Funny stories from the life of gynecologists and their patients. “I was choking with tears”: stories of women who faced violence in the gynecologist's office Cases at the gynecologist

-Yana! Of course, I understand everything that pregnancy practically disables many parts of the female brain, but not to the same extent!
- Why did you leave your urine tests at the reception, because there is a window in the toilet for this!
Lord, I did not know where to go from shame!

This story happened back in 1998. A girl (17 years old) from a remote village was brought to the city maternity hospital. It’s time for her to give birth, and she has such bushes “there” that the medical staff almost lost consciousness.
They examined her, sent her to shave, even gave a nurse as an assistant. Having said:
- What am I, I won’t shave myself?
The girl locked herself in the bathroom. They wait 15 minutes, 30, 40, the nurse offers to help:
- No, no, no! I am already coming out!
The staff gathered, even the head physician came to see. Finally, after an hour and a half, the village beauty came out. Came out not just like that, but SHAVED bald! Krasapetina shaved her head, shaved off her eyebrows and, the coolest thing, everything was the same in the right place ...
They say that the head physician was soldered with tea for another thirty minutes.

Young parents, very worried, were expecting their first child. Like everyone else, this couple visited various doctors. Just before the birth, the woman was sent for an ultrasound scan.

Imagine WHAT the future mother felt when the tired, young doctor, with a sympathetic face, said to her:
- Woman, how should I tell you, ummm, your son has a congenital pathology.
Which? The mother, who is turning pale before her eyes, is interested.
- THERE ARE EGGS! At the same time, the doctor shakes in the face of a rapidly losing consciousness of a woman with two fists.
Having somehow come to her senses, the woman took a referral to the center for combating pathologies and went home to grieve. At home, stuttering, she gave her shocked husband an interrogation with passion. Like, dear, have you ever met men with a huge scrotum in your family?
Needless to say, that night, the young family grieved inconsolably instead of sleeping peacefully.
Morning came, the woman and her husband went to the center for the fight against pathologies. They come to the ultrasound, the doctor, surprised and understanding nothing, looks first at the direction, then at the ultrasound monitor:
- Something I can not understand anything! Why were you sent here at all!?
The inconsolable mother, through tears, shaking her fists in front of the doctor's face, answers:
- The previous doctor told me that the child is a rare pathology - THERE ARE SUCH Eggs!
Barely holding back his laughter, the old doctor said to his mother:
- Woman! You have a girl! She just squeezes her fists between her legs ...

My friend Katya decided to go to the gynecologist… Everything would be fine, but 11 years have passed since the last visit… New technologies, you know. She was scheduled for an ultrasound.

The doctor (woman) instructed Katya: - they say, go to the pharmacy opposite, buy a condom, pee and come to the ultrasound. Katya understood everything literally. I went, bought it, went to the toilet at the clinic. And what do you think she did? Right. I managed to pee into a condom, as she was actually instructed)))
Katya was tormented for a long time ... Well, she still needs to get there, but this is not so bad: - Katya is standing in the toilet with her pants down. In the right hand there is a condom filled to the max, and it is not possible to put on pants with one left hand.
Katya swore a couple of times and decided to act: - she tied a condom on a bow, put it on the floor and calmly dressed. And here she goes, all filled with pride, carries a prezik (similar to a ball) in front of her, supporting him with her hand (so that God forbid it does not fall) through the corridor of the clinic, where 50 people are sitting ...

Katya passes into the ultrasound room and says: - Here, I brought everything!!! The female gynecologist and her nurse neighed like regimental horses, and Katya blinked her eyes and tried to understand what was wrong: either she peed a little, or, on the contrary, too much. After laughing, the doctor asked the confused Katya if she still had a condom, and, having received a positive answer, gave out: - you, Katya, just don’t poop into it))) Curtain)))

Not all doctors love their patients and are ready to help them around the clock. We publish three stories of our readers about how a visit to a gynecologist ended in psychological trauma for them. Women do not urge to be afraid of doctors, but they warn: this can happen to anyone.

Alina: “At the time of birth, the gynecologist went to smoke, and the midwife was looking out the window”

- My first visit to the gynecologist was, to put it mildly, so impressive that I remembered it for the rest of my life. I just got married, I came for the first examination, which, by the way, I was very afraid of. I was prescribed cauterization, although girls who have not given birth cannot do it. Moreover, at that time I was pregnant for several weeks, but it turned out only later. But the doctor did not ask me anything, but simply prescribed the procedure.

