Monologue on behalf of the mail horse. Works of Russian literature with the mention of postal horses. Mail. Postal horses. A brief review of the literature and sources used. Russian coachmen in literature

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1 ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLCHILDREN IN LITERATURE uch. SCHOOL STAGE. Grade 8 Tasks, answers and evaluation criteria 1. "Oh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! .." Read. A) Three years ago, once, on a winter evening< >a troika drove up, and a traveler in a Circassian hat, in a military overcoat, wrapped in a shawl, entered the room, demanding horses. The horses were all running. At this news the traveler raised his voice and whip; but Dunya, accustomed to such scenes, ran out from behind the partition and affectionately turned to the traveler with the question: would he like to eat something? The appearance of Dunya produced its usual effect. The wrath of the traveler has passed; he agreed to wait for the horses and ordered supper for himself. Taking off his wet, shaggy hat, untangling his shawl and pulling off his overcoat, the traveler appeared as a young, slender hussar with a black mustache. B) Muromsky's horse, which had never been on a hunt, was frightened and suffered. Muromsky, who proclaimed himself an excellent rider, gave her free rein and was inwardly pleased with the chance that rid him of an unpleasant companion. But the horse, galloping to a ravine, which it had not noticed before, suddenly rushed to the side, and Muromsky did not sit still. Having fallen rather heavily on the frozen ground, he lay, cursing his short mare, who, as if coming to her senses, immediately stopped as soon as she felt herself without a rider. Ivan Petrovich galloped up to him, asking if he had hurt himself. Meanwhile, the groom brought the guilty horse, holding it by the bridle. He helped Muromsky into the saddle, and [Ivan Petrovich] invited him to his place. 1. Write the name of the author and the titles of the works (individually and in general) where these passages are taken from. Write also the name of Ivan Petrovich from the second passage. 2. Imagine that horses are endowed with the gift of speech. Write a monologue of the horse at the post station about the events of the story or a monologue of the Muromsky horse about the owner and his daughter. The volume of words. Answers and evaluation criteria 1. A.S. Pushkin (1 point), "Tales of Belkin" (1 point), " Stationmaster"(1 point)," Young peasant woman "(1 point), Berestov (1 point). Only 5 points. 2. Horse monologue. 1

2 Entertaining content, accuracy of characteristics, presence / absence of factual errors Reference to the text of the work Unity of style and general logic of the text General literacy (presence / absence of spelling, punctuation, speech, grammatical errors) Total 0 10 points 25 points 2. WORK WITH TEXT. This assignment contains two options. Choose ONLY ONE of them. Option 1. Prose text Read. Write an essay about this story, answering the questions (you can not answer all the questions). Write in a coherent text, freely, clearly, convincingly and competently. Suggested word count. Vera Agafonova (b. 1979) PAINTING JOY Semicircular petal, round notch The paper crunches deliciously, separating under scissors. Marina listens to this pleasant crunch and even slightly distracted from her work. The scissors slip off, pinching the delicate skin on the finger. Mother, all-seeing and omnipresent, immediately exclaims from behind: Marinochka, sunshine, be careful! Save your hands. Mother is right. Hands must be protected. They are strange, these hands: they can carelessly, as if by accident, throw outlandish berries on a white sheet and hardly hold a cup of tea. They are also not particularly friendly with scissors, so scissors take revenge on them like today, despite this, they have to take this unfriendly little thing and cut the paper. Chamomile flowers, orchids, daisies are scattered over a white field; you need to collect them, turn them inside out and write riddles and fun tasks on them. Father squeezes in the door, chewing a sandwich, meticulously looks at the daisies and imprints: You suffer from nonsense, Mariska! TV would be better. Marina looks at him and her eyes are huge, each with a cornflower field, she just looks. Father sighs and leaves to inspect football. Marina unfolds a camomile, slightly crippled with scissors, and writes: "Read some poem in a child's voice." And she herself begins to mentally quote: “A bull is walking, swinging, sighing on the go.” The bull is well done, he swings, but so far he is walking. "Now I'm Falling" 2

3 Previously, Marina also knew how to walk, until she was six years old. And then some invisible and indomitable snake, having drilled into the ground at Marina's feet, penetrated her feet and made her way higher and higher, forcing the girl at first to hobble awkwardly, like a bull from a poem, and then sit down in an armchair and no longer get up. But Marina is happy because she has cornflower blue eyes that see the beautiful world much more beautifully than everyone else sees. She also has hands that cannot unlock the door of the apartment, but they can open the magic door in the easel and the world behind it is even more amazing. And also these hands can take out this huge world - a field in flowers, a sky pierced by sunlight, and show it to all those who did not notice such beauty. Marina is painting her flowers today because tomorrow is her birthday. Twenty guests will come, no less. They will not dance because they are shy, which means that we must make sure that they are not bored; then no one will be silent and furtively glance at her iron trap. “This is my chariot!” Marina sometimes laughs, and her cornflower blue eyes become darker. Mother takes from the buffet big dish and begins to knead the biscuit. On the wall, above her head, hangs a picture of a lilac meadow, shooting stars and a bright, lonely woman, showered with starfall. Marina looks at her for a long time, silently, and then asks: Mom. Will you marry me? The mother stops stirring the dough for a second and then calmly answers: Of course, I will. How? Marina looks with cornflower blue eyes at the bright woman, just looks. Somewhere, probably, there is a prince on a white horse, only her iron carriage will obviously not be loaded onto this horse. But she has cunning hands, and a magic key-tassel, they can unlock the cherished door just by touching the easel. You can call dazzling butterflies to the lilac meadow, and golden deer with huge sad eyes and rain illuminated by the sun. And give all this to friends who will come tomorrow for her birthday so that they rejoice, and be surprised, and laugh, and so that all this is sincere. (2007) 1. How is the main character described? How does she feel about her illness? 2. What details in her portrait do you remember and why? 3. What is the author's attitude towards his heroine? 4. How are Marina's father and mother described? 5. What words and phrases are repeated in the story? Why does the author need it? 6. Why does the story take place on the eve of the heroine's birthday? 7. How do you understand the title of the story? 3

4 Option 2. Poetic text Read. Write an essay about this poem, answering the questions (you can not answer all the questions). Write in a coherent text, freely, clearly, convincingly and competently. Suggested word count. Victor Genrikhovich Hoffman () blizzard Reckless, wild force, Noisy guest from distant latitudes, Finally, a blizzard swirled, And it sweeps through all the nooks and crannies. But the snowy madness is closer, Than the gloomy bored rain, Tired of the well-worn slurry Cursing and slurping in the winter. I love this wide whistle, Like a Pugachev raid in the steppe, Let it blind and scratch your cheeks, Beat endless snow in your face. But, when, getting excited, Satan, I go to her faster and faster, The approach of the abyss is clearer, The feeling of life is sharper. (2011) 1. How is the blizzard described in the poem? 2. What can you say about the lyrical hero of the poem? 3. What works describing the blizzard do you know and how can they be compared with the poem of Viktor Hoffmann? 4. Why is the blizzard compared to the "Pugachev raid"? 5. What is the author's attitude to the blizzard? How is this attitude reflected in artistic techniques? 6. How do you understand the meaning of the last stanza? 4

5 Evaluation criteria Points Presence/absence of direct coherent answers to questions and 15 Presence/absence of errors in understanding the text. Rating scale: The general logic of the text and the composition of the work. 10 Grading scale: Supporting evidence with text, appropriateness of citation. 5 Presence/absence of stylistic, speech and grammar 5 errors. Presence/absence of spelling and punctuation errors 5 (within the limits of the material studied in Russian). Maximum score 40 For the convenience of assessment, we suggest focusing on the school four-point system. So, when assessing according to the first criterion, 0 points correspond to a “two”, 5 points to a “three”, 10 points to a “four” and 15 points to a “five”. Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to a “four with a minus”). The maximum score for all completed tasks is 70. 5

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PARABLES The Knight and the Dragon A parable of unknown origin The knight was hungry and thirsty. The knight walked through the desert. Along the way, he lost his horse, helmet and armor. Only the sword remained. Suddenly he saw in the distance

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There lived a little boy Pavlik in Leningrad. He had a mother. And there was dad. And there was a grandmother. And in addition, a cat called Bubenchik lived in their apartment. That morning, my dad went to work. Mom left too.

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ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN LITERATURE. 2018 2019 academic year SCHOOL STAGE. 5 CLASS 1. "Oh, HORSES, HORSES, WHAT HORSES! .." Read. “Well, she told him, If you knew how to sit, So you

In the pre-automobile era, horses played an extremely important role in people's lives. Without them, neither land travel, nor battles, nor agricultural work were possible. Therefore, the symbolism of the horse is as diverse as life itself. The horse, depending on the suit and circumstances, symbolizes light and darkness, wisdom and speed of thought, speed of movement and the passage of time, life and death, female grace and courage, love lust and nobility. The winged horse Pegasus is a well-known symbol of poetic creativity.

She allocated funds for the construction of two new mosques and distributed precious gifts to all the Mirzas. The Tartar leaders showed her the humblest of allegiance, but after a few weeks they nonetheless supported Turkey. Upon her return to St. Petersburg, Katarina also visited Pultava.

During this spectacle, Catherine told some of the generals what remarks she had made about one and other mistakes of the Swedes: You understand, gentlemen, how small our strength is. Without these minor mistakes, we wouldn't be in this place now. At the end of July, the Empress returned to St. Petersburg. Her absence betrayed six months.

The horse was not just a vehicle. A good horse was worth a lot, he was treated like a comrade and colleague, he was loved, cherished and cherished. A.S. Pushkin is, of course, no exception in this respect. The poet was a dexterous rider, he loved horseback riding at any time of the year, he traveled a lot in carriages. The pleasure of riding is sung by him in verse:

The unfortunate Chan Shahingerai was not in Crimea, and his Russian defender took his residence there. After being stripped of his crown, he spent some time in Kherson with Potemkin, where the carefree tartar wore the uniform of the Preobrazhensky Guard daily and adorned the Russian ribbon. Finally he was sent to Kaluga, stopped paying his pensions and forced him to leave his homeland, so that, subjected to the deepest poverty and the most barbaric treatment, he threw himself into the arms of the Turks, whom he defended. Mortal enemies would have to hold out if not for the Russians.

