembered that proper nutrition for a nursing mother after childbirth is the key to the baby’s health. It is important to adhere healthy eating. On the one hand, it is a varied, rational and balanced diet, that is, it must contain all the components necessary for the baby (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, iron, calcium, iodine, magnesium, omega-3 And omega-6 ), and on the arc side - these should be dietary dishes, prepared separately for a nursing mother with the exception of frying and fat. Nutrition should be sufficient, even with increased calorie content - for the first 6 months it is 2700 kcal, in subsequent months it is slightly less - 2650 kcal.

Why is proper nutrition for women so important? Because with breast milk the child receives all the nutrients. Protein is the most important food element for the development of the body and the amount consumed by a woman should be 106-110 g. The majority (60%) is animal proteins and 40% plant proteins. Therefore, eating meat, fish, dairy products, grains, nuts and vegetables is very important. True, the amount of protein in milk does not depend on the amount of protein consumed by a woman, and the amount of fats, mineral trace elements and vitamins is directly related to the amount of these substances in the diet. All necessary substances enter milk from the mother’s body, even if their intake from food is insufficient, but the reserves of a nursing woman are depleted.

Magnesium is necessary for the process of protein synthesis and the formation of enzymes; in its presence, calcium is absorbed in the body. Wheat bran, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium. Calcium is necessary for the prevention of rickets in a baby, growth and skeletal formation. The key source of calcium is milk, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, and hard cheeses. But if a child is allergic to cow's milk protein, dairy products are excluded from the mother's diet. First, only milk is excluded and a reaction to fermented milk products and cottage cheese is observed.

Of course, all these products should be introduced into the diet gradually, since in addition to nutrients that are useful and necessary for growth and development, a child can also receive allergens from milk. The mother's nutrition during breastfeeding should not burden the baby's immune system and cause bloating and colic. This is especially important in the first 2-3 months, when the baby’s digestion is developing. In this regard, the diet needs to be gradually expanded and go from small to large in terms of food products.

What should be the diet for breastfeeding women? The first month involves a strict diet, and then a careful introduction of new foods into the diet. Up to three months, while the child is susceptible to colic, you should especially monitor your diet and avoid foods that cause colic. Colic usually begins at 2-3 weeks and ends at 3-6 months.

Basic rules for feeding infant are:

  • Five to six meals a day for the mother (3 main meals and 2 snacks). It is better to time meals to coincide with feeding - the most best time 30 minutes before.
  • Boiled and steam cooking methods, avoidance of fatty and fried foods.
  • Eating only freshly prepared natural food, excluding semi-finished products, products with dyes and preservatives, and all types of canned food.
  • Introducing large amounts of dairy products containing calcium.
  • Eating lean meats and fish.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime - 1.5-1.6 liters per day (purified water, still table water, compotes, fruit drinks). Fluid intake is one of the important factors in prolonged lactation. You need to drink a glass of water 10 minutes before feeding. At the same time, you should not consume fluids in excess of the norm, which can cause swelling, stress on the kidneys and excess milk production and subsequently.
  • During lactation, foods that enhance fermentation are excluded (legumes, sweets, baked goods, kvass, black bread, bananas, grapes, sweet apples, pickled vegetables, White cabbage, cucumbers, carbonated drinks, confectionery, sweet cheeses, curd spreads and sweet cereals).
  • Limit the consumption of raw vegetables and fruits, as in this form they increase peristalsis and cause bloating. For this reason, it is better to bake or stew vegetables and fruits and start consuming them in small portions, since a large amount of fiber can cause loose stools and bloating in a child.
  • Vegetables with coarse fiber and essential oils, which are strong digestive stimulants (radish, radish, turnip, celery, sorrel, mushrooms), and can cause bloating and intestinal colic in a child.