I felt very bad after cauterization, and when through right time I again came to the reception, it turned out - 8 weeks of pregnancy! And most importantly - no apologies from the doctor! Because of this, I lay on saving almost half of the pregnancy, I could hardly bear my baby, there was a threat of miscarriage.

Childbirth took place in the regional maternity hospital. All the time I felt that no one needed me, I suffered for a long time, but no one came up. At the time of childbirth, the young doctor, specifying that the first childbirth, simply went to smoke. The midwife stood and looked out the window. Almost missed a child. Barely managed to grab. The girl was born with hypoxia. Now my local gynecologist almost never recommends anything, does not speak to me. For the most part, he silently looks and says goodbye. Maybe not accept at all if I was 5 minutes late. But if you don't make it on your own, that's fine. I would never choose her myself, but I have to put up with it.

Alena: “She didn’t insert a mirror into me, but drove it in, I yelled in pain at the whole clinic!”

- I remember, I came to the doctor at the clinic, still young, green, 1996 in the yard, I just wanted to get checked out and get advice on what to do, because I could not get pregnant. I lay down on a chair and wait. The doctor clarified whether I gave birth or not. By the way, my husband came with me and waited in the hallway. The doctor was angry, it was already felt in her intonation in her voice. I'm all stressed too. She almost screams at me: “Relax, you fool, I won’t eat you!” I close my eyes, try to relax...

And then something terrible happened, she didn’t insert a mirror into me, but drove it in, I screamed in pain at the whole clinic, blood gushed out. My husband took me to the hospital in an ambulance. In the explanatory note, this doctor later wrote that she was very tired, irritated, the nurse did not come to work, by the end of the day all the small mirrors were over, and she took what was left and was at hand. So instead of a mirror for nulliparous, I learned that day what the largest mirror means. The doctor was fired, I was discharged from the hospital.

Now, when I even go to preventive examinations, until I see the mirror that my doctor will work with, I don’t even undress. And, thank God, I now live in another country, where the attitude towards patients is different, and the doctor is interested in the number of patients who will come for an appointment.

Evgenia: “Having done a painful procedure for me without painkillers, the doctor asked me to “thank” her with more than just a word”

- I got to the emergency room with acute pain lower abdomen. By the time they figured out what happened to me, my stomach had almost stopped hurting. At first they told me to take tests, but because of the excitement I could not go to the toilet - I just did not want to. I drank water, about half a liter. Then the gynecologist calls me, examines me and makes a diagnosis - ovarian rupture. Then evil adds: “Who allowed you to drink water? Now sit and wait until out Bladder water will come out! By the way, this was my first visit to the hospital at a conscious age, I was a priori afraid of all these hospital wards and doctors.

To understand how to treat me ( surgical intervention or pills), they took fluid from my bladder. Usually this procedure is done under painkillers, but for some reason I was done “on the live”. To put it mildly, it was very unpleasant.

After the operation, I was placed right under an open window in a draft, it’s good that other patients switched places with me. After - even better: heat, summer, I can hardly move away from anesthesia - and then they start painting the doors in the hospital. The stench is unbearable!

Somehow I lay there for a week, walked away from the operation and asked to be discharged in advance. The doctor who observed me was not particularly polite, adding that it would be nice to thank her and the gynecologist who performed the operation on me, since I could have been cut badly and would have scars. However, 4 years have passed, and the scars are still visible ...

Obstetrician-gynecologist Natalya Fedyukovich comments on the story:

“Unfortunately, this attitude of doctors is not uncommon. And especially in state structures, where there is always a shortage of narrow specialists and the doctor is sure that he will simply be formally scolded for a complaint of this nature. And I often hear such phrases from my colleagues in polyclinics: “As they pay, so I work! What do they want for $200?” Approximately the same salary at the district obstetrician-gynecologist in the clinic. A shift has to accept from 30 to 50 people. This is where fatigue, sometimes aggression, discontent and indifference come from. But this is not an attitude to a particular person, it is an attitude to the system as a whole. She broke the doctor, broke his authority, respect, value.