How quickly in the field, around the open,
Shod again, my horse is running!
How loud under his hoof
The frozen earth sounds!
"How fast in the field, around the open ...". 1828

Powder. We get up and immediately on the horse,
And trot across the field in the first light of day;
Arapniki in our hands, dogs following us...
"Winter. What should we do in the village?..” 1829

Lead me a horse; in the expanse of the open,
Waving his mane, he carries a rider,
And loudly under his shining hoof
The frozen valley rings and the ice cracks.
Autumn. IX. 1833

First, he fled to the Vltava, where the vedodar and the Turkish Kapidi-Bachi advised him in vain to go to Constantinople Opel. The Russian commander of the Kameniec fortress, the creator of Potiikin, united his belief in regards to the other two. But Shahingerai steadfastly refused. Undoubtedly, he instinctively foresaw the sad fate that awaited him. He was seized by force and led him to the island of Rhodes. There he once saved the French consul, from whom the Turks demanded his extradition. The consul, believing that they would not dare to violate the refuge of their house, consecrated by international law, had the courage not to respond to this desire and not to hand over the one who placed himself under his official protection.

However, in winter, horseback riding slippery ice was dangerous even for such a good rider as Pushkin. On January 28, 1825, he wrote to P.A. Vyazemsky from Trigorsky to Moscow: “I am writing to you at a party with a broken arm - I fell on the ice not from a horse, but with a horse: a big difference for my equestrian ambition.” Most likely, Pushkin meant this event in stanza XLIII of the IV chapter of "Eugene Onegin":

But he was threatened with lighting his house, and, using the moment in which he was absent, he took the French coat of arms from his door, which was attached to a neighboring house, plunged into his apartment, found the unfortunate Chang, grabbed him and strangled him. Thus, the Turks avenged his refusal, thus the Russians rewarded the appointment of their states.

Meanwhile, Potemkin wanted to move Porte at any cost in order to start hostilities. Apart from the hope of dismembering the Ottoman Empire, a secret reason made him want war, indeed made it necessary for him. Buried with offices, ranks, merit and medals, he still lacked the reward, namely the large volume of the Order of St. George; he also wanted to have it and strove to look for it. However, in order to be adorned with this order, the high command of a larger army had to be executed by law, and victory had to be won.

In the wilderness what to do at this time?
Walk? The village at that time
Involuntarily bothers the eye
Monotonous nakedness.
Riding in the harsh steppe?
But the horse, blunted horseshoe
Unfaithful catching ice
Just wait for it to fall.

Three equestrian self-portraits of the poet are known. He sketched his first self-portrait with a pencil in 1826 in drafts of Chapter V of Eugene Onegin (PD 836, fol. 42). Pushkin depicted himself in a wide-brimmed hat, deftly sitting on a stallion. The posture of the rider is static, but there is an internal tension in it, as if he is about to spur his horse. The stallion is very handsome. Perhaps this is the same argamak mentioned by N.M. Languages ​​in a poetic message to P.A. Osipova dated December 8, 1827:

But in Potemkin's eyes, what was the suffering and deprivation of the war, what were several thousand lives compared to the gang that flattered his arrogance? Bulgakov, the Russian ambassador to Constantinople, came to Kherson to report to the empress about his secret operations and Divan's plans. This diplomat received big influence in Egypt through Baron Tolus, the Russian consul general in Alexandria. Another consul, whom Russia supported in Smyrna, worked in this place in the interests of his country. The third tried to kindle the Vltava.

Russian ships abused the privileges granted to them by the Port, and the court of St. Petersburg encouraged the violators in their criminal beginning. Sofa, dissatisfied with the behavior and even more annoyed by the discovery of correspondence between Ibrahim Bey in Cairo and Russian minister, accused Kapudan Pasha Hassan of restoring order in Egypt. A few days later the Grand Vizier demanded a conference with Ambassador Bulgakov and gave him a note to which he immediately demanded an answer. Bulgakov avoided this answer and demanded a delay in order to gain time and receive advice and instructions from his court.

And often I see in a dream:
And three mountains, and a beautiful house,
And bright Soroti twists
And those slopes, those fields,
Because of which in the distance
On a golden argamak,
covered with a foreign hat,
Hurrying to Trigorskoye, one -
Voltaire, and Goethe and Racine -
Pushkin was famous ...

Two other equestrian self-portraits of Pushkin date back to 1829 and are connected with the poet's journey to Arzrum to the place of hostilities. Both portraits are very dynamic. The first is in the draft of the poem "Delibash" (PD 911): the poet is racing on a horse in a wide-brimmed hat and cloak against the backdrop of gently sloping mountains. The verses speak of a fight between a fearless Turkish warrior and a no less brave Russian Cossack. The continuation of this theme was the image of a racing Turkish fighter with a naked saber, made by the poet in the album (PD 1723) of his Moscow acquaintance Elizaveta Nikolaevna Ushakova. In the same album (l. 74v.) is the most famous equestrian self-portrait of Pushkin in a cloak and with a spear. Pushkin seemed to "try on" the role of a participant in the battles with the Turks, which he happened to be an eyewitness.

One was to provide it to him. But soon the sofa was reassembled and found that there was no point in waiting for an answer from St. Petersburg. War was proclaimed in Constantinople in accordance with Turkish custom: Bulgakov was imprisoned as a prisoner in the castle of seven towers.

June united to achieve Bulgakov's release; but her efforts were completely fruitless. The envoy of England had more power than the latter, and the court of St. James was irritated by the commercial treaty between Russia and France, which offended England on its Achilles heel, the shopkeeper's interest.

An unusual and very original self-portrait of the poet is the one where the poet depicted himself in the form of ... a horse. In the autograph of the poem "Andrey Chenier" (PD 835, fol. 60v.), among the beautiful horse heads, an elongated, resembling both a horse and a monkey, but quite recognizable profile of the poet is inscribed. This time Pushkin “tried on” the image of a horse, revealing the secrets of his “creative laboratory”, when the author “reincarnates” in his characters, even if they are animals. In the poem "Andrei Chenier" many lines are dedicated specifically to poetic creativity, understanding the role of the poet in society, although the self-portrait in the form of a horse is not directly connected with the text of the poem "Andrei Chenier". Horses are mentioned here in a figurative sense. Before the execution, the French poet for a moment doubted the correctness of the choice of his creative field:

The Turks are ready for greatest activity for the war and allowed twenty-four thousand people to go, around Otsakov Otsakov lies the mouth of the onion and the Dnieper; this was especially important for Katherine's intentions with Poland. for coverage. A large army came to the banks of the Danube, and the Grand Vizier unfurled the green flag of Mohammed in front of the Ottoman troops.

A fleet of sixteen ships of the line, eight frigates and several other vessels crossed the Black Sea under the command of Kapudan Pasha Hasan. But this success did not make Hasan self-confident, rather he recalled with horror the defeat at Chesma, and before he sailed to the Crimea, he gathered all the captains and officers of his fleet and told them. The new field of honor calls me the same as you, to shed our last drop of blood on our religion, on the sultan and on the nation. If there is one among you who does not have the courage to die on the field of honor, then he is free to declare it, and without further ado, he must immediately say goodbye.

... What was I to do
To me, faithful to love, poetry and silence,
In a low field with despicable fighters!
Was I to manage the obstinate horses
And cool to direct the powerless reins?

According to Pushkin's Dictionary of Language, the poet mentions horses 579 times in the following variants: horse (277), horse (6), hinny (2), horse (269), mare (9), mare (3), filly (7) , stallion (6). In addition, the legendary Pegasus is found 11 times in his works. The word "horse" is more often used by Pushkin in prose works when mentioning horse-drawn transport. The poems predominantly feature the more poetic form “horse”, and without reference to gender:

On the other hand, he who shows courage in the performance of his duty may be sure of a rich reward in advance. Let all who wish to follow me under these conditions raise their right hand and pledge their loyalty to me. All captains vowed to win or die with their Grand Admiral. The Turks did not trust the Greeks and disarmed them. They also issued a manifesto in which they invited the Tatars to return to the reign of the Grand Master. This manifesto had the desired result, because the Tatars hated the Russian yoke.

Katharina poured rich gifts for her in vain, printed the Qur'an for her in vain, and built mosques for her. All the Mirzas were gathered and they chose a new Chang, who soon had an army of several thousand men under his command. The Turkish declaration of war was greeted with great joy in Petersburg. The empress not only foresaw it, but also waited with great impatience. All preparations were made with care. There were already many troops in the Kuban, others against the Crimea, and their armies covered the land from Kamenies to Balta.

But you know: do not order the sled,
Ban the brown filly?

Gliding through the morning snow
Dear friend, let's run
impatient horse...
Winter road. 1829.

Pushkin's manuscripts contain numerous images of horses full of beauty, grace, and expression of movement. The head of a horse is the very first drawing of the poet in the lyceum notebook (PD 829, l. 26). This is an auto-illustration for the poem "Mustache" about a daring hussar, to whom the sage gives instructions:

Repnin, Kamensky, Kachovsky and many other generals next to him. Field Marshal Rumyantsev, unwilling to submit himself or contribute anything to Potemkin's honor, refused to accept the order on the pretext of his too old age; but he sent one of his sons to the army. In the Black Sea, a fleet of eight ships of the line, twelve frigates and about two hundred waders or cannon shells were assembled, and two strong squadrons, by order of Admirals Kruse and Grai, were to leave Kronstadt, those who crossed the Baltic were sent to the Mediterranean.

Cheerful guest, ardent lover,
For whose health are you beating bottles?
Horse, beauties and mustaches.

On l. 33 the poet again sketched the head of a horse in the draft of the poem "Separation", which speaks of the suffering of an abandoned lover. The horse leaned towards the water. The image is located next to the words "Oh dear friend!", in the final version of "Oh dear ...":

The emperor wanted war with the Turks no less than she herself. Eighty thousand Austrians marched against Moldavia, and everything seemed to proclaim the fall Ottoman Empire. Meanwhile, Katharina tried to justify her trial by issuing a manifesto accusing the Turks of violating the old treatises. This manifesto was accompanied by a second one, in the sense that he was forced to arm himself against the enemies of the Christian faith and name, and those who now, with confidence in a just God, defended in Russia for so long and so powerfully, looking for wool.

In support of this manifesto, in which Catherine proclaimed the powers of heaven and earth against the Turks, she used the usual means common in Russia, the superstition of the people and the deceitful popes. The prophecies were published by the ancient patriarchs Jeremiah and Nikon, who proclaimed the inevitable fall of Constantinople and the disaster of the Turks from Europe. But the Ottomans also had a prophet named Bei-Mansur, who, under the pretext that an angel had appeared to him in the middle of the forest, joyfully gathered an army and brought all the clans of the Caucasus and the Tatars of the Crimea against the Russians.

Oh dear, you are with me everywhere:
But I'm sad and secretly I'm sad.
Will the day flash behind the blue mountain,
Will the night rise with the autumn moon -
I'm still looking for you, lovely friend...

