DIY football goal. Children's football goals from PVC pipes How to make football goals

Movement is life. That is why, when arranging the area near your home, you need to think about creating a recreation area. If you have children, then it’s even more worth worrying about the space for them to move. For many children, their favorite game is football, so it would be nice to make a football ground with a beautiful lawn. Well, what is football without a goal? Many children get out of the situation simply - they put two bricks or cans and this is how they get a gate. But just imagine if you made a soccer goal for your child. A goal with a net, like in real big football. Their joy will know no bounds. In this article we will tell you how you can make a football goal with your own hands.

Types of designs

First of all, you need to decide on the type of football goal design. There are several of them:

  • Inflatable.
  • Folding.
  • Whole.
  • Mini gate.
  • Stationary.

Let's look at the features of each of the listed football goal designs.

Inflatable gates

This is the simplest version of a football goal. To install them you just need to purchase them, inflate them and place them on the sports field. For such products, wear-resistant vinyl is usually used. This material is able to cope with high loads and active actions of the baby. The advantage of inflatable gates is that your baby will definitely not be injured. Plus, the inflatable structure can be installed on a beautiful lawn or in a swimming pool. In addition to the inflatable frame, the kit also includes a net to catch the ball.

Folding gates

Folding structures are made of metal or galvanized pipe. Of course, they are much stronger than an inflatable structure. At the same time, they do not have much weight. Due to the protective coating, they will not rust, which means they will last for many years. The convenience of folding ones is that they can be folded and taken away if necessary. For example, you decide to change your sport and play a different game on the lawn. If the gate were constantly standing in one place, then the space would be limited.

There are several technologies for their assembly. Folding frames can be assembled using the groove principle. That is, an adapter is installed on one side of the pipe to connect it to the next. Another design option is to assemble the frame using bolts.

The mesh for such gates is made from pure polyester thread. It is distinguished by its strength and retains its properties throughout its entire service life. appearance and does not deteriorate in any way under the influence of moisture or ultraviolet rays.

If we highlight the advantages of folding football goals, we can note the following:

  • The frame structure is strong.
  • During operation it does not change its shape.
  • The frame is complemented by high-quality mesh.
  • Easy to transport.
  • The assembly/disassembly process does not take much time.
  • Securely fixed to the lawn.

Solid gate

In this case, duralumin is used as the basis of the frame. The frame is also equipped with a net, an integral part of the gate. The mesh is fastened using special clips. However, the obvious disadvantage of such gates is the difficulty of transportation. For transportation, you must have a trailer for the car or order a cargo gazelle.

Mini gate

This is an excellent solution for very young and novice football players. The design is based on lightweight material. As a frame there is a gate frame with a mesh. The frame itself is completely solid. It does not have side supports. You can find plastic gates. They can be easily carried or transported; for example, mini-gates can be taken outdoors.


This is the type of football goal that is installed on a sports ground for a long time. This is a great opportunity to show your creativity. You can make stationary gates with your own hands. To do this you need to have the following:

  • Complete set the necessary tool. So, you can make a gate with your own hands from plastic pipes, wood or soldered water pipes.
  • Skills in handling certain materials. For example, welder, carpentry, ability to solder pipes.

So, if you want to make a stationary gate, then you need to think in advance where you can put it.

What to make from

Now let's look at several options for what you can make a football goal from with your own hands. The most affordable option is wood. Do-it-yourself football goals from wood can be made by those who have the skills to work with this building material. The wood structure is relatively durable, so if the wood is assembled and processed correctly, the gate will last for many years.

Alternatively, the gate can be welded from metal. It can be square or round pipe. But in this case, you can’t do without the skills of a welder. Is there an option to use a square pipe, drill holes in it and assemble everything with bolts. A football goal made from metal can be stationary. So even if there is snow, you can play ball.

One of the inexpensive and simple options is to use sewer or water pipes. In the first case, everything is generally simple. You need to buy a plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, as well as the necessary adapters, elbows and tees. As for water plastic pipes, here we are talking about the use of a special welding machine, with the help of which the pipes are soldered together. The advantage of such structures is mobility, lightness, and ease of assembly.

Gate size

So, before we start making football goals with our own hands, we need to decide on their size. To do this, you need to immediately identify the goal: this is for young children, teenagers or adults. Thus, the most common version of the gate has a length of 2000 mm, a height of 1500 mm, and a depth of 600 mm.

If you want to make a baby gate for kids, then reduce the dimensions proportionally, for example, by exactly half.