Now let's look at the situation from the other side. With what attitude and message do you come to the doctor? you came to good mood and with a smile, and the doctor is rude to you in response. I'm sorry, but I don't believe it. Even if the doctor is not in the spirit, and you are smiling, any normal person will become kinder. How often can a patient open the door with her foot and start her visit with a threat of a complaint? In this case, no one will understand who is right, they will unequivocally punish the doctor. But if, when considering a complaint, a fine was imposed on the patient for the groundlessness of the accusations, then, believe me, there would be practically no complaints.

In state structures, of course, doctors are deprived of the comfortable conditions that their colleagues in commercial structures have. If you have financial limitations, then just find your specialist, because if the district doctor does not suit you, you always have the opportunity to take a ticket to another doctor. And believe me, there are 99% of good and kind gynecologists in women's consultations. Others simply do not take root in medicine in principle.

Victoria Schönner

22 years old, Moscow

I had a very sick stomach, and I called ambulance, who took me to the gynecologist in the city hospital for examination. From the very beginning, the doctor behaved unprofessionally: he immediately switched to you, saying that the paramedics are idiots and all day he sees patients that he should not have, including me. I began to understand that something was going wrong when he began to move his hand forward, which was not at all gynecological in nature. After that, he said: “Since you refused the chair, I’ll give you a massage.” And he began to stimulate the external genital organs, at this moment I finally understood what he was doing. I was shocked, turned my head to him - he looked at me with wild eyes. He asked: "Everything?" How can a doctor ask a patient that? It is very strange. After that, I quickly got dressed and left the office, saying goodbye: “You have chosen a good profession.” He replied: "People need help."

I have had cases of rudeness from gynecologists in city clinics, but I have not met with this. I did not suffer from prejudice, but now I understand that I will never go to a male gynecologist, even if this is the only option. Or I will ask for a woman to be present at the examination. For me, this is now very important and fundamental.

After what happened, I went to the administrative building, where the woman answered me that it seemed to me that he was just joking. I was shocked by such a reaction: I was hysterical, choked with tears and hoped for some kind of empathy. What kind of joke can we talk about in a gynecological office? To consider my complaint, a meeting was held with me, which was attended by the head of the gynecological department, the head of the admissions department, two deputies and another woman in law. There I encountered only contemptuous glances. A woman from the hospital management said that there were no complaints against him and they could not fire him, because there was no one to work. And the head of the admission department, like a robot, repeated what it seemed to me.

I wrote fast on Instagram out of desperation. I realized that it was not worth waiting for the investigation of the hospital, especially since they constantly repeated there that they did not want to take anything out of it - this offended me. Perhaps I was not the first victim of a gynecologist, and if I remain silent, then not the last. People are accustomed to blaming the victim for everything, I would like such situations not to happen.

Because you cannot provoke a rape, no matter how you are dressed, no matter how you look - it all depends on the person who decides to do this to you.

And I would like at least some percentage of people to understand this and stop blaming the one who got into this situation.

I wrote a statement to the police, and surprisingly everything went fine. No one ridiculed or dissuaded me from writing a statement. I was asked to leave links to my accounts and to the posts that I wrote, they said that they would conduct an examination of my emotional state at the time of their writing. Definitely I'm going to go all the way.

There are times when you want to give up and stop everything. Sometimes I think to myself, why do I need this? It is especially hard when angry messages come. The first two days I cried a lot because inadequate people there were really a lot, and they wrote all this bile, but it seems to me that there are still more people who support me, it's very cool. I understand that this is not in vain, that it is everywhere, these situations are everywhere: in doctors' offices, on the street, in transport - this is not normal. I remember why I'm doing this, and I feel a little better.

Anna Chernova

27 years old, Yaroslavl

Three years ago, I needed to have a pelvic ultrasound, I wanted to save money and go not to the expensive clinic where I had already seen, but to find a cheaper one. I chose paid clinic I read the good reviews and decided to sign up. When I called, a man answered me. Naturally, I was embarrassed, but I began to drive away the prejudices about male gynecologists. It doesn't matter that he is a man, he is first and foremost a doctor.

I came for an ultrasound: as expected, undressed and waited for the doctor. The gynecologist came in and embarrassedly said: "Lord, you undress." This immediately alerted me - I didn’t come to the church and undress, but at the ultrasound, on which I was supposed to do this. Then everything was even weirder. I was lying, waiting for everything to start, and then he told me: “You won’t let me in.” I looked at him with a look like: “What?”. He told me to relax, I tried to relax as much as possible. He continued to say that I didn’t let him in anyway, I didn’t understand at all what I had to do so that everything would finally start. And then he asked me to lift the T-shirt and bra. There was a thought that this was strange, because this had not happened before. But I thought, if he is a doctor, then he knows better.