At first glance, the drawing has nothing to do with the poem. But if you remember what a horse can symbolize feminine beauty and love lust, everything becomes clear. The horse head in the picture is quite feminine.
In Pushkin's early poem "The Monk", the hermit Pankraty, tempted by a demon, in a dream

When Catherine asked the regents of Europe to arm themselves against the Turks, she didn't expect everyone to return their ambitious plans. However, she confidently believed that they would at least remain spectators of her triumphs. She did not know that England supported Turkey, she also knew that Prussia would patiently see to it that neither Austria nor Russia expanded; but what she did not foresee was the declaration of war by the king of Sweden.

Since Osterman left Stockholm, his successors have followed in his footsteps. However, none of them showed such impudence as Andreas Razumovsky. In order to regain his pardoned favor with Catherine, this ambassador was tirelessly sowing hatred and discord among the Swedish nobility, most of whom were dissatisfied with his king, and only too willing to heed the treacherous and often-sounding advice of Russia.

In the green forest, like a white-bearded page,
Like a light horse, he chased the girl.

Later, the poet will repeatedly refer to the erotic symbolism of the horse, but in the lyceum notebook it is more an exception than a rule. Both in poetry and in drawings, the horse is a sign of a heroic theme, a symbol of courage and military courage:

A crowd of young riders
In the oak forest rides silent,
Their horses tremble and puff,
The head is shaken impatiently.
Riders. 1816

They saw how important even now the leak of the Swedish king is to them. Therefore, they promised Gustav important subsidies, which, however, were only partially paid. In addition, Prussia offered him money, and England promised to support Sweden with a squadron.

So the king seriously prepared to take up arms. Testimony of military armor was often made in Stockholm and beyond, Andreas Razumovsky proudly asked for a reason. But Gustav replied with even greater pride that he should not tell any foreign authority about his actions and passions on the whole earth and ordered Rasumovsky to immediately abandon Stockholm. But the Russian, under all sorts of pretexts, found a way to postpone his departure and continue the war openly carried out by the Swedish side in a secret and harmless way.

My horse is in the ranks of enemies with an eagle
Rushing with a formidable rider.
Message to Yudin. 1815

Zealous horses breathe abuse,
Dotted with warriors,
Behind the formation, the formation flows, all revenge, glory breathe,
Excitement went into their chests.
Memories in Tsarskoye Selo. 1814.

In the lyceum notebook on l. 45 young Pushkin depicted an urn entwined with flowers on a hill, most likely a grave. Above it is a sprawling tree with a lyre hanging on a branch. On the back of this sheet, under the draft of the unfinished elegy “Let my soul open before you ...”, the poet drew a saber, a pistol and a horse without a rider, covered with a blanket, sketched a portrait of a hussar. The drawings are not directly connected with the text of the elegy. On the one hand, this is a kind of illustration to the poem by A.V. Zhukovsky "The Singer", which refers to the grave of the poet, and, on the other hand, perhaps some new idea about the death of the singer in a duel or in a fight. Later, he will be embodied in "Eugene Onegin". And the image of a horse without a rider, wandering around the deceased owner or galloping alone from the battlefield, is found repeatedly in Pushkin's work:

Nevertheless, military armament continued with great zeal. A large fleet was ready to sail at Karlskrona, the troops to be sent to it were assembled in the immediate vicinity of the capital, while others went to Finland. He deliberately spread the rumor that Sweden should be ready to defend itself, since the Petersburg court threatened to attack him if Gustav did not offer Russian troops against the Turks to the troops. Swedish soldiers burned out the desire to compete with a nation so often defeated by their fathers.

Finally, all the troops were taken on board and the fleet arrived in Finland, where Gustav had already left. As soon as the Swedish army arrived on the borders of Russia, than a small detachment of Russian hunters risked ousting some of the Swedes from the bridge that occupied them. A few shots from the rifle were changed and Gustav immediately became the cause of the war. In Stockholm they later said that in order to claim the attacking unit, the king himself staged this skirmish, placing a bunch of his troops in Russian uniforms and making a fake attack on the Swedish outposts, his fleet captured two Russian frigates that crossed at the height of Sveaborg, to practice Russian naval cadets.

Around the hill goes around the friend of the strong - the horse;
In the eyes of the proud, the fire faded,
He bows his swearing head.
A careless hoof beats the stone of the valleys
And looks at the armor - a faithful horse alone,
And wildly trembles and groans.
The slain knight. 1815

A horse walks around Ruslan,
With a proud head,
There was fire in his eyes!
Does not wave its golden mane,
He does not amuse himself, he does not jump
And waiting for Ruslan to rise...
But the prince's cold sleep is strong,
And for a long time his shield will not burst.
Ruslan and Ludmila. Canto 7. 1819

What a terrible picture!
Before him are his two sons
Without helmets and without armor
Both are dead
The sword plunged into each other.
Their horses roam in the middle of the meadow,
On trampled grass...
The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. 1834

I will break the chain of cruel fate,
I'm dragging my brothers into the fire,
I'll take the storm! - and lonely
My horse will run into the valley.
Riders. 1816

The image of a horse in poetry is often associated with liberty and freedom. Beautiful sketches of free horses, made with amazing skill, are often found in Pushkin's autographs.

In the draft of The Prisoner of the Caucasus (PD 46, l. 4), Pushkin draws a saddled horse galloping without a rider, near the verses:

Freedom! he is one of you
I also searched in the desert world.
Destroying feelings with passions,
Cold to dreams and to the lyre,
With the excitement of the song he listened,
inspired by you,
And with faith, fiery prayer
Your proud idol embraced.

In the manuscript of the unfinished poem "Tazit" (PD 842, l. 6) there is a sketch of the monument to Peter I in St. Petersburg, but without the figure of the emperor-reformer. So Pushkin outlined the idea of ​​the poem "The Bronze Horseman" back in 1829, but not only that. L.A. Kraval noted: “It seems that a horse with a rock, but without a rider, is Russia“ without a restrainer. Therefore, in the figure, the horse is not a “proud horse”, a horse-fire, but a graceful, quivering horse, civilized, equipped. Frightened, hovering over the abyss; therefore the crushed serpent raised its head, and therefore the rock cracked. In the line of the crack, associating it with the map, the researcher saw the outlines of the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea and made an interesting conclusion: the idea of ​​the autocracy of the Bronze Horseman.

The idea of ​​assimilation government controlled the curbing of obstinate horses sounded from Pushkin in Boris Godunov. In the scene in the royal chambers, Basmanov's words to Godunov are as follows:

The people are always secretly prone to confusion:
So the greyhound gnaws at its reins;
The lad is so indignant at the power of his father;
But what? the rider calmly rules the horse,
And the father commands the child.

IN " The Bronze Horseman»horse - formidable, rearing up, symbolizes the power of the renewed Petrine Russia:
He is terrible in the surrounding darkness!
What a thought!
What power is hidden in it!
And what a fire in this horse!

Where are you galloping, proud horse,
And where will you lower your hooves?
O mighty lord of destiny!
Are you not so above the abyss
At a height, an iron bridle
Raised Russia on its hind legs?
The images of Peter I on horseback in The Bronze Horseman and Poltava have something in common:
Peter comes out. His eyes
Shine. His face is terrible.
The movements are fast. He is beautiful,
He's all like God's thunderstorm.
Goes. They bring him a horse.
Zealous and humble faithful horse.
Feeling the fatal fire
Trembling. Eyes askance
And rushes in the dust of battle,
Proud of the mighty rider.

The bold behavior of war horses, which during the battle become companions of warriors, clearly attracts the poet:

The impatient horse boils
And the snow digs with a wet hoof.
Ruslan and Ludmila. Song 5.
Battle with Chernomor

Shining in armor, as if on fire,
Wonderful warrior on a horse
A thunderstorm rushes, pricks, cuts,
In a roaring horn, flying, blows ...
It was Ruslan. Like god's thunder
Our knight fell on the infidel;
He roams with carla behind the saddle
In the midst of a frightened camp.
Wherever a formidable sword whistles,
Where an angry horse rushes,
Everywhere the heads fly off the shoulders
And with a cry, line upon line falls ...
Ruslan and Ludmila. Song 7.
Battle with the Pechenegs.

Horses that have lost their rider in a fight behave differently:

Struck in a few steps
The young Cossack was lying in blood,
And the horse, covered in foam and dust,
Feeling the will, wildly rushed,
Hiding in the fiery distance.

Horses do not obey cowardly riders in battle, they are thrown off. This is the result of the duel between the heroes of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Farlaf and Rogday, when Farlaf, who is fleeing, finds himself in a moat:

A zealous horse rushed to the moat,
He waved his tail and white mane,
Bitten the steel reins
And jumped over the ditch;
But the timid upside down rider
Fell heavily into a dirty ditch,
I did not see the earth with heaven
And he was ready to accept death.
Ruslan and Ludmila. Song 2.

Pushkin sneers at such behavior in "Eugene Onegin" (Chapter VI, stanza XXXV), paying tribute to Zaretsky's "heroism" during Patriotic War 1812:

And then say that in the battle
Once in a real rapture
He excelled, boldly into the dirt
Falling off a Kalmyk horse,
Like a drunk zyuzya, and the French
Got captured: a precious pledge!

Repeatedly in the works of Pushkin, the shy, anxious behavior of horses at the sight of the dead is described:

Zaretsky carefully puts
On the sleigh the corpse is icy;
He brings home a terrible treasure.
Sensing the dead, they snore
And the horses are fighting with white foam
Steel wet the bit,
And they flew like an arrow.
"Eugene Onegin". Ch. VI. Line XXXV.

Horses behave similarly in the poems “What a night, crackling frost ...” and “Alphonse mounts a horse ...”. Horses are afraid not only of the dead, but also of demons. This is most clearly reflected in the famous poem "Demons".

Sometimes the image of a horse is associated with Pushkin with evil spirits. The hero of the poem "The Hussar" follows his lovely cohabitant Marusenka to the witches' sabbath. Marusenka tells her hapless lover to return home while still intact, and offers the poker as a means of transport. Hussar disagrees:

Horse! “Here, fool, here is the horse. -
And sure enough, the horse is in front of me.
Scraping with a hoof, all the fire,
An arc of a neck, a tail with a pipe.

Sit down. - So I sat on a horse,
Looking for bridles - no bridle.
How he soared, how he carried me -
And we found ourselves at the stove.

I look: everything is the same, I myself
I sit on horseback, and under me
Not a horse, but an old bench:
Here's what sometimes happens...

An interesting auto-illustration in a draft (PD 189) of this poem: a hussar rushing on a horse, surrounded by witches on brooms and other evil spirits.