We build from wood

Let's find out the details of how to make a football goal out of wood. First, a drawing is made. It should indicate the height, width and depth. Having indicated the dimensions, you can buy timber. You can make collapsible football goal structures from timber. In this case, the correct connection method is of particular importance. So, do-it-yourself football goals made of wood are made as follows:

  • According to the prepared drawing, you cut the wooden blocks to size.
  • After this, each workpiece should be carefully sanded.
  • The work will also require stainless bolts and other fastening materials.
  • In order for the frame to be reliable, it is necessary to take care of additional supports or braces.
  • You also need special hooks that will be screwed around the perimeter of the frame. The mesh will be threaded through these hooks.

Having assembled all the parts according to the drawing, all wooden elements are treated with an antiseptic against rotting. Also, the frame of the football goal can be painted in the desired color. Having installed the finished and processed frame on the site, all that remains is to hook up the mesh and everything is ready.

Do-it-yourself football goals made from plastic pipes are another simple option on how to do everything quickly and originally. To implement such an idea, the following material is needed:

  • Plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, 4 pieces, one meter each.
  • Plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, 2 pieces, half a meter each.
  • Plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, 2 pieces of 150 mm in length.
  • Tees with top exit at 87 degrees 4 pieces.
  • Plastic elbows, also with a diameter of 50 mm. Knee rotation 87 degrees, 4 pieces.
  • Nylon cord for making mesh.
  • Galvanized self-tapping screws with a large head, about 50 pieces.
  • Wire with a diameter of 50 mm in pieces of half a meter and a quantity of 5 pieces.

To make a football goal from plastic pipes you will need to assemble the following set of tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Shovel or garden drill.
  • Pencil.
  • Roulette.
  • Hammer.
  • Hacksaw with metal file.
  • Lubricant for joining; alternatively, you can use dish soap.

Now let's begin the assembly process. To begin with, two sections of pipe are connected using elbows from above. Pipes 1000 mm long. A tee is placed at the bottom of the pipe. These two pipes will serve as rods. Next, for the crossbar, connect a meter-long pipe to the knees from the two vertical pipes. Place a 500 mm piece of pipe down to the bottom tee. This part will be buried in the ground. The tee is inserted into the tee from both sides of a 500 mm long pipe. A pipe 1000 mm long is also inserted between them through a tee. The result should look like the photo above.

When the frame for a soccer goal made of plastic pipes is ready with your own hands, you can start weaving the net. This is the longest and most tedious stage. To do this, you will need to tighten the incompletely galvanized screws on the back side of the frame; this is done like this:

Self-tapping screws are tightened with a certain pitch, for example, 50 mm. In this case, the screws are screwed both to the lower frame, which has contact with the ground, and to the crossbar with the bar. After that, it's time to wind the net. For this, a nylon cord is used. It should be secured first from below, then from above through a screw-tapping screw, like this:

Advice! Do not over-tighten the rope like a string. She should be free. Due to this, the force of the flight of the soccer ball will be softened.

After tensioning the rope vertically, you should tighten the rope horizontally. Here the hassle is added. Tie the rope so that you get identical squares, look like in the photo:

After tensioning the horizontal part, you should lightly tighten and fix the mesh to the rods. This will be the final touch to making a net for a football goal with your own hands from plastic.

The very last stage is installation of the frame. To do this, you should bring the frame to the place where they will be installed. Place marks on the ground where the goalposts will be dug in. Using a garden drill, make holes in the intended location. If you don't have a drill, you'll have to dig with a shovel. You should dig shallowly, exactly along the length of the pipe. After the tee there is about half a meter. You also need to prepare a metal rod and make the following hooks from it:

Advice! At the next stage, insert the pipes with the entire frame into the prepared holes. The connection points of a pipe that is buried in the ground should not be connected to a tee with a self-tapping screw. Thanks to this, such gates will be removable. On winter time they can be carefully pulled out of the pipe and stored in a garage or shed.

After installing the gates in the dug holes, you need to attach the lower part of the frame to the soil using staples. It looks like this:

These metal brackets can be hit with a hammer. But this must be done moderately so as not to break the plastic pipe. After this, the dug holes are filled with soil, and these places are compacted.

The result will please not only you, but also your children. This way you get a lightweight gate that, if necessary, can be disassembled and moved to another place on your summer cottage.

Soldering gates from water pipes

Before you make a football goal from plastic pipes with your own hands, you need to assemble required material. So, you will need a pipe with a diameter of ½ or more. In the following quantities and lengths:

  • 300 mm - 4 pieces.
  • 500 mm - 2 pieces.
  • 600 mm - 4 pieces.
  • 850 mm - 2 pieces.

Among other things, you will need 6 elbows at 90 degrees and four tees, also with an outlet at 90 degrees. In addition, you need to buy a net for the gate.

As for the tool, you will need the following:

  • Scissors for cutting pipes.
  • Soldering iron for welding pipes.
  • Roulette.
  • Marker.