By the end of the second or third month, the diet has already expanded significantly, but new foods must be introduced carefully for 3-4 days in a row and the baby’s behavior must be observed. On the first day, you can eat a small piece of any product, and the next day examine the child’s skin and monitor his general condition. If there are no rashes, redness or peeling on the skin, you can eat this product in slightly larger quantities on the second day and again observe the reaction. On the third day, the same product is consumed again and the baby’s condition is assessed; if everything is normal, you can leave this product in the diet.

Such a long-term administration is necessary because an allergic reaction may not appear immediately. The next new product is tested in the same way. Keeping a food diary and monitoring your child’s reaction to new foods will help you accurately and, most importantly, detect the allergenic factor in a timely manner.

Diet of a nursing mother by month

For convenience, a table has been compiled that includes permitted and prohibited products.

Nursing diet, table by month looks like this:

Month Permitted products and the sequence of their administration Not recommended products
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal on the water;
  • fruits - baked apples, bananas;
  • boiled vegetables;
  • white meat chicken, turkey;
  • soups without frying, you can add onions;
  • gray and white bread with bran, dried;
  • weak green and black tea without additives;
  • baked apples;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • tea for lactation;
  • herbal decoctions: thyme, lemon balm, horsetail, mint, yarrow, calendula, nettle, burnet.
  • yoghurts with flavors and colors;
  • chocolate;
  • semolina;
  • fatty meat broth;
  • fatty, fried foods;
  • citrus;
  • strawberry;
  • potatoes and pasta in large quantities;
  • pears;
  • sparkling water and sweet sparkling water;
  • sausages, smoked products, mayonnaise;
  • alcohol;
  • raw vegetables;
  • whole milk (can only be added to dishes);
  • fresh and pickled cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • seafood;
  • ice cream;
  • condensed milk;
  • mayonnaise;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • preserves and jams (limited);
  • coffee;
  • processed cheese;
  • margarine.
  • dried fruits;
  • dried apple compote without sugar;
  • cherries, cherries, watermelons, gooseberries (in season) and fruits (apples, pears);
  • raw vegetables;
  • natural yogurt, yogurt, acidophilus, fermented baked milk are added;
  • low-fat and lightly salted cheese;
  • sour cream (up to 15% fat content);
  • very carefully introduce low-fat boiled or steamed fish;
  • beef liver, beef, rabbit;
  • fruit drinks and compotes from lingonberries, cherries, blueberries, gooseberries;
  • dill, parsley;
  • expand the consumption of cereals by adding millet, wheat, pearl barley, brown and white rice.
  • dried rye bread;
  • beet;
  • nuts (excluding pistachios and peanuts);
  • lean pork;
  • fresh onions;
  • quail and chicken eggs;
  • basil, limited pepper, thyme, savory, tarragon;
  • fresh juices.
  • red fish in small quantities;
  • green tea;
  • cucumbers, tomatoes;
  • legumes;
  • garlic.
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • fatty foods;
  • smoked products;
  • canned food;
  • alcohol.
  • lemon.

Perhaps 1 month will seem the most difficult, not only in terms of nutrition, but also adjusting to breastfeeding and getting up at night. From the first days you will have to give up chocolate, coffee, ice cream and condensed milk, sweets, baked goods and confectionery. Raw vegetables, legumes and fried foods are prohibited. You need to learn how to prepare dietary meals and think more about your baby than about your food preferences and desires. It is important to maintain a drinking regime. From the fourth, the amount of liquid is 800-1000 ml.

If milk comes quickly and there is a lot of it, you can slightly reduce the volume of liquid. From the 10th day after birth you need to add 0.5 cups, bringing it to 1.5-2 liters by the end of the month. All this time, monitor the condition of the breast: it should be painless and soft.

The diet of a nursing mother in the first month includes light soups in vegetable broth or weak chicken broth, without frying. These can be cereal or vegetable soups. It is not allowed to eat borscht, cabbage soup, solyanka, okroshka and rassolnik, due to the presence of cabbage and cucumbers in them. Second courses usually consist of porridge or vegetable stew with a piece of boiled chicken, since beef and fish are allowed to be consumed later. Do not forget that salt must be limited, and all dishes must be prepared without spices, so food in the first month will be tasteless and monotonous.