Drawings depicting the poet's creative ideas even before they were embodied in words are quite common in Pushkin's manuscripts. Among them are sketches of horses and riders. One example is the drawing mentioned above in the drafts of Tazit. Another vivid example is two sketches of a fast-paced paladin in the draft of Poltava (PD 838, fol. 52). The drawings clearly have nothing to do with the lines being composed at that moment about the interrogation of Kochubey in the prison cell by Orlik. They, by definition T.G. Tsyavlovskaya, refer to the idea of ​​the poem “There once was a poor knight…”, about a paladin who chose the Most Holy Theotokos as his lady of the heart. When I see the drawings, the lines come to mind:

While the paladins
To meet trembling enemies
Through the plains of Palestine
Rushed, naming the ladies,

Lumen coelum, sancta Rosa!
He exclaimed the loudest,
And the threat drove him
Muslims from all sides.

The interpretation of these drawings is ambiguous. Is not it. Kraval saw the resemblance of a larger-sized knight drawn by the poet, sitting on a horse in a static pose with a proud posture, with the silhouette of Emperor Nicholas I, who was called the “knight of Europe,” according to Heinrich Heine. The drawing, according to the researcher, testifies to Pushkin's tense expectation of the tsar's decision in the case of the blasphemous poem "Gavriiliada". It seems to us that these drawings of the poet are related not only to the poem "There once was a poor knight in the world ...", but also to the pictures of the Battle of Poltava, (l. 61-68 of the same notebook). Russian cavalrymen, defending their fatherland and their faith, defeated the soldiers of Charles XII and Mazepa, just as medieval knights fought with Muslims.

The great poet draws horses in his notebooks much more often than any other animals. In the additional 18th volume of the collected works, published by the publishing house "Resurrection" for the 200th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin published more than 400 drawings. Horses are depicted on 35 of them, cats - on 10, dogs - on 3, snakes - on 3. The drawing in the draft of the 8th letter of the "Novel in Letters" is especially original. This is a "half-length" image of a horse in a bolívar and a frock coat, which is rotated 180 degrees in relation to the text and almost certainly has nothing to do with its content. The drawing could appear both before and after the text: Pushkin sometimes filled his notebooks in different directions, using the same sheets several times. The view of the painted horse, in our opinion, is clearly fabled. Perhaps this is a graphic embodiment of the poet's reflections on some satirical work, for example, on famous fable I.I. Khemnitser "Riding Horse", where the horse, proud of its dress and position, boasts of them in front of the working nag.

Pushkin has works where the horse is among the main characters. This is, first of all, "The Song of the Prophetic Oleg", the plot of which is borrowed from Karamzin's "History of the Russian State". Pushkin poetized the legend about the death of Prince Oleg from the bite of a snake crawling out of the skull of his beloved horse. The poet wrote about this poem to A.A. Bestuzhev at the end of January 1825 from Mikhailovsky: “The comradely love of the old prince for his horse and concern for his fate is a feature of touching innocence, and the incident itself, in its simplicity, has a lot of poetry.” An illustration of this attitude is the scene of the prince's farewell to the horse after the magician predicted death from him and the scene near the bones of the deceased horse:

"Farewell, my comrade, my faithful servant,
The time has come for us to part;
Now rest! No more footsteps
In your gilded stirrup ... ".

The prince quietly stepped on the horse's skull
And he said: “Sleep lonely friend!
Your old master has outlived you:
At the funeral feast, not far away.
It's not you who will stain the feather grass under the ax
And drink my ashes with hot blood!”

In this poem, the horse is faithful, beloved, zealous, stormy, playful, easy to run. The poet listed the qualities that he himself valued in horses.
Horse - main character the last of the sixteen "Songs of the Western Slavs":

What are you neighing, my zealous horse,
That you lowered your neck
Don't shake your mane
You don't bite your bits?..

The faithful horse foresees the imminent death of the owner in a fight with the enemy, and therefore is sad:

... That soon the enemy is severe
I'll take all mine
And silver horseshoes
From my light legs will be torn off;
That's why my spirit aches
What's in place of a saddlecloth
He will cover your skin
My sides are sweaty."

It reflects the belief about the mystical abilities of horses to foresee events and influence fate. Traces of this belief can be traced in several works of Pushkin. In the first song of Ruslan and Lyudmila, Farlaf and Rogdai entrust their fate to the horses:

"Let's go, it's time! - they said -
Let us entrust ourselves to an unknown fate.
And every horse, not feeling the steel,
I have chosen the path of my own free will.

In "Tales of Belkin" quite natural, at first glance, the behavior of horses becomes fateful. In the story “The Shot”, the stubbornness of the horse delayed the count’s wife on a walk, which made it possible for the count and Silvio to explain themselves in private: “One evening we rode together; the wife's horse became stubborn; she was frightened, gave me the reins and walked home; I went ahead ... ". In The Young Lady-Peasant Woman there is a similar situation: “Muromsky's horse, which had never been hunting, was frightened and suffered. Muromsky, who proclaimed himself an excellent rider, gave her free rein and was inwardly pleased with the chance that rid him of an unpleasant companion. But the horse, galloping to a ravine, which it had not noticed before, suddenly rushed to the side, and Muromsky did not sit still. Having fallen quite heavily on the frozen ground, he lay, cursing his short mare, who immediately stopped as soon as she felt herself without a rider ... ". This episode led to reconciliation between Muromsky and Berestov, which predetermined the happy ending of the whole story. In The Snowstorm, a horse that got lost during a snowstorm inadvertently took Vladimir away from the church in the village of Zhadrino, where his bride was waiting for him, who, because of this, unexpectedly married Burmin, which dramatically changed the fate of the main characters.

It is no coincidence that the running of a horse symbolizes the passage of time, the fate of man. Pushkin uses this symbolism in the poem "The Cart of Life" (1823):

Though it is sometimes heavy in her burden,
The cart on the go is easy;
Dashing coachman, gray time,
Leads, does not get off the irradiation ...

The last quatrain speaks of old age, which has replaced stormy youth and moderate maturity:

The cart is still rolling
In the evening we got used to it
And slumbering we go to the lodging for the night -
And time drives horses.

The poet also pays tribute to the symbolism of the horse, associated with female grace, beauty and eroticism. In the poem “Imitation of Anacreon”, Anna Olenina is recognizable in the image of a young unbroken mare, a girl with whom Pushkin was seriously in love in the spring and autumn of 1828 and whom he was going to marry:

young mare,
Honor of the Caucasian brand,
What are you rushing, daring?
And your time has come;
Do not squint with a shy eye,
Feet in the air are not swords,
In a field smooth and wide
Feel free to jump.
Wait a minute; I'll make you
I humble myself beneath me:
I will direct your run into the measured circle
Shortened bridle.

Beautiful, miniature, graceful, but also smart, sharp on the tongue, Olenina was a skilled rider. The poet could see her skill at the cavalcade at the Priyutino estate, where he visited the Olenins more than once in the spring and summer of 1828. Interestingly, in the autograph of the poem (PD 838, l. 16), Pushkin made surprisingly dynamic sketches of wayward mares, throwing their legs into the air, galloping briskly. Their figures enclose the last quatrain of the poem in a semicircle, which is what makes this self-illustration remarkable.

Drawings of mares appear again in the same notebook (sheets 52, 62) in the drafts of the Poltava poem. Next to the description of the beginning of the Battle of Poltava, Pushkin even sketched a scene of love for horses. The drawings are not directly related to the test itself, but their connection with the poem “Young Mare” can be traced. The drawings testify to the poet's unfulfilled dreams of marrying Anna Olenina, whose portraits, initials and anagrams are often found in the drafts of Poltava.
The poet covers the page of the album of Elizaveta Nikolaevna Ushakova with similar sketches of mares (PD 1723, fol. 76). Most likely, he made these drawings in September 1829 after returning from Arzrum: almost nearby (fol. 74v.) is the well-known self-portrait of the poet on a horse in a cloak in the album. During his travels, Pushkin saw herds of mares in Kalmykia roaming the fat pastures. But, I think, this only prompted him to the idea of ​​drawing. By analogy with earlier sketches, it can be assumed that the poet’s dream of marriage is expressed in this way, but not with Olenina, but with Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova, who, by the way, was also an excellent rider.

Pushkin has a lot of poems that deal with completely different riders - the riders of the mythical winged horse Pegasus. Mostly they are satires. At the beginning of the early poem The Monk (1813), the young Pushkin addresses Voltaire:

Voltaire! Sultan of French Parnassus,
I don't want to saddle a Pegasus horse
I don't want to make ladies out of muses,
But just give me your golden lyre,
I will be known to the whole world with her.

Arist! and you are in the crowd of servants of Parnassus!
You want to ride the stubborn Pegasus;
Hurry for laurels on a dangerous path
And with strict criticism you boldly enter the battle.

In several works of the lyceum period, Pushkin ridicules under the names of Svistov, Khlystov and Grafov the famous graphomaniac Count Dmitry Khvostov, who wrote “three-footed nonsense” at night:

So he writes (to say not reproachfully)
Groom of decrepit Pegasus
Whistles, whips or counts
Servant of retired Parnassus,
Parent of old poems ...
To my Aristarchus. 1815

Oh you, the heights of Parnassus
boyar small,
But the fiery Pegasus
Bad rider!
Town. 1815

Distancing himself from the notorious Khvostov, the poet wrote about his work as follows:

But my dream is silent! careless son of Parnassus,
In the silence of the night, I do not fight with rhyme,
I never see either Phoebus or Pegasus,
Nor the old courtyard of some old muses.
Dream. 1816

The message to V.L. Pushkin, composed in the same 1816. In it, a compliment sparkling with subtle humor to his beloved uncle, the poet:

I haven't lost my mind yet
From the rhymes of bakhiche, staggering on Pegasus,
I have not forgotten myself, although I am glad, although I am not glad.
No, no - you are not my brother at all;
You are my uncle and on Parnassus.

In subsequent years, Pushkin turns to the theme of Pegasus less often than in the lyceum period. In 1822, in his “Message to the Censor,” the poet wrote about lists of freedom-loving poems that were circulating around the censorship:

Parnassus is not a monastery and not a sad harem,
And the right is never a skillful farrier
Pegasus did not deprive excessive ardor ...

The old and toothless "Parnassian pacer" Pegasus is mentioned in the poem "House in Kolomna", the first 8 octaves of which are devoted to the "pitfalls" of poetic creativity:

… Pegasus
Star, no more teeth. They dug a well
Issokh. Overgrown with nettles Parnassus;
Phoebus lives in retirement, and the dancer
Old women muses no longer seduce us.
And your camp from the classic tops
We moved to the push market.