For further work you should use all your skills. So, you need to take two pipes 500 mm long. Weld two tees on both sides of it. In this case, both tees must be directed strictly in one direction. Next, weld 300 mm pipe sections on both sides to the tees. Weld the elbows to the edges. The direction of the elbow should be in the same direction as the tee. As a result of these actions, you should end up with two blanks like this:

After this, you should take two pieces of pipe, 600 mm long. They should be connected into one structure using an angular elbow. You should end up with two pieces like this:

At the next stage, we need to connect these corner blanks with the previous ones. This is done using already soldered corners like this:

Now you should connect the tees that are opposite each other. You measure out a suitable piece of pipe with a tape measure and weld everything together. As a result, you get this design:

Finally, all that remains is to tighten the mesh. The mesh is secured using special plastic clips. The grid is selected with small cells:

So, now you know how to make a football goal with your own hands. They can be fixed to the ground using the same principle as plastic gates. sewer pipes.

How to make a mesh

The easiest option is to buy a ready-made mesh. But a DIY football goal net allows you to tap into your full creative potential. Let's consider two options for how it can be woven:

  1. In this case, you need to know how a fishing net is woven. To do this, you need to have a shuttle and a wooden plate with a set of loops. Weaving may take several evenings. A nylon thread is used as a basis. It is resistant to moisture and heat. Moreover, if the ball is hit hard, it will not break through. With all the complexity of weaving a mesh according to the principle of a fishing net, a better result comes to the fore.
  2. The second method is much simpler than how to make a net for a football goal with your own hands. For this, a regular clothesline is used. Holes are made in the gate frame or hooks are screwed through which the rope is pulled. In this case, it should be pulled vertically and horizontally. All places where the rope intersects must be securely fixed to each other. The cell size can be 150 mm.


So, here we are, looking at all the features of how to make a football goal with your own hands. We looked at their varieties, as well as different technologies. But we shouldn't stop there. You can always use your imagination and take completely new ideas as a basis. By the way, you can share them in the comments to this article. We hope that this article helped you understand this issue. If you still have questions, we suggest watching the prepared video material.

Playing football is good sports entertainment for children of any age. Moreover, for this game you don’t need much, a flat area, a ball and some semblance of a goal. You will have to buy a ball, a court will be found on the site, and small, lightweight goals can be made with your own hands from PVC pipes.

The size of the gate is more like a child's one, for younger children. For a child, real football goals are too big and incomprehensible. All you need to do is buy and cut several pipes to size and then connect them together with tees and elbows.

In this design option, PVC pipes with a diameter of 20 mm were used. , with a total length of approximately 6 meters.

You will also need 90* elbows, six pieces.

There are four tees.

Dimensions of pipe gate parts.

Length 150 mm. - 4 pieces.
Length 450 mm. - 4 pieces.
Length 600 mm. - 2 pieces.
Length 780 mm. - 2 pieces.

Gate dimensions in inches.

The longest pipes go to the rear diagonal slopes; they are installed at the end of the assembly. First, we assemble the vertical posts and the top crossbar from three parts with installed tees.

We assemble the lower horizontal pipe, also with tees, and then connect the parts with elbows, and insert the rear slopes into the tees. For strength, all connections can be additionally glued, but the gate will not be dismountable.
If the pipes fit into the fittings tightly enough, then the gate parts do not need to be glued. Close to the topic, homemade.

The gate is 600 mm high. , width 750 mm. , depth along the bottom lintel is 450 mm. .
This is for small children; for schoolchildren it is better to increase the size of the parts by two or three times and take pipes of a larger diameter.

The back is covered with a thin mesh made of nylon or other material. The net is thrown over the goal from behind and secured to the posts with strings of twine. The main thing here is that using such a simple design, you can assemble a gate of the desired size.
Happy holidays and fun!

Hello, dear readers! If you take a close look at the objects around us, using your imagination, you can find at least several uses for each of them. It would seem that what can be made from PVC pipes, because they are used exclusively for the installation of sewers, in fact, this material is simply a godsend for craftsmen. After all, the most simple pipes PVC can be quite easily and quickly transformed into incredible household items; below we have prepared for you a whole selection of current ideas on this topic, and of course, each idea is supported by photos for clarity.

What can be made from PVC pipes.

How to give one shape or another to PVC pipes.

In order for the pipe to be bent or flattened later, it must be heated gas burner, and immediately give the required shape. As a last resort, if there is no burner in the house, you can heat the tubes over the fire gas stove. You can cut the pipes with a metal saw or jigsaw, and you can connect all the parts using cold welding (for this you need to purchase a special adhesive).

1. Car trunk.

This kind of car trunk can be built from water pipes. A bicycle holder for a car looks no less interesting.

2. Bed side.

To prevent your child from falling out of bed at night, you can make an improvised side.

3. Barrier for the doorway.

This kind of gate can be made on the doorway, so that the child will not be able to leave the room.