For the most part, the list of products can expand faster than indicated in the table. It all depends on the individual reaction of the newborn to certain products. And the mother herself can decide how to eat, based on observations of the baby’s reaction. And the child can “tell” how she should eat by her behavior, the state of her intestines, or her refusal to feed if the taste of the milk has changed and she doesn’t like it. But we can say for sure that for the first three months you should not eat honey, jam, chocolate, eggs, red fruits and vegetables, baked goods, fatty, sour and salty foods.

If the mother is predisposed to allergies, there is a possibility that the child will also exhibit increased sensitivity to products. In such cases, you need to be more careful about your diet. In case of an allergic reaction (redness of the cheeks, dryness in the knees and elbows), the product should be excluded for a month, and then try introducing it again so that the body gradually adapts to this allergen. Please note that chocolate, fatty and smoked foods, canned food and alcohol remain prohibited throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.

In conclusion, it must be said that nursing mothers are prohibited from having fasting days, undertake a mono diet or low calorie diet. This is dangerous for the child and is not necessary for the mother. At this time, it takes about 500 kcal to produce milk, but if you eat right and over time add more physical activity, That overweight will leave.

Inadequate maternal nutrition can result in insufficient milk supply and the baby being undernourished. In this case, the baby has hungry stools - excessively watery and even close in consistency to water. This type of stool disorder can be determined by the dynamics of weight - the child gains it poorly (less than 450 g per month, and by two weeks has not gained weight at birth), signs of dehydration appear (sunken fontanelle), the baby is lethargic and sleeps a lot. You also need to do a wet diaper test. If there is enough milk, the baby urinates 10 times a day. In this case, urination is reduced, urine becomes concentrated and has a pungent odor, and its volume is small. On the Internet you can find photos of this pathological feces. A child’s stool forms gradually, since it takes time for the intestines to become populated with beneficial microbes. This usually happens within a month, for some it takes longer.

Authorized Products

The diet for breastfeeding a newborn includes:

  • 2nd grade wheat bread (preferably with bran), dry bread, dry biscuits, not very sweet sponge cake and brown bread crackers.
  • Various cereals (corn and pearl barley with caution) can also be cooked with the addition of 1/3 milk, steamed puddings and casseroles with cottage cheese can be made.
  • Lean varieties of meat and fish are allowed (beef, veal, rabbit, chicken, pollock, pike perch, bream, blue whiting, cod, hake, perch) in the form of steamed cutlets and whole pieces. Preference should be given to white poultry meat, and fish should be consumed no more than 1-2 times a week.
  • Includes vegetarian soups and soups with weak (secondary) meat broth. It is good to take potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and zucchini. You can add meatballs, dumplings, and pieces of boiled meat to soups.
  • At least 400 g of boiled or fresh (if the child is well tolerated) vegetables are introduced into the diet as sources of vitamins and fiber. Preference is given to neutral vegetables: carrots, beets, zucchini, squash, pumpkin. They are boiled and can be used to make cutlets or stews. Fresh vegetables It is better to eat green ones, and heat-treated brightly colored ones, using them in soups or stews. However, you need to start eating vegetables with boiled or stewed ones.
  • It is recommended to start eating fruits with apples, then introduce other types, but not very sour ones. Fruits should be green or white in color; you can drink baby juices, baby fruit purees, as well as baked apples and pears. During the day, a nursing mother should eat 300 g of fruits and berries (pears, apples, currants, gooseberries, cherries) and drink 200-300 ml of juices (preferably with pulp). They can be freshly prepared or canned. In this case, you need to choose juices from the baby food series. You can eat baked apples and pears, as well as drink jelly and compotes made from them. Dried fruits are rich in dietary fiber, so prunes and dried apricots can be introduced carefully, observing the child’s stool.
  • If the baby is prone to constipation, it is necessary to eat dried fruits, also review the mother’s diet and partially replace animal fats vegetable oils, and also include dietary fiber more widely (vegetables, cereals, fruits, wholemeal bread).
  • The daily diet should include 600-800 ml of fermented milk products (acidophilus, natural yogurt, kefir, yogurt) and cottage cheese or dishes made from it. Milk in an amount of 200 ml and sour cream are allowed only as an additive to the dish. It is better to alternate milk and fermented milk products. If we talk about the fat content of these products, then the optimal is 2.5%, and for cottage cheese - 5-9%. Zero-fat products are not suitable for breastfeeding women.
  • Among confectionery products, you can rarely afford meringues, fruit marmalade, marshmallows, and marshmallows.
  • You can eat 25 g per day butter, 15 g vegetable (corn, sunflower, olive, soy).
  • Drinks include tea without aromatic additives (weak black or green), teas with mint, oregano, thyme, occasionally weak coffee, still table water, compotes and fruit drinks.