The last time Pushkin mentions Pegasus was in 1836 in a poem addressed to Denis Davydov when he was presented with The History of the Pugachev Rebellion.
So, the images of a horse, a horse, a mare run through all of Pushkin's literary work. These images are important for the understanding and perception of his works, although they are rarely the key ones. Horses are mentioned by Pushkin both as participants in ongoing events, and simply as horse-drawn vehicles, and in various symbolic meanings. Graceful, beautiful, dynamic images of horses, lovingly inscribed by the hand of the great poet, cover the pages of many of his manuscripts, being either self-illustrations, or an expression of life aspirations, creative ideas and impressions from what he experienced and saw.

1 All works of A.S. Pushkin are quoted from the publication: Pushkin A.S. Complete works: in 10 volumes - M.-L.: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1949.
2 The poem by A.S. begins with the scene of dog hunting. Pushkin "Count Nulin". On the title page of the autograph of the poem (PD No. 74, fol. 2), the poet drew an illustration - a rider galloping on a horse, ahead of which a dog runs.
3 Yazykov N.M. Collection of poems. – M.: Soviet writer, 1948.
4 Argamak is an expensive horse of the Arabian breed.
5 Album by Elizaveta Nikolaevna Ushakova. Fax playback. – M.: Logos, 1999.
6 Portrait identified by L.F. Kartseli. See: Kartseli L.F. The world of Pushkin in his drawings. - M .: Moskovsky worker, 1988. S. 29-38.
7 Dictionary of Pushkin's language: in 4 volumes - M .: Azbukovnik, 2000.
8 This drawing and a number of others are reproduced according to the publication: Denisenko S.V., Fomichev S.A. Pushkin draws. Pushkin's graphics. - St. Petersburg: Notabene; Tumanov & Co., 2001.
9 This was noted in his book by S.V. Denisenko and S.A. Fomichev. (see note 8).
10 Saddled horses without riders are often found in Pushkin's autographs. Pushkin depicted two such horses against the backdrop of mountains and a spear stuck into the ground on a sheet of E.N. Vrevskaya (PD 805, l. 6v.), when he came to her estate Golubovo in early October 1835. L.A. Kraval, believing that one of the portraits on this sheet is the image of M.Yu. Lermontov, connects the drawings with the poem of the latter "Khadzhi Abrek", published in the journal "Library for Reading" in August 1835.
11 A number of drawings used in this work are reproduced from the book: Efros A.M. Drawings of the poet. - M.: Academia, 1933. The comments given in this book are also taken into account.
12 Kraval L.A. Pushkin's drawings as a graphic diary. - M .: Heritage, 1997. S. 45-46.
13 Tsyavlovskaya T.G. Pushkin's drawings. - M.: Art, 1983. S. 74-76.
14 Light of heaven, holy rose (lat.).
15 Kraval L.A. Pushkin's drawings as a graphic diary. - M .: Heritage, 1997. S. 68.
16 False Dmitry (Boris Godunov. Scene in the forest) treats his horse mortally wounded in battle in a similar way: he pities him, tries to alleviate his death. At the same time, the Pretender is completely indifferent to the death of people.
17 We are talking about the Slavic custom of sacrificing a horse at the owner's grave and burying it with him so that the horse would serve him in the afterlife.

Drawing by A.S. Pushkin. Self-portrait in a cloak on a horse and with a spear. PD 1763, l. 74 rev.

Version with all drawings,
mentioned in the text, in archived form published on the website: in the section "Literary creativity".

And all sorts of subjective opinions - like the horns of the Pushkin horse in the picture - are funny and nothing more. Yes, there are no horns. There is no blot either, as well as a fingerprint. There is a densely shaded (with rather beautiful technical strokes) drawing of a physiognomy, perhaps not a human one, but, say, a stylized lion (I can’t say for sure, I haven’t investigated this issue, and I don’t have much desire). On a good scan, it is clearly seen that there are no papillary lines in the "blot" (look at your finger!), This is exactly hatching, and the "eyes" of the faces (especially the right one) are not shaded. I must say that in general quite a lot of Pushkin's drawings are not attributed and not interpreted.

It is strange that you do not see the swollen cones-horns on Pushkin's bald skull point-blank. What can I ask you about the stain?! As for the fact that "150" years no one guessed - this is not true. There were figurines of Sarah Lebedeva (1936), where Ivan on a mad mare is Pushkin. /B. Ternovets "Sarra Lebedeva". - M.-L.: "Art", 1940. -S.29. There was an instruction from S.A. Basov-Verkhoyantsev on Pushkin in his fairy tales-pamphlets "Horse Horse" (1906) and - especially - "King Tambourine" (1916), where "Fool-Al-cap". There was, after all, the question of A.A. Akhmatova - in the article "Pushkin and children" (1965): "We all .... saw how a child's finger reached for a portrait in a children's book, and it was called" Uncle Puskin ".
"Humpbacked Horse" Ershov, too, everyone knows and loves. However, I have never heard "uncle Ershov." That is, they love a fairy tale, but they do not like the author - what a paradox? We should think carefully about this message left to us by the outgoing Akhmatova ... And M.A. in his novel he mentions the humpbacked horse - on the moon - but nowhere does his last name "Ershov" sound, but many times - the name "Pushkin"! So - they said - not as clearly as Latsis - but they did. sculptor Sarra Lebedeva with her plasticine puppet (by the way, she also has one of Ivan's brothers - a black man!) Just by 1996 - when Latsis blew out - in our country, for the first time in 150 years, glasnost was announced - that's all. For myself, I will say: my own my grandfather and great-grandfather knew that Pushkin had written The Horse, but they kept quiet.

Elena Shuvalova.

From what reliable sources did your ancestors know about this authorship? Do they have authentic documents or credible evidence? I don't think there is anything but guesswork. Regarding the name Ershov: if you did not know, this does not mean that other children do not know. They know it and it's great. If you see the beginnings of horns in Pushkin's drawing, this does not mean that they are definitely there. Do not generalize and confuse science with fantasy. There are absolutely no scientific grounds for referring the mentioned drawings by Pushkin to 1834 and building on this basis any no less fantastic assumptions. For this, I am ending my hopeless disputes with you and I ask you not to write to me anymore.

The daily audience of the portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

general educational
boarding school No. 7,
Amur region

The image of a horse in Russian literature

A horse is galloping, there is a lot of space ...

The train gradually picked up speed after the next stop and soon it was already rushing among the luxurious July meadows, fields, forests - extraordinary beauty.

But one thing was bad - it was drawn to burning. Everything that could burn was burning, because this summer was terribly dry.

There was a noise over the clatter of the wheels. Where it came from, it was impossible to make out.

Suddenly, horses ran out from behind the forest, fleeing the fire. They seemed to fly, their tails and manes fluttering from the run. The animals tried to overtake the train, but lagged behind, lagged behind ... illuminated by the light of the setting sun.

Dear, dear, funny fool
Well, where is he, where is he chasing?
Doesn't he know that living horses
Did the steel cavalry win?

I stood at the window for a long time and kept thinking: “What will happen to them?” - and recalled her recent conversation with students who were interested in why there were so many stories in the textbook, stories about horses, about roads. This question was asked on the fly, and the answer was therefore short.

But now I want to tell you in more detail about these amazing animals, about the paths that they travel with people. After all, in literature, in particular in Russian, the theme of the road is the most important.

Recall, for example, N.V. Gogol, who considered himself a traveler, a wanderer and considered the road his home. After all, it is with her that a person’s life is connected, the path that he goes through, the actions that he performs.

Every year a person improves more and more, he moves “through his land from the depths of centuries to the desired future, in which he believes and creates with his own hands for himself and his generations.” Never forget your past legacy. So we will remember how the Russian people lived, who was their help in the household, a true friend in battles, a “companion partner” at a halt ... In general, let's talk about horses (horses), which until the 30s of the XX century were the main vehicle and the main assistant of the peasant in agricultural work. Horses were groomed, loved, they were valued very dearly (at the beginning of the 18th century, they gave about 20 rubles for a boyar horse, a simple one cost 4 rubles, and the best “argamaks” - 100 rubles; they would not have given such an amount for a single serf).

The horse was the breadwinner in the house of a simple peasant and a source of pride in the house of a noble.

For thousands of years, the horse has faithfully served man. She accompanied him all his life, her image firmly entered Russian culture (painting, sculpture, fiction).

I set myself the task of showing how writers, poets, whose works are studied in the school curriculum, managed to tell about these amazing creatures. Therefore, we will begin to say what the horse meant for the Slav and what it meant for the modern Russian person and about his attitude towards these most peaceful and reliable animals, ready to serve the owner until the last breath.

It will be impossible not to notice that the words “horse” and “horse” will alternate in different variations in the work, so let’s recall their etymology.

IN AND. Dal writes like this: “The horse is m. old. komon, slavns. pecking, old Arab. far; horse good, not a nag”. What about "horse"? Even 235 years ago A.P. Sumarokov suggested and substantiated the version that “from the new Tatars who accepted the word horse, they turned a horse into it ... For in our Slavic books a horse was never called a horse (from ALASHA - gelding + AT - horse) ”. But the scientist G.F. Odintsov substantiated the purely Slavic origin of this word from the almost disappeared adjective bad- “bad” (to mislead evil spirits). A horse, in general, a horse: esp. not a stallion and not a mare, gelding.

I have no reason to dispute these versions, so I will take them as a basis and continue my story.

In all countries, the horse was revered as the most intelligent creature. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the horse is a symbol of goodness and happiness; the wisdom of the gods appeared to people through this animal. The cult of the horse is associated with the veneration of the Sun: the Slavs believed that Dazhd-god (the god of the Sun) rides across the sky on a wonderful chariot harnessed by four white golden-maned horses with golden wings. Therefore, our ancestors attributed special power to amulets (from the word “protect”) in the form of horse figures (head, torso), they were worn at the left shoulder on a chain. In this way, not only peasants and townspeople protected themselves, but also heroes - epic heroes who defended the borders of the Russian land from the invasion of countless enemies. For them, the horse was not just a talisman, it was their faithful friend, warning his master of danger - neighing “at the top of his head”, beating with hooves to wake up the hero.

Therefore, we read in epics that the heroes sat on “good horses”. So Ilya Muromets, on the advice of wanderers, has weapons, equipment, a war horse, with which they have a dialogue that forever determines their relationship: Ilya asks to serve him “faithfully”, the horse offers him a test - is the hero ready to own them. Ilya sits on him, and he straightaway recognizes him as his master.

There is another wonderful version, according to which Ilya is advised to raise a war horse from a foal.

And feed him with wheat and beloyarova,
And also give him ... yes, spring water,
... You will still have a horse and a good horse
Still good, de heroic horse.

From that moment, when Ilya also found a strong horse, he begins a heroic life.

The worst thing for a warrior is separation from a horse, and therefore when the robbers decided to rob Ilya, they incited each other:

“We will kill him, we will rob him,
We will separate him from the horse!”
And the hero ... all to one
Lost in a row...