4. Vase and flower pots.

By cutting a cylinder of the required length from the pipe and pasting it with a self-adhesive, effective film, you can end up with a wonderful vase, inside of which you can place a glass of water and put fresh flowers.

5. New Year's decor.

Festive wreath.

We cut pipes of different diameters into small cylinders of equal length, glue them together to form a wreath, paint them with suitable spray paint, drill holes on top and thread a rope, hang the wreath on the wall, and put small New Year's balls into several cylinders.

Wall tree.

We take pipes of different diameters and cut them into cylinders of the same length. We prepare a canvas, glue cylinders onto it, forming the outline of a Christmas tree, create a footrest from a large pipe, hang the composition on the wall, and put various Christmas tree decorations in different cylinders.

6. Children's waterfall.

To harden a child, you can prepare such an impromptu waterfall by connecting two hoses with water turned on to the footrests of the product, and making holes for water drainage in the top bar.

7. Children's house.

Children love to build various houses, huts and other shelters; you can make their task easier by preparing a frame from PVC pipes and sewing a cover from waterproof fabric.

8. Pool awning.

In addition to creating shade, such an awning can also serve as a goal for water polo.

9. Holder for glasses.

An excellent idea for a street bar, a slot is created in the pipe along the width of the stem of the glass, and holder legs are screwed on top, using which the structure is attached to the ceiling surface.

10. Place for bicycles.

Such a “stall” for children’s bicycles or scooters will help keep the yard in order.

11. Cells for wine bottles.

In large cylinders of pipes glued together you can store bottles of wine.

12. Drill stand.

The drill stand will help you create identical holes in strictly defined places on your products.

13. Ladders for cats.

Cats are very active creatures that value freedom, so in confined spaces they begin to waste away. To prevent this from happening, they need to be constantly occupied with something, and this interesting design with slides, ladders and crossbars will help in this matter.

14. Vertical beds for strawberries.

You should drill large holes in a PVC pipe using a drill with a special round attachment, then bury the pipe in the ground and pour soil into it, and then plant strawberry seedlings in the round holes.

15. Stand for kitchen appliances.

These pipes can make a wonderful stand for forks, knives and spoons.

16. Stand for scissors, pencils and tools.

Pipe sections attached to a wooden plank can serve as pencil holders. And vertically located cylinders can serve as a supply for tools. To prevent tools from falling down, the bottom of the pipes can be foamed with foam.

17. Laptop stand.

These pipes can make a wonderful laptop stand, especially since not very many parts are required, just a few pipes and connecting elements. Finally, the product can be spray painted in any color.

18. Cells for shoes.

Summer shoes can be stored in tube cells, and to make them look more presentable, they can be covered with a suitable adhesive film.

19. Organizer for scarves and underwear.

Stores sell special containers with compartments in which you can store linen or other accessories, but you can create such an organizer yourself by simply cutting PVC pipes into shallow cylinders and gluing them together.

20. Partition for climbing plants.

From such pipes you can create entire fences or partitions along which climbing plants will subsequently weave.

21. Stand and holder for a curling iron or hair dryer.

Thanks to such stands, the hairdryer, straightening iron and curling iron will always be in their places. And also, after use, you don’t have to wait for the curling iron or iron to cool down.

22. Enclosure for dogs and other domestic animals.

To prevent newborn puppies or kittens from wandering all over the place, you can build a small enclosure for them. Well, for more active animals you can create a large, full-fledged enclosure, not forgetting to cover it with netting.

23. Holder for watering hose.

To keep your garden hose from getting tangled under your feet, you can store it on this great stand.

24. Frame for a summer gazebo.

Continuing the topic of what can be made from PVC pipes, we want to show you an excellent seasonal idea for a gazebo. This structure can be covered with an awning on top or light curtains can be hung on the sides, which will now and then billow effectively even with a light breeze.

25. Frame for an outdoor cinema screen.

Fans of watching movies with friends will appreciate the idea of ​​an outdoor screen; its frame can be made from PVC pipes, and the screen itself from the remains of a matte stretch ceiling.

Passion for sports has a positive effect on human health. If during the cold season you can maintain good physical shape in various gyms and swimming pools, then summer significantly expands the range of training. Men's interest in football does not fade throughout their lives. Having organized a summer holiday at the dacha, your favorite ball game will help keep your body in good shape. Therefore, in order not to interrupt regular activities far from civilized stadiums, you will need to make a football goal at your dacha yourself.

Types of structures

Before you start studying possible models of football goals, you should carefully consider their location. The main condition is that there should be no windows or other fragile surfaces nearby. It is undesirable for football goals to be installed in front of a wall or fence, as this will cause premature destruction of the concrete or damage the soft corrugated sheeting.

Advice! If there are no other possibilities, behind the football goal you can make a screen from a chain-link mesh, which will successfully perform a protective function.