Table of permitted products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

zucchini0,6 0,3 4,6 24
cauliflower2,5 0,3 5,4 30
potato2,0 0,4 18,1 80
carrot1,3 0,1 6,9 32
pumpkin1,3 0,3 7,7 28


bananas1,5 0,2 21,8 95
cherry0,8 0,5 11,3 52
pears0,4 0,3 10,9 42
plums0,8 0,3 9,6 42
apples0,4 0,4 9,8 47
baked sweet apples0,5 0,3 24,0 89


gooseberry0,7 0,2 12,0 43

Nuts and dried fruits

dried fruits2,3 0,6 68,2 286

Cereals and porridges

buckwheat (kernel)12,6 3,3 62,1 313
oat groats12,3 6,1 59,5 342
cereals11,9 7,2 69,3 366
pearl barley9,3 1,1 73,7 320
Wheat groats11,5 1,3 62,0 316
millet cereal11,5 3,3 69,3 348
white rice6,7 0,7 78,9 344
barley grits10,4 1,3 66,3 324

Bakery products

white bread crackers11,2 1,4 72,2 331
vysivkovy bread9,0 2,2 36,0 217


jam0,3 0,2 63,0 263
marshmallows0,8 0,0 78,5 304
fruit and berry marmalade0,4 0,0 76,6 293
meringues2,6 20,8 60,5 440
paste0,5 0,0 80,8 310
Maria cookies8,7 8,8 70,9 400


milk 2.5%2,8 2,5 4,7 52
kefir 2.5%2,8 2,5 3,9 50
sour cream 15% (low fat)2,6 15,0 3,0 158
Ryazhenka 2.5%2,9 2,5 4,2 54
acidophilus2,8 3,2 3,8 57
natural yogurt 2%4,3 2,0 6,2 60

Cheeses and cottage cheese

cheese24,1 29,5 0,3 363
cottage cheese 5%17,2 5,0 1,8 121
cottage cheese 9% (bold)16,7 9,0 2,0 159

Meat products

lean pork16,4 27,8 0,0 316
boiled beef25,8 16,8 0,0 254
boiled veal30,7 0,9 0,0 131
rabbit21,0 8,0 0,0 156


boiled chicken25,2 7,4 0,0 170
turkey19,2 0,7 0,0 84

Oils and fats

butter0,5 82,5 0,8 748

Non-alcoholic drinks

mineral water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
green tea0,0 0,0 0,0 -
black tea20,0 5,1 6,9 152

Juices and compotes

Apple juice0,4 0,4 9,8 42

Fully or partially limited products

The postpartum diet for nursing mothers excludes:

  • Highly allergenic foods include: fish, seafood (especially crabs, shrimp), crayfish, fish caviar, eggs, mushrooms, nuts (walnuts), coffee, chocolate, honey, cocoa, citrus fruits, bright red and orange fruits. Highly allergenic foods include peanuts and tomatoes.
  • Products that increase fermentation in the intestines (any legumes, coarse vegetables, whole milk, rye bread, yeast dough products, kvass) are completely excluded. Therefore, soups made from legumes, cabbage soup and borscht are excluded from the diet due to the presence of cabbage, rassolnik and okroshka due to the presence of fresh and pickled cucumbers.
  • Products with essential oils (garlic, celery, onions, chives, radishes, radishes, spinach) and citrus fruits.
  • Rich broths, fatty meats, fish, poultry, marinades, smoked meats, canned meat and fish, sausages, spicy dishes, spices.
  • All tropical fruits (except bananas).
  • Products containing dyes and preservatives.
  • Do not consume whole milk or fermented cheeses.
  • Cooking fat, pork and beef, margarine.
  • The consumption of chocolate, cream cakes, carbonated drinks, and kvass is not allowed.
  • Alcohol and low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks.

When feeding a newborn, the following are limited:

  • Whole milk - it is allowed as an additive to porridge, and sour cream is only allowed in small quantities in dishes.
  • Bakery products made from premium flour, pasta and semolina.
  • Sugar.
  • Confectionery, all kinds of sweets.
  • Salt.

Table of prohibited products

Proteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalories, kcal

Vegetables and greens

vegetables legumes9,1 1,6 27,0 168
canned vegetables1,5 0,2 5,5 30
swede1,2 0,1 7,7 37
cabbage1,8 0,1 4,7 27
cucumbers0,8 0,1 2,8 15
parsnip1,4 0,5 9,2 47
parsley (root)1,5 0,6 10,1 49
radish1,2 0,1 3,4 19
white radish1,4 0,0 4,1 21
turnip1,5 0,1 6,2 30
celery0,9 0,1 2,1 12
horseradish3,2 0,4 10,5 56
garlic6,5 0,5 29,9 143
spinach2,9 0,3 2,0 22
sorrel1,5 0,3 2,9 19


citrus fruits0,9 0,2 4,4 22
tropical fruits1,3 0,3 12,6 65
melon0,6 0,3 7,4 33


grape0,6 0,2 16,8 65


mushrooms3,5 2,0 2,5 30

Bakery products

Rye bread6,6 1,2 34,2 165


candies4,3 19,8 67,5 453
Kurabye cookies6,7 25,8 64,6 516
butter cookies10,4 5,2 76,8 458

Ice cream

ice cream3,7 6,9 22,1 189


cake4,4 23,4 45,2 407

Raw materials and seasonings

seasonings7,0 1,9 26,0 149
mustard5,7 6,4 22,0 162

Meat products

fatty pork11,4 49,3 0,0 489


dry-cured sausage24,1 38,3 1,0 455


duck16,5 61,2 0,0 346
goose16,1 33,3 0,0 364

Fish and seafood

dried fish17,5 4,6 0,0 139
smoked fish26,8 9,9 0,0 196
Red caviar32,0 15,0 0,0 263
black caviar28,0 9,7 0,0 203
canned fish17,5 2,0 0,0 88

Oils and fats

vegetable oil0,0 99,0 0,0 899
animal fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897
cooking fat0,0 99,7 0,0 897

Alcoholic drinks

vodka0,0 0,0 0,1 235
beer0,3 0,0 4,6 42

Non-alcoholic drinks

soda water0,0 0,0 0,0 -
bread kvass0,2 0,0 5,2 27
cola0,0 0,0 10,4 42
instant coffee dry15,0 3,5 0,0 94
sprite0,1 0,0 7,0 29

Juices and compotes

Orange juice0,9 0,2 8,1 36
grape juice0,3 0,0 14,0 54
Strawberry juice0,6 0,4 7,0 31
tangerine juice0,8 0,3 8,1 36
* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

The diet, starting from the second month, is more varied, since it already includes beef, chicken, fish and rabbit, and the list of cereals has also been expanded. Vegetables are still stewed or boiled. Below is a sample menu.