Ilya did a lot of good for the people. His most important feat is the defeat of the Tatar invasion:

... he allowed the heroic horse
On this army - a great force ...
For the Russian land
Yes, for widows, for orphans, for poor people.

But the bogatyr did not make wealth on this, but got a solid national glory that has gone down in centuries. About himself he said this:

... And I catch fate by the mane,
I'm going around the naughty
And fate for me is for the horse!

Yes, the fate of both the horses and their owners was different: some mounted “dark brown colts of light weight” and rode “to the cities and for pay”. But the young Volga Svyatoslavovich cannot compete with oratay Mikula Selyaninovich and his “mare nightingale”, who has “silk beetles”. You admire when she walks, and “how her tail spreads out, and her mane flutters”, and “she went with her chest”.

Therefore, Volga's envy is quite understandable:

If only she, a mare, would be a skate,
I would give five hundred for this mare.

And her owner Mikula Selyaninovich regrets the same:

If only this mare were a skate...

Of course, if he knew how many glorious deeds the Humpbacked Horse did ( skate- diminutive of horse) for his master from Ershov's fairy tale. He -

horse toy,
Only three inches tall
On the back with two humps
Yes, with yardstick ears.

But despite such an unsightly appearance of the humpbacked, according to the mother mare:

...on the ground and underground
He will be your comrade:
It will keep you warm in winter...
In hunger he will treat you with bread,
In thirst, drink honey ...

And so it was: a good helper, adviser was the “humpbacked toy” for Ivan. And in the end saved him from certain death by jumping into boiling water.

Do you think he expected something special from the owner? No, a kind word, good care is enough for him.

Sometimes you wonder how these animals can be so devoted to man!

For this, people endowed them in their imagination with magical powers that could turn their lives around. Remember the fairy tale "Sivka-Burka": a strong, stately "horse runs, the earth trembles, smoke pours out of the ears, flames burst from the nostrils." How can you not be afraid of him? No, there is no need to be afraid, because he bears the power to transform Ivanushka, turning him into a well-written young man and fiance of Elena the Beautiful.

Yes, after that, how can one not appreciate the horse until his last days, and even if he spent many days and nights with him on long trips. So the prophetic Prince Oleg has no one more truly than his horse, which

... is not afraid of dangerous labors;
He, sensing the master's will ...
And the cold, and cutting him nothing ...

Therefore, for Oleg, the prophecy of the magician was a terrible blow: “But you will accept death from your horse.” The prince does not believe, and therefore is in no hurry to part with his faithful servant, gives orders to preserve his health. Years have passed, but their comrade has not been forgotten: “Is he healthy? Is his run still so easy? The answer was terrible, and a suspicious thought crept in: “What is fortune-telling? ..”

But fate cannot be deceived, unfortunately.

The horse could not sleep peacefully without its owner. Here it is - devotion to the grave both in civilian life and in battles. Not only people fought in bloody battles, but also horses, which “felt” the approach of the enemy and answered with a sad look to the owner:

That's why I calmed down
That I hear a distant clatter,
Trumpet sound and singing of arrows;
That's why I'm laughing in the field
It won't be long for me to walk...
... That soon the enemy is severe
I'll take all mine
And silver horseshoes
From my light legs will be torn off;
That's why my spirit aches...

The horse was right. The battle was terrible. Let's read from A.S. Pushkin in the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" a description of the battlefield where the battle took place:

... In the distance everything is empty.
Here and there
Bones turn yellow; over the hills...
Where is the harness, where is the rusty shield;
... The hero there is a whole skeleton
With his defeated horse -
Lying motionless...
About the field, field, who are you
littered with dead bones
Whose greyhound horse trampled you
In the last hour of a bloody battle?

The battle went on to the last warrior, but the enemy was defeated.

M.Yu. Lermontov, in the poem "Borodino" we see the moment of the attack:

... The earth was shaking - like our breasts;
Mixed in a bunch of horses, people ...

Pity squeezes the heart when you read about how horses die, but they carry their rider to the last, decide his fate - whether he will be captured or show reckless courage. It is not without reason that the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign says: "Let us sit down, brothers, on greyhound horses" - this is it, the unity of the rider and the horse. It was these animals that basically decided the outcome of the battle that took place in the spring. The Slavs kept their pets in stalls in winter (unlike the Polovtsy, whose horses ate pasture), fed them well, cherished and, of course, hoped for their strength and endurance. And the horses never let their owners down. After all, they also “understood” the tragedy of the situation - the Russian, by chance, could transfer “from the golden saddle to the slave saddle”.

It's better to be killed
Than captivated...

Horses were spared, they were not driven in vain, they saved the best ones for responsible affairs, they “got attached” to them with their souls, and the animals felt the state of mind of their rider. We read about this from L.N. Tolstoy in "War and Peace": Dolokhov in the camp from the French received the necessary information and hurry up leave. He "for a long time mounted a horse, which didn't stand”.

Petya Rostov, before the battle, talks to Karabakh, a Little Russian horse, kissing and sniffing its nostrils: “Well, Karabakh, we will serve tomorrow.” Horse Understood him and didn't even bite his leg.

Already in the battle, Petya shouted:

"- Hooray! Guys ... ours! ..” - and, giving the reins overheated horses, galloped forward along the street, ahead of everyone ... And the worst thing was when the horse, running into a fire smoldering in the morning light, rested, and Petya fell heavily on the wet ground. She already felt the death of her young friend. There is no hussar, but the horse survived this time.

And here is another: “... the first horse, without asking whether it was good or bad to show fear, snorted, soared, almost dropping the major, and galloped to the side. The horror of the horse was communicated to people ”from a flying, whistling grenade, which mortally wounded Prince Andrei.

“War is a state contrary to the human mind,” but society is organized in such a way that it cannot help but fight. War is terrible and brings grief to all living on earth.

Here is how N.V. Gogol fight Poles and Cossacks (so the writer!) in the story "Taras Bulba":

“... I wanted to suddenly turn my horse around and stand in the face of ataman Kukubenko, but the horse did not obey: frightened by a terrible cry, he rushed to the side” (he did not want to die, but his owner got a bullet). But on another occasion, when the rider dodged a bullet with his head and it hit the horse's chest, the mad horse reared up, crashed to the ground and crushed the rider who was fighting with Ostap under him.

But even in tragic moments, a Cossack cannot pass by a good horse. “Demid Popovich ... knocked down two of the best gentry from their horses, saying: “Here are good horses, I have long wanted to get such horses!” He drove the horses far into the field, shouting to the Cossacks standing nearby to take them over.

To have a good horse (horse) for a fighter was a great happiness. In this regard, Fadeevsky Morozka is recalled, fighting with a cavalry detachment in the Far Eastern forests against the Japanese and White Guards. People say that a pet looks like its owner. Yes, that's how it was.

“The maned colt was strong, hairy, trotter, looked like the owner; the same clear, green-brown eyes, just as simple-cunning and lascivious. There was an amazing understanding, unity, agreement between them: “Mishka-ah ... wow ... Satan-ah,” Frost grumbled lovingly, tightening his girth. “Mishka, uh… God’s cattle…”

The bear is a faithful slave of his loving master. The stallion looked at people with green-brown eyes, and Frost loves him for his understanding look, devotion. He does not brag about his horse in front of Goncharenko, who admires Mishka (he admires him):

"Good horse...

Life is not a pity!”

And how can the orderly not love his “curly-haired, ringing-hoofed stallion”, appearing at the first call of the owner, “whistling with a shrill robber whistle”. The more you learn about the life of a horse and its owner, the more noticeable is the reunion of their souls, thoughts and feelings.

The stallion bear “pushed Frost away with his muzzle, turned to Mechik, as if on purpose”, their eyes met ... Sometimes it’s enough just to look into each other’s eyes, and you will understand what you mean in this life. And Mechik “understood” this thanks to Mishka.

After all, the orderly did not go to any of the people after receiving a reprimand for the stolen watermelons, but went straight to his pet. Among his experiences, he remembers that “he has not yet given Mishka a drink”, gradually entering the usual measured circle. “The bear neighed softly and displeasedly, as if asking (after all, he was worried about the owner, I dare to think): “Where are you hanging around?”

Here it is, an example human relationship to his younger brother, because Morozka had no one dearer than a horse, which takes all his grief upon himself. “Frost jumped on the stallion and pulled him hard with a whip, which happened to him in moments of the greatest excitement. The bear reared up and jumped to the side, as if scalded. Frost still drove the crazy stallion, full of furious anger, revenge (to Mechik and others like him), and Mishka, offended by the injustice of the owner ... slowed down and, not hearing new proddings, went with an ostentatiously fast step, just like a man, offended, but without losing one's dignity." He feels that Frost is gradually calming down, anger leaves him at the sight of the “evening birch edge” - peaceful, cozy, cool. But the stallion is also a part of the eternal, all-understanding, all-forgiving nature, which puts everything in its place.

And suddenly ... Everything happens in life all of a sudden. “Suddenly, a furry stallion... poked its muzzle into the ground... next to it, hopelessly clasping its knees pressed to its chest, a man was sitting without moving. It was Frost."

For him, it was not just a dead horse, but that life force that filled him with joy, and love, and pity for everyone, but she left with the death of a faithful friend, only emptiness and hatred remained. “The world became gloomier for him... Darkness, fate seemed to him a fair punishment for everything he had done in life.” He was not sorry that he was dying, but that he would never see ... neither the village, nor the people close to him. Frost managed to warn his people about the danger, and the world for him "split in two."

Let's remember how, “seeing an armed horseman, people, slowly, quit their work and, covering their eyes with overworked palms, looked after them for a long time. “Like a candle! ..” - they admired Morozkin’s landing, when ... he walked smoothly at a trot, trembling a little on the go, like a candle flame. The flame was shot down, but the sparks scattered over the tormented Russian land, and the old Russian “sit down ...” could not pass without a trace for those who defended their human dignity and were ready to go into battle for the peace of other people.

And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams
Through blood and dust...
Flying, flying steppe mare
And crumples the feather grass ...

But still, sometime the war ends, and a person begins to live an ordinary, measured life with those who are especially dear to him. Only with a friend can you share joy and pain, be alone, ask for advice. And such a friend, an assistant in business for Proclus, written out by N.A. Nekrasov in the poem "Frost, Red Nose" was the horse Savrasushka, who was bought by the owner as a sucker.

Raised ... in freedom,
And he came out a good horse.

And he never cheated on his master in peasant work.

Tried well with the owner
Stored bread for the winter.
... When did the work end
And frost bound the earth,
With the owner you went
From homemade food to cart.
... You carried heavy luggage.
In a fierce storm, it happened
Exhausted, lose the way.