Ideally, the missed ball should not hit the garden plantings. Having determined the location and established the dimensions of the football field, we move on to choosing a suitable goal model. As a solution, you can make the design yourself or select ready-made gates, available in a wide range in sports stores. Let’s take a closer look at what features each option has.

Instances for mini football

If you don’t have enough free time to make a football goal with your own hands, ready-made copies designed for mini football will come to the rescue. Their main advantage is mobility. What are they:

  • Most often, portable football goals are made of steel pipes of different diameters.
  • The main frame resembles a stretched letter U, vertical side posts are complemented by straight or curved pipes. They serve to tension the net and ensure the stability of the entire football structure.
  • Some models of football goals are equipped with fixing fasteners in the form of four metal hooks for penetration into the soil.

The most convenient gate size to use is 180/120/60 cm, however, if desired, you can choose more spacious specimens. To protect against corrosion, football goals are treated with contrasting paints, which allows them to be clearly visible on any landscape. The size of the mesh cells varies from a minimum of 40/40 mm to a maximum of 100/100 mm.

Advice! If you want to practice hitting accuracy, you should install a training screen made of nylon thread in front of the goal, which has two holes for the ball.

Stationary and mobile gates

It is not necessary to buy a standard goal; it is much more interesting and cheaper to make a football structure with your own hands. In what cases is it practical to make stationary inventory? There are several factors influencing the choice:

  • Availability of the required material (wood or metal) in the required volume. This is important if there is no opportunity to purchase new raw materials.
  • Professional welding skills or proficiency in woodworking tools (depending on the selected material).
  • Operation of football goals on an ongoing basis.
  • Confidence that in the event of a long absence from the dacha, they will not suffer from vandals.
  • Lack of free storage space in winter.

If in most cases the answer to the above points is negative, it is worth considering making a mobile football goal. Plastic pipes are most often used as the basis for them.

Material selection

By studying the properties of each material used to construct football goals, it will be easier for you to decide on a suitable design.

If you like to work with natural raw materials and do not want to deal with seasonal assembly and disassembly, it is better to make a wooden copy of a football goal with your own hands. Of course, it is not characterized by increased strength, but the creation process is simple.

If you want to equip a stationary sports structure for a long period, it is practical to make it from metal. A prerequisite is the presence of welding skills; safety in winter also plays a role.

Attention! If these requirements are not met, it is more practical to make a metal model using self-tapping screws.

The best option for a mobile football goal is one made from plastic pipes. A monolithic structure can be made using a special soldering iron; for a prefabricated version, PVC pipes of a larger diameter will be required. Lightness, strength and easy installation process are the main advantages of the selected material.

Arrangement of wooden gates

It is almost impossible to make high-quality football goals without a preliminary drawing. When creating a sketch, consider the available space for the game and the age category of the players. Having a finished project allows you to move on to preparing the material and tools. Particular attention is paid to the connection method. Due to their low cost, wooden structures can be created in one piece, but if transportation is necessary, it is better to provide a collapsible version of the structure. So, the entire process of installing a football goal consists of the following steps:

  • The wooden beam is sawn into individual elements according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.
  • For safety reasons, it is recommended that all wooden components be thoroughly sanded.
  • Stainless steel bolts are suitable as fasteners.
  • The main frame is supplemented with struts and a support board to provide greater stability. Their second purpose is to fix the mesh.
  • The fastening of the struts must be done at an angle of 45 degrees.

Advice! Wood structure processing antiseptic composition will prevent damage to wood by fungi and insects and will extend the overall service life.

On final stage The frame of the football goal is painted with paint that will ensure its good visibility in the landscape of the site. The final touch is attaching the mesh. How to make it and methods of fastening will be discussed below.

The process of assembling gates from plastic pipes

The initial steps for assembling a plastic structure are similar to the previous method: you need to make a project for a football goal. Followed by:

  • Purchase of components. It is advisable to choose flexible plastic containing rubber. This will reduce the likelihood of it deforming when in contact with the ball or the player’s body.
  • PVC pipes are cut according to the designed football goal design.
  • At the next stage, you need to make two rods from pipes.
  • Then they move on to forming the corners for the football goals.
  • When assembling a plastic structure, pay attention to the location of the tee, where the additional support will be included. Only after choosing the correct angle of inclination can you make a weld with a special soldering iron.
  • Next you need to connect the tees and rods using plastic pipes of larger diameter.
  • It is recommended to fasten the tensioned net on the football goal with a special clamp.

It should be noted that for a full-fledged football competition you will need a pair of goals.4

Important! Careful fastening of the frame of the football structure will help prevent injury to the goalkeeper.