He began to knead his chest and touch his nipples. I lay and did not understand at all what to do, I was confused.

We trust the doctor one hundred percent, so it's hard to understand when he starts to cross the border during the examination. You always think: “Maybe this is how it should be?”

This situation may look comical to those who have not been in it. If I told my friend that the gynecologist groped my breasts, it would look ridiculous. And how can I prove that it was really so? Therefore, I did not tell anyone about this, except for my mother - she immediately wanted to go to him to figure it out, I asked him not to do this. We worked with him in the same building, I - on the third floor as a manicurist, he - on the second in the diagnostic center. After that, I tried not to cross paths with him in the hallway.

I did not become even more prejudiced about male gynecologists. On the contrary, I now have a permanent gynecologist - a man, I do not feel any discomfort at the appointment. An unpleasant situation can arise regardless of the gender of the doctor. I remember how a female gynecologist hurt me - and I gasped in surprise, to which she told me: “What are you yelling at? In front of the peasants, when you spread your legs, you don’t yell. It makes no difference to me who will be my gynecologist, a woman or a man. The main thing is that without soviet views on gynecology, with correct questions and interest in helping the patient.

The problem of unethical behavior of gynecologists is not solved at once. It is necessary to change the general attitude of society towards women and their rights. We will not achieve justice if we assume that men can do everything just because they are men, and that the woman herself is to blame for the violence. A woman can face violence and harassment everywhere: in a taxi, public transport, and even, as it turned out, in a gynecologist's chair. What is worse is that men feel their impunity. People are now writing that in the West everyone has gone crazy, that for any compliment a peasant can be imprisoned. I think this is correct. If men don't understand shit, then they need some kind of in radical ways fight. Because on the side of men there is already a bonus in the form of natural strength. So women should be protected by law.

Veronica (name changed at the request of the heroine)

23 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Every gynecologist I've encountered has had their own quirks. I would not say that in general gynecologists are bad, but it happened that unpleasant phrases slipped from seemingly pleasant doctors. Now going to the gynecologist is more like a lottery - you will either be called the sun, or trampled into the mud.

The most unpleasant incident in the office of a gynecologist happened to me a year ago. I was pregnant then, it was a desired child. I suspected a miscarriage. I went for an ultrasound at the antenatal clinic. The doctor did not see a heartbeat, but since the apparatus there was not very good, they suggested that I go to another center and check with more accurate equipment. When I went for a second ultrasound, I was sure that the pregnancy was missed. Before that, I did a blood test for the hCG hormone, and at that time it had not grown for a week, although it should have doubled every two or three days. It was clear to me that it was only about confirming a missed pregnancy, I no longer had any hopes and went to the office in an extremely broken state.

The gynecologist began my acquaintance with the phrase: “And how did you even get pregnant with such a physique? That's why you're in trouble."

In fact, she immediately diagnosed me that I would not be able to bear a child because of my weight. During the ultrasound, all my assumptions were confirmed - the fetus did not develop. I couldn't hold back my tears. Despite my condition, she continued to say that it was my fault, because I was overweight. Her words made it worse. At some point, she tried to “comfort” me with the words: “Why are you crying? After you is a girl who has an ectopic. Guess who's worse." Needless to say, she spoke to me in the most rude tone.

I didn't complain. I don't think any action could be taken against her. It was not just a polyclinic, but a polyclinic under the Ministry of Health, plus I was taken to her by acquaintance - in such cases they don’t complain at all. After this reception, I could not come to my senses for a long time. I was very scared to plan my next pregnancy. I was depressed all the time by the thought she put in that I would fail again. I was able to calm down a bit only after the first trimester of my second pregnancy, before that I was under great stress all the time and expected that everything would go wrong again.

If this happens again, I won't tolerate it. It seems to me that now I have enough strength to stop taking and stop any rudeness. An ideal appointment with a gynecologist - questions only on the case, a detailed answer to all my questions and tact. I hope that the attitude of gynecologists towards patients will change and there will be no more room for rudeness at appointments.