Savrasushka and the owner endured a lot: need, and the whistle of a whip, and snowstorms, and “burning wolf eyes”, cold ... But he was next to the owner, and again this terrible all of a sudden: died with a cold, Proclus, and

Savraska, harnessed to a sleigh,
Dejectedly stood at the gate ...
You served the master a lot,
Serve for the last time!

Longing, pain, grief in the hearts of Proclus's relatives: something will happen to them - there is no one to pity them, and "Savraska trudges neither step nor run."

Indeed, no one cares about someone else's grief. It is difficult to feel it if it has not touched you personally (it is better to never know it).

In from and hero A.P. Chekhov from the story "Tosca" Ion Potapov tried to tell about his misfortune - the death of his son - to the passengers, but they are busy with their own affairs. No, no, he does not impose himself on anyone, but only timidly “grimaces his mouth with a smile, tightens his throat and wheezes: “But my sir, my son died this week.”

But no one hears him (or they pretend), and after all, Jonah only “needs to talk sensibly, with the arrangement”, to tell about everything so that they groan, sigh, everything will be easier, otherwise it’s “impossibly creepy” . Yearning. Terrible sadness. To whom will he tell his grief? There is no one but a horse, just as unsightly, angular as the owner, who fell “into this pool full of monstrous fires ... from a plow, from familiar, gray paintings ...” (Let’s recall Savraska Prokla again.) in this fussy life with its misfortune (and even in winter, at dusk, when feelings are probably dulled). They were left alone, and it is easier for the old man from the words and tears expressed, cried out to the “filly”, and she “chews, listens and breathes into the hands of her master ...”, understanding everything. This divine being turned out to be much more “humane” and wiser than people.

And there is no forgiveness for those who mock them in a fit of anger and hatred. Well, how could one beat to death a “staring filly” just because she could not “take it at a gallop”. “Laughter doubles in the cart and in the crowd,” everyone laughs, laughs, because the filly “began to kick in impotence.”

“Mikolka, as if not remembering himself, begins to hit her on the back with a crowbar in vain, several guys help him with whips, sticks, shafts ... The nag stretches out his muzzle, sighs heavily and dies.” It is impossible to read this without tears and a shudder. Although this is a painful dream that Rodion Raskolnikov had, it is a warning about punishment for sins (even for thoughts of a crime). Nature forgives nothing. It is completely incomprehensible how a person can call himself rational at the moment of killing an animal. By the way, one of the first once tamed by him.

Time passes, but customs, unfortunately, do not change. And already V.V. Mayakovsky talks about the horse, "which crashed on the croup." AND

... laughter rang and tinkled:
- The horse has fallen!
- The horse fell! -
Kuznetsky laughed.

But in the eyes of the horses, “the street has overturned, flows in its own way ...”

...behind the chapel of the chapel
rolling in the face...

(Have any of you seen the tears of cows and horses when they are being led to the slaughter?) But aren't they part of you and me? Have pity on them at least a word!

"Horse, listen -
why do you think you are worse than them?
... Each of us is a horse in his own way.

stood up,
and went...

Here it is - the power of love, hope, in which

And it was worth living
and it was worth the work.

And there is no end to this work, as well as to the field, from which you will not go anywhere. “His horse with a plow came along and across, and yet there is no end to it.” “The horse is an ordinary peasant's stomach, tortured, sweaty ... day and day it does not come out of the collar ...” No wonder, probably, Matryona Timofeevna, the heroine of Nekrasov's poem, compares her life, work with this image.

Horse pushes
We carried; I took a walk
Like a gelding, in a harrow!..

And they call him “convict”, the good thing is that his owner is kind and does not cripple him for nothing. Yes, beat a good horse with one hand, and wipe your tears with the other, because horse(according to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov) - “the same as a horse (usually about a working horse)”. And how can you offend someone who feeds, helps to survive?!

What is this power of such endless fields that keeps the horse and the peasant in its captivity? Life.

“The horse is slumbering” and, perhaps, he is dreaming,

What fun with a horse
Young plowman
Goes out into the field
Goes furrow.

But youth has passed, strength has diminished, but life still goes on, and there is no end to work. “For her, he was conceived and born, and outside of her no one needs ...”, unfortunately. Yes, and without it, he can no longer, “the field has stuck to him”, giving life to everyone who feeds from him. How can one not admire the patience, the immortality of life itself named Konyaga - “... that's who you need to imitate!”, And not humiliate and mock, as did the groom Mikolka from the story of F.I. Abramov "What horses cry about." “... He is always drunk, day and night he did not come to them ... the turf around was gnawed ... The horses were languishing, dying of thirst, they were pestered by the vile ...” Mikolka himself should be tied to that stake and see what he will be with him in three days ... But you can’t do this, many will consider it torture. Is it okay to torture animals? They are dumb, “God's creatures...” But what have they done to people that they can be killed without even noticing it? And again, horse tears, “large, with a good pea.”

People! Read more about the times when the horse was treasure. “Everything is a horse, everything is from a horse: the whole life of a peasant from birth to death.” Hope, prayer in huge wet, sad eyes, “in the violet depth of which” a small, tiny man is reflected.

But there were, fortunately, people for whom

... the dashing horse has no price:
He will not lag behind the whirlwind in the steppe,
He will not change, he will not deceive.

Therefore, Kazbich, the hero of Lermontov's "Hero of Our Time", was envied and more than once tried to steal his Karagyoz, to which the owner gives various tender names. He does not want to change or sell his faithful comrade for anything. But the cunning of Azamat and Pechorin prevailed, and the horse was stolen. It seems that Karagoz will not serve the new owner as faithfully as Kazbich. After all, you can’t force yourself to love yourself - that’s the point.

Love must be won, as J.S. did. Flyagin from the story of N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer", who "comprehended the secret of knowledge in the animal and, one might say, loved the horse ... and completely confessed to him."

Horses are a symbol of freedom, will, unpredictability.

galloping horse,

Plenty of space...

“They love the will of the steppe terribly,” as Golovan also loves her, who has traveled many roads, been in captivity, but never betrayed his homeland. And here I want to remember the people who, by the will of fate, left their country. These are the heroes of M.A. Bulgakov from the play "Running". They sail away on a steamer, but the clatter of horses is heard from everywhere - they are running, running ... from the war. We do not see them, but we feel their sad eyes, we hear a hoarse farewell neighing, reminiscent of human crying for abandoned Russia.

And further. After all, not everyone will sacrifice their lives for the sake of a skate, which “did not even fly, but only added land behind it ...”, but he did not get this treasure. And when the owner of such animals dear to his heart was selling it, Ivan Severyanovich washed it down with grief. He told about it like this: “... It used to be that we let go of the horses, it seems that they are not brothers to you, but you will miss them. Especially if you move away from yourself such a horse, which is very beautiful, then he, a scoundrel, is in your eyes and rushes about to the point that you are hiding from him, as if from an obsession ... ”Here it is, the truth of love for nature, and it is necessary know it, master it. And therefore, not only feelings, but mother nature herself rebels against the cruel treatment of her in the form of a wounded horse (Boy), described in the fairy tale by K.G. Paustovsky "Warm bread". Everything that happened in the village: a snowstorm, cold, imminent hunger, fear for himself and others - Filka, who offended a wounded horse, will be remembered for life.

There is nothing worse than losing trust, the location of those living nearby, be it a person or an animal. We all live in the same world, connected by the same blood threads. And you can’t bring nature to such a state that it takes revenge on a person for all the insults that he inflicts on her.

But it can also make you happy. For example, peasant children who grew up among endless fields and meadows, when they drove out horses in the hot summer time to feed in the field at night - "during the day, flies and gadflies would not give them rest." How great! The wind refreshes the face, the horse beats with its hooves. Here, at night, no one scolded the guys, did not reproach with a piece of bread. And they dream, probably, about the “carrot horse”. This is the dream of all village kids, as well as the hero of the story, V.P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane". “He is white-white, this horse. And his mane is pink, his eyes are pink, his hooves are also pink ... Here he is a horse-fire, galloping on the ground with arable land, meadows and roads ...

And the guys, sitting without hats and in old sheepskin coats on the liveliest nags, rush ... with a cheerful whooping and shouting, dangling their arms and legs, jumping high, laughing loudly. A friendly stomp is heard far away - the horses are running, “pricking up their ears”. They experienced incomparable delight, and we envy them a little (isn’t it?), because “to drive out before night and drive a herd at the dawn is a great holiday for boys”, when

The sun went out. Quiet on the lawn.
The shepherd plays a song on the horn.
Staring foreheads, listening to the herd,
What a swirling gamayun sings to them.
And the echo is frisky, gliding over their lips,
Carries their thoughts to unknown meadows.

And let the trains go on as usual - without them it is now impossible - but also let the “ringing stuck on the hooves” be heard “sharper”, which will be heard everywhere. And I really want to get off the train at some small half-station...

Russia, Rus' - wherever I look ...

Run up the hill, fall into the grass, admire the splendor of the summer Russian land - “that beauty born in the open field”, and see how

...quietly in the meadow
Grass is chewed by hobbled horses...

Hear how

They will neigh - and somewhere near the aspens
A slow whinny will echo.

“Oh, threesome! Threesome bird, who invented you? to know that you could only be born among a lively people ... And so she rushed, rushed, rushed! .. And what kind of unknown power is contained in these horses unknown to the light? Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses?!”

It remains only to admire this "God's miracle", their grace, sensitivity, inspiration.

“Isn’t it you, Rus, that a brisk, unbeatable troika is rushing about?”

The answer to this question is given by all Russian writers and poets who are familiar with long-distance paths, along which “everything that is on earth flies ...”

And the students and I strive to touch these great names that glorified Rus'.


A) While my horses were being harnessed, I was inquisitive, examining the papers that had come to me.<…>Among the many ordinances relating to the restoration, as far as possible, of equality among citizens, I have found table of ranks. <…>But now the arch of the root horse is already ringing the bell and calling me to leave; and for this purpose, I decided for the good to better discuss what is more profitable for a rider at the post office, for the horses to trot or amble, or what is more profitable for mail nag, to be a pacer or a horse? rather than doing something that doesn't exist.

(A.N. Radishchev, "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow")

B) Reading the sad message
[…] immediately on a date
Headlong jumped by mail
And already yawned in advance,
Getting ready for the money
To sighs, boredom and deceit ...

  1. Explain what the underlined expressions mean.
  2. Write the name of the author of passage B) and the name of the protagonist of the work, omitted in passage B).
  3. Imagine that horses are endowed with the gift of speech. Write a monologue for a mail horse: how does it live, who has to be transported, how is it treated. Mention other works of Russian literature that mention postal horses. Volume - 150-200 words.

Answers and evaluation criteria

  1. "Table of Ranks"- a document in the form of a table that established the correspondence between civil, military, spiritual and scientific ranks.