Mesh production

Of course, you can buy a finished product, but there are other options for equipping a football structure with a protective element. The easiest way out is to find among the avid fishermen some gear that has served its purpose. But it’s not entirely aesthetically pleasing to decorate a brand new football goal with an old net. It’s better to go all the way and do it yourself. Choose the most convenient method from the options below:

  • The ability to weave a fishing net, the presence of a shuttle and a wooden plate for setting loops allows you to make a net for a football goal in a couple of evenings. The width of the oblong plate is equal to the size of the square (cell) for the future grid. As suitable material spool of nylon threads. The advantages of the method are the strength of the product; among the disadvantages, the complexity of the process and the need for related tools are noted.
  • Standard football goal sizes

It took Zhenya and I three long years to create a playing field at our dacha instead of a vegetable garden. And this spring we finally brought joy to our sons - we installed two football goals. In this post I will talk about our misadventures with lawn grass and how to make a football goal with your own hands from plastic pipes, rope and self-tapping screws.

Football instead of potatoes

In the first spring after, in May 2014, we made a big mistake - we created a vegetable garden almost everywhere. We plowed half the plot with a walk-behind tractor and planted potatoes. All summer the potatoes got in the way, taking up time for weeding, and in the fall it turned out that everything was in vain - “peas” grew on the sandy soil.

Since then, we decided not to plant potatoes at all, but to build a football field for Bory and Gleb in this place. They go to a sports school group, so a place to practice kicks and simply play outdoor games is necessary.

In May 2015, we plowed the garden, and I sowed a mixture of “Sport” seeds. The lawn barely appeared - it was “clogged” with weeds. And only by autumn something vaguely resembling a grass carpet appeared on the site.

But he was not destined to grow further. Because by the spring of 2016, we finally realized that nothing grows on the local soil, and we ordered a machine with black soil. A choice arose: either the truck would drive across the lawn and dump the black soil in a place convenient for us, or the soil would have to be transported in a wheelbarrow.

We spared our backs and chose the former. On the flat, already green field there were deep traces of a huge machine. The mounds reached 50 cm! The wheels compressed the soil so much that in the places where the car passed, it became stone. The site went in waves, and the dream of a football field had to be postponed until next year.

In the fall of 2016, we plowed up the uneven area and sowed lawn grass again.

And finally, the field became not only level, but solid (the legs don’t fall through), although not yet ideal. Along the edges where the very first lawn remained, the grass is like a carpet, and in the plowed area, soil is visible. But this little thing didn’t stop us.

It took Zhenya and I a day to manufacture and install two gates, one meter high and half a meter deep. We are writing this post because I don’t understand pipes and screws. Also, although the idea of ​​a gate made of plastic pipes is not new, Zhenya himself finalized the design. We will be glad if our idea is useful to someone.

What to buy to make one football goal:

What tools will you need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Drill or shovel
  • Felt pen
  • Roulette
  • Hammer

Assembling a frame from pipes

Connect three 1000 mm pipes together using elbows from above. Place two tees on the pipes from below, and attach two 500 mm pipes to them. Place a fourth 1000 mm pipe between the 500 mm pipes. The structure should look like this:

Secure the pipe joints with self-tapping screws. Put the 150 mm pipes aside for now - they will be needed for installation.

We weave a net for a football goal

Let's move on to the longest stage. You can skip it if you buy a ready-made sports mesh, but I was interested in weaving it myself. I offer it to you too.

On the back of the gate, use a felt-tip pen to mark points on the pipes every 10 cm using a tape measure. Markings must be on all six sides of the gate. Screw the screws into the points.

Wind the cord from the lower pipe to the upper one, fixing it with self-tapping screws.

The rope should not be taut like a string. It should sag slightly.

When the cord is stretched vertically, start weaving horizontally. I tied the sides with regular knots. For the first couple of rows I had to think about how it would be more convenient to pull the cord through, then it began to work out “automatically”, like with knitting. At the second gate, I was already weaving so fast that Zhenya began to jokingly call me Shnyuk (for those who don’t know, this is a good spider from the cartoon “Luntik”).

The sides of the cord should form a square. The photo shows the diagram well. But I am sure that everything will work out for you intuitively, because it is very easy and even calming - you make knots and think about your own.

I wove the sides last.

When the gate is ready, you can begin installation. This is a quick step, but very important. How you attach the gate will determine whether it will fall during strong winds.

Football goal installation

Place 150mm pipes onto the tees. Important! Do not fasten these connections with self-tapping screws, because this will make it inconvenient for you to remove the gate for the winter.

Choose a convenient place and use a drill or shovel to dig a hole 150 mm deep.

Insert the gate into the hole and cover it with soil. At the back and sides, additionally secure the 1000 mm lower pipe with pieces of wire, driving them into the soil with a hammer.

The gate is ready! To create a full-fledged playing field, you can put the same ones opposite.

I wish you an interesting and active holiday! Tell us in the comments if you like football and play it.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

In the warm season, one of children's favorite outdoor games is football. In order for children to enjoy an active game, they will need one of its main attributes - a gate. You can make excellent children's size football goals with your own hands from plastic pipes.