If we talk about how a woman could defend herself in this story - this is the article "Indecent acts." But there is one thing - in our Russian legislation, this article can only be applied to people under 16 years old. That is, if you are already over 16 years old, then there can be no indecent acts against you, which, of course, is not the case. There should be no age limit, because indecent acts in any case remain so. Therefore, unfortunately, today there is no article of the Criminal Code that could somehow regulate this.

An important mechanism is publicity and attracting attention. Unfortunately, the institution of reputation does not mean as much as we would like, but nevertheless it exists in the commercial market, where there is competition. You need to try to draw attention to the situation as much as possible in order not only to somehow defend yourself, but also to find people who will support you. It is very important in such situations to feel safe and have a trusting relationship with people who can support.

In the field of gynecology, things are often very sad for us. For example, you can remember the flash mob

Andrey Evseev (obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, 24 years of experience):

Once a pregnant woman came to us by ambulance. She had to have a planned operation due to two scars on her uterus. But then the threat of a rupture, an emergency, immediately to the operating room. The patient is quite thin, the stomach is small. We started to operate. When they took out one child, weighing about two and a half kilograms, they noticed that the uterus was not getting smaller. Here we were in for a surprise - we extracted the second child!

And all because the woman was not registered in the antenatal clinic and did not do an ultrasound - so she had undiagnosed twins. Mom was the most surprised. If a woman were operated on under general anesthesia, as they did before, it is not known how we would explain the presence of a second baby!

Another case was when ultrasound diagnostics was just beginning its development, and the available devices were far from perfect. A woman came to us from the Department of Pathology of Pregnancy. By that time, she had already raised four sons and dreamed of a daughter. Mom was expecting twins, but it was virtually impossible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child on the available ultrasound machines. We started to operate. They got one baby - it was a boy. Fifth boy! Mom was even upset. But the second baby was a girl. And then mom's joy knew no bounds!

Photo by GettyImages

Sergey Zayats (head of the department, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, 35 years of experience):

Once a patient came to us with Shereshevsky Turner syndrome, a chromosomal genetic disease that usually leads to infertility. Women with this diagnosis can only become pregnant with the help of in vitro fertilization (IVF). The procedure costs a lot of money, but the desire to become a mother was so strong that the woman took a bank loan. When the required amount was on hand, the patient was examined and found to have a serious kidney disease. With such a diagnosis, she should have been denied IVF. Obviously, greed has taken over the minds of reproductologists. She was given twins. Kidney disease worsened. At twenty weeks' gestation, the woman appeared at the perinatal consultation. The test results were devastating - the pregnancy had to be terminated. Otherwise, the woman could die. There was no choice.

I also remember how a woman was admitted to the regional hospital from the district at the 35th week of pregnancy with a diagnosis of polyhydramnios. What was the surprise of the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics when he just brought the device up and saw that the fetus has an intrauterine malformation that forms in the first trimester of pregnancy and is characterized by a complete or partial absence of the bones of the cranial vault, cerebral hemispheres and soft tissues. The detection of such a defect is a 100% termination of pregnancy. And the woman was carrying a child for 35 weeks and was completely unaware. How did the district doctors fail to establish anencephaly? It can be seen even at 12 weeks. And when examined at 20 weeks, it is obvious, even if the ultrasound machine is bad or the specialist is clearly weak. For a woman, of course, it was a terrible shock.

Photo by GettyImages

Anatoly Kamaev (obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, 35 years of experience):

It was in the 80s. I worked researcher at the Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics. And once I had to work not with a man, but with a monkey. The animal is rare, exotic, it was bought to a zoo in Latin America for huge money at that time. It was impossible to risk the life of a monkey. And then she gave birth - and something went wrong. They called us because then the veterinary services were not very developed. In general, the responsibility is huge.

We took the tools, went to save the animal. As I remember now future mother named Circe, after Greek goddess. Childbirth was in breech presentation of the fetus. Everything, like people, only in a smaller version. For almost a day the monkey could not give birth. Helped as much as we could, everything went well. For our efforts, the director gave us an annual subscription to a free visit to the zoo.

But probably the biggest stress for me in all the years of work was the birth of my daughter. The fact is that we, doctors, have a golden rule - do not treat, do not operate, do not give birth to direct relatives. Why so - I do not know! And I deliberately broke the taboo and took birth with my wife, who, by the way, is also an obstetrician-gynecologist. I was incredibly nervous, but, fortunately, everything went without complications and our daughter was born.