Put into circulation by decree of Peter I in 1722 (1 point).

"Mail nag"- A horse at a post station. Postal system

stations established by the state for quick communication between settlements. Horses were changed at stations located several tens of miles apart, which made it possible to travel almost without stopping (2 points).

"Jumped by mail"- used the system post stations for travel (1 point).

  1. A.S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin" (0.5 points), Eugene (0.5 points).
  2. Post horse monologue.


Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky (1783–1852)


There was a strong whirlwind, heavy rain;
Boiling, the abyss raged;
To the shore of Reno, mountain leader,
Rushed with Ullin's daughter.

“Fisherman, take us to your boat;
Fisherman, save us from the chase;
Ullin and his retinue are not far away:
We hear screams; horses run."

“Do you see how evil the water is?
Can you hear how loud the waves are?
Starting to swim is now trouble:
My boat is not strong, the oars are breaking.

“Fisherman, fisherman, give your boat;
Save us: no matter how evil the abyss,
Mercy can be from the waves -
It will not come from Ullin!”

The storm is stronger, the abyss is more evil,
And closer, closer the noise of the chase;
They hear the heavy snoring of horses,
They can hear the sound of swords on armor.

"Sit down in good hour; we're sailing."
And Rino sat down, the maiden sat down with him;
The fisherman set sail; shuttle
The gray abyss took over.

And death from everywhere to them: open
Before them is the greedy mouth of the abyss;
Behind them from the shore threatens
Ullin, like a merciless storm.

Ullin galloped to the shore;
He sees: the daughter is carried away by the waves;
And the anger in my father's chest disappeared,
And he exclaimed, full of fear:

“My child, back, back!
Forgiveness! come back, Malvina!"
But the waves only make noise in response
At the call of desperate Ullin.

Thunderstorm roars, black as night;
The boat flies between the waves;
Through their foam he sees his daughter
With outstretched hands to him.

"Oh, come back, come back!"
But the abyss resounded menacingly,
And the waves, having devoured the boat, merged
At the plaintive cry of Ullin.

Evaluation criteria Points
The integrity of the analysis carried out in the unity of form and content;

the presence/absence of errors in understanding the text.

Grading scale: 0 - 5 - 10 - 15

The general logic and composition of the text, its stylistic uniformity.

Grading scale: 0 - 3 - 7 - 10

Turning to the text for evidence, use

literary terms.

Grading scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Historical and cultural context, the presence / absence of errors in the phono


Grading scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Presence/absence of speech, grammar, spelling and

punctuation errors (within the limits of the studied Russian language


Grading scale: 0 - 2 - 3 - 5

Maximum score 40

For ease of assessment, we suggest focusing on the school four-point system. So, when assessing according to the first criterion, 0 points correspond to a “two”, 5 points to a “three”, 10 points to a “four” and 15 points to a “five”. Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to a “four with a minus”).

The maximum score for all completed tasks is 70.


Once upon a time in the cold winter time
I came out of the forest; there was severe frost.
I look, it rises slowly uphill
horse carrying brushwood WHO.
And marching importantly, in serenity,
A man is leading a horse by the bridle
In big boots, in a sheepskin coat,
In big mittens ... and himself with a fingernail!

(N.A. Nekrasov)

Thin Konyagino life. It’s also good that the guy is kind and doesn’t cripple him for nothing. Both will leave plow in the field: "Well, dear, rest!" - Konyaga hears a familiar shout and understands. It will stretch out with all its miserable skeleton, rests with its front legs, takes it with its hind legs, bends its muzzle to its chest. “Well, convict, take it out!” And behind the plow, the peasant himself presses with his chest, with his hands, like tongs, he dug into the plow, his feet are heavy in clods of earth, he watches with his eyes, no matter how the plow is not cunning, it would not give a flaw.

(M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Horse)

  1. Explain what the underlined words mean.
  2. Write the title of the work from which the first passage is taken.
  3. Imagine that horses are endowed with the gift of speech. Write a monologue of a peasant horse. Mention other works that talk about peasant horses. Volume - 100-150 words.

Answers and evaluation criteria

  1. Brushwood - dry, fallen branches and branches of trees for kindling (2 points). Plow - a tool for plowing, a wooden plow (2 points).
  2. "Peasant Children" (1 point)
  3. Horse monologue.


Option 1. Prose text

Read. Write an essay about this story, answering the questions (you can not answer all the questions). Write coherent text

Andrey Sergeevich Nekrasov (1907–1987)


Recently, one editorial office suggested that I write a sea story.

I agreed, sat down at the table and began:

“The destroyer was rushing along the stone ridge. The gray ocean was silent.

Coastal lights flashed. Maneuvering among the underwater rocks, Lieutenant Kalinkin rounded the Elizabethan Spit.

Here the telephone crackled. They called again from the editorial office and asked ... you know what?

Start the story with the letter "M". They have there, it turns out, the artist drew a very beautiful initial letter and for some reason it was “M”.

At first I was outraged. How does it really feel to start a story with the letter "M"? Of course, the powerful and flexible Russian language is fraught with unlimited possibilities. But language must be respected. One could, for example, write: “The destroyer was rushing ...” But look what happens: “... the nose was rushing ...” Ugly, not good.

Well, if "The destroyer raced ..."? So, perhaps, it is better, so it is possible. And I wrote: "The destroyer raced ..."

This is where it all started.

Instead of "along" I wrote "by". Instead of "stone ridge" - "pier". It turned out well: “The destroyer raced past the pier…” And then it went really well: “The muddy sea was silent. Beacons flickered. Maneuvering between the shoals, midshipman Malinkin passed Cape Maria ... "

I put an end to it, smoked, walked around the room. Then I read it all over again, and, you know, I liked it: “The muddy sea was silent ...” Just great!

I sat down at the table again ... I sat for an hour, two, three. Dark thoughts raced through my mind. Words beginning with "m" rushed before my eyes like flies, and not one of them fit into the story.

In the morning, angry and tired, I sat down to breakfast. My wife carefully poured me strong coffee, but I pushed the glass away and said gloomily:

Masha, can I have some milk?

Something was wrong with me. I realized that I was slowly losing my mind.

The wife must have noticed it too. I shared my grief with her.

“What nonsense,” she said. Drop this story and write another one.

Remember, you wanted about how the son haunts his parents?

I gladly agreed, immediately sat down at the table and began:

“Maria Mikhailovna washes little Masha, Mitya interferes with her mother.

“Mom,” the boy mumbles, “mom, mommy ...

Maria Mikhailovna is silent.

“Mommy,” Mitya purrs, “can I have a small carrot?”

- You can, honey.

- Mommy, wash the carrots?

- Wash, Mitya.

- Soap?

Maria Mikhailovna is gloomy.

“Mitya, my dear boy, be quiet…”

I got up, smoked, and when I returned to the table, I was horrified to find that again the whole story turned out to be “m”, and again, like yesterday, flies, moths, robins, Messerschmitts, moths danced before my eyes ...

“That's enough,” I decided, “I won't talk about little boys... I'd rather write about a big beast. For example:

“The seasoned bear silently shook his furry muzzle ...”

I stopped just in time. “No,” I decided, “and you can’t talk about a bear either. Better something about nature, about the moon… It calms…” And I wrote:

"Mill. The young moon flashed between the gloomy ... "

And here it is "m"! I'll write better about insects. I dipped my pen and firmly wrote out the title:

"Courageous Ant..."

He dropped his pen, put on his coat, and went out into the street. Freezing. A young man was sweeping the pavement. Having passed the Moskvoretsky bridge, the militiaman dreamed.

Cars, motorcycles raced past me ... I rushed home ...

The copper pendulum measured the minutes measuredly.

- Mom, Murka is torturing the mouse! the daughter shouted from the kitchen.

I was completely lost. So many "m" words! Can't they be glued together?

I resolutely took up the pen, and all the words on the "m" instantly fled.

I groaned.

The alarmed wife advised me to look into the encyclopedia.

Half an hour later, in the library, I choked out:

- Encyclopedia!

- Do you want the Great Soviet? the librarian asked politely.

- Small! I shouted to the whole room. - I'm small! Must be me

mistook for a madman ... But that's okay. But I wrote out all the words in "m" and in the evening, fully armed, sat down at the table. The ill-fated story moved quickly forward. Would you like to read an excerpt? Please:

“A pretty, furry boy prevented the young mathematician from measuring the Moskvoretsky Bridge with a copper meridian. Tormenting the mighty mammoth, the dead flies waved their muskets... The raspberry monkey meowed peacefully:

- Wise man, dear, can I have a fly agaric?

Marine mammals mooed melodiously ... "

What do you say is bad? Try to write better. And then, because you don’t know how it will end ...

However, I don’t know either: yesterday they called again from the editorial office ... My wife came up.

She says that they made a mistake there: the artist did not draw "M", but "H"!

I had to quit this story ... But is it really necessary to start a new one, on "N"?


  1. What can you say about the narrator?
  2. How does the narrator feel about his work?
  3. What is the theme of the story?
  4. How can you name the main techniques on which the story is built?
  5. Can the story be humorous? Why?
  6. What is special about the end of the story?

Option 2. Poetic text

Read. Write an essay about this poem, answering the questions (you can not answer all the questions). Write coherent text, freely, clearly, conclusively and competently.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870–1953)

There is no sun, but bright ponds,
They stand as cast mirrors,
And bowls of still water
It would seem completely empty
But gardens are reflected in them.

Here is a drop, like a nail head,
Fell - and, hundreds of needles
Backwaters of ponds furrowing,
A sparkling downpour jumped -
And the garden was noisy from the rain.

And the wind, playing with foliage,
Mixed young birches,
And a ray of sunshine, as if alive,
Ignite the trembling sparkles,
And the puddles poured blue.

There's a rainbow... It's fun to live
And it's fun to think about the sky
About the sun, about ripening bread
And treasure simple happiness:
With an open head to roam,
Watch how the children scattered
In the gazebo, golden sand ...
There is no other happiness in the world.

  1. What can be said about the lyrical hero of this poem? What does he think, what does he feel?
  2. With what artistic techniques does Bunin describe nature?
  3. Do the size and stanza of the poem help reveal its content?
  4. What can be said about the vocabulary of the poem? Why does the author choose these words?
  5. Why are there so many verbs in the initial form in the last eight lines?

Evaluation criteria

For ease of assessment, we suggest focusing on the school four-point system. So, when assessing according to the first criterion, 0 points correspond to a “two”, 5 points to a “three”, 10 points to a “four” and 15 points to a “five”. Of course, intermediate options are possible (for example, 8 points correspond to a “four with a minus”).

The maximum score for all completed tasks is 70.