Football goal for children with one crossbar.

Features of PVC pipes

Football goals for children can be made from the most different materials– weld from a metal profile or make from wood. You can also purchase a ready-made plastic version or an inflatable structure. PVC pipes are another fairly popular material from which craftsmen create goals for playing football. PVC pipes have a number of advantages:

  • light weight (can be made portable or collapsible);
  • long service life (up to 50 years);
  • resistance of the material to UV rays, aggressive substances, rotting and other influences;
  • ease of working with the material;
  • the ability to make a structure of any shape and size;
  • low flammability coefficient.

The only drawback of the material is a decrease in the plasticity of the pipes at sub-zero temperatures, so for the winter it is advisable to hide the structure in a garage or other outbuilding, where the mark on the thermometer remains above zero.

It is advisable to locate the gate in a section of the yard where there are no windows, front gardens or flower beds, any fragile structures, or car parking nearby.

Idea: to further protect surrounding objects from ball impacts, you can install a chain-link mesh around the perimeter of the playing field - it will effectively delay impacts.

Drawings and dimensions

Obviously, an important criterion when choosing the size of the gate will be the age of the children. Typically, a children's design has the following parameters:

  • length – 180-200 cm;
  • height – 120-150 cm;
  • depth - about 60 cm.

If desired, you can change the dimensions by making the gate larger or smaller. In this case, the most important thing is to maintain the proportions, otherwise the design will be inconvenient for games.

It is advisable to use drawings for work. Football goals for kids can be made using this option:

Drawing of a children's football goal.

For teenagers, you can build a large football goal according to the following drawing:

Drawing of a large football goal.

As you can see, both options have a fairly similar design, but differ in size. There is another design option - using a U-shaped frame fixed in the ground, to which a mesh is attached and tensioned with ropes.

The design of a football goal with a U-shaped frame made of plastic pipes.

Materials and tools

The amount of material will depend on the design features of the selected gate option. For our master class you will need the following set of materials:

  • pipe with a diameter of 5 cm, up to 8 m in total length;
  • tees and elbows of the corresponding diameter, 4 pieces each, rotated by 87 degrees;
  • cord for weaving mesh;
  • self-tapping screws for securing the mesh (several dozen);
  • wire cut up to 2.5 m.

Also prepare some tools:

  • shovel;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • marker, tape measure (ruler);
  • hammer;
  • any lubricant to connect the elements.

Tip: if you are building a football goal for preschoolers, you can use PVC pipes of a smaller diameter (20 mm) - they are well suited for making a miniature structure.

Football goals for children.


Having examined the design drawings, we move on to the main part and will tell you step by step how to make a football goal from plastic pipes with your own hands, supplementing the master class with photos. The manufacturing process will consist of several stages - creating a frame, weaving a mesh and installing the gate on the site.


Manufacturing process step by step:

  1. The pipe must be cut into blanks. Requires 4 cuts of 1 m, 4 cuts of half a meter. It is important that all elements are identical in size, otherwise the finished structure will be crooked.
  2. Connect three meter-long sections into a U-shaped structure using elbows.
  3. Attach two tees to the lower ends of the pipes.
  4. Attach 0.5 m long pipes to the tees (side parts).
  5. Connect the half-meter pipes using elbows with the last meter-long section.
  6. All fastening points must be additionally secured with self-tapping screws.

It is necessary to build a second pair of gates from the same set of materials. The design should look like this (without the mesh yet):

Ready frame with stretched mesh.

You can also make a gate with additional diagonal jumpers between the top part and the lower long support. This will require two additional pipe cuts, as well as 6 elbows and 4 tees.

Gates with diagonal cross-sections.


You can solve the problem with the grid very quickly - buy a ready-made version. But in our master class we will look at making homemade items.

Requirements for mesh material:

  1. Strength and reliability are the main criteria, since the main task of the net is to contain the ball, and sometimes a falling player.
  2. Resistant to UV rays and any weather conditions.

The best materials for weaving a football net are nylon and polypropylene. The recommended thickness of the cord for baby gates is 3 mm. You can also use a regular clothesline.

The net itself must be elastic, durable, match the parameters of the goal and withstand not only a flying ball, but also a football player in some cases. The cells can be square or hexagonal; we will do the first option since it is much simpler. The size of the cells can be different, usually 4 or 10 cm.

So, the mesh manufacturing process consists of the following steps:

  1. Attach screws to the back walls of the pipes, maintaining the same distance between them (4.5 or 10 cm). It is important not to fix them completely, but to leave a space of a few millimeters between the pipe and the cap - this is where the mesh will pass.
  2. Starting from the right or left edge, wind the rope from the top pipe to the bottom pipe until the very end of the gate.
  3. Then start horizontal weaving - it will take a little longer, because you will have to tie knots, crossing the vertical threads each time. The result of weaving should be identical squares.
  4. When the back wall is ready, use the same principle to weave for the side walls and repeat the entire procedure for the second pair of gates.