I made an appointment a week in advance. Haven't been for a long time, the doctor has changed in that time. She tried to remember the name, but it did not go further than Indira. For some prejudice is enough. Although why can't Indira be a good doctor? Here we'll see. I must say that the previous doctor (this, of course, was the previous doctor, but no one has yet canceled the agreement in Russian) was very friendly and competent, which is why I went to the district clinic this time.

I arrived 10 minutes before my scheduled time and got in line. Well, signed up and signed up, maybe all three of them were going to solve their problems in those 10 minutes. Not to fight, after all, especially since, on some sort of intuition, I bought a rather thick magazine. While I was sitting at the door, I found out that the doctor is that young girl who keeps running back and forth along the corridor and knocking with her heels. Okay, I think youth is not a vice, experience may not be enough, but she shouldn’t be angry at people for the mere fact that they dare to get sick just when she quarreled with her husband / is going to the theater / hungry or just wants to be alone.

After about 30 minutes, I managed to enter the office. I politely greeted, sat down and asked: "Do you have my card?" (Actually, it should be, it was not in vain that I signed up, but the experience accumulated over half an hour of waiting suggests that no one owes me anything here.) my name, surname, address and time of reception are written by hand: "Card? ... No, I don't have your card. Here, go with a woman, she will look, but for now, call the next one."
I don't get angry. Still, this is not a therapist, from whom, in which case, you can pull out your hand and run away. She will get angry with me, and then, who knows what she will invent for me inside.
The nurse tells the doctor to start examining me while she goes to get the card. I agree. Inside, I say, everything should be clearer with me than in the map.
Refuses outright. He asks to go out into the corridor with the appearance that the inspection without a map is a terrible violation. job description with a personal entry.

In the corridor, I again stumble upon an unfortunate-looking girl who silently sat down next to me and tried to break through in front of me. Looks evil. Strange. I explain that after the woman has entered, I will have to go there again, since the purpose of my visit has not yet been achieved. Even more angrily, she says that she is bleeding and makes it clear with facial expressions that her untimely death is already close. I don’t feel sorry for her so much as it doesn’t matter if I wait 10 or 20 minutes, so I let her pass in front of me. I don't expect thanks. It turns out that I'm doing the right thing.

Finally, my hour has come. I victoriously enter the office, sit down on a chair that has already managed to forget me in 20 minutes. The doctor props up his chin with his hand and affectionately says: "I'm listening to you." And what to listen to me, I need to watch. I explain that I just came for an inspection. Then she starts asking me about my periods and diligently writes everything down on a chart. I say that I take birth control pills. He does not ask for the name, but he is interested in whether my periods are regular. Once again I'm talking about pills, in which there can be no irregular cycle. In order not to get angry, I begin to tell how I missed that unfortunate girl ahead. The doctor tells something about treatment with liquid nitrogen. I say that I have heard many times that it hurts. The doctor looks at me in surprise: "No, it's strange, everyone says that it hurts. You are already the third person to say this today." I'm falling apart. I don't hope for anything anymore.

He briefly examines me, after which he concludes that since I haven’t been for so long, it would be good for me to pass all sorts of tests, and even do an ultrasound. Okay, I think, why not analyzes, at least it doesn’t matter at which institute the reagents studied. Instructs the one sitting next to elderly woman fill out some paperwork for me and tries to run out of the office. I catch her. Papers are, of course, good, but when you know where to go with them, it is much better. I achieve only that she remembers that she did not write out a referral for an ultrasound scan. Also a good result. He hands me a piece of paper, explains that I need to sign up.
- Can I do it now?
- No you can not.
- I mean, can I sign up now?
- No, only until 2 o'clock.
I don't believe it, but I leave it alone. They kick me out, and for another five minutes I wait for my name to be written on two pieces of paper. I breathe a sigh of relief and head to the front desk. I ask:
- Tell me, when can I get drunk on ultrasound?
- Yeah right now. That iron door over there.
I have no problem signing up with a shaven guy who looks like a basketball player who jokes with me about the word "polis". I still don't understand the joke.

Leaving the consultation Fresh air and all the way I think that the bewildered articles in magazines and newspapers look strange about the fact that women often start their diseases, that if they went to the doctor early, everything would be fine with them. In vain they reproach women for laziness and disregard for their health. To maintain physical health, great resources of mental health are needed, which, alas, not everyone can boast of either. Such visits to district consultations should be completed with a visit to a psychologist.