Mesh weaving.

Important! During the weaving process, do not stretch the mesh - the ropes should hang a little freely, otherwise the product will not be able to perform its main function.

In addition to self-tapping screws, the mesh can be attached to the frame using plastic clamps; in this case, it will need to be woven not on the frame, but separately. This fixation method is also convenient to use for purchased mesh.

Gate installation

The last stage is installation of the structure in a permanent place. Move the gate to the selected place in the country house or in the yard of the house, mark the places where the frame will be fixed. Dig holes up to 50 cm in marked areas. It is more convenient to use a drill instead of a shovel. Next, you need to make simple clamps from a metal rod, as in the photo below:

Gate latches made of metal rods.

You need to attach pipes 50 cm long to the tees at the bottom of the structure, then insert the entire structure along with these pipes into the recesses, sprinkle with soil. In other places, pipes in contact with the ground are secured with brackets, as shown in the photo below.

Fixing the frame with staples.

Important! Pipes that are buried in the ground do not need to be additionally secured to the tees using self-tapping screws - in this case, the structure will be removable and for the winter you can simply remove it and move it to the shelter.

Finished construction on site.

Children's size football goals made from plastic pipes are a fairly simple product that you can make with your own hands. With a little effort, you will certainly be able to please your children and organize for them perfect place for active play.

Video: football goals made from sewer pipes.

Playing football is good sports entertainment for children of any age. Moreover, for this game you don’t need much, a flat area, a ball and some semblance of a goal. You will have to buy a ball, a court will be found on the site, and small, lightweight goals can be made with your own hands from PVC pipes.

The size of the gate is more like a child's one, for younger children. For a child, real football goals are too big and incomprehensible. All you need to do is buy and cut several pipes to size and then connect them together with tees and elbows.

In this design option, PVC pipes with a diameter of 20 mm were used. , with a total length of approximately 6 meters.

You will also need 90* elbows, six pieces.

There are four tees.

Dimensions of pipe gate parts.

Length 150 mm. - 4 pieces.
Length 450 mm. - 4 pieces.
Length 600 mm. - 2 pieces.
Length 780 mm. - 2 pieces.

Gate dimensions in inches.

The longest pipes go to the rear diagonal slopes; they are installed at the end of the assembly. First, we assemble the vertical posts and the top crossbar from three parts with installed tees.

We assemble the lower horizontal pipe, also with tees, and then connect the parts with elbows, and insert the rear slopes into the tees. For strength, all connections can be additionally glued, but the gate will not be dismountable.
If the pipes fit into the fittings tightly enough, then the gate parts do not need to be glued. Close to the topic, homemade.

The gate is 600 mm high. , width 750 mm. , depth along the bottom lintel is 450 mm. .
This is for small children; for schoolchildren it is better to increase the size of the parts by two or three times and take pipes of a larger diameter.

The back is covered with a thin mesh made of nylon or other material. The net is thrown over the goal from behind and secured to the posts with strings of twine. The main thing here is that using such a simple design, you can assemble a gate of the desired size.
Happy holidays and fun!

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A popular game among boys, football, requires a goal. In childhood, they can be stones and branches, which are used to designate them very conventionally, but any boy will find it much more pleasant and interesting to play a game with a real goal. In this master class, we suggest making them yourself from PVC pipes and rope. Photos and description of the step-by-step process follow.


To make a mini-football goal with your own hands, you will need:

  • PVC pipes, 20 mm;
  • elbows for pipes of the corresponding diameter, 12 pcs.;
  • spray paint;
  • rope;
  • gravel or sand;
  • sandpaper;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw.

Step 1. To begin, cut the prepared pipes into pieces. For the gate you will need four pipes 80 cm long and eight pipes 40 cm long.

Step 2. Treat the cuts on the pipes with sandpaper so that there are no burrs on them and you do not get hurt during assembly.

Step 3. To assemble one gate, prepare one long and two short pipes. Fill them with sand, gravel or fine crushed stone. This is necessary to give the gate weight and stability.

Step 4. Connect the elements together with your elbows. Attach them to the ends of short pipes as well, but turn them upward. Also attach the vertical part of the gate, consisting of similar elements, to the structure.

Step 5. Assemble the frame of the second gate using the method already known to you.

Step 6. Paint the gate white. Leave them until the surface is completely dry. This process usually takes a day.

Step 7. Now you need to make the mesh. To do this, take a prepared thin rope and place vertical lines at an equal distance from each other. Notice how they look and connect at the side sections.

Step 8. After that, start horizontal lines. At the intersection, secure the ropes with weaving.